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Introducing deborrah daher online catalogue

Jul 22, 2016


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Based in St Louis, Missouri, Deborrah Daher was originally a painter and ceramic artist and fell in love with the art of jewellery making in 1980; bringing with her an appreciation for color and texture. Her jewellery is hand made in precious metals using techniques that include forging, carving, and enamelling. With an unerring eye for balance, she incorporates silver, shibuichi, gold, pearls, gemstones, and vitreous enamel.

Her work is an exploration of unusual beauty, of balance, of growth cycles. It expresses what can be found in things often overlooked or taken for granted, the idea that transcendence is in what’s common and small, that awareness and appreciation creates a mysterious and strange beauty. Interested in the structure of self-renewal and flowing balance, each piece is a moment caught between movements.

“My work is elegant and direct, resulting in contemporary jewellery with a powerful presence, illustrating the unfailing beauty of life.” Deborrah Daher.

Cover image: Stacked BroochImage right: Deborrah Daher, 2015

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Cactus Brooch10 x 3 x 1 cms22ct yellow gold, silver, enamel, copper, boulder opal£1195

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Shapes Brooch 39 x 5 x 0.5 cms

silver, enamel, copper£525

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Summer Rain Brooch6.5 x 5 x 1.5 cms

18ct yellow gold, silver, enamel, copper, peridot£655

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Shapes Brooch 48 x 6 x 0.5 cms14ct yellow gold, silver, enamel, copper £565

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Sky Necklace62 cms circumferencesilver, enamel, copper


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Sea Necklace82.5 cms circumferencesilver, enamel, copper£350

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Deborrah Daher working in her studio in St Louis, Missouri, 2015

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Spring Storm Necklace66 cms circumference14ct yellow gold, silver, enamel, copper £540

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Stacked Brooch7.5 x 5 x 1 cmssilver, enamel, copper, citrine, moss agate£975

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Shape Brooch 17.5 x 4.5 x 1 cms

silver, enamel, copper£530

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Deborrah Daher’s studio, St Louis, Missouri

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Hurricane Brooch4.5 x 6 x 0.5 cms18ct yellow gold, silver, enamel, copper£535

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Shapes Brooch 57.5 x 3.5 x 0.3 cms

silver, enamel, copper£530

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Flood Brooch5 x 5.5 x 0.5 cmssilver, enamel, copper, raw peridot£460

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Spring Day Necklace84 cms circumferencesilver, enamel, copper£350

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Shapes Brooch 67.5 x 4.5 x 2 cmssilver, enamel, copper£530

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Tornado Brooch4.5 x 5.5 x 1 cms

22ct yellow gold, Mexican fire opal, Japanese Kasumi pearl, silver, enamel, copper


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Summer Day Necklace82.5 cms circumference

silver, enamel, copper£350

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Published by The Scottish Gallery to coincide with the exhibitionIntroducing Deborrah Daher3 July 1 August 2015

Photographs of Deborah Daher and her studio taken by Eve Daher Kinsella.

All rights reserved. No part of this catalogue may be reproduced in any form by print, photocopy or by any other means, without the permission of the copyright holders and of the publishers.