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Page 1: Cybercom Group: Q1 Report 2010

2010-04-21 Q1-report1

Page 2: Cybercom Group: Q1 Report 2010

• Restructuring costs of 18 MSEK

• Negative currency effect vs. 2009 in Finland, sales -13.9 MSEK and EBITDA -1.8 MSEK

• Planned write-off 3.2 MSEK per quarter (trade mark and customer relationships)

• Re-financing of debt package

Q1 2010

2010-04-21 Q1-report2

Q1 2010 Q1 2009

Sales MSEK 410.1 477.6

Employees 1,803 1,969

EBITDA 21.6 17.4

EBITDA % 5.3% 3.6%

EBIT MSEK 8.7 -273.8

EBIT % 2.1% -57.3%

Underlying EBIT 6.5% 7.3%

Underlying EBITDA 9.7% 9.6%

Cash flow 13.1 -14.5

Equity/assets ratio 54.6% 41.5%

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• Positive signs in a market that slowly leaves recession behind• IT investments 2010 + 1,4% in Sweden (Radar Group)

– Outsourcing on the agenda• Cybercom increases utilisation in the Nordic capitals

– Stockholm– Helsinki– Copenhagen

• Turbulent market in Malmoe-Lund• Global sourcing capabilities mandatory in private

sector frame agreements – beneficial to Cybercom• Cybercom grows internationally

– 45% of consultants outside Sweden– 38% growth in Romania – main nearshore hub– Chinese local customers

• Project pending phase in Cybercom’s Southeast Asia operation after successful deliveries to leading operators

• Limited opportunities for prices increases yet generally speaking but high hourly rates in Secure assignments

Market & trends in Q1

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• New Global Sourcing AM deal with Wireless Maingate

• Assignment for China Mobile increasing• Strategic partner to develop content and music

apps to the global leading mobile manufacturer• Assignment regarding the largest IT-Forensic

investigation in Europe in Q1• TeliaSonera frame agreement won in March with

40% cut in old supplier base• Cybercom elected in the M2M advisory

board for Telia• New customers include Autoliv, Bre Bank,

Payson, Östersunds kommun

Business highlights

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11% Bank & Finance

Public Sector





Telecom - Suppliers

Telecom - Operators

• The ten largest customers make up 56% of sales

• Increased sales in Industry– Automotive

– Volvo Bus and Volvo Trucks – IAC Group

– Finnish industry sector

• More than 10 new frame agreements signed in Q1 – Sony Ericsson– TeliaSonera – PKT- Säätiö

• 64% sales from frame agreement

Sales per sector

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Mobile Apps is the thing

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“Trafikinfo”, Traffic informationprovides fast and easy information about the current traffic situation for Sweden. Use it before you hit the road.

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Bank-ID for mobile devices

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• Finansiell IT-Teknik BID owns and administers Swedish Bank-ID technology

• Cybercom developed their solution for mobile use, based on international mobile security standards, to connect all parties

– Operators– Banks– Bank ID– Content providers

• Mobile ID on test among Swedish banks• Cybercom’s solution is used on the

international arena, delivered to 2 operators in India and 1 in Serbia


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Local presence - Global reach

8 Q1-report2010-04-21

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• Re-allocation of profits to the Nordics due to adjusted transfer pricing policy.

Q1 per segment

2010-04-21 Q1-report9

Q1 2010 SEK million NordicsOther

Europe AsiaCybercom

GroupSales to external customers 379.3 2.0 28.7 410.1

Sales to other segments 2.8 7.8 6.9 -

Underlying EBITDA 41.4 -0.9 2.7 39.6

EBITDA margin 10.8% -9.2% 7.6% 9.7%

Number of employees 1,364 145 277 1,803

Q1 2009 SEK million NordicsOther

Europe AsiaCybercom

GroupSales to external customers 443.3 4.1 30.2 477.6

Sales to other segments 2.6 7.0 4.6 -

Underlying EBITDA 46.4 0.0 3.9 46.0

EBITDA margin 10.4% 0.0% 11.2% 9.6%

Number of employees 1,542 154 254 1,969

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EBITDA, rolling 12 months

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• Cybercom has re-financed its long-term debt package in April

• The reason for the re-financing was a more benign financial market, that created an opportunity for a better financing agreement. Cybercom has continued to meet its covenants according to plan

• The new agreement is considerably better suited to Cybercom’s business and expansion strategy

• Cybercom’s capital structure will improve through the re-payment of 50 MSEK of cash, and the introduction of an equally large new Revolving Credit Facility

• By early May, total outstanding debt will be approximately EUR 24

Re-financing of debt package

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Debt situation

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• With a continued strong operating cash flow, Cybercom is amortizing the bank loans at a considerable pace

• By mid-May, the Group’s total loan will be approximately 24 MEUR










Q1 -06

Q3 -06

Q1 -07

Q3 -07

Q1 -08

Q3 -08

Q1 -09

Q3 -09

Q1 -10


Bank loans

Cash flow RTM

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• New Cybercom corporate credit card contributes to Barncancerfonden• A total of 0.4% of all charges made to a Cybercom credit card will go to

childhood cancer research• A financially advantageous deal with Eurocard• It contributes to Cybercom’s external image as well as internal culture

New corporate card agreement

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GSMA Mobile World Congress Barcelona, Spanien

CTIA Wireless show Las Vegas, USA

Explore your future, test-seminarium med James Bach

Lund, Sverige

Så skapar du en framgångsrik webbstrategi, ett

frukostseminarium Stockholm, Sverige

IT-Brottslighet frukostseminariumStockholm, Sverige

Webbdagarna, arrangerat av Internet WorldStockholm, Sverige

Industry Forum Machinery Vanajanlinna, Finland

Open Source seminarium med IT-universitetet i Göteborg

Huskvarna, Sverige

Mobile Megatrends 2010Malmö, Sverige

Events Q1 2010

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• Strong focus on profitability and cash flow• Geared for growth in Nordic capitals,

India and China• Optimize Group structure• Leverage from our core

offerings and a specialized, scalable global delivery organization

• Increase brand visibility for customers, present and future employees

The simple way forward

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