Education Media homelearning

1. Media Homework- Liam Geary 2. 1727▪ 1727▪ The discovery that silver nitrate changesJohann Heinrich Schulz discovered that a substance called silver nitrate would change…

Art & Photos Timeline of the camera

1. Johann Heinrich Schulz discovered that asubstance called silver nitrate would changecolour when exposed to light. This paved theway for the first pictures to be taken…

Education Unit 9: Photography Techniques

1. UNIT 9: PHOTOGRAPHYTECHNIQUESJOZIE PEATY 2. 1727The discovery that silver nitrate changesJohann Heinrich Schulz discovered that a substance called silvernitrate would…

Education media homework

1. -cloudia kinsville-heyne 2.  1727 The discovery that silver nitrate changesJohann Heinrich Schulz discovered that a substance called silver nitrate would change…

Education Media timeline

1. Media timelineHAYDEN BEALE 2. The discovery that silver nitrate changes ?Date 1727Johann Heinrich Schulzdiscovered that a substance calledsilver nitrate would change colourwhen…

Education Unit 9 photography camera timeline hw

1. Unit 9: PhotographyTechniquesCAMERA TIMELINE 2. Date: 1727The discovery that silver nitrate changesJohann Heinrich Schulze discovered that a substance called silver nitrate…

Art & Photos Photogaphy timeline

1. 1727 The discovery that silvernitrate changes• Johann Heinrich Schulz discovered that asubstance called silver nitrate would changecolour when exposed to light. This…

Art & Photos Unit 9 Photography Techniques - Camera Timeline

1. UNIT 9 PHOTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUESCamera TimelineHome LearningAndrew Goldman 2. • 1727 The discovery that silver nitrate changesJohann Heinrich Schulz discovered that a substance…

Documents Camera timeline

1. CAMERA TIMELINE 2. 1727The discovery that silver nitrate changes:Johann Heinrich Schulz discovered that a substance called silver nitrate would changecolor when exposed…