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Roger Moliné

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Roger Moliné

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CARTDate 14.3.2013Skills productClient -

WE ARE NATIONDate 2.1.2013Skills web, graphicClient -

DIA DE LA INDEPENDÈNCIADate 8.11.2012Skills web, graphicClient -

VOLLEYING BCNDate 5.11.2012Skills graphic, videoClient -

ANIMALSDate 3.11.2012Skills graphicClient -

ARGILA - DESIGN & CREATIONDate 20.3.2012Skills videoClient -

NODEDate 10.11.2011Skills productClient -

ARODate 5.10.2011Skills productClient -

NATURALMENT - THINKING NATUREDate 22.6.2012Skills videoClient -

LAUNCH ENDURANCEDate 18.10.2010Skills graphicClient -

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[email protected] (+34) 636 673 092

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“ A slender figure with a strong sexual way. “


“Cart” is a product born from a work in progress with plywood. The object is a reminiscent of a skateboard. Mainly composed with the same parts, a plywood table and a skate truck and axis, rises a slender figure with a strong sexual way. The structure could be used to carry products like boxes and other objects or togeth-er with a removable basket. Then could be used as a shopping cart.

Object modeling with 3D Max Studio and image pro-duced with rendering engine v-ray.

CARTDate 14.3.2013Skills productClient -

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DIA DE LA INDEPENDÈNCIADate 8.11.2012Skills web, graphicClient -

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Launch project:

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WE ARE NATIONDate 2.1.2013Skills web, graphicClient -


WE ARE NATION ™ is a tool created to build a decla-ration of independence. A manifesto written by people who want to change the situation in which we find ourselves.Choose a town on the map and explain why you think Catalonia must be independent. This should be de-mocracy, believe that our future is in our hands. And so are you, to change things.

Contacte: [email protected] / @InCatWeTrust



Independence is waiting for us, why do you think

we deserve it?

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(last update 11.5.2013)Launch project:

Original text:

Nosaltres creiem en les paraules. Les paraules fan que les coses cobrin significat, que les persones s’entenguin i que les idees neixin. I avui, són realment aquestes, les idees, les que ens volen robar.

WE ARE NATION™, és una eina creada per a con-struir una declaració d’independència. Un manifest redactat per persones que volen canviar la situació en que ens trobem. Aquest és el primer pas, una societat que s’expressa, que parla i que s’enten. Una societat organitzada que vol decidir el seu futur. Una societat que utilitza les paraules per evidenciar que la realitat en que vivim és injusta. Però no s’acaba aquí, necessitem anar més enllà de la crítica o la opinió, ens fa falta l’acció. Hem de fer veure a aquelles persones que gobernen que

l’estat som nosaltres, els ciutadans. I hem de recordar que com a ciutadans tenim força, i que si l’utilitzem podem condicionar el futur. La força de la unió és irreductible. Això ha de ser la democràcia, creure que nosaltres depenem de nosaltres. I per això estàs tu, per a canviar les coses.

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DIA DE LA INDEPENDÈNCIADate 8.11.2012Skills web, graphicClient -


Dia de la independència, is a web application acces-sible through faceboook. To create a more social ex-perience a social network was chosen. Thanks to the new facebook API, Dia de la independència became a reality. Also a smart web page to support and explain the project goal is available at:

Social organization

Dia de la independència, is a tool that arises from the need of expression of the society. A system that allows people to express themselves permanently. We believe that a must have property of a nation is social organization. One thing which leads people to cohe-sion, collaboration and work. And this is the best way

“ Això ha de ser la democràcia, creure que

nosaltres depenem de nosaltres. “

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to achieve a goal. Cooperate and work. With no other purpose than giving voice to citizens “Dia de la inde-pendència” aims to become a forum of ideas, thoughts and reasons. A platform for expression of society and the society in which each of us brings a small grain of sand to build an idea, an opinion, a statement, an ex-pression, a desire. A message growing constantly that shoud spread as virally as possible.

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DIA DE LA INDEPENDÈNCIADate 8.11.2012Skills web, graphicClient -

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VOLLEYINGDate 5.11.2012Skills graphic, videoClient -


That -still in development- project is an animation of the workflow from an ipad/iphone app. Motion graphics and visual animation were used to make the video.

Motion graphics

Volleying is an app created to find partners to play volleyball. The core of volleying is a google map used to register info in a data base. Through an intuitive user interface everyone can create or join a volleyball match. The system can be connected to facebook, twiteer and other networks to help you find partners.

“ Transforming a virtual reality in a real


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“ Deerhof, the teddy bear “


“Animals”, is a poster design for the first Marcel Forés film. All Elisava’s students were invited to design a proposal to anounce the film.


The poster draws from a simple and minimalistic point of view one of the lead actors; Deerhof, a teddy bear.The characterization of the personage was made through the color ( Yellow ) and some of the physical expressions.

ANIMALSDate 3.11.2012Skills graphicClient -

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ARGILA - DISSENY I CREACIÓDate 20.3.2012Skills videoClient estudimoliné


Sometimes the best way to explain a natural effect it’s through an audiovisual. In that case the process of dissolution and the return to nature that represents, shows the inherent relation between artisanal objects and nature; it’s form, material, sustainability...


CLAY, documents the process of transformation of a piece of caly from a playful and experimental point of view.

The six-minute projection shows the evolution of the object “fang” on contact with water, its ambiguous utility, hardness and fragility, and its disruption and dissolution, before his return to nature.

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(last update 20.11.2012)estudimoline

The film was reproduced in “Museu de Ceràmica de Barcelona”, Palau reial during seven months. And a short adword was also passed in “Palau de la Virre-ina”, Les Rambles.

Nowadays, CLAY, is a new piece of the exposition “ARGILA - DISSENY i CREACIÓ”. The showroom exposes many objects created by artisans working closely with designers.

The film was realized in collaboration with the industrial designer Gerard Moliné and the photographer Adrià Ventura.

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ARGILA - DISSENY I CREACIÓDate 20.3.2012Skills videoClient estudimoliné

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ARGILA - DISSENY I CREACIÓDate 20.3.2012Skills videoClient estudimoliné

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NODEDate 10.11.2011Skills productClient -


Node has a similar design process than ARO. Both are existing products with a whole new operation. But this solution is even more than a new kind of desk expos-itor. It focuses on erogonomics and usages improve-ments.


When designing node we tryed to create a whole new furniture. Based on a product that fits users needs we made it adaptable, optional and simple. Node gives privacy and protection at the same time. That’s possi-ble thanks to the foldable system, which is the core of node.

“ Making complex look simple“

Alluminium extruded surface

Alluminium alloy structure

Fixing system


Stand up

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That kind of desk was thought to be used as a point of attention, mainly in hospitals, universities and other public spaces. Normally people working in that kind of desks are sitting while people who are beeing attend-ed remain standing. That difference is solved with a folding chair. The foldable chair lets you sit if you need to, but if not, you can ask while beeing stand, giving protection and intimacy to the worker.

Design criteria.

· Our product fits all the user needs. I’ts adaptable, optional and simple.

· Useful for the employer. Giving protection and intima cy

· The core of our system. A foldable chair allows you to sit.

· Making complex, look simple.

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NODEDate 10.11.2011Skills productClient -

CABLING SYSTEM Invisible inner cables used to connect all kind of devices.

Three axis system


BETTER ENTRYA rotary system allows patients to sit down in the chair

Two plywood sheets or just one single injected polypro-pilene body. 80º

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NODEDate 10.11.2011Skills productClient -


22 74






10 40 10





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insightsfrom 2 employees and 4 users

When asking about which is the biggest drawback, the users responded:

unmet needs

- Majority of users are not comfortablewhen they need long queries.- Not found any system that adapts to the users wishes.- All the common desks have an module for disabled people.- Both, users and employees believe that it is uncomfortable to have the range


6+ 3 min4

+ 3 min






50 50 50 30 155030 30

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ARODate 5.10.2011Skills productClient -


ARO is a product born from a diferent point of view. That’s the most interesting aspect of the project. How to make a device even better without improveing it’s technology or production process. Just thinking about a new form that must follow a new function.


Based on the idea of machine, and understanding that as a a device created to facilitate a task, the proposed solution does nothing more than continuing this discourse. The new solution proposed to re-de-sign the POS machine, changes the way we use it now. The dependace that we have of these machines means that we can not do without them. These small electric appliances present a complex problem. It’s

“ We changed it’sshape understanding

the new function of the machine “

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use is too large in time. That’s the reason because of we approach the machine to the user’s body. To make it more accessible. So, we changed it’s shape under-standing the new function of the machine.

Design criteria

· Integration with the body.

· Simple formal organization.

· Smart look. Understandable parts.

· Good usability. Quick operation, simplicity in proce dure.

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ARODate 5.10.2011Skills productClient -

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ARODate 5.10.2011Skills productClient -

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The goal for that project was really interesting. Explain-ing in a video some natural processes used to create art pieces. From paintings to installations all the mate-rial was recorded in constant contact with nature.


Naturalment - Thinking nature, is an exhibition based on a set course of experimental natural processes to create a series of sculptures and installations. The movie is a summary of all the works but at the same time explains some aspects that can not be present in a gallery.

The film was realized in collaboration with the industrial designer Gerard Moliné.

NATURALMENT - THINKING NATUREDate 22.6.2011Skills videoClient estudimoline

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01_ Instal·lació naturalment (20120)02_Migracions (2008)03_Sal (2008-2011)06_Herba07_Instal·lació volum de terra08_Ordre09_Tronc10_Cera i Mel11_Esquerda12_Cons13_Llana14_Cristalitzacions

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NATURALMENT - THINKING NATUREDate 22.6.2011Skills videoClient estudimoline









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NATURALMENT - THINKING NATUREDate 22.6.2011Skills videoClient estudimoline

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DIA DE LA INDEPENDÈNCIADate 8.11.2012Skills web, graphicClient -

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Launch endurance is a motorcycling team of Catal-onia. The project goal was to design a logo for them representing the values of the sport. Speed, control and simplicity.


Through a vectorized shape the illustration draws a biker running along the curve. A common and iconic gesture of professional bikers.

“ Speedcontrol andsimplicity “

LAUNCH ENDURANCEDate 8.10.2010Skills graphicClient Launch Endurance

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LAUNCH ENDURANCEDate 8.10.2010Skills graphicClient Launch Endurance

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Roger Moliné

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Roger Moliné Navarro / Résumé (last updated: 20/11/2012)

Nationality:Catalonia ( Spain )

Contact information:(+34) 636 673 [email protected]


Industrial designer by Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny, actually collaborating as industrial designer in estudimoline. Working as a freelance for companies in the industrial or product and graphic sector. Currently enrolled in entrepre-neurial projects related to product design, web design, social design and design thinking. And available for collabora-tive work. Living in Barcelona.


Languages Catalan and spanish (native) - English (fluent) - French (beginner)

Computer -Office (word, excel, powerpoint) basic level -Adobe illustrator professional level -Adobe photoshop professional level -Adobe indesign professional level -Adobe after effects advanced level -Adobe premiere pro advanced level -Final cut basic level -Rhinoceros advanced level V-Ray advanced level Real flow beginner -Solid Thinking basic level -HTML advanced level PHP&MySQL basic level Komodo edit tools Adobe dreamweaver

Design Hand-sketching abilities Building and prototyping Good teamworker Solid work methodology Entrepreneurial spirit


2010-2013 Collaborator in the estudimoline ( Barcelona / Spain ) Responsible for developing and editing “Naturalment-thinking nature” and “Argila-design and creation” films. Shooting and capturing video scenes on natural environments / Managed timing of the project / Co-creating storyboard for the pieces / Post production and edition. Collaborating in team-based projects. Developing tascs as graphic and industrial designer. Illustration / Concieved packaging solutions / Teamwork / Building 3-d objects / Mediantin with production enterprises such as printers, screen printers, mold builders, plastic injectors and plastic thermoforming.

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2009-2013 Elisava Escola Superior de Disseny: Grau en Disseny industrial ( Barcelona / Spain ) Design methodology / Mathematics for design / Form, materials and techniques / Applied Geometry Materials and science / Project fundamentals I-II-III / Principles of sketching / Consumer services and society / Objects, figures and spaces / Architecture, design and modernity / Analytical sketching / Physics for design / Sketching for representation and interpretation / Digital laboratory / Sustainable products and processes / Projects I-II-III (product) / Techiniques I-II-III (product) / Overall project I / Product, context and users / Academic uses and specific terminology in English / Design economy and business / Managing design / Design of equipments and tools / Equipments and tools project / Developments of equipments and tools / Production of equipments and tools / Expression of equip ments and tools / Design of new scenarios for / products / New scenarios for products project / Devel opment of new scenarios for products project / New materials / New technologies applied to products.

2007-2009 Fine Arts ( La Seu d’Urgell / Spain ) Spanish secondary education.

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[email protected]

(+34) 636 673 092

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