Documents tagged
Documents Differential Geometry

D iffe re n tia l g e o m e try re c o n stru c te d . C o p y rig h t (C ) 2 0 1 0 , A la n U . K e n n in g to n . A ll R ig h ts R e se rv e d . T h e a u th o r h e re…

Technology Asset pricing

1. Asset PricingJohn H. CochraneJune 12, 20001 2. Acknowledgments This book owes an enormous intellectual debt to Lars Hansen and Gene Fama. Most of the ideas in the book…

Business Pattern

1. Mobile Networking Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux 2. About this course The course is about thesystemaspects of mobile networking Therefore, it covers: -…

Documents save our forests

SAVE OUR FORESTS ⢠This is a project with 4th Graders for Geography ⢠Children were encouraged to make posters with information about the endangered forests. ⢠SAVE…