Documents tagged
Documents WiMAX vs LTE Technical Comparison

WiMAX/16e/16m vs LTE Technology and Performances comparison Zion Hadad, Peretz Shekalim Runcom 10/30/2008 1 1 Runcom Technologies Ltd. Market success 10/30/2008 2 2 Runcom…

Documents Lte vs Wimax

LTE and WiMAX Comparison Tejas Bhandare tbhandare(g)scu. edu [email protected] Santa Clara University December 2008 LTE and WiMAX Comparison Audience The target audiences…

Documents A-LTE

ATOLL LTE FEATURES Training Program 1. LTE Concepts 2. LTE Planning Overview 3. Modelling an LTE Network 4. LTE Predictions 5. MIMO Modelling 6. Neighbour Allocation 7. Automatic…