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Tips to Help You Quit Smoking

Aug 26, 2021



Peter Maurer

Smoking is injurious to health! We all know it, but still many people are addicted to smoking and no single day begins or ends without a cigarette. But every time you light one up, you are increasing your risk of lung, bladder, pancreatic, mouth, esophageal and other cancers. Smoking also increases your risk of heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, thin bones, obesity and lots more. To successfully quit smoking, you’ll need strong determination and the willpower to work through the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Also, you need a good plan to start the process, including when you want to quit as well as all the reasons for quitting. Here are the some tips to help you quit smoking. 

Welcome message from author
Be patient with yourself and you will get through this phase, just as others have. You may even emerge from nicotine withdrawal with a new hobby or interest that you can pursue with the time you're no longer devoting to cigarettes.