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Top 15 Iconic Buildings Around the World

Nov 27, 2020



Richard Baxter

Leaving a mark into the world long after their builders are gone, buildings that have stood the passing of the centuries keep on fascinating our minds. Centuries old or high tech and modern, buildings define how great a nation is. Or was. They’re full of history, of stories and great events, and all of them are exceptionally beautiful both from an aesthetic and historic point of view.

With so many different types of buildings spread all over the world, enriching cities and cultures and entertaining us with skylines so beautiful, it’s hard not to know at least a few of the most impressive structures that were ever built.

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When it comes to learning about the history of a new destination, travelers should look no further than its iconic buildings. Of course, there are other ways to discover the local culture, which can be reflected in the food, the textiles, and the dialects, but it’s the buildings that can reveal the most about a place. Local landmarks are—in essence— silent witnesses to past eras, kingdoms, and tastes, but they can also offer us clues to what the future holds (not to mention make for a great travel gram, too).