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Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    ! ]hc Aljjm jd Fcsus Nhrellt Hes ^jb N)cibicth us Drjo Ip ^eb"!/66 / / / / / // " 6 / ? ? " / 6 6 6 6 6 " " " 6 " " ? ? 6 " " / ? / 6 " " / / / ? / / / ? ? / ? / ? / / ? ? " 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ? 6 " 6 " / ~ " 6 6 " 6 6 " " " 6 / ? / ? ? / / ? ? ? 6 / 6 / ? ? ? 6 / / / "

    XEEE" Ljs Ibgclcs, Niledjrbei, Iprel 9, 95;5/ ~ ? ? / / ' / / " / ////// /!'?/////Z,Z0"6 6 6 " " 6 0 , / ? ? / ? / / "6?6 n/??/?//?!!' Z Z 6 Z ? ? ? / ? ? ? ~ / " " 6 ? / / 6 " 6 / / / Z B

    " ]j arebg th c sebbcr tj i `bjwlcmgc jd thc truth, wcoust arebg th c truth tj th c `bjwlcmgc jd thc sebbcr"

    Nirrecm"Jh, hjw es et thit sj oiby well njbtebuc tj duss ibmc, ibm drct ib m diel, ibm diltcr ibm dill, jr mctcroebcwil` i l j b ~ " hivebg i hirm teoc iljbg ledc's sleppcry

    whcb thcy njulm ac !nirrecm! sidcly iljbg ay iljvebg Dithcr: Wc `bjw ibm jdtcb rcpcit thitc shill githcr th c lioas weth Hes irb/es, ibm nirry thcoajsjo! /bcx t tj Hes hcirt0 aut his Hc bjt ilsj, !Cvcb tj hjir hiers well E nirry yju!: ^j thitcrc irc bjbc/drjo nhelmhjjm tj jlm igc/aut whit nibst lc nljsc tj thc ljvebg hcirt jd Gjm/ !nirrecm! eb He sos6 ! ^idc eb th c ir o s jd F cs u s,^idc jb He s gcbtlc arcis t " !

    " ""; wciry hcirt, yju irc bj t ialc tj wi l` iljbc"

    dt up yjur iros jd dieth tj yjur Hcivcbly Dithcr ibm` Heo tj ti`c yju up ebtj H es iros ibm !nirry! yju"lc nljsc eb 0 rcst t h c r c ~ m j t 9 ' t strugglc jr gct ubcisy0c `bjws" ; Hes mcir iros ocib shcltcr ibm rcst ib mdu gc" Gc t ebtj thco" ib m ac / ! nirrecm " ! /

    "" "'! 'E t es mibgc rjus tj s prcim vc ry ou nh giel ub lcs s yjuhib! njrrcs pjbmebg aillist "Tesejb jd Hes Wjubms"]hc lettlc grjup ned sim, m e s ~ p p j e b t c m mesneplcs wcrcjsctcm tjgcthcr achebm ljn`cm mjjrs idtcr thc cxneteb gbcs jd t hc pist thrcc miys / thc9c tjgcthcr eb thcerw0 weth thc dcir jd thc Fcws eb thcer hcirts / whcb

    m m c b l y thcrc stjjm e)) thcer oemst thc rescb Ljrm, whji tcbm cr vjenc jd rc/issuribnc ~ i e m ubtj "thco, ![cincubtj yju" ' ' ibm thcb !Hc shjwcm ubtj thco He s hibmssemc" ' ' / ; oirvcljus nhibgc thit sunh i vesejb jds wjubms thcb oimc eb thcsc sjrrjwebg hcirts / drjombcss tj glimbcss0 djr !thcb wcrc th c mesneplcs glimthcy siw thc Ljrm"! ]hcy `bcw thcer Ljrm ay thcHc ajrc, ibm th cy `bcw thit H c wis thc sioc Ljrm

    him hubg upjb thc nrjss, ibm him accb liem eb th cib m thcy wcrc g li m acniusc thcy bj w achclm HeoHes rescb stitc / ilevc igieb" ; thju rescb Ljrm, th jscprebts ibm thit revcb semc spci` ubtj us jd ]hy debwjr` djr us, ibm jur hcirts irc glim" I vesejb jd

    sc wjubms arebgs p ~ b e t c b n c ibm pirmjb, rcnjbneleitejbm rcstjritejb tj i Dithcr's ljvc, purety ibm pjwcrthy [cbtcnjstil prcscbnc" ;, `ccp JSl' cycs jb'

    ]h y suddcrebgs ib m mcith, ibm oi`c `bjwb ]hy prcis ]hju "mjst wil` iojbgst us, dellebg jur hcirtsglimbcss ibm issuribnc"

    /" "/ ' '/Ed th c trjllcy es jb , yj u irc il l reght ubte l thcy gj " jujd ausebcss i t th c pjwc r/hjusc "

    " / < ~

    ~ h c Cvel jd Drcttebg"" Drcttebg jursclvcs acniuQc

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    " "

    r t e n l c sE "D "

    d ill wh j hitc wjulm ljvc us ,Ibm il l jur ljvcs wcrc truc,hc stirs thit swebg iajvc usTvjulm areghtcb eb thc aluc 0d nrucl wjrms wcrc `esscs*Ibm cvcry snjwl i soelc,acttcr wjrlm thib thes esWjulm hirmly ac wjrth whelc0d purscs wje9lm ubteghtcb]j occt i arjthcr's bccm,hc ljim/wc acir wjulm leghtcbIajvc th c grivc jd grccm"

    d t"lejsc wh j ,\rhebc wjulm whestlc,Ibm thjsc whj libguesh, libgh"rjsc wjulm rjut thc thestlc,' rhc grieb jbtrbb th c nhidd0d hcirts wcrc jbly fjlly,Ed gtecvebg wcrc djrgjt,bm tcirs ibm oclibnhjly

    \ U c b ~ thebgs thit ) lJW irc bj t `bccl tj Muty,Ibm il l thc wjrlm wjulm sccoaremil ajwcr jd aciuty,I mrcio wetheb i " mrcio "

    d ocb wjulm ' ncisc tj wjrryIbm wjocb ncisc tj segh,bm il l ac glim tj aury'\Thitcvcr his tj m e c /d bceghajr spi`c tj bceghajrZ Is ljvc m c o i b m ~ ,jd ill,hc rust wjulm cit th c siacr,]hc spcir stiy jb th c will0cvcry n l i ~ ' wjulm glestcb ,Ibm cvcry cy c wjulm shebc,\bm Gj m wjulm piusc tj lestcb,Ibm ledc wjulm ac mevebc "/Wishebgtjb ]eocs"

    "69 "69 "69NIQBIL JQGIBEVI]EJB"

    FJHB ^" @CCB"thib i quirtcr jd /i ncbtury

    " djlljwebg ojrc thib i snjrc ' jdjr rciwi`cbebg jb th c mjntrebc

    cbterc sibntedenitejb , whcb djr ouhclpdulbcss" ibm dj r th c sprcim jdprcnejus !m cpjsetuo! iojbg i 99

    " thc hjly p cjplc jrgibezcm thcocs ebtj issjneitejbs, ibm acgib tjnjbvcbtejbs" thc nhurnh pipcrs

    pulpets riescm i" strjbg ibm ljbgigiebst immetejbil jrgibezitejbsthc nhurnh"

    njbtcbmcm th c nhurnh wis il ljrgibezitejb wc b ccmcm" ]j oy

    b `bjwlcmgc tw j jd thcsc issjnei, whjsc/ cvcry n j b v ~ b t e j b wis it/

    weth sunh iwi`cbebg iojbg "ibm Zain`slemcrs, ibm sunh jut

    Hjly ^peret upjb siebtsE him bcvct sccb acdjrc, bjr hivc

    wcrc 8 ; tcbmcrly fciljus jd thcis tj hjlm i spcneil o ~ c t e b g tjth es prjtcst" Ibm whelc thcscb ibm wjocb WJlelm hivc gevcb

    Bizircbc 'Ocsscbgcrthcer levcs oirtyrmjo rithcr thdtbtj lue"\nc" mjbc ibythebg tj sjel thc whetc

    l e b t ~ ~ ~

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    prel 9, 95;5_ "cgc aut "jur muty, dj r wc /irn

    p4bsealc hj w ibm whit "wc " eopirt "jur d clljw acebgs" " ^ebnc Gjm hi sc prjvesejb djr us tj ac strjbg wc

    c plinc m ubmcr jalegitejb tj r cncevct strcbgth ibm ed w c bcglcn t jr rc/ ,t6 wc weH a c hclm icnjbbtbhlc" ^joc


  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    =e"Ft ~ ) H H N WH U bdt"nr" cjbsultebgOrs 2 Ivctjjo" 'Whcb hc niocdrj%b hjo c, wethjut" th c `bjwlgc jd hes pircbts, hc him bj ojbcyhibm" Hc nioc weth jbly jbc sbhnljthcs" l\EErs" Aibirfnc his gevcb heoHes bioc es @hjmi Abx" He sc es jb ly 97 ycirs 8 ojbths" e/Ec eseopitecb t tj hc aiptezcm, aut isc es ubmcr ig c wc nibbjt mj e t ubtelnjoplctcs 98 ycirs jd igc" Hc `ccpscl d njbncilcm dj r dcir jd he s pircbts

    m rclitevcs , l cs t thcy ti`c he o djriwiy drjo thes plinc"Hc es bjt jvcr igc tj stumy, aut wcheo ebtj iby snhjjl is hcs lcdt he s list cxio ebitejb ncrtedenitchjoc, ibm Wc nibbjt wretc djl' e t dj rs pircbts well thcb rjoc tj `bjw he shcr ciajuts" E t es bjt vcry cisy dj rb ill tj ubmcrstibm whit treils ibmnultecs thc bcw njbvcrt his tj suddcr"c hi s tj lcivc hjoc ib m r clitevcs, djrljscs he s nistc whcb" hc acnjocs iibm bbclss hc es hclpcm ayc oe ssejbi re cs ib m Nhresteib drecbmsnvcr6vt"hebg, e t es vcry meddenult dj ro tj stium jb "he s jwb lcgs"l\{iby ebquercrs njoc tj us eb thesaut jwebg tj wibt jd dubms ib mni b bj t `ccp iby jd thco"hcy gj tj jthcr oessejbs" Djr theswc try tj hrebg tj th c Ljrm o cbhj nib stiy eb " thcer hjocs idtcr acoebg Nh re steibs/, jr whj njocr whjlc dioelv"Aut thes t eoc hivc r cncevcm thesub g lim i b n ~ aclecvc Gjm well hclp uscvcry wby o t he s grcit wjr`" Bj6wy priycr tj yj u bll whj well rcim oycr es thit yjb well il l r cocoa crc tw j yjubg aclecvcrs eb yjur cirbt ebtcrncssejb weth Gjm, thit t hc yiy rc o ie b diethdul tj thc Ljrm tj th"nm jd thcer levcs" "E shill try tj scbm yjb phjtjs jd thcsctcs t aclecvcrs, sjjb " [" A" Aeswis"

    "FE "FE "69'LJBG ACINH, NI,L"

    Jur pistjr hivebg accb e l l dj rmiys, hes miughtcr Acrthi^ubmiy ojrbebg ibm cvcbebgthc alcssebg jd thc Ljrm jb thc]hc occtebg i t thc o e s ~b hill jb Ibihceo ^t" eb thc idtcrwis njbmuntcm ay Arjs" [renc ^oeth" ^pcneil occtebgs well]hursmiy cvcbebg weth thcJwcb ibm @cll eb nhirgc"ibm hcir thcsc gedtcm yjubg H" w"

    - " - -Ibyjbc hivebg scnjbm/hibm hjlebcsss ni b oi`c gjjm u sc jd thco aythco tj " Arjthcr vT" N" Wel, ju r ["istjr it "Ai`crsdeclm, Nil" 0r "cimog rjjo jd th c nhurnh "I njpy jd thc bcw Oibuil ibm th c

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    ,Iprel 9, " 95;5_ Bizircbc "OcsscbgcrnF999rn h acljw uum i uenc eHtrsuuig Z" ZZ "Z Z ^]I]CB E ^ ~ ~ M ZB6" Ull u / q0,b 09u " j ~ ~ ~ 2 uj F 2 j ' / l u ~ ~ ~ l Z "jIu

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    O c s ~ c Z ~ F / g c rCME]JQ^6/D" Arcscc, Cmetjr "[ecrnc, " " Jddenc CmetjrF" @ebbc, / " s c t " Cmetjr ibm Aru" Ogr""""" "

    i t th c pJse/jd)lnc, Iug" 7, 95;;, i t Lji Niledjrbei, is scnjbm/nliss oittcr "Cvcry ]hursmiy"-9 i ycir 9 LJ^ IBGCLC^, NIL"Hjoc D/1474


    Jbc jd grcitcst bcncssetecs jd thct n 0 ~ m i y es thc bccm jd ojrc njo

    chcbsevc thjught" Wc i r c bjt ub jd thc bccm jd ib iwi`cbcm

    Wc irc suddcrebg ounhjd gjjm grjlom ubtj whenh

    oiy dill" Aut iu iwi`cbcmrcncevebg th c truth es vcry

    alc tj hivc th c cbcoy sjw eb et tircs,m ublcss thcrc es iaelety tj scc ojrc

    jb c semc, jr jb c phisc jd i suath c truth es le `cly tj ac nhj `cm

    m acnjoc ubdruetdul" Jbc jd th cm e d d e u ~ t e c s jd th c nliy eb Nhres

    wjr` es thit whcb oc b r cncevc th ch ibm acgeb i Nh re steib le dc sjocjr h crcsy es sjwb ibm ac

    li n` jd nlcir thjught , jt' eb tj grisp i suafcct eb et s cb

    jr tj scc 9hc meddcrcbt semcs jdjr tj ipprchcbm th c pjesjb jdth cy ljsc t ~ c e r ai libnc, plubgc

    thc strcio jd crrjr, ibm ir c sjjb" j i Shresteib ledc ibm oi`c shepjd dieth" ]h cy mj bjt eb th c

    vejlitc thcer njbsnecbnc, autth c ebdlucbnc jd crrjr idtcr iet ljscs et s pjwcr, ibm thcy ac

    i mcrclent wethjut Gjm jr wetht ibythebg rcil jd rclegejus cxpcreW c bccm gcbcrilly eb thc nhurnh

    m iojbg th c pcjplc i mccpcr, arjim/, prjdjubmcr" `bjwlcmgc jd th c !\Tjrm

    Gj m" ]h c gcbcril iascbnc jd " iby`bjwlcmgc jd t hc Aealc

    ,thc r cisjb $j oiby whj ubmcrti`cac Nhresteibs irc l cm jdd ebtj th c"dibitenesos ibm dilsc rclegejbs

    "Bizircbc Ocsscbgcr/ " PIprel 9, 9whech ihjbb

    ser"cm th c ubety jd Hes mescepl clebgcrcm lj bg jv cr /thc oittcrgrcit ebtcrncssjry 92riycr6 !]hib999y hc jbc0 ~ v ~ b 6es ]hju ," l

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    95;5_hc bj sunh telebg is )lutt ubety

    w h e n " ~ e t thc ^ivejo priynm" [cjplctj levc tjgcthcr 'eb ljvc !\veth med

    jd fumgocbt, jr ill ubetcmresteib ledc es ib eopjsseaelety ibm

    es it ib cbnl ""vUhi96 es thc ubety djr whenh (%hrest

    9" E t es nc rtiebly thc iascbnc jdsp eret jd rlevesejb, jd sc ldeshbcss ibm

    is wcll is scld scc`ebg " E t esprcscbnc jd thit ljv c whenh hbrr9cm

    thc ^ivejur's hcirt , is H c siem !]hcy whenh thju "hist gevcb oc!/cve

    tl,v thc gljry jd hjly oi bhjjm /! Ec gevcb thco"! ]hc pjsetevc, iggr cs

    ljvc whenh abrbc"m eb Hes hcirt eo/tj Hes jwb, aebms thco eb ubety,

    cs terc speret jd mevesejb is eolc is th c njooettebg jd seb ibdlhjly it th c sioc teoc "

    hrest ubety es bjt jb cbcss jd thjughtfumgocbt jr cnnlcseisteneso, aut i

    jd mevebc lj vc thit hebms hcirt tjib m gevcs jut eb Nhrestly t[bmcrtj il l oc b "


    C" D" WIL@CQ"l 'bm,t thc iajvc hci m eb g i rccnbt

    ' jd th c ~ n w Ujr` ""Imvjnitc, thc

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    Ibgclcs ibm Tenebety"I] ]HC ]IACQBINLC

    ojrbebg list jpcbcm dtnshareght, bb etlcil m 'e9y ebm ccm" D'tjo

    cirly ojrbebg priycr ~ c b r e n j tj th cjd thc beght scrvenc t hc 'l'ihcrwi"s i plbr"c jd te9h" hl%ibo ly"" It thc clnUcb j 'mjmc snrvec[

    isscol)lnm i Ucry lirgc b " b m e c b ~ c ,, le `cly , t"j th c ibbjbbt")nocbt thitNrjw ibm thc ^jrethnrb cvibgcl

    wcrc t"j hi v c nhirgc" Arjthcr Q"@cll )0i m nh i rgc jd th c jpcbebg scrjd sjbg" whech wi s i scisjb jdrcdrcshebg" Idto i scisjb jd ci rb priycr" ^est"

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    Iprell, ~ 5 ; 5 9' l 'hnv oimc te s "dn

    Il 'bly " H es h jp; 8ib [cmrj ^t", Ljs I b ~ c l c s , Ni

    ]HC "Bcw Oibuil]h c usu il prencs eb quibteQctiel prenc 13n pjst piem"

    "9\izircbc [ualeshebg Nj"7>; ^ib [cmrj ^trcctLj s Ibgclcs, Nil"

    [ C B E C ~ t " ]CXI^Hjlebcss ^nhjjl jd ^trjbg Nhirintcr, weth" Njo pc tcbt Dinulty ib m ]hjrjugh ^nhjlirshep" Ebmjrscm ay" th c Gcbcril Iss coaly jd th c [cbtcnjstil Nhurnh jd thc Bizircbc

    LE]CQIQU WJQ@6 [reoiry, Inimcoy, Njllcgc, ] hcj ljgy , BjroilCljnutejb" Nircdu littcb tejb es gevc

    E "E

    tj cinh pupel" ^itesdecm pupels es jurcnjoocbmitejb" "^NHJJL JD ]HCJLJGU6 Cbg lesibm Grcc` njurscs" Aealc wjr` cquilthit mjbc eb ib y tri eb ebg sn hjjl" Cxncllc bt plinc tj prcpirc dj r cet hchjoc jr dj r ce gb wjr` " /2 NJOOC QNEI L ^NHJJL6 [upels gmercn t drjo thes mcpirtocbt tj gjjpiyebg pjsetejbs" Acst octhjms eAjj``ccpebg, ^hjrth i um ibm ]ypc" wretebg" Bj acttcr Ausebcss Njllcg]h c Iume tj r euo/Jbc jd ju r ]hrcc Lirgc Auelmebgs eb t hc ^juth"OS^EN NJB^CQT I]JQU6 Nibbjt ac su rpi sscm ay ib y snhjj l eb th c ^jut h " Njo) pc tcbt, cxpcrecbncm t c in hcrs , Tjenc, [e ibj, Jrgib, Tejleb, Tejli,Z Nc llj, Oibmjleba 0 0 0 6 " 6 6 ~ ~ 6 " ~ 6 6 0 6 6 ~ "" 0 e ~ 0 6 ~ ~ 0 6 0 ~ 6 6 6 ~ ~ 6 ~ $ " [rcs

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    rj 'Bizircbc Ocsscbgcr" 99*;]l'J/ ' ' EJLEBCte^ SB9'; '9'*EC L; ^IB [CMQJ ^]QCC]LJ^ IBGCLC^" NIL6

    G j s p ~ l 8 Z t i o p sBcw, Sb equc, Ittrintevc0 i p enturc ib m tjxt jnvnrystiop" ^uetialc dj r plinebg jb )jttcrs, pipc rs , ajj`s, ctn" Nhcipcr 99bm ojrc cddjntlvc thitrints" 91; Htiops Eb ajj` (4; virecte ni % " lJn pajj`0 > dj r 13n" Igcbts Wi btcm"BIVIQCBC [SA" NJ", 7>; ^ib [cmrj ^t", Ljs I b ~ t c t c s , N ~

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909


    Ipred 9, 95;5_Jur Ujeebg [cjplc


    Ojhivc Nhelmrcb^tjrecs drjo ledc ayOQ^ " IBBI LEBACQGOessejbiry tj Ojhivc Ebm

    I acjutedul ajj`, ellustritcm weth debtjbc cbgrivebgs, ajubm eb Jbyx Arestjl"F[t bs tb`c teoc tj' hc plcbsibt" F'h ns999bll cjbrtcsens, whech w c jdtcb joetlrcniusc th[y brn Irbill , well sjoc mbyljjl< lbrgcr tj us t"hbb thc wcilth whenhwc cjvct jr th c di o c djr "whenh wc

    ]hes ajj` es ebstruntevc is wcll is cbtebg "ibm gevcs ib ebtcrcstebg innjubt j ledc iojbg thcsc lettlc `bjwb pcjplc"

    strugglcm" ^ eb nc w c il l oust tb`c te999c tj "lec ,why shjulm wc bjt tb`c teoc tj le vbtj le vc eb thc lbrgc scbQn jd b ledc Fwgubhctn djr ctcrbe ty 7L ct bs tb`c" t eoc t5 gct unqbuebtcmweth Nhrest" ]hc Fejbr es nj oebg swedt/Zly djr us il l whcb jb c tjunh jd HeQhbbm eb thc mir`bcss well ocbb rbjrnthbb il l t hb t es wret tcb eb thc miyajj` q!ibm lcmgcr , jr eb thc rcnjrms jd J ~ l r lett lc "sjmbl wjr_m6""","""[ettj0abrg Imvjd'btn"

    I[[LC^ JD GJLM es fus t th c ajj`djr ib Ebsp e r ebg Gedt" E t wel l alcssth c sjul ibm ebspe rc die th" ^cbm dj rjbc" >;n" pjs tpi em 0 9; djr -1"

    ! ! ,FE ""tl" )Z\"by jbc bccmebg i m ~ { \ c j b c s s ajbbct jr ajbbct drioc nib jatieb thco drjo

    Ors " B " N" Qimdjrm, 7>3 Nrjn`cr strcct,Ljs Ibgclcs, Nil"

    Ib imoerialc gedt dj r ^ubmiy ^nhjjlcr s tj prcscbt tj thcer" nlisscs"BIVIQCBC [S93 ncb t s 7>; ^ib [cmrj ^ttwj djr 13 n Ljs Ibgclcs, Nil

    ]hc ]eoc tj ^treJr, J'dr Bitejb' Nu,""c"

    AU QCT" IL[EB O" AjwC^I stjry jd sextccb nhipe"crs, tjlmib ebtcrcstebg ibm griphen wiy"th c Nursc jd th c Lequjr ]ridden, iet s iwdul cddcnts jb thc dioely" Eteocly ibm shjulm ac rcim ay cvljvcr jd nlcibbcss ibm purety"93; [IGC^, AJSBM EB NLJ][QENC, 4; N C ~ "

    Bizircbc [ualellhebg Njopib7>; ^IB [CMQJ ^]QCC]Lj" " I ~ l i

  • 7/28/2019 Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909



    ?Q?c?i?m?e?b?g?"????666666_HI^]CB ]HC QCTETIL"

    nhubh es sup(%(2scm h2 )'eee'E',U th)c b jd sjtels , i9Fm 9c99 ll"'' lHebg h) 'H \'

    "mjwb" Irc w)< Gjm's nhelmbb" ish ell ci e'EH/'^t l e^ \ \')' jbght tj h cZ ')

    by irc aus"'' gctt ebg tlwe9 nc ll i rs ,s ibm stjrchjuscs dell)m dj r webtN'r0irc tjtwct'lwm 99 hjut 'th[et !ebtt2eg" ibtl sj ;09" \Thit ihjut thcibm jddcrebgs ') E l99s tht' "EHellesac[b E ' [ e l 9 0 ' 9 9 9 ') "6\9')' tl w wemjwstht ;9phibs "d"jrgjtl!cb/'9\T t2 ir[ ljugeb g djr i E'Ny evil jd jlm' pjwcr" 9999; wt wibt tj s)')' joibm miught"[E's s