Documents tagged
Business A slideshare introduction to The Presentation Lab

'The Presentation Lab - Learn the Formula Behind Powerful Presentations' was published in April 2014 to an eager worldwide audience. In this short slideshare introduction,…

Business How to Create a Neural Organization

Neural Business refers to a company's decision to mimic brain design and structure rather than the traditional power sharing structure around functional lines. Neural…

Business 17 Gapingvoid Cartoons That Will Change Your Business

This special series of cartoons, with short insights from both Hugh MacLeod and Brian Solis, will help you see things differently. N.B. You'll be asked for your email…

Career The Art of Going Paperless and Maintaining Productivity

Increase your productivity and sales by utilizing tools such as CRM, project management, collaboration and time tracking online. The Art of Going Paperless will teach you…

Data & Analytics Storytelling with Data - See | Show | Tell | Engage

Stories have been recognized for their power of communication & persuasion for centuries and we need to operate at that intersection of data, visual and stories to fully…

Design PowerPoint of the Movement

Creating presentations that move people, change the world, and create meaning in the minds of your audience. Learn tips, tricks, and a simple 4-step process that helps improve…

Design The perfect ux designer toolkit

Talk for Web2day by Chui Chui Tan (@ChuiSquared)

Design Service Design Making Workshop - Giant Conference 2014

Workshop held at Giant Conference 2014 in Charleston SC. Service Design is gaining popularity in the United States as a better approach to defining, designing, and orchestrating…