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Adolescence is a time when our bodies, our families, our schools and the largest society demand that we change.

Teenage years can be an emotional assault for concerned. Parents and their teenage offspring may seem to be at each other throats. The special name for this stormy time is adolescence.

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Normal puberty

1. Development of breasts

2. Growth of pubic hair

3. Growth of underarm hair

4. Development of external sex organs

5. Growth in height

6. Weight and shape

7. Menstruation

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1. Dysmenorrhea (Cramps)

2. Irregular cycles

3. Heavy bleeding

4. A missed period

a. Pregnancy

b. Acute illness

c. Emotional stress

d. Rapid changes in weight

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5. Several missed periods

a. Pregnancy

b. Hormonal disorders

c. Chronic illness

d. Eating disorders

e. Weight changes

f. Vigorous physical exercise

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What causes acne?

a. Hormones

b. Heredity

c. Plugged oil ducts

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How do you control acne?

a. Avoid pinching (or popping) pimples

b. Things that rub on the skin

c. Certain cosmetics (makeup)

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Treating acne?

a. Use topical benzoyl peroxide lotion or gel

b. Retin-a cream or gel

c. Oral antibiotic

d. Isotertinoin

i.      Be patient

ii.      Be faithful

iii.      Follow directions

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Proper nutrition can prevent many medical problems (overweight, developing weak bones, diabetes)

Healthy eating habit & regular exercise

Teenagers require about 2200-2800 calories

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1. Fats, oils and sweets

No more than 30% of your diet should come from fats. The type of fat is important.

Saturated fats in food (meat, dairy products, coconut oil) raise cholesterol more than unsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats in safflower, sunflower, and corn oils.

Avoid sugary products (sugar, honey, candy, soft drinks, jams, jellies) as they supply a large amount of calories with little nutritional value.

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2. Milk, cheese and curd

Dairy products provide protein, vitamins and minerals and all are excellent source of calcium. Every teenager should have 2-3 servings of milk and curd per day.

They are good sources of proteins.

3. Meat, poultry, eggs and nuts

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4. Vegetables

Supplies vitamins A & C and folate, minerals (iron, magnesium and fibres). They are also low in fat.

100% fruit juices provide vitamin A & C and potassium. Low in fat and sodium.

Foods from this group provide complex carbohydrates (starches) and provide vitamins, minerals and fibre.

5. Fruits

6. Cereal and rice

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BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION Healthy eating habits

1. Limiting television.

2. Snacks – avoid high calorie, high fat foods like chips and cookies.

3. Drinking – 4-6 glasses of water daily before meals

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EXERCISEWalk or ride your bike instead of driving for short distances.

Use stairs instead of escalators or elevators, especially if you have to walk out of your way to find the stairs.

Encourage regular exercise for at least

20-30 minutes 3-4 times each week.

This can include walking, jogging,

swimming, bike riding, etc.

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Never tell your child that he/she is fat

Do not withhold or deprive your child of food

Do not nag your child about his/her weight or eating habits

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Anorexia nervosa is a common eating disorder that usually begins at the age of 14-15.

Teens with anorexia may also have bulimia nervosa, with a loss of control and binge eating, followed by purging behaviors.

Obsessive personality

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Signs that could suggest an eating disorder:

1. Recent weight loss

2. Fear of gaining weight or of being overweight

3. Purging behaviors

4. Having a distorted image of their body’s size or shape

5. Preoccupation with thoughts of food, calories and their weight

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6. Restrictive eating patterns – lead to a failure to gain weight or to being underweight

7. Preference for eating alone

8. Amenorrhea or delayed onset of puberty and menarche

9. Being underweight, with a BMI that is below normal.

10. Exercising compulsively

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11. An extreme denial that she may have an eating disorder

12. Withdrawal from friends and family

13. Wearing bulky clothing to hide weight loss

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Ph.D. (Yoga Science)

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