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Copyright © Mercuri International Mercuri International

Mercuri International

Apr 13, 2017



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Copyright © Mercuri International

Mercuri International

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Over the years companies’ needs have not changed

Increase sales

Gain market share

Increase my margin

Increase competence

Increase effectiveness

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Copyright © Mercuri International

But information technology has totally changed the world of sales

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Copyright © Mercuri International


Human Resources__



Systems and tools__

This evolution has an impact on the whole sales function

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Sales ManagersKey Account ManagersStrategic Account ManagersCustomer ServiceHuman ResourcesLearning & Development

It has an impact on all sales roles

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Copyright © Mercuri International

We help you tackle these challenges and achieve powerful sales performance

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Copyright © Mercuri International




Field visits

Monitoring of current situation

Mystery shopping

Competence evaluationing

Evaluate situation


Project planning


Training content

Implementation plan

Key figures

Design solution


Classroom training


Business simulations



New competence



Field visits

On the job training

Expert for hire

Mystery shopping

Follow-up meetings

Change behavior


Follow up monitoring

Project report

Balance sheet meeting

Joint evaluations

Recommendations fornext step

Long term results

21 3 4 5

We customize and deliver single targeted projects or fully integrated processes

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Using proven methodologies and pedagogies

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Working with hundreds of consultants and associates with a strong backgrounds in sales

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Defining desired results together with clients

Number of opportunities generated

Average size of Opportunity

Skill take up

Customer attitude

Knowledge transfer

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Measuring the return on investment

Expanded Relationships

Activity changes

Results improvement

Pipeline improvements

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Copyright © Mercuri International

We operate in over 40 countries in more than 50 languages, making us the largest sales consultancy in the world

North America Europe Asia

South America Africa Australia

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Copyright © Mercuri International

We have been in business for more than 50 years

Start ‘58 TodayCurt AbrahamssonHeinz Goldmann

in over 40 countries

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Working with reputable partners

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Copyright © Mercuri International

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Copyright © Mercuri International

15,000 companies18,000 workshops

240,000 participants...per year

We are proud to work with...

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Copyright © Mercuri International

Taking Sales to a Higher Level

Mercuri International GroupMercuri International is the world’s largest sales performance

consultancy. We have more than 50 years’ experience in helping companies implement strategies and achieve powerful sales results.

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