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Page 1: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.

Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects

US History


Page 2: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.


• UrbanizationUrbanization process by which more of a nations population becomes concentrated in cities

• Why?– Factories built in the cities – Job opportunities – Immigrants seek jobs & settle in cities – Rural farmers come to the cities

Page 3: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.

Urbanization: Negative Effects

Page 4: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.

Urbanization: Negative Effects

• Housing– Not enough affordable housing to keep up

with the population– Many forced into homelessness or tenements

• TenementsTenements inner-city multi unit dwellings (4-6 stories high)– Usually divided and re-divided.–


Page 5: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.


Page 6: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.


Page 7: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.


• What are some problems that the tenement living conditions caused?

• Why would people live in such conditions?

Page 8: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.

Urbanization: Negative Effects

• Crime– Due to poverty crime

increases in the urban centers of America

• 1881: 25 murders per 1 million people

• 1898: 107 murders per 1 million people

• Health– Tuberculosis– Cholera – Typhoid– Diphtheria

Page 9: Industrialization and Urbanization Part I: Negative Effects US History Spiconardi.

Urbanization: Negative Effects

• Political Machines– Tammany Hall

• In return for votes, bosses provided jobs, built parks, distributed food & clothing to the needy, but…

• UNDERMINES DEMOCRACY• “When you’ve voted ‘em with their whiskers on, you take ‘em to a barber and scrape off

the chin fringe. Then you voted ‘em again…Then to a barber again, off comes the sides and you vote ‘em a third time with the mustache…Then clean off the mustache and vote ‘em plain face. That makes every one of ‘em for four votes.”

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