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Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2


    S L Hazen, R J Stuppy and R W Grossglycerophospholipids.absolute f1-2 regiospecificity for diradylcalcium-independent phospholipase withmyocardial cytosolic phospholipase A2. APurification and characterization of canine:

    1990, 265:10622-10630.J. Biol. Chem. the most updated version of this article at

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  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2




    8 1990 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

    Vol . 26 5, No. 18, Issue of June 25 , pp. 1062% 10630,199O

    Printed in U.S. A.

    Purification and Characterization of Canine Myocardial Cytosolic

    Phospholipase A2





    (Received for publicat ion, January 22, 1990)

    Stanley L. Hazen, Robert J. Stuppy, and Richard W. Gross+

    From the Division


    Molecular and Cellular Cardiovascular Biochemistry, Washington University School



    St. Louis, Missouri 63110

    Recen tly, we ident if ied a novel calcium-independent,

    plasmalogen-select ive phospholipase AZ act iv ity in ea-

    nine myocardial cytosol which represents the major

    measurable phospholipase AZ act iv ity in myocardial

    homogenates (Wolf , R. A., and Gross, R. W. (1985) J.

    Biol. Chem. 260, 7295-7303). We now report the

    154,000-fold purification of this phospho lipase Az to

    homo geneity through utilization of sequen tial an ion

    exchange, chrom atofocusing, af f inity, M ono Q, and

    hydroxylapat ite chromatographies. The purified en-

    zyme had a molecular mas s of 40 kDa, possessed a

    specif ic act iv ity of 227 rmol/mg min, had a pH opt i-

    mum of 6.4, and catalyzed the regiospecif ic cleavage

    of the ~2-2 fat ty acid from diradyl glycerophospholi-

    pids. The purified polypept ide was remarkable for i ts

    abil i ty to select ively hydrolyze plasmenylcholine in

    homogeneous vesicles (subclass rank order: plasmen-

    ylcholine > alkyl-ether choline glycerophosp holipid >

    phosphat idylcholine) as well as in mixed bi layers com-

    prised of equimolar plasmenylcholine/phosphat idyl-

    choline. Purif ied myocardial phospholipase AZ also

    possessed select iv ity for hydrolysis of phospholipids

    containing arachidonic acid at the sn-2 position in

    comparison to oleic or palmit ic acid. Taken together,

    these results const itute the f irst purif icat ion of a cal-

    cium-independent phospholipase with absolute regio-

    specif ic ity for cleavage of the sn-2 acyl linkage in

    diradyl glycerophospholipids and demonstrate that

    myocardial phospholipase AZ has kinet ic characteris-

    t ics which are ant ic ipated to result in the select ive

    hydrolysis of sarcolemmal phospholipids during myo-

    cardial ischemia.

    Myocardial ischemia is associated with numerous biochem-

    ical alterations which collect ively inf luence, and synergist i-

    cal ly contribute to, the accumulat ion of amphiphil ic metabo-

    l i tes in ischemic zones (e.g. Refs. l-5). Concom itant with the

    onset of myocardial ischemia, phospholipase A, act iv ity is

    augmented result ing in the release of unsaturated fat ty acids

    and the accumulat ion of lysophospholipids (e.g. Refs. 6-8).

    * This research was supported by National Institutes of Health

    Grant HL34839 and Monsanto Company. The costs of publication of

    this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges.

    This article must therefore be hereby marked aduertisement in

    accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

    t Recipient of an Established Investigator Award from the Amer-

    ican He&t Association. To whom co&espondence should be ad-

    dressed: Division of Molecular and Cellular Cardiovascular Biochem-

    istry, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid, Box

    8020, St. Louis, MO 63110.

    Lysophospholipids are potent membrane perturbing metabo-

    l i tes which alter the dynamics of myocardial sarcolemmal

    membrane s (9) and precipitate electrophysiologic alterations

    in vit ro which are indistinguishable from those present during

    myocardial ischemia in uiuo (10, 11). Accordingly, we and

    others have suggested that act ivat ion of phospholipase A2 and

    the resultant accumulat ion of lysophospholipids is int imately

    related to the development of electrophysiologic dysfunct ion

    in ischemic myocardium .

    Myocardial sarcolemma is predominant ly comprised of

    plasmalogen molecular species (12, 13), and the sarcolemmal

    membrane is the primary target of accelerated phospholipid

    catabolism in myoc ytes subjected to simulated ischemia (14).

    In previous studies we demonstrated that the major measur-

    able phospholipase AP act iv ity in canine myo cardium is cal-

    cium-independent and has direct physical access to the sar-

    colemmal membrane (15). Since accelerated sarcolemmal

    phospholipid catabolism has been implicated as the biochem-

    ical mechan ism underlying electrophysiologic dysfunct ion and

    myo cyt ic cell death during m yocardial ischemia, the purifi-

    cat ion and characterization of this calcium-independent phos-

    pholipase AZ is of obvious importance. We now report the

    154,000-fold purif icat ion of canine myocardial cytosolic phos-

    pholipase AZ to homogeneity and demonstrate that the puri-

    f ied enzyme has kinet ic propert ies which make it the l ikely

    enzymic mediator of accelerated sarcolemmal phospholipid

    catabolism during myocardial ischemia.




    Canine Myocardial Cytosolic Phospholipse AZ-

    Mongrel dogs (25-35 kg) fed ad libitum were anesthetized with

    intravenous sodium pen tothal (40 mg/kg). Following a left thoracot-

    omy, the heart was removed and immediate ly placed i n homogeniza-

    tion buffer (0.25 M sucrose, 10 mM imidazole, 10 mM KCL, 5 mM

    K[PO,], pH 7.8) at 0 C. Ventricular tissue was rapidly trimmed of

    fat , weighed, and placed in fresh ice-cold homogenizat ion buffer (25%

    w/v). Myocardium was finely minced (0.2 x 0.4~cm pieces) and

    homogenize d utilizing a loose-fitting Potter Elvehjem homogenize r (3

    strokes at 2,000 rpm) o n ice. All further purification steps were

    performed at 4 C. Nuclei, cellular debris, and mitochondria were

    removed by centrifugation at 10,000 X g,., for 20 min, and the

    supernatant was subsequently centrifuged at 85,000 X g,.. for 60 min

    to separate the cytosolic and microsomal fractions.

    The supernatant (cytosol) was initially filtered through glass wool,

    dialyzed twice (8 h/dialysis) against 10 liters of buffer 1 (15 mM

    imidazole , 5 mM K[PO,], 10% glycerol, pH 7.8), and loaded onto a

    previously equilibrate d DEAE-S ephacel column (5 X 7 cm, 3 ml/

    min). The column was subsequently washed with buffer 1 containing




  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2


    Myocardial Cytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2 10623


    m M

    DTT, and phospholipase A, activity was eluted by application

    of a 100


    NaCl stepwise gradient in elution buffet -(IO


    imidazole. 10


    KCI. 10% alvcecol. 1




    8.0). Active

    fractions were identified , pooled, dialyzed against 26 liters of buffer

    2 overnight (10


    imidazole, 10


    KCl, 25% glycerol, 1



    pH 8.0) and loaded onto a previously equilibrate d PBE-94 chcoma-

    tofocusing column (1.6


    30 cm, 1.8 ml/min). A shallow pH gradient

    was subsequently generated utilizing 10% PB96. 5% PB74 . 25%

    glycerol, 1


    DTT, pH 7.1. Active &actions from the chcomatofo-

    cusing column were identifie d and immediatel y applied to a 1



    N6-[(6-aminohexyl)cacbamoylmethyl]ATP-agacose column pcevi-

    ously equilibrate d with buffer 3 (10


    imidazole, 25% glycerol, 1


    DTT, pH 8.3) (Sigma Lo t No. 124F-78951 or Phacmacia LKB

    Biotechnology Inc. Lot No. AG5461101 gave the best yields) at 2 ml/

    min. The affinity column was extensively washed in buffer 3, buffer

    3 containing 10


    adenosine, and buffer 3 containing 10



    prior to further washing with buffer 3 alone (to remove uv absorbing

    AMP). P hospholipase A, activity was quantitatively eluted by appli-

    cation of buffer 3 containing 1


    ATP. The active fractions from

    ATP affinity chromatography were directly loaded onto an HR5/5

    Mono Q column previously equilibrate d with buffer 4 (20 mM imid-

    azole, 25% glycerol, 1

    m M

    DTT. uH 8.3). and mvocacdial ohosoholi-

    pase A2 was subsequently eluted utilizing a nonlinear saIt gradient


    m M

    NaCl). Active fractions were identifie d and immediate ly

    applied to a Koken hydcoxylapatite HPLC column (4 mm


    10 cm)

    previously equilibrate d with buffer 5 (10


    K[POJ, 25% glycerol, 1


    DTT, pH 7.4). Homogeneous myocacdial cytosolic phospholipase

    A, was subsequently eluted utilizing a nonlinear K[PO,] gradient (O-

    450 mM).

    Preparation of Synthetic Phospholipids-Homoge neous l-O-(Z)-

    hexadec-1.enyl-GPC was obtained by alkaline methanolysis of bo-

    vine heact choline glycecophospholipids, was purified by silicic acid

    column chromatography, and was resolved into individua l molecular

    species by isocratic reverse-phase HPLC as previously describe d (16).

    Synthesis of sn-2-radiolabeled plasmenylcholine was performed by

    dicyclohexylcacbodiimide-mediated synthesis of radiolabe led fatty

    acid anhydride followed by its condensation to the sn-2 hydcoxyl of

    l-0-(Z)-hexadec-l-enyl-GPC utilizing N, N-dimethyl-4-aminopyci-

    dine as catalyst (17). Each radiolabe led choline glycecophospholipid

    molecular species was initially purified by preparative thin layer

    chromatography (15) and subsequently purified by Pactisil SCX-

    HPLC chromatography (18). Synthesis and purification of m-2-

    radiolabe led phosphatidylch oline and alkyl-ether c holine glyceco-

    phospho lipid molecular species were performed similarly util izing the

    appropriate radiolabe led fatty acid and lysophosphoglycecide as stact-

    ing materials. Specific molecular species of unlabe led phosphatidyl-

    choline, plasmenylcholine, or alkyl-ether choline glycecophospholi-

    pids were synthesized and purified similarly. To facilitate direct

    kinetic comparisons between diacyl, vinyl-ether, and alkyl-ether sub-

    classes, radiolabe led molecular species of identical specific activities

    were synthesized by utilizing common preparations of freshly synt.he-

    sized radiolab eled fatty acyl anhydride and the appropriate lysophos-

    pholipid subclass.

    The structure and purity of each radiolabe led synthetic product

    was confirmed by thin layer chromatography in two solvent systems

    (19), straight-phase HPLC (18), and comigcation with authentic

    standards on reverse-phase HPLC (13). Gas chcomatogcaphic analy-

    sis of each unlabe led plasmenylcholine species synthesized demon-

    strated that the sn-1 vinyl-ether group and the sn-2 acyl group were

    present in stoichiometcic amounts (+2%). The cegiospecificity of the

    synthesized sn-2-labeled ch oline glycecophospholipids was quantified

    utilizing Nuja naja phospholipase A2 (12) which demonstrated that

    at least 98 and 95% of radioactivity in plasmenylcholine and phos-

    phatidylcholine, respectively, was released as 3H-fatty acid during

    hydrolysis. The cegiospecificity of purchased sn-1-radiolabeled DPPE

    was similarly confirmed since 97% of the radioactivity comigcated

    i The abbreviations used ace: DTT, d ithiothceitol; DPPC, l-pal-

    mitoyl-2-palmitoyl-an-glyceco-3-phosphocholine; DPPE , l-palmi-

    toyl-2-palmitoyl-sn-glyceco-3-phosphoethanolamine; GPC, sn-glyc-

    eco-3-phosphocholine; GPE, sn-glyceco&phosphoethanolamine; LPC,

    lysophosphatidylcholine; LPE, lysophosphatidyietha nolamine; PA,

    phosp hatidi c acid; PAF , l-O-hexadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glyceco-3-phos-

    phocholine; PC, phosphatidylcholine; HPLC, high pressure liquid

    chromatography; FPLC, fast protein liquid chromatography; EGTA,

    [ethylenebis(oxyethylenenitcilo)]tetcaacetic acid; CHAPS, 3-[(3-cho-

    lamidopcopyl)dimethylammonio]-l-pcopanesulfonic acid.

    with lysophospholipid after hydrolysis by NC@ naja phospholipase


    Enzyme Assays-Phospholipase A2 activity in column chcomato-

    graphic fractions was routinely assayed by incubating enzyme (5-50

    ~1) with 2 PM l-0-(Z)-hexadec-l-enyl-2-[9,lO-3H]octadec-9-enoyl-

    GPC (introduced by ethanolic injection (10 ~1)) in assay buffer (final

    conditions: 100

    m M

    Tcis, 4


    EGTA, 5% glycerol, pH 7.0) at 37 C

    for 5 min in a final volume of 200 ~1. Reactions were quenched by

    addition of 100 ~1 of butanol, vortexed, and the organic phase was

    separated by centcifugation. Released radiolabele d fatty acid was

    isolated by application of 25 yl of the butanol phase to channeled

    Silica Gel G plates, development in petroleum ether/ethyl ether/

    acetic acid (70:30:1), and subsequent quantification by scintillation

    spectcometcy. Kinetic assays of phospholipase A2 activity were pec-

    formed similarly except that incubations were performed for 1 min

    which resulted in linear reaction velocities with respect to both time

    and enzyme concentration for each substrate examined.

    Hydrolysis of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-(N-methyl-(3H])GPC and l-[l-i4C]

    palmitoyl-2-palmitoyl-GPE was assessed similarly except reactions

    were quenched with 200 ~1 of butanol and reaction products were

    separated by thin layer chromatography utilizing silica OF plates

    (Analabs) with a solvent system of CHC13/acetone/MeOH/AcOH/

    H,O (6:8:2:2 :1) as previously described (19).

    Lysophospholipase activity was assayed by incubating loo-150 ~1

    of column eluents with 13


    l-[l-4C]palmitoyl lysophosphatidyl-

    choline in assay buffer (final volume = 200 ~1) for 5 min at 37 C.

    Released [l-Clpalmitic acid was quantified as described above. For

    kinetic assays, reactions were performed similarly for 1 min at 37 C.

    LPC acyltcansfecase or lysophospholipase-tcansacylase activities

    were quantified by production of [C]DPPC from lYZ]LPC in the

    presence oc absence of palmitoyl-Cohas described (20). Palmitoyl-

    CoA hydrolysis was assessed bv incubating 13




    with column eluant (loo-150 ~1) in assay buffer-in a final reaction

    volume of 200 ~1 for 5 min at 37 C (column fractions) or for 1 min

    at 37 C (kinetic assays) similar to the method previously described


    Acetyl-CoA, sphingomyelin, dicadyl glycecols, tciolein, PAF, cho-

    lestecyloleate, PA, palmitoylcacnitine, and acetylcholine hydrolysis

    by myocacdial phospholipase Al were assessed utilizing previously

    established techniques (22-31).

    Sensitivity of Myocardial Phospholipas e Ai Activity to Chemical

    Modification-The ATP affinity column eluate (5 pa) was incubated

    with either 1


    dithiobisnitcobenzoic acid, 1 rni pacabcomophen-

    acylbcomide, or 10


    phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, dialyzed against

    buffer 3 and subsequently assayed as described above.

    Thermal Denaturation-The purified protein was incubated at

    37 C oc at 60 C in assay buffer for various times prior to addition

    of neat saturating concentrations of substrate (3 X K,). After an

    addition al 1 min incubation, products were extracted with butanol,

    separated by thin layer chromatography and quantified as described


    Zodination, Sod ium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electropho-

    resis, and Autoradiography of Myocardial Phospholipa se A,-Aliquots

    of HPLC-hydcoxylapatite active fractions (100 ~1) were reacted with

    250 &i 251-Bolton-Huntec reagent (specific activity = 4400 Ci/mol)

    overnight at O-4 C (32). Unbound inactivated reagent was removed

    during electcophoresis (unbound reagent precedes dye front) in 10%

    sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyaccylamide gels prepared by the Laem mli

    method (33). Gels were subsequently fixed (three changes) in H,O/

    MeOH/AcOH (5:5:1) with packets of mixed bed resin in gauze to

    reduce the background intensity of autoradiographs of dried gels.

    Protein Determinations-Protein content was determined utilizing

    a Bio-Rad protein assay kit (first four steps) oc the Quanti-Gold

    method (Diversified Biotech) (fourth through sixth steps) using bo-

    vine serum a lbumin as standard.

    Sources of Materials-[Hloleic, [Hlpalmitic, [Hlacachidonic

    acids, cholestecol-14Cloleate. 13Hltciolein. 251-Bolton-Huntec ce-

    agent, [i4C]palmitoyl LPC, [i4C]palmitoyl-CoA, [i4C]-palmitoyl-2-

    palmitoyl-GPE, [1,2-14C]DPPC, and 1-[Y-glycecol]PA were puc-

    chased from Du Pont-New Englan d Nuclear. [H]Dicadyl glycecols

    (sn-2 labeled) were the generous gift of DC. D. A. Ford (Washington

    University). All other radiolab eled reagents were purchased from

    Amecsham Corp. Bovine heart lecithin, DPPC, and palmitoyl LPC

    were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids. PA and lyso-PA wece

    purchased from Secdacy Lipids, while oleic, palmitic, and acachidonic

    acids were obtained from Nu Chek Prep. Inc. Naja naja. pancreatic

    and bee venom phospholipases A,, nucleotides, glycerol, common

    buffer reagents, and the following agacose matrices were obtained


  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2



    Myocardial Cytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2

    from Sigma : n-ribose-5-phosphate, AMP (N-linkage), ADP (N6-


    ATP (N, C-8, and ribose hydroxyl-linkages), GTP (ribose

    hydroxyl-linkage), and UTP (ribose hydroxyl-linkage). AG-CoA type

    5, AG-ATP types 2-4, Blue Sepharose CL-GB, DEAE-Sephacel, PBE-

    94, PB74, PB96, and Mono Q columns were purchased from Phar-

    macia LKB Biotechnology Inc. All HPLC columns were purchased

    f rom P. J. Cobert . De tergents and molecular weight standards were

    purchased from Pierce Chemical Co. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, N,N-

    dimethyl-4-aminopyridine, deoxycholate, and taurocholate were ob-

    tained from Aldrich. All other reagents were obtained from Fisher.


    Characterizat ion of Crude Myocardial Cytosolic Phospholi-


    AP Activity-As

    previously demonstrated (15), the major

    measurable phospholipase AZ act iv ity in canine myocardium

    was present in the cytosolic fract ion and manifest maximal

    enzymic act iv ity in the presence of the calcium chelator

    EGTA. No calcium-independent hydrolysis of plasmenylcho-

    line substrate could be detected in homogenates of whole

    blood or plasma. The release of fatty acid from the sn-2

    position of plasmalogen substrate by the cytosolic enzyme

    was catalyzed by phospholipase AZ since inclusion of an excess

    of lysophospholipid, diacylglycerol, 1-0-alk-l-enyl-2-acyl-sn-

    glycerol or phosphatidic acid did not significantly attenuate

    the rate of fatty acid release from radiolabeled plasmenylcho-

    line substrate. Kinetic analyses of the cytosolic fraction uti-

    lizing several synthetic sn-2-radiolabeled diacyl, alkyl-acyl,

    and vinyl-ether choline glycerophospholipid molecular species

    (Table I) confirm and extend our previous report (15) that

    the major phospholipase AZ activity in myocardium selectively

    hydrolyzes ether-linked choline glycerophospholipids. Fur-

    thermore, the present resu lts indicate that cytoso l contains a

    calcium-independent phospholipase AZ activ ity which prefer-

    entially hydrolyzes choline glycerophospholipids containing

    arachidonic acid at the sn-2 position.

    Purification of Canine Myocardial Cytosolic Calcium-inde-

    pendent Phospholipase AZ-To characterize the polypep-

    tide(s) responsible for the observed calcium-independent

    phospholipase AZ activity, canine myocardial cytosolic phos-

    pholipase A Z was purified to homogeneity by sequential anion

    exchange, chromatofocusing, affinity, FPLC-anion exchange,

    and HPLC-hydroxylapatite chromatographies. First, dialyzed

    cytosol was applied to a DEAE-Sephace l column, and phos-

    pholipase APactiv ity was quantitatively eluted by application

    of a 100


    NaCl stepwise gradient. The active fractions

    were pooled, dialyzed, and loaded onto a previously equili-

    brated chromatofocusing column as described under Exper-

    imental Procedures. Phospholipase AZ act iv ity w as eluted by

    the generation of a shallow pH gradient which resulted in a


    Choline glycerophospholipid subclass specificity of myocardial cytosolic

    phospholipase AP actiuity

    Myocardial cytosol was incubated with l-100 M M radiolabeled

    phospho lipid in the presence of 4


    EGTA and fatty acid was

    extracted with butanol, separated by thin layer chromatography, and

    quantified by scintillation spectrometry as described under Experi-

    mental Procedures. All substrates were examined at a minim um of

    five concentrations each in duplicate from multip le preparations.





    rax K,



    nmol /mg . m in

    P M


    16:0 18:l 0.5 18


    16:0 181 1.5 16

    Phosphatidylch oline 16:0 20:4



    Alkyl-ether choline

    16:0 20:4 1.5 9



    16:0 20:4 4.6 8

    sharp ly focused peak of activ ity with an apparent isoelectric

    point of 7.55 (Fig. 1). This step typically resulted in a 70-100-

    fold purification of myocard ial phospholipase AP activ ity

    (Table II).

    Since initial studies identified the potential association of

    ATP with myocardia l phospholipase A2 (34), further purifi-

    cation was accomplished by exploiting the interaction of

    myocardial phospholipase AZ with an ATP-agarose affinity

    matrix. When active fractions from the chromatofocusing

    column were applied to an ATP-agarose affinity column,

    phospholipase A, activity was quantitatively and selectively

    adsorbed (over 99% of other proteins present in the load

    eluted in the vo id volume which was devoid of phospholipase

    activity). The spec ificity of the interaction between myocar-

    dial phospholipase A, and the ATP matrix was further ex-

    ploited through utilization of sequential washes of the affinity

    matrix with 10 mM adenosine and 10 mM AMP (which re-

    moved the majority of bound protein but did not elute sub-

    stantive phospholipase A2 activity). Enzymic activity was

    quantitatively eluted from the ATP-agarose matrix with 1


    ATP (Fig. 2). Use of this nucleotide affinity matrix

    resulted in a 150-fold purification of myocardial phospholi-

    pase AZ n quantitative yield accompanied by a 50-fold reduc-

    tion in volume. Thus, this 3-day procedure resu lts in a 52,000-

    fold purification of myocardial phospholipase A Y activity in

    86% yield which is moderately stable when stored at O-4 C

    (ts = 5-7 d).

    FIG. 1. Chromatofocusing of myocardial cytosolic phospho-

    lipase AZ. The eluate from the DEAE-Se phacel column was dialyzed,

    applie d to a chromatofocusing column, and phospholipase A, activity

    was focused by development of a shallow pH gradient as described

    under Experimental Procedures. Aliquots of column eluates were

    assayed by quantifying radiolabe led fatty acid release from l-O-(Z)-

    hexadec-l-enyl-2-[9,10-3H]octadec-9-enoyl-GPC (0) as described

    under Experimental Procedures. -,

    ultraviolet absorbance at 280

    nm; W, pH.


    Myocardial cytosolic phospholipase AZ purification table

    Myocardial cytosol and eluates from DEAE-Sep hacel, chromato-

    focusing, ATP-agarose, Mono Q, and HPLC-hydroxylapatite (HA)

    columns were incubated with 75 pM l-O-(2)hexadec-l-enoyl-2-

    [9,10-3H]octadec-9-enoyl-GPC in the presence of 4 mM EGTA.

    Fatty acid was extracted with butanol, separated by thin layer chro-

    matography, and quantifie d by scintillation spectrometry as described

    under Experimental Procedures.


    Total Speci f ic Puri f i -


    activity cation

    Yie ld


    nmol/min nmolfmg . min fold %

    cytoso1 2,430 3,570 1.5

    1 100

    DEAE-Sephacel 540 3,430 6.3 4.3 96

    Chromatofocusing 6.0 3,110 515 350 87


    0.04 3,070 76,500 52,040 86

    Mono Q

    0.006 1,540 256,700 174,600 43

    HPLC-HA 0.003 680 226,700 154.200



  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2


    Myocardial C ytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase AZ












    0 10 20 30 40

    VOLUME (m l )

    FIG. 2. ATP affinity chromatography of myocardial phos-

    pholipase As. Active fract ions from chromatofocusing were imme-

    diately applied to a previously equilibrated ATP-agarose column .

    After loading,

    the column was washed w ith equilibr ation buffer con-

    taining 10


    adenosine, buffer containing 10

    m M

    AMP, and buffer

    alone for the indicated volumes. Phospho lipase activity was eluted

    with buffer containing 1

    m M

    ATP as described under Experime ntal

    Procedures. Aliquots of column elua tes were incubated with l-O-

    (Z)-hexadec-l-enyl-2-[9,10-H ]octadec-9-enoyl-G PC and released

    radiolabeled fatty a cid (0) was quantified as described under Exper-

    imental Procedures.









    FIG. 3. FPLC-anion exchange chromatography of myocar-

    dial phospholipase AZ. The active fractions from ATP aff inity

    chromatography were loaded onto a previously equilibra ted HR5/5

    Mono Q column , and phospholipase A: was eluted utilizing a nonlin-

    ear NaC l gradient as described under Experimental Procedures.

    Phosph olipase Ar activity was assayed utilizing 1-0-(Z)-hexadec-l-

    enyl-2-[9,10-Hloctadec-9-en oyl-GPC as substra te and fatty acid

    release (A) wa s quantified as described under Experimental Proce-

    dures. Lysophospholipase and palmitoyl-Co A hydrolase activities

    were assaye d by quantifying fatty acid release from l-[l-Clpalmitoyl

    lysophosphatidylcho line (O), or [l- Clpalmitoyl-CoA (II), respec-

    tively, as described under Experimental Procedures. Approxim ately

    five times the substrate concentration and 20 times the amoun t of

    enzyme were used for assays of lysophospholipase and palmitoyl-Co A

    hydrolase activities in comparison with phospholipa se Al assays as

    described under Experimental Procedures. -, ultraviolet absorb-

    ance at 280 nm; - - -, NaCl gradient.

    Phospholipase AZ was further purified by application of the

    ATP-agarose eluate onto an FPLC -Mono & anion exchange

    column which was subseque ntly eluted utilizing a shallow

    discontinuous NaCl gradient (Fig. 3). Mono Q active fract ions

    were directly loaded onto an HPLC-hydroxylapatite column,

    and phospholipase Ar activi ty was eluted with a nonlinear

    K[PO ,] gradient a s described under Experimental Proce-

    dures (Fig. 4). Since the purified enzym e w as extrem ely labile

    (t , , g 30 min at 4 C), ass ays of enzymic activity following

    hydroxylap atite chromatogra phy were performed directly

    after elution of each fraction. Collec tively, this series of col-

    umn chromatogra phic steps resulted in a 154,000-fold purifi-

    cation of canine myoc ardial cytos olic phospholipase AP to a

    specif ic act ivity of 227 pmol/mg min with an overall yield of

    19% (Table II).

    Purity of Myocard ial Phospholipase AZ after Column Chio-

    matography-To assess the purity of myocardial phospholi-

    pase A2 after sequential column chromatogra phies, the active

    fractions from the hydroxylap atite column were iodinated

    with Bolton-Hunter reagent, separated on sodium dodecyl

    sulfate-polyacrylam ide gel electrophoresis , and protein was

    visualized by autoradiography. Only a single intense band at

    40 kDa wa s observed in the most active fract ion (Fig. 5).


    5 20 25


    FIG. 4. HPLC-hydroxylapatite chromatography of myocar-

    dial phospholipa se An. The active fractions from Mono Q chro-

    matography were immedia tely loade d onto a previously equilibr ated

    HPLC hydroxylapatite column, and phospholipa se A, activity was

    eluted with a nonline ar K[PO,J gradient as described under Exper-

    imenta l Procedures. Lysophospholipase (0) and palmitoyl-Co A hy-

    drolase (0) activities were assayed as described under Experim ental

    Procedures with over five times the substrate concentration and 20

    times the amount of enzyme in comparison to phospholipa se A, assays




    - 1BkD

    - 14kD

    10 11 I2 13 I4 15


    FIG. 5. Sodi um dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electro-

    phoresis of myocardial cytosolic phospholipa se A*. Aliquots of

    the active fractions from HPLC-hydroxylapatite chromatography

    were iodinated, boiled for 3 min in the presence of 100 mM 2-

    mercaptoethanol and 10% SDS, loaded onto a 10% polyacrylamide

    slab gel, electrophoresed, fixed, dried, and subsequently visualized by

    autoradiography as described under Experimental Procedures.

    Fraction numbers on the n axis correspond to fractions from the

    hydroxylapatite column shown in Fig. 4.



  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2



    Myocard ial Cytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2

    Furthermore, the relative in tensity of the 40-kDa band pre-

    cise ly paralleled the elution profile of phospholipase A2 activ-

    ity during hydroxylapatite chromatography (compare Figs. 4

    and 5). In multiple preparations, the 40-kDa polypeptide was

    I / /

    the only protein whose intensity paralleled enzymic activity


    (n > 10) and was the only band visualized after autoradiog-


    raphy of the most active hydroxylapatite fraction in three ,s,l II

    other independent preparations. Attempts to recover any



    phospholipase Al activ ity from multiple a&amide-based gel

    electrophoresis systems utilizing either pulverized, extracted,

    or electroeluted gel slices have failed. In fact, incubation of

    enzyme with even minute amounts of polymerized acrylamide

    results in complete and unrecoverable loss of all enzymic


    Characterizat ion


    Myocardial Phaspholipase AP Binding to

    Nucleot ide Aff inity Matrices-The specificity of the interac-

    tion responsible for the adsorption of calcium-independent

    phospholipase A: to immobilized nucleotide affinity matrices

    was examined to gain insight into the chemica l interactions

    contributing to the association of ATP with this phospholi-

    pase. Of the three ATP resins tested (see Experimental

    Procedures), coupling via the M-amino group provided the

    highest yield. Attachment through the C-8 or the ribose

    hydroxyl groups resulted in recovery of 60-80% of loaded

    enzymic activity in the ATP wash with the majority of re-

    maining activity present in the void volume. Other matrices

    such as GTP-agarose, UTP-agarose, ADP-agarose, CoA-aga-

    rose as well as AMP-agarose all bound myocardial phospho-

    lipase to varying extents in the specified rank order (strong-

    est-weakest, 60-10% binding). In contrast, D-ribose-5-phos-

    phate-agarose did not bind canine myocardial phospholipase

    A2 activity. Although Blue Sepharose (CL-6B) quantitatively

    adsorbed enzymic activity (no activity was present in the void

    volume), recovery of phospholipase activ ity after elution with

    buffer containing ATP, ATP and 1 M NaCl or ATP, and 1 M

    K[POJ was poor (C5%). With the exception of Blue Sepha-

    rose (which nonspecifically adsorbed approximately 50% of

    the loaded proteins), greater than 99% of loaded proteins did

    not bind to these affinity matrices under the conditions em-

    ployed. Furthermore, although classic calcium-dependent, low

    molecular weight phospholipases AZ are known to bind to the

    nucleotide analog dye Cibacron Blue FBGA (35), none of the

    phospholipases A, examined (i.e. Naja naja, pancreatic, bee

    venom, platelet cytosolic) adsorbed to the ATP resins used.

    FIG. 6. Concordant production of lysophospholipids and

    fatty acids by purified myocardial cytosolic phospholipase AZ.

    Three experiments are depicted. Purif ied myocardial cytosolic phos-

    pholipase Az was incubated with the indicated concentrat ions of W-

    sn-l- labeled DPPE and the amount of [ C]DPPE hydrolyzed (O), l-

    [ l- *C]palmitoyl-LPE produced (m), and [ l :W]palmit ic acid released

    (A) were determined as described under Exnerimental Procedures.

    &parallel experiments, choline-N-methyl-] H]DPPC was incubated

    with purif ied-enzyme and the amount of [%]DPP C hydrolyzed (O),

    13H]LPC produced (0) and 13H]GPC produced (0) was determined.

    Finally, purified enzyme was incubated with l-palmitoyl-2-]9,10-3H]

    palmitoyl-GPC and the amount of radiolabeled fat ty acid (A) quan:

    titated asdescribedunder Exuerimental Procedures.Data reoresent

    the mean of duplicate determkat ions.

    Kinet ic Analyses


    Purified Myoca rdial Phosp holipase AZ--

    The homogeneous polypeptide exhibited maximal enzymic

    activity in the presence of EGTA and possesseda pH optimum

    of 6.4 for each phospholipid substrate examined. Incubation

    of the purified enzyme with sn-2-rad iolabeled phospholipid

    (e.g. plasmenylcholine, phosphatidylcholine, or phosphatidyl-

    ethanolamine molecular species) resulted in the release of

    radiolabeled fatty acid with no observable radioactivity in

    lysophospholipid, dirady lglycerol, or phosphatidic acid. The

    possibility that the release of sn-2 fatty acid from diradyl

    glycerophospholipids occurred by sequential phospholipase A1

    and lysophospholipase activit ies was eliminated by multiple

    independent techniques. First, myocard ial phospholipase AP

    was incubated w ith l-30


    [3H-Me]choline-labeled DPPC,

    and the reaction products were isolated and quant ified as

    described under Experimental Procedures. For each concen-

    tration of substrate examined, the loss of PC and the accu-

    mulation of LPC were stoichiometric (Fig. 6) with no detect-

    able radiolabel in GPC. Second, when sn-2-3H-labeled DPPC

    was utilized as substrate under identical assay conditions, the

    resultant increase in 3H-fatty acid equalled (*3%,

    n = 2)


    increase in t3H-Me]LPC at each concentration examined (Fig.

    6). Third, incubation of l-[ l-4C]palmitoyl-2-palmitoyl-GPE

    with purified enzyme resulted in the production of l-[l-i4C]

    palmitoyl-LPE without measurable amounts of radiolabeled

    palmitic acid, and the mass of phosphatidylethanolamine

    hydrolyzed was quantitatively accounted for by the mass of

    l-acyl LPE produced (Fig. 6). Furthermore, no [1-14C]palmi-

    tate was released from l-[l-4C]palmitoyl-2-palmitoyl-GPE in

    the presence of several detergents (i.e. Triton X-100, n-octyl

    glucoside, Lubrol-PX, or Tween-20). Finally, loo-fold molar

    excessesof LPC, diacylglycerol, and PA did not substantially

    diminish release of 3H-fatty acid from l-O-(Z)-hexadec-l-

    enyl-2-[9,10-3H]octadec-9-enoyl-GPC. Thus, myocardial cy-

    tosolic phospholipase Az is specific for hydrolysis of the sn-2

    ester linkage in choline and ethanolamine dirady l glycero-

    phospholipids and is devoid of measurable phospholipase Al,

    C, or D activities. Attempts to demonstrate significant re-

    vers ibility of the reaction by incubation of purified enzyme

    with lysophospholipid and radiolabeled fatty acid (in the

    absence or presence of CoA) were unsuccessful.

    Characterization of the phospholipid substrate specific ity

    of purified myocard ial cytosolic phospholipase A: was per-

    formed by kinetic analyses of the ATP eluent (52,000-fold

    purified, spec ific activi ty = 76 pmol/mg min) since the marked

    labil ity of Mono Q or hydroxylapatite eluents precluded their

    use. Examination of the choline glycerophospholipid subclass

    spec ificity of the 52,000-fold purified enzyme revealed that

    hydrolysis of plasmenylcholine substrate was more rapid than

    hydrolysis of alkyl-ether choline glycerophospholipid or phos-

    phatidylcholine (Fig. 7, Table III). Comparisons of phospho-

    lipase ASactivity utilizing phosphatidylcholine molecular spe-

    cies containing palmitate at the sn-1 position and either

    palmitic, oleic, or arachidonic acid at the sn-2 position as

    substrates demonstrated a rank order preference for cleavage

    of arachidonate > oleate > palmitate (Fig. 7, Table III).

    Furthermore, substantial enzymic activ ity required the pres-

    ence of a long chain acyl group at the sn-2 position since PAF


  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2


    Myocardial Cytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2


    FIG. 7. Lineweaver-Burk plot of purified phospholipase A, activity. Purified phospholipase Al was

    incubated with the indicated concentrations of radiolabe led glycerophospholipids in the presence of 4

    m M


    for 1 min at 37 C, and reaction products were extracted with butano l, separated by thin layer chromatography

    and quantifie d by scintillation spectrometry as described under Experimental Procedures. Right panel, DPPC

    (0); 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-GPC (A); DPPE (V); l-O-(Z)-hexadec-1-enyl-2-octadec-9-enoyl-GPC (0). Left panel,

    1-palmito yl-2-ara chidon yl-GPC (A); 1-O-hexadec yl-2-arachidony l-GPC (W); I-0-(Z)-hexadec-1-enyl-2-arac hi-

    donyl-GPC (0). Data points represent the mean of duplicate determinations.


    Purified myocardial phospholipase A, substrate specificity

    Phospholipas e A, was incubated with l-100

    f iM

    radiolabeled phos-

    pholip id in the presence of 4


    EGTA, and initia l reaction velocities

    were quantifie d by fatty acid extraction, thin layer chromatography,

    and scintillation spectrometry. All assays were performed at a mini-

    mum of five concentrations for each substrate (each in duplicate) as

    described under Experimental Procedures.





    mex Km



    ~mol/mg~ min


    Phosphatidylch oline 16:0 16:0 23


    Phosphatidylcholine 16:0 l&l

    38 2

    Plasmenylcholine 16:0 l&l

    77 3


    16:0 20:4 73 13

    Alkyl-ether choline glycero- 16:0 20:4 109 16


    Plasmenylcholine 1610 20~4 157 16

    Platelet-activating factor

    Palmitoyl lysophosphatidyl-




    ND, not detected.





    was hydrolyzed three orders of magnitude more slowly than


    Since previous work has demonstrated that plasmenylcho-

    l ine and phosphat idylcholine bi layers possess dist inct molec-

    ular dynamics (36), addit ional experiments were performed

    to examine the substrate specif ic ity of myocardial phospho-

    l ipase A2 in system s which minimize dif ferences in the phys-

    ical properties of aggregated subs trate. In initial expe rimen ts,

    we prepared mixed micelles o f phospholipids with selected

    detergents (e.g. Triton X-100, Tween-20, n-octyl glucoside,

    Nonidet P-40, CHAP S, Lubrol-PX, Bri j-35, deoxycholate,

    and taurocholate) to compare hydrolyt ic rates for each choline

    glycerophospholipid subclass in ident ical microenvironmen ts.

    Unfortunately, myocardial phospholipase A2 act iv ity was

    completely abolished by each of these detergents. To circum-

    vent this dif f iculty, addit ional experiments employing binary

    mixtures of plasmenylcholine and phosphat idylcholine in

    mixed bi layers were performed (Table IV). Incubat ion of

    vesicles comprised of 50 mol% plasmenylcholine and 50 mol%

    phosphat idylcholine with purified enzyme resulted in the


    Myocardial cytosolic phospholipase AS phospho lipid subclass

    selectivity in mixed bilayers

    Vesicles comprised of the indicated compositions were prepared by

    a single injection of the appropriate mixtures of phospholipids pre-

    viously codissolved in ethanol. Myocardial cytosolic phosph olipase AZ

    was incubated with 80


    substrate (total lipid) and released [3H]

    arachidonic acid was quantifie d by thin layer chromatography and

    scintillation spectrometry as described under Experimental Proce-


    Plasmenylcho line = 1-O-hexadec-l-enyl-2-arachidonyl-

    GPC; [3H]plasmenylcholine = l-O-hexadec-1-enyl-2-[5,6,8,9,11,12,-

    14,15-3H]arachidonyl-GPC; phosphatidylcholine = 1-palmitoyl-2-

    arachidonyl-GPC; [3H]phosphatidylcholine = 1-palmitoyl-2-[5,6,



    50 mol% [3H]plasmenylcholine

    [3H]Arachidonic acid release


    +50 mol% phosphatidylcholine

    50 mol% plasmenylcholine

    +50 mol% [3H]phosphatidylcholine



    10 mol% [3H]plasmenylcholine

    +90 mol% phosphatidylcholine

    90 mol% plasmenylcholine

    +lO mol% [3H]phosphatidylcholine



    select ive hydrolysis of plasmenylcholine (Table IV) demon-

    strat ing that the observed subclass select iv ity of myocardial

    phospholipase AZ is independent of alterations in the physical

    properties and interfacial char acteristics of aggregated sub -

    strate. To compare hydrolysis of each phospholipid subclass

    in a microenvironment possessing physical properties and

    interfacial characterist ics of i ts phospholipid subclass coun-

    terpart , binary m ixtures comprised of 10 mol% [3H]plasmen-

    ylcholine in phosphat idylcholine bi layers or 10 mol% [3H]

    phosph atidylcholine in plasme nylcholine bilayers were pre-

    pared. Purified myocardial phospholipase AP eff ic ient ly cata-

    lyzed the hydrolysis of plasmenylcholine when the physical

    characterist ics of the vesicles w ere largely those of phospha-

    t idylcholine. In contrast, phosphat idylcholine was not sub-

    stant ial ly hydrolyzed even when present in vesicles possessing

    the physical propert ies of the preferred substrate in homoge-

    neous system s (i.e. plasmenylcholine) (Fig. 7). Since the pu-

    rified enzyme select ively hydrolyzed plasmenylcholine in 1)

    homogeneous system s, 2) equimolar mixtures of plasmenyl-

    choline/phosphatidylcholine, and 3) vesicles whose physical


  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2



    Myocardial Cytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2

    propert ies resemble those of phosphat idylcholine, these re-

    sults demonstrate that myocardial phospholipase AP selec-

    t ively hydrolyzes arachidonylated plasmenylcholine in phys-

    iologically relevan t matr ices.

    To further invest igate the diversity of the substrate speci-

    f ic ity of purified cytosolic myocardial phospholipase A*, a

    battery of l ipids was examined. When palmitoylcarnit ine,

    sphingo myelin, acetylcho line, acetyl-C oA, triolein, l-palmi-

    toyl-2-arachidonyl-sn-glycerol, 1-0-hexadecyl-2-arachidonyl-

    sn-glycerol, l-0-(Z)-hexadec-1-enyl-2-arachidonyl-sn-glyc-

    erol, or l-palmitoyl-2-palm itoyl-sn-glycero-3-ph ospha te were

    incubated with the purified myocardial phospholipase AZ, no

    hydrolysis of these moiet ies was observed. Similarly, the pu-

    rif ied enzyme did not catalyze the disproport ion of LPC to

    PC and GPC . Remarkab ly, the purified enzyme hydrolyzed l-

    [1-Clpalmitoyl lysophosphat idylcholine and 1-[1-14C]pal-

    mitoyl-CoA (Fig. 8, Table I I I ) albeit at rates two to three

    orders of magnitude less than that manifest for choline or

    ethanolamine glycerophospholipids. Kinet ic analyses dem-

    onstrated that monome ric lysophosphat idylcholine and pal-

    mitoyl-CoA are both poor substrates and that the observed

    discontinu ities in their substra te ac tivity p rofiles (Fig. 8)

    closely correspond to the crit ical micellar concentrat ion of

    each lipid (37, 38) underscoring the importan ce of the lipid-

    aqueous interface as a determinant of enzym ic act iv ity.

    To verify that phospholipase AZ, lysophospholipase, and

    palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase act iv it ies were mediated by a single

    polypept ide with mult iple catalyt ic act iv it ies, addit ional ex-

    periments were performed. First , parallel assays of phospho-

    l ipase AZ, lysophospholipase, and palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase

    act iv it ies from each column fract ion during Mono Q and

    hydroxylapat ite chromatographies demonstrated that each

    act iv ity precisely cochromatographed (Figs. 3 and 4) (see

    Experimental Procedures for detai ls). Second, maximal cat-

    alyt ic act iv ity for al l three substrates was manifest in the

    presence of EGTA and was reduced similarly in the presence

    of 10


    CaC12(52 f 3 %, n = 3). Third, each act iv ity was

    comp letely and irreversibly inhibited by 1 mM dithiobisnitro-

    benzoic acid (n = 3) and each act iv ity was relat ively insensi-

    tive to inhibition by either parabrom ophena cylbromide or

    phen ylmethy lsulfonyl fluoride (11 f 3% and 4 f 3% inhibi-

    t ion, respect ively, n = 3). Fourth, the thermal denaturat ion

    prof i les of phospholipase AZ, lysophospholipase, and palmi-

    toyl-CoA hydrolase act iv it ies were indistinguishable at both

    37 and 60 C.

    To examine the potent ial physiologic relevance of lyso-

    phosphat idylcholine hydrolysis catalyzed by myocardial cy-


    8. Lineweaver-Burk plots of lysophosphat idylcholine


    palmitoyl-CoA hydrolysis by purified myocardial phos-

    pholipase AZ.

    Myocardial cytosolic phospholipase As was incubated

    with the indicated concentrat ions of [ l- 4C]palmitoyl lysophosphat i-

    dylcholine (left panel) or (l-14C]palm itoyl-CoA (right panel), and

    released radiolabeled fatty acid was quantified as described under

    Experimental Procedures. Data points represent the mean of du-

    plicate determinations.

    tosolic phospholipase Aa, addit ional studies were performed.

    When bilayers containing 9 mol% lysophosphat idylcholine (5


    l-[l-4C]palmitoyl-L PC in 50 pM unlabeled l-O-(Z)-hex-

    adec-l-enyl-2-octade c-9-enoyl-GP C) were incubated with

    purified myoca rdial cytos olic phospholipase AZ, no radiola-

    beled fat ty acid was released from LPC even though over 10%

    of plasmenylcholine was hydrolyzed. Similarly, s ince the loss

    of DPPE and DPPC and the accumulat ion of LPE and LPC

    were stoichiometric (Fig. 6), measurable amounts of lysophos-

    pholipid hydrolysis did not occur. Thus, under physiologically

    relevant condit ions, m yocardial cytosolic phospholipase A:

    hydrolyzes endogenous phospholipids to 1-acyl lysophospho-

    l ipids and does not act ef fect ively as a lysophospholipase.


    The results contained herein const itute the f irst purif ica-

    t ion of a calcium-independent phospholipase act iv ity which

    has absolute regiospecif ic ity for cleavage of the sn-2 acyl

    linkage in diradyl glyceroph ospholipids. Although other cal-

    cium-independent phospholipases have previously been de-

    scribed (e.g. Refs. 39-42), detai led kinet ic analyses have dem-

    onstrated that these phospholipases either specif ical ly cata-

    lyze hydrolysis at the sn-1 posit ion or indiscriminately

    hydrolyze acyl groups at both the sn-1 and sn-2 posit ions.

    Since phospholipase A, act iv ity was not present ut i liz ing

    multiple diradyl glycerophosph olipid subs trates in different

    physical states, these results demonstrate the absolute regios-

    pecif ic ity of myocardial cytosolic phospholipase AP and iden-

    t i fy this phospholipase as the f irst regiospecif ic calcium-in-

    dependent phospholipase AP purified to date.

    Myocardial cytosolic calcium-independent phospholipase

    A2 is the major measurable phospholipase act iv ity in myocar-

    dium and is a low abundance, high specif ic act iv ity polypep-

    tide which required a 154,000-fold purification to reach ho-

    mogene ity. This degree of purif icat ion was faci l itated by the

    unique, highly se lect ive, and reversible adsorpt ion of myocar-

    dial cytosolic phospholipase AP to ATP-agarose resin. The

    purity of the preparation was demonstrated by the presence

    of a single 40-kDa protein band visualized by the highly

    sensit ive method of lZ51 autoradiography. Although attempts

    at obtaining phospholipase act iv ity after polyacrylamide gel

    electropho resis have failed (the enzy me is irreversibly inacti-

    vated by acrylamide), the high sensit iv ity and dynamic range

    of the visualizat ion method employed, the high specif ic act iv-

    i ty of the purified polypept ide (230 wmol/mg .min), as well as

    the concordant appearance and disappearance of 40-kDa mass

    with phospholipase act iv ity, col lect ively demonstrate that the

    40-kDa polypept ide catalyzes phospholipase Al act iv ity.

    Kinet ic analyses demonstrated several novel features of the

    purified protein. Myoca rdial phospho lipase AZ is the first

    purified calcium-independent phospholipase AZ which selec-

    t ively hydrolyzes plasmalogen substrate and arachidonylated

    glycerophospholipids. Rema rkably, the purified polypept ide

    also contained intrinsic lysophospholipase and palmitoyl-CoA

    hydrolase act iv it ies, albeit at rates two to three orders o f

    magnitude less than its phospholipase AZ act iv ity. The con-

    clusion that phospholipase AS, lysophospholipase, and pal-

    mitoyl-CoA hydrolase act iv it ies are catalyzed by a single

    polypept ide is substant iated by the coelut ion of each act iv ity

    through mult iple chromatographic steps to a single polypep-

    t ide, similar sensit iv ities of each act iv ity to divalent cat ions

    and thiol oxidizing agen ts, and identical therma l denaturation

    prof i les of each act iv ity at dif ferent temperatures. The possi-

    bi l i ty that phospholipase AZ, lysophospholipase, and palmi-

    toyl-CoA hydrolase act iv it ies are catalyzed by highly hom ol-

    ogous yet dist inct polypept ides of nearly ident ical molecular


  • 8/11/2019 Isolation of CA Independent Cytosolic PLA2


    Myocardial Cytosolic Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2 10629

    mass which copurify over 154,000-fold cannot be defin itively

    excluded but seems unlike ly.

    Parenthetically, we note that venom phospholipase AZ (the

    paradigm of sn-2 regiospecificity) possesses minute levels of

    lysophospholipase activity (12). The highly regiospecific phos-

    pholipolys is catalyzed by the venom phospholipase A2 and

    myocardial cytosolic phospholipase AZ are in stark contrast

    to the lack of regiospecificity of the previously isolated 98

    kDa calcium-independent phospholipase in guinea pig intes-

    tinal mucosa which possessed nearly identical phospholipase

    Al, API and lysophospholipase activities (40). Although the

    40-kDa polypeptide is the major measurable phospholipase Az

    in myocardium, its lysophospholipase and palmitoyl-CoA hy-

    drolase activities comprise only a small fraction of the total

    lysophospholipase and palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activities in

    myocardium (4, 19, 21, 43, 44). According ly, based upon


    vitro kinet ic measurements with the purified protein as well

    as measurements of activ ities present in myocardial homog-

    enates, it appears like ly that this protein functions as a

    phospholipase AZand does not make substantial contributions

    to lysophospholipid or palmitoyl-CoA hydrolysis in intact


    The phospholipase AZ purified in the present study is easily

    distinguished from other previously described myocardial cy-

    tosolic phospholipase activities. A calcium-independent phos-

    pholipase A1 activity is present in rat myocardial cytosol but

    specifically cleaves the sn-1 acyl linkage (41). A phospholipase

    B activity was reported in Syrian hamster myocardial cytoso l

    (42) but differs from the enzyme purified in the present study

    by the following features: 1) it does not hydrolyze plasmen-

    ylcholine substrate; 2) its specific activity is three to four

    orders of magnitude less than the polypeptide purified herein;

    3) it has a molecular weight of only 14 kDa; and 4) the

    regiospecificity of the hamster phospholipase B is predomi-

    nantly directed toward the sn-1 position while the polypeptide

    purified in this report has absolute specificity for hydrolysis

    of the acyl group at the


    position. It is important to note

    that these cytosolic phospholipase A, and B activities com-

    prise less than 10% of the phospholipase AZ activ ity present

    in myocardial cytosol (Table I) utilizing optimal homogeni-

    zation methods and substrates for each activ ity (41,42). Thus,

    cytosolic calcium-independent phospholipase AZ is the major

    measurable phospholipase in myocardium and possessessep-

    arate and distinct physical characteristics and kinetic prop-

    erties from other myocardial cytosolic phospholipase activities

    previously described.

    Ear ly experiments demonstrated that calcium-independent

    phospholipase AZ was not present in serum or whole blood

    and that comparable levels of calcium-independent phospho-

    lipase A2 activ ity were present in perfused and nonperfused

    hearts. However, comparisons of other calcium-independent

    lipases (which are predominantly localized in plasma) to the

    myocardial enzyme merit brief consideration. First, P AF ace-

    tyl-hydrolase possessesdifferent chromatographic character-

    istics (binds to DEAE-Sephacel resin at pH 6.8), thermal

    stab ility (stable overnight at room temperature), detergent

    sensitivity (measurable activity in Triton

    X-100 or Tween-

    20), and a substantially different pH optimum (pH 7.8) (45)

    than the myocardial enzyme. Most importantly, PAF acetyl-

    hydrolase is highly specific for hydrolysis of alkyl-ether cho-

    line glycerophospholipids containing acetyl groups at the


    2 position (45). In contrast, myocardial phospholipase A2

    hydrolyzes alkyl-ether choline glycerophospholipids with long



    aliphatic constituents three orders of magnitude

    more rapidly than PAF. Second, phospholipase activity me-

    Hazen, S. L., and Gross, R. W., unpublished observation.

    diated by 1ecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase is distinguished

    from myocardial phospholipase AZsince cholesterol acyltrans-

    ferase is catalyzed by a 68-kDa polypeptide, requires a serum

    protein cofactor for expression of phospholipase activ ity (in

    its pure form), and exhibits no strict regiospecificity for

    phospholipid hydrolysis (46, 47). Third, endothelial cell-de-

    rived lipoprotein lipase is easily distinguished from myocar-

    dial phospholipase A2 since myocardial lipoprotein lipase is a

    34-kDa polypeptide, avidly binds to Heparin-Sepharose resin

    (unlike myocardial cytosolic phospholipase AZ), and tolerates

    acetone precipitation as well as homogenization in detergents

    (48), both of which complete ly ablate myocardial phospholi-

    pase AZ activity. Fourth, plasma carboxylesterase possessesa

    different substrate selec tivity, thermal stability profile, and

    molecular weight than myocardial phospholipase AP (49).

    Finally, cholesterol esterase has a different substrate specific-

    ity, a larger molecular mass (68 kDa), and has an absolute

    requirement for cofactors for lipo lysis (29). Taken together,

    these results demonstrate that the cytoso lic calcium- inde-

    pendent myocardial phospholipase AS purified in this report

    has physical and kinetic characteristics which discriminate it

    from other calcium-independent lipase activities previously


    We have recent ly demonstrated that myocardial sa rco-

    lemma (the electrophysiologically active membrane in myo-

    cytes) is the primary target of accelerated phospholipid hy-

    drolysis in myocytes subjected to simulated ischemia (14) and

    that myocardial sarcolemma is predominantly comprised of

    plasmenylcholine and plasmenylethanolamine molecular spe-

    cies which are highly enriched in a rachidonic acid (12). Since

    the myocardial phospholipase AP purified herein has direct

    physical access o the sarcolemmal membrane and selectively

    hydrolyzes both plasmalogen substrate and arachidonylated

    glycerophospholipids, this phospholipase has the catalytic

    potential to selective ly hydro lyze the predominant phospho-

    lipid constituents present in myocardial sarcolemma (i.e. ar-

    achidonylated plasmalogens). Accordingly, activation of this

    polypeptide is anticipated to result in the selective release of

    arachidonic acid and the catabolism of sarcolemmal mem-

    brane phospholipids simi lar to that seen during myocardia l

    ischemia (4, 14). Although regulation of intracellular phos-

    pholipases activated by physiologic increments in calcium ion

    is now accepted (e.g. Refs. 50 and 51), the biochemical mech-

    anisms responsible for regulation of calcium-independent

    phospholipases AZ are unknown. Accordingly , future efforts

    directed toward identification of the molecular mechanisms

    responsible for the activation of this calcium-independent

    phospholipase AZ should provide direct insight into the bio-

    chemical mechanisms precipitating electrophysiologic dys-

    function during myocardial ischemia.












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