Documents tagged
Business How to Grow a Product with a User Journey

How to Grow a Product with a User Journey Brandon Owens - Mauricio Estrella - Too often growth is assumed…

Social Media We Are Social: the future of marketing #ebook

Le marche che si impegnano a coinvolgere le persone nella creazione di valore hanno un enorme vantaggio in un mondo sempre più connesso. Questo eBook offre un'introduzione…

Social Media Socialbrands: The Future Of Marketing 2014

Un eBook más sobre el futuro de la mercadotecnia digital y las marcas sociales de Simon Kemp y We Are Social para el mundo.

Documents SDM Case Study

Case 1 Zenith Computer Terminals, Inc. (A): Development of a Total Business Plan This case helps prepare students for what is to come in the course. Several of the future…

Business We Are Social presents Social Brands: The eBook

SOCIAL BRANDS THE FUTURE OF MARKETING SIMON KEMP • WE ARE SOCIAL we are social We Are Social Introduction The brands that actively involve their audiences in the creation…

Design Next Conference — Mapping Outstanding Service Experiences

Mapping outstanding service experiences N E X T S E R V I C E D E S I G N / O C T O B E R 8 , 2 0 1 2 Manuel GroÃmann & Martin Jordan, Service Design Berlin Martin User…

Design SDN Conference Paris 2012

Mapping outstanding service experiences S D N C O N F E R E N C E PA R I S / O C T O B E R 2 8 , 2 0 1 2 Katrin Dribbisch Manuel GroÃmann Martin Jordan & Olga Scupin,…

Documents Zulieferer-Roundtable Stuttgart_Präsentation Roland Berger_März 2011

Supplier Roundtable Automotive 2025 and Implications of E-Mobility on the automotive value chain March 29, 2011 A. Automotive landscape 2025 – 10 megatrends influence the…

Education Starbucks Marketing Strategy - ESL

Slide 1 Kyle & Patricia Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks Coffee Company - Profile Founded in 1971, in Seattle - selling high-quality green coffee beans ; Howard Schultz…

Documents Am Way

BPMS 1013 Theory and Practice of Islamic Business Year 2010/2011 Table of Contents 1.0 2.0 History and Background Amway Culture 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.0 Mission Vision Values 8 2…