Documents tagged
Education TOEFL Preparation for teachers

Preparing you and your students for the TOEFL exam. For non native English Speakers - What to teach to your students.

Education Federating efforts towards a thrivable world

The Commons as underlying logic to federate social disparate social change and sustainability efforts. A talk at the 'Imagine the Common Good' conference, Paris,…

Documents Materi Reading

Unit 1 Congratulation Section 1 Complimenting; Congratulating; Requesting; Giving and Asking for Information Activity 1 On some social occasions people celebrate special…

Technology Powerpoint english level elementary (kelas xi)

1. 2.1 Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli 2. NURWITA DAINI FATAH S.Pd SMKN 2 GARUT 3.…