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Marketing Your Law Firm During COVID-19: What You Need to Know

Jan 07, 2021



Sandeep Mathias

With COVID-19 running rampant throughout America and across the world, it’s an interesting time to be in online marketing. Life has changed a lot over the past few months. For many businesses, this has been the Corona-pocalypse. Millions have lost their jobs. Millions more are at risk of losing their jobs, have had hours cut back or seen their portfolios decimated. People are stuck at home watching the economy tumble and wondering what all of this will mean for them and their families. But what about the legal industry? How has COVID-19 affected law firms? Let’s take a look.

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Unlike many other industries, law firms have been relatively unaffected by the novel Coronavirus. This is great news, because it means that you’re well-positioned to jumpin, take advantage of a dipin competition and land more cases. Since COVID-19 is a pressure cooker for relationships, businesses and the world at large, it’s likely that interest in legal services will only grow in the coming months. You can kick back and relax right now, but if you really want to grow, now is an ideal time to double down and take things t o the next level. As mentioned above, if you’d like some help with that, just let us know here or in the comments. We’ve helped dozens of law firms get great results from their online marketing and we’d love to make your firm our next success story.