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Unique And Uncommon Dishes All Over The World

Nov 27, 2020



Richard Baxter

A Japanese noodle soup, ramen has grown in popularity in the last decade and it's easy to see why. In its simple form, it's a rich meat (or occasionally fish) broth, flavoured with soy or miso and served with toppings such as mushrooms, seaweed, sesame seeds, spring onions and soft-boiled egg. As with most dishes, there are regional varieties too, including the most popular tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen of Kyushu and the miso ramen of Hokkaido.

Welcome message from author
I believe the love for food is the most sincere, honest and well-reciprocated love of the Universe. The world has got a variety to serve in the territory of food, flavours and spices. There are myriad such unique dishes of the world that will churn your desire to visit these countries once just for the sake of dishes it serves..