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What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

Jul 11, 2020



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Page 1: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s
Page 2: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

INIS DatabaseINIS DatabaseBy

Asif BashirAsif BashirDeputy Chief ScientistDeputy Chief Scientist

Scientific Information Division Scientific Information Division

Page 3: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

What INIS isWhat INIS isINIS stands for International Nuclear INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System.Information System.It is WorldIt is World’’s leading information system on the s leading information system on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.peaceful uses of nuclear energy.INIS is operated by the International Atomic INIS is operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with its Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with its Member States & coMember States & co--operating International operating International organizations.organizations.INIS is operated as a decentralized system in INIS is operated as a decentralized system in cooperation with other countries.cooperation with other countries.

Page 4: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

What INIS DoesWhat INIS DoesINIS provides a comprehensive information service INIS provides a comprehensive information service for literature in nuclear science and technology. for literature in nuclear science and technology. This bibliographic database provides information This bibliographic database provides information service for the literature published in the field of service for the literature published in the field of Nuclear Science and Technology.Nuclear Science and Technology.INIS process most of the worldINIS process most of the world’’s scientific and s scientific and technical literature which falls within its scope. technical literature which falls within its scope. The subject was developed to respond to the The subject was developed to respond to the information needs of the international community in information needs of the international community in the areas of the the areas of the IAEA'sIAEA's interest and activities covering interest and activities covering the peaceful uses nuclear science and technology.the peaceful uses nuclear science and technology.

Page 5: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s
Page 6: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

INIS INIS ScopeScopeThe subject scope was developed to respond to the information The subject scope was developed to respond to the information needs of the int. community in the areas of needs of the int. community in the areas of IAEAIAEA’’ss interests and interests and activities, such as: activities, such as: Nuclear Power (Nuclear Power (EnggEngg. & instrumentation, fission reactors, nuclear . & instrumentation, fission reactors, nuclear fuel cycle, radioactive waste management)fuel cycle, radioactive waste management)Nuclear SafetyNuclear SafetyMaterials of Nuclear InterestMaterials of Nuclear InterestEnvironmental aspectsEnvironmental aspectsEconomic aspectsEconomic aspectsSafeguards, NonSafeguards, Non--proliferationproliferationNuclear applications ( production of isotopes, radiation in Nuclear applications ( production of isotopes, radiation in agriculture and medicine)agriculture and medicine)Radiation protectionRadiation protectionNuclear aspects of physics (plasma physics, nuclear fusion)Nuclear aspects of physics (plasma physics, nuclear fusion)Nuclear Nuclear aspectsaspects of chemistry ( radiochemistry, nuclear chemistry)of chemistry ( radiochemistry, nuclear chemistry)Legal aspectsLegal aspects

Page 7: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s
Page 8: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

INIS HistoryINIS HistoryThe origins of INIS go back to 1965.The origins of INIS go back to 1965.In February 1965, Board of Governors of In February 1965, Board of Governors of the IAEA approved the setting up INIS.the IAEA approved the setting up INIS.First Output products (INIS First Output products (INIS AtomindexAtomindexand associated computer tapes) were and associated computer tapes) were issued in April 1970.issued in April 1970.

Page 9: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

INIS PhilosophyINIS PhilosophyThe basis of INIS is international coThe basis of INIS is international co--operation.operation.INIS is operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency INIS is operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in collaboration with Member Countries(IAEA) in collaboration with Member CountriesThe INIS Database, contains over 3 million bibliographic recordsThe INIS Database, contains over 3 million bibliographic recordsup till Dec. 2009up till Dec. 2009Annual growth about 70,000 items.Annual growth about 70,000 items.Unique collection of over 200 000 fullUnique collection of over 200 000 full--text documents (nontext documents (non--conventional literature i.e. scientific reports, brochure, conventional literature i.e. scientific reports, brochure, dissertations, patients, etc. known as "grey" literaturedissertations, patients, etc. known as "grey" literature––NCL) in 63 NCL) in 63 languages. These documents are not easily found anywhere else. languages. These documents are not easily found anywhere else. Word wide use of INIS output products as more than 550 000 Word wide use of INIS output products as more than 550 000 documents are available in microfiche and electronic form.documents are available in microfiche and electronic form.INIS strength is based on this international coINIS strength is based on this international co--operation. operation. Representation in the system is at governmental level. National Representation in the system is at governmental level. National INIS Center is responsible for all related activities in its couINIS Center is responsible for all related activities in its country.ntry.

Page 10: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s
Page 11: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

INIS MembersINIS MembersMembership in INIS is open to states who are members of IAEA / Membership in INIS is open to states who are members of IAEA / UnintedUninted Nation.Nation.Presently, 122 Member States and 24 International Organizations.Presently, 122 Member States and 24 International Organizations.Active partnerships with other organizations in Member States arActive partnerships with other organizations in Member States are e also developed.also developed.Each Member State appoints an INIS Liaison Officer by national Each Member State appoints an INIS Liaison Officer by national authority/executive head of international organization.authority/executive head of international organization.INIS Output products INIS Output products INIS INIS AtomindexAtomindex filefileINIS Database on the internet at the IAEAINIS Database on the internet at the IAEAINIS Database on CDINIS Database on CD--ROM.ROM.INIS NonINIS Non--conventional Literatureconventional LiteratureThe INIS Multilingual Thesaurus The INIS Multilingual Thesaurus –– a major tool for describing a major tool for describing nuclear information and knowledge in a structured form, which nuclear information and knowledge in a structured form, which assists in multilingual and semantic searches. assists in multilingual and semantic searches.

Page 12: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

Role of Pakistan in INISRole of Pakistan in INIS

Pakistan is also INIS Member StatePakistan is also INIS Member StateUsually Head, SID, PINSTECH is INIS Liaison Usually Head, SID, PINSTECH is INIS Liaison Officer for PakistanOfficer for PakistanSID being National INIS Center for the country SID being National INIS Center for the country is responsible for the collection, selection, is responsible for the collection, selection, categorization, indexing, abstracting and categorization, indexing, abstracting and preparation of INIS input from the literature preparation of INIS input from the literature published within the geographical boundary of published within the geographical boundary of Pakistan and submission to the INIS Pakistan and submission to the INIS Secretariat in Vienna for INIS database.Secretariat in Vienna for INIS database.

Page 13: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

Promotion of INIS Promotion of INIS activities in Pakistanactivities in Pakistan

Pakistan is supporting all activities of INIS and its Pakistan is supporting all activities of INIS and its promotion in the countrypromotion in the countryINIS input is being submitted regularly to INISINIS input is being submitted regularly to INIS--IAEA. IAEA. Its frequency increased from few to hundreds of Its frequency increased from few to hundreds of documents per year.documents per year.Letter of appreciation is being received from IAEA for Letter of appreciation is being received from IAEA for last many years.last many years.Literature search is being provided not only to Literature search is being provided not only to PINSTECH/PAEC but also to other research PINSTECH/PAEC but also to other research organizations including universities.organizations including universities.INIS output product (complete reports etc.) is being INIS output product (complete reports etc.) is being provided to the end user almost free of cost.provided to the end user almost free of cost.

Page 14: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s

Other databases available Other databases available in SIDin SID

INIS database (1970 to date)INIS database (1970 to date)Books databaseBooks databaseTable of Contents (TOC) of Journals available Table of Contents (TOC) of Journals available in the library the library updates.Technical Reports databaseTechnical Reports databaseChemical Abstract database on CD ROM Chemical Abstract database on CD ROM (1977(1977--92)92)INSPEC database on CDINSPEC database on CD--ROM (1989ROM (1989--2002)2002)(For details, please visit the website (For details, please visit the website ).).

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Page 16: What INIS is to INIS database...Asif Bashir Deputy Chief Scientist Scientific Information Division What INIS is INIS stands for International Nuclear Information System. It is World’s
