Documents apsa-cd-jan-2012

Compar at i ve Democr at i zat i on Vol ume 10, No. 1 Januar y 2012 The Amer i c an Pol i t i c al Sc i enc e As s oc i at i on Editorial Note Michael Bernhard Subnational…

Documents Barnett and Duvall 2005

Power in International Politics Author(s): Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall Source: International Organization, Vol. 59, No. 1 (Winter, 2005), pp. 39-75 Published by: The…

Documents FPA 2020

Foreign Policy Analysis in 20/20: A Symposium Author(s): Jean A. Garrison, Juliet Kaarbo, Douglas Foyle, Mark Schafer, Eric K. Stern Source: International Studies Review,…

Documents Text&Talk1

Language in Society 39, 203–240. doi:10.1017/S0047404510000059 Identity and social conduct in a transient multilingual setting ZANE GOEBEL Asian Studies, School of Social…

Documents Accounting and the Holocaust of Modernity

The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available…

Documents Noel Gough Laboratories in Fiction (1993)

Acknowledgments Heather Maunder's assistance in researching aspects of children's SF and other pertinent children's literature is gratefully acknowledged.…

Documents Islamic Studies Bibliog

Islamic Studies: A Bibliography (Books—In English) By Patrick S. O’Donnell, Adjunct Instructor Philosophy Dept., Santa Barbara City College (2003) I --- General II --…

Documents Rationalism and Irrationalism in Ancient Philosophy (in Russian)

УДК 1(091) ББК 87.3 Г 67 Утверждено к печати Ученым советом Института философии и права СО РАН Рецензенты…

Documents 19714493

Styles of Sociological Thought: Sociologies, Epistemologies, and the Mexican and U.S. Quests for Truth* GABRIEL ABEND Northwestern University Both U.S. and Mexican sociologies…

Documents BA English Syllabus

1 BA ENGLISH SYLLABUS FOR SEMESTER COURSE ENGLISH MAJOR The new BA English syllabus develops from the innovative and expansive thrust of the previous one and is designed…