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Page 1: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª


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Page 2: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª


we are really gratified to share the variousactivities done by us in the month of April

2019 to bring a change in the lives of deprived people and with our consistent and

honest efforts, we can definitely help in thebetterment of our society. we have been

significant in feeding the needypeople,creating awareness about Roadsafety,Awareness programs related to

cancer, Study material distribution andProvide free medical assistance to children

from the poor families. Thanks for yourwholehearted support.

God bless you and your familywith a sky full of happiness

along with the salubrious life.

Page 3: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Swachh Abhiyan

Keepyour streets

and roadsclean,

Make yourcountry a

paradise tolive in.

Our Volunteersare committed to making the

city clean

Page 4: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Volunteers are teachingthe kids about the value of


Our mission is receivingtremendous support from

the Volunteers

Page 5: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Road Safety Drive

Embrace the traffic rules life will

embrace you

Handoutsdistribution byour Volunteers

Page 6: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Safe Driving is cool,Rash Driving is for fool.

Follow traffic culture,

preserve your future

Active participation of theyouth motivates us to do

more hard work.

Be alert ! life is a one timeopportunity.

Page 7: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Appreciation Letters

Page 8: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Appreciation Letters

Page 9: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Appreciation Letters

Page 10: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Appreciation Letters

Page 11: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Appreciation Letters

Page 12: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

Appreciation Letters

Page 13: SEEKING PEACE6 SERVE THE NEEDY ONES SPREADING BLISS … · Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. Appreciation Letters. d È s«¢ Ý±Í ¾±ª È ~±Èȱª

We thank you from the bottom of our

hearts for the beings a part of our family

and helping us successfully bring smiles

to many!!!!

You are a very Valuable Member of our

family and without your

presence....Everything else is just an


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