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Socratic Method Socratic Method The Rest of the Story The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011

Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

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Page 1: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Socratic MethodSocratic MethodThe Rest of the StoryThe Rest of the Story

Dan Foster, PhD, ATCJanuary 6, 2011

Page 2: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Socratic MethodSocratic Method

Socrates House

Page 3: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Questions can stir tensionQuestions can stir tension

Cognitive Resonance

Cognitive Dissonance

Dissonance and wonder are often derived from unfamiliar ideas, opposing opinions, and conflicting situations

Festinger L. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. 1957.

Page 4: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

More about SocratesMore about Socrates

Hegel GWF, Lectures 1800

469 BC – 399 BC Sculptor/Midwife Loved philosophy Crito paid for schooling

(oration, music, math, etc –cultured)

Warrior in Peloponesian War

Studied under Anaxagoras at age 37

Athens, Greece

City States Democracy Free Society/Slaves 100,000 population Markets Sophists Sciences dominated

Page 5: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.
Page 6: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Socratic MethodSocratic Method

Concrete behavior for a moral issue Take on the role of student Respondent becomes teacher Work toward the opposite meaning and a

universal idea Get agreement that the original idea is

now invalid – cognitive dissonance Now we are ready to think critically

Page 7: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Socratic Method - ExampleSocratic Method - Example

What is courage?Response: conspicuously and

fearlessly facing an enemy in battle at the risk of death and going beyond the call to protect and defend the rights of our country

Have you ever given a public speech?

Page 8: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.


Branchati, 1989The attending (pimper) poses a

series of difficult questions to a resident or medical student (pimpee).

Morning report or attending roundsOriginated in the 17th century in


Detsky A. The Art of Pimping. JAMA. 2009; 301:1379-1381.

Page 9: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Advice to the PimpeeAdvice to the Pimpee Avoidance The Muffin The Hostile

Response The List Honorable


Pimp Back The Politician’s

Approach Use PDA Do not Sulk/Cry

Detsky A. The Art of Pimping. JAMA. 2009; 301:1379-1381.

Page 10: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Advice for the PimperAdvice for the Pimper Respect

educational order Do not embarrass

other attendings Look for the

avoider or muffin eater

Use the public apology

Provide praise

Detsky A. The Art of Pimping. JAMA. 2009; 301:1379-1381.

Page 11: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Critical Thinking SkillsCritical Thinking Skills

Concept clarification– “tell me more”

Probe assumptions– “shaking the bedrock”

Probe rationale, reasons, and evidence– “dig into reasoning”

Page 12: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Critical Thinking SkillsCritical Thinking Skills

Question viewpoints and perspectives– “attack the view”

Probe implications, consequences– “make sense?”

Question the question– “push the ball back”

Page 13: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.

Curiosity - Conference and Curiosity - Conference and ResearchResearchCuriosity is a critical motiveInformation gap – dissonance– Small gaps are best– Satisfaction is pleasurable– Unintentional dissonance• Questions• Unknowns• Tip of the tongue

Lowenstein G. Psychological Bulletin. 1994; 116:75-98.

Page 14: Socratic Method The Rest of the Story Dan Foster, PhD, ATC January 6, 2011.


Curiosity - precipitates questionsSocratic Method – moral issuesPut In My Place