Top Banner
How might you use the information in the Top Landing Pages report? (Select two) To see where visitors are entering the site To identify your high bounce-rate landing pages Which reports tell you how many automatic crawlers (search engine robots) visited your website? b. Google Analytics does not track the vast majority of crawlers since most do not execute JavaScript Which of the following could be used to track Flash events? (Select two) b. _trackPageview() c. _trackEvent() What does _trackPageview() do? Registers a pageview Where do you find the URL Builder? d. In the Help Center Which of the following visitors would be reported as coming from “direct/(none)”? (Select two) a. Visitors who typed your site’s URL directly into their browser
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How might you use the information in the Top Landing Pages report? (Select two)

To see where visitors are entering the site

To identify your high bounce-rate landing pages

Which reports tell you how many automatic crawlers (search engine robots) visited your website?

b. Google Analytics does not track the vast majority of crawlers since most do not execute JavaScript

Which of the following could be used to track Flash events? (Select two)

b. _trackPageview()

c. _trackEvent()

What does _trackPageview() do?

Registers a pageview

Where do you find the URL Builder?

d. In the Help Center

Which of the following visitors would be reported as coming from “direct/(none)”? (Select two)

a. Visitors who typed your site’s URL directly into their browser

b. Visitors who came to your site via a bookmark

Where would you enable site search tracking?

a. In the Analytics account settings

b. In the Profile Settings

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Which is the recommended way to prevent URL query parameters (session_id. for instance) from appearing in Content reports?

c. Exclude them in the main Profile Settings

Which search engines can Google Analytics track by default?

d. Most widely-used search engines worldwide

How is click-through-rate calculated?

a. Clicks/impressions

What type of information can the Funnel Visualization report provide?

c. Where visitors go to after abandoning the site

d. URLs for all the site exit pages

Which of these definitions best describes what is referrer is?

c. The URL of the website from which a visitor came

Temporary cookies differ from persistent cookies because:

c. Temporary cookies are removed when you close your browser

How can you ensure that clicks and visits match in your AdWords Campaign report?

b. Enable autotagging in AdWords

c. Make sure your browser allows cookies

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Where do you ensure that autotagging is enabled?

a. In AdWords, under My Account > Account Preferences

Which of the following could explain why Google CPC visits are not showing up in Google Analytics ? (Select all that apply)

口 A) Autotagging has not been enabled

口 B) A redirect on the landing page stnpped out the gcHd

What is Bounce Rate?

c. The percentage of visits to your site where the visitor viewed only one page and then exited without any interaction on your site

Which is the recommended parameter for identifying different versions of an ad?

d. utm_content

What are benefits of linking your AdWords account with your Google Analytics account?(select all that apply)

This will allow you to have AdWords cost data imported into your Analytics account.

Thid will allow you to access your Analytics data from within the AdWords interface.

This will allow Analytics to calculate ROI of your AdWords spend.

This will allow Google Anlaytics to different ate between Google CPC and non-Google CPC visit.

Which of the following will Google Analytics track by default? (Select all that apply)

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c. The referrer that directed a visitor to your site

Which of these best describes what a cookie is?

d. A small text/data file written to visitor’s machine by a web server

Why would anyone want to create virtual pageviews?

a. To track visitor activity that does not generate a pageview

What kinds of cookies does Google Analytics use?

First-party; utma, utmb, utmc, utmzi

Why should you only assign values to non e-commerce goals?

1. To avoid inflating your revenue results

2. To avoid overwriting your transaction revenue

3. To include non e-commerce goals in the Product Performance results

What are the benefits of linking your AdWords account with your Google Analytics account?

1. This will allow you to have AdWords cost data imported into your Analytics account

2. This will allow you to access your Analytics data from within the AdWords interface

3. This will allow Analytics to calculate ROI of your AdWords spend

Most websites place their Google Analytics Tracking Code at the bottom of the page. For what kinds of pages is it recommended that you not place the Google Analytics Tracking Code at the bottom of the page?

Goal pages

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- Given that web analytics data is never 100% accurate, which of the following is the best use of web analytics?

Analyzing Trends

What is the default amount of time a user needs to be inactive in order for their next action to be counted as a new session?

30 minutes

Which of the following Google Analytics methods can be used to create virtual pageviews?


Which of the following would cause Google Analytics to track a visitor as new even if they had been tracked during their previous visit to the site? (Select all that apply)

B) if the visitor deleted cookies after the first visit

E) if the visitor is blocking cookies

You would like this to appear as "home" in the Top Content report. How can this be achieved?

A) Use a Search and Replace custom filter on the Request URI field where Search String is "/index" and Replace String is "/home"

51.Which of the following are possible uses of filters? (Select all that apply)

B) Exclude visits from a particular IP address

C) Report on only a subdomain or directory

47.What technologies does Google Analytics use to track visitors?

C) JavaScript and first-party cookies

45.What is one way of determining whether an increase in Average Time on Site actually reflects an increase in site interaction?

D) look for a corresponding increase in Pages/Visit

44.The Site Search reports show_.

D) how visitors search your site

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33.Which of the following are elements of the Event Tracking data model?

D) categories, actions, labels

32.Where do you ensure that autotagging is enabled?

D) in AdWords, under My Account > Account Preferences

24.Google Analytics uses the following types of cookies:

B) first-party only

21.What is the "$ Index"?

B) a way of determining which pages on your site are most valuable

20.Which of the following formats does Google Analytics export into? (Select all that apply)




18.Which is NOT a standard Google Analytics campaign variable?

C) utm_adgroup

14.Can Google Analytics import cost data from other ad networks?

C) Google Analytics is only able to import cost data from AdWords

13.Does Google Analytics track visits to cached pages?

A) Yes, the JavaScript is executed even from a cached page

2.What is the purpose of the multi-line graph?

B) For comparing two metrics on the same graph to see how they are correlated

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.True or False: If you manage the analytics services for multiple websites which belong to different organizations, it is strongly recommended that you open a new Google Analytics account for each organization.

A) True. Otherwise, you would not be able to give an organization administrator access without also giving them access to data from other organizations which you are tracking in the same account.

B) False. You should track multiple sites for different organizations under one Google Analytics account. Simply track the different sites under different profiles, and grant administrator access at the profile level

11.Which campaign tracking variables should you always use when manually tagging a URL?

A) utm_source, utm_content

B) utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign

C) utm_content, utm_campaign

D) utm_campaign, utm_adgroup, utm_term

10.You want a second view of your data where you only see traffic to a specific subdirectory. How might you set this up?

A) Create a second Google Analytics account, and apply the unique tracking code to the pages in the subdirectory

B) Create a new profile and apply an advanced filter that deletes page data outside the subdirectory

C) Add a filter to the profile and remove the tracking code from the other pages of your site

D) Create a duplicate profile and add a filter: select "Include only traffic to a subdirectory" from the Filter Type dropdown, and specify the subdirectory

7.If you manually tag your AdWords campaigns, which one of the following AdWords attributes would you be able to view in your Analytics reports?

A) Match Type

B) Ad Group

C) Campaign

D) Placement URL

5.Someone visits your website and subscribes to your newsletter which you are tracking as a goal. A colleague then immediately also subscribes using the same computer (without closing the browser). How many conversions will be recorded?


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6.How would you set up Google Analytics to attribute conversions to the original referring campaign?

A) Conversions are attributed to the original referring campaign by default

B) Add "utm_nooverride=1" to the end of your campaign URLs

C) Add "utm_nooverride=off" to the end of your campaign URLs

D) Conversions are attributed to the most recent campaign and there is no way to modify this behavior

4.You have had your Google Analytics account for months, and have been successfully tracking data in Profile 1. You created a duplicate profile -Profile 2- but the profile's reports are not showing any data. Which of the following would help explain the situation? (Select two)

A) You created Profile 2 less than 24 hours ago

B) There are conflicting filters applied to Profile 2 which are preventing data from coming through

C) You do not have access to the data

D) You applied a custom lowercase filter

3.You apply the following two include filters to a single profile:

Filter 1- Field: Campaign Medium; Pattern: cpc

Filter 2- Field: Campaign Medium; Pattern: organic

Which behavior will result?

A) The profile will contain data related to either of the two specified values

B) The filters cancel each other so no data appears in the profile

C) The filters cancel each other so the complete unfiltered data appears in the profile

D) The results will differ depending on the order in which these two filters are applied

39、Which feature could you use to visualize the relationship between two different metrics over time ?

A) multi-line graphs

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B) pie chart view

C) date range comparison

D) compare to site average”

1.Which of the following could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics? (Select all that apply)

A) the percentage of visits that result in a site registration

B) the percentage of visits that are unique

C) the percentage of visits which contain only one page view

D) the percentage of visits during which visitors spent at least 2 minutes on the site

The URL for the homepage of your website is You would like this to appear as “home” in the Top Content report. How can this be achieved?

Use a Search and Replace custom filter on the request URIfield where Search String is “” and Replace String is “”

Use a Search and Replace custom filter on the requestURIfield where Search String is “/index” and Replace String is “/home”

Select the Goal URL pattern and match type that will count all of the following pages as conversions:

a. Pattern is “/shoes/buy\.asp?” and match type is “Head Match”

b. Pattern is “/shoes/buy.asp?prodid=*” and match type is “Exact Match”

c. Pattern is “/shoes/buy.asp” and match type is “Exact Match”

Which of the following should you manually tag with campaign tracking variables?

a. Organic search results, referrals and bookmarks

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b. Banner ads, referrals, and all CPC campaigns

d. Banner ads, email campaigns, and non-Adwords CPC campaigns

On, all the e-commerce transactions are assigned to a single traffic source: Which of the following are possible explanations?

a. The transaction page contains code that is setting the source improperly

b. The transaction page is on a subdomain tracking has not been correctly implemented

c. Autotagging has not been enabled and none of the referring links contain tags

d. This transaction page has an outdated version of the Google Analytics Tracking Code

Why is it important that you maintain one unfiltered profile when using filters with your analytics account?

Without one unfiltered profile,you will not be able to use a filter for multiple profiles

Since raw data cannot be reprocessed,maintaining an unfiltered profile ensures that the original data can always be accessed.

You will need to configure your goal in the unfiltered profile.

d. Since raw data cannot be reprocessed, maintaining an unfiltered profile ensures thaht the original data can always be accessed

e. Without one unfiltered profile, you will not be able to use a filter for multiple profiles

What is the purpose of the URL builder?

a. To generate a URL with tracking parameters

c. To generate the URL tracking parameters that need to be appended to an organic search result

You have two profiles which track the same web property. You copy a URL Destination from Profile 1 and enable it in Profile 2. A week later, you find you are receiving goal data in Profile 1 but not in Profile 2. Which of the following could be the reason? (Select two)

a. Profile 2 has a filter that manipulates the Request URI

b. Profile 2 has colliding filters that prevent any data from appearing

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c. The tracking code has been incorrectly applied in Profile 2

d. AdWords has been incorrectly linked to the profile

A visitor arrived at your website via referrer A on one occasion, and then via referrer B on another. During the second visitor completed a purchase transaction. To what source will the purchase transaction be attributed?

a. (not set)

b. Direct

c. Referrer B

d. Referrer A

You define a goal using Regular Expression Match and the following RegEx ^/product/show

Which pages will count as conversions?


ii. asp



a. I and III

b. I and IV

c. I, II, and IV

d. None of the above

Where e-commerce tracking code usually placed?

a. On all pages in the funnel

b. On the landing page

c. On the destination URL

d. On the purchase confirmation or “thank you” page

Page 12: Untitled has the following subdomains: and Which of the following arguments to _setDomainName() would allow you to track all of the sites under a single Google Analytics account?

b. “”

Why might a website have traffic appearing as coming from “”?

a. Autotagging has not been enabled

b. has several subdomains and the Google Analytics Tracking Code has not been customize accordingly

c. These are returning visitors to

d. On same pages of, the Google Analytics Tracking Code is called more than once

What would prevent URL Destination goal conversions from being recorded?(select all that apply)

The Google Analytics Tracking code is missing from the conversion page

There was a misspelling in the URL of the goal definition

The match type in the goal definition is incorrect

The conversion page has the incorrect tracking code

What does a high bounce rate on a landing page associated with a particular keyword suggest?

a. The landing page is highly relevant to the keyword

b. The content on the landing page does not properly match the-expectations of visitors who searched on that keyword

Which of these best describes the different between a first and third-party cookie?

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a. A first-party cookies may only contain one attribute, a third-party cookies may contain several attributes

b. A first-party cookies is a temporary cookies and a third-party cookie is a persistent one

c. A first-party cookie is set by a different web site than the one you visiting, a third-party cookie is set by the same web site as the one you are visiting

d. A first-party cookie is set by the same web site you are visiting, a third-party cookie is set by a different web site than the one you are visiting

Why can AdWords Clicks differ from Analytics Visits?

a. Some visitor may have JavaScript disabled

b. Some visitors may be blocking cookies

c. ‘Clicks’ and ‘Visits’ are different metrics

d. All of the above

You are running a correctly tagged email campaign that refers visitors to your website. How would you track conversion associated with the campaign in cases where visitors did not convert in the first instance but instead returned at a later time by typing the URL of your site directly into your browser?

a. Google Analytics does this by default (within 6 months)

b. Google Analytics does this by default (within 18 months)

c. Tag the URL in the email with a campaign of “nooverride”

d. You cannot track conversions when a visitor returns as “direct” (i.e. by typing the URL of your site directly into your browser)

Which of the following could be measured by defining a goal in Google Analytics? (Select all that apply)

a. The percentage of visits that result in a site registration

Is it possible to make the Top Content report display different names than the actual page pathnames?

a. You need to talk to your webmaster to change the settings of the server to allow arbitrary parameters

b. Yes, you can rename the pages by entering the desired URI in the call to _link()

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c. Yes, you can rename the pages by entering the desired request URI in the call _trackPageview()

d. No, it is not possible

You notice that the goal conversion rate in your Site Search Terms report is different from the Goals menu report, what is the likely reason for this discrepancy?

a. Not all visits include a site search, only those which did are included in the conversion rate calculation in the Site Search Terms report

b. The Site Search Terms report is only able to show goal conversion rates for one of your goals

c. Of those who perform a search during their visit, fewer are likely to convert

d. This is a bug, the figures should match

How would you set up Google Analytics to attribute conversions to the original referring campaign?

b. Conversions are attributed to the original referring campaign by default

What kind of personally identifiable data is available by default in Google Analytics reports?

a. Visitor age groups and genders

b. No personally identifiable data is available

c. Visitor IP address

d. User logins

If you manually tag your AdWords campaign, which one of the following AdWords attributes would you be able to view in your Analytics reports?

a. Ad Group

b. Campaign

c. Match Type

d. Placement URL

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Why would anyone install e-commerce tracking code? (Select two)

a. To log transactions for accounting purposes

b. To monetize goals such as newsletter signup

c. To see which keywords led to the sale of which products

d. To track avenue generated by the website

e. To enable an online payment system

Your website has three sections and you would like to have an aggregated view of data for the entire website, as well as a view for each section. What is the recommended way to set this up?

a. One account that includes a profile for thfb. e entire website and duplicated filtered profiles, each with a customized include filter to

track each section

b. One account per website section and one for an entire website

c. One account that includes a profile for the entire website and a second profile with an include filter for the sections

d. This is not possible

Which of the following reports display e-commerce revenue data?

i. The AdWords Campaign report

ii. The All Traffic Sources report

iii. The e-commerce section reports

a. i only

b. i and ii only

c. i, ii, and iii

d. None of the above

Which of these best defines a URL Destination goal in Google Analytics?

a. The most popular page on your site

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b. A page that has given you revenue

c. A KPI

d. A website page viewed by the visitor once they have completed a desired action

17.Is it possible to make the Top Content report display different names than the actual page pathnames?

A) Yes, you can rename the pages by entering the desired URI in the call to _link();

B) Yes, you can rename the pages by entering the desired request URI in the call to _trackPageview();

C) You need to talk to your webmaster to change the settings of the server to allow arbitrary parameters

D) No, it is not possible

16.How would you find out which keywords visitors from Tokyo used to find your site?

A) Search for "Tokyo" in the All Traffic Sources report

B) Select the "Keyword" dimension in the Map Overlay report

C) Select the "City" dimension in the Keywords report

D) This information is not available in Google Analytics

15.Your website uses a shopping cart on a different domain. To ensure that visitor session data is retained when switching domains, which of the following do you need to implement?

A) the _link() or JinkByPost() method

B) the _trackTrans() method

C) the _setLocalRemoteServer() method

D) This is tracked automatically; no additional configuration is required

58.When configuring a goal, why is it useful to assign a goal value?

A) to calculate e-commerce metrics

B) to attribute monetary value to a non e-commerce site

C) to determine the popularity of webpages

D) You must assign a goal value in order to track conversions

57.Which of the following are possible uses of profiles within a single Google Analytics account? (Select all that apply)

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A) to limit a user's access to a segment of data

B) to look more closely at traffic to a specific part of the site (a page or selection of pages)

C) to track several webdomains that you have permission to track (e.g. and

D) to look more closely at traffic to a specific subdomain

27.How would you configure a profile to include only Google CPC data?

A) Add an include filter requiring Campaign Source to be "google/cpc"

B) Add two include filters to the profile: one requiring Campaign Source to be "google", and the other requiring Campaign Medium to be "cpc"

C) Link the profile to your AdWords account

D)This is not possible

Why might a website have traffic appearing as coming from " / referral"?

A) Autotagging has not been enabled

B) has several subdomains and the Google Analytics Tracking Code has not been customized accordingly

C) These are returning visitors to

D) On some pages of, the Google Analytics Tracking Code is called more than once

Your AJAX based gaming website is hosted on a single html page. Which is the best way to measure the percentage of visits during which more than 5 games were played? (Select the best answer option)

a. Track each game-play as an event anddefine 5 separate goals, one for each event

b. Track each game-play as an event and define a goal for greater than 5 events per visit

c. Track each game-play as a virtual pageview and define a goal for greater than 5 pages viewed per visit

d. Track each game-play as a virtual pageview and define 5 separate goals, one for each virtual pageview

You are implementing e-commerce tracking on your client's site. Their site does not use an "affiliation" field. Which of the following is an example of a correct implementation?A)_gaq.push(['_addTrans','1234',

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",'11.99','1.29','5','San Jose','California','USA']);_gaq.push(['_addltem,'1234','DD44','T-Shirt''Green Medium','11.99','1']);_gaq.push(['_trackTrans']);

B)_gaq.push(['_addTrans','1234',//affiliation or store name'11.99','1.29','5','San Jose','California','USA',]);_gaq.push(['_addltem','1234','DD44','T-Shirt''Green Medium','11.99','1']);_gaq.push(['_trackTrans']);

C)_gaq.push(['_addTrans','1234','11.99','1.29','5','San Jose','California','USA',]);_gaq.push(['_addltem','1234',"DD44','T-Shirt''Green Medium','11.99','1'_gaq.push(['_trackTrans']);

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65.Which of the following Google Analytics methods can be used to create virtual pageviews?

A) _link()

B) _setAccount()


D) _setAllowLinker()

Why might you see a search engine name appear in the result for your Referring Sites report (i.e. “”)?

a. Someone was referred to your website via a link on a personalized search engine page such as iGoogle

b. Someone was referred to your website via a search result page, but the keyword was not captured

23.How can an administrator limit a user's access to view reports that only contain Google CPC data?

A) Create a second Analytics account that only tracks CPC data

B) Use Access Manager to give the user access to only part of the profile

C) Grant them access to a new profile that only tracks AdWords data

D)This is not possible

52.Which of the following would prevent you from creating a new profile in Google Analytics? (Select two)

A) You have not opted in to Benchmarking

B) You have already reached the maximum number of permitted profiles for your account

C) You do not have admin rights to the Analytics account

D) You do not have access to the code of the website

Which of these reporting intervals are available in Google Analytics?A) seconds

B) minutes

C) hours


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42.Can Google Analytics track search engines other than those that it tracks by default?

A) No, Google Analytics only tracks visitors coming from the Google search engine

B)Yes, by adding the search engines to the Analytics Settings page

C) Yes, by modifying your Google Analytics Tracking Code

D) No, the list of recognized search engines is maintained by Google

39.You are running a correctly tagged email campaign that refers visitors to your website. How would you track conversions associated with the campaign in cases where visitors did not convert in the first instance, but instead returned at a later time by typing the URL of your site directly into their browser?

A) Tag the URL in the email with a campaign of "nooverride"

B) Google Analytics does this by default (within 6 months)

C) Google Analytics does this by default (within 18 months)

D) You cannot track conversions when a visitor returns as "direct" (i.e. by typing the URL of your site directly into their browser)

38.How would you track 37.visitors coming from an email, banner, or newsletter campaign?

A) by manually tagging the destination URLs of the campaign

B) Google Analytics will track visits coming from any campaign automatically

C) by turning autotagging on

D) It is not possible to track visitors coming from non-AdWords campaigns

37.Why might your reports show visits coming from a paused or discontinued campaign?

A) because visitors originally referred by that campaign are now returning via another AdWords campaign

B) because visitors originally referred by that campaign are now returning via organic search

C) because visitors originally referred by that campaign are now returning as Direct visitors

D) because visitors originally referred by that campaign will always be reported as coming from that campaign

36.Is it possible to use Google Analytics and Urchin software concurrently?

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A) no, you should use the product that best suits your needs

B) yes, by making a small change to your Google Analytics Tracking Code

35.Where on the appropriate page(s) should e-commerce tracking code be placed?

A) The e-commerce tracking code should replace the standard Google Analytics Tracking Code

B) The e-commerce tracking code should be placed before the standard Google Analytics Tracking Code

C) The e-commerce tracking code should be placed after the standard Google Analytics Tracking Code

48.You define a URL Destination goal by_.

A) dragging the goal page onto the Dashboard

B) adding the conversion ID to the tracking code on the goal page

C) editing the profile and specifying the request URI of the conversion page

D) adding the e-commerce code to the goal page

46.You have two websites with different domains (e.g. and which you want to track under a single Google Analytics account. Why would you link the sites using the _link() method?

A) to preserve visitor and session information across the two domains

B) to add to the list of referrals

C) to allow Flash content from to display on

D) to clear all the cookie information