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Year 3 Home Learning Pack We are excited to hear all about your learning adventures whilst we are closed. Please feel free to get in touch with us or share your learning by emailing us on: [email protected] We are also on the end of the phone should you need us, just call us on (01889) 228740.

Year 3 Home Learning 14_05_… · To understand how mountains and volcanoes are formed. ... about volcanoes and why

Jul 28, 2020



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Page 1: Year 3 Home Learning 14_05_… · To understand how mountains and volcanoes are formed. ... about volcanoes and why

Year 3

Home Learning Pack

We are excited to hear all about your learning adventures whilst we are closed. Please feel

free to get in touch with us or share your learning by emailing us on:

[email protected]

We are also on the end of the phone should you need us, just call us on (01889) 228740.

Page 2: Year 3 Home Learning 14_05_… · To understand how mountains and volcanoes are formed. ... about volcanoes and why

Thursday 14th May 2020

Lesson 1

35 Mins

Reading Comprehension

With Miss Williams

Lesson 2

1 Hour


With Miss Cunnington or Miss Foster

Lesson 3

1 Hour


With Mrs Pilkington

Lesson 4

1 Hour

Connected Curriculum

A World of Wonders – Geography focus

Additional Online Learning Activities

Times Table Rock Stars

Accelerated Reader Online Quizzing

Spelling Practice


PE with Joe Wickes

Elevenses with the World of David Walliams

Top Marks Maths Games

Page 3: Year 3 Home Learning 14_05_… · To understand how mountains and volcanoes are formed. ... about volcanoes and why

Session 1 Subject: Reading Comprehension Approx. Time: 15 Mins Reading and 20 Mins Questions Reading: The Butterfly Lion – Chapter 9 Video Link: Year 3/4 Learning Video available on the Redbrook Hayes Youtube Channel: Recording: Please answer questions in full sentences on paper or in your exercise book.

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Session 4 Subject: Maths Approx. Time: 1 Hour Video Link: 14.05.2020 Year 3/4 Learning Video available on the Redbrook Hayes Youtube Channel: Recording: Please answer all questions when promoted in the video in your exercise book.

Don’t forget to practice your times tables at

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Session 3 Subject: English - Writing Approx. Time: 1 Hour Video Link: 14.05.2020 Year 3/4 Learning Video available on the Redbrook Hayes Youtube Channel: Recording: Please answer all questions when promoted in the video in your exercise book. Spot the adverbials:

I like to eat chocolate at the weekends. I like to eat apples and cheese.

Twice a week, I am allowed to eat crisps. I like to eat chocolate in the bath.

I would choose chocolate over crisps.

Warner Bros Studio Tour – Part 1 Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter is unlike any other attraction you have ever

visited. You are walking onto the actual set where three young actors became Harry, Ron and Hermione,

where Harry was placed into Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat and Ron received his howler from his mum.

Surrounded by costumes with tables heaving with prop food and with candles magically dangling in the air,

there is so much to see.

Housed at Warner Bros. Studios near London, a vast collection of props, models and sets fill this interactive

experience. It’s a treasure trove of all things to do with Harry Potter, and it shows the incredible work done

to bring the books of J.K. Rowling to the screen.

The Studio Tour is a three-hour adventure into the heart of the Harry Potter films, from his room under the stairs, to the cosy Gryffindor common room and the Potions classroom. I was blown away by the attention to detail here, including the colourful bottles of spell-inducing ingredients that filled the shelves and

blackened cauldrons magically stirring themselves.

TASK: Draw this table in your book and put down your ideas after reading this first text.

What do you think about the Harry Potter Studio Tour?

Give some reasons why you would like to go on a

Hogwarts studio tour.

List the things you would most like to see

What else would you like to find out?

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TASK: Go back to your table and add to your ideas after watching this persuasive advert.


EXTRA CHALLENGE: You could, if you want to explore the Studio Tour website and add even more notes to your table.

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Connected Curriculum Menu Week 4

Focus: Geography – Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes

To understand how mountains and volcanoes are formed.

To know why earthquakes happen.

To develop key vocabulary abouot earthquakes, volcanoes and Mountains.

Video Introduction:

Challenge 1: Mountains

Read through the information on this

website to learn how mountains are



and watch this video about the formation

of mountains and mountain ranges.


Mount Everest is one of the natural wonders

of the world. It is the Earth’s highest

mountain and is located in the Himalayan

mountain range in Asia. Climbing Everest is

particularly dangerous because the climate

changes all the time.

Find out about Sir Edmund Hillary who first

conquered the mountain in 1953.



Now choose how you can show what you


Make a poster explaining how

mountains are formed.

Craete your own video or animation

showing how mountains are formed.

Write a diary entry as Sir Edmund

Hillary on his expedition.

Write a fact file about Mount Everest.

Challenge 1: Earthquakes

Use the information sheets included in your

work pack to find out why Earthquakes

happen and where in the world they occur.

What was the world’s largest earthquake?

How can you survive an earthquake? What is

it like to experience an earthquake? How do

you measure an Earthquake?

Now watch this video to find out more:


and complete this online lesson to find out

even more:


Now you know all about Earthquakes,

choose how you want to show what you

know, you could:

Make an earthquake survival guide to

tell people what they should do in

the event of an Earthquake.

Make a poster about Britain’s


Create a presentation all about

Earthquakes – include facts,

information, pictures and videos.

Create a structure and test whether

or not it could withstand an

earthquake by shaking it – what is the

best material/construction method to


Draw a world map showing the

earth’s tectonic plates and mark the

location of the strongest


Challenge 2: Volcanoes

Watch this video all about how volcanoes are

formed and why they erupt:


Look at this cross-section of a volcano:


Complete this online lesson on Volcanoes:


Once you have researched and found out all

about volcanoes and why they erupt, choose

how you want to show what you know, you


Create a powerpoint all about the

world’s active volcanoes.

Write a diary entry about living

through ha volcano eruption.

Build a cross-section of a volcano to

show how it erupts.

Create a video news report about a

recent eruption, you could interview

your family and get them to pretend

they were there.

Create your own model volcano –

you could even use one of these

science activities to make it really


Baking Soda Volcano:





Make your own Volcano:


Don’t forget to share your learning with us via email so that we can give you a

special shout out:

Email Miss Cunnington on: [email protected]

Email Miss Foster on: [email protected]

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Success Criteria


• Statement 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

• Statement 2 • Sub statement

Success Criteria

Aim • Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography in the

context of earthquakes.

• I can tell you where earthquakes happen.

• I can explain why earthquakes happen.

• I can tell you how to keep safe in an earthquake.

• I can compare the strength of earthquakes.

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How Do Tectonic Plates Move? Use the two pieces of paper you have been given.

Can you remember the different ways you can move the plates around?

Rubbing together Towards each other Away from each other

This kind of movement causes earthquakes.

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Why Do Earthquakes Happen?

Earthquakes can cause a lot of damage because they make the ground shake!

• Things can fall off shelves.

• Pictures can fall off walls.

• Furniture can move.

• Trees and telegraph poles might sway.

• Roads can be damaged.

• Cracks might appear in the ground.

• Buildings can be damaged or destroyed.

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Where Do Earthquakes Occur? Look at this map of the world. Toggle the buttons to show tectonic plate

boundaries and earthquake hotspots.

What do you notice about

where earthquakes


Compare the earthquake map to the tectonic plates map. Are

there any similarities? show tectonic

plate boundaries hide tectonic

plate boundaries show earthquake

hotspots hide earthquake


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What Should You Do?

Drop, Cover and Hold Duck under a strong table or desk. Cover your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows.

Stay Put Shelter in place. Whether you’re in a car, in bed, or in a public place. Do not try to run out of the building during strong shaking, wait until the shaking stops.

Stay Calm Keep calm. Make safe choices for yourself and those around you.

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How Strong Is It? There are two main ways to measure the power of an earthquake.

Can you sort out the different strengths of the Mercalli scale into the right order?

Machines called seismographs measure the power of an earthquake at its epicentre on a scale called the Richter scale. Another measure is the Mercalli scale, and this is based on people’s observations during an earthquake.

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Did You Remember What to Do?

Drop, Cover and Hold Duck under a strong table or desk. Cover your head and neck with your arms. Stay away from windows.

Stay Put Shelter in place. Whether you’re in a car, in bed, or in a public place. Do not try to run out of the building during strong shaking, wait until the shaking stops.

Stay Calm Keep calm. Make safe choices for yourself and those around you.

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Did You Remember What to Do?

• How did you feel when you heard the noise?

• Would you feel the same if you were in a real earthquake?

• How long did our earthquake last?

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Comparing Earthquakes

I Felt by no-one.

II Felt by very few people. Hanging objects may swing.

III Felt by many but they don’t realise it is an earthquake.

IV Felt indoors by most people. Vibrations similar to a lorry hitting a building.

V Felt by nearly everyone. Sleeping people may be woken. Trees and telegraph poles sway.

VI Felt by all. People run outside. Furniture moves. Slight damage to property.

VII Felt by all. People run outside. Moderate damage to buildings

VIII Specially designed buildings damaged, others collapse.

IX All buildings damaged. Cracks appear in ground.

X Many buildings destroyed. Ground is badly cracked.

XI Almost all buildings destroyed. Wide cracks in the ground. Water, gas and electric out of action.

XII Total destruction. Waves seen on the ground.

Mercalli Intensity Effect