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PORTS OF AFRICA BY: AASTHA DHANDHANIA(12261 13102) M.V.KARTHIK(1226 113132) R.S.S.JAGADISH(1 226113142)
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Page 1: Ports of africa



BY:AASTHA DHANDHANIA(1226113102)M.V.KARTHIK(1226113132)R.S.S.JAGADISH(1226113142)R.L.ANVITHA(1226213102)

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port of Beira, MOZAMBIQUE

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The Port of Beira was created by the Portuguese in 1890. Paive de Andrade, a Portuguese explorer, identified the site as a possible port, and the Portuguese moved quickly to gain an advantage over the British in dominating East Africa.

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Port Cargo Handling Equipment: 

• Two Ship to Shore Gantry cranes available each with 50 tons under hook lifting capacity

• One Rail Mounted Gantry crane available with 50 tons for loading and off loading of wagons

• Reachstackers - 45 tons• Kalmar Forklifts - 16 - 45 tons• Terminal tractors with 60 tons capacity and

four wheel drive• Payloaders for multiuse• Shunting tractors• Mobile cranes - 35 and 45 tons• Normal trailers and skeletons• Bagging units (for grain and fertiliser)• Grabs (for general cargo)• Emergency generator - 1600 KVA• Weighbridge (28 meters long)

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• 200,000 m² well illuminated container yard; accommodating 3117 TEU'S including 144 electrical reefer points and dedicated IMDG dangerous goods storage area

• One bonded transit warehouse of 8400 m² for stuffing and stripping containers, fully secured

• 3650 m² covered storage area• Dedicated granite storage area

Container Storage and Stacking Facilities:

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Multi Purpose Container Terminal:

The multi-purpose and Container Terminal is one of the most modern in southern Africa and covers 645 metres of berth length, comprising of berth numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 with a designed depth alongside of about 12 metres. The terminal design capacity is 100,000 TEU's per year

General Cargo Terminal:

The General Cargo Terminal covers 670 metres berth length, comprising berth numbers 6, 7, 9 and 10. The terminal design capacity is 2,300,000 metric tonnes per year.The designed depth alongside of the quays is 10 metres.

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IMPORTS:• Fertilizers• Wheat• Fuel• Textiles• Heavy equipment• Beverages

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Centrally located on Mozambique’s eastern shores, the Port of Beira is an important trade and transportation centre for Central African products and coastal goods. Railways from Zimbabwe, Congo, Zambia, and Malawi end in the Port of Beira, and it serves as the main port for those inland nations.


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• Introduction• Construction: port consists of a main eastern breakwater, 2.7 km in length extending into Algoa Bay to a maximum water depth of 18 metres, and a secondary western breakwater 1.125 km in length.

• Modern Port• Port Limitations

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Marine Craft

• The port has a fleet of three tugs and Pilot services are performed by a pilotboat (named Tsitsikama) or workboat

• The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) maintains a base at Port Elizabeth.

• Port Volumes• Port Facilities

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• Dry Bulk Carriers• Deadweight tonnage: 80,000DWT

• Length OA: 250m• Beam: 36.5m• Loaded draught: 14.0m

• Cellular Container Vessels

• TEU: 4,500• Deadweight tonnage: 70,000DWT

• Length OA: 300m• Beam: 40m• Loaded draught: 14.0m

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•Connectivity•Marine Craft•Impact

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Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT)

largest export coal terminal in the world.

Opened in 1976

capacity of 12 million tons per annum

grown into an advanced 24-hour operation with a

design capacity of 91 million tons per annum.

14 cargo working berths

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Terminals: Dry bulk terminal Multipurpose terminal Privately operated coal terminal Several woodchip exports terminal Bulk liquid terminal

The Transnet National Ports Authority Administrative offices hours:                                                                     0800-16:00 (Monday to Friday) The Transnet National Ports Authority Marine Services:                             24-hour service, 7 days a week, except Christmas Day. Terminals: 24-hours, 7 days a week.                              (Note: Closures over public holidays vary per terminal)

Working hours

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• The terminal has undergone an upgrade and has increased its  capacity  to  91  million  tonnes  annually.  Ships  are handled at six berths (301-306) each 350m in length with a  -19m water depth alongside and a permissible draught of 17.5m. The adjacent 209 chemical berth  is 300m  long and  has  a  depth  alongside  of  -14m  with  a  permissible draught of 12.5m. 

The daily Panamax coal freight rate from South Africa's Richards Bay  to  India's west  coast  at  $17.10/mt  and  to  the east  coast  at $17.70/mt.

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A fixture was concluded at $17/mt for a Panamax coal cargo loading from Richards Bay in mid-October and arriving at Visakhapatnam or Gangavaram ports along the east coast of India Another Supramax coal cargo traveling from Richards Bay to the West Coast of India was concluded at $17.50/mt, loading in October.

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Richards bay

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• First harbor master

• Time, Working Hours

• General view of port

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Marine Craft:

• The port operates a fleet of tugs owned and operated by the National Ports Authority (NPA)

• The major work is conducted by a trailing suction hopper dredger named ISANDLWANA, assisted by the INGWENYA or the PIPE

• Hydrographic Survey Vessels • floating cranes

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• Port Volumes: greatest volume of sea-going traffic of any port in southern Africa

• Port Facilities: operates on a common user basis and consists of five business units managed by Transnet Port Terminals or TPT

• Passenger Terminal• Ship Repair• Yachting marinas

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