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Mar 17, 2023



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Grosse Pointe News SectionA

VOl. 43-NO. 40 Publilhed II second Cia•• Matter at lhePOll Otllc. al Detroll, MichIgan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1982

3~ Per COpySt3 Per Year

40 Pages - Three Sections

By Tom Greenwood

fol' yOUl IIllormatlOn

fyi ,>ugge,<,tlOn that p"l king ~)( r(moved from \ld( k !he.. dil'

Throughout till' dl'-(II<"wn- tll("

added the flndl1< I,ll lrnr"j( I (In 11.(ut) ....d,n t (on"Hj('red

OFf JO \L~ 01- thl H(Jdrl ( 1mllIJ,<'lOl1, ho ....e\el \\en '1IlfJlI,'.(j

to fll1d out the (lt\ v. a'> pl,H"lIPf!the ,elOn/ng dlthough th('" '11r)the) agreed Vdlh thE. 'no' (.

1 he mo\ e did no! (Ollie d (IUIreque<,t, Road COrnrnh,!<j[ 1\1

(lontJnuf>d on I-'df!l' 2 \1

Board of Educatlon \\ III Il1dke thefmal determinatIOn If .1')\ 01 thedlstnct s 15 school;;; \\ III he clo"ed

. I think there ha, beer, "I ~m lIeant Board at EducatIOn II1put 1l1tothe commlttee h\ \ lllue 01 thefact that se\ er 31 bo,lrd me'll bel'''SIt on sub comml!tee~ r,.,md,lotsald \\ e h a\ e .11"'0 11.ld 'hlfl' e'ous board memhel' ,q In (Inmeetmgs

I don t thm)." 'hel \. \\ ,!; ~)(' ,))\surpn<;es \\hen the ll)n,I'''ttet''report come .. out

Supt Dr h.enneth RI Imtl 1'\said the admInI,tratlOn \111. h \l'a mllllmum of fOlil to 1\\.' pwn-j ,to re\ le\\ the ,Ieefing lO!1'n ,[lee s report ThE' board \1 '11 f h

abl~ not take am :>ctlOIl U!'I I ,~

spnng Brummel 'aid

Committee Chairman Ed n"lb....ho did not attend \lond 'meet mg. could not he real I e('comment

Since Ia~t Febru,ll \ tl p ,It't l.

commlttee h,h heen ..(\.(h II ~ l

Impact of em oilment dl'( [,'W' Ithe publlc <;choo!.. lo()~, _ I

areas of enroIlme'lt pr\)I, 'faclllt\ lltlllzatlOn fl" lt1tt'program offeflng~ \d 1trdtor~ are predl( tln~ 1111

students 1Il the publle -( h. ,>,the 1986-87 .,chool \ P,l' T;tem's enroll ment !)('d l-. \ I

<;tudent~ 111 1971

m place, those ....eapons I~auld notbe deployed. he added

Although Imbalances do e\l"tbet\~een the superpO\\ ers arsenals, Johnson SaId a rough pallt\ ofpower eXI!lts Although the "0\ lehhold a health) edge 10 land ba'ie(1mlssl1es, the Cnlted State'- mdlntams a larger number of ll-=;mbSIll'S at sea \~hlch can dell\er

more fIrepower than those of theSO\ lets he -aid T\\ 0 PO'J ulorsubmarmes Cdn dc\ 3"lale e' et \major 50\ let Clt) he -aId

The U S SO\ let free7e I'uulrl noteffect other nucledl t1dllOt1' cJa%IC In!agonht- -uch I"Israel and Llb\ a no\\ ha\ e 11 llClear \\eapons )ohn"on admlltpdBecause the <;uperpo\1 el' hd\ l

tfled to I1mJt prolifel,itwn eI,l'freeze \\ ould not medn an PIcrease of "uperpo\\er ,,\ 'tern,based In Thlrd \\ orld n<lll'ol\, thadded

The freeze JS based on d I~t' u"tJohnson said Each natlon nO\1has sophIsticated sun el1lanee de\Ices \\hlch the\ \\ould !l dill \\11/1greater regularit) on each other-Silos and sites to make 'L11 ( thefreeze contmue» he saId

Other e\ ents scheduled tn lhenuclear freeze group lnclude .I'Freeze Sabbath that chur (he'

\~III be asked to obsen e Satul da\and Sunda) , Oct 16 ana 17 Doorto-door leafletlllg IS al ..o pi .1nnedJohnson said

For more IllformatlOn 3bout 't1egroup call 577 5D53

rezoning planfcrenLe'> from the Wayne CountyRoad Comml~"JOn that for thepast five year'>, the (OmmlS~lOnhd'> wanted park 109 removed from~atk In order to prote(t Ib bu."I-ne"" ,tnp, the ({Junul formed auJmmlttee to con~lder what lot<;\~ere to be retoned thelt ha,<, metfor the la!>t couple of yedr~ PlanIIlg Comml~sJOn ChaIrman HobertFraley ~aJd

Comml'>'<'loner~ were reaLllng totl.e Hoad Comml"~lOn'" Lontmul>d

ers, such as "Tag Day" Thursday,Oct 23, at shoppmg centers towage a media campaign for thepassage of the proposal

"It really stops the arms race,"Johnson said "It's a first step Afreeze IS the most sane approachto nuclear weapons ..

~llchlgan taxpayers paId $8 7bIllIOn to the Pentagon last yearaccording to the group's literature but receIved only $3 6 bJlhonIn defense spendmg. The loss of$5 1 bllhon dollars means the lossof hundreds of thousands of jobsfor the state, Johnson said

Johnson Cited economists re-ports that said each $1 billionspent on defense generated 58 000jobs second only to the spaceprogram III lo\\esl return of jobsfor money spent

That same bJ!hon spent motherareas of the economv could mean1.j{)000 constructIOn and mdustnaljobs or 180,000 Jobs m educatIOnJohnson said

The freeze IS unlike SALTtreatIes and PreSident RonaldReagan's Strategic Arms Heduc.tlOn Talks, ST-\RT, because It WillImmedlatel) halt productIOn anddeplo)ment of ....eapon s)-stems onboth Sides If put 1I1to effect hesaid

With START, the t.:mted Statesplans to put ne\\ systems. such asthe B 18 and Stealth bombers\IX miss lies and other S\ stems IIIplace before negotiatIOns begm,Johmon saId If the freeze IS put

Board~ not committee.,to decide scllool closillO"se

B,) Joanne Gouleche-\ citizen committee stud .. mg

the sharp declllle 1JI enrollment 1JIGrosse Pomte s public schools thIS\\ eek asked the Board of Educa-tIOn to clanf) \\ hat ItS final reporton pOSSible school closll1gs shouldInclude

The request b~ the 12 membersteerlllg com mittel' for the FutureOrgamzatlon of the School S)<;temcomes onl) ....eeks before a :"0\ oj

publlc forum at Parcells school at\\ hlCh the group ....III pre~ent thefindings of ItS nine. month stud)The committee lS expected to fileIts fmal report ....Ith the <;choolboard thiS December

-\t ~!onda~ 's school board meet-Ing Presldent Doroth\ Kennelsaid there ha\ e been questIOns onthe part of some steering commit-tee members as to ""'hat (boardmembers 1 expect of them' and"ho\~ far the) should go" In thelrrecommend atlons

Later, durll1g the meetll1g trus.tees a greed the) ....ould hke to seemore than one proposal from thecommIttee on pOSSible school closlngs

I for one \\ould like to "ee<;ome name" and numbers" Trustee Catherll1e Brlerl) said

Tru<;tee Jon Gandelot an exoffiCIO member of the <;teerlOgcommIttee, made It clear that the

agaln~t appro\- al \\ ere GeorgeFreeman, Hobert '\;ovltke andFredentk Lo\eldte

The ordman(.' ((lfne" up f(H d.,econd I eadmg and po,"'bJe "f!proval at the :\10ndd) Otl IIItouncl1 meetwg He'Jdent, durmg a re(e,>~ after the hedr mg \ 0\\ed to return that mght and to exprel>~ their dl.<,pled~ure al thepolls

The tounul hdd edlilel utl>d In

Nucle(lr freeze group begins C(lmp(li!t"

p......-:;-~1 Tel""" G IJpr o'Y'CQ:::

Woods residents packed the council chambers Monday, Oct. 4, to protest the proposed rezoningof their homes for use as parking lots. Although the council approved the first reading of theproposed ordinance. residents vo\\-ed to return when It comes up for a second reading 'londa),Oct, 18.

By Mike AndrzejczykWhat do ~ort Crlm, Coleman

Young, the Michigan CounCIl ofChurches and the MichIgan .'0: a-tlonal Organization of \\ omenha\e In common"

They. along ....Ith a shopping !1stof commumty, edue atlonal rei.IglOUS and profeSSIOnal assoCIa-tions ha\ e endorsed the call for ahi-lateral. \ enfIable and 1mme<llale free:z.e- on nuclear weapons systems deplo) mente;, pro-duction and test 109

~flchlgan \ oters \\ 111 see thefreeze Issue \\ hen they go to thepolls Nov 2 Called Proposal Ethe ballot questIOn \\ ould, If approved. express the deSire for amutual nuclear \H~apOns freeze....Ith the SO\ let l nlOn and (re-qUire) state offiCials to com'e\that deSire to the PreSident andother federal offiCials ..

The propos al \\ ould establlsh asa fll1dll1g and declaratIOn' the

danger of nuclear \\ar and the re-ductIOn of that danger b) a freezebet\\ een the SO\ let l'nlOn and theL OIted States reqUlre state off1clals to tell \\'ashll1gton to makethe freeze proposal to the SO\ lets,askmg that productIOns, deplo)-ment and testmg be stopped andtransfer the funds spent on nul'lear \\eapons to CI\ Illan use

In :\1Jchlgan. the ~!Ichlgan Xu.clear \\ eapons Freeze CommItteeIS promotll1g the freeze Or-ganIZIng for the Grosse POintesand the east Side IS done fromWa,>ne State UnJ\erslt)' b\ AlexJohnson. a Farms reSident

The group IS just becommg e. Johnson said holdmg forumse\ er~ Wednesda) mght at the \\ ar~lemonal begl11nJng at 6 30 P 01The sessIOns are for am one \\ hoIS Il1terested III the freeie or \~ho\\ ould hke to \ olunteer Johpsonsaid

The group. \\hlch began a phonepoll In the area last \\eek andplans to dlstnbute hte,ature laterIn the month, IS hopmg to raiseenough mone~ through lund rals

photo b., Tol"'i G ~r"w,","'ld

Prepare for lift off! ~anc) Szt>rlag, of Hunt Club Drhe.

Nanty McDonald, one of the 23homeo ....ner:, effe(ted ,aid shednd her family had been lal"ed Inhel Hldgemont home It ., not ahou.,e, Jt., d home," .,he ,>ald

It'" a family home There'.,plent) of re".,on., to pro\ e \', hy wedon t need that parklng and I(dn't thll1k of one that ....e do ..

Man) of the!>e people de1Jberdtely mo\ l'd here partltuldrly fortheIr retIrement ) ear~," dnotherI e"'dent ~ald addmg the area ....a'm \~dl kmg dl.,tdnce to tr an:,portatlon, medl(& offl<.e>. Jnd ~tores

, \\ h) are \OU puttmg all the~epeople ln Jeopdrdy for .,ome thll1gthelt may not come to pa~,,?" the:,dme homeo ....ner a~ked Whyare) ou dOlllg thl:' and ....ho stand~to profit? .'o:ot the reSidents

The \~holesale rezomng of thehomes angered reSidents. who ar-gued for either no change or spotrezomng after a parcel waspurchased by a bUSiness

BUSinessmen from the stnp alsoappeared Dr Matthew Fontana,who owns buildings along Mack,told the audience parkmg had bm.Ited the bUSinesses wlIllng tomove to Mack

"If we don't have parkmg to at-tract these businesses, they'll goelsewhere," Fontana told the au.dlence "Fme. but then the ftrstthing you'll have along Mack IS\ acant bUl1dm~s The next thmg ISboarded. up bUIldings Then you'JIhave Jefferson and Chalmersnght here In Grosse POinteWoods

Other store 0....ners and mana.gers saId they needed the parkmgfor present customers and pOSSI-ble future expansion

The counCIl seemed receptive tothe spot zomng proposal, saYingthat there \~ere two or three trou-ble areas that would have to berezoned After the motIOn to ap-pro\ e the fIrst reading and threesubsequent substitute motIOns, thecounCIl spilt 4-3 Voting for theapproval ....ere counCilmen WIl-ham WIlson, Thomas FahrnerJean Rice and John Sabol Votmg

0 .....E OF THE most popularplograms promises to be the fielde\ ent at Bonme Brook Golf CourseITelegraph at Eight :\1IIe) 011 Sat-urda) , Oct 9 beg10nlng at 10 a mK Hers from all 0\ er the \~arid ....111be fl~ mg flghtmg and sho\\ mg offtheir kites

Some are not to be beile\ edHuge multl.colored multl.le\ eled com pIe\. and ornate the kitesrepresent hour;;; of plannmg andconst ructlOn

Some are ." \] _ ." car, Other,{('onllnlltct Ot, Pagp 2-\)

outs ho'" to make and fh theirOIl n hltes Both she and Hank are10 near frenz) no.... gett10g prepared for the fifth annual Amen-can Kltefllers ASSOCiatIOn 1982 ~a-tlOnal COl1\ entlOn scheduledThursdaj through Sunda), Oct 7to 10 10 DetrOIt Their 520' clubIS the host thiS year

Tako klChl (Japanese for 'kitenuts ) \\111 be fJ) mg m from allover the C S . Canada. Australia.Europe Korea and Japan Semmars on klt1Og. kite blllld10g andfl~mg \\ III be the order of the davThe publiC IS free to gawk, butmust pa~ a fee to attend a sem.mar

-Residents blast Woods

[(itesIt"s the only ~-ay to fly

B,) :\tike Andrzejc) kIII ,>plte of tile pr ote<;h of ef

f l'((l'd re"ld enh lhe \\ OO(!'> (olJllell dcuded Mondd) Oct 4 to dpprove flr.,t redding of dll ordlrldnee thdt "'ould It' I(JIle 48 Johalong Ill(' norlh ;\1a(k bU"lne~.,"tllp flom olle fdlllih rt'.,JdpnIWIto pJrklllg lob

Hefon' d pd(ked hou,,(' thl'(OUIlU) (Onlll med ,I PldJ1nlngCOlllmJ.,.,lon I l'tolllmend"tlon

I II ,.; ..

111(.lUe..- lUL \"t.t,. t\ IJLtUI t: aJ It.l (!l!

hOll! of (Ollllnl'Jlh from re"ldent,thdt \~ould begl n the PlOt e.<,.<,of1 t'/OIlJlIg the lot, mto P 1 lonmgu"l'd fOl uff .,tl eet pdrklllg

Till' ""llIe Ie~ldent:, thdt appear t.>d J I the Sept 28 PI annlllgComnlls<;JOn appeared dgaln befon' the coun"l hopwg not onl\fOI rejetllOn of the pi oposaJ, but abet ter e\pl an at IOn of ....hy theirhomes had been cho<;en for the reozomng. rather Ihan \' acant bUildIngs dlrecllj on ~1ack

In a t",o.hour hearingpunctuated numerous times byapplause and occasIOnal hooting,reSidents objected to the speed ofthe council's vote on the matter,uncertainty about sel1Jng theirhomes later on, and the decldelymixed opJmons about the fale ofpropert)' values

ReSIdents complained that onehome was unable 10 be sold ....henthe buyers backed out and CnlOnMortgage Co refused to grant amortgage on the propert,> ReSI-dents and real estate people saidthe company did not feel safegranting a mortgage to whatcould be a future parking lot

CounCilman John Sabol coun-tered b,> sa~ IIIg the poor econom)has as much effect on lo",er prop.ert) \ alues as any pOSSIble re-zoning ReSIdents he said had thefalse ImpresSIOn the) v. III be, 'dn\ en from t heIr homes 0\ ernight'

In additIOn re"ldenL<; south of\'ermer made an appearance. \01clng fedr that the ..,ame thmg thath ..ppened north of Mack couldhappen to the resl of the Clt~

B) Tom Green"oodHdnk dnd '\.lnc~ Szerlag are

"k~ high O\er "Ite~ So mudl ~oIn fae!. the Hunt Club Drl\ ecouple 0 ....ns ISO of them '\ anc\sells them a nd Hank lne\ er Hen-r) l IS preSident of the 300 member

520 Kite Group

Like mo,t addlctlOns thiS onestarted out ~mall then got out ofhand. much to the Szerlag s delight

It \\a., dUring the Blcentenmal. saId '\anc\, ....ho resemblesa kite (1) mg Be'ts) Cullen We\~ere m Cape Cod and bought acouple of klte~ Hank had ah\ a\ ~been fascmated b\ them am \', a"\Then we bought a fe\\ morebegan deslgmng our 0\10 n. thenstartt:O \~ lOlling Klle conte~ts

Soon ....e started mterestmg ourfflends The club st arted out \\ Ithfn e members \\ hleh qUlckl)zoomed to 300 :"0\\ the kItes takeup nearh all our free 1\eekend<;

THE ,-\ 'IE 520' stands forthe date the club \\as founded Ital<;o deSignates the mIles per hourImllts for good lute fl) 109 It \\asdurll1g the Imtlal penod that:'ianc) founded her home basedcompan) Cloud ConnectIOns '

She does promollOns <;ells kJte<;custom banners and flags Hank ISthe art director for the promotIOndepartment at the Free Pres,

Both are t r~ JIlg to popul arlzekltll1g here m the :\!ld\',e~t It ;;;\ er) big on the \~e..,t coast InEngland and especlall) In Japan.said ~ anc~ "In Japan It s part oftheir hlstor) lore and rel1glOnThere's a \ earl\ festl\ al InHonamatsu 'In \\.plch \ ll1agescompete agamst each other In kltecombat :\111110ns of people cometo \\ atch as \ Illage fights \ lllageWith kites as bIg as houses It'sqUIte an e\ ent Someda) \\ e hopeto go and see It

"Kltmg IS fun historical sport-ll1g and an art form, contmued:'ianc)' 'Alexander Graham Bellflew kites, as did BenjaminFranklin The\ \~ere lISed to loftmen as artiller) spotter<; durmgWorld War I Alrplane<;, para-chutes and hang gllder<; all havetheir oTlgm" m kltmg

To furthe;- kit lng, "'ann- Will'ioon be tra\ elmg to 8alme, ~lIch ,where she ....111teach 400 Girl Sc



1-7B2 3C

InsideBusmessCable TV, LocalClasSIfiedFeatureLetters to EdItorOblluanesSchool Ne ....sSoclet ..Sports

Youth shotin Farms

By Tom Green\\-oodTwo DetrOIt jU\ emIl'S reportedi\

mtent on steahng a car. were arrested by Farms police earlvWednesda) morl1lng, Sept 29,after a high speed chase durmgwhich one of tlie youths ....a<; sholIn the leg

A Farms pol)ce offIcer PtlClarence Reichling, also recenedmlllor ll1junes m the aCCident

,fUnE1-. (HU:H~ fur .JUt'~Jib \\11\) g.l\l' Ill! t't' dH.'t'r" 1IIhi!> 0('1 oj 1)('[1uJ! \t'\\.., (OIUIllIlto Ihl' hUlldll'd" of (jro.,.,ePOllllel., \~110gd \ e tillet' (hl'l'l"(,!Od mon') tu till' Illdl dthoDl'I""'ho pounded thlough our to ....n. ~(" . .,.,,'" ,",UIlII.II I ,Ill'" lit'''' IWe(l u.,.l~ po,,11 pi Inl pi (Jper dnd pIepp) The u",udl "'elll] dl( he tobe ~ure

Bill he ,ll..,o ~dld \H.' \~el epre~l'/lt ~omellJlllg .1 lot ofnelghbm hood:, dlong the 10Utl'",ere nut To the fl\e P ~ JhldbO\e IllJ) \\t' dud ploudpleased, per:,ondble prepro!>.sesslng, but not perfe( I It sabout time someone ~ald somethIng mce about Grosse POInte

":\IRS :'IlIlHIGA~" needsjour help 10 help others ~lrs~llchlgan' (111 reality, ~ancyHook, of the City) has donebenefIts, parades, fashIonshows, commercials and livepromotions III a number ofcities since her cro ....nll1g InDearborn last ~larch, but hasne\er appeared here In herhome to",n

"I'd lust like to be able tohelp out here 111Grosse Pointebefore m> duties end thiS Jan.uary," laments ~ancv, 24"There needn't be any fee In.volved There must be somech arlt)' or function benefittingthe public I can become involv.ed With ..

H an)on£ has an ans",er for"Mrs Michigan, ' you can callher at 881-4190 or send a letterto ~{rs ~anc\ Hook, 521, Grosse POinte Clt) 48230

\ OLl"TEERS \',orklng forthe L:mled FoundallOn Will soonbe conducllng a door to doorsoliCItatIOn Campaign of localrelall bUSinesses In the Pomteand Harper Woods accordingto Pat Re;.nolds, Presldenl ofthe HIli ~1erchanl" ASSOCIatIOn

~ls Re\nolds said the \ohmteers \10 III be <;eekmg sa 000 Infunds represent 109 a 20 percent merease 0\ er last \ ear sgoal 'We realize the eco'nomlcconditIons \Ioe re all faCingsaId ~1s Re) nolds But Ife\ eryone pitched In our goal\Ioould be more than met We renot askll1g for busll1es~es togl\'e more We re askmg morebuslnesse:, to gl\e -,

Re)nolds reported that of1 200 bU:,Jl1esses soliCIted last)ear onl) ISO actualh conlnbuted Those busll1esses not contacted personall) ....III recen eletters of solIc Il at IOn sa Id 'IsReynolds

Accordmg to reports the eventoccured at 7 a m after police reocelved a call about strange menwalkJng up and down drive waysIn the VICllllty of Chalfonte andMalson Roads

OffIcers Don Pilon and responded to the call and sawa 1979 BUiCk, still covered Withdew, backmg out of a dnveway onMalson Road WIth the hght off

Reportedly, the officers actl'vated their overhead IIght<; and

(Continued on Page 2M

Page 2: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Page Two.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thur5doy. October 7, 1982

I ht tllll\t ''ltilln In \tt\ \oJ ~tHH.'nt'n lun\Onn

h lIhl ,r dl~J III (Or ~r \111 Ie l[h~r,

17114 Kercheval Ave" "'n The Village"



Wa~ ne County Youth authonlle.,to {ace charge~ of auto theftfelomous assault With a motorvehicle and receIVIng dnd ('oncedlmg stolen property

Officer Reichling \\ <I., al.,otreated and released from a loc'J.1hospital

(Contlnued from Page Ii\}are almost as big as houses Prd('t!Callv none of them look like thebasJ(~ diamond ~haped kite \\eall grew up With Box ~haped,hexagons, octagons, some looklike masks, facb and ammals Allof then Cl~, (the \\ IOd \\ I/!lng)

One of the most popular competitions is the Great Stroh CanLift Off, In \\ hlch the kltel: an loftthe most beer IS the" Inner Lastyear's champ hOIsted SIX cases toclaim the title

"The great thmg about kltmg hthat anyone Cdn do II,' saidNancy "We've got blind kltersand kiters confined to wheelchairs It doesn't cost muchmoney either We've got kites thatcost as little as 79 cents andothers than run Into the hundredsSome make their klles out of tapeand garbage bags

"It attracts all kinds of people,'she said 'There <ire people I seekiting that I wouldn"t want tomeet m an alley We've even metsome big, bur'!)' "bikers" thatscare you Just to look at them Butonce they're f1) mg. they're Jusllike kids agam

"Kltmg Isn '( for Just all~ oneIt's (or e\eryone"

the lots, commissioner!> added,not 109 one conditIOn o{ the ordlnance would be to malntalll the!>urroundmg neighborhood

Buslllesses would not be allowedto buy the middle of three rClOnedhomes and convert It mto a Pal k-IIlg lot, sealmg off one reSidentfrom the rest of the neighborhood,Fraley said The Planmng CommiSSIOn would not conSider or approve ~u('h a reque.,t, he dddl'd

A motlOll by l:Ornnll!l~lOnt'r JohnKennedy and supported by Jo~ephParthum made to recommend therewrung but have the counCIl \ olt'on lhe change~ on a c~e by <:a~l'method \\ as rejl'{'tt'd by the othel~c\en cornml~SlOller~

"We \\ould be completely ('\ddIng the ploblem," comml~~lOnl'rPeter Glleldn ~ald "We \\ ould twI UIlllllJ~ away iI VIII dlt: IJI VUit:11land dumpmg Jt m the lap of thecounCil "

(Conlinu('d from Pdge tAlangled their patrol car In to blockthe BUick's eXit Lea\ 109 theirvelude and Jdentlfymg themseh esas police, the two men walked to-ward the BUick only to see It sud-denly accelerate tov. ards them

OffJcer ReIchling dove back mtohiS car, IlIJuflng hiS nght foot asthe BUick crashed Into hiS vehicle,accordmg to reports Ofhcer Pilonfired one shot at the car door,strlkmg the 15-year-old dnver IIIthe upper left leg As the car spedaway, Reichling Clred three shots,striking the auto III the trunk

Calling for backup uruts, Reichl-Ing took off In purSUit of the fle-eing vehicle, while Pt Pilonsearched the Immediate area forthe reported second thief

A second youth, also 15-~ears-old. was found Iymg down on thefront seat of a 1978 BUIck parkedon Malson Road, With lts engmerunmng He", a~ arrested WithoutinCident.

A check of the vehicle con-firmed It had been stolen recentlyfrom DetrOit

With Ofhcer Reichling m pur-SUIt, the f1eemg vehIcle went outof control at Piche and MorossRoads, about a half mile from thescene o{ the shootmg The suspectwas found hldmg In bushes m theback yard of a home on HillcrestRoad by Farms Officers JohnHagar and PhIlip MlglIO, who hadresponded to the call for assIs-tance

The Injured ju\'emle was takento St John Hospital for medicalattentIOn He, as well as the otheryouth, Will be turned over to

Youlh shot by Farms policeman

The city ",ouldn't lose generalfund revenue~, or those needed tofund government operations, bythe removal of parking fromMack, Hornflsher said He addedbecause money was collectedfrom both the mumclpal lots andpark 109 meters In the same con-tamer, there was no way to de-termine whether the rnumclpallots were more profitable to oper-ate

Re~ldents feared the city \\oulduse the relonlng to forcl.' homeov..ner~ out Cornm 1~~lOner~ ~<lld thelots, although rezoned, could re-malO one-faml!} reSIdential for aslong as the hou~es were ~old topeople planmng to use them asone fdll1lly resldence~

Parkmg lots ",ould begm ap-pearing ",hen re~ldellb sold tostno buslne~ses ....hose lJurpo~ewas to put up a lot, they said ThebUSinesses would still hd\'C tomeet all zomng requirements for

the Road Commission ~houldbegin a study to remove the on-street parking to achieve threelanes In each direction"

"We have not 100tiated anystudy," Walker said "Theywanted to reduce the number oflanes In use by narrowlIlg theopen lanes from three to two Ifwe move In any direction It shouldbe to reQuce parking and Increasethe roadway We have not fol-lowed up on this"

"We would encourage thiS, but Iwas not aWare the city \\as domgthiS," Walker said "It\ the com-Ing thmg "

THE CITY LAST June ~ent tothe commJttee-of the-whole .1proposal that the city negotiateeither a turn-back agreement forMack to give the city JUrisdictionUVt:1 lill: lUaU, VI a LVllLl aLL lU III-sure wmter and summer mamte-nance The proposal IS still bemgdiscussed by the comnuttee, cityoffiCials saln

The city makes money on Itsparking meters, City ComptrollerAssessor Frederick Hornflshersaid The money IS put Into aparlung meter fund and mamte-nance expenses {or lots, metersand salaries (or workers are paidfrom It All surplus is put mto areserve fund which the city canuse to Improve the lots and ac-qUIre new property, he added

In the last fiscal \ear.Hornhsher said the city made$60,000 on parking, but had tospend $90,000 from the reserve tocover the parlung meter fund ex-penses FIScal 1981-82 was a yearthe city made a number of Im-provements to the lots, he added

"We make money on a park-109," Hornhsher said, and use Itby improvmg the parlung and m-creasing the number of lots "

Video TV course at ASSllrnptionHigh school and college students also gives p<\rtlclpants the op-

have the opportumty to learn portunity to learn about their o\\nabout teleVISIOn productIOn during commumty while Video tapinga six-week course called "You're programs deSigned especially forOn The AIr" begmmng Oct 6 The their local cable area, accordmgclass, offered through the As- to METsumption Cultural Center In 81. The programs, called FirstClair Shores, Will meet on Wed- EdItIOn, aIr on Cox Cable, Channelnesdays from 6.30 to 8 30 pm. 24 Each one has a ne",s magaZIne

Workmg With certified InstrUCt- format focllsing on the St Clairf M Shores commumty Features m-

Ol'S ~om Ichlgan EducatJon~1 elude mformatlOn from local mer-TeleVISIOn <MET), a non-profit chants city hall and commurutvorgaOlzatJon, studeny; learn what ISSUes' school events and Cl\ Iegoes on behmd and 10 front of the 'b 'camera. They dIrect, write, edit, cultural and clu actiVitiesannounce and Video tape their Instructors {or "You're On Theown programs for local cable Air" are Rose Kurzyruec, Joel VI-teleVISion cary and Jon Robert Toll The

Through the class, MET pro- course fee IS $30vldes Its students With a step-by- For further mformatlOn, call thestep understandmg o{ the prod- AssumptIOn Cultural Center atuctlOn of a teleVISion program. It 779..fil11

Residents jam meeting to protest Woods zoning change(Continued from Page 1A)

rector of public IOformatlon LouSugo ~ald, "but \\e certainly en-courage the effort" He added thatMack was "frequently impassa-ble" dUring heavy times on thebUSiness stnp

"We would prefer the removalof all the parklOg from majorstreets but we wOI~dn't press It,"Sugo contmued "We understandthere are bUSinesses that have tohave parking to make It We\\ ouldn't be averse to It (removalof parking), but I don't thmk wewould Initiate It The local gov-ernment IS the group that \\ouldWe'd certainly encourage It, but\\e wouldn't push It "

The only mentIOn the RoadCommission e\ er made about re-movlOg parkmg on the street, ac-"""""'~1nr'f tn ~.,n", "''''''''''''0'''' '" ''"'v D b~1 ""' - ..

dated March 11 from the commls-~lOn to Woods AdmlOlstratlve AideGerard McNamara. The letterfrom William Walker, chief en-glOeer of the DeSign DIVISion, dis-cussed the city's plans to erect anentrance sign at the north cityhmlts and constrict the west SIdeof Mack by movmg a curb sevenfeet \fito the road\\ ay

The commission approved thesign but killed the curb movmg,which the city said would "en_courage a sense of arrival andadd more space" because "a con-strictIOn to 25 feet would create apOSSible bottleneck If a stalledvehicle, piled snow or back-upfrom the bank operation restrictedthe right lane southbound," thecommISSIOn wrote

"Traffic counts show Mack tobe carrylllg 30,000 vehicles aday," the letter continued. "Theexisting operating laneage of twoin each direction with two-waymedian cross-overs IS at a capac-Ity Clow conditIon. The city and



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Page 3: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

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GrossePointe News

(USPS :110.6001PIIIIU.h,tI h.". Thlll.tI.,By Anteebo Publishers99 Kercheval Avenue

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Th. de-adllne for news cop)''1 MondO'y nOOrt to Inl~re In ..sertion

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DETROIT, MI. 48224

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Church services return to cablePartiCIpating In the project, III

ItS second season, are 5t PaulLutheran, 5t James Lutheran,Ebenezer BaptIst, Grosse POlllteMemonal, Salem Memorial Luth-eran, First English Lutheran, St.Paul on.the-Lake Roman Catholic.5t MIchael Episcopal, FirstChristIan Reformed, Our LadyStar of the Sea Roman Catholic,and Grosse Pointe Baptist churches

Other churches are consideringJoining the project after Christ.mas, Linthicum said,

to survive parenthoodPolka," "Demystlfylllg Medwllle For further mformatlOn on c1as-Diabetes," 'Drapery Maklllg ses planned thIS fall br the publicWorkshop Pleats and LInings," schools' department 0 Contmumg"EconomICs U~ate ReceSSIOn or EducatIOn, consult the buf!-DepressIon? " "PI astlc Cosme. colored (1)'er delivered to resl.tiC Surgery A Second opillIOn " dences and which IS available atand "Hefundlng alld Coupomng" the Central Public Library, the

Two '>lngle.sesslon classes WIll branches In the Woods and Park,be held on Frldav Oct 15 They as well as at the office of Contlnu.are "Brld~e Chnre' Pre.Emptlve tn~ EducatIOn located at BrownellBids" and 'A Doctor AdVises Stay Middle School, 260 Chalfonte InFit, Stay Healthy. Stay Alive" Grosse Pointe Farms

A SaturdaY workshop entitled For space availability III the up-"Total Prosperltv" begllls on Sat. comlllg roster of classes call theurday, Oct 16 - department at 343-2178

The first serVice, to be repeated~fonday, Oct 18, Will be from theGrosse POinte Woods Presbyter.Ian Church Services are Video-laped 10 da}'s before the firstsho\\lng, LinthIcum said, withmost services being taped live

The Grosse POlllte MIOIstenalASSOCIatIOn \\ III teleVise worshipservices beginnIng Wednesday,Oct 13, at 8 p m on Grosse POinteCable channel 5, accordlllg to co-ordmatlOn commIttee chairmanDr Robert C LinthIcum


jo}m-..lOll e~III rph~

r3iiljhey 5Jreeman



Mr Jim Monley of Hickey Freeman willpresenl me faorlcs, colors and styles

YOll select your customized SUitS slacks,sport coats and top coats Your

wardrobe wdl be hand tailored to yourexact speCifications and measurements

Mr Pat 0 Shea of Johnston & MurphyWIll show the entire collectIOn of fine

dress & casual shoes Order your correctsize In styles and colors of your chOice

LearnTIll! t) <ine uffeflllgs scheduled b)

the dt'par tlnent of Contlllumg Edu.l <llwn of tht' Gr o~se POinte Public"l hool ';) stern v.III bcglll the \\ eekof Oct 11 Of Ihl' number, 24 are'lfll.;le 'l',~lOll e1cl':>~e,dnd ,even drc"f longel dUI,ltlOn

Bl'gtnnJllg 011 :\londny, Ocl 11dIe \1LJ~ll \pplellatlOlJ lor thel3e~lnnlrH( LIl>tenel" <Jnd "Wok((Joking \\'O! k"hop ,

')1atl'd to begin on Tuesda), Oct12 are :\1arndge~ A Workshopon Old :-'eeds ."\e\\ :\10dels" and

Tips Fr om a \taster GardenerGreenhou~e Gal delllng

Slngl e ~e~slOn cI as~e~ to be heldOct 12 are FurnIture ;v1alnte-nanLe H:md\\rJtmg Anal)SlS,"

HOII to Sun 1\ e Earll Parent-hood Red Eal s and Runny\oses Tips From a ~lasterGardener Get Your GardenRead\ for \\ mter, TSlllg\\ oodl\orklng Tools Table Sawand Radial Arm Sav." and "Writlng for Results'

On \\ ednesda) Oct 13 the~chcdule lllcludes "Ho\\ to GIvecln Effectl\ e Speech.Introduction" 'Ho\\ to Write aPres~ Relea,e, 'Patch\\orkChristmas ~tockJng, "A SimpleIntroduction to Home Computers"and Tips Fr om II ~la5ter Gar.dener Bo"," to Select Ilnd BuyPlunt~ ,

Thn'e multi \\eek classes begin-ning on Thursday, Oct 14, are

As~erll\ ene~s Training," , In.\ est ment Str ategles for Toda)"and Rapid Readll1g "

Single se~SlOn classes on Oct 'Bridge ClinIC DefenSIve8H1s.' "Cre!,\ el EmbroideryWorkshop Dance I Dance'Ddncc' Foxtrot Fun' "Dance'Dance' D.ll1ce' Roll Out the


\t.llIH>en Bru(t'. ('o-ordinator of Encore, teaches (left to right, Erin Bruce. David Emmerich,md Jt'lIIl1!t'r S( hUJtl the ba!>ic te£'hniques of appl)'ing theatrical make-up. Mrs. Bruce has a1i.1( ht'lor 01 \1 t" dt'gree from the Vnhenity of Detroit and is currently studying for her mastersdt'gr et' III Flnl' \rt~ ....ith a major in theater.

Jacobson'sOpen Thursdays and Fridays until 900 pm


NEGC will offertwo \\'orkshops

The :'\orthea~t GUld..lllle lenlerWill offer t\\ 0 \Iorkshop;, begJnIlIng Tuesda~ Oct 12 dt Brol\nell~llddle School and the '\ EGl offlce on Ed~l \\,lIren nearCadIeux

)!arrlage Old '\('ed~ '\ellModels" IS a \Iork!,hop for an~onewho IS marned plans to marr~ ordoesn't \\ ant to repeal old mlS.takes in re marnage according tothe center

The \\orkshop ","J1I meet threeTuesdays beglnmng Oct 12 at 7p m at BrOIl, nell School 260 Chalfonte In the Farms

For more InformatIOn about theprogram, sponsored b~ :-.EGCwith the cooperation of the GrossePointe Publlc School Sy~tem'sDepartment of Contllluing Educa.tlon call 343.2178

"The Older Woman DoubleJeopardy" 15 a slx.\\eek l>kill!>workshop offered at the :--;EGC offlce to help women 0\ er 45 de.velop skUls to cope '\ith chanKeminimize depression and redul ethe dlrrtculties of aging

The \\ orkshop \\ III meet Tues.days beginrnng Oct 12 at 6 p m atthe Center, 17000 E Warren nearCadIeux For more lrtform atl6trand registratIon. call ~lar) -\nnColltnson at 824-8000 extensIOnZl1

Thursday, October 7, 1981


lll"Or() /JUI, ..~i(L.. ()II st(I~()

The Cl'rtalll lO"e MOlld"y Ort4, on Encore a \\ 01 k"hop 111 theperformlnf( <lIt" offt.'It.'d bv tht.Gro~1>e POInte W<II Mt.'/lwII"f Thl'mne week Pi O~Idlll, de"lgnl'<! IIlI~tudent1> l/I gl,lIlt", thll'C till ougheIght offel" " bd"ll IlItlodliltlUlI tothe perfOlmlllg .II h It'" dl",lgrll'ofor ':>tudelll'> 111\('11'''11'<1 III Ihe,tteltlnd for thO"I' \Iho II<lull! "llllphlike to t.'Xl..'llI"l' thl'll 11ll,lgltldllUll,and exp,md thell llPdtlllt\

"The the,Ill'1 I' d [.1'( lIldllllgexcltlllg pldu' ~d\, \LIlII eellBruce, ErKOIl' {O oldllldtul ()UI

,11m IS to lilt! odllu' IOllllg pcople10 ,,':> llJdll) d'!H.'{ h of tht., 1)('1fOlmlllg MI., "., \Il' (,m \\1 d like~Iudenl'> to bl' d\I.lll' lhdl lillieare lllall) Intl'It.,.,tlllg ,1'1.1' of I'lldt>d\OI In the tllt'dtpl botll fOI ,/l

tor ~ dnd tPl hru( 1.1II'

Thl., "'"01 k.,hup lIleeh \IUlld.i\('\enll\l(,> .It thl' \\ .II \11'1ll011dlthrough "\01 :2!! Hegl'>ll dtlOli I"open to <Ill ~tudellh III gl <Ide':>three thl ough eight dlld the lO.,t I.,$25

A make up .,e~~IOll "'"ill be heldfor studenb II Ilo rnl".,ed the Ol t ~class


Page 4: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

e e • IS

Page Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, /982

PHONE 881.9760


Morgan's Creek" lJ) Pre ..tonSturges, starl'lllg Eddie 81 dckenand Bett\ Hutton, 1944

• Jan '21, 24 - 'M:- DdrllllgClementme" by John Ford, \\ lthHenry Fonda as W:-att Earp atthe 0 K Corral, 19-16

• March ll, 14 - "!\teet :\le mSt loUIS" by Vmcente !\tll1nelll,an Amencan and lo\('story \\Ith Judy Garland, 1944

• AprLl 8, 11 - Stranger., on aTrdlll" by Alfred Hitchcock, \\ IthFarley Granger and Robert Walk-er, attemptlllg perfect rnurder~,1952

• May 6, 9 - 'CItizen Kane' b:-Orson Welles who abo stars Inand \Irole thIS epIc \\ork, 1941

Detroitersarrested forattempted B&E

Three DetrOit men have beenremanded to Wayne County Jailpendmg prellllunary cxamllldtlonm CirCUit Court on charges of at.tempted bredkmg and enlerm/{ 111connection With an attemptedsma~lhlnd.grab at a Wood!>Jewel.ry ~tore

FI ed Steven~ 22, JO~l'ph Porter,20, and Floyd StcHn'i. 21 all ofDetrOIt <Ire belllg held on $25,000t'd~h bond edcll dfter theIr arraq~nment Sunday, Oct 3, InWood~ MUnJt'lp.lI Court

The three \\el e <lrre.,ted b\Wood~ pOlice 111 t'onnclllon 1\Hh.I11 IIll' Hi l'n t c.ul:- Sdt urdd) mOl nmg, Oct 2, dt Pdt Stott Jcy.e!cr.,lilt' , IM!!I'k m the Woo<h Apolite C<1rp.ltrollll\g dbuut J d In\\ ,I::. hdlll'd b) d Pd~"l'l b:- \\110~v!j ~8!:~~~~.~, ..~~. •h~:..,:..~ '~~L':~till ow ::.ometlllng ,igdll1::.t till' Cront1\indoI'. of the .,Iore When spot.ted, 1\\0 Illd In the bu.,he::. whlll.' dthll d bl'gan 1I.llking nUl th all~tack, I eporb ~.lId

Officer::, headed for the scene\IIHle t'dlling the IIlfOrm,ltlOn Intothe ::.tdtlon Pd""llIg tl1l' ...tore, polIt'l' noticed Illl' I. rdt kl'd front\1 IlIdow a'ld frunt door 1\Illdoy.The gld~s, ,It'Cordmg to reports\\<1::.::.halter proof, dnl! .llthoughbroken. no entry \\ a~ gamed

Offl(:er~ contlllued ..outh un~tack to :--Ie\\ t a::.tle 1\here the\::.potted the n.) ear old St ('\en;According to report::.. he bee.lme\ ery ablbl\ e to offleer::. and tl ledto pull awa:- \\ hen police ..I~ked hi"bw,llles~ In the dred

As offIcer., \\ ere re~tr alOJng Iheman a light green Ford or ~Iercur) pa~sed them .It a high rate uf:,peed follo\\ed b:- another ear,aceordmg to reporb The s.econdear pulled 0\ er and the driver toldofficers the ~lercur) \\ a~ beingdriven by t\\ 0 men also 111\ 01vedaccording to reporls

Bc('ause of the l>truggles of thearre~ted man. officer!> were un-able to call In the mformatlOnThe\ hailed another 'UllIt Y. hlchbegilll the ('h<1~e The CdI' \\ a::.later stopped III the Clt) police

Tl-a,'eloO' at libl'al.-'" said, and the 21 \ear old Stevens~ ." and Porter \\ ere -arrested

"South PaCific Adventure" \\ III Police believe a bnck usedbe presented at the Central Lib to smash the \\ llldo\\. but nothingrary, 10 Kercheval A\'enue, on \\as taken from the store. theyThursday, Oct. 7, at 7.30 pm saidThiS new travelog \\111be narrated PlJ(''''' ..J L,III'''r(II'by Rip and Fern ZWlcke) who are , ., • ..-.Y. orld travelers of manv remote I f../lands . IOIlOrs ,fam, ,V

Last fall the Z\\lcke)s prOVIded Peace Lutheran Church anda film about.~Uca wbJcla.J', .._-~.,..,...,. .. '--sehoof. 15700 East Warrentured timely footage of the Falk- Avenue at Balfour Road In Det-land Islands. LIkeWise, trus year's rOlt, will honor It::. mlOister ofshow wIlIleature IndoneSia \\hlch musIc. &hun Aufdemberge CorIncludes the phlllppmes, New 25 years of teaching mlllistry onGUInea and Kamoda (an ared Sunda) , Oct 10. at 8 30 and 11known (or Its dragon populatIOn a mand ancient ca\ e palntlngs):\ The Rev Carl -\ufdemberge ofquestion and ans\\ er penod \\lll Ed\\ ardsvl1le 1lI \\ III preach andfollo\\ There IS no charge for the a receptIon honoTlng the :\ufdem-program \\hlCh IS to be held In the berge famlly \\111be held bet\\eenExhlbluon Room and after the sen Ices



19849 MACK, Corner of Huntington

Subscribeto the

Grosse PointeNewsToday


L;~gett to (~tl'er.Ii!tll .lestil~lIlAs an llltroductlOn to American

fLlm, seven major hlms by sevenpromment Amel'lcan directorsWill be shown With accompanyinglectures by P. L Arango at Um.verslty Liggett School throughoutthe upcoming school year

The Grosse Pomte commumtv ISlfiVIted to VIew the American filmclaSSICS, plus a commentary ontheIr thematic and structural con-tributions to AmerIcan clnematlcart, accordmg to the school

Senes subSCriptIOns are onsale for $20 by check payable toUniverSity Liggett School SingleadmiSSIOns are avallable at thedoor for $3 per him and lecture,and students are admitted at halfprice All programs begll1 at 8pm For further mformatlOn, con-tact Arango at 884 4444

The hIm series lI1cludes the fol.lowmg.

• Oct 15, 18 - "It HappenedOne Night" by Frank Capra. acomedy starrmg Clark Gable andClaudette Colbert, 1934

• Nov 19, 22 - "Ball of Fire"by Howard Hawks, a romanticcomedy with Gary Cooper andBarbara Stanwyck, 1941.

• Dee 17, 20 - "The Miracle of

Pictured above are Edward AllardlCe, (left) fdclhtatol, andArchie Bedell, M.D. Ph D., keynote speaker at the "Help Your-self to Health" Semor Forum on Oct. 12 at the NeighborhoodClub Allardice IS the director of the Well Bemg Servlce~ for theAging. Dr Bedell IS the c1uef of the department of famlly prac-tice, and director of the fanllly practice residency program atBon Secours Hospital The forum IS open to all members of thecommunity.


,:/r 'I

Meet DriZZle's New Yorkrepresentotive She'll presentthe unmlsfakeable feef of reaf

fur and the many ways tocreate changing looks Withfur-lii"'ed coafs Come II') andlet us show you and save 20%foo 11a m fa 4 pmaf these storesNorfhland Thursday Oct 7Eastland Fnday Oct 8

Jeet of well ness , family medicineeduacahon, and health problemsof the agmg

PresentatIOns by the threespeakers \\ III be followed by smalldiSCUSSIOngroups, wluch Will en-able members of the audience toask questions. Ed Allardlce, dlrec.tor of the Well Bemg Service forthe Agmg, IS the program

The Semor Forum IS an out-growth of Sel1lors Onward forChange, Ine , open to all seruorsand others concerned about semorproblems such as health, housmg,recreation and the quality of hfefor semors In the GrossePomtes-Harper Woods area Thethree earlIer Forums addressedcommlllllcatlOn problems, theWhite House Conference on Agmg,housing optIOns. adult day careand commumty resources current-ly available to semors.. The pr~br:;.m b~bU'..s ~t ~ :. ~dnd concludes dt noon AdvanceregistratIOn can be made by call-Ing 343-1508

The Semor Forum Orgamzll1gCommittee IS composed of FSchoenberg, League of WomenVoters, E Adams, DetrOIt AreaAgency on Agmg, J AustIn,Neighborhood Club, G CantyA A R P , Chapter No 3430; Sr JDeShano, St John HospItal. Sr B.Flaherty, St Paul's Catholic Re-ctory, M.E FrIedhoff, VISltll1gNUr!;es ASSOCIatIon; Dr Heath,Bon Secours Hospital, H Hush.Services for Older CitIZens; A.Jamlesen, DetrOit Area Agency onAgmg; S. Mozena, Jumor Leagueof DetrOit, W Peters, GrossePOInte Pubhc LIbrary, E Reed,consultant, R Woodburn, SeniorMens Club of Grosse Pomte; CSchoessel, Grosse Pomte PublicSchools; V Thomas, Calvary Sen-101' Center and M. Weber, GrossePOInte War MemOrIal Center.

PWP to sponsorprogram on divorce

The discussion group of GrossePomte Parents WIthout PartnerswJlI sponsor the program "WhenYou File For DIvorce" on Thurs-day, Oct. 14, at 8 pm at SalemMemorial Church, 21230 Moross,DetrOit.

A slide film, "Who Is TheFriend Of The Court?" will beshown by Gerhardt Ritsema, ofFrIend of the Court and EdStaniec, dIrector of client servicesfor the Wayne County Friend ofthe Court A diSCUSSionwill follow

There wtll be a $1 25 charge forrefreshments.

//~~,-I,~ ...

tmuation of the Senior Forum Ser-Ies has been supported by aCmnrnumty ASSistance Award bythe Jumor League of DetrOit

Dr Bedell IS clnef of the de-partment of fanllly practice, anddirector of the fanllly practice re-sidency program at Bon SecoursHospital He IS also a member ofthe medical staff at both St Johnand Cottage Hospitals, and med-Ical director of the Luther HavenConvalescent Home He holds fac-ulty appointments at the WayneState Umversltv School of Med-Icme, l\lIchlgan' State l'mversltySchool of Human l\1edlcme, andMercy College of DetrOit Dr Be-dell IS a renowned speaker, bothlocally and natIonally, on the sub-

Get as close as you can tofur on the InSide Dnzzle

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LilJrfln" Ifill shOll'.llarl1(;lls. monkey,

The ongInal "KIng Kong" WIllbe shown at the Central Library,10 Kercheval 10 the Farms, Satur-day, Oct 9, as part of the lib-rary's Super Saturday senes

The 1933 film, starring FayWray and Robert Armstrong, tellsthe story of a hIm producer whotransports an ape from a primI-tive Island to New York where themonster terrorizes the city

The followmg Saturday, Oct 16,"War of the Worlds" featuresaltens who invade the planet Viathe Amencan Midwest. Based onH G Wells' same-titled novel, thisviolent fantasy features many bat-tle scenes.

The hour-long Super Saturdayvideo features begm at 2'30 p mIn the ExhibitIOn Room Children8 years and older may attend freeof charge

Archie Bedell, M,D , Ph D , wLlIbe the keynote speaker at a SemorForum to be held at the Neigh-borhood Club, 17150 Waterloo, onTuesday mormng, Oct 12 Thetheme of the program, which be-gins with reglstratlOn at 8.45 am,1$ "Help Yourself To Health" DrBedell's tOPiC IS "Health AShared ResponslbLllty "

Other speakers lllclude CathrynDow, A C S W , director of SOCialwork at St John Hospital, andJudy Mathe\\s, chairman of thehospice project committee of theJUnior League of DetrOit TheLeague has contributed to a \ ar-lety of non-profit programs, shar-109 the goal of betterment of thetn-count) commulllty ThiS con-

Senior Forum .foclL~esOIl Ilealth

Artists go to bat for galleryDetrOIt artists and collectors coachlllg the DetrOIt Softball City

\\ III gO to bat III a benefit softball ProfeSSIOnal Softball Teamgame on behalf of the DetrOit Sen Jack Faxon \\111 be an-Focus Gallery thiS Sunda), Oct nouncwg the game as POinter10, at Softball City at the l\1Jchl- Charhe !\lanos takes to the moundgan Fairgrounds as startmg pItcher for the Collec-

Leadmg off the actIOn for the af. tors Charlie can throy. a perfectternoon Will be the bagpipe musIc arc that should be a challenge toof the St Andrews Pipe Band fol. the mIghty sluggers on the Artistslo\\ed by Carl Grapentzne of teamWORS - FM singing the NatIOnal Sponsorship of plavers has comeAnthem from all sectors Of the commumtv

Dr Frederick J Cummmgs. DI- _ art galleries, university art de-rector of the DetrOit Institute of partments, corporatlOns, smallArts, Captam Danny Gare and busmesses consulting firms andB~dd L~nch of the DetrOit Red mdlvldual~ Players Include col-\\ lOgSWill be on hand to throw out lectors such as RIchard RolllOs,the first ball Tim Mast, MIke Ecksel, Ehzabeth

Honorary Managers for the Bank Dottie Doerer and Georgeteams are MariO Borricci and N'Naindl as well as artIsts such

• Sam Palamara who have Just ~s Charles McGee, Stanley Ro-completed a successful season senthal, Michael Joseph, Russell

Keeter, Sue Lmburg and RuthGoldfaden

John Arledge. General Managerof Softball City has prOVided theuse of Diamond No 10, an umpire,an announcer and broadcastbooth Softball City IS completewith concession stands and pubhcfaclhtJes

The pubhc IS inVIted to attend.TIckets. which must be purchasedIn advance, are $5 each or four for$15 and may be ordered by calhngSoftball City at 368-1850, Mondaythrough Friday, 9.30 a m to 4:30p.m. or by calhng Detroit FocusGallery at 962-9024, throughSaturday, noon to 6 p.m SoftballCity does not permit bottles, cool-ers, thermos Jugs or picmc itemsto be brought Into the playingarea.

Proceeds from the game WIllbenefit the DetrOit Focus Gallery,a non-profit, tax-exempt art gal-lery located at 743 BeaubIen InGreektown.

Page 5: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

, J

Thursday, October 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Paqe Five-A

It (I" IJlIJUlorjul

(]lHllll)cr players begin seaSOlllli( 11,11'.1 '11'11 )'I.\\ll' 01 Bl'lt\ l'ell'l'OIl tuthd1JJ11dn \\111 'IeJeJ11dnn 11I1:1 I~lll be folJov.ed

(d0"", l'tlj'1l1' \\111 h(~lll ,I lll'\~ P'(''>l'llt -\Ilnett.l KeJiI llumpel b) ~l~ter Hu~e ldrmel BUll;~e,>",,,',I'tln tli I tin" It' till ()l t 10 III ,llld \1J I JOI ll' L unnell Stllmpcl, '>opr dllO and J Jnet \ oung pl.1nothe (J I, .. " I'tlillt, 11.1I 'h'Jl1lJll.1l pldllO pl'l [u, Hllng Cuneel tu 111 0 pre,entlllg <l gruup of ,ong'> b)II I,t.d B 11111>I"ll II 2 III pm \l.qur IUI frumpd dod PldllO b) Brahms Wolf dnd \10/.1r( TheI I~lil 1" "gl "m d,ll'" !l,ll l' !H'l'll third offering "'Iii be a pldno

"lh(dltll~j ltlllltlt' \1111 I.. , held "electIOn Sondld \'0 19 III DOil t Ii.. '( I "lid '>ulld,1I ul llll' "j)\ IhL \ ..11 Orlt',m, 1.111nl.tker\ ~t<lJor b) H.1)dn pld)ed b) Ell'lll(lIl!lJ \t ~ l(I 1'11\ Irulll DL!obl'l dl[fL!('d ,n Ihelr IlllerpretdllOn., of I\n Sche\erthro,/,': h '!.1I dl' ('" 1)('( 12 IlUll lu th I~ not kllO\\ n but lhl'\ \I loll' lhe • A ~oclal hour prepared b) DO11l"ll11H I" .lIt 1111It, d to p,lItlll !.HI ...., ,llllpl(' ,lo,'"lUll 10 bill' d pef,un ll'en Ta, lor and HordCC Hdm-p,I',' ," ,,1,( '\ pld\U' 1\lth f('tltl't'lh .md a~gl.;\.;letLI"''',lUrt berger \\111 folluv. the conlert

(Ill ()Ll I" 11\11"tl1\ l~n,I'ldk ,1l1d to hll( " pH,on Illth fahl' teeth Gue<;t admls..,lOllh Sol althe door

reclor of the Internal ~ledlcllleRe<;Jdenc) Program and Syed SHo,~alll, :\1 D , ~urgeon

Plt.\:~il'iflll." join ROil Se('olln; llospita[ ,1i1a.l],TII D nel~ ph) '>ICldn<; I~CI e ap Trustees at Il<; ~epl 7 meclmg

pOinted to the me<!ll& !>tdff at Bon The) are Stel en D GellmanSecour., Ho",pllal bj the BOdrd of \1 0 Illtermsl and <l5"s(ant dl


111111K(~r Jffllk III I.." k51lI1(1(I.y1 he Bologna fam!l) of FI~her Road (from left to rightl :\tf'h!>sa, Susan, Patty ,and J~~my" is

getlmg read) to participate in the third Hunger \\alk, 'ipon~ored b) the Grosse Pomte MJ~lste~lalA~~ociatlOn to raise mone) to feed need) person~ in the Detroit area and o\erseas, Reglstr~tlOnfor the Sunda), Oct. 10, walk begins at 1: 30 p.m_ at the St. Paul Gym. 170 Gross£' PomteBoule\ ard, Sponsor ~heets are available at Gros~e Pointe Churches,

pIece'> v. Jtll DSO ,t..,'>I..,t<lllt lOllterlmol,tel Jo,>('ph (;oJdmdll(Malth oj ,lllU ILlvel'.., duo pldllOv,()/k.., (ApIII 171

Member, oj till' en'>emblp IIIeluu(' D~O mU,>IUdll'> Dought'>CrollcJ,en tldllflCl. ~hdld BenMelr !lu(e, Ann Olllddd llOllll,(;]('1111 MelJow, vlOlm .1lld Debl dFdYloldn, tel/o (juc"t <lftl,t,> Indud(' pldlll,>t ,Io'>cpll (,url fromEd,Il'! II ,~lldlJgdll I IIII l'l 'II) dndIJd'>'>OIlI,>1J'IJlhp Au.'>llll .l Illl'mbplof (h(' Clp\ !,Hld ()I till '>11d

1\11 (on(l'll', .III.' held ~undd\ dftl'l noon .ll I P III 'IIJ(' Ilou,e I'>open for 11'>11'> ,I hdlf how befol('lhl' (Olltl',l \\lIll' II:(epIIOIl' \',I(hth(' ,1l11"" 101:,," thp (otl(l'lh

'1 J( kl't '> .II e ~7 !Jel (Oll( "I [ 'J! <;,40101 tilt, ,1:111'''' of "1'\ l'n Pl'l fOi m.I Ilt e'> 'j It keh 101 ,Pill', of t 111eedod foUl tOlltell', ,Ill' d\ ..i1JdtJl1: d($IH dnd $24 I e'!Jellll ('1\ "tudl'nhdIe ddmltll-<1 for $) Ihell''' di'>u.., ....~)nlf'r (It".,.n (11r..,( fllint

For IllformdlJ<Hl dlld ll:',('r\ dllOn.., tall !j7 1111

ge(hel '>!nee thell ,tnd It'> '>uCte,,>.It lhe 10'01d llou'>e hu'> ,lllowed I(10 ('x palld Ih t Dllel'l ( '>erre'> (0 tlIlt'\\- I(J( ,1(101l till'> ) ed' dt (he Un1ll111/411,1I11 L'IlILlrJ,1II Chureh IIIBlooll1fll'ld 11111'>

J 11 Ih,' J 01 U J!ou..,c '>1.'1II''>, 1\1'>IIIH UII III 'did till' group I'> '>(1lvrngfOl .I 1J,II,lI)(p bp(\\-t'p1IIeul.tJ,> ,1Ild(h,Il11lJel flIl1'>1('

( 11.1IIIbpI rn U,>ll I" 1I111,>lt III It'>plll c,l 11I11ll III(' III0,,1 illllm,llp,lIld J !tllllk till' 1lI1l,,1 de( l'''..,lbl('1II('d,,,I:' \\ !I('II I fll'l t dOH' (0

1)('[1 Ult IhpI (' II d' d 111l111t'U.I11l11IHII 01 II \(m tht'll' hd'> bi'('11gl OIl tll 1'1'0"111 ( dlld d I e,>uI g('1111 01 Inl .. 1 (,,,I In I hdIII IH'I

h'"U p' d' t hI"" h ,I' 1)(, Il III (1)(,1 d..lid d.tllu'

'h II.HUllltl (hI 24 Il'(lldl\\ ill Ill, I lid I' 11111~'> oj \1U/dl I B,lItu~ "lIl,d,lll .Ind "c!lullldnlllJlllll (OIl(I'lh \1111 hlghll~ht IIIl\\IJ1 ~ uf I{.n tl \'\01 211 "churn.ln

1 ... , ~)I 'I' d(~, Inri l..l, ....tnn ,11th

tIll IldlOI! \\OOd\11!1l1 Ch.1mhl'!1'1.\ \ ('I" d'dJ 20 I \ IOltn I JI luo,o

(,h,allb( I 1I1t!"I( I" (,llJOVJll~ .III',UI ~l'II( (' 01 pOpUl,ll II \ In (;10"'>('1'01111(' ,lIld .II I hI' 101 (f, Ollt I'> till'1.\ II( (Ii,Ullb( I 1"IIWlllbll' 1~IlJ(hIlllllJl'gm 11'0 tlilld "(',IWII 01 (011(1'11'0 .tllh(' 1',1\'1'11\. 1,1",IIlOI I Old/low.,l' 01\ "1l11l1.11 (hi l-l 'I Ill' ('1\"I'JIlIJII''' 101l1\t!t'l 10'('(101d llol OIl IIIII ill op"1l 1!l1' , • .t,UIl II It II .I pldllO1('(1(.11 tlldt I" .1 pl('lll'll of IIl'I\"11 '\ iii ~ '11111 (I t .LIl(

'h litlll'\1111 "l)I~I,ll(d 10 hI,I( I tlllill I(ilill 11\1,. 10110\\ In" till1'l-,lI t IlllllllUII",1 I l~( 0\ 1" ,tilt! PI'IIt I 111('(1 I"}>( I III II" lit "UIUI,I \11111llll 1,I ItI l\ 1Il 11\, I' till g (J I Ii)( ,t, ,I

JIlt! tlllllil I filii I III (lIlt 1111\ III('I "

"I" I. 111111<1 lilt J 11II I Ii.LIllbt I

111"111'.[. 111'1/11 IJItI 1I\1l11lig

llilllli '-,11111.11"1.\ (Jllt!("tJd

1l1l11\1HI' 1""1"1 (,"ldIlJIII 11(111111'1 .<1101I), d" tltl III 11\ (1'111,,1

Ji I', ",I'i1'\II\ IIltl,llItll

1(I \1III l\ I"', \' 'I III Ii(.<' II WI I'o • \ __ \ ~. ~ ...

111 I~(" 1 ,1/' • 'I'-> ",,1 UII III "lidI iJ, II I , I " '''' II 1" 1101 1I1111g to




$5.98 LB.

Gallon $2.19

Prices Effective Oct. 7, 8 and 9

QU~L~~Y_1!f~ FARM_fRESH!

~ >~ '~' FRUIT &~;~({;~_hV_E_G_ET_A_B_LE_S







or CHENIN BLANC1.5 Litre $3.79 Bottle





CAULIFLOWER large Head, EA.79C



(Sfuffed with our ownsage & onion dressing)LB.BONELESS ROLLED

Pork Loin Roast $1.98$2.99 LB. FRESH SCALLOPS

103A 0 z. Can5


Creamy or Crunchy

180z $1 39JAR •

- present-



JUICE64-0z. 99C



No Sugar Added!

20-0Z. 69CCAN Each


2 LB. WHEel(Whole 57 24Only) •


~~l~~D 2 for 51

VlllAGE.MARKET18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms



$29~'1".,p ~O'"\A5'(~






Beef $359Kabobs lBleon bee-f qo r"1 ~he~ .,... '>" 0'" 0'"' o,.,d grt>e'"

pepper Or"' a ~'o eo; "~e ... e-


8-LB. AVERAGE(Qlt into Steaks,

if you wish)U.S.D.A. CHOICE LEAN MEATY





Veal ~~~$189Parmesan 2, Ib lB~o ""I!\ f 0 ....... .j >'f'O

Oven Ready Stuf#ed Boneless

Chicken $Breasts 23~

Sfuffed w Ih OU 0 ....,., l',o""e made'>oge d ~..( ~






'-" Gourmet~~ Meats




.....c.E .1'0...~.~. .\',



2 for'l"

Pommery WholeGrain Mustard

171, O. CROCK

/l~g '469$499 HOW





Open M T W T "II 9Fn & Sa, ,,1110 S<Jndoy Noon,S

ROBERT MONDAY.RED, C~l" 19ao '399


/l~9 S8 39 NOW


CHATEAU IT. JEANCHAltDONNA Y, 198050'10'''':'' COuN'~' A,"SEAfOODS POcl"P, 'OR" $1399



"'PfRI'I' OR A"" T '-IE '5197~O Ml NOW

Be" w.Th Beet Roas! Sleaks Beef or lamb Slews


12 O. BAG

:~!l39 HOW' 119

Beer SpecialGold Fassl Kegs/l~!l '999SI159 HOWTappe" Avollobl. S L"."

Fireplace INSERT HEATERGood looks & directs 75% ofavailable heat Into your home& easy to install.

lroms998 NOW $778: II

SAVE 560.00

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1 ) t




MON. & THUIlS .• :30 a.m. I. 1,30 p.m.TUES, WED., Fill. & SAT. 9:30 •. m. I. 5:30 p.m.


Kercheval at Notre Dame 1~I~p~o"~ o,d~" 885-0800

New "Cozy Comfort"Heat Exchanger



SAVE"i f 25%




30% OFFIn Slo<k Only

20% OFFIf Nol In Slo<k

GLASS DOOR by H~arlhcroft

In Slack Only 40 % OFF

~,k~-;/~~II, ,.

\ _,,' 'r ,\\ '" '


Page 6: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

..... 4

Page S;x-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982

e a close look


G E 10cup Celfee Ma'er


G E D glia' AM FM CI0Ck Radio

at Standard FederalOnyx Quartz Alarm Clock

at all these great

Good reasons to take a close look at Standard Federal Savings: Get a gift FREE or at big savingswhen you deposit $1,000.00 or nl0re to anyStandard Federal savings account or newchecking account.

C~sco F~~~~~ Staal J..B!J.I~oldl~~~~br~~ ana_Tote -5laQ. I RIIWISS 3 piece SCissors Set I IU I---- - - ----- ----- -----On)-x Ouartz Alarm Clock I RI- 1-- -- --- ---- ----Corning 5 piece Cookware Set $1500-- -- ------ --G E 10 Cup Colfee Ma~er $15 CO- - -- -- -- ~- - -

G~lg-'.!.a~ AM!~ Clcc~ 'la~o_ _ S15 ~vPresto Owartz Heater 51') CO

III I'O'IT III III I'll' II III"I non no nr 1l10rl ~i non IHI (I) nl_ r~


I Hit






$15 CO


Tasca Binoculars \',Ilh Cdse

Glf r

Oster 10 speed Ble"lder

7 to 31-Day Money Market Certificate:\111l1111UIl1 Balance S20 000 00

8.102 % Annual Interest

1-Year AU Savers Certificate.\lJllllllllm Balc111LeS')OO on

7.480 % Annual Intere"t

91-Day Savings Certificate~hnltnull1 Bd!d11lC S750000

8.102% Annual Interest

26-Week Money l\1arket Certificate:\!lllll1Hln1 RddnLC SIO 000 00

9.643% .\nnual JnteTe"t

A variety of high interest accounts with term~and balance requirement~ to fit your needs.

• A vanety of savmgs plans wIth terms and balancereqUIrements to fIt dIfferent needs

• CompetItIve market mterest rates which are guaranteedfor the full term of the certIfIcate

• Secunt)' - A depositor's savmgs at Standard FederalSavmgs clre lOsured to at least S100,000 00 by the FederalSavIngs and Loan Insurance CorporatIon jFSLlC1 an agencyoj the U S Governmem Insured savlI1gs are also bac "edb:- the full faIth and credit of the U S GO\ ernment

• !\lan)' <-onvel1lent locations to ser..e your flOancJaIrequIrements

NE\V! 7 to 31-Day Short Term Money MarketCertificate - better than current money marketmutual funds!ThiS account olfers mterest rates which are competltlve \\ IthtIlt' current money market mutual funds now avaIlable butunlike mutual fu~ds, the 7 to 31 Day CertifIcate is Insuredto S100 000 00 by the FSLICThIS account can be opened for a term as short as 7 da'} s sothat each and e\ ery week your funds are available on thematunty date and on the ne ....t bUSiness day \\ Ithout any\\ lthdrd\\ al penalty


'. Tax-FreeHere 5 whdt the one-year

A 110. ~~ All Savers Certificate c,m


~ean to you .Up to S2 0000001 I11tere.,t earned

on an All Savers Cerllflcatc (an bee\Lluded from Federal 1I1comc tel....on el

IOJlll return jS 1 00000 on an mdlvldu,d returnl Theclll10\1tlt excluded 1<;a]<;o not taxed hy the State of\ 1k 1119,m 1\<; a re<;ult of thl'; tax <;avmgc; the All ScI\er<;Ccrl'!!Cdte C,111 prO\lde a higher ,lfter tax yIeld thdll \0\\

111d\ he ('Mnln\; tr01l1 cI money n1clfhet muludl fund orI ,:h, r In\ e<;!mcnh

If \ Ol! pre..,enll) ha\. e ,In :\11 ';a\. er'i Cefl ifilcltehuf h<1\.e not carned )Ollr maxinunn clIlO\.\clhk 1,1,\

c,\( IU'iioTl, you mcl\ \.\i ..h to open a nc\\ Stdnd,ucJf CdCfdl \11 Sa\cr .. Ccrtifitate ,,0 that total intere ..tearning'" Lan reach the 5>1,000.00 or $2,00000Jlld '\ innllll.

h ililahJe until Decemher 31, 1g82,

21/2-Year Money l\1arket Certificate:\111l\tlH11l1 ItJl,111ce S10000

11.50% ,\nnllclIIntere"t

31/2-Year Fixed Rate Savings Certificate:\iJl1Il11l1m RJldl1cc SIon 00

12.00 % ,\nnucll Infer" ..t

Non-negotiable Savings Certificate\11n1ll1U1l1 B,l1atll C ~ I ()(l (l()() o()H,lll <, ,lTC' ljuotl'd d'lIly at (111)

"t,ll1d,lfCl I "der,d brdnch offICe

i \...~ ll~ ...rLENDER

2401 We"l Blg Ikcl\ crTroy Mll hlgcln 4ROS4

(111l nil %00



Page 7: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursday, October 7, '9B2 GROSSe POINTE NEWS Page Seven-A

and for Ad

Bu~,"('~~ ~om('nThe a\ erage busmess

Iloman tr'l\eler ISIOllnger than her malecount erpart 18 \ ersusH but th .. nUl"1ber of.1 "men bu'me"" Ira\ el-er, I" lnCrea.,lng threetlmh fa,ler than themen tra\ e1ers

This Weekin Business

Grand Trunk Railnames executive

Gr (h,e POinte Shore'> re'>/dent\\aItN If Cr<lmt'r ha., been pro-moled to .,emor "l(e pre,>ldent ofmdrkellng at Grand Trunk Rail~)"lem Cramer. who JOinedGrJnd Trunk III 1971 ",a" vICe-pre"ldent of mdrketmg PrIOr tohi' app0lnlm('nl at Grdnd Trunk,CrdmPI V.d., d".,I.,tdnt \J(.e pres-Ident (Jf lrdfflt development Withthe <.,t LrJUI" ~"n Frdll(lS(O Pall-v. .I,

Controller namedat Hall Industries

Hall Industnes Corp has ap-pOlllted Grosse Pomte Woods res-Ident Ga\le B. Dankert Its newcontroller :\ls Dankert \\ ho JomI'd the compan) III 1971 as an ex-ecull\ I' secretar) v.11I be respon-.,lble for "upen Ismg bookkeepmgInsurance. pa~TolI and tax func-tlOllS the com pan) '>,lId

Associate mediadirector named

f{o"" f{O\ Ine.h"., ndmed re"

IIl1ld J",oudtem('(lld dlree.tor\1" HlIld v. a"medld dlree.torfor ~ohlglan &P drlner" JIl DetrOitWork" Ine. In Troy

Justin Moranappointed partner

Gro.,se POlllteFarm" re,ldentJU'itm L \loranha~ been namedd pdrtner WithBuckhelffi andRowland, Inc ,.In \nn Arborba..,ed ad\ertlslllg and marketmgdgenC} The agency recently ac-qUired JUStlll L Moran, Inc. amanagement cOl1.':>ultmgfirm as av. holl) owned subSidiary Moran'sbUSiness background Includes dI-rector of communicatIOns WIth the:\Iotor VehIcle :\fanufacturers As-soclatlOn. dIrector of marketmg atDetrOit s Bank of Commonwealth,and account executIve With na.tlOnal ad\ertlsIng agencies, ~ W-'\~er & Son and Grey Ad\ertlsmg,Ine

Announcing ° 0,

The CounCIl of \;ephrology So-Cial Workers has a\\arded one oflis fl rst research grants to Kath-n n \\ Spragens. one of anI) threeper:>ons natlOn\\ Ide to receive thehonor :'I!<; Spragens of GrossePOlllte elt) IS nephrolog:- SOCial\Iork coordlnalor at Henn FordHo,pltal The grants are" madepO<;::>lbleb~ the :\atlOnal KIdneyFoundatIOn Local to\ storeT..n O'(locl.. Scholar. formerlv at16906 Kerche\ al -\\ enue In" theFront ROIl :\11111 :\lal1. has mo\ed10 D \1 Egan s \hm \lall at 16900Kerchel al Hours are 10 a m to5 10 P 111 :'Ilonda~ through Satur-

da~ The store \~Illremalll open untl! 9~ m Thur<;da\ eH~n-Ings Fonner res-Idenl \ alenE' Pokorn)'\lcHugh and currentreSIdent )tan -I,OUI5Sdorer ha \ e .openedan e'l.ercI<;e and flt-ne,s center III EastDetroll on Kel!\ RoadSuper Shape Inc '"' IIIoffer dl\er<;lfled flt-ne,<; "2r\ Ice, Ior menand \\omen- Joanm' Gouleche

St. Clair announcesstaff additions

Drs. 'Ian "omca Pikus, :\-f.'Iichelle Pierron and James C.Sch\\ artz Jr hal I' been named tothe staff al St Clair CommumtyHealth Center III St Clair ShoresDr Pikus of Grosse POinte\\ oDd.., IS certIfied III medIcaltechnolog~ and ad\ anced cardiaclIfe support She served her mter-nal medlcllle reSidency at St JohnHospItal Dr Pierron served herpedlatnc resldenc) at St JohnHO~PltaJ and IS a JUnIor Fellow ofthe -\mencan Academv of Pedla-tne<; She 11\es III Grosse PomteWoods Dr Sch",artz. of GrossePOinte Park v, as a research as-<;oclate at the Child Research Cen-ter of \hchlgan He sen ed hIS 10-ternal mediCine resldenc\ at StJohn .

co ...-~

DICK ROBBINSSales RepresentatIve

882-3222Rt'rnodellng SpeCialists

Rooflnq Fdmlly Rooms Rpc RoomsKitchens Code Violations

and Estale Mdlntenance

Auto-Horne-IRA & BOP-Business



-_ ....~ ...1812\ E 8 Mill R~ ~._:;:,

~ EISI Ollrall 48021 '¥, 775-4700

Michigan Mutual Insurance Group

In( I ld,Jng I e,l'<Irefi dltll Il\ ,mdJMItlujJdllOll HJ Ihe ~(hoo] " exeeullle edue,ltJ(Jn progldm"\~hleh 1d,1 \ edr dl ell "ome 7 6(){)IJlI,jn('~, leddeJ' hJI(' ne<-e~'ItJled eXjJdn"lOn 1)[ the ph) "If dlpi ,lilt eteu)) r1mg lo the dedn \PII\ dlell funded buildmg proJe(tIe, planned to J(Lommoddle ne\\J dtull) II.,llrng exee.ut!\ e~ and,tudenl'> Plan" call for d ne\1 Itb.I'df\ (omputmg e.enter dnd other!dulille" <1ceOIdlllg to \\hltaker

ll1e dedn, t e<-eptlOn at the\ dlht Uub on \\ edne~da\ ~ept29 \\ a~ ,pon,ored b\ Pomter" Bobfhlbode,\U .II :\11(.hael and~u"dn \\hleler George dnd 'Iar}St rung \\ d! ! en dnd 4.nn \\ dtkIIlSdnd H,lchard dnd Sll,an \Iea..,elle

\\ hltdkel hold, d Ph D III eeonam Ie' fJ om Ihe L n1\ er'lt I of \\ 1,,-eon,m


extraction canbe less costlv


-'\ DeliOil e.OD'-t!UUIOD e.ompdn)"dl' It h 1emo\ Illg UIea formaldel1\de foam from local homes fora fractIOn of the u'ual cost

Kurl Smilh of All POlllte~ Con-<;\1lIlllon Co at 1)608 Easl \\' arrcn\lcnUl "did the fU.1m I'; remO\edb~ d nPII le( hmque del eloped blhi" COmpdn\ II hllh cuI, dOI\n(0'1' lon",del doh

\1<11Ie \ 01dn of \Iar \ldnd 4.\ e.nul' III GroZ>'>e Powte Pdr~ ha:,been <;uffenng from I e<;plrator~pi oblem, ,,1I1(e fOdm \~d::' 1Il,taJledIn her hume II~° I edr, ago accordlllg to the eompan~ 4.11POlntes recent!\ remol ed thefoam flom Ihe \\ .IIh of her home,.It her dOUOl " reque'l U~Jllg II::,ne\\ techlllque

SmIth saId fOdl11 remo\ aJ from\Ir, \oJan <;home (0,,1 her $1 200Foam remOl dl pi 0Ject'> like \Ir::,:\ol.1n" hO\\elcr can rlin .I, high.1<;S40000 dLulrdlng 10 Smnh

Pcople dre not all .1I I' It can bedone for a frac tJOn 01 II hat JI u,edto e.o"t Sl11lth ,ald

-\lJ POlntes e'.IJ ae.b the loamfrom Ihe e'.IC1101 of Il'e home III,teJd of Ihe com enliOnal processof [("110\ 109 llblde ell\ \\ all IIIHchCJn be e"pen"lIe and time can,umlllg "mah <Ild Thlough thecompal1\ , ne\1 tce!lnlque thefoam ,hnnk, making 11Cd::>lel toe,tr<1cl

The cumpam al,o clhlllfc(h the(Onlal11111,IIl'd lalllil" Illlh a patented trl'ntment dCI eloped 0\ JLI nn Enel ~I ~I"tl'm" Ltd Theproce" !.th(" up to tl~O dal' tocampl,'le (ompared to Ihe 1\1U tothl,'e Ileek pelllJl"i I\hen the loamh 1em"1 ,,,i flom In"'de the home

"l11llh ',lld hh (Ompall\ rel'l'I\l" bet-Hl'll l'i III ';0 Iwmc, a'l1onth flom "PI ('I ,11 £(0\ PI nmenl,1~(>IlCl(" of p<'opll' 11110011l' "ufferIll- lIon, the etfech of llrl'3 formaldell\ de and Il1U,t 11,1\l' the,ub,t.lnC'(' IP!J1111rei [111m theirho Il11'''


, ,

Ihll d ill flf!!J pJd({' dITlOng loJIt'gee, dud UnI\ el ,tlIL' III the L ~l)Joduung Ihe gledll'',( numllel oft(Jp e'.elull\e., In "'tdnd"ld dndPOOl , I ('c ent h r I'led~ed lolJegt',lll \ {'\

The ,choo] I' pJOneel mg In Ihef('ldtl\{!h n('\\ ..IIea., of computelInfol 'JldllUn ,\,tem, dnd UIgdlll/dtlCJll,ll 1Jl'11JII'Jr In md/llif dlIUllllg duordlllg 10 \\ hltdkeJ ItIelHI! (, .In ..1\ el dge of ~"i Job offer, for eJ(h \1<1,tel " gr ddudtl'

Free Gift/$l,OOO


I RO" rn 1\(01)" I',

f \'1 mTROn '"I)flROn .. , I'

O(,RO"-'f POI\H f \R\1, ~

'1 (I \IR '1l0Rf'

HOt R~ \fonrl~, Thllr~dtl\ q 10" m to.f 'W p mI Tlci~\ q 30", m to'" p m ....~furl'1~\ I nrhi' throll~htrtlr .. , G10. m In 1 r m

"Our f\f"rdH'\al \\f' OUte(' \\J1J 'otOprn "~rlJrt1';H"



\nlUII~ lIlt' i~UJlllt~l,,) \\hu lU1Ut.J UUl LV "Jt\t LU.I'It I "),t) Ii: ".1: ...h:"';~::' !~t:(~:-:((,'- l"".,.ho,d fl4=1 ~n("l/lI'll \\'hltdkt'r IlJr 11.1t1and Buth \\Jllt<ikf'r 1'>1'(ono Irom It'll) <it d f('(('ptlOn Id"t \\I,t'k \\,'re(!I.ft Iu lI!4hlJ :\lidldl'l \\hp('I,'r, ",u.,an \\Iwelt-r, \nn \Lltkln." \\arrl'n \\<itklll", \lan I.,trong, Hobnll!Jodl "II, .Jr , SU.,<l1l \1I-a",,1I1' dnd 1{I(hard \1/',]"1'11"

t 1111(/ 'It\ of \1,c!JJgdn , de,Hl (jlBU,IIll~' \dIllIIll,trdtJOI1 (,Jlbel t!{ \\ llJldhE.'1 .11 did ,01111. ,lumpIng fOI hi' 1d,1 gl Ol~ II1g ,( hlJulld,t\~(,E.'k.!l .I re(eplJOn dl th(' (,Io"e/'Olllt<.' Ydch! Club

TI1l'd('dll \1 ho , bl'l'l1 011 the Jollfm th'ee .lIld d 11<i1l\1'.11, hJ, foluwd hi' elH'l gle, Oil ,I dE.'\ellJpment plogram ,limed .II IlldJlJldlllrng the L 0/ \1 BU'lJJe'" \dmJllhlr<itlOl1 ~(ho(Jl, t up I dl1l-ll1g,IlIlOllg L S (ollegl" 1 he ,t!lool h



I! •

I I~ - 1


, - .--

, "


I , r

30 Month Money Market Certificate(1.. l1ll11l1 nd, pm'l ,,/~) "IHII'II I ,,;,. rt ,I" ( 11"\ T/"\l 01 ,J) ( Il\Wi Il ,nf IJ

12 Month All Savers Certificate, 1ll1l1llllUII1 dl)h"'l "f ~)/1I1(III I r~\ flU r I"\ll 1\1f

Passbook Savingslilt, r, ,t 1)lldft, rl\ l "mpllunl1, Ii ';MIl ,II" Il\l wllLl"j \ 1,Id

.I( I 01 dlllg 10 till' pld/1 '1'111' It. u('!lllol, III tll1, I dll'gOI \ ,IIP Ol~pd a10Ld of ~! 7'19 H<j

~I'\I'Jl (1.1'" I'!\!, (J('dllol'0\11'<1 iJl'lI\t'1'1I ~;)OO <llld ~I DUO v. ill11'«'l\P 1111'11 111,t P,I\J!lI'III,I~It hili JL(J d d)" U/1dt'l Illl' pl.lll('I .." FI\(' (!pdltOI, JlKlUdlllg thl'(,lll"l' 1'II111tl' \l'I\, <II ( O\~l'd~ ll20 H'J loLd

( II dltlll' 1~lth debh 1I11('d 10tll\ III 01 IllOlt' tll.lll $1 liO() ~~!l1 I I'

II II I' Pol\ tIll'llh \~llhlll lHO d.ll',Il11lldlJIg 10 tIJI' II'p.l\JlII'111

",hi'dule (1I'dilOI, .III' U\Il'd~)'1 -,II>il 111 .i11 1~I\h Illl' Lugl,1, I,'{llli!! Jll IIlg 1.111' ()uldolll \dl'lll'lng 11l( I~ho h Ollld,.!-ll,"

III dddillull "!(,1!1l'1 I'IOll\OtlO1hUI~(" ,l.ltl' .Il1d 11'(111,t1 1.1\<" ,llId\Iltlllgdll LllIp10\1I11'1I1 ">t'(UIII\11l11l11lh'lllll III t1l1011 .11111 <l1l/IIIlIJ'

II J!lIt' III'" 10ldlJIIlg ~2 l7" "il,111\1( II I~ III lx' j!.lId III full .I( (01 dIllg 10 till I('P II nll'Il1 pl,1Il

(Ill (oIl1Pdll\ lid' 1110 ouhfdlldIlIg ll.lllll' !ol.dllllg ~2';(j !lllildgdllhl Illl ,I.lll' ,)(I ollllng 10dh( JI"1I1 \' ,1.ItIIlH'llh "t('IIl(,!l'II'1II01IlJl\'- (1.!lIll, II lo,t ~21)1) OO()

IIJIlIi tilt ,Idl( (,IIlU'lIl'll Ih ddtl'.1\ till L.l,l Light (,Udld \IIIlUI \Jill (1)IIIP,lIl\ ha, 'lll'd to I e(o\ l'1II-, 10'"

III .lddliiOIl IIl(' lO!llpdll\ I,

'lIll\g lh( ~Idt\ r .111 for hI ('dIll ofIOllt I.lll \ p.1I JlIIOIl 'l hl'd 1I1ed Iuh"lI'p " "IXll h I~(.II ("llIlllt tbet illllPdll\ pI ()JIl011'l! \1 d' llo1 (!Jill

pll Ill! III Ilml' .I1(Oldmg 10 thelOmpdl1\ , "ltOlne\, (dU,ll\~ theIllthdl.lll.lI of \l'lldo!, .md fln.ll1II tl 10'" to thl' (Um/hl/JI

'" ,

FreeGiWhen You:

Profitcheck Checking AccountI. Inhf'" lll'\ll'\llll'l) U)\\P(ll ,Dj-[) 141'- dlllIJ\ • .I1111Ulilltid

Special Account11 [)1l111JI11t" lI11t ~11l1l(1I1111 Illltr"lrat'''.lfl quottd"n ,ddJi\ b"" h, \\,llf th, ral, "t,I,I,h,o

II thl I In, th, "'- .Il ,ou Ill'> .If, "p, m d "il' r, main In l ff, , I fllr th, lU[1 I, rn' 01 Ihe l (rllt" .lIl


:;-:_",- - - -. -. '~ .... ~-"- -- -- .

\1 \'

Deposit $1000or more to anyColonial Federal Savings high interest accounts

91 Day Money \tarket Certificate,'I1II'llTllUl'l"d. pO'll "I~;;llIllhll

182 Day Money Market CertificateIlJlllfllWll d. i' "I ,J! ~ltlllllllilill 1;1l(rt "I, "~l lJt tll'Hlthl} quarterll ur lut'lIn"''''III} tr,lIhf< rn d I"

\lour ~l!ivtn~..,. 1~count

"\\ Ir-I \ .. t' ,t.: ....f1\\~h I ~'\l\t l '\ \\1 \kHfr- } III t,- ... \i

'OTF (10"'1 \I'•.trl1r 11ft "'Uhllt!' l\11hhlltt\ t t1lt d ....t1tlfllll hrl rd r!~ n....ptrml' nil" r, fr" ....1.1 p,r" \ It rt(hrlrl~ll\l 11 ... rliUtfr Uh'tHi.,dp.n'll\ !lrt1rh i..tlhdfH"''l1 ir'll ((rtdll:ltt H,tllinh 'nrll ....... l1tl\.I\(1 .... fr',1,r; "1 T1\ 1\

Ii Irp, '" ....I II 1 "I \ I r " t rt t ~l "'ft ...


, \\ I\ I ," \ ( I I II \ l' \1I I " I I \ I \ I ~!I)f R\ I ,\\ I, ("\ R! I'" \ k I II I' 1 '11111 I H 111111In 1 HI f fill R \ I

'\\1,1,' \"\1l10\"\'t R\\I I (11RI'11R\Tlil'~ 1 II R 1\'1 HI'" \\ 1\( , \){f \1" 1 B \t "III Il\ 1111

H II f\ITH \'Il, H1Ill1111THI I "\IlIll"f\lt'( ,I II f R"\\1I \ 1

Free Gift/$lO,OOO

lo!1 1

Sleillelll Pr()lll()ti()ns

filt~s 11I(IlJ)aYlllf'lll plallAt!OIIlt'\' 101 ,,>1('11lt'1 1'1 o III 0

[lOll, Ill(' pll''l'lIll'd dl'I!O,UII',t"tl'IIlI'lIh dllli Il'p<l\ 1IH'1I1pldll'III l ~ B"llklllpll \ (otlll Ihlll'd",\ ,,>,'pt 1Il IH tOI ( llldgl(;l'OI gl III 1)(1\

\{I01(llllg 10 tll(' ItPd\IIIl'1I1

pl.1lI (I I'dlltll' \1 iii It'll II (' .III IIII11.1i j(I pel «'Ill IJd I 1Ill'1l! Oil dl'lJhO\II'd \\.1\ III (OUllt \ (Olllllll,'lOll I I I I I III "I " III ('I II \\h0lUll" Ihl lIJlllP.llI1 111I11t« 1\1'111'

Ihlllg 101 hi" ll.lllIl" II.lg('" .IlldIO.lrh 10 rh, '01111'.1/1\ (<lI.II//11gIIiOlt' \h 1/1 ~IIIIlIHI )(, III dlll~' toIlll II'pllll,"1 pi III

I hI l '''II!, 1111 '1111 Ii IIII d IIlId( I

lh.lpltl 11 1(0'.."111/,111<'11 ,J! Iht't " B,II\~IIII'\' I (odl I' l'''llt d11\ I'"W I pi'" II 01 )1,11 II! IIOIil.Jl/Ilt 1, )'JHl lilt Idili/-, d.llt o! 111t

, ••• 1 j I l ..Hl' I', /11 1'1111'

to till <I"',I"'lIll '1.t1 'III III III,,1.1\ III"': III 1)l1"1I1l '" IIIl I "llIp.l111

Iwpt', 1(1I'll IIII 1111(II dltol' .IIIOldllll. ro III, I '1'.11 fill 1.1 p1.111

IIII olhll oplllJlI \Iulild III tillIllpdi\luli "1,1"11,, ,llIllh thtl o III I' 11\1 11,,1, I' ~l lOll '>It lilt I JII

.11\ 11\ t I I I I' ,I , II III I t hi' \".11

",wi ht I ,11[> d III ~I' i' tl" I <If I,

p.11\1 "pI I d 11112"u hi l ould I' pdlhi' I II~III"I'

1'.1111'1111' 10 I IIdil'II" 1\ ill lit"pdt< d llul 01 tI "I' 1I111/1t!b Ulltil Ithl lilt~1 pi 1/1 I 1,~lJl"I' Ollt d I",th.1I1 ~lt~1 11111I,"'I\( IlIltl Ii p.lImtll" 1Il I~I dd\' III I I th, pl,lIl1.11-('" ,'1I,d 111'1".11" 14 I r,dlllll" (l\~i d ,I IIlLI! "I ::.14 I 114

( I I d It Ill" III' I d IH t II , t II $li III.1Ihl ~)IWI \~ill Illlll(' lhtll IlIltldl

]I) PllllllI p,IIJlll'lIh III '~I d.11'

We have our own staff

Page 8: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Page Eight-A

t ) ~ I

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982


COMERICA TAX-EXEMPTACCOUNT.You receive a tox-free dividend every month withinstant accessto your investment.

Start your account wlth S5,000 andreceive a monthly dIvIdend, exemptfrom Federal Income tax You'll haveeasy access to your account Just makedeposits or wnte checks at anytimeror S500 or more. Your funds wIllbe Invested In short-term mUniCIpalsecuntles, wIth one of the natIon's largestinstitutional fund managers ~loneyplaced In thIS fund ISnot a deposIt andnot Insured by the FD I C

2COMERICA MONEY MARKETACCOUNt It's like having a check-ing account that pays moneymarket rotes. And it's insured.

Earn mone\ market rate., on all at \ ourtunds and have unrestncted access' toyour money Just \\ nte a check or tN'your Ultra-~latlC Bank Card at an\' or600 :-laglC Lme locatIOns throughoutthe state Your account IS tn::,ured up to5100,000 by the FDI C The C-.l~l:\may be started \\ lth a minImum depOSitor 520,000

OPTION TERM CERTIFICATE. Ournew 7-31-doy certificate givesyou money market rates andkeeps you completely flexible.'lour mmInlllln depo:'lt ot 5::;00(\1 \\ ,]'earn the mone\' m,lrket rate In dtll!the da\ VOll open ~OUI dlll'unt-guaranteed tor 31-da)" The L)ptlnnTerm Certlhcate P,l) s t!m hIgh J ,lk,md stdl gl\ e., \ ou the tle'lb:ht\ l>t\\Ithdra\\ mg ) our depo"'lt \\ Ithoutpenalt\ .:It anytIme JU'it gl\ e L,'" ,1

::,e\ en-da\ notice .-\1::'0, \ our ,lU.l'l,nt I...

Insured t;P t(l 5100000 l'\ t1w } DIe

Reinvest your "All Savers" money with us- we have moreinvestment options than any other bank in town!

\lmlmumOpemng \lone\ \larke! FDIC

[n\estmenl Rates Insurea \"e ...""blhh

LOn'enCJ Ta:..-bempt .\ccount $ 5000 yES '\0 1m ~ 1'1(>

C0'l'trCJ \jone\ \1;J'ket -\ccount 520,000 'JES 'IE':> <1'1\tll'1('LO'llU1CJ Option Term (erl\hcate $20,000 HS HS l~tt.r -; LL1'''' n~"Ih..L\lo'lt\ \larket C('rtlhcale $]0000 HS HS 1~ '"",~ltur \\:1 S<1\t r<; >\ccouJ't S 500 ':tES lES ('q '"'I""")(1ttlfl t\

j"d \ Ju,ll Retlreme'1t A.ccount S 50 lES ll:S 'I millt,r t\

\ t't"" 1"\ " ... l~ I "' (t , t .... I

t .... t"'"

See us today to leam moreabout these investment

options. We have convenientFriday evening and Saturday

hours at many of our 118local offices.




The Sign of Professionalism andPersonal Service for 133 Years.


I)ell Olt B,m k Sout ht Jtld • Dtt rOlt B,ml '\ 0\ I • J)et I<'I! (tink frO\ • Del r,'lt fl,ml Stullnv[)UwII 1\,1nlll\ 01'1,1 • 1\ Iro,1 B,mk \ \,me n

Page 9: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursddy, October 7, /982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nme.A.-------------------- ---


-,. '"


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.;- ~.;--t.~ ~ 355 FISHER RD. We deliver

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Fresh 100% Ground Beef ..••... $1.39 lB

LAHVOSHSesame WheatCracker Bread


A ~ourle of unknownrellat:lIJlty 1n.~I~t1>there I~now more American[JtrCdge In lounlry duh..,than In lcmelefle1>

locally on televl'>JOn and movies'>he added, notmg that the ChlldI en',> Thealer doe,>n't proml~e~ludenh pal I'> on BrOadway or InHollywood ~r,> Heynold'> ,>alll~he expech the hc'>t flom edth,>ludent and a profe'>'>lOnal attltude

Gro'>'>e POinte Chlldl en '> Thedter I'> aho aimed dl ) oung people\1ho may not go mlo theater butwant 10 learn a little dbo\lt It, '>he'>dld \ppI enUt(;' da..,~e~ are Involved WIth mIme, behind the..,cene~ ~tudy or plOdU(tlOn,make up, (on,>trulllOn of !>(enery,IJghlmg, mU'>ll and lreatlve dantealong WIth other baf:,l( element!> ofdrdma

~tudent ... 11110 v, ant III get In\olved WIll fmd plent \ of lhdn( e'>durmg the thedler '> '>ed'>on \Ir,>Hey nold'> !>dld Cd'>l'> <Ire lho..,enoy LUIJ1!Jt:lltl\. '-- 1I) 'Jut.., uuJ :.....LJJroles are al v, <I) ... douhle l J~I Produc:llOn,> appedr not onl) Jt theWar :\-lemofJal, but dl nur!>wghome'>, ho..,pltal,> dnd other charIt able orgdlllzatJOns d!ld tell'\%lOn, !>he "ald

Cld!>':>e!>meet dt the \\ar \lemorlal on ~aturda\ " flom 10 d m to5 pm The pubJil 1.., 1m Ited to Jttend

Am one mterested m the Children',> Thedler (an (all 885.&219 or8817511 for more IllformatlO!lAudIt lOner!> who can t appear durmg the ~lheduled tImes (dn ~et upa performdnce by (aIling 885 b219

~ ature and Te<.hnology, Self-Helpand ~1edlcal Care, GrO\lmg Up,and Grov,lOg Older, FeelmgYounger

Both of the ...e ~hov.~ premieredFrlda\ Oct I The third 24 hourservIce Satellite Ne\\!> ChannelWIll premiere after the companyll1stalI, a ne\\ satellIte earth statlOn to pIck up the channel compan) spokesmen sald

Offered b\ ABC Ne\\s and Westmghollse Broadcastll1g, the channel \\lJl feature l8-mlnute ne\\s-casts covering mternatlOnal andnatlOnal ne\\s and five mmuteseach of regIOnal and local new,;

Because of the new sef\ allocatIOns \1111be chang-ed. the company said SatelliteNev.s goes to channel 3. MTV tochannel 30 and Cable Health tochannel i6 All public access reIlglOUS, and communlt) announcements \\ III be combmed onchannel 5, v. hlle educatIOn goes tochannel 19

The Appala(hlan Communlt\Sen Ice N et\1 ark on channel 29 re-cent/y under\.\.ent a name changeto The Learnmg Channel

TI yout., fOI the mu.,lcal "TomSawyl'l" will be held dt theGr()~~e POinte ChIldren'., TheaterSdtUI ddy, Oet 9, at 4 p m In theVetl'l dU''> Hoom

High ~dlOol ,>tudenh dnd )oungadull~ v, III dudltlOn for role!> a'>,\unl Poll}, Injun Joe. Wider /)ou.gld'> dud other'> Student'> '>houldbllllg d mU'ilal ,>e1e(llon for JudltlOn dlthough ...ome rol(',> don tIe'lUll e ...mglllg

~JJJ) He) nold... ltledtel ploduc:('I dnd dll e(lor for 29 } ear'> '>dld,>ludenl'> dnd )oung ddulh hdveIll'ell J p<ll I of thl' theater ...lnt e It'>beglnnmg

'Ld('nt kJlo\\ ~ no dge hmlt .....he ...dld \l,lII\ of our member!>hdve gone on to profe~'>IlJJl<lJ car-eer~ m 0111d,>peth of thedter " EdHel m<lnn v, ho pld)ed Frankll1lHoo~e\ eIt ln the mOYie AnnIe\l,d~ onE' of thE' IhE'dl('r'~ flr ...1membl'r~ Gllen Humble hd'> appeal ('<1 JIl ~ ew 'iork ,lfid Holl Vv, oud IJl Hello Dolly and tele-\ I'> dnd '>enes She \.\.111dl'>o <lppedr In dn Oltoher ABC..,pellJI The Que,>t

(,I ,lilt ('oJhn.., m,wdglllg dJret101 of the \lu~lt '[ hedll'! dndDenIm \\ Il kJllll 1)[o<!u«;,r dnd dlI edol of lhe (.olden LJOn DinnerThedter Geol ge KdpPJL la'>lmembel on The Gwdmg light,wd EhLdbeth Pdrlel):, al e otherformer member!> of the lheater\\ ho ha\ e '>ucleeded In the drl'>,:\lr.., He} nold~ ~dld

\ldfJ\ \ounger ...tudent~ appear

ChiltlrIJlt'.*i Ihl~(ltpr .*il"hl~dule.*iflllllit;ott.*i .tor 'TOtti .."illttyer'

What's on CableThursda\. Oct. i-Channel 8

• 6 P m - The Shopper's GUldeThursday. Oct. i-Channel 17

• 6 p m - "SIlent Countdown" - ThIS fIlm portrays a\'anet) of people In dIfferent walks of lIfe who express theiranXIeties and Ideas about hIgh blood pressure The narratorm~errupts the monologues. negates the fallacies, and re-mInds the speakers of theIr urgent responsibility to takethe necessary precautIOns and treatments

• 6 30 P m - Hank Luks \'S Crime - Guest IS DenmsHertel, U S Congressman who WIll discuss hIS new anti-crIme bIll and what he's dorng about the "War AgamstCnme"

• 7 p m - "Pomte b) Pomte" - A Grosse POlnte CableTV ne\\s feature, anchored by >Jora Satrun.

• 7 15 P m, - People WIth Erv Stemer - Guest IS MortCnm. anchorman for WDIV-TV

• 7 45 P m - A VIew frum a Park. Bench WIth JudgeBe\ erly C Grobbel

• 8 15 P m - Hunger Walk, sponsored by the GrossePomte Mmisterlal ASSOCIatIOn

Frida). Oct. 8 - Channel 8• 6 p m - The Shopper"s GUide

Frida}. Oct. 8 - Channel Ii• 7 p m - "SmgleSeen" - An alternatl\e to datmg ser-

vices:\fonda). Oct. 11 - Channel 8

• 6 p m - The Shopper's GUIde:Honda), Oct. II - Channel 1i

• 7 p m - "SrngleSeen"• 7 30 P m - "Young Vlewporntes' - A ne\\s sho\\

brought to you b~ the kids of Grosse POinte:\Ionda}. Oct. 11 - Channel 5

• 4 30 P m - Amencan Cathohc• 5 p m - FaIth 20

Tuesda}. Oct. 12 - Channel 8• 6 pm - The Shopper"s GUide

Tue"da\, Oct. 12 - Channel 17• 6 p m - "Better Odds for a Longer Life" - ThIS

program deals \\Ith the flsk factors such as smokIng, highblood pressure, stress. obesltv. and other factors \\hlchcontnbute to heart disease ana heart attack

• 6 30 P m - Hank Luks \.s Crime - Guest IS Det LletMIchael D Robmson, from the MIchIgan Dept of StatePolIce, Cnmlnal 1m estlgatlOn VOlt, \\ ho Will diSCUSSnarco-tICS, Its use. and other alarming statI'itlcs

• 7 pm - "Pointe by POinte" - A Grosse Pomte CableTV news feature

• 7 15 P m - People With Erv Steiner - Guest :s Wil-ham Lucas 'candldate for Count .. Executive Officer

• 7 45 P m - A VIew from a- Park Bench \\Ith JudgeBeverly C Grobbel

Wednesda}. Oct. 1:$- Channel 8• 6 p m - The Shopper's GUide

Wednesda}. Oct. 13 - Channel 17.7 pm - "SmgleSeen"• 7 30 P m - "Young Vlewpomtes"

\\ednesda}. Oct. 13 - Channel 5• 4 30 P m - Amencan Catholic• 5 p m - Faith 20

Cable adds three servicesThn'e ne\1 channeb \\ ere added

to Gro~~e POlllte Cable's One StarGalax) Sef\ Ice In October, acc:ordmg to \ Ice-president and genel al manager \11(hael Re}nold!>The ne\\ offerings are ~luslcTele\ 1!>lon, Cable Health Channeldnd Sate!lIte "'e\IS Channel

\rU~ll Tele\ 1!>l(Jn or :'Ill'\', IS al4 hour a-da\ \ Ideo musIc channelLhat feature~ popular musIc In,>tel eu -\llhough much of themU~I( v, ill be \ Ideo records, anImatlOn" dnd experimental inter-pretation of musIc the channelalso plans to CO\ er CO!lcerts andclub date!> mU!>lc !le\\s and per~onal1tle~ Video dISC Jockeys Introduce records and pro\ Ide the~ho\1 s cohesl \ eness

The Cable Health Channel ISanother 2-l-hour a da\ sef\ Ice\1hlch fealures l11fOrmatlOn a bouthed.lth dletmg exerCIse and ph}sIe aI \\ ell be Il1g Pro gr am m mg v. IIIfall Into 10 categories What's:-Ie\' 111 Health and SCience Keep-Ing FIt. :'\utntlOn DIet and Eat-Ing Well, Thlnkmg and Feehng,Heaith) Relatlonstups Human In-terests and Llfest} les SCience











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TI I t\\ 'r II! III It., qot 0111tre 'r1l'lldly leatures:' "'''c!dl' t'lt Apple II trlt! stcHlddrd n personal con'puters

p <I' 111111\' sophSIICdl",d fpclleJres th(11 meanp ,~ Jlt .,~ ,n d bJg ,Joel,

L", : .. L( 1I1l"11enlOr"Cd!J"CI1"li2dKbyteslA c '\culdtUf S1l.1l' Ilumen\.- keypadG '" j,~ j' \l H'Q" 'esol'J\ on ' ~l-" , r l ',',,1 II':> l-dD('bllil" I \

A l r1,j ,'.In d qrOI\lnq Ilbrar., I I

)1 b,,<; 11e~s rnallJge'nent programs , \till' 'h':,) ,au manage your bus,- _ .!'lV' ':> :. Ii ,',11 bl'lng <1 iJrogramrner ~] A

/\11 of ""lldl It the ~ ~ Ib"Jgesl Apol", this side of NeW!!l(c:Jo -fii-)orr Sf'lp b\ the slore dnd ~

1,t:::llgl\e,Jl1afreetour '- 'lII ..,.,- _ i


s:oroZG)o ~





15554 EAST WARREN AVENUE • 882-68203741 ST AUBIN AVEDETROIT • 832-0070



Page 10: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives


With Ameri.Therm"

882-1540[lop ar (,) 1...lft' ~v t' 1 t.H' '"



~()R....~fN \ \i\()W ''-J

rl~q 22 so NOW l5~


Thursddy, October 7, 1982


t9tuffl~l Q11!iruprw1it <ltliui!Gf-l'.,E.RAL PRAC1lCf. & CPORn; INJlJRJ~

22201 Kelly Road (Btw. 6 & 9 Mi. Rd.)E Olltroll 779-0102 (By Appointment)

& f'T\/1 rJ I ILL - I!;;'q


Lll~l ~hllll bl' 111',1A rl'l'l'lIt ~lud\ h\' till'

HOUerl Hali ol'g~lIllallOnfOllnd that the lu~t Jobcdndldate llItcrvwwl'dwa~ hll'l'(i 55 II pt'I'l'ent ofthe tllllt', "lull' the Clr~lperson mlt'rvlc" I'd ~otthe Job III anI) 176 percent o[ till' L'dl>l'l>

\\ lilt' l'ountnThough Ih ht',lrt .llld

~oul IndV \\l'1I be III tht'Ra\ Are,I'~ N.lp,l \'.llll'\<.'.111[01JlI.I'~ \une ('Oll1'tne\tl'II(!'> ulrllo~t tlll'l'nlllt'length o[ the ~t.llt' [10 InMe ndlX'l!Io Co unt \ III t hl'north 10 E'l'olldldo III lht'south

Tell me aboutyour high gas heating bills

DeSIgned & fabricated In our studIOof all weather self adheSive Vinylready for easy application any timeyou deSire

SpeCialists In all types of Vinyl graphiCSboats, vehicles. Windows and displays

Unique Christmas Gift?

graphic communications18132Ten Mle East DetrOit MIColi 774-9605 for further information

and I'll tell you how you cansave up to 20%* with Ameri- Therm~


Salenl c("lllt" .. planst'hild food p.'ogi'aUI

The Salem Memorial Child CJrt.'Center will sponsor <1Child C<lreFood Progl'<un deMgned to pro-\ Ide meab to cluldren In cluldc<lre centers, oU~lde school hour~program~ and f.l1llll) da~ carehomes

Meals are (1\ ,Ill Jblt' at no ...ep-ar dte chargl..' to all c111ldlen 12 andunder. nllgr .lIlt children 15 dlldunder, dnd older h,lIldll:appedl'illiden enrolkd III Sdlem l\tClllOlldl Child Call' Center \\Ithoutregard to ract.' ~e\, color, rei I

~ glOn, nJtlOnJI OIlglll or ll.lndll'.Ipped LOIu.iltlOn


- - -------- - --------


We are temporarily closeddue to fire.

We look forward to yourcontinued supportmore than ever.

Watch the News for ourGrand Re-Opening Date,

or call881-7851

Thank YouSharon & Dallas Carrier

problem~ C.III I esult "The vlcllmsIII tilt' \ 1!I,lgt'.., .11'1..' conslctCI't.'<.lOllt-ed ...t..;, ,lIld al C 11Idden flom thenubhc ,. tilt.' dodol ~.l1d .

The ph) SICldn "ho\\ t.'d l>hde~ ofthe before ,Inti dflel effl'L'ts ofsurgl'r) [01 .1 ft.'\\ of the "HdPPYSnllle" c!lt.'Ill<, Ta\ dcdul'llbleL'ontrlbutlol\ ... Ill.l\ be Illlllied toProJecto I!tU'll't'o PO Bo\ 2476,FOl t \\ 01 III 1\'\, 71:dOI

t'\.plallled that hornble t'left lipdeformlllt:'''i can be c,H1~ed b\heredity, llutntlOn or ~trCSl> lilthe L' S, repdlrs are gE'nerall~made U1 the first three months of achild's hfe In rUl'al MeXICO, thedE'forrl1lty usudll\ goes untreated,and the cleft h often vle\wd d~pUl1lshment for l>omc Pd~t nH~-deed b~ the fdnul) E\.treme::.peech, Iw,lrIng dnd ps~ chologIC,I\

GO P II ;!!."htS. .,

at tel1u!r s

A round-robm tetter orJglnall~ \\ as apetition \\lth the signatures \\r1tten III

a Circle so nobod~ could figure out\\ho Signed £1rst

Grosse Pointe RotaI') President Jost." BOI'rego (center) handeda check for $2,000 to Dr, Valentin Garda tright) \\hile Bob Cole(left) looks on. The mone, \\ill be u~ed b\ Garcia and Cole forthe "Happy Smiles" program \\hich sends a meclical team torural !\Iexico each) ear to rehabilitate ~oungstel's and adults\\ ho suffer from cleft lip deformities.

If you \'ote Republican the placeto be on Wednesda\, Oct 13, ISEn Stemer s home'-\\ here he Willbe host to the slate's Republican"AclIOn Team' On thIS evemng,Stemer Will welcome RepublicannOllllneeS RIchard Headlee (Go\'ernor), Tom Brennan (LIeutenantGovernor), L Brooks Patterson(Attorney General) and Beth -\n-drus (Secretary of State) at aspeCIal fund raiser

It WIll offer an opportunIty tomeet and talk \\ Ith the nomll1ees111 a relaxed atmosphere Stemersaid he IS looking forward to agood turn-out

Ticket pnces are $;;0 a personor $75 per couple For mforma-tIOn, call 885-0043


The Pelicanscelebrate 25t)1

Page Ten-A

The Pehcans, a noon luncheonclub based at the DetrOIt YachtClub, celebrated Its 25th annl\ er-sar\, last month With - of course- a party

The group was founded b)Grosse POll1te Park reSidentCharles S Tompkms back In thefall of 1957 and IS dedicated to thepropoSition of "freeing Fnday af-ternoon from Industrial Slaveryand to luncheon fellowshIp Withbusll1ess and profeSSIOnal mengathered to enjoy a relaxlIlgcocktal1, a delIcIOUS meal and anlIlteresting 20-minute talk by awell-mformed, well-known speak-er."

Those speakers have 1I1cludedthe late James R Hoffa, JamesBrickley, L Brooks Patterson,Richard AustIn and the lateGeorge Plerrot in recent years Inaddition, Pelican members havetraveled to China, Spam. Scan-dinaVia, MeXICO and the NearEast

The group celebrated Its silveranmversary w1th a Sirloin of beefdlllner and a speCIal yearbookpublicatIOn

In the U S one seldom sees aperson \\hose fare IS deformed bya cleft lip But III MeXICO, \\ herehedlth care IS more scarce. thedefol'll1lt\ IS seldom treated - unle..;s the \'lclm1 happens to lI\'e IIIone of more than t\\O dozen ruralcom mum ties \ ISlted slllce 1965 bythe "Happy Smile" program runb\ the Fort Worth, Te\ Rotanc'1ub '

Dr \'alent1l1 Gracia and BobCole, a retu'ed e\cculI\'e both ofForth Worth, take medical tedmsto I'm al :\lexlco e,lch \ ear to do asman~ as 50 rehabilltdtl\ e operatlOm III a t\\O \\eek perIOd TheTe\.as Rotal'lan~ also \ ISltedGro<;se Pomte last \\ eek to raisemone~ and support lor thE'I1' prog-lam

The~ got plent~ of both TheHOtdl \ FoundatIOn donated $2,000to the program, member TedHadgls kicked In another $100 outof hiS 0\\ n pocket and Rotan't'rel>ldent Dr Jose MOl rego agreed to 10m the medIcal team onthiS year's triP

Dr GarcIa began the pi ogramon hiS 0\\ n 111 1965 and has made22 trips s1I1ce then and \\ or ked on1,200 cases In a shde and filmpresentatIOn at the local Rot3l)Club meetlllg last \\ eeh, he

\rnl'n Tht'rm ,- Ih,' lh. rn • hh.'.J"ttd \tr~ d ••.,~r 'h~I'''''Pn\t:'n tn n1llllln ....l(l'1..i.l" ....

• ""~l\l'" up t ..\ 2(1 .. l ....'L.el b.ll ...• T\)DU 1 H l ~Oh ..l (r \nlt"ll ~n

t- )l11t U'A Tit r....• f I\t \ 1 fl"'lltt.J \\,J.rr ..iont\• Tht~rnl~UI\ .dctu Ht"\1t I lpt ..r lIt

tl)h .. tf1tl, \\Ith r "ift.. ...

.. lttlrllt\ lr {J,trlk"tr .........r\.l

'~iJ",f,i. to' 1", t \" ,r.'t1"• -\\~~J1 \hlt fpr Cl" turn In....

hOlh, r....drd \\ ,th r 1t.. Ht r ....




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6 mq lor 0 f I ,~nIL "1e av per C'9arelle by FTC meThod

Page 11: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives




N ti1'Jut l' rm:J UC V'JU" CEn1"ra nEat n~TI1.:.rt: arE- )(,.:.r:; 'ur p::;rta:J E kerr""lSen=hE.:=t"erS for near I E\lj:or~ k n~ of t'lcm€' c:~dbU(jr,:"ss to are e35'1 t"J cp~ratE sm01(€lE-s(,anCl :::aD" e-c5 n CPEr~t on Safer-v "estEd(lnCl (tE?o:l t{ Jnd-rwr ter< ldt:loratCrlPS

C IIE-\lourfurrd:::e a fla aav stay warm .,n:.1"a\lE mane, w rn d Kero Sun oor(a~ ereatt:r Se~ au" fu rE toeav



A ClaSSical - popular ProgramENRICO LARICCA guest smger

7 2 0620 ADMISSION7 - $800 al tre door

882 0608 $700 n ad,arco... se I)() group Rate

$A 00 Sr ....der-'

REUE\lE YOUR CENTRAL ~EATING SYSTEMWITH A ~EI!O SUN PORTABLE HEATER-AND SAVE MONEYSta,warm c,avemoney Pu[aKerO c;.unDortab E hedter to worK for vQU and gl"E;your costlv ::enrral t1eatlng svstem d orF;(With rts ad\tanceet cJe-~i1gn a KHO Sunportab EhEatH IS999 fuEl efflr ent-fc.fDetter m~n coal WOOd CErttral gao::an":::sht:a" na Tt1Emonel{ ',Iou spend on fUEl"e"-'Jrns to .;OU as neat Ana Jt {OSf$ uqDE-rrt€S Ch=r hourto runI., ......lntH ne,n d fdm ~Vroom or rE<:roemwen a I(Ero Sun pcrtab t' heater dnd turnaown vour centra hEat n rre <pr no ardfa11 U~t:' one to heat a j( tcrle-n or wor1l:<t-.op




CALL A PROFESSIONALVISit Our Showroom - 18332 MACK) Grosse Pointe

1U51•• 1••• 1+ 8~~":J,~~4~ Sl1\ce 1956




Page Eleven-A

Roast Beef & Gravy Trays, Cheese Trays.

Gr.s~e,;-:e's VERBRUGGE'S ,:r;::,y,F_ Mertet I-r W~_

17328 MACK at St. Clair - 885-156S

Vegetable Trays.

Early Bird Special Prices Now IWe Also Carry Kerosene.


OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 9-6 884.1025



RebUilt SpinelS from $54900 New Organs from S395 00RebUilt Players from $1695 00 RebUilt Grands from $2795 00New Consoles from $1495 00 Rentals from $ 15 00 Weekly

Name Brand RebUllts Stelnway - BaldWin - Knabe

TEDESCO PIANO COMPANY29923 HARPER one blk. N. 0112 Mile 772-0620


1 ,.~


Heartfitllessat Cottage

Group will giveseminar forsingle parents

A SIX week swgle parentIngsemmar offered by IndIVIdual andFamllv SerVIces, to be held onTuesday e\ erungs from 7 30 to 9p m began Oct 5 at the group'sofhces at 17800 East Warren DetrOlt

The .':>emmar conducted bv SeanHogan Do\\ ne;., A C S W a elmlcal ')oclal \\ orker In prl\ ate prac-tice, IS dIrected tov.ard :>1I1gleparents and \\ III explore the ef-fects of lo'is and dIvorce respons-es of children role changes, dlscl-plme and !lmlt settmg, communl-catlOn skIlls and the reactIOns todatmg

Fee for the semmar IS 545 andreglstratton IS hmlted To regis-ter call :\lrs Hogdn-Dov. ney at882389-l

Graduates reuniteafter 35 ,ears

The Hamtramck HIgh Schoolclass of June and Januar) 19-1i\\ III meet for a 35-) ear reUTllOn onSaturd a \ ~ o\' 6, at the San :'liarloo Club 1685 East BIg Bea\ erRoad 10 TrO\

Graduates- fnends and alumniare 10\ lted to attend For more mformatIOn call 651 6203 or 858i773

Heartfltness, a program thatfocuses on prudent lIving habItsfor a healthy heart, will be pre-sented by Intermst John Roberts,:\1 D nutntlOmst Jelane Lmmger.and James MacDonald. head ofthe Ph~s,cal Therap) departmentat Cottage HospItal. on Wedneda\,Ou 13 at i p m In Boardrooms :.\and B of Cottage HospItal 159Kerche\ al A\-enue '

The program IS free and open tothe general publIc

PartICIpants \\ III learn hov. toldentif) the sIgns and symptomsof heart attack the Importance ofnutritIOn and dIet and the role ofe'\erclse and fitness 111 a totalprogram for a healthy heart Thepanel \\ 111ans\\ er questIOns fromthe audIence

For resen atlOns and more in-form atlOn, contact the EducatIOndepartment. 884 8600 extensIOn2390


Buy straight from the manufacturer and save,

Orlandos Iron Works10709 Morang Free E stlma tes

881-4047 or 247-0522



DESIGNSI• Basllllellt

Wlnd.WS• Door Galas• Security Scrllns• Fencas " Galas• Fireplace Doors• Porch Railings

Calvary extends home servicesHome SerV1Ce&, ranging from These &erVlCeS, funded by the

replaong faucet wa.,hers to light DetrOit Area Agency on AgIng,hou.':>ekeeplng, wac, extended to the are admwI&tered by CalvaryGro<,),e POlnte& and Harper Wood., SenIOr Center, a Unit of Lutheranon Fnday, Oct I, by the Calvary ~oeJ(tl ServicesSemor Center, at 4950 Gate.,head AImed to help older people toIn DetrOIt remam In their own homes, Home

Service., aId.':>&enlor clllZen., WIthchore !>erVlce, dOing ')uch choresa., replatlng fu.,es, faucets,wd.,her., and door lock." m')talling.,CI een., and .,torm&, shades andturtam rod,>, ,>hampoolng andtackIng dav.n rug'> '>(rubblngfloor., and repaIring furnItureHome ServIce., can help al&o Withhomemaker serVICel>, whIch does'>uch thing., as light housekeepmg,food preparatIOn and laundry

Although the serVice" dre'>uppllt"'<.lWithout to.,t to mdlvlduah o\er W, donatIOn'> are grdte-fully atteptt'd from thOc,e who c.anafford to mdke them dnd dre U.,edto help fund the plogram

Volunteel" and .,taff dt CalvarjSenIOr Center wrIte and dIstributea nev.c,letter to t!lenl') I hey aboman a Fnend.,hlp Lme a progrdm 10 whlth weekly phone calb<Ire made to rea&sure theIr dlentl>thdt the Center ha') not forgottenthem

Semor CitIzens who are In needof Home Services should call VerIj n Thoma'), dIrector of the HomeSel VIce., Department at CalvarySenIOr Center, at 881 3374

Smce 1978, Home ServIces hasaided more than 300 cllents In De-trOit north of :\1ack and east ofGrdtlOt and Conner Startmg Fn-day, grants of additIOnal fundsWI)) enable Calvary Semor Centerto extend the program to theGrosse POlnte& and HarperWood')

tUfo Club o.tJersfree car check

Grosse Pomte motOrists can geta free 12 pomt checkup of thelrcars to help aVOId "no-starts' thts\~mter from the AutomobIle Clubof \hctugan

The Auto Club IS sponsormg 23WlOter Car Care Climes through-out \1lchlgan, mcludmg one from10 a m to 5 p m Thursda\ Oct14 at Eastland Mall. Vernier nearKell) In Harper Woods

Emergenc~ Road Sen Ice rep-resentatIves WI)) do a fIve mmutecheck of 12 Items the Auto Clubcalls the "dIrt" dozen'

Items checked ~1ll mclude flUIdle\ els - 011, antifreeze. transmIs-SIon, po\\er steenng, brake andv.1Odshleld soh ent - plus battentermmals. aIr filters belts andhoses, tIre pressure, lights and\\Iper blades

Motonsts ....III rece" e a \\ nttenassessment of the checkup a care'pen<;e record book and the booklet tlUed 'If You Don't Take Careof Your Car, Who WIll?"


FllefJghter., trom the \\oud"~hol e", Cll) and Harper Wood.,respondc.'(J to hel p F' dl'm., j IremenextmguJ"h the fll e BeulU,>e of ex

ten.,l\ e '>moke damdge the entire"totk of liquor \~d& tondemned onord(., of the "tdte LIquor Control('umml".,JOn, repolt" .,dld

OfflUdl'> be]/Cve the fll e \\ d'> el-1'( trwal In ongll1

.~ire closesliquor store

A pre d<l\\ n bld.le at the ~pllihof (;ro.,.,e POinte, 18660 rvldck,\\ enue, tul ned mto d thr ee dldrmfIre hefore It Wd'> extmgul"heddl'('"rdlflg to the Farm" Fire Depdrlment

The fire, .,potted dt 5 d mThur"ddj Sept 30 V.d" reportedIn l\\O pd'>"lIlg DetrOIt pollt!'men1) ue to till' hour uf the bJ die r Iremen were forced to hI e<!k Inlo thetllllfdmg OnLe 11l'>J(!e <1 "eLond,md thll d ,darm fOI did V.d" ( dlJed


Schoors gone~spirit isn~t

The bUlldmg may be gone, butIt s not forgotten by thousands ofgraduate., of old Ea')tern HIghSchool In DetrOIt

And thiS month, the c1a&s of1932 (Januarv and June) ....111celebrate Its '50th anniversary\\ Ith a banquet at the Polish Cen,tury Club Among the honoredguests ....1)) be Dr Ralph Cooper,....ho ....III represent the manyCooper famIly members who at-tended Eastern

Eastern Ihgh, at the corner ofEast Grand Boulevard and MackA \ enue \~as torn do ....n la.':>tsummer The cornerstone had beenlaid In 1900 It functIOned as ahIgh school untIl 1965 ....hen It wascom erted to an adult educdtlOncenter

The class of 1932..... 111ch ....111ga-ther on Oct 22, should rememberthe year as one of the worst of theGreat DepreSSIOn v.hen teachers\~ere paId m promIssory notes ande\en the traditIOnal )earbook v.asdropped

The June class preSIdent, \ lce-preSIdent, secretary and treasurerwere all gIrls and only the ser-geant at arms a bo) They were,respectlvel), Lucy Selden, Geor-gina Harms, Germaine Kehrer.Elfrelda Yackle and WIlhamHutchmson

Januan class offIcers v.erePreSIdent I\ an Wilcox, VIce-PreSIdent Ellen SmIth, SecretanAnthony Wolan Treasure'rCharles Blaker and Sergeant atArms l"ed Steele

For more mformatlOn about thegalhenng, call or wrIte to MrsHedWIg ReIchardt "Bllhe" Jaco-by. 707 Mt Vernon Road, GrossePomte Farms 48236 The numberIS 881-9185

s..........'=-'-'.... "'''''-...,




to the







th., j-ship\ ~h('t'l .:'

19.cS MACJ( 'l'U 1 1140 4,Of'lN ::).6.1..y ~ JO 5030

'500' • S I'M



@3J,- "_ J::",-, -, ./


A p aQe "*- .\.l....a .......

c..."'l;,)"""s fa ......") c...,,,(>c, j

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P ec<'<1", 'te-aMlt"'IMo r ...Da e

A - "'al No Co"",,, Pr 01"" 74-3 1~

B PA,D Cil'lCuLA. nON1 SaM T1>r~ Deae-rs a""":Car"""'ers SHeet ...e-'"'ldcYs l'")..Jr\'erSa"" SS% - '00

2 """l SUSSeR> PT10>l5 9342 9326

C TOTA.l I>.. d Crru<a""" 6 OJ- '6426

0 FREE 0.., , bvl on ~y""XClmer 0 Of"'pr 'Tl&al'\S

1 Sa"""". C<lMpi"''''''.'Yand Other Free Cop&S 122 ''>9

E , TOHL OISTR BunON,Sum 0' C rind D) '5 eA? j' 225

F Copoes Nell o."'llu!ed, O!fee US" lolt.()V9runacooun'Od Spooled .~.,Pnnlof>g 34J 9'5

2 Retums trom N&WS Aqents 270

G TOTAL Is.,,,, of E f 1 '012sholJld eQU8I~ ("'84: cress WI"! ~hO'N!'"lIn AI '7473 18200


~ Ele~~lc slre~Y5TEM LICENSE UA 02b6

and notifies POLICE and SQS95FIRE departmenta throughour computers The houseIs PROTECTED throughoutThe alarm works even IIthere s an electric POWEll" lall-ure In the city And there s INSTALLEDmore call for details

Grosse Pointe Alarm, Inc.17006 MACK AVENUEGrosse POinte Park 48224PHONE (313) 884-3630

5 I..ocallon of the Headquarters or General BU'lne~,Offices of the Pubhshers 99 Kerche\ al .I,'e Gro __ePOlnle Farms \Ilchlgan \\ avne ('ounl' 48236

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6 "'ames and .l,ddresse< of Puhll,her EdItor and\{anaglng Edllor

Publlsher Robert G Edgar 389 Llncoln RdGrosse POlllte \{lchlgan-l8:23O

Edlwr Robert G Edgar 389 Lmco," Rd Gro"ePointe 'dldllgan 48230

Managlllg Editor Rohert G Edgar 389 l,"colnRd Grosse POJlte \!Ichlgan 482JO

.,. ~ ""W""'Ied t."', a COr-;x) a'JVI"1 or, "'a""'\El a"'ld 3.:)':: f>s." ....... 5' ~sLa'ed a""Id a"- r""l"l'\eO;! e y r"le"e'...r~€" I ....e .,a .....e-5 ;Or)(:! a;:\d E!""S€'S v

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1 Title of Pubhcatlon Gr~e POlnle '\e"',

Thursday, October 7, 1982

2 Dale at Flllng October i 1982

3 Frequenc> of Issue Weeki)

Ia I ",0 of Issues PublIShed .l,nnuall\ 52(b, .l,Mual Subs<:nptlon Pnce $1300

4 Location of KIlO'"n Ofhce of PubllcatlOn 99 Kercheval A-e Grosse POInte Farms \llchlgan \\ayneCoWlt) 48236

e K~"'" ~~~ """(""t'1~f''' (I~ C"''''If- <;e< ........ .v ...€'''''' :>....."""\.ng 0 flOtd;ng , De~~ C ... ,,"'1 P i" a '1~,.... "- ..",...<;. """loc")"":.a...-€'<;

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Page 12: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

~~~..----------....------*Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982

South pUI'ents"ish clussroonUI

Parents of Grosse POinte SouthHigh School students \\ 111have anopportunity to go back 10 schoolon Wednesday, Oct 13. at 7 30pm

The annual'-hght IS designed to prOVide pa.rents With an opportunlty to meetteachers and to become morefamlhar wilh the high school cur.rlculuml according to Dr Joseph~~aa~noh, South Hrgh School Prm.

~lans Cor the evening will ena-ble parents to follow a mini.schedule of their sons' ordaughters' programs

Dunng each 12-mlnute clauperiod, the teacher v.lll definebriefly the course of study: de.scrJbe methods used to developskills and how they are IntegratedInto the course, Ilst the organln.lIonal skills reqUired to under.stand the content of the course,explaJn the nature Ilnd purpose ofstudy guIdes, assignments andtests, and Interpret the crIteriaused to evaluate student perfor-mances. according to Dr Spag-noli

Refreshments will be serveddunng the enllre evening InClemmson Hall to give parents abreather durlllg a stud~ or openpenod


- .......=esCe .....'l:e J .......c .....rr .}~c:: .. ::; s ,...,\ e" ' ..... "-t"'fe

3 ja,,(;. 2 n g""o:> ~2 t t':;... r-d",," :r• Dedr.')o'T' Cor-de V ~ ... .., ... a,;>.er.....e j r ::::......, ~" r'1 gar g , l 0 n i'\ t... h .;'..., ,', ,"' S ""'lar,. wo H , ..ec1a ....e::. S229

C~a"1pag"e or arr.a " tn s: e"' g ass~s:; r v ....e rg (' .~e ~af"..,a~ La~

G':l,...''''''''e" Roor""~'" -"1 VOI..J ..:ho co:?of Te"",,;

Ore breaKfast u":~ 0' S""day br ","S2~ r" H -.:;r 4U .... ""'""o"'ey Car'> be u,e.j

tC,'.3"d a 5DO"S at •. • es r"IC JC r-g "'dc~'te""S'a:ale't)a '(CS~"g :'a 'coda':::ce.erage Cl rcha~es Grat. es e'" 'Qed

...DE:)f Gra"d Tra,erse f1 to" yea '-:: ,0'ac t es rei 10 ng raoo' po, ,~I', 000sa. '<3 a~d e~e'c se 'CC'" Pr ce 'ro~Ja~ 2 Var:. $205 Roo.... $248V a

Reserve now 10 ensure dales you wanl' Be sure10U~ aboul speCial XC SkI and TenniS MIn, Campprol,ams speCial ,ales on week lonl condoVilla ,enlals

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The most dangerous Job In theworld now IS said to be narcoticsofficer In MeXICO

back to ,~{'huolday's educational process muchmore effectJ\'ely alter they havevisIted the school and met our fa-culty and adminlstraton," saIdDonald Bassett, Pierce prlnclpal

Back-To-SChool Night hilS tradl.tlonally been one of the best at-tended evening events at Pierce

The program will end with asoclallztlon period and refresh-ments In the gymnasium at 9 30pm

Seniors receive luelit recognitionIn theIr re~pcctlve stules whoguahfled as Merlt Program Semi-flflall!lts

At North HIgh School com.mendatlons were presented toEne Cholack, Steven Ciaravino,Tom Cobau. DaVid Fltz!>J1nmons,Pameld l"l'cdcl'Ick, EllwbethGrn£, Jt'dnlUnc Gl'andJ, KathrynGllllll''> dlld Matthew KrohkowsklOther NOlth Ihgh !>tudents who\\ el e commended Include JenmferKUlcl, Dldnd !lIol'!lhe<ld, John TP dnd urgIJ,>, Honald Pascot>, MarkPile,>Inw!lkl, :\1lchele Rohel, Luc-IIld,1 Sartor, Dougld!l Schepke alld:'>lldldCI Skdff

LellCI!l of <.olllmcnddtwn werepi e"entl'd to the [ollowlng 1>tu.dcnt!l <ItSouth IlJgh School Kath.f\ n Oltmdl!>, WlImer Dorman,S<l~ eed Iqb.11. Lel>lt'K JdSZt'.lk,SU!l~ Le\ It.lll. 1\1eghan MeMahonp'etra Pola!lek. Grace Robin'~Oll [)d\ ld H) .III, MUI'I.l) Smith,[)a\ ld Sutherland dnd JohnTdtum

At L'n! \ el :,Ity Liggett School,seniors DIanne Alcantara andKaren Brown \\ ere presented'S of commendation

Next spring. the NMSC Will an.nounce the names of about 5,000Ment Scholarship Winners whoWill recel\e .mards worth $15 mil.!lon for college undergraduatestudy

Thirty.t wo G I'osse Pomte lughschool semors have been awardedletters of commendatIOn III the28th anllual NatlOnul Ment Schol.arshlp program

Of the one mllhon students whoentered the 1983 Menl ScholurshlpCompetitIOn by tukmg a qualify-lll~ test 11\ 1981, abollt J5 000 arebemg commended th!'> month, .ISthey begll1 thE.'lI flll.ll yedr of lugh!lchool The!ll' p<1l't1elpanh ~COIcdIlIgh but ,>Ilghtl) belo\\ ~tudcllt!l


Ire rudesDelJxe arco......,...,.....dat c.r"sat tre l-{ to""' H::~e

- 3 da1~ 2 II ghts D '"l(\er O'le e '"'15Break'as' or 'J~cn or Sa'urday Cnarlcag'1"

Su-day c'un:", ~ao:)rs b) '"e poo, - S ,0 ~,H ':)" fJn 'T'onef Ca" be ,.sed to,',ard a' ,00'1>act J t es nc Ie '1g ,"'C:):)' +e"'r s racql e"ba Ix:::: sO' rg - or a f::e .:lrd oe,e'age pvcrases

G'a:u.l es 0' 'oca use 0' Gra'1c -'a,e'seH tor Hea ''1 Cub 'ac l' es rc uj rg "door~~:; t'J"1 r poc SaLra ofld exerc se rOOT

Pr ce 'ro- ar 2 Va' :. S89 00 De' ::e'son

InL!'idrs3,'ays 2 gnts n "X,f'y • 'ru'cJ 1\

CondOn" 'T1 V la>li tl1 Mastu ':led,n01v ng 01 " 'lg rcon and crrr p e'e K 'ct. er '. "

a II "lens' Is l\ Gra~d Trav else \',e cO'T'ebasket 2 S"rJcr ce (rf>a11 Sl "daes n OJr~raCK b,l' 2 G'ana -raverse T sr I'S A a'gep nil froro; our srack bar S.O - lokens lOr ourelrclron c game arcade $25 '1 H Itor funmOtley Can be (,sed 'o\\ard a spo'ts aC'lv liesrcludlrg ,ndoor lerr s racOJPtbill1 XC Sk,I'1g

or all food and beverage purchases - Llse ofGrand Traverse H Iton Heallh Club racrl,tresInclud ng ,ndoJr pool wh rlpool and exerc se room Price from Jan 2 ~~ar 11 ~lq9

Parellts i"l'itedPierce Middle School will host

Its annual Back-To-School Nightfor parents on Thursday, Oct 14,at 7 30 pm

During Back-To,School Night,parents attend their children'sclasses in six lO-mlnute classperiods, They will meet teachersand hear about currIculum, classprocedures and expectations

For the first time, this year'sprogram will also permit parentsto have brief, Lndlvidual teacherconferences follOWing the clas-sroom V!Slts

"We feel that parents can un-derstand and participate In to-

tianelli and Carlos Perez, along with North High School Assis-tant Principal Florence Miller. Other merit students Include(front row, left to right) Cathie Axe, Aimee Gasiewlcz, KarlaFinger, Christopher Whitney, :\olatteo Ditommaso, JeanneMurphy, Eric Kjos and William Aro.


Announcing a special season, filled \Hth ~pedalreasons to make the Grand Tra~erse Village andHilton Hotel ~our affordable \ acacion de~tinatlon.

L"Herit scholars

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIvEN that the CityCouncil Will be consldenng the followmg pro-posed ordmance for second readmg and fmaladoptIOn at Its meeting scheduled for October18, 1982 The proposed ordinance IS availablefor pubhc mS]:1'ectlOn at the MUnlclpal BUlLdmg,20025 Mack Plaza, between 8 30 a m and 5 00P m Monday thm Fnday


CHESTER E. PETERSENCity Admmlstrator-CIerk

Q; ~ui1ttrlDoub.a





G P N -1~7.82



CHESTER E. PETERSENClty Adminlstrator.Clerk

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEl'.' that In accord.ance With SectIOn 8.1(}.1l(c) of the CIty Code ofthe City of Grosse POinte Woods, the CityCouncll will hold a public hearmg In the Coun.cll-Court Room of the MuniCipal Building, 20025Mack Plaza, on Monday evening, OCtober 18,1982, at 7 30 P m to hear the application ofDouglas CytackL Mr Cytackl would Like au.thorlty to erect a privacy fence along the sideand rear yard property Ime of 1737 Hamptonfor the protection and well.belng of the premoIses All Interested parties Bre Invited to attend

Class officers elected at StarOur Lady Star of the sea High and Sylvia Koenigbauer are ia-

SChool's Senior Class of 1983 wlll culty advisors,be led by President Marissa Ven. Sophomore officers are Presi-tlmiglla, Co.ordinators are Mary dent Cindy Winiarski, and co-or.Meyers, Tammy Kettner, Janice dinators are Mary Jo Yaklin, LI.Nowak, Kim Mascar and Allsa sa Wild, Theresa Schnitzer andMcKinney, Faculty AdVisors for Bridget Roarty Faculty Advisorsthe senior class are MaryAnn are John Parthum, Cafhy BrooksPerry-Novak, Carolyn Caste and and Colleen Carrico.Thomas Briske, Newly-electe'd Treshmen offlc-

ers are President Traci Bailey,The juniors, Class of 1984, and co-ordinators are Shellie Jack-

elected Beth Banaszewski as son, Karla Rendz, Gwen Bauer andpresident. She will be assisted by Marissa Geor~e. Kathleen Betsy Dennehy, Les- pie and Phylhs Hogan will servelie Campbell, Kirsten Sheen and as faculty advisors for the fresh-Laura Barnowsky. Richard Keans men

Eighteen Grosse Pointe public high school students wererecently named National Merit Scholarship Corporation semifi-nalists. Merit scholars shown with Dr. Joseph Spagnoli, SouthHigh School principal. (back row, left to right) are Robert BaI-ley. Nigel Orton, David Lawrence, David Transue, James Do-lan. Kenneth Fromm, Albert Crim, Joseph Haas, Douglas Bas-


Q;rn.anrJnitdr iloult6MICHIGAN

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CityCounCIL Will be consldermg the followmg pro-posed ordmance for second readmg and fmaladoptJon at Its meeUng scheduled for Monday,October 18, 1982. The proposed ordmance ISavailable for publIc mspectJon at the MumclpalBUilding, 20025 Mack Plaza, between 8 30 a mto 5 00 pm, Monday Thro Friday'



Section 1. That Title V, Chapter 19, of theCity Code of the City of Grosse Pomte Woods of1975 shall be amended by changmg the zorungclasSlflcatlon of the lots herem IdenW'led to P.1VehIcular Parkmg Dlstnct

1 East of ~l:ack and south of Amta, lots 135and 136 J E Beaufalt Sub:#i:l, L42 PB4,

2 East of Mack and north of Amta, lots la, 4and 5, J E Beawalt Sub, L41 PS9,

3. East of Mack between Hampton and Ros-Iyn,lots 23, 24, 179 and lBO,Meyermg LandCo Hampton.Roslyn Road Sub, L5S P52,

4 East of Mack between Roslyn and Brys, Lot181, Meyermg Land Co Hampton.RoslynSub, L55 P52, and lots lOa, lla, 12a and 13Brys Sub, L50 Pa,

5 East of Mack and north of Brys, lots 157,158and 159, Brys Sub, L50 PB,

6 West of Mack and south of Amta, lots 299and 300, Beaufalt-Koch Tessmar Sub, L55P47,

7 West of Mack bet""een Amta and Ha\\-thorne. lots 146 147a, 148a, 159 and 160,Beaufalt.Koch Tessmar Sub, L55 P47,

8 West of Mack and north of Hollywood, lot12. Fontana Sub No 1. L73 P56

9 West of Mack bet""een Ridgemont andHampton, Lots 8,9 and 10, Dalby and Camp-bell's Mack Vernier Sub, L58 Poo, and lot104 Assessor's Grosse Pomte Woods Plat~o 3, L71 PM, and lots 210 and 211, Dalbyand Campbell's Mack Park Sub, L52 P22,

10 West of Mack between Hampton and Ros.Lyn, Lots 66, 195 and 196, DaLby and Camp-bell's Mack Park Sub, L52 P22, and Lot l03Assessor's Grosse Pointe Woods Plat No 3of PT of PC 576

11 West of Mack between Rosl) nand Brys,lots 59, 60, 61 and 62, Post Srys Park Sub,L61 P37, and lot 50, Dalby and Campbell'sMack Park Sub, L52 P22, and lot 102Asses.sor's Grosse POinte Woods Plat No 3, PC576 L71 PM

12 West of Mack and north of Brys.lot 49, Postand Brys Park Sub, LeI P37

S~('tlon 2 EFFECTIVE DATE TIllS Ordlnance shall take effect twenty (20) days aflerthe date of enactment

CHESTER E. PETERSENCity Admlnlstrator.Clerk

G P N 10-782

LTLS hotlinebegins Oct. 8

University Liggett School hasInstalled a "hotHne" to provide In-formation on all school events, B~Friday, Oct, 8, the service shouldbe operational to allow calls for alist of upcoming ULS actlvlties,according to the school, Anyonecan dial 884-5522 for a pre-recorded listing of all arts, sportsand other activities currently tak-ing place at the school.

The service will operate 24hours a day. For further informa-tion. call 884-4444

Tlleatre Northpresellts 'Marne

Theatre ~orth and the mUSIcdepartment at Grosse POInte!\orth High School will present themusical comedy "Marne" starringsemor Chnssy :\lourad m the titlerole

";\1ame" \\111 be presentedThursdav, Oct 14 FrIda\. Oct 15and Sattirday, Oct 16 at' 8 p m I~the Performmg Arts Center 707Vermer Road There WIll be a~lJ<;\..1.(11 Salui ua ..~ Ulc.1.l .... "';:::C tit ~pm Tickets for all performancesare $4 with the exception of theSaturday matinee when studenttlckets Will be $2.50

Eighteen prmclpal actor-sing-ers, 25 dancers and a chorus of 30,plus a student orchestra of 30 Willbrm$ the musIcal to life The pro.du.ctlQI1 is under the direction ofGael Barr, Ben Walker, andNathan Judson of North HIgh.Kimberly Kirkpatrick, the Per.forming Arts Center's new techni-cal dIrector, has assIsted Barr inthe set construction,

The cast includes Roberta Willi-son, Momca Joseph, Ward Szer.lag, Ene Cholack, Tom SmIth,Chns Schade. Steve Dunn, SteveKotsonis, Pat Murphy, Sheila St.Amours, Molly Arpm, Bill, Sandy Witsky, LIZ Perkm andCmdy Tennent

The "Marne" dancers are BradRichard, Polly Heffernan, JohnWUjek Karen Gowen, Pat Mur-phy, kelly Armstrong, GerryKiers, Tania Volis, Steve Kotso.nis, Peggy Barrett, Nick Kouppar-is, Cathy Deronne, Tom Smith,Mark Summers, Liz Patek, KeithDessenger and Sue Moores

Nort}l parellt's night Oct. 12The annual Back-to.School Will e>.pldlll each course, the mat.

Night" at Grosse POInte North enals used. the gradmg system,HIgil School IS Tuesday Oct 12 the course content and typIcalParents are lIlvlted to come to homework assignments Classesschool at 7 30 that evemng and Will be 11 minutes long. so that thefollo\\' their son's or daughter's e\ ellll1g should end about 9 30class schedule Refreshments \\111 be served III

DUring the eH'llIng, teachers the cafeteria throughout the even.Illg by Mrs Rlchard Rol,wd,mothel \ Ice preSident of the Par-ent Club, and her committee

All pdrents are IOnted to tlt.tend

Page 13: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Pdge Thirteen-A


Now In Season

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13bocks south of 9 Mile, HCJU~~ AM~"'J'~:~ SA r

776 7484 OPEN SUNOA (- , 0 VO AM 1 00 P .,

U.S.D.A. Prime or Choice51 ANDING or ROLLED$2~~

SUN. - Jazz by The Swing Society (NO COVER)

7:30-11 :30 (beginning October 31,4 PM - 8 PM)

MON. - Chili Dogs - 50e Pitcher Beer - $2.75(noon til 10 P.M.)

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GROSSE POINTECustom Cheesecakes



Macintosh Apples 49( Broccoli 69c Bunch

SWANSON PRE-FRIED CHICKEN 320z '2.99SWANSON HUNGRYMAN PIESChicken, Turkey or Beef Pie 16 Ox $1.09

Rib Roast

Billy Graham'sson is speaker

FranklIn Graham,III. son of evangehstBill} Graham, Willspeak at the 11 a m.and 6 30 P m Oct 24servICes of EbenezerBaptist Church, 21001Moross Road

Gr aham has touredmore than 30 coun-tfles, Includmg sev-eral m the MIddleEast. to survey me(h-Coalneeds that may bemet by two organiza-tIOns With \\ hlch he ISInvolved, Samaritan'sPurse and WorldMedIcal MISSIOns HeIS an officer of theChristIan RefugeeTeam InternatIOnal,Blily Graham Evan-gelistiC ASSOCiatIOnand Blue RidgeBroadcasting Com.pany


Richard E. Mortier

Mrs. Marjorie FellowsServIces for Mrs Fellows, 78,

formerl) of Bishop Road, wereheld Wednesday .. Oct 6, at theVerheyden Funeral Home andGrosse POinte MemorIal Church

She dled FrIday, Oct 1, In Har-per Ho~pllal

Mr'i Fellows taught rn DetrOItpublIc schools for 30 years beforeher retirement She was a pastpreSIdent of the Grosse PornteSymphony and Grosse POinteMemorIal Womn's AsSOCiation

~{rs Fellows IS survived by a.'>tep.daughter, Mrs Robert C.\'Ii andel and three brothers

Memorial contrIbutIOns may bemade to the chanty of yourchOIce

Interment was In WoodlawnCemetery

RiChard for Mr Graham, 61, of

Gro.'>')e Pomte Woods, were heldTuesday, Oct 5, at the A H Pet-er!> Funeral Home

He died Friday, Ocl 1, at BonSecour~ Ho~pJtal

Mr Graham LS survlved by hIS\'.Ife, Martha. hiS mother, MrsFlorence Graham, two sons, Pauland Carl, a daughter, Marna. abrother, and two grandchildren

Mr Graham v-as cremated

ServlCe~ for Mr MortIer, 58, along time employe of the JohnsonOptical Co In the Hill, were heldMonday, Oct 4, at St Gertrude',>Church

He died Thursday, Sept 30 In StJohn Hospital

A graduate of Per!>hmg HighS<.hool, Mr Mortier was a devotedfdmJly man who loved hiS Wife,rdimly dnd v.ork He was an arlll.lei j <:>ergednl durmg World Wal IIand Wd'> d member of the Dls-dbled Ameflcdn Veteran')

~1r Mortler l!> !>urvlved by hi"""Ife, Mary, tl,l,O sons, Rlc.hardand ~edn, a daughter, MIchelle,hI'> mother. 1'.1r<, Mary Mortier,lhl ee brother.,. fn e Sl!>ters andtwo grdnd(hlldren

Mrs. Marie E. GardnerSernces for Mrs Gardner, 82,

of Grosse POInte Shores, wereheld Tuesda) Oct 5, at the A HPeters Funer al Home and OurLad\ Star of the Sea Church

She d led Oct 1, at BI-CountyHospital m Warren

Mrs Gardner IS sun I\ed byfour daughters, Mrs Robert Hel-lar, hIrs Ralph Hmz. Mrs NancyStrable and Mrs Roger Chmiel,and a son, Clo Jr , 25 grandchild-ren and se\ en great grandchild-ren

Interment was In Mt 01lvetCemeter)

gms at 7 30 pm, orientatiOn ofnew members at 7 45 P m V>lththe general meetmg and speakerat 8 30 pm An afterglow fol1owsat the Kmghts of Colombus Hall,10 ~flle Road and Little Mack, at10 pm

Parents Without Partners wel-comes nev. members To be el-IgIble a person must be the parentof one or more hVlng sons ordaughters and smgle PWP IS anon-profit. non.sectarlan educa.tlOnal orgamzatlOn

Center Point setsparents~ workshop

Center Poml Cnsls Center ISsponsonng a Parent Skills work-shop begmnmg Wednesday, Oct'n. 7 to 10 p m

The slx-\\eek Wednesday mght\\ orkshop \\ 111 be targeted towardparents of adolescents A $5 dona-tIOn IS requested Interested per.sons may call 885-5222 for moreInformatiOn The center IS locatedat 18412 ;\lack Avenue

E\ er~thing I" mo\ lng soulh seem-mg!) - mcJudlng the Sahara Desertat a rate of three and a hatf feet a\ear





20791 MACK NEAR VERNIERBAR and GRILLFeatUring Piano Bar


Harold E. Noftz

Justin L. GiltnerServices for ~tr Giltner. 69, of

the Shores and Leland, ""ere heldTuesd ay, Oct 5. al the Ra)' &Robert Martinson Funeral Home.Sutton's Bay

Mr GIltner died Saturday, Oct2. al ;\fullSon Medical Center IIITraverse Crt,

He IS survi\d b\ hiS \\lfe Char-lotte, a stepdaughter. l\frs James(A very) Burns and a stepson WJ1-1Iam Klmerl\'

DetrOIt Illterment sen Ices \\ 111be held at a later date

Mrs. Esther H. OrebaughSerVlcel> for Mr.'l Orebaugh, 80,

formerly of the POinte, lately ofTraver.,e City, were held Wedne<;-day, Sept 15, at the Hibbard Fun.eraJ Chapel, Traver!>e City

She died Saturday, Sept 11, atTraver'>e City O!>leopathlc Ho'>-PltaJ

A .'llxth lOlL'>W to Ddlllel Booneand a de'>cendent of the founder ofTrenton, N J , !>he Wd!> burn InSdlem, OhIO, to Charle'> Buune dndEffie Hunl

She worked a') a ted(her for 20)ear,> In Cle\eldnd, dnd Idter Inthe POinte v-here '>he wa.'> dl'>O amember of Gro'>'>e POinte egdllOndl Chur eh ~he enJoYl'<Jgolfing dnd pawtIng and Via!>noted for her artl.'>tK abllitle.'> mcreatmg enamel on copper bird.'>mounted on d nft wood

Mrs Orebau~h hdd been are'>Ideut of Traverse Cily ~w<.e 1962,follo"wg her hu,>band's rellre.ment She ""a~ a member of theTraver~e City Golf and CounlryClub, Traverl>e elt) Woman'~Club, Northw€!>tern MichIgan Artl.'>tS dnd CrafL<;men, Job WIlI.slowChapter of Daughters of theAmenc,1n Re\olutlOn, TrillIUmGarden Club, lkenobo Society andSIgma Kappa Sorority

Mrs Orebaugh IS ~urvlved byher husband, Lo"ell, t ....o daugh.ters, Mrs Jean Barnard and MrsAnn Stevens, and 1""0 grandchildren

~lemorlal contributIOns may bemade 10 the Cherryland HumaneSociety, Traverse CJt~

Interment was In Grand ViewCemeler)', Salem. OhIO

Senlces for :'Ifr ~oftz, 73, of:'IfcKmle) Road \\ere held Salur-da:-, Sept 25 at the \'erheydenFuneral Home

He died Wednesda). Sept 22, mSpam

A natl\ e DetrOlter. he ""dS amember of lhe senior :'lIen's Club

!tir Noftz IS sun'l\ ed b\' hiS\\ Ife. ;\IarJone. t \\ a daughters.~trs Be\ erh Cvr and :\1rs JudvBobcean, and three grandchildren

Interment \\ as m White ChapelCemeter)

The Grosse Pomte Chapter ofParents Without Partners wIiImeet Fnday, Oct 8. at 7 30 P mat the Grosse Pornte War ~lemo-rial. 32 Lakeshore Road. to hearprofesSIOnal cIO\\I1S, Tv-mky andZazzy speak on "Clo\\ ns - TheirHistory, Makeup and Costumes ..

Parents Without Partners meetse\ery second and fourth Fnday ofthe month at the War MemOrialThe coffee. conversatIOn hour be-

.\"(:>1(' Rector join ..;C!lri..;t Church

CIOWllS discuss Ilistory~ Inake-up

The Sl),th Rector of ChristChurch Grosse Pomte. the Rev-erend Ed\\ard A M Cobden, Jr.\l, as Installed at a speCial i 30P m sen Ice on Sunda). Oct 3

The Right Re\ erend BradfordHastIngs. Suffragan Bishop ofConnectIcut and former Rector ofChrist Church, GreenWich, \\ aspreacher at the sen Ice :\lanyc1erg) of the ~tlchlgan DIOceseparticipated along WIth membersof the Grosse POInte MInisterIalAs<;oclatlOn and other local dig.mtanes The ChOIr of ~len. Bo\sand Girls of Chflst Church pro\ id-ed musIc

QIOltcqIiglp([1~imlU'U~ttlrrp 0::0.




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Thursday, October 7, 1982


Is clearing out theSKI TENNIS BARN



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B.L'5 BIKE SALIS14229 E. Jeff.non 122-4130

Page 14: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

• #

Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982

~II , - r- r .

I I ,~


Leonard T HalasHarper Woods

'1 -!~

. ,. @\\~N~..,~•

Inland lakes. and more than 300new or upgraded state.o\\ ned pub-lic access sites

Keith Wilson. chief of theWater\\ays DI\ ISlon, estimatedthat Thomson spent the eqUivalentof more than three years of hiSlife on commISSIOn bUSiness In.cluding travel to and from meet.m~s

'Commissioner Tho'l1son hasbeen a dedicated member of thecommission whose presence \\111be mIssed by us all." Wilson said"HIS strong commitment to hiSresponSibilities as B commiSSIOnerand to the goals and respon.sibillties of the commISSIOn Itself~ave been deeply appreciated andoa ve contributed greatly to thesuccess of the programs of thecommiSSion' ,

they are on the samewavelength as the communIty

Paul L B. McKenneYGrosse POinte City

but also has exhibIted the as-sertIveness to stand up andspeak out for the good of thecommon citizen He IS a pro\.en pubhc offiCial

It has been 10 vears sinceJohn Hertel defeated me In aWayne Count\ Commissionerrace In that' time I \\ atchedthe former foe prove that hecan get the Job done I believeIt IS necessary that "e electJohn Hertel again The newWayne County governmentneeds hiS experience and dedi.cation

, ,

B) Pat Rousseau


The League Shop IS havmg Itst"all China Sale Sa\ e 15'( to 25r, offo\} nsley, Wedg\\ood. Spode. Daulton and~I1Otonchma at 72 Kerche\ al

•As Seen In Vogue the smart ne\\ car coat In \\hlte

\\ 001 from Gallant for Geoffre\ Beene at :\Iana Oman. 11Kerche"al There's also a ne\\ red three quarter coatfrom the same deSigner Black coats t\\eed coab andcolorful coats b) Tngere for Abe Schrader plus a hand.some multi colored t\\eed kmt coat b) Ruftolo are part ofthe new collectIOn

•Sa\e li)'"'e off boxed Christmas cards

durmg the month of October at Seasons ofPaper. 115 Kerche"al See the lovel) mUSicalJe\\ elry boxes made of glazed \\ ood \\ Ith goldetchings The) make great gifts for no\\ andChristmas :'\Icel) priced too'

•Great For Travel near or far the

ne\\ skm freshener tissues that come ten 10 adecorated tm made In England Choose rose\\ater or mountam herbs at Trail Apothecary. 121 Kercheval

•The Look of \\oven cane IS seen at the Greenhouse

In address books that come In t\\O sizes and a Zip briefcase \\Ith leather trim 117 Kercheval 881-6833

•t"f!JO!JGtJ!3 r;a.[b[!J1?Gq[30 has a good selec-

tIOn of dress up coats for boys, sIzes 4 to 7, like the navycoat With matchIng hat The same coat comes 10 toddler<;Izesand comes With a hat and legglOgs Then there IS anall weather coat WIth ZIp-out lining for sIzes 4 to 7 Acamel toggle coat WIth plaid lined hood comes 10 toddlersIzes 4 to 6x &1 110 I(ercheval

Hertel a proven public official

Durmg that lime. Thomson helde\'ery elective post on the com-mission and served as chairmanfrom 1957 to 1960, 1965, and from1975 to 1977

Thomson said hiS greatest ac-complishment during hiS tenureon the commission was the con-struction of harbors'of -refugearound the Great Lakes ThecommISSioner would have liked tohave seen a public dock on BelleIsle

(n hiS 35 years of serVICe,Thomson participated in policydeCISIOns resulting In the con.struction of 20 3G-mUeharbors-oC.refu~e and six IS-mile harbors, 67public docks (four shortlv sched.uled for constructIOn). i7 boat launchmg sites on theGreat Lakes and 43 such sites on

on I have not seen so many atone event since last year'srace. These elected officialsshould be askmg themsel Yes If

John Hertel IS by far the bet-ter qualifIed candidate He hasnot only distInguished himselfas a responSible state senator,

To the Editor'I am disappomted to read

that a major DetrOit newspa-per IS endorsmg a novice forWayne County CommiSSIOner10 the 1st Dlstnct With thechange of the charter revl-SlOns. the role of a ne\\ \Va) neCountv CommiSSIOner IS essen-tIal. ThiS Job requIres expen-ence in the field of local andstate government, and IS notthe time for a novice

Jean Mar<;haJlEdle Jac\\ues

Publlcltv chairmenFriends of FLEe

ThomSOll leaves Lansing post

Polit;c;a'ns: Beware of the joggers


Gov Wilham G ~hlllken lastweek accepted "wlth regret" theresilmation of Lponarn H Thom-son as a member of the ~hchlganState Waterways CommissIOn

Thomson, of McKmlev Road InGrosse Pomte Farms,' ended 35years of continuous service on theWaterways CommissIOn, the long-est such serVIce ever recorded

In submitting his reslgnatlOn toGov. Milliken, Thomson said hiSpersonal health and that of hiSWife no longer made It pOSSibleforhim to continue on the commis-sIon.

Thomson was one of the five or-Iginal appointees made to theWaterways CommiSSion In 1947bythen Gov Kelly He later servedunder Governors Sigler, Williams,Swainson, Romney and MlIhken

Like many other finishers 10this year's marathon, thejourney through the Po1Oteswas the hIghlight of a very hotday. I would not have com-pleted the marathon WIthoutwalking, Without the Ice cubes.extra water, hose showers andencouragement from so mamin our community •

The residents of the GrossePointes enJOY a splendId andwell deserved reputationamong marathoners through-out the midwest for theirgenuine enthUSIasm and manvkmdnesses to the runners ove"rthe past several years Eventhe usually cntlcal DetrOitpress has taken notice of thIS

The unorganized response ofthe community to the FreePress Marathon has donemore to Improve our Imagethan all of the acts of the fiveuruts of government

The warmth of the cItizens IScertainly In sharp contrast tothe hostIlity of certam electedoffIcials. I hope that nextyear's route does not deleteportIOns of the Pointes becauseof these indiViduals' achonsThese political offICe-holdersshould take note of the hun-dreds of Pointers who com-peted in the marathon. and thethousands who cheered them




eAudU Bar ...

of Clrr"llllon.






west Oakland County.One of the difficulties of dealing with the

problem is that individual property owners cando little on their own to control these pests.Instead, aerial spraying is recommended for agiven area, although ground spraying andpredators are often used, especially to avoidcontamination of waterways which occurs inaerial sprayi~g.

Grosse Pointe residents who have reason tothink their property is infested can help iden"tify the yellowish globs of egg masses that areoften found in dark, unexposed places such ason and undel'--plQw<! tables and benches, on treetrunks, on camping vehicles and equipment,and even in wood piles.

In recent years, the Pointes in common withmuch of the rest of the MIdwest have lost hun-dreds of elms to Dutch elm disease. Now heavydamage to other hardwood trees IS likely unlessthe gypsy moth mfestation can be controlledAll of which lends new urgency to the broaden-ing of the program for replanting trees on bothpublic and private property in the Pointes.

paId to the city regardless of what the auditshows. Yet that audit still is a form of accoun-tability that is being forced onto the city - andrightly so in view of the investment that non-residents are making in the form of tax pay-ments to DetrOIt

And while the audIt may have no effect onthe payments bemg made to Detroit 10 the com-Ing year, any new fIscal shenamgans thatmight be discovered would raise more obsta-cles to future state aid to Detroit. That wouldbe especIally true of non-earmarked state aidhke the $4 million grant made in last week'sapproprIation. It is less likely to be true of thefunds earmarked for the support of the DetrOitInstitute of Arts, the Pubhc Library, the HIstor-ICal Museum and other cultural iacliltlt~::. W[ucitget state money on the grounds these institu-tions are used by reSIdents throughout the stateand are in effect state cultural assets

It is true that the $4 million was appropnatedto replace in part a recent $13 million cut instate aid to Detroit, a reduction that broughtthe total cuts in state revenue shar10g funds toDetroit to more than $60 million. That reductionamounted to 39 percent of Detroit's revenuesharing funds, the biggest percentage cutamong state CIties, and thus made a major dentin the city's overall budget.

YET THE MESSAGE of the reluctant stateLegislature was clear: Unless Detroit cleans itsown house and provides better accountabilityfor its spending of state funds, there may be afurther reduction in revenue sharing in the fu-ture, Whatever Detroit needs. In fact, tax-payers outside of Detroit are likely to demandsuch action unless Detroit mends its ways.





raised the state tax from 11 cents to 21 cents apack last May 1 actually brought in even morethan the $40 million predicted for the fIscalyear that ended Oct. I, and, in fact, the totalwas $53 million, officials said last week. Fearsthat the tax hike would increase smugglingfrom states with lower taxes and even cutcigaret sales have not materialized.

However, there is concern among tax offi-cials, if not among foes of cigaret smoking, thatthe addition of another eight-cent federal tax oneach pack of cigarets next Jan. 1 will reducesales and state revenues from this source. Butif a dime increase didn't have much effect onsales, wIll another eiJ:!:ht cents finally turn off~n:~ec~na:;~rsmokers""? Tax collections will tell Express showed

WhIle Michigan smokers complain about the I d titstate's additIonal tax bite, they can take some C ass an a enconsolation from the fact that three other states- New Jersey, Wisconsin and Rhode Island - To the Editorcharge even more, 23 cents a pack, or two DetrOlters should be especial!)cents more than Michigan's tax. But unlike the proud of theIr number one DetrOlttemporary income tax hike the cigaret tax m- Express soccer team not oni) be-

. .'.. cause they are champIOns. but be-crease"ls a cmch to s~ay In pl.ace m MIchIgan - cause they are such fme humanand perhaps even rIse agam when the state bemgsneeds more revenue. Recently, the Express players

volunteered theIr time for a gameof soccer played agamst a team oflocal coaches and student athletesfrom Grosse POinte ThiS \~a<; afund raIser to benefit the Famll)-Life EducatIOn CounCIl, a non-profit commumty agenc)

Prior to the game. each DetrOitExpress player staffed a soccerclime for local youngsters Theseyoung men were fantastlc \Hth the


wIlhngly autographed soccer ballsand were all around \ ery accom.modatlng and truly great sports

ROGERHAGES 1n an age where some sportsBER'IADETTEHILLIER figures are less than sportsman.JASEE Sl\l01>o like, It was refreshmg to find such

wholesome heroes. as 10deed theExpress were In the e}es of the 500or more people 10attendance

Not only number one but firstclass all the way'

Views of the News

Robert B. Edgar, Editor and Publisher(1940-1979 )


Grosse Pointe News

)A warning to Detroit


A tax hike dies but

Member Michigan Pre.s Assoc/.tlon .nd S.llonal "ew.paper Assocl.llon

New enemy in the Pointes

Published Weekly by Anleebo Publishers99 KERCHEV AL AVE.

Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236!lee<tnd ClI .. POlloI" Ptlel II D<lroU "Ichili.


Despite the dire predictions of pessimists whodIdn't believe it would happen, the six-monthincrease in the Michigan income tax expired onschedule on Oct. 1. It is still possible that it willbe reviewed when the lawmakers return toLansing after the election and take a look atrevenue predictions (or the coming year, butfor the time being at least the increase is dead.

Not that its effects will soon be forgotten Infact, everyone who files a state income tax nextyear will have to be concerned with the six-month increase in the rate from 4 6 percent to5.6 percent. Some taxpayers wiII discover thatthe new withholding rates imposed to collectthe additional revenue did not recover enoughmoney to cover their tax liabilitIes. And so theywill have to settle up in their returns which willbe due next April 15.

Overall, the state expects to collect as muchas $292 million from the temporary tax hike,even though only about $192 million of that totalis accounted for by higher wlthholdmg. Therest will have to come from next year's returnsalthough all the revenues Will be credItedagainst this year's budget

THE EFFECTS of the cigaret tax hike aremore permanent. The dime increase that

If it isn't one thing in life, it's another.If Southeastern Michigan doesn't have

enough trouble with unemployment, inflationand other economic problems, now it is beingthreatened with an infestation of the destruc-tive gypsy moth that has defoliated millions ofacres of trees in New England and Pennsyl-vania.

State agriculture department researchershave identified nine infested locations in theDetroit metropolitan area and one, as theGrosse Pointe News reportes several weeksago, is in Grosse Pointe Shores. Five traps nearthe Shores-Farm boundary captured 21 moths,a sufficient infestation to require a followupwalk-through in November to try to determinethe extent and exact location of the problem.

AMONG THE OTHER infestations discover-ed was one in Harper Woods west of 1-94 andsouth of Eastland, where 24 moths were foundthis year and 10 were discovered last yearOthers were found in Shelby Township, Bloom-field Hills, Rochester, Troy, Orion Township,Farmington-Southfield and Highland in north-

To nobody's great surprise, the MIchiganLegislature last week fmally approved a $38milhon equity package for Detroit before itwound up Its work on a $4 6 billion state budgetand adjourned until Nov. 9, a week after theelection

The eqUity package was almost Identical tothe one which had been rejected a week ear herchiefly because of protests from RepubhcanlegIslators over the mcluslOn of a $4 ml1honno-stnngs grant to Detroit So what was gainedb) the \\ eek's delay?

IN A PRACTICAL sense, very little. And yetperhaps it served as a worthwhile remmder toMayor Coleman Young and his administratorsUl Dt:u ('J.t that to.Apa) €i"S thrvughvut the stutcwho are helpmg fmance many of Detroit's ac-tlVlties want better accountablhty for their in-vestment In that city.

Grand Jury mvestigations mto the way inwhich the city of Detroit operates in buymgfuel, removing sludge and conducting othermuruclpal services obVIOusly offer support fortaxpayers' questions The mayor, who turnsbelligerent whenever he is questioned aboutthese matters, seems to think that these areproblems of interest only to Detroit. But obvi-ously they are of concern to anyone who paystaxes in Michigan, and especially to suburbanresidents who work in Detroit and ~ay nonresi.dent city income taxes for that prIvilege.

In the end, the Legislature settled for a stateaudit of the city's books to see how the statemoney is being spent. If the audit is not com-pleted by June 1, the state could withhold 25percent of the equity package although obser-vers acknowledge the state funds still will be

-~-----""",,--_..-... ----- --- --- - ~

Page 15: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Peopleof "fhe Poin te The Second Section Section


Jht shops of

Wa\tol\.Pi~...C~Grosse Pointe • Somerset Mall

for his personal collection of miniatures. Piece de resistance ofthat collection is a five figure Dresden set, Kaiser Wilhelm II andhis staff, by Heyde (circa 1905.14). The classic Dresden mf)ldsare lost now, destroyed in World War II. Rick hkes to paint theunpainted figures that he buys, "just for myself." He has about3,000 of them ranged, in various sta~es of completion, on shelvesin his bedroom. He casts his own fIgures in his basement "fac.tory," and exhibits and demonstrates at military mini Btureshows and festivals. He's a member, youngest by about 20years, of the Michigan Society of Figure Collectors, and visitedGettysburg last May when he traveled to Pennsylvania for afigure collectors' convention. Half damn Yankee (mother), halfSon of the South (father), his sympalhies lie with the Confed-eracy ... but he's the very proud owner of a Civil War swordcarried by a relative, Thomas Mayberry, as a member of theNew York State Volunteers. For a closer look at Rick's cleverhands at work, turn to this week's Feature Page.

- - - -------------

Thursday, October 7, 1982

Cruet SetsTea Caddies



Welcome to the big Small World of Rick Walker ...Meet RICK WALKER, 15, of Newberry Place, who has just

begun hiS first year in University Lig~ett's U~per School, who isesp,ecially Interested 10 history as It pertains to battles andmIlitary conquests (particularly the Napoleonic and Civil Warperiods), who wants eventually to go to West Point - and who isa maker of armies. Very small armies, to be sure, but veryauthentic ones: hand cast and hand painted military mlniaturesjperfect in every detail. "I've always been interested in leaasoldiers," Rick says. "The idea of making my own, having asmany as I want, really appealed to me." Rick was about 8 whena friend of his parents gave him some old molds. A few yearslaler, on a ULS spring trip to Switzerland, he picked up somemore. He began to order via catalogues from Switzerland andGermany; he still does, and keeps meticulous, detailed files ofhis orders and correspondence. There was a second trip to Swit-zerland, and on a trip to England Rick picked up some figures


Open Thursdays and Fridays until 9 00 P m


We r-ow have a beautiful collection of old sliverplate from England

Many unusual pieces includingSpoon WarmersChocolate. Tea and Coffee Pots


Other charming pieces includingJam Spoons Toast Racks Cold Meat ForksSalvers Asparag us Tongs Cake Knives

These pieces are lust a sampling from thiS oustandlng collection

PlateausTea Sets

Store For The Home

I~roln Another PointeOf View

B). Jallet .1111eller

For the flr~t time In Its 55-year hIstory, Pro MuslCawill present Its concerts at the Grobse POinte WarMemOrial and Wayne State University This announce-ment was made by the '\'oclety's prebldent, Alex Suczek,at a meeting of the membershIp renewals committee tolaunch Pro MU~Ica's 1982-83memberbhlp campaIgn

Artlbts appeanng In the society's three programs In.

clude two \\ho will be makmg their DetrOIt debuts for ProMuslca Opemng attractwn IS the Takacs Stnng Quartetof Budapest Hungary, on Its first Umted States tour Thegroup Will perform Fnday evening, Noy 19, In theGrosse POInte War ~lemorlal's Fries AuditorIUm

L~rlc tenor Jerry Hadley, of the New York CIty Opera,Will be featured on Pro MusICa's second program Fri-day, March 4, and the fmal concert Will be an April Bplano reCital by Cynthia Ralm, recent wmner of theClara Ha'>keJl Award in Swltzerland, former Detroiterand pupil of Mischa Kottler These last two programsWill take place In Wayne State UniversIty's CommumtyArt~ AudltorHlm

Per Pro ;\1ublca traditIOn, each concert Will be followedby a SOCialhour \\ Ith refreshments and an opportunity tomeet and talk to the artIsts and other members in arela xed and congenial atmosphere

With a number of Pro ~1uslca memberships now avaIl-able, Suclek urged the renewals committee to spread itswings and encourage friends and other musIc lovers tojom Season membershIps are obtaInable In advance atno increase In prIce o\er last year the cost IS $25 for thethree concerts and SOCial hours. Capacity IS limited to400

To the extent that space is available Pro Musica alsosells Single adrmsslOns at the door - though these areusuall\' limIted Membership includes the opportunity topartIcIpate in the governance of the socIety and to attendthe gala annual dinner meetmg and concert at the Edsel& Eleanor Ford House.

CommIttee members who can provide membershipsand are now working on the SUbscription drive includeMrs. Evelynne Dewev, of Barrington Road, Mr. and Mrs.John P Miller, of Balfour Road, James Diamond, ofNorth Duval Road, Mrs. Sterling Sanford, of HIllcrestRoad, Mrs. Robert Suczek, of Fisher Road, Mrs. GeorgeZeitz, of Dearborn Heights, Richard Smoke, of Troy,Mrs. Berj H. Haldost!an, of Birmingham, and Mrs. Do-lores RogeH, of Southfield.

Season tickets and information concernIng Pro Musicsare available now by contacting the soclety's member.ship secretary, Mrs John Ramey, at 824.8690, or Presi-dent Suczek at 885.0793.An Evening In Athena

Those intrepid and indefatigable ~1Ichigan ChapterCircumnavigators Club members are at It again, plan-rung a super-fun party WIth a super-flOe, InternatlOnalflavor. It's an Evemng In Athens a week from tomorrow,

(Continued on Page 4Bl

Page 16: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

• • ¥ • 4 .i C • • >$ • • we p

Thursday, October 7, 1982

the chrectlOn of Mrs Ellsworth\Ihson, and the VIllage GardenClub coordmated by Mrs Bl1l 0Bnnk

Current pre~ldent of the GrossePOint£' Gard£'n Center IS MrsPaul Hostetter Mr<; BIgelow ISTrial Garden<; chaIrman

Bloonm-.g beauties ...Summer's end IS alwa:.s the time for garden awards at the

Grosse Pomte Garden Center In the Grosse POinte War Mem-orial, where the lakeSIde Trial Gardens pro\ Ide color and fra-grance to dehght thousands of \ ISltors \\ ho \,Ie\\" them annually.The gardens, mamtamed by some of the area garden clubsafflhated WIth the Garden Center, are Judged three tImes dunngthe summer Trophies are presented III the fall, \~hen the namesof the clubs whose efforts for the :.ear are Judged best areengraved upon a SIlver urn and pitcher \\-hlch are permanentfeatures of Garden Center headquarters, and photographs of thewmners are added to those already on dJsplay from formeryears Acceptmg thIS year s first place trophv In the photoabove from MRS CHARLES A BIGELOW (right) IS :\tRS HROBERTSON BRINKER. representmg the Pomte Garden ClubFar left and second from left, respectIvely. are MRS HOWARDE. BLOOD JR. of the Grosse POInte Garden Club, which tookthIrd place. and MRS DOUGLAS T McCLURE of the GardenClub of MichIgan, second place \',mner ~ot pIctured IS MrsDaVId C MItchell, Mr" Blood's co chaIrman of the GrossePOinte Garden Club's Tl'lal Gardens gardenmg committee thISsummer

The speCial merit a\\ "'rei \\ a~bestowed on two groups jomththiS year ThIS a""ard gl\£'n foroverwhelming <;ucces<; \\ 1th t!wfour center plol~ of the TnaJ Gardens, known to be the mo~t (hfflcult of all to mamtaln, went to theGrand MaraiS Garden Club, under


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Family life throltgh the ages ...LUCY SMITH, BOBBIE LOCICERO, SANDY on Fl'lda\' , Oct 15, and Saturd,l\, Oct 16. at 8

STEVENSON and MARTY PETERS (ieft to p m Tlckeb ,H e $3 In advance 'by calling 822-right>, all of The Park, are busy preparmg for 2814 or 885-5475 dunng busJnes~ hours. Theythe Saint Ambrose Community Players produc- WIlt be $3 50 at the door Other members of thelion of Paul Osborn's folk-comedy "Mormng's cast are Bob JOg.lIl, Merrie Gay Ayrault,at Seven," a delightful play about family rela- DomIniC SClc!una, Fred Lenard and Dorothylionships where events of 50 years past are dls- Hunter The PI ayer~ \\-III be prodUCing a musi-cussed as If they happened yesterday "1\1orn- cal cabdlet In December, and \\111 presenting's at Seven" will be presented In the Samt "Hello, Do11\ III the ~pnng at Grosse POInteAmbrose Parish Hall, Maryland and Hampton aile North HI ~h S, boolblock off East Jefferson Avenue in The Park.

edmund t. AHEE jewelry co.20139 Mack Avenue

Grosse PoInte Woods888-4600

APPLE FEST ISponsored by


Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48238

Pick Up Date: Saturday. Oclober 23. 1982Tlml: 10:00 I.m .. 2:00 p.m.

Cosl: $12.00 per bush.1Please enclose payment WIth order form

Funds us.d to 1II11111al. fIl. bislorlc Gross. Poinl.Acad'lII' grollnds in our cOlllllunify

For Information calf -..!h.!..Gross. Point• .! -=-~86.180~Order IOnl tor Gross. Poilil. Acad."" Appl. Fest I

lR~s~~ __ 1r~,-GoldIn DeliciousRed DeliciousMcintoshMulsuJon.tIJ.lJ

Total _fl••• Pholll _

~/';:f ~ .,...""'-i.i~~O~UJ presents{jwi[,n 9ri'tfJlj, ~.."


Thomas Kuras.HarplschordGordon Peterson. Vlolm

Alden Schell. PlanoPaul WlOgert. Cello

Sunday, OCtober 10 - 8 p.m.ORCHESTRA HALL

Tickets $6 a $8 801l Office 833-3700

Orchestra Hall days are 'free~The Fnends for Orchestra Hall 12 and will feature Leon Bates.

will continue their senes of plarnst, presentmg a recital and"free" daytime performances, en- workshop on the planoabling senior citizens, handicap'p- The performance lasts ap-ed persons and school age child- proximately one hour The aud-ren to enJoy first class musIc m lence should plan to arrIve 30acoustically perfect Orchestra mmutes prior to the concertHall. this season Reservations and further in-

The first program. set for Tues- formation may be obtained byday, Oct 19, at 10:30 a m. IS for contactmg Renee Van Dewater atchildren in grades three through the Friends office, 833-3702

A contemporary, two-tonebague"e cut diamond

pendant. Quite lovely .•• forthe special one you love.

Eta Rho, one of 18 chaptersformmg the South MacombCounty Counctl of Beta Sigma PhI,wdl present Theodore Tedesco,plano virtuoso, performmg themusIc of Franz LlSzt and Improv-IsatIOns on current movie themesm concert Wednesday, Oct 20, at8 pm. at the Grosse Pomte WarMemOrial

He Will be Jomed by guest vocal-Ist EnriCO LaRlcca, tht> Nea-pohtan tenor TIcket mformatiOnmay be obtamed by calhng 772-0620

Beta SIgma PhI, founded Api'll30, 1931, IS social. cultural andservlce-onented The sorority ISnot affiliated With any college dndIS now an mternatiOnal orgamza-hon which donates annually to theChildren's Cancer ResearchFoundation m Boston, to Girls-tow u, v S.A., h...,..."teJ llt:dl ;'l'l~:UtC;-

face, Tex , and to Cystic FibrOSISResearch

South Macomb County Councllprojects thiS year WIll Includedressing Goodfellow dolls, makmgup a layette for needy mothersand a cash donallon to the Juven-tle Diabetes FoundatIon of MIChi-gan The council also will sendcash donations to assist the soro-rity's internatlOnal office with Itschanlles.

Eta Rho raISes funds for theseprojects via garage and craftsales. cultural programs and var-ious other actlVlties. In the past,the chapter has sponsored nursinghomes, helped with a home forabused women and donated to adrug abuse program.


Present Tedescoconcert Oct. 20






We have stickers, games,stuffed animals, dungeonsand dragons.

For Us at D. M. Egan'sMini Mall16900 Kercheval

We've MovedTen O'Clock SCholar


Open Thursdays and Fridays until 900 pm

LOUNGE IN A WARMCLASSIC.STYLE CAFTANBY EVELYN PEARSONGraceful trapun to detailingaccents the yoke and cuffs ofthIS lovely, fern !nIne caftanlounger WIth inVISible In.seampockets Ideal for casual hostesslngor relaXIng at home Comfortable, cozyeasy-care velour fleece fabriC IS as soft to the eyeas It IS to the louch Of trlacetate/polyester Sizes P-S M-LSmock length With Jewel grrpper clOSIngs In penblue, claret, $37Full.length With hIdden zIpper front In royal. ruby or Iliac. $39

Page Two-B

'Ifgive yO;kir yoUcan flaunt. Anytime,

nyway.'" \ OW" h m ,h, .,\ ...lool.. h bt lutllul h \OU dh... 1 In ,II kU1(h 0' \\".,th. rl It l 1T\ \\ Ilh lilt Ilt I" 01our ..t\hn ...I \pt rt ...(lIld tht llt \\ Rt'(i~t n D,I\ Into'Ight 1.....1n Hltl1t \\d\l ~()(h.llr \OU ~ 10 111Ul!

(.,11 ~~;;2 l7f~~r• ,11M!.. 1 ~.,," eft'l.: \loi'Wft' Control I.,,>.;"","''"''-k' ~'t,;J~ Pl'rn,an~nt \\<.l\P

886-g0S0 ~:wA'fler.\ Mr. Vern's \(1~l{1JCI..}.IM..

We would like to welcome the professional hair deSigners. Robert.David, Lavern, John, Treva. Trudy, VICki Lynn, Gina, Patsy, ChflS,Tma and Liz. mamcurlsts Jeanette and Bobbl, and a new manager,Hamette, formerly of Bart Edmond. to Mr Vem's ProfeSSional HalfDeSIgners of Grosse Pomte

Page 17: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursdi5Y, October 7, 1982 GRO SSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-B


Come see Arptn'sf ..bulous 1')83

collection off..lsh IOn fu r\ e"perl!~

(r"fled tOW [Oda~ 5

eXCll1ng ne" desl,i:nsand of course.

~ou are assuredof fine qu,.1Im Jnd

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,84 PeliSSIer Streer\\'mdsor. 1-519-.253-5612

D 1111 l) to 5 ~() Fn to 9

e APPLESIn Canada

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tmIlI ,0\1, o-A conulllen Or coAlalllefSm(I.~le to' safe

DERKACH FARMS LIMITEDNo 3 H,th ...a, •IllfJroxulIltely 2 5 ml~ East 01 WlOdSOl

or 1 m.<n betor. L~""


Pan American Airlines offers a Jel-settersweek-end at a price that even a pauper canafford Pick a spot for you and your princessand enJOY one of lhe follOWing Three nightsIn Rome Lo'ldon Pans ZUrich F'ankfurtor Munich for the low price of $57900 perperson Included are hotel continentalbreaklast alrporl transfers and round-tripardare Travel must be completed by De-cember 14 1982

For Further Information CellGreatways

Travel CorporationSue Albright Shelley 8renner Anne Benkert

Judy Standish Phoebe Weinberg100 Kercheval on the Hill

Open Man -F" 9 am -5 pm - Sat 930-1230



Pdrk In the Do" lito" nParJ...lOg Garage -

ParJ.. dt PeliSSier

Duty and SalesTax Refunded

Full Premium onAmerican Funds






Store for the HomeGrosse POinte


Friday, October 15 andThursday, October 21from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.Grosse Pointe, Store for the HomeOur Owen Sullivan Interior DeSIgner WilldiSCUSS the use of 18th Century furnishings

In today's homes He WIll 5~OW how to utilIze and coordinatepieces from thiS wonderful period both alone and Withother style fu rnlshlngs Dunng the seminar Mr Sullivan Willacquaint you With Baker s 'Stately Homes CollectIon.authentiC reproducttons of actual pieces from manors andcastles In England Baker has createdthiS magnificent collection of dining.bedroom and occasIOnal turnl lure WItha(1 attention to detail All pieceshave been expertly hand-c raftedfrom the finest woods and With lhemost realIstiC ornamentation Pleasebe here for thiS truly speCial eventFor reservations call 882-7000 ext 161






(~hurch Womento meet Oct. 12

To feature teillpledances at nluseunl

I\s a complement 10 the DetrOItInstitute of Arts' -\sIan CollectJOntemple dances of South India \\1/1be performed v.lthout chargecourtesy of the DlA"s Friends ofASian ~rt and Performwg I\rtsDepartment thle; Saturda) Oct 9al 2 and 4 p m III the museumgalleries

The presentatIOn \'vI/I be gl\'enand explamed b) Sudha ChandraSekhar Detailed IIIformatJOnabout the museum s performmgarts actI\ Illes ma. be obtamed b\calling the DIA ticket office 8322730

The Morass House, home of theDetrOit Garden Center which IScurrently celebratmg Its 50th an-m\ ersary, "'Ill be the settlllg forthe ~londay Oct 11, meetlllg ofthe Grosse POlllte Park GardenClub

Follo\\ wg a tour of the histOriCreSidence and gardens, located onEast Jefferson Avenue acrossfrom the 1'lIlVerslt) Club, theDGC librarian, Jeanne Hillmer.\~III wtroduce the group to the De-troit G arden Center HortIculturalLibrary

Charletle Babcock hostess forthe day, \\Ill be aSSIsted bj JanetPatton

J)0;" Ie Flook(A'lul) is b1l4~Y

Member.'> of the Gro""e POlllteBook Club gathered dt lhe homeof Mr!> Thoma." Care), who V.d"dSC,I.'oled by Mr~ John ~1ar.,hallelnd ~lr.'> Kennard Jane.'>, on thethird Monday of September fOftheIr flr.,l meetlllg of the 1982-83season

A gourmet lun<.heon \\a<; follov.ed b) Mrs George John~on'., revIew of Theodore Whlte'<; "I\merlca In Search of Itself ..

Mary Jane Kirchner Will present thIS month's revIew The dubv.11Imeet Monday, Oct 18, 11\ "IrsJohnson's Berkshire Road homeMrs Bernard WhlUe) and Mrs LEugene Kelly \\ III sen e as cohO.'otee;.,es

Park Garf/Pll()lllb to Inept

The Women's A".,Ocldtlon of(jro".,e POlllte Memorial Churchwill hear "All About Purdue" attheIr meetmg next Tue.,day, 0<-112, dt 10 am, when member., whoattendL'<1 the natwnal meeting ofU nitI'd Presbyterian Women .ItPurdue VnJver.,lly (ondutl apanel dl.'ocU.,.,lon, telJlIIg dbouttheir experience and \.\ihat theylearllL'<1 111 the varJOll., work.,hop.,

Paneh"t,; \\ill be Melry Grd<.e(!\Ir" Fred) \ddm." Kctren 1MI'''Thomd") WIIIJI1ger, .Jan ('\ilr,>Charle~ Jr) Wnght .J.Jne (\1r.,

> Alfred) Warren, Svlvld (Mr., Le.,Ill' J Sdnder., and" \1anon ('lire.,Stduntun) Wllwn


the ~Igma Kappa Four datIOn andare (..IX deductible

Some lol"pops \\111 be availableat lhe Gros,;e Pomte ~;Igma Kappas gdrage .'>ale Satll rda;. Oct16 from 9 ,I m 10 2 " m al 791Lincoln Road (corner of Goethe)GdrJge ...ale proceeds ~tlJ go tothe \mellcan Farm School andthe \lame Sea Coast !\ fISSIOn. lv-oof the ~oront~ s fJ\ e n, lllOnal phil-.Ill!hroples

On a 101':11 11'\ el Gr osse POInte.dumn:le \\ III be crea tlllg HalJo-\1 een good~ bag~ for homeboundselllor Citizens on th I~ ~Ieals atHome dell\ er:- route a t a meetmg\\ edne~da\ O( t 20 1 '1 the homeof Doroth~ Eggleston

Gro,>"e POinte \llimnde ofSlgIlld KdPP.l \1 III be bu~~ thle;month \llth fund I al"mg proJelle;for their I1dllOndl phll.lI1throplt.'~,md membl'r .. J"J.. c\c/lone to

Be \ Llfl'",jH'1 (0 the \gll1~ \101~upporl of the LlfC;,,l1 t.'r LollIpopSale whIch opens next 'lond.lVOc[ 11 ,llld \\111 Illl1 lhrough Sun"d:l\ Oct 17

the 10IlJp{)p~ \\ III be .1\ dlldblefrom 10(011 Slgm,l KJpp.l" The~oronl~ ""pon"ormg Ihl" lI.JtlonalploJect to help Ihe efdl'1 II bl'comemol'l' Informed and pldn;, 10 conIrlbute fmancldl ~upport 10 thepubliC broJd(d"llIH~ :,I,tem"O\er EJ"\

-\1I dondilon~ (0 thl' ".Ill' go (u

Full Si~nHl ~appa (ktohel" ('alcn dar

Mugging with spirit ...MICHAEL FIELDING lIeft) , chairman of Detroi! Commun-

Ity MU~lc School ~ WIne AuctIOn Committee, RUTH (MrsJoseph) \'A:\CE (center) dnd \lOLLY and JOE BE YER mug-ged as the "pmI', mo\t.'d them \\ hen the) \\ere asked to pose for~ome publtcl!~ photo ... .It a recent committee meetm g In truth,Joe neither ~moke" nor play" the plano, but he has a hne senseof humor d fine \\Ine <.elldr - \Vhdt el"e I\ould one expect fromthe proprietor of the Puntchartrdln \Vine Cellar~? - (md a senseof dedlcdtlOn \\ hell It come~ to the CommunIty MUSICSchool bene-fit he tra\'elled to France to ..,('cure wme dm:~ctly fron I the Roths-chIld ce)Jar~ for the f'lr~t Annudl DetrOIt InternatlOna ! WIne Auc-tIOn It'" ~et for thl" Saturda\, Oct 9, at Somerset M all RobertI\londa\'1 pre<;ldent of ~londa\ I \\'lI1e" of Napa Valley, I S honorarych<:l1rman J Bllan Cole pre'irdent of ChrJstle's of Nc"w York, 15

auctlOnl'l'r A ' 1'0\ lng fed"t \\ Ith ~peclaJ courses prepared byDetrOIt <; fllle:,! <.her '> 1\ III round out the e\'emng Ticket InformatIOnmay he obtdllJed by ('ontdctll1g the DetrOIt Commu nity MUSICSchoo!. 831 2870

l I 0~ f h to. \. ')H rr t

\\, t I.... I i r'q t 1"\ I r 1 t

Fr. \ ....1 rr- fl.

Frlda\, Odo!ll'r 1'), -; p mSalurd.l~, 011o!Wf 16, 11 J m5unda\, O(1ohl'r 1-, ",,(Ion

ESTATEAUCTION IN DETROITOver 1.000 fine offerings from the Estate ofthe Countess Gwendolyn Tolstov and others. -

At the Galleries

()ktobe.-fesldale 'fo.- N(~w(,()lnCrS

Italian Ft':-.ta fundsto Iwip ti~ht LUJlus

1h.' \llllJl~dlll IIpll" r ollnddllOll(d ll~'t' I'Ol1\ll I LlI Pt'l \\ lH)(b Cl1dPIl'l IIIJI '[HlII'-OI ,Ill Il.lllall Fe,>t.!dlllllli d,lllll' "t .II I IIlg ,II f P 111....,tWI ddl (I( t I'lIId "COllll(1 \1I(l11'-l' 2.1 \Ille HOdel .Inti \'01 tll \\1'1ll11' F ,Il h $22 xl pl'l pt'l "on III hellll( hide" dlllllt'l .In OpL'1l b,1I d'lIll11l~ ,lilt! IIlL LI1,lIlll' to t,lhe home .IpIlle .

Ihl'p,IIIII"olwnIUIIll'pllhll( \1IpI (ll .'1,d, ~(I 10 'lIppOI t (he r ound,1lJOII , trdlt ,/,",1111'" LlIPlh .Ill .Iuto111lT1l111H.' llI" l.:d" ..' tholt IllU.,t utII'll"II IhL'" \ lJun~ pl'opll' LllpU" {.Ill"!'I" "Illlrnhiloll II \, \ l'l theil' I" nolillI' (lilLI'lllLlu~lJt of ,1'1.111' II h110\\ 1..11011/llu .Iff l'( 1 dlmo~l OJ)('lIullion \/lWIIL ,1Il"

lld,I'(" dnd Illfor llldllOll dboll! tIll'1"1.',,1,1 m.l\ 1)(' oht,lIlled 1)\ l'Unt<JctII\~ fell I \lililello lWI1l'flt Lh,llrIII ,,11 ,I I Hll4 2u9ll fell 1 \1110 h,\" lo"ta "I~tel to LuplJ~ ::Ind ha~ 1\\0othel <;I"lt'r" llHllctro "Ith I hE.' 01..,1',I"l' l'nll.,led the help of Il1d/l:-flll'nd" ,ll1d 1('1.11/\1.', to IJJ,lI1 Ihl"fund r.lher

\'oll(hl'I" 11111be ,1\ ,1I1,d>le ,It the<111<11 \101 L' Informoltlon ,1IlOutLlIpu, ll1ol\ hl' ubldlJ)('<Il)\ (ontaclI!ll! [hl FOllll<!.JllOll fOlllll'd "{'\en\ I .II" dl!O to help I .ll"e fllna" for Ie"1'.11 (h p,ltll'llt ('(lUCoIUOIl ,llld pubIIL ,m ,lIl'lll''''' uj the dl"l',I"1' .II 7751l1lO

(h l'II',lll)" \Ilon\ mou,> meet-.I'! Itld\ 'llollllllg' ,It 9 30 ..l m eltthe (.IU,"C POlllle Lnltdllan('IlUllh un \ld1l1l1ee \\enue be1IIl'ell \df I{Odd dlld SI CI,llr A\1'llUl' I hi' I11l'I'(llll-(" .lll' Opl'll tothl' publll

All OktU!Wlfl",( J', ht.'lllg pl,IIlHedIn lilt' (;, u~~p l'UIIIII' !\Jpw('umcl ~dub fO! ~'''llllld,\), Ott Ill, dl lhe(;I(/~~t' POIII!t' !lulIl Club Fe~t1\lIlt'", Ill'gllllllllg dl 7 lO pill \HlI1IllI\ldp .1 (;('lllldll J..1l.l1 kv.uI ~ldlllllPI \\Itb "lelll\ of hl'l'l ,1I1<1II llIl'

EIlIt'II.rIIlJJlI'/I1 \1 III fl'dllll p(,('I m,m PI.rJ\O Illlhl\ dlld pi I/p,>\\111 Ill' 01" dllIPl! tOI 11ll' Ill',>1 (iCl111.111 ,Ill 111

1'.11 \ \ I b,lIlll1t'll 101 llll' 1'\ PllIllg.II t' /0(' 1l1d \Oll/lt' I )IlIUJ/ ~I'1 \Illg Oil \ 11I'II IOllllllltll'l' <II I' ,J lilli'.mil ( IO,,!l\ BUI d h.dtlll ,1IId BInlllllblllgl'l ,lilt! I 'iiI Ill" .1I1d (.) t'gIh \1.11"

("up/I''' II ho h.l\ I I (( 1'lIth1110\ I,d IIUill ,Ill 0111'1 pot IOllllllllgthl' hOUlld,lIlt", <It (II (h'l' 1'0111(1'oil t' l'llglLll !Ol IIH mile) ,till! III IheIOl,,1 \1\\lUIlH')" olg.llllldtlOll~.! .~I tit I It)" t j' 1 I t I f ~

1lll'lI1hl'l "llIlJ I hdUlJlell ,I( HHI 2119001 112.J 2LlY fOI 1\lllhl'l Intol Il1dt!lln

II ell) (II IUlIlt/.I'or Ofer(J(J11)/';

Open Thursdays and Fridays unlll gOO pm

Page 18: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

~-~------- -. -••---- F__ '"'f"_a_ '~A .. ; e..p p."'$_PC u .",PFPPPPPt

Page Four.B--- - --- ---- --------~-- --- -- -- - --

GROSSE POINTE f\l EWS Thursday, October 7, 1982


• T-Shirts $6.95• Jerseys $9.95• Tote Bags $5.95• Backpacks $3.95• Beer Mugs $4.50

• MalOtenance




• Excellent Meals

All ready for back to school! Emblazonedwith the school mascot Navy blue w/hme green~h'~&~mys~~f~OMOLono-~~~DMOlO~(J1

NameIAddress Phone ICity State Zip

Iplease allow 2 weeki delivery - $1 SOpostage & delivery II Make checks payable III U III GP BOl * D1 Grosse Pte News Grllsse Polnle I

all WithIn the bUilding

for further information or for an appointment

• Registered Nurses on dutyand

• Beauty/Barber Shop• Grocery Store• Doctors' ClinIC• Gift Shop• lIbrary

/0 ~ n /,,11, .}('NII(J n}lf! .}ali'>!/lill-f/.f?(Jlh (J1J't-fJ If If/if

415 Burns Dr.Detroit, Michigan 48214

• Private rooms and Apartmentsall With private baths

• Around-the-clock security


21435 Mlck AVI.

• ~ __~:=~~;~~.~rlPT:~::gsal un'U'rl a .. .- ,

I Sterling La Verne Studio II is proud to announce II The Interior Design Display I

at Somerset Mall

I 2801 W. Big Beaver ITroy, Michigan

I October 21st thru October 24th I

I Thursday, FridDy, /0.9, S.tu,d.y, /0.6, Sanda,.. 12.5 IFor homes of distinction ,

i JJ E' ff'llIUrI' Cuslom I utf'rior V~,.~(t(1I,,,,,1 (I('('~' ...,or. if ie~ for IIIE' tli.,r'ri",i"ttlillg clie"/. If r' II ouM IIr' ,

I 1lI0.~t pl,'wled to 11ll/'I' lo/(r rtIlNlfItUIf'f' fli thj~ i~tlJ£l 4'1'1'111!,.fllurill':: uur booth IlIlmlJf'r fil r'o ,I Pl,.ll.'w do cUllle. frif'llf/~ (/lid ?:1If"'., lI'I,/r'of/"'. I

IBlanche L. Snyder, .4o.S.I.D, Donna Domilic;, .4ossociateII Sterling La Verne Studio I,, 20441 Beaconsfield

I Harper Woods, .\fichigan I371-7750

1( ~_Jj

T;ln(~-(rtopic,for [1'ox Creek

The FO}I Creek Chapter ofQuesters \I, III meet next Thursday,Oct 14, at I 2 30 at the SunnmgdaleDrIve !10me of MrsRIchard Se'ymour 'Who WIll be assisted by co-hostess Mrc; FGeoffrey \\/ elsher Mrs SeymourWIll be sha ring her family collec-tIOn of doc kc; found from attIc tohac;emcnt I n her house Her pro-gram IS ell tItled "TlCkmg on AllFloors"

Detroit Gcn<>alogicalSoci<>l\ to cOIl\"cn<>

Sister Hi/ria's Pha~'te I nightSIster Hilda, an EpIscopalIan she leads ~,elf help climes and at-

nun, \'.111be the guest speaker at tends to t he needs of DetrOIt'sthiS Sunday's Phase I meetmg at Inner City reSidents7 .;;)p m at Grosse POInte Memo- Phase I IS an organtzatlOn ofrial Church In her Oct 10 talk SIngle, j 0 ung adults, ages 20she'll de<;crIbe her \~ork at the cen- through 39, who ~ather regularlyter. located near Belle Isle, ",here fall throu~'h spring for Sunday

e\ enlng I>,:ogram meetings atGrosse POI nte Memonal Churchand spon~ or \ anous other act-1\'ltJeS and projects durmg theyear.

:\oel Van Gordon of the BurtonHlstoncal CollectIOn, \I, ill speakon The SpeCIal Collectione; ThatMav Be Overlooked and BetterUe;e of Library Ree;ourcee;" at ameeting of th(' DetrOIt Society forGenealogical Ree;earch thle; Saturcta~ Oct 9. at 2 p m In the Ex-plorer'e; Room of the Mam BranchDetrOIt PubliC' Llhrary on Wood-\vard A\Cnue OpposIte the DetrOitIne;tllute of Arts

Cone;ultatlOns \\ Ith offlcere; ofthe e;Ocletv \I, III he avallable In theBurton Hi'>toncal CollectIOn pflorto the meetmg SOCIety pllhllcatlOne; IHIl be offered followmg theprogram

And congratulations are In order. for Mountall1Bourbon, the five gaited geldmg owned and shown byGrosse POinte's Frances Shook, which won the prestigi-ous open fIve gaited champIOnship at th e 1982 MichiganFutunty Horse Show at the State Fair Grounds Sept 25,Congratulations too, of course, to MISSS hook and trameI'Derek Repp, assOCIated WIth Summel"fleld Farms InTemperance, 0

!{r0111A110ther I)ointe()f ViC\V

(lnutiIlUt'd fI 0111 P<\~l' I HI

FrIday, Oct 15, at Detroit's own Gre<.'Ian Gardens Din-ner Will be a fanllly style selection of ,'.,hISh kebab, roastlamb, baked chIcken, salad, beverage and dessert. En-tertamment Will feature 20 Greek danl::mg maidens andmen, performlllg folk dances and provi chng instruction Insame There'll be gifts for men and IAI omen, members,\\lves and guests There'll be enough fun for a wholeweekend III thiS aile E\'emng, If we kl1ow our local Cir-cumnaVigators (and we do), for If thtTe's one thmg ourlocal ClrCUmna\ Igutol's IIlSlst on having It's a good time- dl1y\\here III the \\orIdAn Exceptional Opportunity

Older people and young cluldren often commumcate III a\ ery speCial way for eXample, thl? Grosse PomteBranch Amencan ASSOCiatIOn of Uo.Iverslty Womensponsors the Volunteer Grandperson P rogrdm at FerrySchool, through which commumty mE mbers take their1I1lt"1 t'::>l::> elml ltUUUII:::> j IIlV i.i It; M..:.vvl I." ::.1.,,1 <; ". tJ. "ii&ul:groups of chIldren clnd rapport IS bUilt bet\\een two gen-eratIOns WhICh often spend too lIttle tI me together

Interests as complex as celestial nav.'gatlOn or as Slm.pIe as readmg a story serve as sprIngboards for intergen.erahonal sharlllg The gap between tile generations isbrIdged grandparents renew old hop es and childrengam a new way of lookmg at life

ThiS year, the program IS lookmg fOl' 3. volunteer COOl'-dmator who enJoys workmg With sen ior citizens andyoung chlldren, someone to help find community mem-bers, schedule convement times and anange for mate-rIals and extra help. 1f necessary, It's .''1 volunteer posi-tion - but there IS a stipend of $1,000 for the school yearFurther information on the program or the pOSItion maybe obtained by calling 884-4637. Furthe-r informatIOn onother AAUW projects may be Obtained by calling 881-6318,

Shopping The NationSpecialty gift shopping fl'om across tJhe nation will be

available m The Pomte at the end of tht? month, as storeslocated m New York and ChIcago, Ma rblehead, Mass"WIlmington, Dela., Bryn Mawr, Pa., an d elsewhere can.verge on the Grosse Pointe War Memor ial for the annualPlanned Parenthood Holiday Mart. Gen l:!ral admIssion is$2 on Thursday, Oct. 28, when Mart hours are 10 a m. to8:30 p.m and on FrIday and Saturday. Oct 29 and 30,when the Mart wlll run from 10 a,m. too 5 p m. Informa-tIOn on Preview Party tickets (Wednesd ay, Oct 27, from5:30 to 8 30 pm) may be obtained by calling 886-9784,Mart proceeds support the educational programs and ac-tlvIties of Planned Parenthood League Inc.Congratulations Are in Order . . .

. for Grosse POinte's Dale Aust1l1, 1982 reCIpient ofThe Figaro Award, MichIgan Opera Theatre's speCialrecognitIOn for outstanding volunteer~, Dale and herhusband, Dr Donald Austin, have bl.'en members ofMOT's GUild since 1974, and currently serve as operatrustees

The GuLld, a volunteer organization, plans hospItahtyand social functIOns for vlsitmg perfo rmers, prOVIdesworkers for the MOT EducatIOn Depa rtment's DocentProgram In the public schools, offers c'l encal support inthe opera offices and raises funds throllgh a number ofdifferent benefits, such as the MOT Garage Sales. It alsoadmimsters and staffs the MOT Guild Opera Boutiquelocated III RenCen's Tower 100 and pr'o\'ides volunteerushers for the opera company's ma1l1 :,eason at MUSICHall

Dale has worked as a substitute re('eptionist For anumber of years she has excelled 111 selL:Tfigseason ticketSUbSCrIptIOns, particularly over the tel(=phone. She hasserved on numerous commIttees, mcludi ng the 1982Auc-tion and the 1981 Garage Sale commjtl~'ees,

She's also participated in over 15 MO'r operas herself,as a supernumerary or "super," an opera extra whoappears on-stage 111 a non-singing role Last season, shewas a 100-year-old gypsy m "Carmen:' It was a switchfrom her usual role, for Dale IS known a's MOT's leadingLady of the Evemng. havmg played onl= in several pro-ductIOns She was appomted supernumerary coordInatorby MOT's general director, Dr. David D lChlera, thiS sea-son

Even If you're not an opera buff, and you haven't seenher on-stage, you probably know what she looks lIke.Dale IS the attractive blonde 111 the cun 'ent MOT seasonteleviSIOn commercial, appearIng WIth fellow opera trus-tee Ollie Fretter and opera enthUSIasts Bi II Kennedy, DICkPurtan and Lem Barney

frea H R) n\ J

Let our professional <:,ecorators ....alp youcreate a more beautiful home There::> nocharge tor this talent YO\J pay 01"(1)'for themarchand sa you buy Come In 0 aSKaboutan at r,ome apPOl'1tment

TaKe advar>tage of our tree deLoratlngservice while our sale lasts Turn ,ourwlndo ....s nto focal pomts of fashionSelect from over 900 Nettle Cree" fabr cs

COllorlS velvets silks sheers and more


n€ttl€ CR€€kNOW


Enjoy the Luxury ofCustom Made


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f'/\f~ PI RS by

Sit ttillall-l<o/~.llj0/ GROSSE POINTE

We have the fur to match your Ide styleCome see our exertIng new styles,

I"' 110 K£RCHEV AL • m-the-,1I1age I ,I IOp<>nThursda\ e\ef'mgs 882-09:1,5 _


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)our windows In a customized elegantfashlor> and Possible tor you to alia nquality at prlces you can allord

ShOp mlhe comfort of ,our home forcustom drapefJes bedspreads boudOirfurn,ture and accessories


Dancing at the MUSIC HALL CENTER with* Dance Theatre of Harlem * Pilobolus* Detroit City Dance Company * Alvin Ailey* Royal Winnipeg Ballet * Harbinger Dance Company

Subscnbe now and save up to 50% on smgle ticket pncesPlus, receive special SUBSCRIBER ONL Y BONUSES

For Prices & Season Brochure Call 963.7622


'f 'vf, /ubeled'0 show countryof or'yrn

Page 19: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursd"y, October 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-B

I( , { r

In Kay BaumIn-t'1e-vlllage

l-/dr .... J~',(rc... Jrr r ..J ~ CJ

Color and Cutnow $30, 1'9 :'40

LlJrnlnlZe and Cutnow $25, rl.- 1 S35

Pewl and CutnON $50. 'r<:J :'60

SI/ S'reat'c, arid CUT

now S30 r' ~ S4u

----- - - ------~I

369 & 375 Fisher Rd.Grosse Pomte, Michigan


9 30-5 30 'landJ\ lhru SalurdJ\


l/k~.{ I! FJI h/l If/fJ/it 111/"; up ....lId ~

tU! II( II f plfl J In ({h I H iI/O j' Sil, ( t I"JII' ,), I1,,-( iJ (, '/ rill I , " \l L I

:'j(; (}o

~ F:~:~~,~~,~,~s"JV21915 MACK 778~4050


PIANOS WANTEDGrand. 8,ln81$, ConsollS



F-ru:.sdo 'u

app I!oAr r(..I' I



CAREER DRESSING: A SEMINAROCTOBER 14,7:30 P.M.DRESS SALON, SECOND FLOORCoordinating and accessorlZlng officeapparel IS a knack eaSily learnedJom US for an evening of hints anddemonstrations to aid the workingwoman In wardrobe planning Learnhow to pull the most from your closetand how to transform day wear Intoan evenrng ensemble


!)orllti r(-!turfl.'i10 /etld DS()

Members of the Grosse PomteFarm and Garden Club wlll meet:\londay, Oct 11. at the CountryClub Drr\ e home of Mrs HoraceCarpenter where Mrs RichardGerathy Will speak on "Uses forHerbs and Scents "

From tomght, Thun,day, Oct 7,to S..ltu1'day, Oct 23, ConductorLdureatc Antal Doratl Will be onthe DetrOIt Symphony Orche,>trapodIUm for "even i>ub,>crJptlonLOncerl'>, Includmg SIX perform-ance" at Ford Audltorlum plu." thepremier concert of a new Fridayevening '>cne!> at Orcheslra Hall

In additIOn, he Will direct theUSO .:t .:! ~l Pt')')1 ('(wced featur.wg popular WOIk.'> by Geri>hwmdnd Grofe at popular price!>,\~hJlh lid!> been added to Ihe Ford\Udltol'lum o,chedule at 3 30 P mC,dndd\ dfternoon, Ocl 17

For' hI'., Inilidl "ub!>crJptlOn,\ {'ek tOlllght, Friday and Saturdd)' Oct 7, II and 9, Mae'>trolJ(JI dl! \\elll open hl~ program!>II/th Haydn"" Symphony No 93 IIIJ) Thl~ \\ III be the DSO',> flr'>tper {orman(c of that Haydn work

(,IJe'>1 ,>olol!>tfor thl!> trw of conlei t,> I'> French plam!>t Horten~eCartIer Bre!>'>on, makwg her DSOOe!Jut \\ Ith Bartok's Plano Con-lei to ~o 3 The fmal !>electlOn1\111 be Brahm',> Symphony No 4III E mJllor, Op 98

Performance" are ~chedu!ed for8 p m Thunday at Ford AudJ-tonum clnd Fnday at OrchestraH dl!, for 8 30 P m Saturday atFord AuditorIUm Single ttcketsare on !>ale at Ford Audltoflumbox office a nd all CTC outletsMasterCard and VISA charge(ard customers may order bytelephone at 567-1400

f-'(lnn., Gllrden(;/1I1J 10 ,neet

Sales" olnen slatefall dinnel" Ineeting

The Greater DetrOit Chapter ofthe \'atlOnal ASSOCiatIOn for Pro-feSSIOnal Saleswomen Will presentBarbara Pletcher, executlve di-rector for NAPS In Sacramento,Calif , as guesl speaker at a 6 to 9p m dinner meetmg next Thurs-da, Oct 14. at the Sheraton HotelIII 'Southfleld

Dr Pletcher's tOPiC IS "AreYou 0\ Profes~lOnal?" TIckets forthe e\ emng, at SIB each, must bepurchased III ad\ ance. Further m-formatIOn ma) be obtamed bycdlilng 26I4410

;, .\ '/ \J I /' I• It I

Total I lair (arefor thf' f:1ltlrf' Famil, ...


10 a.m.~3 p.m.


21006 MACK AVE.GROSSE PO \JT( \',00,$

BET 8" q ~'Ill RDS






- HOME -


RobeI'I G Johl1">ton Ph D ofWa\ne State lnl\er::>lt\ \\111~pea" on Speech Dl'OI dl'l ~ dt thl'Wedne~da;. Oct 13 D1l'I'tJnQ ufthe \iacomb Count\ ChJptel ofthe -\mel'lcan \:':'OCI,,11on ot \IedIcal -\~'il::>tant". 1m

The prograr;n at .J Ro"Bro\\ Ill.' ., \\ hallng StatIon locdtl'(jon \an D\ke In \\arren l' 0pen toall medical offtcp pN ...ollnel Ineludmg a,slo;tant' techniC I"n"and managcr~ and tw£nn ... \\ Ithcoch.t ..lIl" .It 6 P m

Dmner at SB 25 per per"on \\.IIbe sen ed at 6 10 P m Re ...c1'\ ,1tlOn~ ma~ be made 1)\ cont.lctlnQ\nnp friltl..Jreltl 778 -l-l14 hOlJle I

'1l966-10 rofhce) no later th ..m\Ionda\ Oet 11

The Gennan \mlllc.lll l'Ultlll.llC'ent{'r LldlC~ \ll\ilIJI \ 1\ ill pi t'

-..ent Il" dnnnal Ll1l LhllOn "I (11\

TtlP'o(ia\ Oct \2 .lt noon .11 tiw lultural Center (Iuhhou<.,e on t .....1Outer ])11\ I' \rlml"'Ioll I" !l\ 'l'" I\atlOn ()Ill\ Tl(hl'h .It ,,~';() III![X'f<;on ,ll\' a\ .llldl'/l 11'1\\ III lOl,

t<lctlll~ ldrla \'arhlllJ ')2- _"l')RThl' t .hhlO1h C0\11 t,,-\ 01 I In .. 01

Trm \\11/ be !11odd"d 11\ dtl\ 1,,11 \mpmrx'l... \ ~'T(lIlP of "1)<,'(lJI fa"hlono; \\111 be hH!,hh~hh'(j thl" \('drplll~ I'nf{'rt ..1I1lnwnt .1110 a 1.111('))('011fpatllnng <hlct..ell hrf ..hl I 01 dn~I'.Inri hOllie ha,,( II tll'''~\'1 t \';111'''\eltmillll1 and ]/('11(' (rl """t dl ( < (.chall'ln~ till' ))dll\

Gerrllan-Anleri('(lnladies "ill lunch

The Jenm Lmd Club of DetrOitgathers Tue!>dd\ Oct 12 forluncheon at the Kmgsle\ Inn fol.10\\ ed b\ a tour of the Call \llIle::>sculplure~ at Cranbroo"

('r(lllbrooh' (latefor Jell")- l--JiJul. .

"at'OIHh :\ledi('al\~si~tanb. to IIlt'.'t

Gro,~(' POlllt, C,ollth 1II(~h ....( houl~('mor CHRI<.,TOPIHH \\Hlr\l-\o;on of \IR and \IR'\ CL \Hk. \\ lilT\lEY of LakC'polDlC' 0\\ I'nUI' ha, h('l'nal\arded thE' RE'no;,C'ial'r \ll'dal gill nannually to high _choo) ~rllrl('nl~ forour,tandmg achlE'\ ('menlo; 10 thE' ~llld\of mathem<ltlco; and ...( I('OC(' 111 th('lrJUnior yE'ilr

MOT presents~Haullted Castle"

Mldllgdll Opl'l d Theall e open'>It.!> 1982 83 "l'..I,>on wllh lhe UmtedStdte" !Jl'(.'ll1ll'1' of Ollt' of POI,lOd''>mo.,1 cPh'bl aled opera., "ThelIdllnled C .. "tll'" by Stanl.,lawMomu",ko, dchuled IJ~I, Fnday,Ocl 1, <II Ihe Mw,lc Helll Hem ..unlIlg perlormdllle" UI 1lI1~ ",,:, ......:.

Illry \'Iork 1)\ till' Fdlhcl of PoJI"hOpeld, In .I' lle\\lv tomnH.,,>lOllt'(lEn~h,>h II '1I\"ldlwil ..In' '>lhedult.'<.lfOI Uti II .Jnd 9

1\1ol11U'>lko \\ Iw d,t.<! III 1872,wroll' \'Ilt!t'l\ fOl Ihe \ OlU' He I'>pl'lhdlh hl'~t kno\\11 fOI hi'> ndtHl/ldlJ'>Il( Opt'! cl lIdlkd'

''I'll(' lI<1untl><1Cd"tle W,l'> fll'>tpel fOIIl)('(1 JIl \\ dr'>d\\ III 1005 bUICL,l! 1'>1('('II~OI '»lIp pruhll)lled Poll"h pt'rforrnclllu',> of the opel <I for) e<ll." 1..11('1 the \\ f)rk I ('l elypd\\ Jde .lit ent lUn Ih! OU,;IIOUI ll'nl!..I1Eurol>e It I'> de"plle It" POlttll..l10\ erlom.... cl light hl'dllN! piece -:;fillt'tJ \\llh rndn~ ('oloIful ,>(ene~dl'pllling I'oll',h Ilk dnd tlddltlOll,Illd m dgill fll pnI d ..lIlce num tw 1''',>Ulh d~ Ihe flPI) ~1..1LUr

Tile four dt t operd ;,l.lgpd for~toT by \\ 0Jclech Hdlk I'> belllgl ondue ted b\ \ on Kdl .lJdll pi ILl.'\\ IIlnel Jdlt.'k Kd"prL)" Jt J<, deo,lgned b\ '\lllo~l Benc<h kto\\ IClThe t hrec <He \ et el a n'~ of IheIlledler, musIc and teleVISion\\ orlds of Pol dnd The Engll ~htrdn~IJtlOn \\ d~ done by SallyWIl)lilms.Hdlk, l'o~tunH'~ b)Marla Sa\\ ka

'The H..lUnled l'd!>t1e tells oftwo )oung 17th ceutun kmghb~:g~:~:\e.,t~/~~I:~~~~d~~lrOt~Arrav of alltulllll fashi()n~ ...their belo\l.'d Poland - Of course, MAR\~ PAPPAS (left) and STELLA FERRIS I !>cated. center.other~ hd\e plaru, for Ihe~e t\\Oehglble men and theIr VIl>lt 10 In Iront of the "dumlwe:,") dl1>cu~~ the '\1'13\ of \utumn Fashionsthe haunted (dl'>tie I~ theIr undorng to be presented b) the As~umptlOn Greek Urthodox Churcha~ lo\(? conquer~ all P dflsluoners ASSOCiation In cooperatwn \\ Ith the J L Hudson

To ~upport tlm eXpenSl\ I.' Company. Eastland. Saturday Oct 16, at A~,>umptlOn Cultural"Hdunted Ca~tle' prOJecl :\lOT Center on Marter Road With BETTY \1 \GEE personal tradeenllsled the ,lid of DetrOlI s Pohsh manager of the Woodward Shop, ~ ho \\ III coordinate the stylecommunlt). \\11Ich embdrked on parade and do the commentar:- .\tar:- and Siella <lre (0 chaJnngan am biliOUS fundral~lng cam- the noon champ;lgne luncheon and fa"hJOn c,ho\\ It <; open to thepalgn 10 raise $80 000 In additIOn public, at $10 per person donatIOn Resen atlon~ ma:- be madeto thiS fln,lnClal donatIOn the by calhng AssumptIOn Center 7796111 or 886-8990 or 886-0068opera corn pan) has recen ed

~~:~d~~I~~~~~;~u~om other III To open four Ilollles for tourThe Lutlll a Smglllg SoClet) of Fem bedutJful hotL~ fl'Pre.entmg map mdll3tmg Uleu lot.atlOr <.en e,

DetrOIt \\ as one of the fIrst to \ arJed st\ les of archltecture anc as the ddmL'i.!:>JOIlticket .U1d ITIJ\ beoffer Da\ ld DIChlera, general decor will he featured tilli \ear on \he pUr(hd~ed In ad\ ance .It the GardIrector of \tlchlgan Opera Grosse Pomte Gdroro Center ~ druma! den Cenler (\1' tile Gros~e POInteTheatre encouragement for the Tour of Homes It s ~ for Satunhl\ \\ ar ~lemorJal offIce Tlch.ets alo;oproject b) lendlllg the opera com and Sunda\ Oct 16 and 17 from I to md\ be pure. hel-ed .1t .10\ of thepan) the entIre musical score for 5 pm both da\:, homeo; on thl d.l\" uf the tOJr'The Haunted Ca~t1e" ThiS Informed docent..'< rt'Cl1lJted from 11le hcJ,.Lo; IX' ,hOlm dre U1CN:ofgroup \\hlch celebrale~ Its 75th 1M 'nembeNup~ of tiw 18 <.l.l'N g,lrd \11' ..U1d \11' Hobert ~ El\ldge on8nnl\er"ar) next ye¥. w~. ~H"~l\~,~ club.:i..~{f~ted ,~,th the Pom!\,! \\ d"hmgton \11' dnd \11'''the musIc 10 the lale 194~ 0) Its Garden Center heddqUdl1ered m tile Herm L P~n Oll Hand\ HOdd \11'sl,ster organizatIOn Lulnla of G~ Pomte War ~temonal s .\Iger and \In, :\iJcluel .':..chulles on Too.y, arsa\\ HOUSE' will be all hdnd to [Xlml out rame HOdd and RO\ 'II TOU~l ,JI

Nex!, Dr DIChlera found one of 'lX'C1al fedtures and ~ e ..l:> haste.,.,> on Kefll\<XX1Ro.ldthe fme!>1 collectIOns of PoII~h cas eo m the hOO.!>eStumes and .in equallv generou~ Tem tlcket~ are $I \11th duldrenDanH:l Kozak. 0" ner o{ Ihe Ro\ .11 under 12 ddrmtted free \ bruclllu eEagle Reslauranl III Jndlan V'11l de..c1'ibmg \he hUlL...e,and mc1ll<11l1gaage Konk has allo\\ ed hl~ \ a1uable collectIOn o{ authentIc <:o~tllme", Including hand beaded\ e~ts colorfUl skIrts and em-brOidered blou~es. to be Ui>ed Inthe productIOn

Poland has JIlSplred :>ome of thebest poster art III the \\ orld 'TheHaunted Castle has Its o\\nsou\emr poster to mark thIS enlted Slates 'prelmer, courles) ofDon Burz) n5kl \ Ice.pre;,Jdenl andcreatl\e dIrector of 0 C Fre\ and-\ssoclates. and commercialph')tographer Gan R\an The tv.oPohsh men (R \ an Is-half Polish lgathered a group of graphIC artIStS Illu.,trators and pflnters \\ IIhng to donate theIr talent'> 10 Iheproject

The poster IS a\ alJable from theopera offIces and al the OperaTheatre Boutique located InTo\\er 100 of the Renal"sanceCenler

TIcket" for . The Haunted Castie' are on sale no\\ al the \lU"ICHaIl Box Office and all CTC oullet"

For more 1Illorr,latlon or tocharge Ilckels bj phone call 9637680

Fort Pontchartrainbridge boutique date

A bridge luncheon at the home of~fr~ James" Canoler ha" bct'nplanned for Fnda\ Oct l'i b\ theFort Pontchartraln ChaplerDaughters o{ the -\meflcan Rc\olutlOn Tht' group \\ III meet at 11a m \\Ith ~1r" BnlcC' K Rc\nold", regent for a 'ioclal hourand bOlltlque featllnng Item"made b\ memher"

Reser\'atlon" are bell1g taken b\Mr<; Leonard L Jeni>en :\Ir" Ad-rian V Roff and Mr~ Frank SMcKinnon

(Jclober (InIe.for Dee/J/allf/s

Deepland'i Garden Club member" \\ III meet :\Ionda \ Ocl II mthe home of tht'Ir ne\.. prc'i\dent~ir" Damel C'o!lev.a\ at 11 amOther offlcer~ for the 198283 '>ea.,on are ~tr'i \\ Ilham KlIlebn'\\\ Ice pre"ldent ~Ir'i Robert Bleker and \11'<; Dernll \Iannle record Ing and correo;pondlllg se-cretanes, re.,pectl\ el~ and :\Ir.,Gerald Penk,,) It.. Ireasurer


Page 20: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

• • .c. uu 40$' .c

Page Six-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday I October 7. 1982


'~~L'~111+' \I.ll h \\I'nul'

l,ro"l' I'olnt, \\ o'Hh

'Ie ""lia n ., "prehn ~IXXI lI;ll


WORSHIP Sf:RV!CES'l30&Il00am

(nur<;ef\ ooth Sen )9 30 a m Sun ~('hool

P "tnr (If r)f~l 'f "11f'hrr"."lor Iio""r! \ Ii'IIlI>o


/ CHURCH~.5 ~u"nl"gdal. Park(;ro .. ~ POlnl. \\ ood.

SS-l.4!1108 ()l) oJ m Ho'\ f ll( h~~r....t

q 30 '1 m Bl~lt> ""tud\\ur','r\ -\\,;t!,hl"

L03O~ml hor .1l ~ urh Jon,t in(~

~t'rmM) "'uno I" "-.{p().)l1\t"',dJ\ ~ u, , .•r.,cq j,().1 m Tdt;'" ...11a\

4 \ \IfIH ...T ...\TlIW\\R.<:lor Robtrl ~ \.Il}

I <10kn~ ~or ~ m'nd.hlpJnd BLbll' Tt'.llhtn~'

St. James.Lutheran Church

"on The Hill"

Yachtsll'Oll'PIlIneet O('f. 1J.Halloween IS the thl'me for

Yachts\\omen's meet l/lg Thur~day. Oct 14 at 8 p m <It theGreat Lakes Yacht Club In SlClair Shores, With coslume~ (deflOIlely NOT street c1othe~) theorder of the e\ emng Ho,.,te,.,...esfor thiS aUlumn meetmg ,ire JedllKrantz, 1\iane rtflchael ...en CarolRaymond and El"H.' Verbal

i~Augll,~tIJr;(/()The mothel of till' bl'ldl' \\ ()J (' <1

dress of I"r ench t'llliioll. h,lIldpamtl'<.i III .,hade" of bllll' {'.IIIl'tl'stroke1> of ('olut <I('n'lltt'li thl.'bndegroom'~ mol he!"., (II l....... 01!>llk III Illlltl'(i gret'll .,lhlltl.... E,H:hmol her Pllllll'(J d I O"'l' lOl"'d~(' toher purM'

The ne\\ I\'wed" \ d( .It IOlwd IIIllw \\ e::.t, Ill. Wd"lllllgloJl .1I1d S,III1"1 <ll1l'l.,l'O They \\ 111 Illdl-.l' Ihl'lIhorne III Bl'l n<li.d \ IIle. N .J

Spl'cl<11 gue ...t Illlilldl'd 11ll'bnde's aunt. Mr1> Jo~eph Zemter,of DemlOM, \\,1 ...11 ,1I1d lhl' blJdl'gloom ....unlit' ,1lIt! dlml \11 dllli1\110., Millon Young dlld Ihl'lId,lllghlel ;\l\l,llIdd 1)\ 1I.IIltOl dConn

Olhel out 01 t0111\ glll'''t... IIIcludl'd [01 mel POlnll'l" \11 ,lilt!1\11 ~ 1':1110. I-:llh ...on 01 Colum!>I.1Md , Co mm,lIldel a lid \11~ IIWl',>ton HUlnetl 01 \nll.l\lUll"Md Mr ,1lI<1 l\11~ I; IJllldollCook, ot Helldll e \11 dill! Ill"J.lmC1> SmIth dud thell dllldll'n o!Ld n~ lIlg, A llgll' Hl'C\ I'" .II"0 01L,lIl~mg. TrJ'\ll' Hl'l'\ l'" 01 \Iullleh. Gel man\ 1\11 .lOd \11... SuIney MeCled'ry uj Hhllll'ldUdl'rWlo.,. <lnd tht'll ...on 130\ d'\IcClear\' of '\lIn \1 bOl

More - \\t'r l' \11 ,Ind \11 ...RIchard B Sdnt dlld \11 ,lf1d \It"Robert Weill>. of Ed,,1 1.111'1 poulthe DonJld Hl'lhll'k" .\Ill! thl'lldaughter T JmrlJ\ oj \1.11 ~hJJI.Madeln P,ltel no~tl 0 <lnd .JdLkTam<lyko. of Plthblll gh 1'.1 ,1I1dNancy Clark. of

171'iO Maumcl'BIll 0420



19950 Mack Avenue'''II!way bel ... n Mo", .. end Vam, •• Rold.)

886 -l3{XJ9 30 Church School for Chlldren i1nd \ ou'h

Peace Talks (or -\dulhII 00 \\ORSHIP

Children ~ U>:Jrmng l\ nlt'r\lJr~er\ Pro\ l(it>d

C'onll' ~ro\\ \\ Ith u, ,lI1d~cr\e lht' hum.iIl 1.\11111\


FIrst Church orChrtsl Sell'nII sl

Gross. POIIl~ Farm.%lIZ CbalrOClI.

" .. ar K.. rb, Road<;E'I'\ Ices

~unda\ 10 30 a m\\ edn"sda \ 8 00 P m

~unda) School 10 30 a mmfant care prO\ ,ded \

R~ \01\(. ROO\IlOb KF'R( m \ \1

0" THF HilI.10 a m to 5 pm'1onda, Saturday

Thursda}10 am 108 pm

Church Servlce andReligIOUS Education


The RevBrooks Walker


1171l AI DLBOl\tat GROSSE POI'ofTE

WAR \fEMORIALlei s Counl the Years &.

Nollhe Age by LooltlngForward

10 a m In<erpretJOg lheBible mlo Today's Llvmg

\eed prayer help or II'I ofolher acllVllles call 882 ~OR <;\R .. H SOt -\DA and

her mllllstersdH, avsulible



CHANNEL 5Grosse Pomte Cable TV

This Week's Service From





1~H1 hJlJrw'Jl,r .II l (lhnp9 30 &. 11 15

WorshIp ServiceOIl of Ola) and

Fountain Pens"Guest Speaker

Dr 1I,faynard HatchCnb room lacl1Jtles

Church School at9 31} on1\

Cnb room throughadlllt cla<

T1r Ito\ R l!utcnf'OnR,- J.lC"F ...,de,

St. Paul Ev.Lutheran

c~::> Church\) 881-6670


First English

Ev. LutheranChurch

\'ern1l'r Road atW('(jge~ood Dnve

Gro~~e Pomte WoodsRR".~'11

\Ii or~hlp and ChurchSchoo! - 9 15 a m

Church Wor<;hlp-Ham

Paul f' Kpppltr Pa~tor'\lark Ilirt As.t Paslor

The Grosse PointeCongregationa Iand

American BaptistChurch

1\IJI Ild~(' \ ows \\(>1'(' exchangedSUlId,l\'. Augu~t 15, at 2 o'l'Iot'k InUI(' Ii 1'0""'1' P0ll1l1' COllgrt'gatlonal.\lId AllIl'I'Il'.lll B,lphst Church byB.lI bill ,I Eillabl'th Sorell~oll,ddughter of 1\11 and 1\11'1>GordonH SOll'II~OIl. of Hlv,u'd Buul<.'vard,,\lid 1''l (\ul\\ I'Ighl. ~on of Mr,1Ild 1\11" J B\lrl'hflt~ld Cart-\\Ilght. o! 1':,1000tLIVl'1 pool, 0

!'Ill' Iltl .... ,it \\ hlCh The He\-l'll'lld Jd(k E SIdle .. pre"lded\\ l'll' foil 0\\ I'd b) d 1l'('l'ptLOll .Itthl' 1,llh"l' POllltl' HUlIl Club'\I,ll (11,1 \ll'lIge ,ltll'lI(kd the gUl' ...tbOlll-.

1hI' hr Idl, ... VIc!(Jlldll 1<1('1.'dIe"" \\l'{ldlllg 1-(0\\ II [01 bOlh helgl,lIIdmothl'l ,lI1d llIother. Il'dtUIl'll ,I Illgh IIl'(')". lung ~Il't'\ l .....titled bodlL'1' ,1Ild delll'<lte pl'plulll[,l1l1l1g III h'lI1dkel dllef pomb 0\ er.1 luflll'd ...kllt Hlbbon 1<.1(,1'bOl dl'/ eu Ill'r "Ill-. net flllgel tiP!l'tH't h \ l'11 SIll' 1',11 I'll>d <Ill <.IrmbOllqul'l 01 1\ on ro ...eo;. \\ hltl' 1'<11'lI,tllOth n1l11l1~ L'lllllflO\\ el"'ph,1lI0tl~

1l0nOl Ill.IIIOll Kiln \\ dl::.onSlelll/. ol Top ...fleld, :\1<1..... _ <l college tl.h"rn <ItI' 01 the bndt' \\Ore,1 dre...... ot "'oft bille geol getle[e.llllllllg llbbon 1<1('1' In"el t~ Inlhe "ll'e\ e'> <lnd ...l-.Ilt ,lIld d high.I,lce Ill'('klllle ::'lI1l1ldl' to th<lt of theblldal gO\\ 11

Blldl'~mdld~ \\ l'1 e MichelleSOlel1~OIl 01 Hou~ton. 'fe\, thebl'ldt' ~ "lstel-IIl.ld\\ :\1<11th,lLud\\ Ig. of Pltl~burgh, I'd , ,1Ildl\\o ~l~lel ~ of the bndegloom,AIll~ ell t\H'lght Snlllh. of Poughl5t>elJsJe. NY, and :\ldry Fisher.of Lacey, Wash They wore dressesof Wedgwood blue hssue taffeta,st rled With full skIrts and ruffledmickhnes and sleeves

Theil bOllquet1> wel e of blue Sill-.('01 nflowers \\ Ith whrte daISies )lndbdb~ 's breath. matchlllg the\\ Il'<1th... II) their hall'

Be:-..t man \\ as Slott Porter. ofE,,:-..t L/\ erpool V~hers \\ cre thebllde ~ brother~. Kenneth Soren~on of Houston. and Ke\ In Soren-~on ot Holn1l's Beach, Fla andthe blldegroom ~ brother~ m 13\\.Jeff! e~ C,lrl\\ nghl SmIth andGrego!') Fisher


9 I'; Famll\ Sen IceII .\,':I.t

'iurselJ 9 15&.1l A \fSunda) School 9 15

Re\ Kenneth R LentzJanel Manar Vicar

61 Grosse Pomte Blvd



PnnClpal sen Ices

C) l'j J m Huh Eu,h![tlt &. (hur,h ~,hool

11 l'i J m Mornln~ Pr JI er 'nJ ..ermunHoil E~lhlm( hr,( $unJJ\

lnt..;nt ,,Jr,, prnlliij - .»)r!l cr' "t.

Other sen Ices - Hoh Eu, h ![tIt

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Dial.A-Pra) er881-8i70



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II I'; Wor<hlp '>en Ice

'1ur~ery & Pre ~chool

\ltnl'r ...Hl1wrl \\ Boll \

IJd\ld B I't'nnlmoln

16Lakeshore Dr. Dlal.\.Prner882.5530 • 24 hr. 882-8770


Grosse Pointe



CHURCH211 Morass Road

886 2363

Jo,,,ph P Fab" Pa<lor

Luther Stohs \ Icar

{I?~q J() ~ \ I JO \\ or,hlp ,>,,1'\ IU'<

\ 10 JO ~Iud) Ilaur


Mr Alfred S Warren, Jr

!.I. r- ....

.J.1' It'rl.'. ~-.~,I'>;1~jit.The Episcopal Church Welcomes You

Sunda} School 9 a mBIble Classes 9 a m

Famlh \\ Ol-shlP 10 30 a mFellow<;hlp Hour II 30 a m

\\ ed Bible Class 10 a m

a\'ld Sunny Side of The Street fan,as were several hu!>bands of DRCmembers. lIlcludmg Lotus Thur-mon and Ed Wilcox, who WithMrs Houllhan's brother-m-Ia\\and some Troy neighbors of theGuests Will be III the DRC aud-Ience next Wednesda}

All the men listened to BudGuest's radIO program for) earsThey say It started their day WItha few laughs. and they want to"hear that laughmg vOIce agam ..

Private DutyNursing Care

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bands For \ ears, mld\\ estern\\ 1\ es \\ ere greeted by their re-turmng-home husbandS at the endof the day With, "Did yOU happento hear Bud Guest's Sunnv Side ofThe Street thiS mormng?'"

If they hadn't, they heard Itsecondhand and often deCIdedthey'd better tune III at home tohear fIrsthand \\ hat the fun wasall about

l':orah's late husband. a formerCommander III the Na\'y. \\as an


Review CllID to .113veGllest speaker Oct. 13

Wom£ln's ClubGroup to 1I1eef

'The Grosse POll1te Woman's ClubDISCUSSIon and Garden Group \,111gather next Wednesday, Oct 13. at 10a m at the Cake and Candy Cull-board, Nme Mile at Mack A\ e-nul', where members will have the op-portumty to observe the art c:i ca.nd)making as derr.onstrated by JeanTImmons ReseJvatlons ma} be madeby calling Mrs Wayne Andersen bySunday, Oct 10

The DetrOIt ReVIew Club hasanother sellout crowd commg toits luncheon and program nextWednesday, Oct 13, at Plum Hol-low Golf Club, for the guestspeaker IS none other than Bud(Edgar A. Jr) Guest whose"Sunny SIde of The Street" mornmg program on RadIO StatIOnWJR delighted listeners through-out the midwest for 36 years

He's a Mtchlg,m natIve, son ofthe late poet-philosopher Edgar AGuest, a graduate of the Umvers-Ity of J'vItchlgan where he majoredIn Journalism He joined the Det-rOIt Free Press m 1934 as a re-porter, eventually becommg cityeditor. He was stIll WIth the FreePress when he became an earlymormng newscaster on WJR

After World War II service as aNaval officer he concentrated onhis radiO career, ongmatmg anddevelopmg hiS popular programIn retirement he has been as ac-tlve as ever, delighting audiencesfrom Toronto to Albuquerque

Bud and Betty live m Troy andhave an 80-acre farm In MIChi-gan's Thumb area. They have ason, Edgar A. Guest III, twomarrIed daughters and sevengrandchildren

Chairman of the day Mrs LoUISThurmon, a longtlme member ofthe DRC and ItS Literaturecharrman thiS year, IS a neighborof Bud and Betty's m Troy Pro-gram chairman Mrs Aaron EWilcox has asked Mrs JamesHoulihan, DRC's SOCial chalrman,to introduce the speaker

Norah Houlihan recently enter-tamed some DRC members whoWill be helping WIth party plans(Grosse Pointers Lou Wilcox,Mrs. Fredenc Beddow and MrsFred Gles and Mrs Justin Emery.of Mount Clemens), m her Warrenhome

Norah IS past-president of theDetrOIt Women's CounCil of theNavy League of the Umted States- and she's one of many womenwho were mtroduced to BudGuest's radIO Wit by their hus-

Alpha Delta Kappasslate a celebration

Alpha Delta Kappa Weekcommemoratmg the foundmg ofthp mternatlOnal honoran sororlty of women educators, v. III becelebrated Oct 10 through 15 andADK's Alpha EpSIlon Chapterplans to honor the occasIOn at ameetmg ""lth ADK's Beta :'I:uChapter at Pare School m SamtClaIr Shores next Tuesday Oct12, at 7 30 P m

A brief hlstorj- of the Alpha Epsllon Chapter", III be given by on('of Its charter member'i. RachelDreyer and the archIves from1969 to 1982 ""III be on dl'ipla)Outstandmg \\omen In three career areas - Dr Patricia Rice author, Christine D'Luge la\\)erand Lmda Lasco, artl"t - Will beguest speaker"

Chapter members re"ldlng Inthe Gro"se POlllte area IIlcludeGloria Weber, of Lakeshore Lane,ChnstlOe Burt and Carol Holler,both of Roslyn Road

-PlatlllllJg WelCOllleWagOll party . . .Welcome Wagon Club of Gross£' Pomte and (nght) IS general chairperson SUSIE CAH-

Harper Woods has scheduled Its annual fashIOn PENTER (center), W~lcome Wagon and luncheon for Thursday, Oct 21. at hopes that the party Will be a great success and11:30 am. m the Grosse POInte War Memo- a successful fund raIser for medical-relatedrial's Crystal Ballroom LINDA LLOYD (left) scholarshIps ReservatIon mformatIon may beIS in charge of the "Cornucopia of FashIOns" obtamed by contactmg Lmda Trudell, 882-7788,from ?l-bner's of Grosse Pomte. MARY BERG or Jane Wilhelm, 881-6148

QlIe.~ters elect"elf (~ffit"ers

Grosse Pomte Chapter of Quest.ers;'\o 147 has elected a slate ofofhcers and committee chairmenfor 1982 83 headed bv Mrs FrankWelben as preSident and MrsRichard Mertz as vice-presidentSecretarv, treasurer and hlst.onan, respectively, are Mrs.Stuart Crane. Mrs. George Bayand Mrs John G Martm

Committee chairmen are Mrs.Martlll, program, Mrs JamesCham pane Jr . yearbook, MrsDerrIll MannIe, publicity, andMrs M L Van Dagens, nom mat-mg ParliamentarIan IS Mrs JohnR Pear

Chapter members travel to theHillcrest Convention Center inMount Clemens today, Thursday,Oct 7. to attend the Michigan StateQuesters' annual fall convention

Chnst Church Semors wII! leavethe ChrIst Church, Grosse Pomte,parkmg lot at 9:15 a m Thursday,Oct 21, travehng by bus toBlake's Ollchard and Cider Millin Armada for a fall color tour.then stoppmg for luncheon at theVoyageur restaurant in St. Clarrbefore returmng to The Pomte at330pm

Tour cost IS $14 Reservationsare a must, With payment re-ceived no later than Monday. Oct.18 Further mformatlon may beobtamed by callmg 885-5841

Seluinar scheduledbv l\faconlb~sPSI


The Macomb Chapter of Profes.slOnal Secretanes InternatIonalWill present an intenSive, one-daysemmar, "Improve Me, ImproveMy World," from 9 a m to 3:30pm Saturday, Oct. 23, at Ma.comb Commumty College CenterCampus m Mount Clemens

Program cost IS $26 for mem-bers. $2850 for non-members and$13 for college students, mcludmga lunch of SWISS steak, vegetable,salad and dessert plus all semmarhandouts RegistratIOn deadhne isa week from tomorrow. Fnday.Oct 15 RegIstration forms maybe obtalOed by callmg 652-0268 or879-8260 after 6 p.m

Semmar faCIlitator Pat RappWIll gUide participants as theyself-admllllster and self-score In-struments which give personaland confidential feedback on per.sonal style as It relates to under-standmg and copmg With stress,motIvatIOn to achle\ie, concern forpeople, determInISm, need forcontrol. self-actualIzatIOn and thepov. er of nonverbal communlca-hon

Macomb PSI members gathernext Wednesday. Oct 13, at TheBre\\er) In Mount Clemens fortheir second dmner meetmg of theyear Cocktails Will be availableat 5 30 P m Roblll Dell Ryan,CPS, r.hchlgan DIVISIOn 1982 Sec-retary of the Year, will presentthe program "InformatIOn SyS-tems A New Role for Secretar-Ies

Cost of the dmner IS $10 25 Fur.ther informatIOn may be obtamedby contactmg Ruth Lazur, CPS, at556.2279 (\\ ark), 463-4286 (home)

Blue '''ater ABWAoff to the racesThe Blue Water Charter Chapter

of the AmeTlcan Busmes~ Woomen's ~s"ocJatlOn held Its monlhIv dmner meetmg last Tuesday,dct "j at the Boston FIsh Marketand ha~ planned a ~Ight at theRac!.''' fund raJser for next Thurs-da) Oct 14 at Hazel Park

Furlher InformatIOn aboutABWr\ and the Race Night maybe obtained by contactmg ElliePnce chapter preSident. at 8646000 or 465-1378 Membership In4.BW -\ IS by 1m ItatlOn only

JOH\ \1 BROO~S son of MRSC[~AI DI \ C HILL of Maumee Avenue rl'(el,ed a Bachelor of SCIencedegree In Electncal SCIence and En-glOeenng (rom the Ma.,sachusetts Instltute of Technology on June 1

Tour .for ChristChurch Seniors

Piau CatholicIT()JU(.)Il"ls Day

-The Council of Cathohc Womenof the ArchdlOce"e of DetrOit ISprepanng for this fall's C'athohcWomen's Del\ to be held Wednes-d,l)', Oct 20: from 9 a m to 2 30P m dt l\lerc~ College Programtheme IS "A Pause That Strength-en~ "

~I' \\OrKSI\Op~. lll'''c In themOll1lng and tlu ee In the after-noon. \\lll be offered. on tOPiCSr.mgll1g fI om -\lcohohsm to lln-emplo~ llH'nt Runa\\ay Childrenand the L\\\ \ll."<l!cal EthiCS andSport:" ~le(hl'lIle and The Empty\'e~t

Sister :\lar~ Fran Gilleran, keynote :>peaker \\ 111 address the1......lIe of Women ... SpIrItualIty

Fee fOJ the d<l\ IS $1250 mdud-IlH! luncheon S5 \\'Ithout luncheonRegl~tratlOn deadline IS ne~{Wednesdd\. Oct 13. Further In-formatlOr\ may be obtallled bycalling 237-5896

Page 21: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursday, October 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P(lge Seven.B

Morebargainsto beholdThis Way





) ears of age through adult, fea.ture~ <;e\eral IllUSIOns whlCh heperform!:> demonstrates how theyare done and performs agamChildren younger than five willnot be admitted to the theater

Youtheatre's 34-\\eek. Octoberthrough ....lay "Something EverySaturday" season Includes !Jve,pt ofessJOna) muslcals, concerts,speCials and pup,Pet shows

Blrthda} partIes, Wiggle Club<;ho", s for f amIlJes With young-~ters aged three to eight. ,>peclalsalute dajs honormg youngpeople's sendce and communitygroups and free, gUlded backstagetours for chl1dren aged 10 and upcomplete a schedUle of full-famIlyactl\ Itles



'fro and ,\frs.John H. Blake

more, the bridegroom'.., <;Ister,dnd ,Julie Jaj of Ann Arbor, wore\~ hlte dre".,e., WJth ~hlte andfiord) bouquet, three quarterlength Jackel"

Be.,t man, Larry RIceL",UPIJlJb weott: r:JVOtu,J :{~~n,Jobn ....ldLk and JIm Klock

The mother!> of the bride andbridegroom both selected floorlength dre.,..,es of chIffon, theformer., lavender In color, thelatter <; peach, and orchid cor-l>age"


-~e I:<o.;e Petal Jacket - AJng s'e'n beauty wIlh a

s"c" co lar and a sca'lopedf cee n 8 aC1\giama mink

Kercheval at5t Clal'In The Vlllage





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821-3525Q" .Ilr} \." r Ill';

F""T IFfffR"O'\


G'192-1'240 ~ 1fj

Blake-Donnellyrites in garden

The Gro.,,.,e Pomte War Memo.rial garden wa" the .,etllllg for themld!>ummer rnarnage of LauraMlI1ton Donnelly, daughter of ;\'irand Mr., John C Donnelly, ofLakeldnd Avenue, and John Henr)Blake .,on of Mr dnd Mr., Jame"B Blake, of B<lltmlOre .\1d

The b '30 0 clock eeremonySaturday, Jut) ,l, at "'hlch TheHeverend Fred f' Campbell pre"Idt'd ~cl" fol/(meel by d receplwnIII the Wdf \1emorwl'., AlgerHou.,e

The new!\ ....ed" \dlatwned OIlthe I,\dler, o,dllwg from DetrOll 10Baltimore \\here they dre rn,lkmgtheir home

The bnde ",ore her mother"l\Orj !:>atm \\eddmg g01,\1l It'> Iletled neL kl Ine all ented 1,\Jlh .,el'dpearl., and dn heirloom veil ofBelgian Idle that hd., been In herfamIly ~Jnce 1870, y,orn by generalIon" of Palm" Ca.,graln andDonnellv bnde.,

HeJ fio \\ere I,\hJte orthld",....Jth mlfil<ltUt e \\hlte ro.,e" dnd<,tephanotl"

SU.,dn Donnelh honor mdld forher tWin !>l,>ter,' and Imde"mdld"'\J ancv Donnell v their "I.,ter Inlaw kathleen .Blake, of Baltl

SEE OUR COLLECTION OF FINE FURSIncluding Mink Raccoon Lynx Beaver Muskrat.

Coyote and many other furs In Coats Strollers and JacketsD,d you know Ihar we w I rake m your 0 d lur al a lOP allowance On a new fur?

Use Our ConvenIent LAY.A-WAY Plan

l\lagic showat Youtheatre

li/ .1 1)7~/l0/1 u/ Jl()J ~f(l~J of Grosse POinte

19261 MACK {near MorasSI next to Woods Theatre 886.7715

Chllago mdglt:lan Ddnn! Orleans return., to the DetrOItYou theatre :>tage lh,.':. SaturdayOct B v.Ith hiS ne\', "ho\'. CouldIt Be :\laglc? 1'\\0 perf 01 man(e"1,\111be gnen, at 11 a m and 2p m 111 the DetrOIt Ino;tltute of.\rb audltonum

General ddmJ:>!>lOn tllkel" at$2 50 each for children and adults$1 50 each for groups of 10 ormore and Youtheatre'~ S17 50 dlscount season pass (good for 10admls"lOns) may be purchased IIIad\ ance through the museum!>ticket office 8322730 and at thedoor

Orleans one-hour sho\\ del>lgned for faml!} members se\ en

Grallli ][arn; ....l~lllb 10 ,,,pel

'Jr. and '\-In.Hobl'rt,J Herm""

fJerJlle~-I~()epp• 1vo\\r~ are ~alU

')dlnt Cldre of \lontefdlloChul (h \~d'> the "cltlng for lhef rid d \ Septembel 10 I~eddwg ofPdtrIUa Ann Loep/> daughter of\11 and Mr., Hobert A Loepp ofl'drk Ldne dnd Hobert JuhnHenne" .,on of Jdnel E Herme-of Hoo"e\elt Plale <lnd the IdteRobert P Henne"

The 5 o'clock ceremollY dt\\ hlch Father ROJ1dld E,,<,mdnpre!>lded v.a., follo ....ed b) a recep!lon In the Gro".,e Powte War\lemonJ! " Crvo;tal Ballroom Thene\-\1\ I,\eds are' at home III DelrOlt

A (hufon cape lO\ered the spag.hettl "trapped, Alencon lace.trimmed bodIce of the bride.,\\hlte taffeta dres.'> o;t\led \Hth achapel length tram MatchlJ1g lacetrimmed the hem of the gOVln

She \\ ore a lace accented, '" hltepJcture hdt. \\lth a blusher veiland fa~hlOned her o\~ II bridal bouquet of \\hlte silk, madonna lilies,lllJes of the-\ alle\ and rosesmixed "'lth 1\\ •

Ellen Loepp' honor matron forhel "Ister-Jn-Iaw, and bridesmaidsDonna Loepp, of Sterltng Heights,and Diane Loepp, of ~e\\ OrleansLa also l>lsters In la\\ of thebride and Beth Carbon a 1\11chlgan Stolte Cmverslty fnend of thebnde also carned bouquet<; fao;h-IOned by the bride

TheIr arrangements of coraland pedch madonna 1I11es androses complemented theIr longdresses of coral Qlana The) worelong-slee\ ed Jackets, WIth satlllties over theIr spaghettI-strappedbodices

Damel J Loepp \\ as best manfor the bridegroom, \\ ho had.,en ed as best man 411hiS \\ eddlllgthree ~ears ago l'!:>hermg weret \\ 0 other brothers of the bride.Thomas J Loepp of SterhngHelghts, and Robert A Loepp Jr ,of \'ell Orleans and the bride-groom s brother Stephen KHermes

Beth Hermes ga \ e the readmgsdUring the mas" .\11 brothers andsl'iter,,-m-Ia\\ from both famlhespartiCipated III the \~eddmg

The mother of the brIde's beigechiffon co,>lume fealured a blou-son bodice and slralght, scallop-edged skirt The bndegroom'srnother chose long slee\ ed, gre)cluff on. st~ led \\ Ith a sequin-ac-cented bodIce and long, flO\\ Ing"hlrt and belted m satm

The bnde made the corsages forboth mothers, the former sa \\nstcorsage of t\\ 0 rust Silk roses thelatter's a belt corsage of t\\ 0 \\ IIII.'roses

The Grand :\farals Branch oflhe Woman's '\atJOnal Farm andGarden -\SsOC13tlOn comenes\londa\ Oct 11 III the FisherRoad home of \lanon Skillman\1 ho 111ll be ass!.'<ted b\ co hos-te:,se" Doroth\ SchmIdt and BethCoddmgton . ,

-\fter a bU,>ll1es", meetIng con-ducted b:- :\large Locke presldent George \'mcenl \\111 presenta program on mums and ger-anlllm" \lember, unable to attend are a'>J..ed to contact the hos-te'" at 882 61&1

BART EDMONDTo'ol HOIr & 5~1~Core For The En'lre Family


Even"'9 Holln For ""'-n & Wo .... n

A DIR~T ~NE IAll Is Right - That all IS perfect.Joyful, triumphant and completelll

If you've been tOying With a changeand heSItating and tOying andheSitating - C man we're Just aTmg-A-Llng away,

\11' and \II'''f«'\in H (xrdngt')

Finances in fonIsat :\tacolll bY" C \

The \lacomb Y\\ C.\ localed onEa!>t Ten :'IlIle Road m Ea"t DelrOlt VI III present an 1111 rodllctor)\\ orkshop on Personal FinanCialPlannmg next Wednesda~ Ocl 13at 7 30 pm

In,,,tructor Penm De\\ ev .Ill accounlant \\ ho holdo; fl\ e hcenseo;and has had e'\ten~l\ e e'\oenence\\ Ith o;tock~ and bonds, lax shel-ters lOsurances profIt ",harIngand rellrement plans promIses anInformal program dealing \\Iththe planmng necessar! to set dndreach personal financial goab mtoda\ 's dlfflcult econonn

She \\111 sho\\ ~hde<; ~nd allo\\ample tlme for II1dl\ ldual que"!lons

Fee for the \\ ork<;llOp 1<;$.3 forY\\ C -\ members $5 for nonmember:, .\d\ anee rcgl<;lratlOn ISreqlllred Further informatIOnma\ be obtallled b\ calling i724435

JUHf!> Joh nson~'ed in Juiy

'1 he j III 0 du( k (eJ ('llWIl\ ~.JtuHl.n .lul\ ,I m (Hil L.ld\ -;t<ll ofthe Se.1 (hurth dt \\hllh Juliel'~II('nJohn'>un MId Ke\ III BI \ ointGr ,Inger e\(hanged m.ll ridge\O\~., \\d'> follO\\l'd 1)\ .I J eu.'ptlon111 the (,1 O""l' 1'01 nIl' \\.11 \11 mOlIdI ., Cl \ .,tdl B.i1lt (Jom

Ple.,H!Jllg ,It the lite" \q~leF"thel HeLlol ~dullno dlld TheHe\ erend George Andrel~"

The brIde d,llIghtel of \1r ,.lI1d\lr., !)on,tld C ,J ohno,on of:\ e\~-la.,Ue ROdd 1101 l' hel mother.,pnnce.,,, .,t~ Ie \1 eddlt1g gov. n of,.lIItlque \1 hlte ChdntllJ) IJLe 0\ ettdffetd fd"hlOned \\ Ilh d highne(k long fIlled "Jel'l I'., and ddldpel length trdllJ

She ,lhu \\ ore hel "I"tel s VI I'ddll1g \ ell ,lnd Lldo;ped the helrloom pe,lrb pre\ IOU"!) \\ 01 n b~the blldegl UOIn'~ molhpr aroundher nelk \\ lute ro~e., "tephd notl.,dnd Cellndtlons formed the bridalbouquet

JIll John.,on Penmngton \\hoCdme from Kaldmazoo to .,en e d~her ~l!:>ler'~ honor mdtron andbnde"mald" Karen KopP! VlckJKhng SU~dn Stafford dnd SandiDanfolth \~ho,e halter '>t\ledre"se!> of \ elJo\\ 11\ Ion featuredpleated "klr1.5 carned bd~ket;, of\ello\\ LdrnatlOn., ddlSIC!:> andpmk ro~es

The bridegroom !>on of Dr dnd1\lr~ George R Granger of Hluden Lane. J.s!-ed Robert Danforthto dCt a~ be"t mdn l.,hers I~ ereJohn Harper Jeff John~on of Ir\ me Cabf brolher of the bnde,and 'llchael 'llId RIChJrd Granger, the bndegroom " blather"

FloVler girl \\ao, the RllhdldGrangers daughter JenniferRmg bearer VI as the 'flchaelGranger!> ~on Sedn

The mother!> of the bnde andbridegroom both \\ ore formallength gO\\ ns III \ anous shades ofpmk and \\n~t cor,>ages fashIOnedof ITIlmature pln!- roo;e., andstephanolls

The nel\ I\ \\ ed" returned from aC,lnbb",an 'crlllse to make theirhome 011 -\rthur Court III St ClalrShores

OUl-of to\\ n guests tncluded thebride ~ aunt. ~lrs -\Iden Packard.of Glendora Calif

lQ~ CJQoWeftgWeddings, Showers

and all occasion arrangementsalso Christmas arrangements

lor gifts or for your home

G1{Jf'@(/ {i/!It772-6954 St Clair Shores

Church wants torent or buy quarterssuitable for service

and otherChurch activities

in this area.Call 882.5327

881 5618881 2221

The former ~llo;s Hohmann,gl\ en In marriage b) her brotherBill Hohmann, \\ore a \\ hlte dressaccented '" Ith a large mam esash She \\ a~ attended b\ her 51",-ter". Carol and Janel' \\eanngmam e gowns Their bouquets ofsJlk flo\\ ers \\ere fashlOned b\theIr mother Gordon -\dam'"sen ed as best man

The ne", ~Irs Hohmann IS asemor at the llll\ erslt\ of Te'\a",-\rllOgton Her husband I~ empIa) ed b) ~Iaf\ m Elecirolllcs IIIFort \\orth

.\ u"ilial~.!'l nlt'etin~ton Schlmpke at :'11172Jl3

The program \\ III feature DrThomas L Bleel pa) mg a relurn\ 1"1/ to the group to present Ho\\to Get the 'Io"t Out of E\ 1.'1 ~ da) .The meetmg [<;open to the public

~En!>. <I lid :\lr.,.

Ger<lld E. Vier Jr.J

b,IU\ '>hi edtll Edlh bIIJe'lIl'lld(<il/ll.'d d ,>Ingll.' \1I1Ite 10.,e ,wd,~ ~. + h1..1 ...'.,;, ~ I ~ '- .......

Jo'>eph V1('1 ldn1l.' fr om TempI.'Ani to ,lLl ,I" Ill., brotlll.'r ., be.,tman They ,Ire the '>om of '\1r olnd1\11.'> Gl'ldld E Viet, of AlIdrdHOdd L .,hellllg \~ere BJ"lcln \Vie) .. nother In other, olnd t ....obrother, of the bfJde LawremeR dnd Thoma., ~1 Ldngton bothof Gldnd HdPld"

The mother of the 01Ide \\ or I.' along, IdLe boolced gO~\J1 of tredmbeige c1l1ffotl, WIth a mJtclungJacket Her cor.,,, ge v.<IS a burgund) 10~e The bndegroom'.,mother !:>elected d formal lengthdre"s of f10'" ered plllk chiffon0\ er t<lffel<l, dnd ,l pink ro.,e COt'iage

Out-of stdte gue~t~ tncluded thelmdegl oom '!> gredt dunts, HhodeIsland reSident !\fl~" :'I1drgdret PGannon and \1rs CatherineRichards, of Tcque~td, Fla. dndthe bndegroom's uncle dnd dunt,Dr and :\lr5 Hellr~ Hanff, \\ hobrought theIr elllldren. HankGlenn . .\nne ~1afle dnd Stephen.wllh them from \ev. POlt RIChe\,Fla .

pf"lO(O b") oe V .e$ Stua.o

:'tlr. and Mrs.David ;\1. Pendy

the bnde" brothel "edted thegue~h

The molher of the bllde \101 e dst reet length dress or na \) bl ue,md Pill\.. "'Ilk The III Idegl oom .,mol her ~ dre~" abo ~treet lengthIIa, fdshJOned of beige Jel :"e)EdCh mother., flo\\el" \\ere t\\Opmh ro"e:" <lnd bdb) " bre..lth

The ne\\I\\,ed' \,lcdtlOned InnOltllern ,il(hll,l.lll olnd dIe ,Ithome III \hdland \\ here both aresemor., at '\orth\~ood In,,tllute

3 25 m al leao;t 14 hour'>of graded \\ork

DI>\N:'IlE R 0KEEFE of TheShores recenthaccepted for membership In Profe"slonalPhotographero; of-\menca Inc

( i{frrmne1{~ol&G,on. Polnl. '-~t Clal, Shorn

BECOMING ENGAGED?Getting Settled Made SimpleNew Town dilemmas fade aller a WELCOMEWAGON callAs WELCOME WAGON Represenlal,E> 1\ s r""ljlob to help you make l'le '" OSI OJ j our new ne ghbor'1ood Shopping Areas Comnwn ty opporlunlies SpeCial allracllons LoIs of tiPS to save you(Ime and moneyPlus a basket 01 qlfls for your la m Iy I IIbe I stenlng for your callHELPFUL HINTS 10' Wedding. and Engaliementa tool

Ruth Ellen Hohmann and JamesMclean .\dams exchanged marnagI' \ o~s m the Duncam IIII.'Tex. home of her mother Fa\Hohmann, a former reSident ofGrand ~farals Boulevard, Satur-day September 18 Mal') KIlling-beck pla~ ed the organ and planodunng the family 'ceremony",hu~h was followed bv a buffet

The bnde IS also the daughter ofthe late Charles Hohmann Thebndegroom IS the son of :\{r andMrs Gordon Adams, of GrossePOlllie

Set Sahation \rn1\Resen atlOns for the \u\lllan

to the Sal\atlon Arm) :, meelmgnext ~Ionda). Ocl 11 at 11 a mat Salvation Arm) headquartero;on North :'Ilam Street In Ro\ alOak ma) be made b) contactingElIld Gee at 642-5145 or 'Iro; :\111

" Among Ferno; StateCollege students 10eluded on the academiChonors list for thesummer quarter \\asBRUCE C SHEP-HERD. of Allard RoadStudent" ';0 honoredmust ha\ e complied agrade pomt a\erage of

Pendy- Veldhuisrites are read

Ruth Holllllflllll U"P(! ill Texas

Vier-Langtonvows spoken

Michelle Marie Langton designed the VICtorian 'ityle gown ofwhile taffeta. It.-, pOI trait necklmeedged with white lace, It~ high,pu({t'd, bellcd ~lee\e~ gatheredaoo\ e lhe elbo'" ,.md accentedwith taffeta bow~, Ib tr.lll1 cathedroll length, In whleh .,he ~pokeher marriage vow., lo En."gnGel Jrd Edmond Vier Jr lImledSldte~ N,tvy

The dJ.ughtel of Mr Jnd Mt '>HlChdrd LllIgton, of GrJnd fLIpId~, V. ore" vel!, r J.lIll'ur dl length'" Ith " blu.,her drdped fl om d lareb'ltld, tl1.tdc by her mot her 'lfId{'urlli'd d (,1"( ddt, of I~lUll' IO"l'~,JIId bdb\ '" bl cdlh

TI\l' Iie\ ell'lId [)oll,i1d J )11.'\den'> J. pel ,>olldl friend of lhebnd,lI (oupll' pre.,ld(.d ,It lhe Io'cloek r1t(.~ ~J.tuldd) AlIgll~t 21III Gr,llld H'lIJ1(h 1tl1J1ldLul"te.i~dl t ul :..iat \0 C.u.u l." 1)..,."IJ :~VIt.'r urolhel' of the ht Idegroolllpartlrlpdled In the let emOIl) ,,~ dmember of the Offer ton pi 0<. e~.,JOn

After d reCl'ptlOn Jt1 the MiChlgon B,lllroom of GI.lOd H<lI,ld.,rillton Inn, the Ill' V. h '" l'd~ left to\ dCd!lOn .It Trd\ er.,e ('It\ ,1I1dMacklndl [.,I,lnd 1'he\ .il e ,Ithorne In 1'\cv.port, R I .

JlIlanne \1 John~on, of fi t'd ford ,wa .., honor maId for her collegeroommate BrJdc~m;:lId~ wereKaren A Langton, of Wyoml.ngMlch , and Barbdrd L Lallgton ofGr,md Rapids ~I~ter!> of the bride,and Dianne M VIer, the bridegroom'~ !>Ister

TheIr dresse!>, de~lgned b) thebride to reflect the mood of thebnddl go\~n were ted length.fashIOned of "hlmmerwg red taff.eta, \~Ith portrait neckline!>, fltll.'<lbodices and puffed slee\ es Each~ as Circled at the \\ 31<;t \\ Ith acummerbund t) JOg In a JdrgeCrt!>})bov. III back

The honor maid carned a bouquet of three ~\hlte ro~es and

J.Hl 'ldl H' \'eldhub "ejected .ItrddltlUnal floot length ~O\\ n of\~hlte "Ilk Jer<;e). LIce dClented,It the necklme .md "t\ It'd \\ Itll a~ofth gJthered ~!-ll't for helmid .\ugust marriage In Saug,1tuc!-'~ Flr"t Congl e~dllon.llChurch to Da\ Id :\llchdel Pend\

She \\ ore '" hlte J o,>ebud" "ildbdb\ ., breath 1/1 her h,llr .1lId CJrfled a no,>eg,l~ of \\ 11lte ro",{'", •.wdbJb\ '" brcJlh

The m'\\ ~11~ PI.'nd\ I!> thedaughter of :\lr and :\ir~ Fred\'eldhUll>. of Saugatuck Dr ,lndMrs John:\1 Pend\ of \\oodlandShore Drl\ e, <Ire the bndegroom .,parent!>

The 3 o'c1ock lite., Sdturdd\,.\ugu,>t 14. at \\Iuell The Re\erelidRichard ea mpbell and The Re\ erend Father Don Khngler preSIded",ere follo\\ed b\ ,I receptIOn atSaugdtuck '" CledrbIOl)!- Count I)Club

The bnde \\ a<; attended b\ her",Isler Jill \'eldhUl~ III ,l' floorlength dres, of pm!- orgJnzd plllkro~ebuds dnd bab\ .,-breath 111 herhair carr~ 1/Ig a 'nosega~ of pm!-rose!> and bab\ '" breJth

James Thonia", Pend\ \\ 3;, Ill'>brother s be",t man Jon \ eldhul"

Page 22: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Q 44 • tPP;SPPpopppp .. • xu

Page Eight.B GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThursdilY Odober 7, 1982



COLO~1 \L '\C \R THE I \KEoffer, four ht'droom, tllO hathstI10Ia\' faml!, room \l.lth fireplace garden room flr<;t floorJaundr: central ,lIr and good as<;umptlOn S21'l000

\11 mh, r "f I~I

(.r"". i'I'lnt' Real ~ 'la', ~ xrh •.nl(r\1", elmh Rnard of Rrallor ..!letr(lIt Roarrl or Realtor'

Tht" Grosst" Pointe omct"Open Sunda~ 10--\395 Fbhl'r Road


,', Ii 'uti, '1.11' 'Oil

Shlrlel Kpnned\l.orr?me KIrchner

E, ('1\ n(' RuppBarhara <"mp"on

Jean \\ akeil\1.-lT\ \\ rlhh


21235KI'GS\ II LEPl:RCH\SE OR LE-\SE thh er(1

clent 1\10 bedroom condo ",'ar StJohn Ho<;pltal ';paclOlI<; ,('condfloor Unit has ne"" <;torm, and~creen<; prett) ground<; and 1mult"dlatc u-Ci'"up;:ll'iC,. $~~ l'\{'t) 0i

$350 month



MANOR 401 11.\1\(1\ I 11111' 1,><. It!,,! 11.,n-f, II' d 1\0\1

,.ll.lllt' 1 III, huh 0011\' t I>.I! ii, \1]( - t.1It " " \ 1\,KIIl/IIll 1 \ 100'11 \\11\\ 'I".d,1\ It '11I1t' 1'1 Iud III HII -0_COI II'" l'h.i1follt, ""1 pi I" '" II

Many Choices by Appointment

STOP AT OUR OFFICE \I, 1\ ~l"dh 1,lIl' \p •• 1 "d .. 1

'l,'nl l'ml'nt I'".l-III..; .It " 'I "t ,ltll<'

KENWOOD COURTpduehng elc


FIRST OFFERING 11". fA I \\ 00(\' Hr'l h dllll hUIl-l

rdnch [war E.hll "lid 1\I (1 b"llooll" \,'< I' It on . "0111 (Jill>

SJ'l9(,oO 1 FH \I~

OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5Mlnnl ESEX 525 Jibt "II \\11101111111 1'0 III, lillI, J ",

oppurtllllll\ 1l\(, Itt!tll"(JUI ,. Otlll \,lllollil \\l\l

1H'\It.'1 ["",I dl "" I I 'OUI -<It \1,"" "I.,. 11111\ ~Ih, I~KI

l.ood 1,"11" " ,1I.d'l,

BEDFORD 1172 . \"\1, I ) IIld~' I "1"1I,,,1I OII\lIlI.lIl I 111'1\\

IO(J1ll 1\1<1 'li ,tllll1U! ."I"~' 1-\.,1, .... d. lll"."d"IlP,'11UIlII, p(h.Jhl, )(11(" «(I", ,,11'1111- IJolI1 'Ill" II

GRAYTON 1338 ~j,~ "~I II II d tl III I', I, 'II!- 1,1\' I'""(..nil tk, dl POP) ... J In 11\ IlH III t t\.. l \ \ q l \lod 1,,1,. tlPll

'-t'" II

r,'ll u, \0\11 llll'<.h .II\I! \I, 1.11\ 111-."', 11111-.\ t 11,'1'11<1\ '111 \flU

FIRST OFFERING 11\1" l"d.'''1I1l I' h,th f ,1'111\ 1\"'1\1 11111gredl{hdltn\btdl1llI..1lldllj~ "'kl ()fl'\ $l21KI .'\\lltoC.'''.

llIg II\t'\, 1ll'lIl"dl:" \'\11 1t1.1 .I101l1'd lhl '<111'11 11"1\

~P,lI ~ I 11,'11""1 t -

FIRST OFFERING 1'101111 & "I' ,,1"11' \ o"'IIl.d 11\\ b,dl'"II\1-~I_ b"lh~\ l\llh,o\l,'lI1.'1lI .11",,,,11\- I "c"II':flll td •• d.lld.1lI't'l1l'd(hm: 1.l\ .. II-., :,\ ~ 1111 \\1111 1'"1 \11 p,Il'" 1I1111l ,1.llLl

\ "f' "IlI.lell\(' dnd I I, .'1\ 11\1- IOIIl ,'I r 1 !II,,,,, h"It\(. h ,-good fl\lod 1.lll.' (JIl t1lllnl! \ III lh

FIRST OFFERING F,,'l OUIL I DII\ t l- Jl.' b'Il' " oil \1 H"Bncl. f<lUl !>t.'t!rcXll1\ hit. h Illl 11<\Ill "'1111 H \I Lh \)nl, ~'>h I~I('

\lar) C Book,"\1argaret Brellenhpch('rSall\ ClarkeManan DodgeDorothl Heal\Diane Kelil

Cath\ ChamplOn Dillaman

Sl:PERB SETII:<;G for thiS 1m.maculate three bedroom. 21., bathcolomal AmenItles wclude 11brary WIth bUIlt \TIS central aIrbnck patIo and attached garage$159900

I O( \ TED m. THF HII IIn Gro ......e P01ot(' r m ml."

acre", from Perf; Dnll<'

19941 W DOYLE PLACE - TIDY BRICK R-\ "CH near Lad) Star of the Sea offer, 1\10 bedroomsheated garden room, central air kitchen \I Ith eatmg area and malntt'nance free e\tenor sa; 900

1106 BEDFORD - CHAR~llNG BRICK COLO'oI\L has been ......len.1\e\\ rl'mocleled and redec,)rated Extras mclude screened terrace central air den all ne", carpet ref1m-hed oak f1oor~ threebedrooms 21., baths and 10\ el) landscapmg $139000

BY APPOINTMENT*FIRST OFFERING - LOvELY E-..GLlSH I\CO\IE near the \lllage fp,llure, 1\10 bftlrooms

kitchen 1~lth eatmg area and den m each umt There I:> a Flonda room In the upper large dl'C1.on 101\er and three Cdr garage

"Mortgages, land Contractsand other Creative Financing"

William J. Champion & CompanyOPEN SUNDAY 2:30 TO 5:00

* FIRST OFFERING _ 436 ROL.-\,"m _ Fo\NT-\STIC F \ \lIL 't ROO\! \Hth natural flf<'place hIghlights thIS four bedroom 1t., bath coloma I In Gros:>e Pomte Farm. S97 500

*FIRST OFFERING _ 1083 BEDFORD - ,\;E\\ER ('OLO\I\L \11th three bedroom- 21~ bath, room famll~ room, Dice recreatIOn room and 13 -: llnancmg SI15 000

529 PE~1BERTO;'; _ Ho\NDSO~tE E'JGUSH "llh tile roof hardI\ood floor, lIbral} Flonda roomfour bedrooms 21" baths and large lot SI32 000

545 ;t,UDDLESEX _ CLSTO~t BClLT COLO'o1-\L bUllt m 1978 leatun', three bedrooms 2'., bathsfamll) room \\Ith fireplace, central air, "'olmamzed deck :>prmkler" ,tern and ~tORE' $172000

2218 H-\WTHORl'~E _ PROFESSIOl'oAL DECOR IS stunmng m thiS four bedroom t\lO bath colomalWith den central air, beautIfully landscaped lot \1 Ilh patio and e\tra ,IZl'd ~ara~e S89 900

Money is TightBut there are fmehou.,es on the mar-kl't :\1.1\be VOll C.\:'Jafford 'to bu\' olleRedltors' "i'e t'\.peltenced 1tl \\ hat I~kllo\\ n d~ 'Cre.ltl\'eFlI1anclOg" dndlhdt meall~ the\' CliOoften ftgure - Ollt\\i.l\S for yOU to fl-nailce a hOllslllgpllr('ha~e Call amember of theGro~.'>e Pomte RealE~tate E'\change

~ THE AllIANCE TO"' SAVE ENERGr_.noo. ............ oc l<JOJl

\ 1Ll r H III

1v I ( .......

Save Ianfe. ILearn ICPR. I



Bolland Assocfatesof Earl Keirn Realty

Wm J ChampionacoCentury 21 lochmoor

Oan"ner Baer,Wilson and Stroh IncR G Edgar SoAssOCiates

Goodman. Pierce& Assoc,atesGrosse POinteReal Estate CoH,gble &. Maxon IrlCJohnstone &Johnstorle, Inc

\icBrearl) & Ad'hochRealtors, IrlC

Monroe & AssocJatesRealtyPalms-Queen RealtorsJim Saros AgencySchultes Real EstateSchweitzerReal Estate lrlC IBetter Homes& GardensScUlly &Hendrie lnc

ShorewoodE R Brown

Sine Realt)' Co

Strongman& Assoc,atesTappan Galleryof Homes

Toles ardAsSOclates


'(()gether."e can

change thing,., .. - ~


Gro .. e Estat.

Exchange Membefs

WilLIAM J. CHAMPION & COMPANYis pleased to announce

the association of

.-\s a member ot alocal e ...change, aRE \LTOR has theopportunit~ to tl'adt'information andideas on a regularbasis \\ it I! reI/onprofessionals and to\\ ork \\ ith t ht'lll forc0111l1lnnit~ im-pro't'ment. RE.\L-TORS often !>eneon planning board~.zoning groups, cit)connt\ cOlluni!>sionsand other ol'ganiza-tions that promotecornmnnih neJl-be-ing and pi'oglrS'ii\ edeH'lop mCllL


.\ RE \LTOR 1~ a h,censt'd l'l'al t'~Llll'brokH \\ ho b amemOt'r 01 tht' !tWillt',change, ..tah' as-!>oclation ,mrl till'~ \1'10;',; \1, \SSO-CI \TIO~ OFRE \LTORSThrough tlwir llwm-bcr!>hip. t\ll'~ \ ohm-taril~ plerl~e thrm-~ehe .. to an cstab-li!>hrrl Corll' of Eth.ics.

B84 7000




ro CALL SINE ...

<"'HO~SE POl"lTE \\oODSBeautiful three) ear old One-of Colonldl

4 Bedroom~ 1.1:! bath~ fanul\ roomhbrar) Raised deck First floor laundnrooPl Ideal floor plan .

Pre~tl\lck of[ ;t,lack 4 bedrooms. 2(! bath~on extra large lot Large kItchen ,lltachedgarage Must ~ee

H-\RPER \\OODSExcellent brick bungalow 2 bedrooms Cus

tDm drapes throughout. Central.alr . fam-Ily room - flmshed basement With \let bar

GRO~~E POI'TE F-\R"SFlr~t Off l'rlng

Colomal ('t ,j Bl.>drooms Blick Ranch 2 fullbdth, forn1<l1 Dining room 2 ndtural fire-places I ec room attadled tllO car g,1ragl'


/11"1 )III/I~!. /111/?;/;/)/-)I (!:.; .J1(t'~'


FOR SALE OR POSSIBLE RENT WHILE BUYING BeautIful famIly homelocated near schools, churches and pUblic transportatlon This home offers fourbedrooms, 21~ baths \Hth a faml1~ room and sun room, natural fireplace and 2~ cargarage Much leaded and stamed glass \lmdo\ls W SlUing on a large prIVate lotPriced at $99 900 -\ssume or blend a\ allable 1215 BUCKISGH -\~t.

BY APPOINTMENTPRICE REDUCTIO:"i' Be sure ~ou don't mIss seemg thIS charmmg three bedroom ENGLISH REG-

ENCY located on Lakepomte near the \later Features mclude natural v.ood\\ork. den, screenedporch, central air, fresh decoratmg inSIde and out and man) more av.altmg your personalperusal Excellent terms \\-Ith hIgh mortgage balance'

FREE PRESS FEATURED earlier this) ear thIS fme contemporary house \\-as deSigned by theworld renowned team of Earo and Ellel Saannen Clean deSIgn and the fmest workmanship andmatenals \lent Into thl<; fme f1\,e bedroom .P,< bath house On a large lot In the middle of theFarms It must be seen to be appreciated

PROFESSIO:-;ALLY DECORATED A~D LANDSCAPED thiS three bedroom, 2't2bath home IS m Impeccable conditIon Cozy family room has bnck fIreplace, peggedfloors, beamed cathedral cellmg ;lie", kItchen bUllt-Ins, first floor laundry porch andpallo and central air top the hst of extras 699 PE-\CH TREE.

Planning to sell your house?Talk to a professional. Call any

member of the Grosse Pointe RealEstate Exchange. They have the know-how!

BEST FIVE BEDROO\1 BL Y Soutr of )('ffer<;on Engli<;h Tudor on a lot more than 100 feet WIde'With Iibran ;ind ('nC'los('(1 porch almo,t ne\l furnace roof and dnH~wa~ Land contract termsa\ a,ldhl(' at Sl26 ()()()

LAKESIDE VILLA - 16316 E HILL DRIVE . On Hall Road North of Garfield Custombul.1t "smgle" ranch condo, 1\10 bedrooms. t\lO baths. family room and tl-.crcargarage 834<-C hIgh balance assumable mortgage

392 ST CLAIR A large famlly can bve economIcally m Grosse POinte FIrst floormaster bedroom and bath plus three bedrooms and a new bath on the second floor Adouble lot, warm countl') kltchen. and attractIve fmancmg terms put thIS charminghome m the Best Buy Category

428 FISHER ROAD Three bedroom, t\l 0 bath charmmg colomal m the Farms ISready to move In Recently redecorated It also has a new furnace, remodeled lutchenand a large famIly room Three fIreplaces. a recently reduced price and land con-tract terms make thiS the hottest deal In town


~PRICE REDUCED A traditIonal Tudor WhIch has been Impeccably mamtalned Four fa mil)bedrooms are servICed by three baths, over the attached garage are two more bedrooms and a fourthbath Fireplaces m both hVlng room and bbrary as well as basement recreatIon room The groundsare magnifIcent WIth two patIOS, and CIrcular drive

ENGLISH TUDOR m a park like settmg Four bedrooms \\alnut paneled famIly room, hugeSIX car garage Land Contract term, a\allable \\'111 conSIder all offers

WARM AND INVITIr-<G thIS ne\l er custO'l1 built Ne'" England colomal m the Farms has fourbedrooms and 2''Z baths ThIS \ery charmmg and gracIOus home has a step-do",'Il family roomdistinctive by Its cathedral ceiling and "'alk In size fireplace plus extras such as central air,underground spnnkler fIrst floor laundry and attached garage O",ners anxIOus

PRICED TO SELL Thl<; attractl\ e center hall colomal has three bedrooms 21.'2 baths LocatedSouth of Jefferson All refml<;hed hard"'ood f floors and completel} repamted mtenor has thIShouse pnmed and ready to go

SPECTACULAR :"iEW HO\fE "'Ith great room elegant li\mg room formal dmmg room, t",o powderrooms JaCUZZI, hard\Iood floors ,econd floor balcon) and a "House Beautiful" kitchen Motivat-ed sellers due to a mo\ e out of <;tate

are pleased to announcethat


1 R.G. Edgar 0assoaates'- 114 KERCHEVAL 886-6010

are now associated with our firm.

~""""'"-------------------------------------------~:---------~"'"t:Grosse Pointe Real Estate ExchangeTHE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY



Page 23: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursday, October 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-B


83 Kercheval Avenue

""H!U/('hifl!.( peopleflnd hOIl.'H'"

ld,h ;mU1:;f1"';Ofl"


McKLNLEY PLACE - Colomal WIth modern kitchen, card room, den,step-down famIly room, five bedrooms, slttlng room WIth fIreplaceand laundry room on second, three bedrooms, bath on thlrd, garageapartment

\HDDLESEX - Colomal on 90' x 211' lot - Famllv deck three bedrooms 21-z bath!>, central air .

LINCOLN - Enghsh Wlth 22-foot family room, lav and updated kitch.en, four bedroom, 11.2 baths on second, recreatlon room

LINCOLN - Four bedroom, 21,2 bath Colomal corner of St Paul-Second floor 19' X 19' family room, recreallon room, two-car at-tached garage

OXFORD ROAD near Lake Shore - SpacIOus Enghsh on 198' x 290' lot- 30 foot hVlng room. 20' x 26' garden room, l8-foot hbral), largemaster bedroom SUite, t~o-car attached garage

PROVENCAL - Enghsh on 100' x 550' lot - ExqUISite mtenor, modernkitchen, library, 36-fool paneled foyer, SIX bedrooms, 5't:! baths plusapartment over attached garage, central air

FIRST OFFERING - YorkshIre near St Paul - Four bedroom, 3'~hath Dutch-styled Colomal Sun room , 19-(oot FlorIda room, centralair tondltJOmng, lovely yard, two-car garage

FIRST OFFERING - Nottmgham 10 Detroit -- Charmmg two bed-room bungalow Famrly room, two-car garage MId ZO's WIth as-sumable land contract

.i3i:.G;-,ono - l'" Stv;:' .. ~tt!..:st flee'" t"'r"l ::dpyo hMrWlm ::tnt"i hath olU<ithree bedrooms and bath on second FamIly room and fIrst floorlaundry BUilt In 1967 $129.500

BEDFORD - Four bedroom, 2'/2 bath Colomal - Family room WIthCathedral cellmg and flreplate, fInished basement, attached garage BUlIl 1962

N BRYS - Built In 1971 - Four bedroom, 2'2 bath Colomal- Familyroom With fIreplace, central aIr

DEVONSHIRE - Three bedroom, Ph bath Coloma I - Screened porch,recreatIOn room, two-car garage, 77' x 168' lot $75,000

FIRST OFFERING - Charmmg and spaCIous SIX bedroom GeorgIan 10lhe Shore!> on beautJIul tree-Imed street LIbrary With fIreplace,18--foot dlOlng room WIth bay overlookmg private yard, screenedporch

ROBERT JOHN - Three bedroom. Ij~ bath Ranch - Den wJth book~helve!>, endv.,.,d porth. recreatIOn room

KENWOOD COURT - Three bedroom, IJ~ bath Enghsh - Updatedklt(hen, lovely family room overlooks private brick patIO and beau-tifully landscaped yard, two-car garage, 50' x 200' lot

GRO~SE POINTE BOULEVARD - Ta!>tefully de<.orated ranch In theFarms - 2G-foot enclo!>ed porch, two bedrooms, JI"2 baths, two-cardttached gdrage PrIce reduced to under $80,000

BALFOUR - Coloma I on 100' x 175' lot - LIbrary and ~unroom, central ilIr, two-tar attached garage

BALFOUR - Four bedrooms, 3Jh baths, famIly room, sunroom andpool With poolhow,e

STEPHEl'oS - FIve bedroom, 4'-:! bath Colomal - LIbrary and familyroom mauls room and bath on fIrst, three-car attached garage

DELUXE TOWNHOUSE at Shorepomte - T'Wo bedrooms, den, recreatlOn room. two baths, tw~car garage

FISHER - Three bedroom, Ilf.! bath Enghsh - Den, two car garage$80,000Of

FLEETWOOD - Three bedroom, 21~ bath Townhouse III popular Bal-four Square near Eastland Privacy pallO WIth gas bar-b-q, centralaIr, two-car carport

LAKESHORE ROAD - SpacIous foyer WIth CIrcular staIrs, llbraryWIth fireplace, family room. den, (Irst floor laundry, three fal'l11lybedrooms 41h baths plus two maids room and bath Central air,three-car garage

LANNOO - 7-Mack area - Three bedroom, 11,2 bath Colonial, familyroom, two-car garage $53,000

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 TO 5:001200 N O>.ford - 3 bedroom Fam rm $124 5001238 Whittier 4 bedroom Eng Den $125 00021940 Shorepomte 2 bedroom condo Den $112000481 Shelbourne 2 bedroom, fam rm $89 0001156 YorkshIre 5 bedroom Eng Fam rm $117 500149 Grosse PIe Bhd.2 bedroom ranch $79 0001120 Torre) -l bedroom Coloma I $145 0001117 York"hlre . 6 bedroom, Fam rm $114000430 Lmcoln 4 bedroom Fam rm $135 000

YORKSHIRE - near 5t Paul - FI\e bedroom 31:< bath Enghsh denI9-foot famIly room pnce reduced to $117500

VE"'Do~rE - FI\-e bedroom, 3'-'2 bath Colomal - Step-down 11\ 109room, family room central air

WHITIIER - Three bedroom Colomal - FamIly room, enclosedporch central aIr

GRAYTON - Engllsh WIth four bedrooms and 1''2 baths - Sunroom,5O-foot lot. two-car garage $86,000

KENWOOD COURT - Three or (our bedroom, 3''2 baths

LAKELA..ND - English Tudor near Lake - LIbrary, family room andlarge screel1ed terrace, SIX bedrooms, sleepmg porch and 4'~ bathsplus two bedrooms, bath and playroom on thIrd Garage apart-ment

LAKELAND - Four bedrooms, '31.1! baths - Family room andscreened terrace

\~ HITTIER - Four bedroom, 21'2 bath English - Modern 2G-foot kltchen, den, recreallon room

RIVARD - AttractIve two bedroom ranch plus mce famIly room Deeplot V.lth rock garden and taIl pmes Pnce reduced to $69.900

SHELBOURNE - FamIly room, dlOmg room and two bedrooms, patIO.mcel} landscaped

SHELDEN - New England farmhouse - Modern kitchen, famll)-room, four fIreplaces

\\INTHROP - ExqUlslte three bedroom 31-z bath Colomal on large lot"lth pool and pool house, Ill-foot hbrar) , 18' ,,24 terrace, t'WomaIds room room and bath also on second three-car attached garage

YORKSHIRE - SIX bedrooms large updated kItchen famll) room andden POSSible III la'W sulte Land Contract

Other fine Grosse Pomte propertres m all pnce ranges cu.<Uiahle \1am/lIth terms Call or stop m for professIOnal assistance In \our hO!.l..,lniJ


A REALTOR Is a pro-fessional He or shehas a lot of back-ground in the field,and IS betterequipped to do whatIs called strategicmarketing , Today'smarketplace requiresthat kind of sophlstl-cation Get some foryourself, Call a REAL--TOR

DI ('d m hou \1. un u\ er a half d( f(' l ~tdtl. Fourhedroom., \\11i! Ihree full dnd 11'.0 hdlf bathroum, Countn .,l/ed kltdllll \11th buIlt In'> '>olarhedh:d tH.:,JoVt glOUfltl !JUO! <JUJUUJ1lJ~ ...IH. 1-11 V[L

>lOl'olll) J<iIJd"ldped )drd for PrI\dt, dnd relaxdllun \1\0 ,PdlIOU'> dp .. rlml nr dIJU\ e thl lhl ee("r gardge \Ilth prJ\dte tntrolnu: r or mdm t xtrJ~ and gredl f!nanung (dll ll!l~ b1.0Q

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 to 5:00



FIRST OFFERI'\G - SO H-\RD TO FI".;DC-\PE COD - Thl~ ulllque home offers'iUrpn"lngh spaclOu~ rooms an Ideal loca-tIon near tran"portatlOn all ne\\ decorLO'\G TER \1 FI'\ -\ \CI\G dnd a reabtlcpfTce In Ihe \lID SIXTIES

FIRST OFFERI'\G - -\FFORD-\BLE E:\GLlSB COLO'\I-\L 1:-- PRI\IE CITY LOCATIO\ - Thh beautIful tl'ree bedroom I'~bath colonlJI also feature" a >paclOUS fam-II) room V.lth adJolmng "creened terrace

THE CO\IPETITIO:-- -\LL 80\\ 5 to thIS fn I'

bedroom ne\ler Hood, Colomal \\ELLPRICED, all the pro, dgree \ and lO~c FI'\ -\.\CI\G - Call toda\ for more details

O:\FORD RO-\D - PRICE :::.USHED "ER)FLE:\TBLE TE.R\IS and ~ome \ef\ ullIquefealure, on thle; center entrance colOnial

Cl SrO\1 Bl ILT COLO'\I-\L -- ST-\R OF THESE -\ -\ RE -\ - Recenll~ n>duced long term(OI,tr.H t ,1\" I.lllle 01, 'Ill' In,T'ld( ul.Hequalil\ home Call u, toda\

PRESTiGE QL -\11T\ CH -\R -\CTER - allthe,e Iralt' In ampl .. 'upph on thl' cll'tombUilt Engll-h \11 le (olomal \11th a fabulou~~",mmlOg pool and a cahana enlertalnment CenlL'r The home aha t eature~ a\I,lhchl('r kitchen flr~1 floor laundr. ele-,zolnt Il'n iI\ \\llh I npl,l( (elltr"l a,rcondlt'onmg and mllch much more 111

cludmg a hlghl\ \lOTI\ -\rED and RE \LISTIC '3ELLER

\11D SE\ E\TIE'\ POI R Bf DROO\IS 2',R-\TH'i includIng JaCU7l1 on ma'ter bedroom mll'l ne a calcn ngntRl~hl \ou \e got -ome hand\ \\orh herehut aho a F \Bl LOl" OPPORH \ In

l all for dl'tall,


OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00953 Hollywood

20817 Mack at Hawthorne884-5280

~ "ON.THE-HILL".111:1.-IAPf1\f"., /\'\,t) 884 6200A )'JOC IAI/ ) -


YoungbloodReralty Inc.

LOldl Ht'dI!OI' drt'10,lnl{ theIr . FOR"\LI-_' .,ll:n, dl dna/drilling Tall' '>In(eIhl'rt> 1\ d bout $50 00In\l.,tmenl In t'dlhonr \II' d\k ,our helpIn rNfl!' ~Illi( Ihem Ifa pranl.,ter dt"!'rl,one on \our propert\\\ ould \ ou Tl'lurn IIplra~e, to dn, 101.11rr.d eslatl' offi(e" 1'0que~t1on, d~I.t>d' I'tam Thank,

003 C -\.'" TERBl:RY - BeaulJful fl\ I' bedroomColomal - CounllJ kItchen dres~Jllg room andPrJI ale bath Jll ma~ter bedroom L .. nd ConlractT"rm~ FI\ e \ edr, al 9"4' c

8814200681-42008M-D600884 06006816300884-0600681 4200884 0600



,_c,'\ ~"" ,

( ~\"C' '<,~"(),<'< BY APPOINTMENT

&!W",>E POI">;TE P \HI\ - \ Lo\ 1'1) ('enI(r EntrdllU:" ColoOidl Pn(l'd Iv ~ell'I hree Idrge bedroom, 1'. bdth, nl'l\ erfurndte roof diumlllum IrUll ~torm,>dlld ~(feen~ \Ide drJ\ e ne\l floor III

hlrtJl([1 tHugl,.r ,lIJII! ,1,tUIl f'JorIll" IUOlTl do,lb1e g,,... b"r b qUI 1,1 l "t111l"fLllng f' 1\1' ll'dl I "Ill! (onII ,Il ( II IIh ::.1'; ()()() dOli n


Central air 'HolJ»e Beautiful '3''2 baths den Assumptlon blendPnme Grosse Pomte Shores locatIOn'Reduced for qUIck sale E -\5Y terms'2'2 baths !lbran pre.\tlge area2'':! baths fanlll) room greal as~umplJon'2 bdths famll} room great terms'21:<balhs fJmlly room EXTR~S'

R f 1\ l 1 0 • s

3 Bdrm~4 Bdrms4 Bdrms3 Bdrms4 BdnusJ Bdrms2 Bdrm~4 Bdrms


Colomal J 8D I'zBdlh upddted kItchen Perfetl condition Blend RdteColomal 3BO, 2'2 Bdth anI.' o\\ner home pella \llOdo""s, den, 2 cer garageColomal 4 RD, 2'"" Bdth Famll) Room As~umable mortgdge dS lOll a~ 13',Colomdl 4 SO 21z Bdlh LlbrdQ I~l Floor LdU/ldr} Fam Rm SImple A~sumptwnBungdlO\\ J BD I Balh ImmPdwte Occupanc) Lmd Contrdcl Pnle Ju~t reducedH,wch 3 BD, 2'2 Bathb, O""ner \\ ants an Offer Price Reduct..'<l Wnd ContrdctColomal Brand :-Je.... House Complete \\ Ith JacuZlI Completel) Ldnds(apedHdmh 3 BD 2':< Bath~ Famll\ Room Abo for lease Ld.nd Contract Terms


'; Bedroom" Modernized Kllcllen F dmlh Room 2 Fireplaces\ 10\ el} home

ColonIal 4 Bl'droum~ f'anul) Room l'pddted KitchenL.lnd Contract Term, A\ aildble

Large Fdmll} Room, Den or 3rd Bedroom Rec RmLdnd Contract Term.\

I Bdl m ~ ,111111\ loom hI floor Llundl \ Ingrollnd Poolt pd.\led Kllllwr.

Bun~,"O\\ 4 Bujroom J)lIlIni' Buom 1', lJolI(l~ -\\-umplIlJO -\\ oIl1.Jhlc '\lce De(orH,1I1(h ~ Bl'drOilnJ bulll III 198(1 r "mlh Huoll1 Ldnd COlllfolCI

1urn, \ I .tll,lblpJm ,,11H' 1 PI.)l'r "IHI 1.0\\1 r Hed" or ,lIed j ht'dl 00 Il1, du\\ n 1. hedl oom~ up 1. C.Jr

Cdld12.(''i Bl'dnxllTl Ik,lUtl[ul II f)1 ( 01olll'd .l!ld t pd'ltl'd Ihill (jul I olrg" IIlIIl.Jlp,,! \\ood' I,Hgl Lo\ I..mdl<1I11Iol(11L1m,BllngOffl'!ed1Io1'llt'l \~ nod, 1010"" I'oml' "c110ol~ 2 1:l11h~

r 011\111 Hoolll I mo lO/Itl 'l t

8ung310\l HtJi'p'l!r W'oods In Excellent CondItIOn Dmmg RoomA~~umable !llortgage

Harper Woods, 1 Bt"droom Lovel) LocallfJn '~am Fee $50 00Land Contract


H../I( hH !nlh



368 Fl\her1180 ".; O'<ford869 Colillerbur\1111 HolI\" ood1259 -\lrn~'686 Blr(h L,in£>

5 Elm'lelgh32 Grt' Ln


OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 52228 \Ilardl1i6 BIshop455 DVlal-107Kerb)676 Lochmoor406 \It Vernon1371 S Ren.lud594 RlIard


COl \ TEn l Ll B R,l!l(h

\ Eh\lFll


\\ 1111 I H. H-\\J J \IIA\\ll1nH\F

H 10(.1-' \10\ I\ FH\lEH

" Bf.\ \l [)


I ,: ~.,,\...,\)( ~\\~~ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5

bOO \ r H\JEH IW \/) lIugt. Pn'fmUlll :-'IWLUI 50 x III D,'lIgh!ful Flunda ruumIII Lf look, Ihl' prell) )<1rd \I Ilh dwrr) I

p".ll plum .Inti pl'atll trl'e~ \ Il'rI,hdl P (u!tHl!al 1\1«('1) d('(urdll'd Orrl'r1ngIhI"" tll'droorn, IhltUI al flft'pl.1((' dwIll;; mom guud ,'"Illig ~pal' 11\ klttlwn\11 !ll \1 dlllllllJ1Ul11 ,Iorm, >l r,'en~ andtrll11 J \\(), ar gdfdg" fle\hh paInted,;.1\ Bar (; lJUe ~lar of Ihe Sed Pd.r1\h"unple \\\ulIlpliun or blend al dllJble


Planning to sell your house?Talk to a professional. Call any

member of the Grosse Pointe RealEstate Exchange. They have the know-how!


pia) room on ~econd floor - e"panslon space -\ great slarter l!l hand) locatIOn near schools andpJrk - jU~t $32000' 681 4200

ARCHITECT S O....~ HO\tE readied for ne"" o""ner - Four bedroom 3':< bath Colomal v.,th fa mil}room m Gras"e POInte Park


L-\hE:-.HOHE HO \[) - Out t.lllOlng \\ .. lerfronl Colol1l.Jl oflenn~ ~e\en hedro(JP'h p\u, aU Ihe e\p('l!Ld .JnJLllIlll' Includln~ " n1,Il~O\rl(enl 95 \ 250 'Ill' \lllh In ground pool and ne\1 ,eallallf In,ll1Un~, !Od ,Ill ••ppomlm('nt to ,ee :II 881 6300

\\ E5TCHESTER - -\n oulstandlllg three bedroom 2'" bath Colomal near lake Lan~e rooms'884 0600

\I, ELLI\GTO\ PL-\CE - Four bedroom 21:< bath Coloma I has 26 famrl) room III lal~ apartment0\ er attached garage plus mam lu\un e\tras REDl:CED for rapId ~ale 884-0600

L!lI.COL" - Perfecl Famll\ Coloma I - 4 5 Bedrooms 2':< bath~ SL PER FI'\ -\'\CI"iG' 884-0600

QUET F4.R\fS 4-RE4- offer, alT condItIOned three bedroom tv.o bath Ranch v.llh large faml!)room fml,hl'd ha~ement attached ~arage Land contract a\ allahle 881-6300

GROSSE POI:\TE ~HORES - \\,,11 mamlamed three bedroom R-\:-\CH lust a fe\l steps fromL-\KESHORE - mcludes hhrar) -\'\0 famll) room central air beaullful garden attachedgarage and chOIce of terms 881 4200

780 C -\.L~TERBL RY -- Large Colomal on cuI de ~ac \ ard ""Ilh pool great e\tras r 884 0600

H \R\ -\RD - \~ell planned three bedroom Ranch - game~ room \l,et bar custom feature~ Eas) toov.n "lth ~reat lerm~' 8814200

YOC">;G \f -\RRIEDS - Do') t ml\~ thiS budget prIce starter Bunga\o\l on Vernier Good landcontract or bu\ dO\ln terms Gros'e Pomte <;chool~ and lal.efront park pfl\ileges for $56 900'884 0600

LOCH~OOR - Take ad\ antage of Gro~se POlOte ~chooh at an affordable pnce III thiS three bedrOOlll \!'ILlJ famll\ room m Harper \\ood<; HI~h balance a%UmptlOn po~slble 6816.300

GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS82 Kercheval 884-0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300

DETROIT OFFICE - 11500 Morang - 839-4700

,,/' ,

1D11iI __ ,::: 21;:d

B -\LFOl R - Four bedroom ]':< bath Engh~h profe~~lOnall) remodeled Ihroughout In ground poolIIIth attractl\ e land~colprn~ - perfect for enlertalOmg Templrng terme;' 6840600




Page 24: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives


Page Ten-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982


Prime Farms location Famll\ room'lutschler kllchen ne\\ l~ decorat('(1 1mmedlate occupanc~ \ anou~ terms a\ ,lIlolble OPE:\Sl' "D.\Y ,F 53 J) 88&-5800

1flO2BOll roe mouth (; ro~,(' P r(' \\ (/o<h11199F lpelll ood Gro'''<' Pte \\ ond~85 'loro~~ Gro~~e I'll.' Farm~18707Wood~ldc Harper Wood,1081 'farlan Ct Gro"e PtP \I,ood~2071O\foro (;ro~"e PIc I,\ood'19667Ro~common Harper \\ ond~70" Edge'\ ood Gro~,e Pte Shore,

WOOD~ - II. ~Iol\ Ihn'l'lJl.'drllOnh 1\\0 fullbdlh~ Idl'.ll fur fll ,I floor III Illg Hedllcl'<1

l':-'I\'EH~lTY - l'r1led to ,I'll ,II <l \,dUl' to\lerth,UI td ...,1,,~(,"lllellt Indut!e' 18 \ 16 fllIlllhroom 1ll'1\ kl!(hl'n 0111 nl'lI tI"lor [m"hl.'o\),"l'II1<'lIt \\lth h,1I t!11oot! lloor, Ill..... furn.lll.'\\1111 tenlr.11 dll Illl 1'(' b''1iroom, ,lilt! ("0 (ullbolth'


Excellent Condo at pre:,l.lglOus Shorepomte -lmpeccabl) mamlamed t\\(}-car altached garage. hVlng room \\llh :>ludlO celhng::. andnatural fireplace. hbrar) pn\ ale end umt \\ lthbeautIful!) land~caped patio Land ContractassumptIOn & blend rate terms OPE:\, SL''I!D-\Y (G-979)

1951Shorepolllte Gro~,p Pte Wood~16.15Aline Gro~,e Pte \"ood~4M Cal\ 10 Gro~~e Pre Farm~21900Shorepomle 5t Clair Shore~.'i92\\ oods Lane Gro"e Pte \\ ood~1114Bedford Gro,~e Pte Park1939Broad~tone Gro~'ie Ptp '\ood,259 Rlljgemont Gro,se Pte Farm~

1'1ll25 ~11 \1)\ L -\ \ F - 0Pl'lI Sund.l\ 2 00 10 :; ()(} '1hi l'l' llt'dl UOI1lbllt k HJll( II III ~t CI.1I r -.1I0Il"Illth modl'rll 1.1l~hell t111Il11~ loom f.lIllll1 100111 .ltlll fllll'Il<'d b,IWll\l'1l1 Illtll 1.1' I'llu'd III lilt'lOll bOo,




886.4200 886.5800OUT .OF.AREA, CAll TOLL FREE

1.800-247-5200 ext 33

~ll'ER LOr \'1'10\ - ~IIOll'''. pill' .111 .I(fOId.thll' pI II I' ttll ,'l' l)I'dlllolll I', lJ.lth dl'll ,llltl hl'.I(('dg,ndl'll 10llin LUld lOllll,lll h'lm, 01 1\'4(, ,"'UlIlpllll'l

BE>\CO,,\SFIELD - Charnum; 3 bedroom ranch COllicOlenl to ,choob and ~hoppm~ ,f 638 &\0-5800

PRESTWICK - Custom bUIlt colomal profe::'~lOnall) decorated \\001 carpet throughout I and ClIOIract terms a\ al1able <F 633) 886-5800

THREE ~nLE - ClaSSIC Colomal III Ihe Park E\cellent term, a\allable ta,lefull~ decorall.'d(\t O:H) 886-5800

HA\IPTO;'ll - One O'Wner - Cu::.lom bUilt ranch - Located In the \\oods Lmo contract term~(F-5W) 886-5800

LOTHROP - >\rchllect de::.lgned Tn Le\(~l - Featurc~ 4 bedroom, 3\, batb, marble ,1Ih 'lInl.ensecluded patIO and se\\1ng room Land contract term~ a\ allable IF 584\ &\0-5800

BISHOP - ~lagmf1cenl English ~lanor - GraclOll<; home for a large famlh Land Contract term,(F 553) 886- 5800

BE>\CO'\Sf IELD - ~mart lme,tm,'nl' Immdtu!;lle lncome 111 Ihl' 1'.'11. \lllh <:fl' .. t ,l"lImpll<1ll IIILand Contract lerms \Ian) more al mlable' IF 525\ ll865800

IROQl:OIS _ \Iedlterranean Home - Locatl>d In hl~tonc IndIan \ l\1al;e Complt,tei\ r<,no\ .1tedprofes'Ionall) decorated and land~caped Double lot \\ llh thr('e car detached garage IG 9638&H200

HOLIDAY - Land contract \\-lth 25(, down 3 5 \ear~ Cu'tom hUllt 2 bedroom ranch e...cellenl floorplan large room~ \Iust ~ell 10 ,ellle e<;tale IG 951) ll864200

Ht.';,.n CLUB - Land conlract a\ al1able on thiS beautiful ranch In Ihe \\ ood' Cent! aJ aIr rc( r('atlOnroom (G 9.30) 886-4200

.l,U;o..E - Great ::.Imple a~sumptlOn or land contract term~ 1 bedroom ranch \\lth be.wllful famlhroom flm,hed basement ....Ith full balh OPE" SL '\ IH \ IG 919) 886-4.200

\;>..ITA- PRICE REDl:CTJO\ - 511000 - Land Contract \lllh St.')000 oo....n 15 )('ar, r('ntrdJ airFloTida room 2 b('(1room ranch (G 982) 88&A200

BOCR;\IE~IOVTH - Laml contract a,sumptlOn or \ \ term .. 3 bedroom hungaloll natur"l flrepldceIn 11\mg room countT\ ~lze I.llchen 2 cedar clo~eh full bath In baq~ment OP~=\ <.,t "D \\IG 980\ 886 4200

\\000'i L""E - Land conlracl ....tth 'l0' ( .•10~( do\\n ') )ear~ RUllt b\ E 'io<'ller for hln1\ci[ Flr~tfloor laundn ne~ furnace ~lth central air 4 hedroom' OPE\ 'i\.. \ n\Y 1(, %21 Rill; 4200


Contact our office for details on these e\Cltmg pr()gr:lm~'

~l'-\HTEH 1I0'lE - IIII lIIedl,ItI' UIIUp,\I1" Oil thh 111I11I,llll!.llllIollll' Illlh Ihl"I' hl'(ltlJOllh dl'll .llId11\0 boltth ~IO\l' refngll .IIor \\ " ..11l'1 dnl'l ,t.\\ I; ,tlll Ig" Bluld I ,Ill.' .11.111,11111'

Fifteen Offices in Four Counties

DELUXE TIIHEf<: BEDHOO\l - IlIdllde, nOI onl,l 2'_ lJ,llhroolll' bUI .thu d 17 \ Ib LlllllI\ ruomd.UU ~ tv '" ....) ;JU..I,U ~ J.,1J\.l r......~Ul ... .) iH ...~....d ... ~: _~, ....~ t •• 1 I (jH\', It ~_It" \flr\ ,lttr,Hll\t,dl.'lOI throu~hout and mo"t IllIpultolntl) Ill<' .1\ ,1I1.. blllt\ of .1 \0 \l-l, $80 (l(l() bl<nt! Illollg"gl'


LO\\ DO\"'" P-\ ""IE:'-'!' - Exlrellll'l\ \\l.'11 dN.Ordtl'(! (/111'1'bl'(lroolll wlom.1I Illlh Ill'\1 kJllhl'lI .1IIt!f.wlll) 1ll0ll! Js"ume IJrge b.l1dnce mOJ tg,lgI' ,)1 10\ _',

ELEG-\NT ENGLISH - Bt>olUl1(ulne\\ kllchen.natural \\oodllork games room Illth flreplJce 882-5200nel\ Iy decor<1ted. four car golTage. fJ\ I.' bedrooms, 3'2 baths. lIbrar) and gdrden room

\\E H<\VE 5 WATERFRO~T PROPERTIES (rum $74 900 to $345000 lD ,,11'1/1.'::' Jnd ..hie,

Planning to sell your house?Talk to a professional.

Ichweltzer .~Bett6fnes.Real E/tote.lnc. I I W H .1Ild Gdrden!>

lwo names you can trust

FIRST ()FFFHl~(; - ~"oll :>'01 III High - 10'11 ,t flUOIIII 1Ill-( I' I OUI, III thl'- II l'lll.t'pt hOlllt' III lPIlI/.lI\\'00<1, l(}('.IIWll

FI HST OFFEHING - CUIOIU,lIIW,lI I<lkl' fOUl b,'llt OOll\' p,llltlll'd f.II11Ih Ioom d~ll 1ll'l\el kJIl'lIl'llfll'Xlhll' I,wlt l Olltl<Ill tl'llIh

QU.\D LEVEL -- $IOJ 900 - FOUl lwdroolll 2'" hdth IWllw "IIh 1,1Igl' f.\Ill1lv loom dl'n dlld 1.1(I II d Ill' l1lg

OUTSTANDING FAMIL \ HOOM - eh.'.Irly 0111' of Ih,' lll~e~I 17' '< 126' (,I1I11I)rllom~, fe,IIuTlIII-(,Inalural {II I'pl!l~e C,'lItl'l t'tl on <I17 root .111bTil k 11,111nol 10 IIwIIIIOIItlll' ..hdlllg <lOtH~ 10 the Iloodli"l k or the HI fool klldwlI Lo\\ dOlIII Pol)nll'nl III IhI' t'l\I,tlllg 10 25 , Illollg.l!;t' 01 {'H'O !OIH'1dOlI II (or <I 12'; /JI"lld

80Jrland ASSOCiates01 Earl Keirn Realty

\~""" I [,h~",n,nn

& Co

Centur~ 21 LoehmoorDana"\er BilerWilson and Stroh IneR G Edgar &AssoclalesGoodman Pierce& ASSOCiates

Grosse POinteReal Estate CoHigbIe & Maxon. IncJohnslone &Johnstone IncMcBrearty & AdlhochRealtors IneMonroe & AssoclalesReallyPalms-Queen ReallorsJim Saros AgencySchultes Real EstateSctwlElllZerReal Eslate Ine IBetter Hom as& GardensScully 8-Hendfle IncShorewoodE R Brown

Slne Realty CoStrongma'l& AssoclalesTappan Galleryof Homes

Toles andASSOCiatesYoungbloodReally me

Grosse PointeReal eatate

Exchange Membelll

t m (' M(h fin <" hemhe(h ler(Ofthc I'n"cr<lty of Io,.f"hl~an

"'l:ln~ ,11 of >ou to he.. mncrl In the garr,e of IIfc

Donatc hlood (,/1lour oc"e'! Red (ro" Donor( entcr to makc .n'ppOlntn-cnt

+AmericanRed Cross

BeAWmnerIn TheGame OfLife 000

Be A BloodDonor

'\mrr!on Red (rms Blood ~rvl(r-sXlUcrn..'.lnn MI(~If:an Re~lonR\l 4440

\~ a ltll'lllhel' of dlot'.l1 t' "e gt'. .IHE \LTOR lIa<; till'oJlpllIll1nih to h adl'information .Illdirll'''' on a 1'('gUloll'IH1"1" \\ It h 1t'1I0\\11Io{(>,.,ional" .llld toI\{}/,h \\ Ith thl'lll lorl'Ollllllllll it\ 1111-

pu" plllI'n" HE \L-1'0 H.., oftt'n "1'1'\ I'

011 phlltning hO.1rd ....loning" ~I oup,. l'1t\{'()Ilnl\ {ummi"ion.,and t;thpI' ()n~<Il11I,)-

tlOn., tholt pi Oll1otl'eOlll III lIJut\ \\ell-he-nH~ and pi'ogre.,.,i\ erlt" elopnwllt

Money is TightBut there are flOehouses on the mar-ket. Maybe you CANafford to buy oneRealtors' are ex-penenced 10 \\ hat isknown as ' CreatlveFlnanc1Og" andthat means they canoften figure outways for YOU to fI-nance a housmgpurchase. Call amember of theGro'lse POinte RealEstate Exchange,

\HE\l.I'OH ... a 11-('('11'1'11 l'I'al I,..talt'\)1'0"1'1' \\ ho I" aIlII'mllt", 01 tht' "I('al1'\{'hal\~I'. ,I,lft' a,.'ot'taliull .lllil th('\: \ 1'10:'\ \1. \~~O.( 1\'1'10' OFHE \I.TOHS1'I11(lll~h thl'll !HI'm-

ht'I,llIp, thl" \ ohm-t.lI jh JlI('d~t, tht'lII-'>!'''t'' to .w (',Llh,lJ'll {IHII' III Fth-II'

The {"pel i{,llcedstalTs of lhe GI'O!>M'Pointt' Real E!ttah'E ,changt' I\l~ IIIbel'~ha' e a full kno\\ 1-{'dge of Grosst'Pointe pl'opertiE's.their CllrI'ellt 'ahlE.'''and the bl'st financ-ing a\ ailable. The.'ha\ e a !>iu('ere con-CE.'rn in as~i!,ting .' Ollin ~el('cting t he righthome for.' 011. If.' ouwant or must dobusine~~ in loda,'~markt'l, ,ou'll 'bt'ahead if ~OUdo busi-ness \\ Hil those \\ hrdeal in it e\ en dav:\ mE.'III bel' of till'Grosse Pointe RealEstate E"change!Buying 01' helling ahome is no job for anamateur. Phone aO\membel' of theGrosse Pointe RealEstate Exchange forprofessional assis-tance.

Hl:l 04.. \ I'l'(;"" ol h. t' t It I' I ig It tIIlU \ l' \ i..,t 0 I pholl('a llH'mb('r 01 I hI'GI'O"'(' POllitt' HI',IIE'latl']'>,rh.mgl'l(lIllrompt. proll"'oIol)-.11 "1'1" It't'.

Tht' hOIl\(' YOU'H' al.\\ ay!oo \\ <IIIit'd. Tilt'!tilt' th.ll', pt'I.It,(.tfOI' ,om' lallllh , TIll'10t',ition th.11 ...illh .111,onr 1It'('(..... FII1.Ult'.

ing )011 l'an .11t<l!d.Sound m.t' J drt',lm'~'It'mb('r... 01 till'(11 ("'I' POlllh' HI'.IIE ...t.ltt' Eu'h.lngt'{'.1Il 1lI,1)"I' '0111' fond-('"t ill <'.\lll {'onH' trill'

. in 1!IS2 Tht"\"no\\ Gro"'I' Pomtt'

OIH' 01 \IlH'ri-l'a' .. gl'I'al 1'l, ...ldt'n-Ilal ('oml\lllllltlt''l.Bu) Il1g or 'l'll IIIg ,lht') 'I (. bt'~l (1IIdh-!it'd to ht'lp tnrn.' 0111drram into.' our nt',tmo' I'.


?I;~J/illl;jlM~A~/1/ rJI/1/~


3 bedrooms, 2'~ baths, quad level, family room3 bedroom. I bath colomal. family room5 bedrooms. Ph baths. 111'0story, family room3 bedrooms, 2~ balhs, 1''2 story, family room7 bedrooms, 51~ baths, VlCIorian. library. S\\lmmmg pool4 bedrooms, 2'2 baths. coloma I, library. sun room

3 bedrooms, 1 bath. coloma\, porch4 bedrooms 2 baths, 4 half baths colomal. famIly room4 bedrooms 1% baths. colomal backroom cold room

2 bedrooms. 2 baths top floor condo. clubhouse4 bedrooms, 311:1baths. condo6 bedrooms. 411:1baths. colomal family room. lIbrar)

3 bedrooms, 1''2 baths. ranch. galhermg room

$129.500$59.900$79500$158.000$550.000$490.000$74,500$137.500$1 W.OOO$61000S1Z7,500$279500$77 000

710 Notre Dame•

To Buy or SellA House Call




19934 VERNIER - Smart buy-Beautifully decorated 2br To\\ nhou::.eCondo - Curb parking piUs carport


Con::'lder these fme homes offered for rent With option to buy Wanl tokno\\ more about Ihe concept? It's specuH:ally desllmed for buyers\1ho are short on $$ for down payment and \\ e'n be happy to show ~ouho\\ It works'

37 BEVERLY - ~6-bedrooms Will sell or trade I I !590 SHOREHAM - Luxunous ranch 3-4 br-Pool Fabulous Rec Rm lyr

lease580 HAMPTON - stately 4br colomal 1st floor laundry, huge family rm

\\Ith natural fireplace

LAND CONTRACTS AVAILABLE:'oIEW LISTING - 20561 Williamsburg Ct 2 BR Condo Convernent park-

mg ..927 BEACONSFIELD - Cozy soltd brick 3 br colomal - 3 car garage858 LAKESHORE - 90' lakefront property WIth boat shp, 4br - 2~':!bath798 BALFOUR - Stunmng newer colomal - 6br - 3 car garage339 GROSSE POINTE BLVD - 3br - 2lhba - prestigious area near

lake1100 GRAYTON - TradItional 4br - 21rl ba Southern Colomal542 BRIARCLIFF - Custom built colomal loaded Wlth extras 5 br620 CADIEUX - Quahty condo - 2br upper near Village613 NOTRE DAME - Beautiful lower condo urnt 2br Now UC terms80 STILLMEADOW - LJC assumpl.1on - 4br colomal Mutschler kIt

LAKEFRONT AND ESTATESLakeshore Drive - Magmflcent Georgian residence SpacIOus grounds

garage With green house, carriage apartmentPro' encal - Completely reconstructed country manor With mcredlble

charm Pool. cabana Private roadWmdrnlll PoInte - Unsurpassed Engl1sh Cotswold manor on lake 21)'

vaulted cellmg hvmg room 5 - room Cherry panelled MBF SUiteAlgonac - Colony Drive - on North Channel Access to water on 2 SIdes

Schultes Real Estate has mOLed Our new offiC€ IS located on


Schultes Real Estate

70_ ~\);;.t";l';::: \pp~:.~.~~!)I.,!'f'h C0'AnHtl \vlth h.?ilutltul faml" 100m andne\\ l~ updaled Iutchen Oodles of charm m a very popular area

2161 H U1PTO,,\ - All finanCing options offered on thiS adorable 3 brbungalo\\ Ta:>tefull) decorated \\ Ith addillonal family room ana love-l~ red" ood deck

807 P >\RK L ~;'IIE - Nothmg but the be~t of 1.'\ erythmg !O thl~ custom J br.l bath ranch Secluded street, ver~ private yard Near lake

This unusually spacIous and charmmg home at 288 Merriweather offers new roof, gutters. furnace,kllchen, exterior pamt, alummum storms and screens, assumable morlgage and Ihree largebedrooms

QualIty construction throughout IS apparent Ul thiS three bedroom center entrance Farm Colomal Inthe Shores Large yard, lIbrary With hard oak floor, covered terrace and convement 10 muniCipalpark and schools are extra features

Charm and graCIOusness throughout are apparent In Hus five bedroom, three and a half bathroomcolomal m the Shores Spectacular step-down family room Pnvate backyard \\lth healed pool

Vlctonan turn of the century atmosphere with four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms Largefamily room, unusually deep backyard New Country Club of DetrOIt

Recently reduced In pnce thiS two bedroom, two bathroom Jefferson Apartments condominIUmoffers a library, land contract terms and excellent security

More space for the money than m many homes IS available In thiS Sll\ bedroom, Ihree and a halfbathroom cOndOmInIUm ill the City. Updated k;tchen, breakiast room library and ne\\ furnaceare a few of the extra goodies

Substantial flve bedrooms, 3'k baths plus all other essential rooms, 3 car attached garage Conven-Ient to schools and transportatIOn, 3 year land contract avaIlable

tEnglish Manor, large liVing room, fIve bedrooms, plus two hve-m Iielp rooms, modern kitchen and

bathrooms, 6 fIreplaces, central air Exceptionally well decorated, 3 car detached garage \\Ithapartment above Good assumable mortgage

Harcourt and Jefferson. Iwo fanuly Income With three bedrooms and two balhs on each floor, plusowners first floor family room Wlth beamed celhng 3 car attached garage Early possesSIOnlo\\er umt 5 year land contract available, $156,000, (good tax advantages)

Quamt and CO2, In the heart of Grosse Pomte City Four spacIous bedrooms \\Ith t....o full baths and aflmshed b~sement Natural woodwork. new garage and stock:1de fence Pnced right, SImpleassumpllOn available

Owner will accept all terms on thIS well malntamed thrt>e bedroom. t....o bath Cape Cod In the heartof the Farms Family room plus hbrary

.l, statel~ colonial deSigned and bUilt by Cox & Baker features a beamed cathedral cell109 first floormaster sUIte 'WIthfireplace lovely family kitchen WIth all amemtIes plus four bedrooms and 1....0baths on a second floor

You Simply have to see thiS beautlful decorated, well malntamed fIve bedroom coloma I With acharmmg private backyard Mutschler kItchen Wlth breakfast room, den, famIly room, cenlralair, convement location near schools and prime Farms tree hned street are a few of theadditIonal features

OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY 2-5PM1231 DE\'O~SHIRE - Stunnmg 5 bedroom coloma I \\Ith unusually high

qllaht) \\000 .md plaster tnm Excellent condition

1028 BERKSHIRE - Atlract!H' seltlng for thiS \er)' popular deSigned-\nwrlcan colomal 5 Bedrooms ~ll natural \\000 floors



" ,

Page 25: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursday, October 7, 1982 bROSSE POiNTE NEWS Page Eleven-B



One of a kU1d home constructed by Old World Craftsmen dnd pro{ef:>s-IOna 11) delOrated In every sense' LIVing Room features vaulted plastermoulded cellU1g pegged oak f100rmg and I'alls that are oak from theBlack Fort'sl of German) Entirely hand carved and pounded

The dmlng room and llbrarv as well as much of the fIrst 1e\ el boast ofthe same ornate oak carved panehng The leaded tathedral '...lOdo ....s andmajestic siJdlllg doors aU ha\ e hand made hard ....are to a~cent theirbeauty and enhance durabIlity

All baths are of pewablC tJle to the ceIling Concrete base floorlOgcreates solid, sound proof constructIOn

KItchen features commercial 0\ ens and refrigerators to handle an) sIZeparty'

162 VENDOME - :,uperb Cololllal In perfectEo'Mm,> locatIOn Lalge Bnck PatIO, NewMut>chler KJllhen, ~prmkler and SecurityI,y,tem, .Ire a Ie .... 01 the many cAlras

'-:o( 'I i I f V• ..1'-. '--' L L_'

~SCllll~ & Hendl'Je. Ill(: Hea! E"tate2016~:\lack Avenue at Oxford Hoad


DetrOIt - 10400 L \ ...J\HK - Hl'cent reductIOnmake, thl' J Bedroom Bungalow an att .alll \ e buy

HARPEH \HJOO" GOIliDOMINJl:Mt7421 "'Odn Dn\ e No 207. 1 Bedroom Corner

LOlt Ample LJ\Jng Hoom. DlIllllg Area,Compdtt KJlthen Bath Good Setunty. reqUIre" dppOintment to "ee


19 RO')}<: TEHHACE - Charmlllg New EnglandCOIOllidl With 'I Bedroom~. 3 Baths. Flr~tFloor ~lIlte Ilexlble !Ioor pldn AVailahle atton~lderdbJe dl.,lount [rom reproductIvew\!

Did You Know . . .that planting deciduous trees on

the south side of a building is a formof passive solar heating and cooling?Be energy conscious. Plant a tree.



TWO-F AMIL Y FLATo4\rl \EFEo - Ldlh UlHt hll., PdllJuetIloor'> d 27 loot h\ IIlg room breakfd~t room den or Hurd bedroom l\wbalh., T\-Io bedroom' dod bdth 01'

tllIrd 11001 A".,uml' mortgdge at119' ,

OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 56 1':L\1~LEI('H - PHlCb REDLlED A'\LJ

",E\\LY DElOR-\TED F<lnlll\ room ....JlhIlrelJlall:' four bl'<lroorn> jl t tidth; large110.,l'h. seturlt) .,) ~telll cent r dl air condltlOnmg

BlJ9 EDGEMO'\T PAHK - (u~tom OUllt loloOIdl lutl! llbrdfl thfl'e fJrppl<lle'> fourbedroom'> JI" balh'> fl'Uldlion roombredkIa'>l room Lnlque ~trel:'t "Jlh pn\dtelake/ront park lor rC'>Idl'llt, Atllaltl\eLand Contract term~


wlonJJ! In d neIghborhood of much Idrgerhume~ Eo'amlly room. flr~t fluor laundry.three bedruoms. 2J~ bath,>, ((mtral air con(IitlOnlni{. a/arrn ,>y,>tem

2J3 McKINLEY - Four bedroom French culonllli Library. I''Z bath'> large modernkitchen, ~cr{'('nc'<l porch. reued(JOn room

61 N DEEPLANOl) - )I:, .,tOI) In be'autlfulcondition Large lIbrdr}. Llenlly room. formlll dmlng room. 4 bl'<lruom'> 1'" bdth",flr"t fJoor /dundry Cell,ral \C 3 fll eplJce"many ~1>eCldl fC'dture"

424 WASIiI~GTON - PHIL E HEDLCIo.DFarm lolollldl on d large lot \l,llh Jm ell"hdde tn:e~ g,lldep room larl!e lIbrdf)fl\ e bedroom'> U,rel' fll epJllll''> llnd 1;<11 dge~PdlP fOl four c<lr~

William E heJnl'Ann W Sale'!>

J.JlljUl'l\l1 \1 ~otlJdllH'S D Sldndl;h III

1.01' \! Toles

C" Tole~Sue AdelbergBl'b\ B BUdaSail; C Coe'lary F Ferber

TOURAINE - Early AmefICdn coloma I III

move In condlLJon Central alr conditIOning,three fireplaces, family room with bar. flYebedrooms, 3'f, haths, recredtJOn room,lovely pallo

LAKECREST - A qUiet lane off Ldke~lloreRoad III the Farml> Unique contemporaryWIth excepllonal patiO 'lIld landscaplllgFamll) room, 3O-foot lIvJng room \l,lth gallery cellU1g ... bedroom~. 3 bath!>

ELM COURT - G P Eo'AHMS - Ide.!1 Imanclng clvall"ble MutHhler kltlh~nrecreahon room, four bedroolJ1~ 21" lJatblarge lot

599 RIVARD - Falnllv room !Jbr<lf\ ma,ler~ulte II.lth beamed cdthedral (elll!l~ J otherbedroom~ llnd 2'" tMOl'> {Im~hed bd'>ernent

STEPHENS NEAH KEHClIEVAI - Beautiful,ouOlern c ololll.JI \l,Ith ,I N (,\l, Orll.'dllS ,Itcent Libra! Y. f .J11Il I) room. Ilr,t floor bl'<lroom~ dod bdth IJlu~ fl\ l' bedroom, dndfour bath, up Four flrcpldle". reuedtlOllroom and thret' c,lr gdrage

A POOL PAHTY IN DECE\tBEH" y{~. }ouCdn ha~ e <l pool part) dn) month uf the, ..... ,I ,,~, 111\" \(~Ir ""n heated IIldoorpool 45 Willow Tret' dbo hd'> d Idmlljroom 3 bedrooms, 3 OdOI!>and (('ntrdl AC

GRO&SE POINTE SHOHES - 1':drl\ Amefll,1ncololllal \l,Ith Idrge f amlh room pdnelcdrecreahon room. 5 bedroom~ 41" bl/tll,&peclal (ealUJ to, IOdudl:' central dlr ~l'lUrlt)' S) ~tem

KE"lWOOD - WILL CONSIUEf{ ALL OFFERS AND TERMS - ExceptIOnal !>\l,lmmJng pool .Jnd Jlll Ulll Llbrdf\ !iolrdenroom, eight bedroom, ,md gdrage dpdrtment


(,('or"l I P"I '.,\\ m \\ ~\ II nI lnd 1 "x .....1~t. ..

\ Gl ralrl LeoneDallo l-. \1('( arrnn\\ lilia OJ \1\1110.('\

OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 59~3 Hidden Lane - Grosse Pomle \\ oods - Large pIcturesque

ranch three bedrooms t\\O baths paneled famll) room nestied In a qUIet cui de-sac Pnce Reduced' Beautl{ullj mamcured back ~ard Room (or Tenms Court or SI'Immlng PoolLand Contract Terms •

r.rn",t BeckCathenne BraCCIPhll Cataldo<;t('\ "n (; On".,

17646 Mack. Grosse POinte Phone: 886-4444"1cmbcr ;'lallOl1al t10me Relor allon ')en, Ie c


Planning to sell your house?Talk to a professional. Call anymember of the Grosse Pointe

ReaI Estate Exchange.They have the know-how!

94-l Hidden Lane - Grosse POinte \\oods - COl) ranch featurmg large!Ivlllg room WIth natural lire place formal dlllWg room kItchenl\lth eatmg area large paneled famJl) room t\IO bedrooms 11"2

baths reahstlcall~ pnced $112000 Land Contract terms

CommercIal Propert~ - lbO near Ea"tland S20() 000

14223 Hou,ton Wlllltler - \e\\ little ,tarter home - Spline" - T\\ 0

bedroom one bath one owner bungalo\\ SlO 900

3H Hlllcre~1 - Rent S800 per month II lth ('ptlOn t,l ou)


Gro~se Pomte Shores - B70 Lahc,hore - 0\ erloohmg Lahe 5t ClairOne of the Pomte s Imest 10catlOns - call for detaIl"

St nalr ~hore, - 21616 Englehardt - <;plall .anch three hl'drrorn,one bath Great Bu\ 0 Land Contract Term'

231 Lakeshore - Grosse Pomte Farms - French st\ Ie center entrancecoloma I custom bUllt b~ Herb \!lcou for present o\\ners featurmgfn e bedrooms. 3'2 baths hbrar;. \\lth natural fireplace ...tep do\\nh\lng room \\Ith natural fireplace famll) room \\lth marble floorFormal dmmg room kitchen panll') and back stairs \I:lId squarters ImmedIate possesslOn pnce reduced

1365 \\hlttler - Charmmg English Colomal \\llh four bed.oom, 312

baths plus bedroom on third iloor Has a famlh .oom !Jbrdl \ and[0\ el) ne\\ kitchen Other features Include ne\1 furndce dnd cent ralaIr ne\\ roof manIcured garden - -\ must see

Harper \\ood<; - 18784 \\ashtenall - Bungalo\\ - T ....o bedroom, lor$30 500

Grosse Pomte Clt) - Tl'o famll) \\Jlh three car ~arage \\al" 10 the\ Illage LO\ler - den countn kitchen tl\ 0 hedroom, red\looddeck L pper - 11\ mg room d;nlllg room hltchen 2 bedrnOI1" tbaUt Se\ en lIlche~ blO\\ n III m'1I1a11On III attIc S98 j{)() Lard lontract Terms

Even a ballroom with stage on the thIrd floor"

A spacIOus but comfortably In eable home SUIted to the standards of theexecu!l\ e' I I


,-,,-, REAL TO~S


19816 E ID\ 1'\ - 2 bedroom bnch ranchProl 1111 b.l,cnll'nt 10 \ear L C at lIe-;


1015 C \D1El '\ - 5 to 'QAlm Englbh TudorRede{ orated 1 tt:..O~hout Financlllg at121• -~

FIRST OFFERING'lO3 C-\ \ TERBl R\ - 5 bedroom colomal 1m

mac (ondltlOn 5 )ear Leal 934"


93 Kercheval 886.3060



20817 Mack at Hawthorne884-5280


FIRST OFFERINGS37945 Radde - Mt Clemens

4 Bedroom Il'Z Bath Bungalow

1292 Bn s off ~1arter RoadGrosse Pomte \\ oods

4 bedroom 2 bathroom Brick Home\\Jlh Famll) Room & FIreplace

Il \H PER \\ OODI..,1'l()% III \TI\(,TO,\ -1.Irge 4 hpdroom ranch

f,lmlh r!l1 Lol 112'\ lb4 on\\ S,4900

5534 SO\fERSET . 2 L'!\ IT II\'COl\lE


0n1u~'lEE. ri21.lOCHMOOR



1212 \\\1.BlH'\ - BlIngdlo\\ LC (ellth"N<)()()

IV O\IE PROPERT'l71'141 II \Hl Ol HT DJ\ \(jpd h,hpment lor

m,,] dll1lng room f1mll\ loom ('aeh I.ml1)1 'Jrahlp 1 \ lprm,


1371 Devonshire 3 bedroom home719 Lakepomte 5 bedroom brIck Tudor7.;8 Lakepomte 3 bedroom bnck colomal

Large ....aterfront ReSIdentIal LotLarge ReSIdentIal Lot of( Lakeshore Drl\'e

19756 E ID \ I '\ - 4 \)('dloom", 2 baths fam11\ room remodeled ",tchen S78 ';()()

636 '\ HO~ED-\LE - L<lrge 4 bedroom colom,ll lal.::e Id!l1\l\ loom 8129900 L C101m,

<J46'; \I( hJ'\ I r" -c..O"':lroom colonlal Sb9000

L (' tnm, -J

q12 1 \1\ FR:..1T'J - 1 bedroom colomal ~mlpk ''''lI111ptlon S67 'JOO


..... - ..- - -.i



TERRIFIC TERMS -\SSL\lPTIO,\ -\\-\IL-\BLE at 11',,";- ....lth 27 ~ear~ remammg Th,ssparkhn~ three bedroom bnck ranch sItuated ona 7o.foot lot \n Harper \\ ood~ feature, a 10\ e1\famll~ room \l, Ith natural fireplace Call to \ le;1thIS gem"



BEST OF EVERYTIiI~G - -\rchltect owner haslaVished taste and 10\ e on thIS fn e bedroom -\rtDeco gem The result IS a rare blend of authenticperiod SI) le and e\ er~ com emence Slate marble. copper and hardl-\ood combine \l,lth centralaIr and a corden bleu kitchen Priced at $165 000




UNBEATABLE FINA!\CING Ten )ear LAND JlST USTED' -\ lovel) four beOroom. threeCONTRACT. 10<;- INTEREST R-\TE 25""c to 29'-', bath CONDO 1-\1th hbrar), faml!) room cornerdO\l,n pa) menl Lo\el) brick ranch ,lluated on jocatlOn beautIful pallO etc Want to learn morelarge enough lot for tenms court or S\l,Imming about thiS \ ery special home? Call toda~pool nus charmmg home features 2-3 bedroomshVU1g room. dining room famll~ room 0-. e.looks Lochmoor Goli Course


Many Thanks!

ALSO THESE FINE VALUES ...BALFOt.:'R - ThIS home beautiful!) remodeled featUring ne\l, parquet floor~ ana kitchen ~Ith apph

ances It IS a f1\ e bedroom, 31~ bath colol'Jal \l,lth famll\ room den and fireplace FLE:--IBLELA.... D CO:-;TR-\CT TER\tS

BERKSHIRE - Three bedroom, 2'2 baths on a lo\el~ lot Outstandlllg ne" gourmet kitchen \-11thbUlIl'llls famll .. room VA FHA or L-\ \D CO~TR-\CT

BUCKI:'\GH-\M -' ThiS home ha, Jt all' I.lbran heated FlOrida room recreatIOn r('om \\lthhreplace IIltercom alarm and <;prml..ler <;)stems 10\ el~ dlllmg room St45 000

CLOVERLY - You must see thiS home \l,lth formalIn Illg and dlllmg room" morlllng room Ilbraf}and famIly room l nu<;uaJ ne\l, kitchen pantr) There are f1\ e bedroom<; 3\2 bath<; L -\....DCO:-JTRACT

HARVO\RD - Beautiful nC\l,1\ decorated four hedroom 2\2 bath 'tateh E\GLlSH \1an\ e'\tra Imefeatures You \\ould be proud to O\l,n thl" home SU':; 000

McKINLEY - !l;e"!\ remodeled tr,ree bE'droom 1'2 bath colom3l m flOe locatlOn Gorgeou, "ltchen1-\llh bUilt inS Ne .... large garage $75000

NOTTINGHAM - Fl\e bedroom~ 1\l,0 full baths updated kitchen ne\l,er furnace large ha'ementtw~car garage All for mId 50 s

WASffiNGTO ... - GracIOus home ....,th four bedroom, 1. 2 half bath, \lam fllle amemlJe~ lneludmgbreakfast room and laT!:(e hbrar~ recreatIOn room "e\\mg room ,ho"er \n ba<;ement O\LY$114.000

MOROSS - Quallt, home \\Ith one bedroom one bath dO\l,n t"O up \l,lth hath kItchen ....IthbUIlt-illS, garden room lernflc !and<;capmg Come <;ee other "pee'/al feature, 1.-\ \,D CO'<TR -\C'T

MARTER - ST CLAIR SHORES - ('0'100 - T\\o bed.oom one bath central air updated kItchenCJubhou~. pool tennis o\SSLMABLE ~WRTGo\GE $42000

OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 TO 5:001310 THREE MILE - Better than ne" completel~ redecorated 1-\lth all nC\-I carpetlllg

Ideaj center entrance colomal four bedroom 212 hath<; \lan) ,pet'lal f"aturesPriced to sell

Local Realtors are losing their "FOR SALE" signs atan alarming rate. Since there is about $50.00 investmentin each one, we ask your help in retrieving them. If aprankster deserts one on your property, would you returnit, please, to any local real estate office? (No questionsasked!)

Page 26: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

,..--:_: - • __ P p _




PICKLED PEARSFollo\\ recipe for Pickled

Peach.a, ."b.tttuUng .mall.firm-ripe pears for the peaches.Leave on stems. remo\'e bloomends and peel. Add the cloves andginger root to the spice bag. if de-sired.

Calories about 15 per pear.Cholesterol O.

PICKLED CRAB APPLESSubstitute 8 pounds nrm.rlpe,

unpeeled crab apples for thepeaches. Do not peel or removestems. Cut out only the blossomend and prick each crab applefOUf to five limes with beav)' needleto prennt bursting. Add only thecloves to the spice bag. along "iththe cinnamon.

Calories about 45 per crab ap-ple.

Cholesterol O.

A !>election of recipes from tbeforthcoming low.calorle. low.cholesterol - and penn) .",i!>!:'-lookbook b) Th)ra Gre) Howardllnd Helena DeWitt Roth this "'eek. a way for theclever famUy to capture the tasteof autumn all winter long \'IaPRESERVED FRUITS

PICKLED PEACHES8 Ibs small, ftrm ripe pea('hes1gallon cold water" To:.p. lJlc;..iIU~ ;:,,,It2 Tbsp. whIte vInegarWhole cloves

PICKLING SYRUPI quart white vmegar1 quart water3lbs sugar4 cmnamon stlcks, broken and

tied m cheesecloth bagPeel peaches. then drop into the

"'ater !>olutlon in "hlch the saltdnd \ Inegar ha \t' bet'n dJssolved(to prevent discoloration I. Leavepeaches '" hole and do not removepits. Stud each peach ",Itb 2 or 3clo\e5.

• Place s)rup Ingredients In alarge enamel preserving kettleand bring to a boll. -\dd peaches.a fe~ at a time. and simmer un-CO\ ered 5 to 7 minutes untU barelytender. Remove peaches ~ith aslotted spoon and sel asIde ~hUecooking the remainder. When allare cooked. bring s)rup ~ a boUand pour 0\ er the peaches; co\'erand let stand oHrnlght (thisplums them and greatly Improvesthe flavor).

~exl da)' sterilize 10 plnl JarsVI itb their lids. Drain the s) rupfrom the peaches and bring to aboll; discard spice bag. Packpeaches tn hot jars, then fln JarsVI Ith boiling S}TUP to v.llbln 11,.Inch of the rim. Seal and procellin a hot" ater bath for 10 minute •.Cool. check lull. and Itore incool. dark place for 4 to 6 weekibefore ullng. ~1ake. 10 pint •.

Calories about 50 ~r pelch.Cbole.terol 0,

Thursday, October 7. '982

Call Saint MarYsCollege Alunm~e

The Samt :\Iary's College DetrOitAlumnae \\ III hold a Founders'Dav celebratIOn W~nesda\'. Oct13.-at 7 30 P m at the Academy ofthe Sacred Heart In BloomfieldHIlls A receptIOn \\ III folIo" massIn the Sacred Heart Chapel Dona.tlOn IS ~ per person Ali alumnae.famll) and fnends of the college areinVIted ReservatIOns mav be madeand further mformatlOn" obtainedb) contactmg \irs Wilham Stack-poole at 642-9585



r--PAiiiiiwHITi-ilui.Bi-l!Reg, 75(ea.NOW 2 forSI.OOII LIMIT 10 WITH COUPON TIL J 0-11-82 Ir---------------------------1I FRESH CUT DAISIES I

l Reg. $2.49 NOW SI. 99 A Bunch !L ~ll~fQ~9~1~~~U-8t J

Now open daily 'til 7 p,m.

Allemon Floriston E. Warren

17931 East Warren TU 4 ..6 t 20 Open Sundays

Wonderful weekendfor chrysanthemums

"The ~ atlOnal Chr) santhemumSociety's 39th Annual Chrys.anthemum Show ~11Ibe presentedSaturday. Oct 16, from 1 to 9 p mand Sunday, Oct 17, from noon to5 pm at the Tel-Twelve Mall, inconjunctIOn ~lth the NatlOnal Soc-Iety's 39th annual meeting whichopens Friday, Oct 15, With a 1 30pm symposIUm folIo\\ed by themeetmg at 4 p m at the HolidayInn of Southfleld

The show is sponsored by theGreater DetrOIt ChrysanthemumSociety and Will feature "Mums InMichigan" as ItS theme Over1,000 entrIes are expected frommembers of 58 Socletles In 30states and Canada There Ie; noadmiSSIOn charge for either theshow or the symposIUm, and bothare open to the pubhc

Rose Sociel)~meets Oct. 18rose culture dunng October andNovember, and \\mter protectIOn

Guests are most welcome Re-freshments \\'111 be served Hos-tesses for the evemng are :'rfargeVmcent, Lmda Brabson and ~iaryWarman

A fall mlnlature rose show willbe held dUring thiS month's meet-Ing of the Grosse Pomte Rose So.clety Each member or guest ISmVited to bnng as many as threemmlature rose blooms, one bloomper stem. of hiS-her favorite flow.ers to the Grosse Pomte CentralLibrary, Kercheval Avenue atFisher Road, next Wednesday,Oct 13, at 7 45 P m

Ribbons Will be awarded for thebetter blooms, and surpriseawards WlIl be presented to thegrowers of the three best mintroses

The October meetmg v,IIl alsofeature an open diSCUSSIOnon thiSyear's growmg season for rosesMembers and guests Will be mVlt.ed to share reflectIOns aboutwhich rose vartetles grew ~ellthiS season, comments about thenew 1982 roses - Brandy, Shreve-port, Mon Chen and the miniaturemtroductlOns - and dISCUSSionofthe perenmal problems of mildew,blackspot and msects which mayhave bothered the roses

The semmar Will be conductedby the Pomte. Rose Society's Con-sultmg Rosarlans The meetingWill conclude With suggestIOns for

Rick~sfingersfashion annies• ••m lIlllllature

By Janet Mueller"It takes 30 seconds for the lead

to set," explains Rick Walker,maker of mihtary mmiatures,"and then there's trimming, tiling. If I'm making a really detail-

ed figure, like a Napoleomc sold-ier, It takes about two-and-a-halfhours to pamt."

At right is the "factory," whereRick casts his figures. At top heapplies flmshing paint touches toan almost-completed soldier ThiSis a standard size ml1itary mima-ture: the Samurai warrior forwhich Rick recently won a prizewas considerably smaller, 25millimeters, and he's done a 15millimeter piece incorporating aConfederate flag in which all 13stars are visible! /I I'm getting upthe nerve to paint the kilt on aScots soldier.' he says,

At bottom, Rick shows off somepieces from his personal collectionof historic miruatures, including aSpirit of )78. If you're the sort ofperson who turns to the FeaturePage of a newspaper first. andyou want to see more of (andknow more aboutl RiCk, turn backto Page One of the Second SectIOn,and start at the begmnmg of thestory photos by Betty Car-penter

Feature Page..,.

MELANIE A. FAHIM, daughterof DR. and MRS R B, FAHIM, ofBishof Road, was named to theDean s List at Colby College,where she is a sophomore Dean'sList honors were ~Iven 10 reco~ni.tlon of superIOr academiC workduring the second semester, 1981.82

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! '. All you U of ~,\-1SU, Central, Western and Notre Damefans. There's a humorous and colorful posterthat depu:ts what llfe /.S llke at each school.For dad or dorm ... $4 eat:h at the ~oleHole. Kercheval at St ClaIr and Tower 200,Renazssance Center

Grosse Pointe Book Village, 16837Kercheval in the Village.announces Its annual pre-Chriltmas 10% off sale. All stock exceptregular sale mercbandlse, magazines. and special orders will be10%oft today tbrougb October 23. And wbile you're there. visitthe new room at tbe Book VlUage featuring remainden. clear-ance and sale books, and ,ames and punles.

... . '"Lose Inches Instantly , . . Body wrappmg at

Francesco's Hair and Skin Salon, .. 882-2550... . ...

Decorate . lzke a professwnal at a fractIOn of theprice wzth savzngs on upholstery (abncs, corduroys,chzntz deszgns, laces. sMers and more at Calu:o Corners

21431 ~ack Avenue FREE PARKING In frontSEE THE NEW SHIP\-1ENT'

Ed Malizewski ... showed us the new rugs fromhis recent buying tnp. One handmade rug fromMainland China featurp..5 pandas on soft green, It isunusual, charming and available in other sizes andshapes, See the new collection at 21435 Mack FreeParking in front. , . 776-5510.

... '" '"

October Is The Month. ROSS &SEELEY accessorize the fireplace. And we ~have a superb supply of flrepots, screens,andirons, brass fana, tools, crickets, etc.THE SIGN OF THE LION ... at our newlocation, St. Clair and Kercheval in the Vil-lage . . . 882-0052.

'" .. OIl

Tbe Romantic Rustle ... of taffeta Is part of tbe charm ofthe new black taffata dresses at Tbe Pointe FIIIMons. Choose a

J.!''>J.t\~", black talfeta dre.. with a sashed waist, fu1I skirt.

Jj~"{\round necklll1e and pretty puffy sleeves and anotherstyle I. a Ileeveleu dress that'l Ibeltered by a jacket

"".~ wllh ruMea arolllle! tbe neck and down the front. Slus~I ~<b 8 to 16. No charge for alteration. at 15112 Kercbeval... ... . •. 822.2818.

'" '" '"


If .. you have a new kitchen on your Christ-mas list, now is the time to think about it. Customcabinetry takes time and planning. Start by bring-ing your ideas into Mutschler Kitchens' showroomand let the design experts help give you the latestand most efficient kitchen available ... 20227 MackAvenue.

At Cbarvat The Florist ... the violets are white. lavendar and blue. There's bound to be one espe- \ -daUy for you , .. 18590 Mack Avenue. 881-7800.

'" * *

'1.T'I'n~ Y l<r.ou:o '" Wonderful Wide Wale ...~... .£.\Y"~~\' corduroy cardlgan jacket ina rich plum tone "ltb a matching A-line sldrt ... the perfectpair for a smart Ull) suit. Ully Pulitzer. Mack at Lochmoor.

'" '" '"

Weather Experts Are Predlctmll ... the (!coldest wmter ever. Call the cnHse r,peclallsts & \-1r. Q Travel. Let them show you howspending 7 exhllaratmg fun filled days at seacan cost less than most vacatIOns. \-1r. QTravel, 19874 ~ack Avenue, 886.0500

'" * '"Dress Up ... or dO~lI, tbe silk knit sweaters and skirts at

~I ~UcheUe's Place. These separates can beCIiE S matched or mixed. The tops come In solidPLACE colon and In striPei. The sldrts are all

soUd colon. ChOOIered. royal blue. khakior plum. The long sleeve tops are .tyled wIth a cowelor V-DeckIIDe. Stop at 1TB&4. tor day and evening

fashions, Closed Monday•. , . Open Tullday. through Saturday.••• 10 a,m. to 5:30 p,m.. .. '"


Gloves Are "In" ... as they've alwaysbeen in our Michigan winters! HARVEY'S ~COMPLEAT TRAVELER has a beautiful Acnew selection of silk and cashmere linedleathers in basic colors, $35 and $36. Aparticularly smart glove is the cashmerelined Isotoner, $37. Classic pigskin drivinggloves, $32. Aigner classic burgundy, $35and $40 . . . 345 Fisher Road.

* • '"

Sweetest Day ... is October 16. Find a good selec-twn of greetmg cards and gifts at Wn.ghfs Gift andLamp Shop. Lamp repalrs can usually be done while youwalt, conuenumtly at 18650 Mad Avenue wzth FREEPARKING next to the budding.

* * *

flJ~nteCounter Points

by Pat RousseauNot To Be Missed! .. THE IN SEASON

MARKDOWNS at Walton-Pierce! Save 118of{ a se-lection of current dresses for day and evening plus aselection of separates from well known spor1s hnesincludmg Givenchy I Wilroy and Tudor Square ...jackets, pants, skirts, sweaters and blouses. Shopearly for the best chance to coordinate pieces towear right now. While snapping up the bargains besure to see the Posh Holiday and Cruise Collectiontoday and tomorrow informally modeled 11 a.m. to 4p.m. IH W~ituu-r£~!~~.

'" 01< 01<

Check. . The Bargazn Table at the Notre DamePharmacy. You'll find dIscounted colors of makeup, oddsand ends of soaps, perfumes, grooming aides at pIck-upsales prices.

Page Twelve-B

Among students named to theDean's List for the 1981-82secondsemester at Wheaton College wereLISA HANSEN, a jUnior, daughterof MR and MRS TOBEY HAN.SEN Jr, of Crescent Lane, andLISA LUNDELL, a senior, daugh-ter of MR and MRS, ARVIDLUNDELL, of North Duval Road.

Page 27: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

•• c •••

Inside:Classified Ads Sports Section





f .-:\Iore than 3.700 runners did

just that, finishing thema.athon despite the heatAnd some, like this runner .made statements \\ bile the)kept on going. (Photos b~ TomGreenwood).

Open M-Sa' 10-7

Christmas Bike Lay-a-way


10"0 Above CostVolkscycle

Reg, $250 00 NOW $16500

lowest Prices In Michigan

Sa e5 Serv ce Accessar es

16394 E. WARREN(1 blk. W. of Outer Drive)

Se'v,ng /he G'osse Po nle,

Staffel Q!Irirnprartit <tlitti!GtNEAAL PRAcna.S GPORrr; INJlJR16.G22201 Kelly Road (Btw. 8 & 9 Mi. Rd,)E DetrOit 779-0102 (By AppOintment)

Help our hockey team make theirdream of going on an exhibitiontOllr come true. Me are trying toraise flwd.'i by selling plalUif." trashbags (20.:m gal.) - S HI for a boxof 100 delh'ered. Ite will al'Jo park("ars. rake If"al'f"'I. paint_ ("f"an.U'fuh - yOIl namf" rhf" job. Wf"'"

I gil'e you a prif."f". Ca" ('oa('h Pf"a('ockfor orders or estima,e'J.

alld tlley kept•

011 gomg ...

I see \ alues Inprograms IJke thePrep Bo\\l 'ia~s the11 tlme -\11Starcatcher \\lth the DetraIt Tigers, andthat ~ not Just athletICbut total characterdeH~lopment

Prep Bo\~1 82 \\111dl..,pla~ the fInest InCatholIC ph)SICal ed-uCdtlOn Tlcket'i forthe ....0\ 7 e'\tra\ aganza at the SI1\er-dome are 83 In ad\ ance and are on saleno\\ at the SII\erdomeBo'\ Office CTC out-let., Calhollc schoolsK11\ ght<; of ColumbusCounCIls \\ ho co-..ponsor the festn ltles,or b~ ~endlng a checkor mane:. order pa~able to Cathohc HighSchool League PrepBo\\ I 82 ~05 ~l1chlgan\\ rnue DetrOit\lIc h 48226 Call 237-';%0 for more InformatlOn

Prep 80\\ I -82aetioll i~ .,et

For 15 \ears he \\asIn the Imie!Jght as oneof major league base-ball s premIer back-stops :-'0\\ Bill Free-han I~ back In theforefront of ser\lceHe has been namedhonoran chaIrman ofPrep Bo\\ 1 82 a 13hour da\ of footballfun and e....citement atthe PontIac SIl\ er-dome on Sunda~ :-'0\7

e'\hau~ted runner~ \\ ho urged'ipectator;" to Come on, lookal1\ e' Let .. hear ~ome chatter \\ eneed It and back\\ards runnerScot t \\ ell and Weiland of l'nlonLahe ran the enllrf' cour..,e back\\ ards 10 4 07 5-i, thus becomlOgthe flr~t man to run a marathonbad.\\ ard'i I n front of \\ It ne'isesand In~llr1l1ghi m'ielf a ..pot 111 theGume'i<; Baal. of \\orld Records

FoHo\\ 109 are the PO~ltIOns andlJl11(>~of POInte r<.lnner'i \\ ho completed the marathon

Fl:'1.ISm"iG FOLRTH, Weldenbach 2 23 02 131 - ThomasDupont 2 -I8 39 HI - John L1Zza 24931, 204-Jeffre:- Toepler2 54 14 214 - Bnan Smith2 55 19. 116 - Da\ Id Burandt3 01 10 513 - Tlmoth\ Dembeck1 09 28

....umher 575 - \ Gud..,en3 11 ';2 182 - Jamr') Campbell3 12 13 687 - R \lJd(Il'eton3 16 43. fi98 - Robert Luca..,'I 17 02 703 - Da\ld Fern')3 17 16 772 - Gerald \t'lanl'I 19 25 820 - Da\ Id ErlJch1 20 48 823 - G ~Iark Cook

(('ontinu('d on PagE'1(')

~If the \\ ater and Gatorade

didn't gh'e sagging runners aboast, it must ba\ e been thehundreds of e,cited spectator:s\\ ho lined the streets for lastSunday's race. -\s the signsaid: Go for it!

. but tIle",..had help

ThursdClY October 7, 1982

Heat COIIldIl"t ,viltdetermitled rllllllers

....elther heal nor cramp.. nordeh\ dratlon could heep 3 780runners from flm~hJng last Sunda\ s 5th annual DetrOIt FreePr'e% InternatIOnal \Iarathon-\ccordlng to the Free Pre"~ 97 01those \\ho fInIshed \\ere from thePOinte - and from \\ 111lam\\ eldenbach of the \\ ood~ \\ hofinished fourth to Carol Balhu., ofthe Park \\ho cro'i'ied the hnl''ie\enth from la ..t - each managed to complete the cour'ie d('~plte the oppreC;'il\ e heat

D3\e Hlnz 29 ot -\nn \rbor.\\as the hrst runner acro'i'i theflnl'ih 1111(' (urmng In a time of2 1741 -\nn -\rbor'i Karen Hubbard \\ as the flr"t female flmsherfJm<.,hlng 111 2 4'; 05 36 <;econdsshort of her 1979 cour~e recordKn., Lenzo 23 of DetrOit \\ as theflr'it partICIpant to fInI.,h turnIngIn hl'i \~he(']chalr tl111t'of 2 07 15

POinters \\ ho lined the Lake'ihore KE?rh\ and Kerche .. al toccltch a glJmpse of tht:' 'iun'ioakedrunners \\ere re\~ arded \\ Ilh'ilght'i hke the gm \\ho competed\\eaflng a multlcolort:'d n\ Ion\fro v,lg <;ome <;eemmgl:.

It was hot •.

• •

.J P..., GfCoaDor

--- - - -- ----------_._-------

THOSE GROSSE POI~TE Cable TV subSCribers ....hocouldn't beheve theIr eyes when they tuned 1I1to channel 25.the l'SA net\\ork at around 7 30 pm, Sept 29, and thoughtthe~ ....ere watchJng the DetrOIt TIger-Baltimore Onolegame can rest easy - they reall) did see "hat theythought they did Although Major League Baseball's con-tract calls for any cable system wIthm 50 miles of a cItyWIth a major league team to black out the L"SA :"1etwork'sThursday l'ilght Baseball Sefl E.'S , the DetrOIt-BaltImoregame was shown m thiS area

"We are oblIgated to black Thursday NIght haseball Butthat game was on Wednesday mght and It \\as a substItutegame from the USA Network, another game was to have

(('ontmurd on Pa~r :In

I\;E\\SPr\PEHS, tele\l~lOn networh, ('artoomst~ and eom-edl(tn~ lId\ e ~h,lJ cd In pdlntJng (l perfect pJ(:ture of the...lrlKt' ffli"lrdtpd llt oft><"<;lOn<l1football fan he',; the wlde-C) ed gU) ('dn uf beel In hand, ~tanng at J blank TV ,;creenand mumbling <.,omcthmg about broken pa~~ pallel n~ ButIS that pl('(un' a(('urate?

It ha<., [\0\\ been more than two weeks :,Lnce the 13:,t\\hl:,tle ble\~ 011 pro football In the Umted States A~ldefrom a fev. feellng~ of anger (at player~ and owners),boredom, dunng certam tllnes of the week, like Sundays,Monda) C\ cll1ng:, and the occasIOnal Thursday mghtl, and asense of lo:>~ (It fIgure:, the NFL players would stnke whenthe DetrOIt LIOns get off to a 2-0 start - where ",ere they"'hen \\e needed them \\hen the LIOns were 2-14")Pearle, dnd football fdns, have found they can survive qUite"el "Ithout pro football

Per~onall) the only difficulty I've had With the footballstnke IS gelling my beanngs dunng the perIOd betweenSaturday mght and ~londay mormng I know that Saturdayrught IS the tIme to stay up late, or go out to a mOVie, or doany of a dozen thlllgs one usually does that night I alsoknov. that Monday IS the day when It IS nothing short ofImpossIble to drag oneself out of bed and head IOto work

It's that In bet"een time which has become a problemsince the :\FL players" ent on stflke I mean, Without CBS'PhylliS, Brent. Irv and the Greek telling me who WIll Winthe games I'll see that day, how WIll I know what to dobetween noon and 7 pm.? Without an endless jumble ofInstant replays, commercials, slow motion angles and dou.ble reverses. how will Iknow when It's time to take a breakfor Sunday dmner?

WITHOl'T FOOTBALL how Will I know It's Sunday?

Reallzlng what an Important problem thiS could become,I sought gUidance from Sister Sean Therese Halpin'S eighthgrade Enghsh classes at St. Paul School Here's what theycame up With In theIr 500 word compositIOns "WIthoutFootball, How Will We Know It Is Sunday?"

"You know It'S Sunday when mother comes upstairs,drags you out of bed, makes you take a shower, comb yourhall' I11ce and put on a SUIt or dress All thiS IS gomg on at Bam. when you went to bed at 2 a m I ' - Julie Chic kola

"My famJly IS not very Involved In the sport of football.. - Anne ('onnell

"I Will kno\'. It IS Sunda\ bv an ImentJon Juhus Caesarclmmed which \\ as and stili IS called a calendar notonlv can I tell It IS Sunda\ With the calendar, I can also tellIf It IS :\-fonday or Tuesd'ay .. - Laura Gagnon

.. In m) hCe. football has nothing lo do \\ Ith Sunday Iprefer IIstemng to and playwg musIc playmg With m)friends, bemg "Ith m) famll) " - Sarah Dolan

"There are man\, wa\s to kno\\ that Sunda\' IS Sundaywithout football One" a) IS to read the paper On top o'fthe page there IS the date. month, year and day :\ storymay also be like thiS 'Today, on thiS Sunda). there ....111beno football due to the stnke . " - Jerr) Bourke

vou can rake the leaves Football your excuselast weekend, but now IS the time to get It done Without[ootb.1l1, people '" III also have no excuse not to get tochurch." - Katy Distel

"On Sunday afternoons you (could) see generatIOns offamliles In theIr lInng rooms" atchlng their sets and eat-109 chips and drmkmg beer no\\ "e are faced \\lth thequeshon of what \\111 happen to the fans') \\'111 they fademto the ....oodwork? '\1111team pennants and flags be foldedand stuffed IOta the attic') Or what If the season ends beforeIt has a real chance to start') We \\ 111probabl) ne\ er kno\\

.. - Da~n Gallagher

"JUST BECAl'SE the NFL IS on strike. that doesn'tmean we don't ha\ e football many of the statIOns areoffenng Canadian football m hopes of satlsf)mg <;ome ofthe normal football watchers Some of the net\\ arks areattemptmg to offer other types of sports actIOn, hopmg It....III make them mone) the same \\ 3) football did" - 'likeVazquez

"On Sunday. ) ou won't see football games. but Insteadyou \\ ould see reruns of prevIOus Superbo\\ Is, or greatmoments 10 foolball. thmgs like that You \\ould also seemore Mel Farr ads along \\1th other car commercIals"-Ray Echlin

.. E\ en without Sunda) afternoon football, Sunda) IS aspeCial d~y It IS a famll) da) a da) of bemg at hometogether ' - Patti 'folio}

St Paul's Sr Sean \\ as nght \\ hen she SaId she got somevel') thoughtful responses from her Enghsh classes If themessage these teenagers are sendmg out IS I epresentatl\'eof the football-lo\1ng public, the football powers-that-bemight take a hard look at the stnke SituatIOn The) mIghtJust be pla)lng out a verSIOn of that old Ime . '\\ hat If theygave a football strike and nobodY cared?"

After all, Sunday 111\ ented long before anybod~ Ime\\what first and ten meant

Page 28: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

~-~---------C.S. ~


No. I-for a while~at least

South's top ranked girls' tennis team includes, from left to right, (front row) Tracy Shenkus,Laura Gushee, Michele Coddens, Mary Bety Turner, Courtena)' Kotas. Stephanie Schulte; (toprow) coaeh Stephanie Prychitko, Christie Huntington, Madeleine Willard, :\Ieghan McMahon, JillDalby, Noel Berry, Lit Peterson and Patti Ingrao.

seagram again led North WIth 11pomts III the Brablec lo!>!>

The JV came up short as theyfell to LeN , 34-29, before theysmashed Brablec, 50-13

Celeste Sartor led all scorers IIIboth contests With 17 POintsagalllst L C Nand 11 ver~usBrablec Pam Boeslgcr hoopedeight and PallIa Harms hdd se~ enIn the latter match

The freshmen lost to LeN ,31 17, before 17 pomt!> In the fOUl'thquarter did away wllh O<lk~ood.47 36 Chrl~ GU~l,lhon held 17pOlllt!>.lnd 7 rebound ... In the WillIllng eHort

'\ ('('O"!'o l'otll.ln ~inThe glrb' cro~~ country te<lm

",on a BI-County Ll'<lguc llldtcil,1549. agamst Lake ~hore d!>Illneof the top 10 runnel ~ \\ ere NO!~t'-men Mal tha Wllilelkel, P,ltt\Loeher dnd Barb Melger '>tarred, "'1 .....'"tV'" •• v ..~I"

St'('or ~tar!> i()t. 'm'thIn a batUe of the undefeated.

the JV football ~qudd prev.lliedOHr Warren Cou<;1Il0, 130 lao..t"'eek

WIll Secor reln for d recordbreaking 190 ydrds and d toul'hdo\~n for North George Kd<;Zdplunged In for North'~ olher score

So('("el' ~ in l'ltrt'uk l'Ulllillllt'l'lThe Norsemen extended theIr

amalmg varsity soccer \\ 1Illllngstreak to \line game~ \\Ith 5-0whlte\\ ashes of South dud Chl{Jpe\\a Valley Now 90, North I~

four POll1tsahead of ~econd placeUtica Stevenson and UtlCJ Elsenho\\er

South pla~ ed North to a tIght.scoreless {Irst half befo! e [heNorsemen exploded \\ lth secondhair goals by Walter Prelsz, Paul

(Conlinued on Page 30

HICks scored three POints to roundout the scoring for the Bullets "Iam very pleased With my girls.they are dOIng a great Job,"commented coach Al De\ we afterthe WUlS

The Brownell seHnth gradegIrl's basketball team suffered Itsfirst defeat agamst Parcells. 18-8 Brownell's Lisa Frommled all scorers With SIX points andseven rebounds Am) Brennanand Nancy Woods paced Parcells'scoring attack WIth four pOIntseach The loss evens Bro\\ nell'srecord at 1-1, \\hlle Parcelb record IS unblemished a! 3-0

The Brownell eighth grade gIrls'basketball team opened Its seasonwith two \Vms Brownell first beatL'Anse Creuse Central. 25,7, asco-captam Julie Cook was thegame high scorer With eightpomts Co-captam MarCIa Wrtghtscored hve, captam Mary' and Mary Beth Hicks scoredfour pOlllts each Eleanor Allenadded two pomts for the Victors

Brownell then made It twostraight by defeatmg Parcells,31-23 Wachter was the game highscorer With 14 pOll1ts, Wrightscored 10. Allen had four and

By Paul RegelbruggeAmassmg an amazmg 403 total

yards. Including 17 first downs,North's varsity football teamovercame a 7-0 halftIme defICit toWill on a sl,...yard touchdown runby ~elllOI' co.captalll Scott De-Claire With Just two and a halfllllllutes remallllng, 17-14

"We hadn't put together a 60.yard drive In our fIrst threegames, but we had three on", :>ald North coach FrankSumbera "The \\hole team played very well"

JUnior Fred Schultz, who rushedfor 176 yards, put North on theseol eboard With a 25-yard run IIltothe end £one Dave Bergeron thenkicked a 22 ~drd field goal to putNOith ahead, 9-7, before a 21-yardtouch down run by Clintondale'sLonnie Connors brough the Drag.ons back on top DeClalre thengave the Norsemen their ~6..uu.;t : u G J G:;...)~S ,~~t!": h'stouchdown

OffenSive ~tars \\ere Jim Mest-dagh, Just off the lllJured list, andBergeron DefenSively, Dave Bab-cock, CedriC Patmon and Ber-geron kept [he Dragons at bay

North meets Waterford Town-ship thiS Saturday, Oct 9 at 1pm on Homecomlllg Day

Brownell cagers are lmdefeated

Girls baskctbnll record 1-2North's girls' basketball team.

trailmg by only one pOint at thehalf agaln!>t South, went coldwhIle South got hot to wm, 57-40The Norsemen then bounced backto "10 1Il overtime, 57-51, againstL' Ans~ Creuse North, before agam to Brablec, 36-32 NorthIS now 2 5 overall

Jan Hanlilton led the NorsemenWIth 12 POints agall1st the BlueDeVils, while LIZ Seagram scored17 pomts. Jean Genord, 12 andMichelle Witt, 10 to defeat L C N

Thursday, October 7, 1982

North takes 17-14 win

T p~ r rol,.no.,.."p~• u.. ~ "'••"...... o::::J

are crownedNearly 800 tennis buffs battled It

out on Grosse Pomte tenms courtsIn September III the 16th annualTenms and Crumpets Beneht forChildren's Hospital of MichIgan

Tournament {mals were heldSaturday. sept 25 at the GrossePointe Indoor Tenms Club Par.ticlpants competed 111 four diVI-SIOns, Includmg Pro-Am, "A,""B" and "C."

Emily Baker and Joseph Sha-heen won top honors In thePro.A m divIsIOn .. A" dl VISionwinners were Denms Cavanaughand Jean Rivard. Gavle Gastonand Bill Dobroff won the "B" dl.VISion finals Wmners m the "e"diVISion were Mr and Mrs JohnCebrowskL

Runners-up included JeffHodges and Faye Robb (Pro-Am).Mr and Mrs Richard Keller (ADIVISIOn), Mr and Mrs DennisSteffes (B DIvISion). and Mr andMrs Stephen Grob (C DiVISIOn)

Tournament winners wereawarded engraved sterling silverRevere bow1s and lUCile pictureframes complete With their photostaken durmg the compelitlon

Tennis and Crumpets proceedsWIll help support the ResearchDlVlS10n of Pediatric Surgery atChildren's HospItal of MIchigan

"Our thanks to all who 'raised aracquet' for ChJ.ldren's Hospital."said Susie Rohde (Mrs. Arthur J ,Jr ), Benefit Chairman. "Players,court hosts and hostesses, volun-teers and patrons really gave 200percent to make Tenms andCrumpets a great success thiSyear!"

hue on the 5000 meter (three mile)course South, With two leaguemeets remmmng, IS attemptlllg tocapture Its f011rth straight leaguetitle Wms over L'Anse CreuseNorth and RoseVille durmg thenext two weeks Will Insure thiSgOdl

Top runners {or South have Ill.cluded sophomore Meg MOisenand senIOr Suzanne Cebrowskl,each rllnmng under 20 millutes (orthe three nule course Other topSouth runners Illclude semor LIZKdne, JUniors Kath) MclSh loanlll,Tncla Possellus and Mary JoKalmar, sophomores Bdrb Gir-oux, Karen Campbell ,md KerryBruce, dnd freshmen NdncySoltensch dnd Kelly Riehl

South Will face L'Anse CrueseNorth at 4 pm Oct 12 at Patt-erson Park

The top eight tt'nl1l~ teams intht> state partIcipated III theKlllgS\\oud tOUlnament, \~hlch in-dUded :>choob from ClaSS A, Band CoD

Megh,lI) McMahon won the No 1...mgle~ matl'h, l\1adelell1e Willardthe No 2 "ll1gl e~ a nd MicheleCoddt'll<; ,1Ild Lli Petel ~on the NoI doublt'<; title

"Ttll~ \~a" a good learlllng ex-penenee for our young team,"",lId Prvchllko What we have todo no\\ 'IS to prep.!re for the stateJ!H't't \\ IllCh I'> onl) three \\eeks,l\\ ,1)

Suuth l'I"Oi'!"l'lHmh" Ilmrkat 3-1

~ollth '> guls' (l 0:>:>countr~tt'.lnt upped It... ret'ord to 5 1 \~Ith,I 15 -ill \\ III 0\ er le.lgllt' 11\' dl MtClemen" last \\ eel. South had theIII~t ~I'\ IllIllJeI:> till ough the lllllsh., i

'Ieghan :\lc'lahon

smgles player 111 the :>tate III herfreshman and sophomore ~ears

Pryclutko, proud of :\lel\1,lhon '"talents, calls her' the be~t playeron the team ..

South's \ arslt) tell/liS te,un 1'>baSically a young ~quad It ISmade up of one sel1lor, t\\ 0 Junlars, five sophomore~ dlld t\\Ofreshman

"We had o\er SOgu'ls tty oul forthe team," Pr~chltko ...ald "Wehad to cut down to -11pld) er~ butwe currentl\ !la\(.> onh 39'

There \~ere on1\ 10 \'ell Slt~ po...1tlOns and se\ en J \' :>pots flll theglrb to play tn, Pn dllt ko ",lid'So the girls an' I e,u1\ edger toplay"

"The rea~on \I 1\\ I keep '>0mdny pla~ers IS lhat thel e I:>:>0much mtere:>t In the commulllt\If the girls dre gl\en the l'I(;ht eilcouragement they \\ II! continue to0f'\,plon thl?ll' skill" 111 "ummel'and ~'lIlter programs, SdldPrychltko

"But the real success of theprogram IS 111 the family eneouragement The glrb stal t pi a~ Ing!enms at a young age \\ Ith les~oru,and summer teams, so bv thetime they sho\~ up for high schoolthey already know \\ hat the! aredomg "

"I don't change their game, .said Prychltko, "vou can t domuch m' only a nine to 10 \\eekseason All 1 tr) to do IS to placethem where they are"

By Craig Van VlietGrosse POinte South's tenms

team contmued Its excellence thiSyear, earmng a No - 1 rankmg mthe state!.. by the MIchigan HighSchoolienllls Coacht.>s As~-oclatlon, Sept 27

South's tenllls cOdch StephaniePrychltko \\ as not surprised bythe \\eekl~ rankmg!>

"We'\e \\on the ~tate title forthe last SIX \eaIS, Pnchltko saidbefore the o'ct 2 Kmgs\\ ood meet"It seems \\e re 31\\d\s lankedhigh In the :>tandll1g~. but \~ewon't kno\\ \\ hat the other teamsare like until \H' pldy them at theKmgs\\ood Tournament That swhere \\ e 1I be matched upagamst the top team:> 111 the :>tate,mcludlllg :>econd ranked Blr-mmgham Seaholm '

(South s tenl1l~ team found Olltwhere It :>tdched up agam~t there~l 01 LU~ ~~,H~ It\ :I\. U J t t-':~~(:dthird at the KlI1g~\\ood toume) onOct 2, behllld KlI1gs\\ood andBirmingham Seaholm )

The Kmgs\\ ood tournament wasunlike most meets, Prychltko saIdThe pairing of matches \\ as doneby a dra\\

Returnmg from last) ear's stateteam are Michele Coddens, No 2doubles and :\ladeleme Willard,No 2 smgles

Pryclutko won't be lookmg forNo 1 talent because MeghanMcMahon IS returmng to play hersernor year Meghan \\ as the No 1

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Page 29: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursdc!ly, October 7, /982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS . Page Three-C



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& DessertsLa Menu




Fromm brushed the da; \\ Ith threeInterceptIOns, stoppl-ng se\ eralEast DetrOit dT1\ es \larkLechard reco\ered a fumble andreturned It for a 6O-yard gam Onoffense, Summskl led the Dellls Inrushmg \\ Ith hIS 85 ) ards

After the contest, head COde f]Russ Hepner emphaSized the 1'11

portance of the game 'East De,trOlt was the pre-season ta\ anteThIS game \\ as our toughest sofar, against a good footballteam"

North(Continued from Page 2C)

Regelbrugge and \larc Tlflklan\\ ho notched the last three

The ~orsemen then beat the BigReds for the second tIme of theseason gettmg tll 0 goals each b)TlTlklan and Regelbrugge andanother b\ Dal e Waldeck Goalkeeper Da\ e Loren recorded theshutouts for \\ hlch the defense bto be hlghl~ commended

The JV tIed South on a goal b)Rob Sauers before t\\ 0 goals b)Da\'ld Regelbrugge led the:\orsemen to a 2-1 1\10 0\ er ChlP-pel\a Valle~ :\orth s JV record IScurrently 2-1 I

Bona<,so <,cored the flnt goal ofthe game and a .,trong defen..,(' bvthe Sailors held Romeo !>(oreJe<,..,u ntl! the d osmg m lnutes of thefm,t half

The Gro..,.,e Pomle Ro\ er'> dnunder 14 team "pent lCic,t:'dturd,t)afternoon 1I1 We<,t Lllca pIa) In~the ~u<,a Charger'> Suc(e""fu]play and gOdls bj .John Galldgher(three), \Iatt Wel,>t (t\\O) Loren/oCavalier (one) dnd Chrl<, CaJdv.ell(one) contnhuted to a 7 fJ <,lJutf!ut

Four games "'ere pld~ed (Xt lat Clllver"lt.> Liggett Field for tnegirls' houc;e teams

:m;ST -\,\GS-EXPRESSTl'ICla Jung\\lrth scored the

Mustangs' \\ rnnmg goal, 1-0 on abeautJful shot from fight ,,,\mgThe defen'le led by goalie \tarClaWright and full-backs EleanorAllen and :\1ary Beth HIcks ha\ I'only allo\\ed one goal In threegames For the Express, Gret(henKogel, Stefanle Schaefer andMichelle ZablockI pla~ ed \ er)well

BO'IBERS-JL '0; 10 RSAmy Hawkmg of the Bombers

scored the only goal m a closematch A strong defense was ledby the goalie Tracy Beckenhauerand Beth ;\lercler and :\11chelleFranks For the JUnIors, 'lar~ AIlen, Jenny Partndge and LauraMiller played an outstandmg defenslve game

STALLlO:'liS.STRI K ERSShana 8me, Melissa Cavenaugh

and Donnell Stocker, WIth an offcorner kick) led a great offensl\'eeffort for the Stallions In thiS 5.{)Wl/l. Jennifer Graham, ErinMcHugh, Julie Hlelscher andRebecca Damm played well forthe StrIkers

MUSTA:'IiGS-COl'G-\RSVicky Spicer scored t \\ Ice for

the Mustangs In their 2-1 VIctory,while the defensive play of Kath>Foley, Jenny Lennon, Jane RIceand Heather HeIdel was excellentOn the Cougars' SIde of the field.Katy Pa~e scored a beautIfulgoal JulIe Gayman, Luc)- Rut-ledge and Lauren Fair playedvery well on defense

Diamond Lils Saloon- PRESENTS -

The WORLD SERIESwith Sloppy Joes for '100


(After 7 pm)

SATURDAY, OCT. 16(After J pm.)

MACK corner of KIRBY





11 I m to 11 p m onlvHOMEMADESOUP DAILY


SOllth rotnps toBy Greg Buck

In defeatmg what may havebeen their toughest foe, East De-trOIt , 20-12 last week, the SouthHIgh Blue DeVils upped their var-sIty football record to 4-0, 3-0 IIIthe Eastern MIchIgan League.

South struck fast as Juruor PaulHawk barreled hIS way downfll:old61 yards on the fIrst play of thegame to put South ahead DaleGraham added the extra POInt tomake the score 7-0. Grahamnotched his second extra pomt fora 14-0 lead after Steve Summskiscored South's second touchdownon a 58-yard romp

Halfback and team co-captamKen Fromm mtercepted an EastDetrOit pass and ran It back 56yards, settmg up Hawk's three-yard touchdown scamper to closeSouth's scoring at 20 Graham'sextra pomt try was unsuccessful

East DetrOlt roared back \\ ithh~o touchdowns, but came upshort. missmg tl\-O extra pomts

Once agam the real story of thegame "as the Blue Devil defense.

Grosse PointeSoccerAssociationNews

A week of sunshlOe provJded awarm atmosphere for GrossePomte Soccer AssouatlOn play

The Grosse Pomte Foxes, aglrb' under 14 travel team, metthe USA ~tar,; In Ulica on Oct 3earmng a tie, 0-0 The Foxes de-fense of Sara Waswger, Beth Ed-wards and Amy Lenard playedaggre!>,',lvely, allowmg only threeattempt5 at theIr goal GoabeDebbie Wilson also played well

Cather me Johnston, TIght \\mgscored one goal but had Jt nulhfJeddue to IOJury on the field TheFoxe,." With four games to tom-pl~t,-, ~t~:;C:;'~Q::, ~:'e t1~ fl\r t;;;;p~

and place wtth a record of 1 1,3In boys' travel team actIOn. the

Gro,;se POinte Eagles played twogames thIS week The hrst wasagamst the Warren UkramansThe Eagles took a 5-0 vJctory Twogoals were scored by PeterDodenhoff and one each by BryanBlatt, Peter Dakman and ArmBowman Norman Rice, GeoffreyHarns and Fred Matvlas scoredexcellent mIdfIeld plays

On Oct 3, the Eagles played theRoseVIlle Comets m RoseVIlle andagain won 5-1 to remam undefeat-ed for the season, Dodenhoff scor-ed three goals, Bnan Dlsser andJames Bologna, one each Con-tnbutmg to the wm were defen-sIve plays by Dakman and JamesBologna Dlsser and HarriS madeexcellent plays.

In the under 12 diVISIon, theRebels played the Fraser BlueRacers m Fraser. Goals for thegame were scored br AnthonyAblragl and Steve Fme. GavinHowe had an asstst and Joe Cald-well, John Karabetsos and KyleSchomaker were part of the de.fense that held the score to a 2-2tIe.

The Star of the Sea Sailors (un.del' 12 boys) played their firstgame thIS week against theGrosse Pomte TItans at Parcells.Steve Bonasso and Rice Blohmwere the goal scorers in a gamethat was scoreless at half-tlme.The fmal score was a 2'{) victoryfor the Sailors Their second gameof the week was a loss to the un-beaten Romeo Soccer Club

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Park" contributed 18 of ULS'pomte; With two touchdown,;, threetwo pomt COnVer'ilOnS and a .,cormg pa.,!> to John Kulka, neverthe-Ie".." the KnJght!> could not fmallyhI JOg home the VICtory

The team returns to It'> homefield Friday. Oct 8, to take on~dgllltlW 5t .'\o1dr) dt '1 ,W P m

I L~ Ildlt'rlol hulltu.t' ha('kUnJver<,lty Liggett School',;

glrl'i' \iJr..,lt) tennl!> teiJm, currentl\ I anked No 1 III Class C D,fmJ!>hed another '>uperb \\eck ofplcl; <1<'Jt regl,>terea tnree \ICtOIll''' <lgclll1,>tone defeat

1 he Icld~ KnJghts begdn the\~eek v.lth u IDS., to the pO'H~rfulKwg!>\lood \uld\ark<,. 70 Coach"'an() R) dn'!> Kmg!>v,ood ..,quad,led b, lldtlOn<-lll) ranked .\1eganf o'>ter 1\ ere on(e dgdlll too!>lroIlg for CLS <1'> the> domJlldtedIn both ,>Ingle., clnd doubles TheLcld\ Km~hts refu!>ed to becomedl'>couraged, and they ImmeClldle-l~ bounced back to crush Class A,Dearborn, and archnval, DetrOltCountry Day School, by Identical!>(Ore5 of 7-0

Captam Anng Sherer led the at-tack as !>he posted convmclOg VJC-tone!> In both matches and dem-onstrated why she I!>one of the topfemale athletes In the areaSherer only lost one game In hert\\O matches

CLS fllllshed the \\eek With aresounding vIctory over the fifthranked Class B Generals of Sag-Inaw Douglas MacArthur 52ThIS Important \\10 for the LadyKllIghts was led by Sherer, theexceptional slOgles play of JunIOrsWllldy WhIte and Jenny Peck, andthe. _strength of two doubles duosJulie QUigley and Laune Evans,and LIsette Wolfe and Paula Rod-riguez

The Lady Kmghts are now 7-3for the season as they gear up toJoust the awesome South HIghTrOjans for tenms supremacy 10Grosse Pomte Coaches GeorgeAndrews and Carol von Stade bothagree "We stung the Yellow Jac.kets <DetroIt Country DaySchooD, but It IS going to be amuch tougher task to tumble theTrojans "

Soccer squad upsrecord to 8-0

The L'mversity LIggett SchoolvarsIty soccer team proved ItssuperIOrity over three more teamslast week, despite contll1ued IOJur-les and Illnessest raising ItS rec-ord to 8-0 Two 0 the games werelmporlant to the KnJghts, in-dicating probable performance IIIthe state fmals, later thlS season

The hrst game, pIa) ed Sept 27,at l:LS' fIeld, was agalllst Im-maculate ConceptIOn The game\I as close, but despite the fact theKmghts tr ailed 1-0 at halftime,CLS 0\ ercame the Hamtramckteam 2-1 The t\\O goals werescored by forwards Marty Witt-mer and Rick Roberts

The second game was playedagamst Roeper HIgh School's var-sIty team The Kmghts had al-ready defeated the team once InL"LSt season opener T.he Kmghtsshut out Roeper, 4-0, \\ith goalsscored by Wittmer, Roberts, RobWood and John Brrgbauer

The other Important game theKmghts played last week \\a.sagamst Flint Carman, an A dlVl-slon school and recent statechamplOns The tl\ 0 teams werematched \\ ell but the Kmghts per-se\'ered to claim the \-Iclory 4-3

The l'LS Kmghts pIa) tl~0 homegames thiS \\ eek, Oct 7 agamstBapllst -\cadem) at 4 30 P m andOct 8 agamst Plymouth Chnstlanat 4 30 P m (B~ :\latt Carstens)

~•• at.) ~'1lI ',,"111I v..'. I ~}~'"_::'lilI,.

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4 lUll lilt 'td S5 ~ S6 ~ S7 ~ '4 ~ p,<. '" .~" rn

ULS grid mark

Thel re a brand nel\ tral elteam, 'but they already play hke\\ Inllers The\' are the GrossePOinte BI ue be\lls, the GrossePOlllle Hacke) ~ssoclatlOn SquIrtA travel team

Blue Del lIs team members in-clude Donny Deseranno. PeterBourke TImmy :\!cConnell. JonnyCg\'al Jay Auld, Jason Weid,Bobby Beltz Patnck Bond, An-dre\\ -Bond John Ferguson, PeterDonaldson and Tnpp Tracy

-\fter 10sIIlg theIr opemng gamethe Blue De\ lis \\on their nextthree games to take the Earl;.-Bird hacke\ tOlITnament III Fras-er The Blue De\ 11~ toppedBerkle\ 7 1 trimmed the \VarrenBlues '1-0 and took a 21 \ Icton0\ er Ro) al Oak '

3071 - George Crane 4 26 '16,3092 - Karen Hal mon, 4 27 41,3183 - Ben 1l,lddad 4 32 38 3192- George Fel n 4 32 57, 3213 -Paul StJbo 4 3-1 02, 1227 - ~1West, 4 34 22, 3245 - \\ endy \lar-lall 4 34 58, 3257 -- Rdndall Val'-hee!>, 4 35,36

:'I:umber 3353 - WillIam Cox.4 40 48, 3356 - PatricIa Chargot.44051,3366 - "- Che\aller,4 41 17 3376 - Jean Carel',4 41 53 3415 - Joseph Reed,4 45 35 3447 - ~lal \ Emhauser,4 47 37, 3461 - J Ll\ lfigston4 48 47, 3534 - W Delling,4 56 53 3669 - J Graetz 5 15 55,3742 - LetItIa Giacalone, 5 31 44and 3773 - Carol Balkus 6 04 28

Ernest G (Gus) DavJs traveledfrom Logan. Ctah, to participate1Il the run (or the fIrst tIme The51 year-old manufacturer did a~reat Job for a flrst,tlmer, finish-Ing 1190th In 3 30 35 A Guppusgraduate, DaVIS IS the son of :'.1rs,Ray WadleIgh, of Lmcoln Road -a proud mom \.I ho alerted the:"ev.s to her son's partiCIpatIOn IIIthe eventSouth unbeatenin dual meets

South cross countn teamcrushed:'.11 Clemens, 2140. Sept28 to remalllundefeated.5-0.1Ildual meets thIS season The VIC-tOri also extended South s \\ mn-mg streak to eight straight overtl\O years, the longest In crosscountn !ustor'. at South

Leadll1g the'team III e\ ery meetso far thIS ~ear are senIOr captain:'\Igel Orton, semor Jeff -\rbaughand sophomore Jon Roberts

South s next home meet IS setfor Tuesda) Ocr 12 agamstLAnse Creuse ,orth

Blue De\ils score," in

Vmverslty LIggett Schoor!> val'-.,It:: football tedm, playmg on therOdd for the thIrd tl me In fourweek,>, dropped JI'> thIrd gdme ofthe )ear to SpnngfICld HIghSchool, 4924, Id..,t weekend

Tile KnIght.." dUel' travelingLllI ee houl.., to the we<,tel n MI(hJ-~dn ..,choo!. ..,t<-lrted ..,Iuggl,>hl~ dndfell 1J('lund. 210, In the fll <,t quartel

L nl\ er.."t) Liggett ,>(ured It"fll <,t po IIII'> ,~hell ,Ill pUi po'>€' qU<Jft('1 b<-l(k Jelf Pdl k.., I ('ttll ned <-I"eLOnd qUd! tel kJ(koff H5 ~dl d..,101 .I toudlCW" n dClU d,CII I dU;J

dlound end fO! the t \\ 0 pOlnt (on\ ('I "IOn

PJo.Igued b} JIlJur/e, LLc., LUuldnot (lll ttw delJut d.., -,('llIor : e(C]\Cl ,Jnn \\ood ,lnd defen..,l\ebdck.., Don \1<.Klllght and O,>cdr\1<.<-Inl<-lld h,ltl 10 ledl e the 5"rn"

') Ill.' Kl1Ighl.., plu)JI1g <-Inm"))lrcd ..,ewnd hdlf engwN'1 ed t 110lone ..,conn~ drl\ e.., dnd addedtl\O t\\O pOInt (Ol1\el'>lon.., (I)

lound out theIr .,uJflng dt 24

'em:'\umber 2002 - \<!ll(.\ Burdndt

.l 53 03 207B - Jo!>eph '~1c~111Ian3 55 03, 2103 - H Bo\\er 3 55 432139 - Ju!>tln Fox 3 56 42, 2156-James Walsh, J 57 08. 2224 -John ,\larlatt, 3 58 12, 2239 -Robert ~tcCormlck, 3 58 37, 2280- Stelen Gellman 4 00 36, 2359- 1\1 Fahlm, 4 02 51

Fl'\lSm'\G I, the 2445 spot -CalO!vn Ort\\em, 4 05 28. 2446 -Jennilel Th<-lcker, 4 05 :la, 2460-Paul :\lcKennel, 4 06 06 2546-J \teCIO!>ke~ ~ W 10 2626 - TColes 4 10 00, 2663 - ThomasHo\\ e, 4 11 30. 2671 - KennethCzuba I 4 12 09, 2712 - ~tarthaDonaldson 4 13 42, 2724 - D~lott, 4 13 57, Rod Guest, 4 15 02,Z'n9 - Richard Peters, 4 15 54.2791 - Rosalle Tocco, 4 16 27,2860 - Sign! Larson, 4 19 14 2876- Youngman Cho, 4 19 59(Times for those fInishing 2550through 2620 were not avaIlablefrom the Free Press at presstIme)

;\umber 2887 - John Spath,4 20 14, 2916 - P KeraslOtls,4 21 20, 3007 - Dalld Dysert.4 24 44, 3042 - F ;\~oran, 4 26 02,

Q}rl1E6~ tJl1intr IDUllOli MICHIGAN


Heat couldn't stop

:-'OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVE' !hat the Plunmnll CommissIOn of the ell) ofGrosse POinte \\ oods ....lll hold II public hearmg In the CounCIl Court Room01 the ~tunlclplll BuildIng, 20025 \lack Plaza, Gros~e POInte \\ GOds onTuesds\ e\ enlng October 26 1982 at 7 30 P m to conSider recommendingto the ClI) CounCil the formal adopllOn of the fol\o"lng ordmances

• Proposed Ordinance 10 -\mend Tille \' Chapter 8 of Ihe Clt) CodeEnl1L1l"d Com merclal Busme's Dlst nct 10 pro\ Ide Busmesses \\ herePackagl"d Liquors or -\lcoholic Be\ erages are Sold (or C'onsumpllon OffPremise' ShalJ be Deemed SpeCial L,e 10 E,labh'h Requlremenls forSame

• Proposed OrdmJnce to -\mend TlIle \ ChOlpter 9 of Ihe Clt) CodeEnlltled l' 2 High Inlt'n'lt\ elt\ Center Dlstnct to Pro'ide BUSinesses\\here Packaged LIquors or -\!cohollc Belerage, -\re Sold for Consumplion Off Premise" Shall be Deemed SpeCial l"e to Establlsh Requlrt'-menls for Same

• Proposed Ordmance 10 -\mend Title \ Chapter 14 of the Cll~ CodeEnlltled Board of -\ppeal< to Pro\ Ide Fees for -\ppeals to the Board of-\ppeab

GP:'oI- 1M 82

BEFOHE ~IIE'S till uugh, Brollnell eJghth-grader Holl)Hamnwl \IJlI hale more gold thdn FOlt Knox The 12 )edr-old flgllJ e ..,k,ltCI l d).ltured the gold dgaln, this tIme movlllgU).l a dl\ I'don dnd \IIllJ1lng the Fllst Te!>t Ladlc., Freestyleat the 7th <lnlHldl WV,llIdotte FJgure Skdtmg Club',', Invl-tatwnal Sl'pt 24 tIll ough 26 Holl) '!> Pdt ents, Dr Pamelaand (,odfll') 1l,1Inmel of LlIlcoln ROdd, .'>aj they are proudof thell ..,k,ltPI If .,he keep,> thl'> gold medal routtne upiloil." JU')l JlUh;j~ t. uJ ~iJ ~~ItL ~\LL t~c bc!d !~kf' '~nn1hflrfclmou,> -,ll))llarl) ndllled, ,.,kater

eIt) of Gro~se Pomle \\ oo<!:; re,en es nght to reJecl an) or all Bid, In",hole or In part llnd to I\al\e any lrregulantle:; thereIn

GERALD McNAMARA-\rlmlOl:;tratl\ e Alde

elt} of Grosse POinte ~ oodsi\llchlgan

Contractor mu<l compl) \\Ith Da, I, Bacon -\ct Juh 2 196-1ITItle -10F6-\)Equal Emplo) men! Opportuml\ -\cl September 28 1%5 '\0 /1246 alll"mted States Department of Labor Regulation:; and Standard, Title 29 I,3 and 5 and TIlle 18 L S C sectIOn 874 kno" n as -\ntl Kickback -\c!and Federal OccupatIOnal Safet) and Health o\ct of 1970

CITY Of Q)russr lluintr mllll~U MICHIGAN

Propo<als must be on f(\rm~ furnished b) Land<cape "-rchllect ilnd beaccompanied b} Cerl1fJed or Cashier s Check In amount of £1\ e percentl5'< I of Proposal submitted

Dr a\\lng IS) and SpeclflcallOn~ IRid Package) obtained at office of JohnGnsslm and ~:;soclates lnc Land:;cape ~rchllecls SHe Planners 37801T"'eh I.' \hle Road Farmmgton Hills \11 Check for $SO 00 must be sobmltted as depo'lt for each set same refunded upon return of BId Packageto Land~cape -\rchltects office In good COndl110n '" Ithm ten (10) da) s ofBid opening \lake check pa}able to John Gnsslm and ASSOCiates IncPlease call 553 ZSOOBEFORE pIcking up Bid Documents

-\ccepted Bldder 'Wl\1 be required to furnish ~allsfacto[) PerformanceBond Labor and ~Iatenal Bond, each In amount of 100<-,of Conlracl tolalcost of '" hlch to be paId b\ accepled Bidder

0\11 Propo~al~ :;uhmllted to remam fIrm for a period of forty flH 14'i\ da)safter offlClal OpenlOil of BId_

~1r Gerald ~1c'amara -\dmlnhlratl\ e -\Ide \\Ill rece" e sealed Bids forIrr/gallon Strel'lscape DI'H'lopmenl of \1ack -\\ enue until 11 00 am\londa\ OClober 11 1982 at the offices of the Clt\ of Grosse POinte\\ ood' 20025 \lack -\, enue Gra,se Pomte \\ oods \H 48236 at \I hlch timeand place all BIds'" III be publlcl\ opened and read aloud

General Outlme of \\ ork COn.,ISIS of fUfmshl'lg all Jabor matenalsequipment and lncldenlal Items for Streelscape IrngatlOn De\ elopment

Contract to be a",arded under thiS 1m Ilallon for Bid fmanced \11th Federa! Funds -\tlentlOn IS called to facI Il]at not less Ihan mmlTnum salanesand >\ ages a~ "et forth In Contracl Documents must be paid on thiSproJecl and Ihat contractor must e'l-ure that emplo}ees and applIcantsfor emplo) ment are not dlscrlmmated agamst because of race colorrellglO'l <1.'\ or national origin In accordance Illth E\ecutne Order 112-16Equal Emplo) ment Opportunlt) ""oLce of Reqlllrement for o\fflrmatl\ I.'

-\ctlOn to En,ure Equal Emplo, ment Opportunlt\ and the :\fOOe1 FederalBId CondltJOns

Sports Week(l'ontlrlUl'd from I'llge lC)

been shown," G P Cable TV general manager MIkeReynold" saul la"t week . 'We could have ovendden It, hadwe kno\\n abollt It That contract calll> for a blackoutwhether 01 /lot the local CltY'b team Ii'> Involved 10 thegame, 01 even \\hetlwr the team IS playing at all that night

"In the futlll e. no matter \\bat gam<> It Ii'> or when thegame I.., on, \\e 11 black It out I wouldn't \\ant to make theleagup m<ld." Heynold., ddded

011, \\ (,II It \1.1., fun ~\hIll' It la!>ted. ebpeClall) blOce theTlgel!> took a 3 2 \\ III OW'I the Bu <I" E\ Idently thobe cablebubsCI IbcI <, \\ 110 ..,a\\ It wanted It to la.,t too - Heynolds..,n) S Ill' dldll I I (\cel\ e a <'lIlgle (dll about the InlX up

GP:O; - I(}i 82

Chester E. Petersen<:'11) -\dmlnlslrator Clerk

It ontlnUl'd fl um Pdj(t' Ie)

,l 20 5l 848 -\ H 0 twrt 3 21 41930 - \/,Ill Gue"t '1 21 14 !1!14--Paul Rentenbdch

:'\urnber 1012 - DenniS Bre..,coll3 26 32 1048 - T \/hem, 3 27 17,107 - \lldldel Hoffman, 3 27 44,1077 - Bob Kle<;~ 3 27 52 1162-"I(hael .\Ibrechr Jr 3 30 02,1180 - \\' Salot ~ 30 32, 1241 -Elizabeth Cros~ 3 31 43, 1260 -Patrick Dugan 3 32 13 1288-\'al('ll(' Stone 3 31 lJ, 1311 -:\llchael Skaff 3 33 50 140.1 - JHo\(' 3 36 09, 1415 - Fred ZIelke3 36 20 1474 -- Jo!>eph 0 Toole3 38 02 1477 - Ilse Hamel'S,3 38 09, 1535 - P Doe, 3 39 35,1:>47- Jo"eph Loplccola, 3 39 50

,umber 1563 - Earl DUignan,3 40 29, 1581 - Ron Lane,3 40 58. 1584 - Paula Vernor,3 41 03 1600 - Robert Cole,34146, 1716 - J Ll\lngston,3 44 50, 1721 - Jeanne BOCCI,3 44 59, 1736 - Kenneth Wright,3 45 32, 1761 - ~llchaeJ SchmJdt.3 46 22, 1802 - Jack Frakes,3 47 20 1821 John BenOit,3 47 43 1889 - BIll Shelden.3 49 47


Page 30: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

• .$ sa

Page Four-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Octobe, 7, 1982

CLASSIFIED ADS Call 882-69006 Trunk Lines to Sen1e You Quirklv•

RESPONSI BLE adult "Illhouse~lt mllllmum 6month, references 5217220

HOLSE~ITTr\G fall \loInter Respon~lble emplo) edprofes<;ronal ,eek, to pro-\ Ide con,clentlous care forplants and pets Reference~ Dem~e 778 -40445

GOVERNESS needed for 3chIldren, 11 30 a III 7 P m0\1 n tr<ln,pOl tatlon Hepl)wIth 't'ferente:> to boxL 30, LJro,:>e POlnte Ne",:>,99 Kl'fl heva! (,ro~:>ePomte F,lrm::. -182.16


of the A;'.\\\ AY OppullulIlI\ )Call :-'f.t1 Jl~n ,It 112-11200

WOULD YOU Lt' Ifllt" t',ledIn <l He.11 E,tatl' Cdlel'r'No" I' tll(' tltlle ,1llU oppor

~ .. th".., l~ l' nl"., I~l.U.ioU\.) ,..... ..... ... • ..

r wd Mdkl' , uur~elf rl'<ld}for the Good 'IltlW, toIeJppedl Celli Ann (.ood •man 88t> J060

DRIVEH~ - Opt'llIug:> .1\ .Illabll' !III hoUl' opeu Needgood dfl\ IlIg fl"-Ol d 15501\telck <II "\olllngh,lm

T\ PiNG HEQl:IHEDReport:> of 25 50 p<lge:> per

~eek. IBM SeICl tnc reqUlred for VdrlOUS t}pe:>t) les, accurac) :> on schedule C<illbet"een 7 009 00 pm88t 1257


• Top Pel\• High SIJndJrd~• In:>ured Bonded ~Upel \ I:>

ed• Chlll( e of /lour" e1ml Da\.>

Cdll for 1Il10rmationbet",een ~4



L1\ E 11\ compaOlon dlde rorclderh Iloman In Gro-sePOinte Wood, 8rt'1t non~mokl11g &46 0Il95

\\'OVLD LIKE dt'pendablemalure ",oman 10 bJb\ ~Ilour 6 month old son l/l ourhome :o.fond3) S 7 30 J 01 :,pm o"n IranSp0rlaliOnReferenct'~ reqUIredPlease call 885-6476 after 6pm------

COOK 'hou:>ekeepl.'r ~Iu:>th\ e In Rclerence, rl'qulred TV 50i"..'O

CLE-\:\I\G lad\ Thursda\'SGro:>~e POlnle 0\\ n transport at Ion reference~ Callafter 6 886 61 tl

LIVE 1:'\ Hou~elo.eeper 'tature lad\ needed (or elderly \10 oman I neludes allhousehold duties somepersonal care ~loross Harper area :\0 ,mokmg reference, nece"gar)463 5995


SALES REP fOI<lgenc\ 8l\6 7881



ROAD, Mon, Wl'd Girlf'rlday "lth bookkeepIngdnd general office :>kllbCall 9-5 882 2415

MASONS - A World of 14.-A-M--E-l-P-W-A-N-T-E-D--Shops. experienced sales DOMEST1C\\ omen (or full or pllrttime Appl) In per~on Ma 1-----------sons Shop. To\\er 100, 2nd GROSSE POf:\TEle\el Ren Cen 25~5079 EMPLOY~iE':T -\GEo,;CY

ATTENTION No\\ hIring Needs Cook:> :\ annlesfor ne\o\ readUlg de\E~lop- Maid:> Housekeeper:>ment For lllter Couples Nur:>e \Ide <-\Ie" call 88S-1089 CompanIOns and Da)

---- ----- - -- Worker~ (or prl\all' homesTYPIST needed for aUorney, Experience Jnd Ieference"

to "ark part time must reqUIred I&5H 'lack o\\Cha\e own t)pel~nter i72 nut' Gra:>,e POlllte Farm:>7126 885-4576

BABYSITTER needed for 3and 5 year old on Tues.da}s, 8 am" p m andFrlda)s 8 a m I pm In01) Gros~ Pomte Wood~home !lJust be dependable, 10\ es children andha\e own trensportatlOn881-5590

RESTAURANT HELPCook prep person, barten

der, "alter cockta!l ",altress Expenence v.lth references onl,' Near RenCen 259-3273 bet",een 2 5pm


Seek per:>on Jble to t) pe <Ietureltcl), mInimum 50"'pm, mu:>t h<l\ (' gllodIlhlth dnd generdl office~kllb and ple<l:>~nt helpfultl'll'llhone manm'r Kno"ledgl! of mortgdge 10elll:>Pi e(en ed Will \Iork III ourmam office of do ....nto\\ nDetrOit Competlll\ e ~al-ar) and bene{lt~ ,\pply Inperson, 10 d m 2 p mMonday through Friday,Per~onnel Department 5thfloor Flr,t Federal of l\llchlgan, 1001 Wood\\c.lfdDetroll, r.hch ~8226 AnEqual Opportumt~ Employer

DRIVER for eJderJ;!adyNoon:>, Tuesday throughFflday, from Colonldl Ctto Golden Lion $6 roundtrip TV 25138-------- -~--

RESPONSI BLE sliter \\ Ithreferences needed Tue,da)aud Thursdelv late dflernoons Musi have OIl ntransportatIOn Plea:>e call823..rn6~---_._--- -- --

SECRETARY (or :>mallmanufacturer's rep agencv Located an GrossePomte ExpeTJence preferred Send re:>ume to BoxJ.75, Grosse POinte News,99 Kercheval Ave. GrossePOinte Farms, 1\11 48236

CHILD CARE - Enthuslastic, \\arm - dependablemW\ldual needed to carefor mfant 10 our home7 45 a m to 5 -15 pm MATl"RE \\O~l-\:-; to bab).Tuesda). Wednesda}, Thurs SIt full lime III 01) home,day Il23-3256 7 Expres.:>'" a} area Refer

DENTAL assistant - e"per. ences needed Call 527lenced 4 da)s, bus) ofhce _385_1 _St ClaIr Shores i72.902l) AIDE 10 elderh 1\ oman fe

EXPERIENCED person for male light ciutle~ 11\ e mphone sales at home -\d pleasant home Cad.. anced opportullltl- for leu, ~lack area 8865500acrue\ ers Send resume or or 343'()i75leller of mtroductlOn to ------- --POBox 175, 5t Clair CLE o\~I"G \\ O~H \ - forSoores, -tao8O v. orkmg coup Ie e\ erl-

other Thur:>da) or Fnda)LEGAL secrelar) Some la" ReqUIres someone \\ ho \\ III

experience required $200 a do '" hat needs to Ix> done &1A eek to start 884-l84G do It \\ I'll -\fter 7 30 885

M ~ Tl'RE Secretan Book 571Hkeeper for ~mall preStlgl~ -- - -ous Grosse POlllte officeGood language skillsImportant, bookkeepmgthrough flllancial statements Expenence on electromc t) pe"'Tlter helpfulSend resume to Gros~ePOinte ~ev.s 99 Kerche\ ai, Grosse POInte Farms48236 Box S 26 Repllebv.11I be held In confidence 4e-HOUSE SlmNG

----- -- - - SERViCeSSECRET-\RY ReceptlOOIst _

dl\erslfJed skills generaloffice duties Appl} 9-12,Stock Brothers 220;7~10und Rd Warren---- -- -

CRuiSE ship Jobs great III

come potential -\11 oecupatlOns For I/lformatlOn call (312l 7419780ext 1865-------

PART TIME letter ~hopExpenence an assortmg2nd 3rd class mall Wnte S-SITUATIONBo\ 36223 Grosse POinleMI -l8236 WANTED

\\;-A~n-E~D-- -Reliable personH --O-U-S-E-C-L-E-.A-:o,-I-:'Ij-'G-a-n-d-o-fto babYSit III my home 2 flce cleamng Reasonablechildren, ages 3 & 5 Call rates Ask for Sandv 5T7.

_88&-_3855__ a_ft_er_4_30__ i218 .GENERAL c1emal - ~mall -

office FIrst :\latIOns! RETIRED nur~e "'IshesBUilding do"nto",n De house ~Ittlllg Fall "IntertrOlt Start $150 per week 1\ allable no\\ 8826140963 0420 COVIP -\:\ ION alde w"iiJ help

SALESPERSON wanted un- elderl) afternoons ~omeI usual opportulIlty to set _~~ght~ 882 ~t~ __ _ __

your own schedule and PROFESSIONAL \10VERS,earn any amount you WlshFree pre hcense cJa~ses rea~onable rate~ 10 )earsand advanced cia s<;es In cxpenence paeklllg boxesall phase~ of Real E~tate pro\ Ided EstImate, 881


296~3420 ~5 ~f~~rhome, evenl/lgs

JOB INFORMATIONO.. erseas, CruIse Ships,Houston, Dallas, Alaska$20,000 to $60,000 yr pos-SIble Call 805-687-6000Ext J-I626 Call refund-able


PO:>ltlon:> ll\all<lble fOI fulltime ~"Ile:> <l~OC1Jte:> Aggre:>:>I\ e, e\pelndlllg ReellE,telte firm ~peclllllllng InGnl:'be POInte prop~rtleshab relocated to larger ofhceb In Ihe \ l!lage ExcelIl'nt bdt'k up (d('llttlt'~ pt ()-\ lded traInll1g top nolchcomml:>,IOIl:> e1nd LOcentl\e~ W,II tllllll free Confldentllli mqull U~:>to o\hCl'BO)l'1 ~'hulte, 8818900




DISHWASHERS needed 1m-me<hatel), da) s 8.3 pm,$.l 50-$-400 per hour Before8 d m or DOer II p m11815816


Treldes, Industrtell, techOIeal, profeSSIOnal, etc60'2247 5454, Code !\II 4

GIRL FRIDAY - RECEPTIONI~ r \1.llIted to process mcomlllg calls SomeI) ping Must have reference~ !\lon Frt, Sat ~da) Call Schultes RealEstate 881 8900---- -------

EXPERIENCED seamstressfull or part time PrOOuclion \\ ork for small hIghfashIOn \\ omens \\ earcompan} Must knowcommercial machInes88H1l97 from 10-5

FEMALE keyboard playerneeded for rock band 8232223, Da\e

WAITRESSES, pIzza cooks.dIshwashers, (u)) trme961-4319

GOOD TYPIST, pleasdntphone manner "Ith deSireto learn Insurance Repl}to Grosse POinte Ne\lrs, 99Kerche\ al Grosse POinteFarms, Box V 76

EXPANDING OUR bUSinessLooklllg for Illdl\lduals"ho are Interested III Increasing their mcome Call882-2274 after 5

PAI:-JTERS, must be fullyexpertenced \0\ Ith caulkmg,glazlIlg, and spackhng882.31>45

BABYSITTER wanted for2"7 year old boy, parthme 882-2981

MATURE \\oman to care for2 children after schoolfrom 3-7 each week day,\\111 need a car and references 775-3506

KEY PEOPLE needed tosell. recrUit, and superVIseIn health nutritIon and"elghl control program$50 000 plus pOSSIble 1st) ear IIlcome 881-9191

EXPERIENCEDDependable larly \\ ho can

care for 2 year old boyWeekends, 8 30 a m -6pm. should not drmk orsmoke Needs own trans-portatIOn and referencesPlease call Mrs Kim at468 0917 or after 4 pm,469-07.ffl

COMPUTERIZED pa)ro!lbookkeeper for privateclub, full time posItion824-1200

WO~fA~ W~:\ TED to bab}SIt mfant III m) home 2 3da)s per \o\eek Referencesre'luested Salar) negotlable 881 9798


IF YOU FEEL YOU ARE WORKING BELOW YOURCAPACITY In your present posItion, we \\-ouldlike to talk to you We are a small, well fmancedcompany, located on the east SIde who marketcomputer equIpment on a natIOnal baSIS OurvIce presIdent requIres a person to assIst 10 alldetaIls m workIng Wlth our present and prospec-tIve customers If you have been out of school for2 to 5 years (any degree acceptable). are crea-tive and want a change, please send your resumeto Box N.2, Grosse POlllte News, 99 Kercheval,Grosse POInte Farms, 48236

DENTAL ASSISTANT-\re ..ou expenenced'> Do }OU want to assocIate wlth aprofeSSIOnal staff of carmg people? Full time emplo.,-ment for the nght person


CHRISTMAS POSITIONSWe need full & part tIme people for sales & gIft \\rap-

pmg to mamtalll the fme personal servIce whIch ISour year around traditIon

You \\111 enjoy the added holiday mcome employeebenefits & the satIsfaction of v.orklllg \0\ Ith nicepeople like )our<;elf III beauhful surroundmgs Pleaseapp!) III penon 9 30-5 P m



PUBLIC RELATIONSsales fIrm desires to addsales manager HumanrelatIOns Commumca-tlOn and sales trammgfJeld. must be self.motivated :"lo travelCommISSIon potentialftrst }ear, $25 OOO-plusSend resume to 21616Harper St ClaIr Shores,Mlch 48080 or call 774-n14


OPPORTUNITY all poSitIOnsavailable, $585 per hour,dehvermg service forms,order lakmg and sales 1/1-volved No experience reqUlred Must have trans-portatIOn Not under 18preferred 772 7786 be.tween 125 pm

CARETAKER couple freerent plus small \\age Rehable. sober 885 5691

IDEAL FOR mature personto babYSit In my home for2 month and 4 year old, 3days a v.eek References885-7841

DENTAL HYGENIST v.ant-ed full ttme posttlon, InHarper Woods Expenencenecessary Please call,371-5320

PART-TIME posItion forperson With artlsttc back-ground PrefN male col-lege student for ChristmasShop m-3620

110 Lo"e and R"er P,eperl\121 Commercoal Propert\12f No"he'n PrOpell\1] Real Eslate13A Lois lor Sale138 CemetNI P{()pelly13C L~nd C"nlract>130 For Sale ar Lea,et4 Reol E,tate WOrlted141. Lo!> Wanted14B Vocat,;)n or Subu, barl

Properry Wonted,~(" Q......"I f ....'<"fp f ...rh('1""1'lfl'

15 Bu"ne" Oppor IUrl'lie,16 Pets for S~le161. Ho,,~, lor Sale168 Pel Groom,ng16C Pet Boord,ng160 Adopt A Pel19 Prmt",g and Engra,mg2;:1 Generat Se<\ ICe20A Corpet Lalln9208 Refrlgerotlon and All

Cundltlon,ng Repo"20C Ch,mney and Flteplace

Rtpaor20D,ths20r In,utallcn20F Washer and Dlyer RePelt20G Gloss Morrar Servlce20H Floor Sand",g21 Mav,ng21 A P,ano ~er"ce2 II Sew",g Mach,ne21 C Eleclrlcol ServIce210 TV and Radla Repa"2 I E Slorm, and Screens21F Harne Improvement21G Roo"ng ServIce2 I H C:lrpet Cleaning21-1 Pa,nl"'\), Decoralon\)21J Wall Wosh",\)21K W,ndow Wa,h,ng21L Tile Work21M Sewer Service21H Asphalt Work210 Cement and Srock V.o.k21 P WaTerproof'n\)21Q Ptaster Work21R FurnIture Repair215 Carpenter21T Plu-nblOg and Heetong21 U Jonotor Ser"ce21V SllverplatlOg21W Dressmak,ng end TJ,lrorlf\g21 X Drapenes21Y SWlmm,ng Pools21% Snuw Removel "nd






LOST MALE Siamese Bluecollar Mack/prestwlckarea 881-9577 or ll8G-tl75

CABLE lock found on Kercheval near Punch andJudy Owner needs ke}TU 5-3141

LOST - Camera, bnght }ellow pocket MlnoltaWeathermatlc Jeffersonand Berkshire, GrossePomte Park October 3rdReward 824-3100

FOt:l\iD ON Balfour September 28, beaullful fe-male !;,IUen, approxImateIy 8 months old gre) Withblack slrlpes \\hlte pa\\swhite mark on noseTramed and very lovlllg824-{)848

PLEASE - Lost smalllong-haired hrown & mul-ti-colored black face CalmTerner, 1()"1-82, Verruer &Marter No tags 1 yearold 1 upper tooth mlssmg885-0015 after 6 30 Re.ward

MISSING - One Hot Cycleand one BIg Wheel Dev.onshlre (between Ker.cheval and Vernor) 881-1499

FOUND - 3 months ago alarge male cat unneuteredSolid grey WIth gold eyeson :"lottmgham south ofJefferson area 8226734after 6

LOST - September lOth, Igrey male cat, flea collarand red collar, generousreward for IJlformatlOn orreturn 822-2351 or 882 9600

SALES HELPFull or part tIme y, anted

from jour house or mllleCall 771-M25

\VANTEDmature--d~t-;1receptlOllIst Four daywork week, benefits 294.1550------------

DESK CLERK, experIencedonly, need apply 9-2 3722003

Sf't'TER nperled 'J evemngs aweek for pre schoolerPrefer mature womanMust have own transportahon North E DetrOitarea References 343-0323

..... "'......... "" .......

, Legal Notlce1A Per,onolsII 5ecretaroal Se<\lCe'C Public S~leID Ob,tuarles2. Enterta,nmenl2A MUSIC Educal,,,n18 TutOring and Educall~n2C Hobby In;truchen2D Camp,11 Athlet,c Instruct'"''2.F School,





VIOLINiVIOLA lessons -SuzukJ classes formmg mGrosse Pomte Artistteacher 5466290, 647-6622



2Q943 Mack CERTIFIED teacherCall \\eekdays 881-2920, tutoring m all subjects,

881-5738 grades 1-8 881-8452

GROSSE POINTE INSTI. MATHEMATICS - Estab-TUTE OF MUSIC Former hshed tutor and cerlthedstudents of VOIce, plano and teacher seeks students atorgan contact Mrs Junker, all levels 881-8633823-1721 Also new studentsaccepted


Speclallzmg m begmnersHas limited number ofopenmgs Located between8 and 9 MJle Road off Lake-shore

FRENCH Tutonng, pnvatelessons conversatIOn classe~ III my home Ph D can.dldate \\ho h\ed III France4 }ears ll8G-2S34

- --MATH/SCIENCE tutofmg all

level~ and areas Yourhome Graduate studentPOlUte references CallSteve 885-ro74

PIANO LESSONS m yourhome Exp-eflenced, cer.hfted teacher Bachelor ofSCience m MUSIC education884-3581

PIANO LESSONS, quall(ledteacher, my home 882-m2


Begmners and mtermedlateGrosse Pointe Shores


PIANO LESSONS In yourhorne ExtenSive background, certtfled teacher884 7635

VIOLIN lessons by profes-slOnal but lllexpensiveFormer St LOuts PhIl-harmOniC member 885-7603

PIANO lessons quallftedteacher my home 882-nn

VOICE TEACHER - Mas-ter's Degree, Wayne StateExtensive expefll'nce, allages accepted 885-5057




63 Kercheval on the HIli143-0836 343.Q836

ENTERTAINMENTBands, strmg quartets, pup-

pet sho\\ s, magIcIan andmore




ENTERTAINMENTCall now, Marce Haney


3 lost and Fuund.. Hdp Wonted ~nerul41. 'iel, WonleJ Domellic41 Ser~ICc, I" E>.chonge4C H~use SIIt,ng Se""es5 S,luat,on Wanled

MAGIC SHOWS - AvaJldble 5A S,tuatlon Domesl,cfor blrthda) partles ban 51 Empla~ment Agen,~quel:. ) our :>ocldl affaIr 5C Calerong

_ C!Il_-!.tn~Shannon, 885 6699 6 FOl Rent Udurn"hLdCHAMBER MUSIC Ensemble, 6A Fal Renl Furnished

Flute, ClaSSIcal GUItar, 61 Rooms for RentCello For Any OccasIOn 6C OHoce for Renl8322175 60 Vocation Rentals

61 Garage for RenlHYS1ERICAL comedy.mag. 6F Shore L,vlng Quarters

IC Dtfferent sho\\-s for Slore Leasechildren and adults Pn. :~ For Rent or Sofe.. ate parties, banquets, 6J Hall, for Renlschool as~emblles Ten 6K Slologe Spaceyears expenence 527-0017 1 Wanled to Rent

1A Room Wonted71 Room and Boord Waroled7C Gora\le Wanted1D Slcroge Space WontedI A.rtlcles for SoleIA MUSICal Instrument>aa AntIques for SaleIe Off,ce EQUIpMent, Arllcles Wonted10 SnowmobIle for SolelOA Motorcycles for SolelOa Trucks for Sole11 Cars fcr Sole111. Car Repair111 Cars Wonted 10 BuytIC Boals and MolarslID Boat Repair11 E Boat Dockoge and Staroge1 t f Trcl!ers and Compers11 G Mobile Homes11 H A,rplane,12 Suburban Acreoge121. Suburoon Home121 Vocal Ion Property12C Farms for Sole



NO\'EN I\. ST JUDEApo,t!lO' dnd mdr) Ir great III

\ Irt ue fleh III mIracles,klll,man of Chf1~t lllterc('s~or of all \\ ho 1Il\ oke\ vur aid III tIme of need, I~rd) to )OU to use )ourGod gl\<'1\ po\\ el tv aid meIII In) III gent petition Inreturn I proml,e to make\our name kno\\n Three\...l"'II1l " lr\', fhrPfl ~\(\r1a<;,

Publlcdl10n mu~t be promI:>ed NO\ena never fdlbSa} for mne (9) da):>

ST JVDE In ThanksgIving(or (a\ors rect'l\ed thl:>pa:>t \\eek



881 7031


FEMALE dn\'er \\anted toPhoelllx about October20th 885-3956

KINGSBURY & Son's, lamprepatr, canmg, rehmshmgReasonable 527-3187

ST PETERSBURG, FlondaWoman Wishes 10 rentcondo 1 or 2 females pre-ferred WIll dflve 881-4436

FASHION T"o Twenty Cosometlcs Free skm care andmake-up lesson by ap-pomtment Stella, n3-0660

Pad .. H b 10o\"1Il1!. formall' lpt eferabl) \ to headup the Webelo:> dell Noe'\penence ne~eb'dr) onl)\\ LJllllgne~~ to \\ ork \\ lth 10\ear old bo\ S WIll tramPledbe Celli ~lona Zumbro8829658- - - - ----

GY\l\ o\STfCS - 2nd monthh ~e~~lOn 5131 t~ \\eek 01October 15th $25 Eastpomt 77-1 1000--------

Cl"STOM made draperresselectIOn of quahty fabncFree estimates Call Lorean 892 4233






consultationDIscreet. conftdentlal & rea-

sonable Call Mr. Wood-Side 757-{)684 or 363 7723


... .....,.. ~ ... " .......,' l (" \ C"."" •tv\..1 "..alL- ......... vv ............v o.J ... "" .....

THA1I.K YOlT mfant Je:>u:> ofPrJgue (or .\11 f.l\OI:>granted L ~

TRl CI\ ,tOl age .1' alldble(Lot In Hill pl'! Wood:»3i2 7814 or 8392073

\\ o\:-<TED rider fem.lle toDem er lea\ I ng 10 1-18288-1 2565

PERS0:\.\L :>hopplllg ,er\ Ice fO! lhlldren and adultdot he" or glfb C,ll! 2865159

HlIfJPYTw. HlMfkA~

1H't. HAft H(g bue

JHI&6. H


RelaxatIOn TherapyMyomassology


19934 HARPER


For all occaSIons for as !title as $10 - deh .. ery available Ask about mcludmg a "baked dally" Ne\" Yorkst}le cheese cake for Sweetest Day or any e\ent tobe remembered 882-4968

PSYCHICESP, Tarot card readings Ad .. lce on all problems of

life All readmgs pflvate and confidential Call Mary9 am -7 pm



Our deSign or } our deSign Specl3l1zmg III custom flt-tmgs Coats SUItS. dresses and alteratIOns


DON'T COOK tomght - CallDial-A Meal before 12 noonand have a home-cookedmeal dehvered to yourdoor 884-9468

LITE DE LITES>lave you trIed the NEW

SUGARLESS (11 calones)and LOW CAL (9 calones)all natural CANDY 15flavors Great for dIabeticsand hypercanetlcs (on

RESUMES by Lynn Profl's. phYSICIan's adVIce) NoslOnally composed & IBM sorbitol No aftertastetype written Phone for ap- TerrifiC for HALLOWEENpomtment 296-1032, Dlstnbutors wanted 885---------

ALOHA I Hula dancer WIll do 4894authentIc Island dances at )RDER YOUR hand-made)our party Call Shan, 939- Halloween costumes now1719 children's or adults Call

---- 77I.()727 after 6WEDDING candlds Select :'IT JUDE, thank you for an-

from 125 pre\ lews Free swermg my prayers M Hne\\spaper photo J S DeForest. 884 -1852, 882-0046 IVANTED - Red deVIl and

VIDEO TAPING _ Wed. black cat costumes, sizes6-8 882-7992dmgs, parties and re-

umons Keep It forever WOULD Weslej Houk or a881-0848 famIly member please

, contact Frank L De.uNIVERSITY of ?thchl- CaVItte

gan Michigan State foot- BEREA CLASS lIIvltes~i~game, 2 tickets, 886- selllor clttzens to our Sun-day school class, Sundays,9 45-10 45 a m 21001Moross Road

"BE A STAR' Have your\\eddmg ceremony and re-ceptIOn Videotaped m fullcolor and sound CallMemones Vtdeo 758.2875 "


Ha\ e a Pleasant PastimesHome Part". DIscover thee"clhng wo'rld of sensuousIIngene and personal prod-ucts for \\omen It's fun!!Call Grace. n6-3840

CeSTOM DRAPERIES byMafia Reasonable pflcesFI ee eshmales. Free in-stallatIOn Ball blinds 25'7<off through November Is1886-1381 or m.2472

VOL R HOME a \Iork of anFramed, pen and mk "atlt:'l (.'0IU1 Ul 'VUI l~Uloll\.

busmes:. or bOat B\ CarolA Smclalr 886 8468 .

STAI:'I1ED GL-\SS - WIOdo\\ s. lamp~ mirrors Je\\elry bo\e:> unique giftsalso glas:> I epalr Homebusllle"b dllo\\s I ea,onabJepI Ices References 3824112


S\\edlsh. Deep Muscle, Refle'\ology techmques Natural uutntlonal counseltngby class or appOIntment

_ Cal~ JUd~~2 38~ __

NEED CREDIT CARDS'Ne\\ credlt card No one re-fused' InformatIOn on recelvlIlg VISA. MASTER-CARD \\ Ith no credIt checkCall Pubhc CredJl service602-949-0276 Ext 6.n






WANTEDone or mam

Prl\ ate collector \\ iii pa\ dn\I (,dsonable pflce

644 7312

CLOCK and pockE'l \\ atch repaIr Grandfather mantleannl\ ersal \ clocks cuckooclock:> SpecialIZIng Inhou:>e calls 8M 9246


Page 31: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursday, adobe I 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P~ge Five.C

MAN N~;ElJ~ odd loli, r.,kIIIg, \'dlld()~ \I .hhlngl'J('dn, g.!! <lge, lid'I'mellh light IIdUlw~ ('I(

112225,11 1\1, 01 \11'!lul,1

V Al'A'I101I. \1\ J) IH'phl'ud'>111Illg \ /lUIl~ "t hlJltIddy ~111 1,.1I1h \OUI

,('hoo! .. gl' (hddl"11 1\1111

'I' L ( 12 \t'", (" 11','1I'olllt(. Il"lU('1I1 i' X( llllHI(, ro,.,.' POlllll I ('II I (rH I"

llil5 71'lU 0) 7721'111J

~Nl)\~ HI \l()\ \1 I' "dt'l)tl.d (OJrllllllll,d '>I'.I'OU.d pl'l IlllIt IJI" IlIlIll 101P.1l h I I gh/I "I Hi') H<l.! !!i.lJ

EXl'r IIn \( 1'1> pIO!1 "Jon,II 11101 tI, IIlg 01 'lIl.dl1Il0H' H".t 'Olldbl. (.dl!lIl2 W4i

~: \ \ E'>'IIWl (,II,> I h ,,"t'ddill! 111'.111'(\ III t\PII

''''U,,'<I ("Ilt~' " .. 'Illtlt l" C, '11 r f 11 ltdf III ~11~ll1T


\\ I" D(J II Ill(\O\I, \" )oll Iou,m.ill OJ I II gl Jo,( 1'/1

\1011 I 0'0 I .lIl 'I .' 11\ I> lUpill 11221>414

1'\1\11\(, Joll, dl'1I1l! III1,'rlVr .tIll! (\IUIVI rHI

t',llIn.dt, Ih!tl'rlll"qu,dll\ \1 IIII-. 771 117lJ2

(,lIIEH I<EI'\IH & dtdllm!: 1>01\ n'I.lOUl'> flu,lwddrdlll' (huhed 1<,."011doll' !lIl23lJ.l5

IlA \0\ 'II ~" p.WltIU~pluJl1l1l1lg l'I...(tlll.J! \()JOB r(Jo ~\1-\[ L' (JIIBob H82 lO-t5

CO~1P-\ \ 10\ - "ill! 't' , .,Jd..dlld 'illlllg rll'\lbll hOII"rdlil/Ill' 0\111 IlollhjJUII "t WI! 1181 b2lb

.\IA:". J2 DE~IHE~ (om11<1111011 .lId\? to m,lII H,'ll'rl'n( (', 1m n Ir.Jn~porl<lllon8!l5 SUb

-\ \1 LOOKl:\G 101 d.1\\\01 I,. Child Cdre nur~IOR Ic.tre hou"ekeepJllg E\pt'rlellU' III JIl fll'ld, Colli\Ir, Ilud,on 011 82~ lB49from 8 10

L1CE-";SED dd\ tal e IllfantI hrough kwdl'rgdrlen1"0 urt een ""d r~ e \ pI' rIe nee man) Gro~~e Ptedre.l reference~ B82 ~738






:\ear Village and HilIShoppmg Apartmenl IIIeludes cenlral air newfully appllanced carpetmg. washerldryer electriC cardoor opener garages andall mamtenance ThiSlarge and Immaculate 3bedroom UnJt lS a\allableOctober 1st $695 8828332


!'Iottmgham near Jeffer-son Garage basement.fireplace. $375


MACK Nollrngham apartment, upper. heat mduded larpeted references.'$230 3430152

LONGVEEW - Park DTlvebrJlk 2 bedroom upper$175 plus utJlltle., 372 5129

GRO~~E POinte Park - 5room upper Ideal foadult, S(cuflty depo~lt8249941

BARHAM flr"l blolk norlhof M"ck upper 2 roomkitchen bath newl~ delordted carpetmg $165 amonth, $250 ,elurn> 8(155196

MARYLA';D - bl PdulLarge one oc-l!r()(}m uppefI <It $295 p€'r mon th 1Ildude" hedt ,to~e refflg"rdtor gdrage 8228457

3 BEDROO\1 LPPER flac'ro",e POinte Park $>00 amonth 1182 2667-- - - -

~IAR YLA '\ DiehM levol xGro~se POinte lower flal


JEFFERSONAttractl\ e 3 bedroom 2

bath plus stall ~ho\l,erSUItable for adultsLarge 11\Ing and dmmgrooms Carpeted Kit-chen appliances Abun.'dant lighted v. alk-Illclosets Separate break-fast room Separatebasement Porch :"Jopets Garage \\ .'Ilk toprnate beach bus andshoppmg Ideal foradults References amust'

.;l,j 1.1 a 'UUH'-U, ;:;:;tIty Apphances 8855196

0:;;LAKE StcT';ir 2 bedroom ranlh condo HarT1~on Twp $595 778 &473-- - - ~- - --

150 Lake~ood III DelrOlt nearGrosse POlOte o\erlookmgDetrOIt Rl\er For lease$750 per month 4 bedroom'> Boat dockage 8230385


Extraordlllary Estate IIIGrosse Pornte Park 4 2 bath fireplace Inmaster sUlle Indoor bar.becue, guest rooms overattached garage, $750 permonth Call for details

FIKANY 886-5051


BERKSHIRE 5 room bTilknewly decorated, carpeledflrepldle $15(J E<l,t ~Ide1l82-2402

HARCOLJ RT 2 bedroom duplex furm,hed antIque,$400 plu, utll/lle, 881 5714

WE HAVE ,e\erdl one andt ...0 bedroom dpartments1(1 good drea., For morernformdtlOn l dll La Yon .>77J 20 I';

1:\ THE Pdrk 5 room luwer\ d( dnt hedl !Ilduded$ J25 1182 2.J()2 Ed,1 "Ide

ALl i',J{ \\wdmIlI '>ubdl\1'>Iun Jdf e"on 2 bedr()(Jmup~"r large double1I(J~(/, l<wntr> lolLh"n"pplldl1le" ldrpetl!lg,~"t1()u., delk $.l25 ~errrJlJTllh EHmmg, or .....eek"no, H22 '3j7~ 21>71>570dd)'

LAH('f. pdn"l"d bedroom....Ith bdth for workIng manUI \\Omdn ColI! e\enlllgsV 1\4 1580

-('H(J~E POIllI" City - .....eff

HOold 3 bedroom den 2J l

bdth on ,econd Appll"nce~ ydrd parkIngred<.'lorated $650 permonth 882 1990

- ---:\E\\ L Y decoraled 4 bed

room Selunt:, depOSItI mmedl.lte Oll upancyB84 6889-- --- -- -- ---

CADIECX/7 'Ille Cozysmall house basemenlgarage $260 plu~ secuTlt)'I/o pels 774 4~34----~-- ----

HOUSTO:-'/Whlttler 14182near Chalmer" upper 3rooms and baths. stO\ erefngerator heat 884 9977--- -- -- -- --

GROSSE Pomte Wood" AIlard 1862 near :'>lack 5room bungalo\\ Stde dn .. egarage 884 9'J77-----------

SPACEOVS one bedroomupper flat III qUiel neighborhood East War-ren/Outer Dr area No 4663 CHo\TSWORTH - 5pets 886-9396 after 6 pm room lower. refngerator.

GROSSE POlllle Park 2 bed stO\ e, garage. $275 plusfI tAt utillhes. secUTlt~ depoSIt

room upper a III .. um 885-1019bul1dmg QUiet professlOnal tenants Refngera CADIEUX I 94 area. I bedtor sto',e \\ashH dryer room upper $225 percurtams carpetmg off month Includes heat. restreet parkmg $365 III fngerator. stove 464-7925cludes heat 886 0657 ALTER _ CHARLEVOIX

GROSSE Pomte Park 3 bed Grosse Pomle SIde altrac-room house kitchen apph tlve large one bedroom orances. basement 5345 per studIO apartments. $180month 886-0657 $210. Includes appliances

GROSSE Pawte Woods _ 2 and utilities 331-7852bedroom duplex. stole re- EXTRA large bnght 1 bedfngerator faml!) room, room apartment Very

.garage 5435 monthly 884 qUIet bUlldrng $235 per8678 month Includes aU utIlities

ROSEVILLE _ 1855310 MIle and appliances Hous-Road 4 bedroom ranch ton/Chalmer<; area :-';0large lot, fenced) ard. $450 pels 839-9406per month References884-2904

ATTRACTIVE - 2 bedroomlower, kitchen appliancesgarage no pet~ $295 n66754


- Our Rental Catalog goes out toChrysler, Stroh's, area hospitals,

etc. -


Monday-Sunday, 11 a.m. - 8 P mWE RE THE LEADER tN HOME ~ENTAl REFERRALS

DUPLEX16933 CRO\"FORD Lo\:-'E corner of '>;Olre Dame Lo\e

1\ 3 bedroom 1'-;, bath duple ... - ~creened III terracecarpeled Ihroughout dl<;h\\ asher dlspo'ial stO\ e reingerator o\\allable October 15 $550 month ~lth I\ ear lease






BEST DE-\.L In Town':\1'" 1y decorated 2 bedroom lo flat III GrossePOlllle Park 11\IIlg roomdmlng room carpetedstO\ e refngerator base.m€'nt gas heat. ne~ I) m-sulaled onl) $295 \;0 pets886-3575 or 777-8500

H~RPER WOODS - 3 bedroom bnck ranch GrossePomte schools Chlldren Ipets "elcome $-150monthl} 884 8678

L PPER FLAT - 4 rooms 1bedroom bath Call after -1pm 527.£710-

HA \IPT02li - Grosse Pomte\\ oods smaH 3 bedroomColomal 1 bath S3i5 8825083

DL PLEX 3 bedroom Cadleu, Road DetrOit a\allable October 1 885-0386after 6 pm

CH-\.R~n.:'\G studIO 1 and 2bedroom qUiet, cleanadult bUlldmg mcludlllgall utl!Jtle~ from $225 834-4857

ASH0.;-...I5-=- 5 room lo~ermeome on the \\ ater.'>to\ e refngerator car-peted decorated Ideal for~orkJng couple SecUflt)reference!> 5325 mcludesheat 1 74&-9943


C,RO~~E POlnle Park -Wdyburn dnd HamptonOne bedrc,om dpolrlment,tove, refrigerator, newlar~tlllg Heal wdter Inl1uded $200 1lB51>9.l8

W A YBUHN - one ~JCdrolJm$l75 fJCr month plu'> ,Hunty depo~lt Colli ollter 4pm 3226787

2 BElJlWOI\1 homl' for i"<I"e- $JJ5 :;064 \ndtoll J72.!754

5073 BLCKI:-'GIIA \1 - 2IJloroom 10\ler gdrdge$250 <...Jl'dn dep()'>!t \0pLI" n7454b

WHI'I"f1EH nedr I ~ - ollebedloom \\ Ith !ledt {d/ petdppll,Jnl(, "" pdrklng"lid Ir",h del or S27~ CallJohn 886 24% &-9 P m

,!{O~~E POinte E'<lrk - .1o"dloom 101'. er flal {Olllerul Bedlon"lleld & \'el norCdlp"t"d throughout n"\\dr ,I)PrJP~ ,IOI)11dnle,gdrdge ~epar,Jte b",ement& entroln"." lmmdluldle(OndltlOn 5'395 a month0,1), 583.l363 e\enlllg"82.J 0216

-BEDROOM upper flat

Ed.,1 WarreniOuter Dn\e$2)0 per month plu~ ~elUrIt) 823 6084 after b- - - -

10LbE FOR rent B"dlOn.>Ileld Gro.'>,e POlllte Park$400 per month 3 bedroom~ 2 car gdrage exel'llent londlllOn Don tpd.>' thl.> one up 8236299- --- - - - - --BEDROOM upper $330monthly mcludes heat"edr East Warren/OuterDrl\e \e ....carpetmg kItl hen [[oor fre~h Pdlllt881 M63

- -- -- - -----HARPER/\~HITTIER area

one bedroom upper flatdpplldnces, S285 plu, utlJItles 882 5318

DE\ O~SHIREI~lack, .>paCIOUS 2 bedroom upper$325 SeCUTiI) reqUired881 2653

GREENBRIAR- -L:\Gros.>e POlllte ~hores - 3bedroom ranch 2'.., bathsfamilv room, $1 200 month

VER'\IER RO-\D GrossePOlllte Woods - 3 bedroom10\ler mcome freshl} decora led ~o pets S500month



HARPER WOODS - 3 bedroom appliances flrsl-lastmonth plus secunl) $.nomonthl} m 9217

EFFERSON =-Sfu\e-;:Road new 4 bedroomhouse 2 fuB baths hreplace all appliances $625

1ARYLA~D GrassePOlllle Park 2 bedroomhouse. S350

'ESTPHALIA off GratIotLovelv 2 bedroom bnck5350 negotiable

\'ARRE:-I - Lo\el\ 2 bedroom furmshed house 6months lease For other~not hsted

Call La \'on s 773-2035

ELL Y f7 :1Illle - '2 Duple>.5 rooms 2 bedrooms garage secuTlt) mce 8847003 3-13-0352

PACrOLS 2 bedroom upperIII the Park. beautlfull,decorated one quarte'rblock from Jefferson 10-l2Mar) land S325 per monthHeal appllances garagelIlcluded plu:> secunl) depoSH Open House at 6 30Frida) and Saturda~


O\el) Colomal 3 bedroomspaneled ramJl~ room \\Jlhnatural fireplace &. \\ etbar Large 11\ mg room\\Ith natural fireplaceLarge dllllllg room \\ IthItahan marble floor BIgkltchen \\ lth eatmg area 2half bath on bt floorLaundl \ room on bt floor10,10 marble fo~ er \\ IthCircular statrcase Hugemaster bedroom ....lth lireplace and dres",mg room &bath 2 more bedrooms So.bath Sun dccl. 0\ er 2 cargara~e off 2nd bedroom\I Ith \I all door FIDlshedbasement \\ Ith carpetmgkitchen \\ et bar 10 cedarcloset and 1,.Ih that has\\hlrlpool lub In saunaroom and sho\l er \\ Ilh 11\esteam Thl.'> home also haslarge attIc e,haust fancentral air gas forced airheal automatic <;pnnklerauto garage door openeroutSide ba r b que gas Ibeautiful landscapl ngFurnllure optlOnal51 2':;0 00 per monthGROSSE 1'01:-' TE Po\RI\

15910 JEFFERSO"600 plus 'q ft 3 bedroom"212 baths 2 car attachedgarage Central air Beautlful condltlen $72500 permontbGROSSE POr'>;TE CITY


TO BL y'3utlful t('rrace on ('ranord at Cildleu\ I BR plu<;

m3Hh quarter" on 1rdloor S600 00 per month

\IICHIG<\:'I. CO:\DO296.7602

'l ST CL~IR '\\enue 2bedroom ranch L1\ InAroom ~\lh flrepldle reireatlOn room fenced In

\ ard 5450 Call 8865914after 5 pm













1 2














4 \\














INDIAN ViI'.tge <IredParker - lower flat.bedroom, dlnmg roomnl~ (<lrpl'tmg and tlll)(Jf)tle,~ lontiitlon 530plu, uti litre, ~ecurlty dpo'>!I Hefcren(e, 331 1158

I f'J'!::H pJrtldlly furnl,>hf>(l,lt 22.1l4 If dnwn CourlMIIl'IM,'lk dred Hedt InlludhJ $265 286 0571

\ t A H (, ro~~e J'uml(' -blLlI uorn., dIning loornIJ,J'l'm(nt gJldge (.trplUrdlJe~ ,tOt e r('fn~lrdt{Jr$3;)0 I)('r monlh pi", depO'lt dllL)9<J4

I'II>IAI\ \ dlolg£' dr"d -I'll g., J beJr oum 1;1 Ilk dupit x 011 qUll't ,II l«'1 (Hlrdge Il<"emenl I' _ bdth$J75 plu, ,,,(WIt) 3bl ;)!j3HllU OU';7

t AH;o.I~ - J)e,Ju "nd ~treel tJldruom, 1'. IJdth,(,11 g,JI Jge ({.ntrd! olllmmt londltwn Idedl fuadult, '\0 (Jl'l' :>llUllldepo,,11 $65U p"r month881 lJ()()

'1\\ 0 BEDHOOM 11\InrU'Hn dmmg room kJt(hen (drpetlng JlJpldnl", :\101' ,el' dll\tlmeIJO.16 Hdlllp,hllc .

LO\KE<,HORE \ Jlfdge beduI IIul 2 bl'droorn to\\ nhou,e.llr londltlonlng "\11mmmg pool $420 per month111158243

- ~ - --(,HO::'SE POlOt" Cll\ 2 bed

room duplex II~eplale'Lreened redr porch 2 {agJrage Id\l n dnd malv.dlk., ,nO\l .>ervlce .>horgdrdge drl\ e do,e I.,!lopplng buse~ .,(hoo!.>5-165 TL I 4029

- - - -- ----6 ROO~I upper - cdrpet

nile lI"an AshlandlJefler~on Ideal for couple 8248931

- ----- ---KE\;~I~GTON 2 bedroom

loll. er flat finished basement garage, carpetedfIreplace excellent condlion $450 a monlh heat In

t1uded 885-7155 or 832 4715- -- -------- -

PETS ALLOWED 2 bedroom apartment on Altebalklllg Gro,se Pomte5210 appliances and healOC'ludl'rl ~ecUrlt) depo~lt882-0016----------

LOWER FLAT - 5242 Bedford 2 bedroom ne" carpel appliances garage5275 331 4212

PETS ALLOWED one bedroom basemenl apart menon o\lter backing GrossePomte 5170 appliance.lnd heat Included Secunt) depoSIt 882-0016- - - --- ----

5 ROOM L PPER, recentlypamled 5300 a month heaIncluded BeaconsfieldGros.>e POlnte Park 8230741 after 5 pm---- ---

LOWER FLAT 556\\ oodhall 2 bedroomsgdrage $265 per month7720659 call before 8 a mor after 6 pm

- - - - ~-----Lo\RGE 2 bedroom upper

formal dlllmg room large1l\lng room ne~l) decorated carpet drapes refrt gerator\ e De\ on~hJre No pets 792 3974--------

198 ALTER ROo\D - Ll\mroom dIning room kltche....Ith appliances I bedroom flr.'>t floor laundrroom 1 car garage $225month plus utllilies &.month seeuTit~ depOSit8828517----- -----

\' -\'\ ~\ 1'\ ERP near I 94Grosse Pomte ,choolsbedrooms 3 balhs completel~ carpeted paneledbasement large 212 1'.'1garage ne\l F 0\ furnace$525 per month \\lth ~earl~lease d\aJlable nOli 8818186


PARKRE~!ODELED and freshl\

decoraled flat on Wa ..'burn •

L PPER - 2 bedrooms, 11\109 room dining roomkitchen Beautiful hard\\ ood !loor, 5260 permonth plus utlhtles

LO\\ ER - Samc a, abo\ eplus brand ne~ hltchen$260 per month plus tltl!Itle,



Jeffer,on 0\.\ <> m H arTlsonTo\\ n,hlp Outstandlllg 2bedroom 2 balh upper flat0\ erlooklng the ~ ater\e\l carpetmg "e\\ krtchen \\llh bit m, ('<>nlralair gar patIo & lilhe at\ our door,,(<>p Couple or,mgll' onl~ $BOO mo plu,'ecunt~

Harcourt - 2 bedroom upperflat 1'2 baths fam rmno pet, $';2.'; mo

Lakepolnte - 2 bedroom10\\ er $325 mfl or 1 h!'droom upper 5250 moHIGBIE ~I:\XO" I:'I.C


E-\ST JEFFERSO" - "'earo\lter 3 bedroom upperheat ga:. lights decoratedcarpeted $350 a monthSecunt~ depo'it ii2-4317

964 BE-\CO:\SFIELD upper6 rooms '\1'\\ pamt andear pet Pa~ 0\1, n utIlities5350 rent 5350 depo.'>lt88-1 798,


LOWEH FLAT 'i5M Wood1i,11l 2 bed! 00lll, ~Jrtl~('$2G') Ilt'r mouth 772 (J(,,)9

1 I'LA'I'>"\'JlIdbl(' 2up Ido~n (l"ln 1!I0dllllIJtllbv <II( d $22:; :;21 J7ilb

i' A..,'J OUlt'1 PI J \,' IdrgL' 2IJ( 11O(HlI 11m ('I 1Il( Iudl',Jppll ,tIl( I" $ 14() permon!h hedt 1II11UlI(d (',III"ft", ~ 1119 4H04

(1[\ Or r"J ...t !J(tll,ll Ib, III ,>Ol!l dupll'x ,101 tIel/lgll,ilo/ $J;;I! plu., utI!Ill(', (,III ,,1111 i lO pillflHi 1J1l1J7

r OJ{ IH. \'J UI .... ilt L 1)( 0J(}om 1,1J( k lull b,,'>! Illull1III(Id I,,'d g'U"g' 7711127!> 'I" III ;:; P Il\

~ODER" CO'DO - I~and 15 ~hle 2 bedroomsfull) carpeted drape~central air dl>h\l,asherrange dlspo~al refngeralor laundn room\\ at" out balcon) and garage 5395 per month - Ineludes \\ ater la~n ~eT\ Iceand ,no\\ remo\ af Call779-9i t9

GRO&.<;E POlllte \\ood~ - 3twdroom hath carpetmg\I Indo" treatments $47588t 4606

3919 H.\ \ ERHILL - 6 roomupper ,to\ e refngeratorne~ carpeting ,eparalefurnace & utlhtle~ $325pIu, <;ecuTll) d<>pO"11 882-I(l9.l

('o\DlEl,\ Mach area Small2 bl'droom hou,e Relngeralor ,to\ I' $250 3 monthplu, depo<;II ilnd Utlll11<>'8821').14

GROSSE POinte ParI,. -large 3 bedroom upperIla( $375 per month pJu:.utllllleS Secunt~ depo~lt885 8970 after 6 p m


modern 2 bedroom to\l nhouse 1'" baths appllances dlsh~asher cenlralair basement carporl :\0seeunt) depOSit FromS335 468 3930 or 961 7411-----------

GRATIOT Hou~ton Whittier modern nev.h del'orated studIO garbagedlspo,al appliances lighted parhmg heat IIlcludl'd$175 plu:> ,ecUrlt) depo<;lt5275095


Whllller I.bedroom apart.ment or ~ludlO all ut\htle~lIlclud<>d 52.7 9753 or 8221882

\\H) ;o..OT COXSIDERH-\\I:\'G'tOt.:R






CHo\RMIJl.G one and 2 bedroom apartments 1Il HIStonc \\ est Village Carpeted or hard~ ood floors) oung profel>slOnal amblance 52155Zi5 875-9660



881 -1147




FRA.:'\CIS X KI1\G PCllil4 1234

:\0 fee If no reco\ er~

CITY OF Gro,,,e POlOteupper flat :-Ieff RoadStO\e relngeralor carpet109 and drilpe, :'ooeilr~hopprng area 885 1411

HA't P.<; C('dnrgrO\ e d'lph:'\ Ibedroom 3pphance~ .ncluderl $200 a mOilth 3710304

OL'TER DRIVE Chalmersarea - 5 room flal carpet.ed refTlgeralor\ I'garage $18~ \0 p<>(.., 5218151


A VERY SPECIAL4 HI' 1JI<OO,\1 1<'\,\<.-11


Fd m 11\ f<001ll- r .tl'>(d hldrth(,r,-.;l 4( r'

LI \ Ing J(UOJll- bl ,lull! ul ,pIling \11th dl,tmlll\e Iralklighllng

hili hen - upl'n to ["ITIll\1 OUJlI olnd dUllng dred ....Itb,ill Jpplldnll" Indudlngdl~h~ d,her

Dmmg .\red - dl'g,wt Illth-I bUIll In but(h

\1'1<0\ A"~Ol'IA'IE" p ...n\ \Iud loom - IJlgl 110'>"(0,pldnner, ~pl'rldlt\ ho" ,.md ('nln tu gJrJgt 'IllddO"IJ\IC' Jnollndl,hl." b.t1hdc."el!; Ddl\lrlcd ,ened T~o Larg" Bath~ - doublellll27149 .'>lnk olntl

HCLndtlon Room-tiledfloor Ihlrd bJth dnd ~ork,hop dll'a

Cl'ntrdl \Ir ConditIOning -mground ~pnnkler~

.\11 dppropnatl' ruom, drelull) (drpeled

QUJllt\ lonstructlOn I,..,thmall) ,pelldl (u,tom [I.'dture,

~ beautiful home - on J-I qUll:~t ,Ireel-Ill SI Clair

.shore~ Rl'nt 5700 permonlh



CALL 882-6900


1':XPEHIr:~L1' J) IJl!\ \'ol'>ht.... dJ' WOI k (J I u'>'>eI'Olllt(, idel ('tIll,,> !124()5J'l

NU /l~E ~ AJlW v.ould !Jkl'\\olk ,I, J 101llpJlllOIl !':K

pI I 1('lIu'd 20 :-i'.ll' I{('

ll"hl,' ,HZ/J.HIJ

L \J)\' ~\1'>1I1~'> hou,,' dl'dll11114(,II"'" POllitt' Ip!t'r"!HI' I x pI Ill'lll I'd 77&1744

(1/I<J"IlAI\ 1"d> - ....111 JohOll'>! \\ 01 k "Jllli d.l} $2;)HlllIUIU"7',)24,2

I- \( t.LLI-. \ I huu,t I I( .In11114 /(1 li'l( flU - 77'1 b~H7

E \( I.LLr VI hOI"'" (ie-HIHlg flJ! '\IIJIlrJ'l\ "m] I Ul"d,,\ Ht oJ "JlI"bll' I "Il'~"J2IlJ

\\ r. \\ ILL (,II I fOI thl IIU('11\ iii Hl\dlld)1I 1(J1ll huml

JJ2 U;)7H

\1\HlE:.. <.A1EHI,\(, ~pe(I..lI fur 2 or 200 ~ourrk-dtl "1)(" gdrllen 'diad10'1 CIlI h bl ('"d lemon roll!lb2 b245

II \\ 1\<" A 1'0\1{1 'I ' LeI ,J.illd J C.llenng pTln Ide Iht'food 1Jdl\ l'rl'd .lnd .'>1'1\ ed8!l4 4.;Q8

lo\!{PETED 5 room 10\1erflrl'pldle 2 car garage1*126282 dfter 5

GH()~~E POlllte Park -Bl dCOlblll'ld south ul Je[fl'r'un 2 bedroom ,to\e,llld relrJgerator $250823 6340 d[(<>r 6 I' m

- - - ---\\ o\HRE:-' - J bedroom

bnch ill 11.'\ el l'! bathsdll appliance, $425 8824132

5 BOO\[ upp<>r fldl preferm.lIrred couple \ acantOl'lober .lOlh 8.39 5218

L-\KESHORE:- -\ ILLAGE(ondo 2 bedroom dlr remodell'rl and e'lras $425jJlus ,ecurtl~ 7796269








882-9046\E\\ L Y redecoraled car

peled 5 room apphance, IfIcluded Gro';>ePomle ParI.. $330 822-7221after 4

2 BEDROO\I 10\1er flat orBill! our near G rosstPOinte Bedullfulh maInl<i1ned Grtrage' fencee\ ard f<111basenwnt ,to\ erein ge ral or carpetwg$350 month plus ulilitle-and ,ecunl~ dpPO:>lt Referepl'e, B822819 &4i 7233

- -- --~----5 ROO \1 10,\ er - G ro!>~e

POinte P:>r" appliance,ll1c1uded 5300 82~ 7221alter 4

B-\RIH \1 Lr~t blolh northof \Yaeh one bedroom10\ler llal ne\\ 1\ decoratt'd and carpel1lig SI90 amonth $)75 secunl\ 8&~~t96

\OTTI'\GH \ \1 ,outh of Jeffer,on complete!) refurbl'hed 2 bedroom upperflat 11\wg room dll1wgroom ",tchen lIIclude~,tOI e rt:'fngerator fullha--emenl one car garageII Ith addltlDnaJ oft streelD3r!..lng 5125 a month,eclllll~ depo'it plus ref{'renc!', '\0 pI'!" Ideal lorddull" \\31Iable Octobt>rhI \fler 6 pm 331 5084

BE \CO;o..Srn:LD upper flat3 hedroom appli<lnce,llr('plal'e 1'a rage $350immediate occupanc\ll22 '>86'; after 6 30 P m orlea\ e me,'age

(,RO&.<;E POI'\TE P.\RK -\\ a\ burn rear cOllag.:'apart m<>nt I bedroom$250 per month 'ecunt~de/Xl'lt $250 \ <>ar s lea,eno p .. /'C B&44666 521 3861

Ol TER DRIVE Gratiot areadccorat .. d carpeted

10\1cr 'i room flat garage$ I,'i "0 pels ';27 8151

l PPER fL-\! - 6 room,11\111 groom d\mn!! roomcarpt'ted n(> .... kitchen14H B('dford DetrOit

\l('E Ql lET I bedroom upper ~tOH refngeratorS('\ mom rGratlOt 886 2(){~


Fo\LL CLE-\\ lP ',orher~\ ;lIlable 1'11mf-dldtel\ -I"a \ 1''' ea \ ('~t rou~h.'> III'Ide out'ld<> p.lInl mg \I hath,n e \ ou RBI 091'1 or 3722517

EXPERIE\( ED nur,e"aide, al alldhle Rt'a,on"raIl'" Fra,er -\genc~ St ate!Ict'n',-d and bond€'d 2931717

H-\\D\\l.\\ - P,lIntlllgrn'ldl' and out plumbmggUllcr clt'3 nlll!? an~ repairor home Impro\ ementHa\e e\cellent ref<>rence,Jerl' 774 3259

"eT\ Ing the (,fO"t' POlntrdlea 'IntI' Iq~~ ('arp ofCHlLDRF\ and tre ELDERI Y R\ Ihe hour 24hour rillP" ill a Jl ahle

IICE,\';ED 264 0202

E\ PERIl'. \('ED nur"", aJd<'de<;lrr, pO''lllOn Da\nlAht or JI\e In Refercnc(', OlIn trdn~portallon,5576211

PI 01""'''Olldl pi 1\ .It, lIur'lngIdrl'\()lH \ITf.H\\Tl\FTO

0\ \l H"J\G !I0\IEH '\ - 1 I' \ \Id,',-r:'l'l'fJcnltJ Rtftrt'/I,(\

~UjJ"1 \ hl'tl - IlbUr{'(l

24 HUl H "un ICE527.3120

PRIVATE NURSINGAlo\lnd thl Cloch

In home IIJ'pll.11 or nUl 'JIll!Jlllnll' H,\., Ll';o.., \lIie~lomp.HlI(JII' IIlJl,' dl(('nd"nl' In l' 111'> ::,uI'l!nt.'tl dndbondt'd 24 hour ,en I{'CLll'etl't'<l nur~," for In'urdn( t.) t .d....lh..

POI\TE .\HEo\ '\l H~ESTl 4 HIl<!

RETIHEO H~\D\\l~" -~11nor I,'pollr, I dfpl'n( nl'letlnCal plumbing broht'n \I mdo\l - Jnd ,,I,ll (VI drl'pl,lt ,'<I ,'I( I{ed,ondblpHt.'fi.'r .. nll" B8~ b,~4

IRO:-'I:-'G, pl' '.'>111~ h.UH;idun .. In 1ll \ P,II!.. I'omt'E,penen(ed Iraml'd profe,slOndf 823 2140 Ironedthmg, .lrl' IlIc,'r

ELROPE-\\ pro!e"lllIlalgardener and l.lnd,caperPldntlng tr"c' ,!lr un,bulb, F.II1 prunllln~de.l11 up Ho,l'~ .wd P\ l'rgrt't'n \llflterlllng 'iJ .. 0571

\EED SO\lr_ Till \G roO\ I'dor h.lllied .1\\ J\' -\hoclPdn up' dnd hdnd\ mdnI\orh \lr J,.cl..,on 3313439

FA:'>IIL"I \1-\ \ de,lr., oddJob, \llI1du\\ IId'hlng Iq::hlI).JUIIn>! E'(t'lJ,'nl reft'rI'nc('" 77S-1130


1'1WJ< 1':""101\"1. 1,1\ .." ,I/HIdO\l rhpoLiI (1",1ll1ng 10\l'.lI' 1 \1)('lllIlll' III tbl'lJu'J Ill'.,., \\ 111I (;J O'>'>l'POinte Itil'li'llll., ftOIllf',1 1 k III '> i111Il" Ill' U I .. d10\1 1",1 J'I\I 'II IIIC WIdl,llHd 1,1", \l11l (,1U,"10Lind It 1011 ,1l1d lo(dlllgd.lm .. gl' \1.11,.1' 0111 djJPOllllllH III B I dlld «(Jill

pd!l\ J72 Ofllil

\1'1 HI!' \( LIJ !lillI/HI

\\ III ",.hl,'t 11I\ IHJllli(.111 He'" 7hU I

'>( () I I hll 1,..1\ III,lil' d.1\1\"I h /tlllh' (It IIllJlg It- Il r t rH ~ "l Idlll dH) 0027

I< \ 12 " J) '1\I~JI'llllPll\ ,II dlll\ 111 IWItII (II I II

'tllt/tillil 1J','l1 '" III \lIm!Iou,"" (JllJ .......t POln'l .lIt.t';'; l Jq~}2 7ib qwr;

\.1'1- 1\11 '\( I IJ ,,,It \lJlhl-,.uod J tit H JH.l .... dl ""lll,,>

\~()Ih dl'''' ()I t\llllllg ....t .II H'II !d 12

HI IIHLlJ I.,dl ,,,,1,. \lo,h01 "Ill 111111 I "H)~ .lllIlt Jt.'~n. 'HI Il\t Jll (JI{h"ll1'01111, I! II II Jl\" 1l!J(, ~<!!HI 11 oI10UIIL! )

I I I II II \ I .,lId IIOII'JlllI(.d1 .. ,1](1\ IIl.III (Jodlll Ill!! ,1U(10 plwlI hllil_ 1\ ll,dUII I I1'0111 rill 1~'IIIl'!I- lllli7lH2

(,I \FH \1 1llolll1l.lIdllll' \11ph •.-t, J{""dt'I'IJdJ dlld(Omlllll uoII Ilghl h,tLIlmg "IIU\I 1'111\\ Ing I .hl'I') \ ll' h. Il 112J bJJ,

HO\IE OR ofllc,' cleanmgreferenle, OIl n lr'm'portallOn rt:'hablt:' ('all afler 7pm 77115412 Diane


E,penenct:'d rehahle fdmIII ()lined dnmhtlc cleanIng ,en Ice at 3 rt'a'onahlecosl Plea,e call 8198&">6 iil'> 012.1

TR~\EL agent - I're,('ntl\emp!(l\ed lIorkln>! \\Ilh"ahre com puler' 2 \('ar'e\pcnew'(' \lIth commercl31 and \ dCJtlon Ir;1\ el~eehJng emplo\ mt:'nl In theGrosse Pomte Ea'i Detroitarea Call ilfter 6 pm or\I eehend' a,h for \ anc\AA21)21'>1



T\\ 0 \\ O\IE\ de'lre hou~('cleapIng \lllh mJn\ (',c('1lent Grt"", POlDle refer(,Ilee, 7/q. 1'1<1

AIDE compamon cool,.hghl duties ~10nda\through Fnda~ da\ <; Referenl'es 885-2482

\\ O!l1Al\ - 37 \ ear~ eolnhelp ~ It h ~I hool andbab\ 'It 82+229-1 /i2{ 3352

Ol T OF \\ORK carpenterI n~lde .lnd out.'>lde \\ erkabo m,in\ odd Job.'> GregKrdU~ 8810092 - 88{ 6265

---FRA"K S Hand,man Ser

\ Ice \'0 allpapermg paIntmg and mlscellaneou, rcpairs 773 2123-- -- - - -

SHIRTS carE'full, machine~ ashed and himd Ironed

$1 25 each 82.1 2140 IPark \

ACCOUNTANTA\ allable part time Colleg(

Graduate \\l!1 do \l,0~1. In~our office or m\ ofllce IIIthe Farms CorporatIOnPa~ roll lndl\ Idual la,e,8826860 ar 882 !l507

TYPI'IG done 1Il m\ homt'Legal e ....penence. Trdn~('t1blng equlpnlt'nt Red~onable rdle!> CJII BB28428


Gro.'>.'>I' POlnle Park dl('.tloolo.Jng for \\ orl. Inlen.>,I,'tlm hou,1.' ~ltllng tramporlJOg 01 \ ehleles and .'>~ unt\for PTl\ ate partIE's References upon requesl 3727043






RE\!O\ ~L clean up~ mamtenanl'€' \ en rea,on31J1eCall Da\ e B.19-40Zi

\EED SO\IETHI\G mO\ed"T~o Pomte reSident, \\lIImo\e or remo\e large or,mall quantltlE" of furnJture apphance~ plano, orI\hal ha .. e IOU Call for Ir('e<><;t1mate ~41 0481 or B222208


For prn3te dut) nur,mg careIn the hospital home ornur.'>Jng home

.Rt-;s LP:-';s• Ll\e m CompaOlon• Home Health o\!des• Senior Sitler,

Insurl'rl bondl'd and .'>uper\ I:'l'd A 24 hour .'>en Ice 7da\s a ~eek

C-\RIl'G SI\CE 1975372-6514

- -------- -LEADED GLASS


-\lso bu) leaded g!a",doors and \I Indo\\:.

882.5833 589-J.l13


BOB 822 5761

Page 32: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

~---_.._- -Page Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982









JOHN KING961.0622

WE BUY BOOKSIN YOUR HOMEFree offers no obligalJon

appraIsals furnIshedentire estates also deSired

Don't be fooled by Imita-tors Over 17 years aprofeSSIOnal. courteousSCf\ICe


Conducted b~ 'h.'

Srn IClllg Wa\ Ill' Oal-.landand \1acomb Countl(,s

Ka~ 2470361"nn 7710197

~"l \HI IQl ID \ I 10'\

:'ttaho~dn) dlnlllg room ,elDouble pede,lal tJble '" llh

'IX chairs llnd Engll:,h::'Ideboard

Countn Fren(h ,ofa Ix-d7 ft ~1,lhogdn~ wc'rl'l.lflAntIque II ardrobeArt deco and ""Oll\ e<lu .Ie

ce;,,,ofle~LJ moge, chlllaSIl\er etc etc .It

\L\(,:\IH( ~:\ IP()~~l-"l~I()'\""

::182J \' -\:-, D\ KE ..H a'~~nLE RD 1~ \\ARRE\



100 RESt:\1ESO"\E P-\GE C-\\lER-\

RE.s.DY - $10BLlEPRl:-'TS

E:-'GR-\\ED \\EDDI ....G['<VITA T10:'\S





OPE'I \lO:'liD-\ \ THRlSATlRDAY 9-5 P:'J


at LakepOlnleGrosse POinte Par~ 822 7100

FREE fill dIrt 5 \ard load,B85 1900

l'SED BOOKS - Bought,sold FIctIOn non fictionHardco\'ers, paperback -noon 'III 6 P m Tues thruSat BOOKT1QLE, 15243

I ~{aclc A\e, bet\\een LakepOlllte and Beaconsfield I885 2265 I






399 FISHER - Retail. 1 275ft Immed poss Pleasecall for details

VirgInia S JeffrIesRealtor 882-0899


TRUCK storage al aJ!able(Lot m Harper Woodsl372-7814 or B:Jg.2073

WANTED Female to ~haremodern SI ClaIr Shoresdpartment Call 171 8092

HOMES TO !>hare In goodareas For znformatlOn callLa Von s 1732il35--- --

E OUTER DR Whlttier Male share 3 bedroom hou~e and gdragt>8847'226

"......FEMALE - T\lo b('llJoom

apdltment 0\ eriooklllgl>1he on Jerrer~on III StCldlr ~hUle::. $tn d monthIlIclude, ,Ill dpphdnl(>' dndheo.\t TI3 t431

TO SHARE hou,ePOlnle Wood~mont h 881 6897

MARYLAND Just off Jeffer.>On, aCTOS!>from GroSM'Pomte Park mUniCipal orflces healed t \I 0 roomstorefront approxlmatel~450 square feet Ideal foroffice use $200 per monthplus seeurJt) depo"lt 8825892

WARM, CLEAN home nedrGro~se Pomte BeJullfulfireplace SlIO Include ...ullhtle!> 88t 1726

STORE for renl GrossePomte area 822-4908

Bl:SINESS lad\ \lants onet\\O bedroom prl\ ateapartment III WarrenHarper Woods or GrossePOInte Around SSOO mcludmg heat 521 7220-~ --

COl1PLE seeks unfurmshed2 bedroom house or flat torent or lease III Gros~ePomte ~eed apphancesparking and fIreplaceCnder $300 month!'> Callafter 7 pm, 824 3506

PROFESSIONAL bU!>lnt'''~per,on to !>hdre home ll\Gr0S3e Pomte \\ ood::. Forwtenle"", referenle" reqUlred ll85 1596

PROFESSIONAL to ,harelu\ur~ dpartment do\\ nto\1 n $325 Call J93 2294bet\leen 9 and II d m

~-- - - -GROSSE Pomte Farms _

Male or female to !>harem} 3l>edroom home \11th a3 \\a)' spilt utilities andrent P S You a1>o hal ethe use of the entIre hou,eAsk for Ted, da)s 886-5331e\ enmgs 882 1388-------- -

WANTED Profe~slOnal femall' to l\hare m) largeGrosse Pomte duplex 8829TI9

GARAGE ~PACE fOHHENT 11I\11ll'dIJtel),,\ dlldble on Notre D,wleIWdr the VIlId~l' $30 permonth r.11I 88\ 8900

OAK HOLL top de::.k -6O"xJ3" good londltwn$775 Aftl'r 7 p m 88l 4855

GAHAGl': SALE - 5524COlli \ 111(' ~dtUl dd) ,!Jth 10,I 1Il 4 P III loob 50" I) Ill'"Itl'hen t<lble With 4 lIhll ....dl"he::. ldmp, llllen" kitchell ,tuff till" (,t(

GAHAGf.: ~Al.E 1!!IJOWoodlilnd lIut pt'l Wuud.,bet\lt't'li Kell) <lIHI !it' ,IlUll.,fll:'ltI Flldlt} ",It(lldd} ~\lIHJ.,\ 10" III 4pm

BA l.A 1I.l'E b,','1lI tOI \ UUIGARAGE for /l'lIt 1Il IlJIJ>I.'I III 111111,1 12 hlgh,12 It

Wood., for (,Ir Blll 5257 10llg $50 884 Ob44

AN flQl r: dOl k loll,'llionII ell I 2 loppel tub, $J';,wd $40 I. t ,'!llelop phullt)gl dph~ 585 .lnd $115 2lIlllk ',Uh $40 ('<ll h 15 lOgJlloll II O( b $20 ,Illd $25ldrl!e potbelh ,tOI" 5 fttall Olrer, lledl} 'dll':!J 1\ Idl'\35 lllgh 1.A.••• dedgl,l>,., dOOI $!!O ,e\ l'1.11otl\l'r Item, !lfu,t 'I'll('\ ('r) tlllng I hLlI ,d>11 -Flld'll ~,ltUl d,l~ !l ,'1 m jp m 228011 Ildrlllun l.bIOI.k .......e"t of Il,ll p..'r otf 9Mill.' 7785!l72

U1 Gro""e H-\Hl,,\I\~$225 <l MJntie dUlk $75 fwt ,tool

$15 GUlernor \\ Inlhrop...e< I et ,II I $21.5 ~1..hogJn~dropl(',,( dining loom t<lble $50 ~1.lhogJn~ 1\\ 1 nbed (t \lll\plete I $1l5"nldll M<ihog"nl ,el I l'r(c.H\edl $t30 QLlel'n-\nne 11\109 room 1I1<1l1 Igri.'t.'n I $75 573 4578

1920 ~ GATE leg drop ledltable 1920, rddlo I!lJU,double bed 881 1738 dftt'r 5pm

COl\TEMPORAR\ ThullId::'Illle (hllIJ l"bm!!t Il\t.'dIUrn \I dlnut tont' ....Ith br .. >'>

,lccenl>, hghled v.fth gld"~nel I lIIg Ie..., th.1 nOlle) edr old (>x(ellent wndttlOn -\!ter 6 88\ 3167

CHERH\ 6.1l1er~ de' I, 5200chern hutch 5350 pitH'tin ,1l1k $350 dnl Hllllhdngmg lamp $400 t920'11\ In bed dnd dre"l'rml"cellrlneou~ llJ911131

COl ....TRY French PI U\ IIIclal ll\lng loom 'et10\ e,eJt couch(', - \\ hIltbackground \I Ilh floraembrOiden 2 t"bll:" \llttledther In,erh on,' corneltable ,Ind une round $5Otor be,t olfer 94967 2b ..Iftel6

BELLAlR - Near Clelll\\ ateI', large I bedroomfurnl1>hed condo poolJ~nual y till ough AprilMInimum :3 months 5453947

BIRCH FIREWOOD - lacecord, $55 picked up, $64delIvered Eager BeaverFlre\l-ood Company, 29725Groesbeck, 174 2622

3 PROFESSIO:-lAL female,\\ ant to rent 3 bedroomapartment or house Excellent references 8819696

ST PETE Beach FlOridahl.1 Del Sol BI t'llkfrontcondo Golf, tenlll~ No\ember and Lhc>t'l'm!>t'l onl)2 \\l'el, IlIlOIIIIUm 4b3 7919

GARAGE \\ anted to rent~ecure for storage ofcla<;<;lc car 5429993 or7728020

- - - - I~EED GARAGE for \\mter

storage of sports car 8851715 8815853



WhIle In ~tock 30<;; to 50<-;off Large selectIon Dealerclearance 268 2854 or 3715400


Ocean fronl 2 bedroom""nrit) FlIll~ furmst]ed\vallable -v.eekl) ormonthl) 886 0661

HARBOR SPRINGS - Harbor COIl' luxury condomInlum heart of exclUSivescemc de~elopment Indoortenm" also avaIlableAutumn. Chrl,tmas Willter skI I acallons by0\1 ner lOll er rental rates965 9409 days 881 6725evenmgs and y,eekdays

FLORIDAHutchlll~on 1.,land (north of

Stuart) ExclUSIve luxuryfurmshed condo on AtlanticOcea n Breathtaking pnvate beach pool, tenms.cable TV, 751 5588 or 8824900

DISNEY CO:'-;OO - Locatedm Lake Buenna Vista. "'4mile from Disney WorldVIllage Sleeps 6, 9 lightedtenllis courts. heated pool.transportatIOn to and fromDIsney. minutes from aIr.port A~ allable January15th through 29th 749-3398

HILTON HEAD - On theocean Ne\l 2 bedroom 2bath condomllllUm beaut!full)' furmshed. full kitchenlaundr) Balcon) 01 beach pool tenlllSgolf sleeps 6 Local 0\1 ner343-0578 or 881 8738

NEW SIesta Ke~ Gulf Sidecondo -\\allable October to:\1arch 778 1956 or 884 5955

BEAl'TIFUL chalet - Colorsat Bo)ne Harbor Spnngs 6to 8 \leek $300 823-4103----------

CLE-\RWATER BEACH +WWest 2 bedroom. 2 bathluxury Condo on the Gulf661 1714~----- --

SOL TH SEo\S - !l1arco Is-land Flonda 2 bedroom 2bath condo Completehfurlllshed Cable TV baicon] o\erlooks ba~ Walkto beach tenms pool 2610947

FORT Lauderdale condo onthe ocean Full) eQlI1ppedseasonal rates After 4 30 -P m m 8990 MAN- MIddle age trades

man qUiets Ide \\ ants toORL-\:-'OO mobtle home 2 rent basement 835-8876

bedrooms 2 bath, fur 824-2294mshed adults <\\ailableJanuary through Ma)331 1312

l'lI \L1-:1 NEAH Boyne:\lount.lIl1 ,el'luded Fdlll ulol, 01 '''ling ""eek orI\('('kt'nd, Pllonl', lOIOI TVIII eplM I' 77B 4050 or 884043t

B \H <\l\lAS 1'1 e.l ...UI I.' <"\11 onbe.lutllul 3 mill' beul.'h1.0\ eh 2 bl'droom, 1. b.lth\ 111.1'kltt lien III 109 roomhlh pOIIIIlIll"d 0001 l.lundl) fdCllitle, golf tl:'nlll"COllllllellidl dnd p/l\att',Ilrport <'''111bl65940 6 to 9pm

Bl'RT LAKE graclou!> 3bedroom home allappll.llll'eS furm"hed('(OnOllllCal heat, com e(llent Bo\ ne HighlandPelo~kel A \ a II ableOltober ~lay MInimum 2months $5OOlmonth PhotosU\ allable 349-0786

ST PETE beach Condo onba) l bedroom::. 2 bathsfull) fuI' llIshed, pool tenillS A\ allable \\eekl) $250or monthl) $850 644 2569

l' G A N tltlOnul re!>ortPulm Be,ll'h Garden",Flondd 2 bedroom, 2 bathne\\ I) IUIIll!>hed golf rottu~e 3 l:IloImplOn l'our!>e!>,21 tl'nms lUlU'" pool. t'tcAI 1lIldbll' ImmedIately$500 pt'l week, $1 800monthl) 886 5090

OCEANFIWNT condo,llilhboro B(',leh, nO!ldd 2bedloom lllllll'hed lI\'dll,Ibll' fOI ,('oI,on $1 JOO permunth ll!ll 296b

HARBOR SPRI:\GSBeautiful ne\\ 3 bedroom 1'2

bath condomllllUm centra!aIr large pool hghted ten-ms courts Da) s 886 6922E\ enmg, 885 4142


1:\01.\1\ RIvER PlantatIOnHutchln~on hland StuartFloflda 2 bedroom 2 bathcondo o>erlooklng golfcOllr~e and lagoon comtJletel} fllrn"hed WllhmI~alkmg distance of tenmscourt" pool aod 2 fme re~taurants Rented b, monthor ~ea,on Call 881 5600 9-5

CHARLEVOIXIPeto<;ky areaenJoy fall color or ,kllng IIImodern 4 bedroom chaletIlreplace 2 baths bj weekor weekend 882 5749 -.1916180

IHllLDlN(; flu Il'.I...(, E,I...tDl'tloll 9 :\11\1' lIe,\I I\dl\1 800 "'QUdl(' fl'd 778 bl92

\'lvI'OH'\E\' 11,1111'> to ...Ihllt'

"'jl.lll' ,\lId t'llli Ipill ellt 1\ Ithot h"1 pi of l ....... IOII ,II 111

l.lo ......,' POllitt' l'.I1I.lltel 7pill \ ...1-. fOI l-.I/ell 1124J5tltJ

S -\ H \SOT -\ Pelll.lII L'o\ l'l'ool ...lde "p"llOll' l unt('mpOl ,II ~ lomlo 2 bl'd10011\ 2 b"th tel1lll"b(>,ll'Ile" golf \1,t1h tullJdll 1I10nlhh 01 "'('.hOlldlb17 828 05J3

KI-\ \\'-\H ISL \ND - SouthCdlolln.l 3 bedloom 2bdlh home n(',l1 bedchA\ dlldble b\ \Ieel-. monthor ,ed,on 886.7709

CAPTlV A ISLAr-m Flonda- 2 bedroom 2 bJlh Gulffront apartment III SouthSea!> Plantalton Re~ort.-\\alldble 1 or 2 \\l.'ek" before December 1 $J5O per\1 eel-. 886 7709

SKIERS, I entd! or "ale 20mlllutes from Shant) SIESTA KEY - SarasotaCreek or SO\ Ill' :<!uuntam St'CluslOn, charm, elegant$250 \1eeketid ~Ieep::. 10 & flllest dmmg offers youCall 616536 2529 after 5 thiS 2 bed room, l bath

condo. large baleoo) IHthST CROIX l' S V I - Condo magmhcent \ lew Monthly

on ocean - 3 bedroom, J rental only ~4 5~_7 __bath pool. tennis courts, HARBOR SPRINGS _ Makeon propert\ Golf, shop \ our Fall and WlOler res

_ pmg neal b\ JJ1 5262 en atlOns earl)' SpeCial

BOYNE COl11\TRY Com rates 882.2597 _pletel~ fUI m~he<i all elee ~IARCO IsiAN D S finest 2tfle 2 tler Chalet l:pper bedroom condo on the gulftier, 4 bedrooms 2 balh" Call 881 6-tOtI-.Itchen hI mg room Ilith -fIreplace LO\ler tIer 3 bed ORLo\NDOIDa) tona Beachrooms 2 bdths I-.ltchen hI area l bedroom 2 bathtng room Illth fireplace condo Poof and tenmsTll'rs ma\ be Interconnect 261 0947ed If deSired Clubhouse 2 BEDROOl\! u-nrur~shed>\llmmmg pool spnng fe{i condo Ne\1 port Richeylakelet prl\ ate putt tng FlOrida \'en clean. neargreen adjacent to golf gulf and ,hoppIng 313course 0125-8933 668 8900

HILTON -HEAD ~el~ profes - - - -slOnalh decorated 2 DEL RAY Beach FlorIdabedroom plus loft Palmel Full\ furmshe{i 2 bedroomta Dunes \Illd Blc\c1es 2 bath on prl\ate lake\I alk to ocean pool: gal[ Pool and recreatIOn In.tenm~ and ,hoppmg 886 eluded 10 millutes to9234 ocean $950 plus eleetflc

SCHLSS 1\I0l'\'TAI1': Chdlel per month Call 5759215for Informationb) \Ieek or Ileekend, fulI) _

eqUIpped Slllm,golf tenms Mo\RCO ISLAND Luxury 2921 4030 LIZ. B86 3377 bedroom. beachfront

_~g~I_::'_ condo Pool. tenms. boatHILTON HEAD IslandrSouth dock Weekly-monthly

CJrolma :'>ie\\ oceanfront r.~tes ~~2502full) furlll~hed lor 2 bed HUTCHINSON Island _room \'Illa Golf tennts Oceanfront luxunouspool $260 $360 per .\1eek condo 2 bedroom 2 bath,Free ~e.':.a~u~e 21..2 ~~ _ pool sauna tennIs 553-

3471 1 685 8029

GHOSSE 1'011111'PlIl'k 15324i'~ll"<t .It'ffel ~on, offllC. l';::.qUll e th"dtl'r Large \1 1IldOl\' ,llllpl(' pdl hlllg 82.30.\115

,\TTHAl'TlVE OlfICl' to lentIII St Cldll ShOll" 1\(',11 9:\IJIt' Hd 772 43110 01 Bllb7508

:\lack Renaud~mall medIcal sUIte

Ten ~hle 194tdl ge four room sUIte

offlce~ offlces offices

GratIOt 11 :<llle1 700 rt good parklllg

1\III altl:'l to ,Ult

Nr Grosebeck.812 :'IlI!e1 800 it can dl\ Ide


Expcutl\ e office ,pace InPre,lige bll I101ng from

$12'; a month prr ~ulle

Call 116-01l6 from104



ROOM FOR lent - $37 perI\eek Call aftel 6 pm,77J 2537

\'erlller.l 94large three room sUIte

full sen Ice bldg

Also see 12E Coml Prop

Plea"e call for dl'tadsVlrglllla S Jeffne"

Realtor 882 0899

HOl SE PII\ liege" \Id ...her &.~ll~ Da'! ~~ 8425 _

Fl H:\ISHED loom - \\ It Itkllchen pm lieges Idealfor I\Orklllg \IomanS150 month 771 0325

GE:'IITLE:\iAN I entlng::.eml furnl>hed room InPark Full hou't' pi I\ lIege" $175 pel l110nthD~I s 3J7 7552 1.'1emngs882'7589


Grosse POInte Farms Copper :llountam, Beautld t I I b Law fulh furmshed, 3 bedroom

Ideal for en a a . condo. fantastIc \ leI's. 75yer accountant chlroprac'tor. etc MSO/month \ards from skI hfl, also

;kl \'all Kelstone Breck750 sQ fl Charmmg offIce enndge, Arapahle all

____ ~3-.!~___ \\Jthm 20 minutes, daysPROFESSIONAL 647.7200 e\enmgs 646-8941

OFFICE SPACE :\1ARCO ISLAND condoFOR LEASE Rl\erSlde on Marco fIVer.

top floor 6 star) buddmgPnme Gro,se Pomte Woods 2 baths full kitchen. ac

~Iack :\\enue 10catlOn commodates6 A,allableonOutstandmg mtenor and and off season (313) 885-extenor appollltments 7664Furmshed or unfurmshed ----- --------885 7040 \\ EEKDA YS TILL M -\RCO ISL-\ND - Decora.5 P 1\1 tor rllrrushed, 2 2oo"q ft

-- --- - - --- -- Ii\ mg space l bedroom 1.

COLONIAL NORTH baths \Ilth pmate JacuZZl,mlcro\\ a\ I.' ....asher. dr}er

:-'el\ offIce bUlldmg at 11'2 color cable T V Ground'!tIe and Harper 600 to floor \\Ith dIrect access to2400 square feet -\Ir condl pool oulslde JacuzzI.tlOnmg carpet Janitor clubhouse \\Ith sauna boatnear e'\.press\\a~ Immedl dock A~aJlable on and 0(1all' occupanc) season Call 313-885-7664

881-6436 778-0120 ~t-:XRCO ISLAND -_ For rent\I lib optlOn to bu) 2 2 bath apartment on\later \\lIh dock space8826390

lit -\RCU ISLAND - On thebeach SSW II ney, luxur) condo 2 bedroom 2bath breath takmg Ile\lpool tennrs etc WeekI)monthl) October No\ ember December & Apnl on652 2237 after 5 p m

- S.-\:\'ISEL ISL-\ND-FlorldaGROSSE POI:\TE WOODS LuxurIOUS 2 bedroom 2

ElI.ERGY EFFICIE~T bath gulf front condos 10GEi\oERo\L OFFICE ""lprl nPilr ,tore, and

SPACE gourmet restaurants All21112 \lack 2 100 'Quare amemtle,; Illcludlng pool

feet 20879 \lack 1 600 and lenni, Weeki)' 645-Quare feet 2083') \tack 54982000 and 4600 'Quar(' feel\\ ill dl\ Ide to ,Ult

:\tEDlCAL SV ITESHOLLY\\oOD CLI:\TIC20861 \tack 1 000 and

I :;00 ~quare feet\dequat(' parkIng

Immediate occupanc)B84 1140 0r 886 106B

OFFICES FOR RE:\T m the\ Illage 'lublea"e 600 ~q

II pnme area ImmedIatel\ a\ al1able $285 permonth Call 881 8900

Sl'lTE - T\IO comfoltablepll\ ate loom, plus bath IIIFarms Kltchenilallndf)PII\ lieges furlll::.hed S45IIeel, 882 32~

3 OFFICES - 640 sq ft Car-peted \ er~ cheap 8826466

GROSSE Pomte Wood ...- off\Iack ...epdrate \a\ ator)'parkmg $325 7701-7714

-\p\Hnu:\1' E.\"<t 01\\ oOlhl ,ll d :<1.11\ I\l'dlE,ht \\ dll ,'1\ " 100111"<Ill' III ,"t'd 8H5 j284 885

GHA YTO\l I\l',ll Kt'l ehe\.I1FOlll bedl QOIll 2' _ b.lth\ppro'\.IIll.llt'l\ 2500 "'QU,1l1:'

feet -\\ ,ll\dbh' 11l\l11edl.lle1\\Il'BHr:AR n -\DLOCH


:\OT'II:'\GII-\:ll - 3 b('d100111 1'2 b.lth EIIglI~hfullI fUllll,lwd lIll!udlll~hlll'lh \\ .1I1.ll>lt' fOI 7mlllllh, ,It $51111 mOllth884 tltJOO

JOl\1\STONE &.,101I:\~1'0:\ l-.

l.lW:-:-E POI \ 1 E OIlI.' 1ll't11(10m .Ip,lI t !lIl'1I1 Hll',ll fOI,Idult Ill) pl t, 281 'lO61

\1'-\HI\1F\1 21ll'dll)om ...lJ\ Ill,.!. 100lll I-.It, h"1\ I-.. I...t-Idl' H22b'l34

LO\\FR 2 b,'dloo!ll t'\II,ld",11I ,h.1l e 1l,1'1'1lH'lltgdl,lge $350 mOllth olu,"el'ullt~ dl'pO"11 15220~t,ltl' F,1I1 11.1\\' ... m l7t8


206 E-\ST Grand Slid - 3bedrooms kitchen bath,dlllmg 11\ Illg room. den

_~1~ !~3~~ _OUTER DR!\ EIE Warren

- lo\\er 2 bedroom basement garage clean 8250plus heat 885 7BOI

3 ROO\1 dpartment furm:>hed or unfurm~hed Gro",ePOinte Pdrk 8854605

2 SEDROO'! to\lnhollseDecember I~th throu~h-\pnl 30th 'l.'ar '1 \hle anuJeffer,;on 886 9320 7785452

H-\RPER \\OODS furm~hedhouse :-'o\ember ht to\lay 1st 3 brdrooms 884oW/!

MACOMB College area -South Campus 2 bedroomto\~nhouse 112 balhs famIly room patio $H5 amonth no pets 886 0521

S-HARP 5 room 10\\ er - 7Mile/Schoenherr area5277597

HOl1SE NE-\R VermerRoadand Mack 4 bedroom 2'2bath all .lpphances 212car garage a \ a1lable nO\l882-8826, John

-2 BEDROOM, sun porch -

Vermer and :\1ach area$345 B22-ol856

THREE BEDROOM -lo\\erflat Close to transport atlOn $270 monthl) plussecurIty deposlt 15220dall) 10 a m 6 p m 3459Ha\erhlll

ALTER East Jelferson 2 or 3room clean QUiet adultbUildIng Refngerator.range all ullhtles Rea"onable references and sec~I~ ~2..0055 or 8l3-~9~

MORA '<G near Kell) - 2bedroom duplex Ideal for\I orkmg couple Refer.ences 751 7959

HTE,TIO,\ EXECl TI\ ETran,fer, on(' and t .... obrdroom apartment, oecorator furnl"hrd linen,dl,he, uten,)I" IOrJuord\11n1mum one ....eel-. $650prr month local Ion I 696bct\\een 17') and 1'14 Se(,ufll) ref rrcncr, 46'1 107')

711ST CL\IR IhlockfromVillagr ~hopplng andDo\\oto\\n bu, Recrnthpurcha<;rd brautlfu\hdl'cora t ed and furn I<;hcdcondo IncJud!'>' eHnthlllgfrom ,hret, and toy,el<; to'l'ler\\are and T" WIllrenl ,hort or long lermIdeal for t ran,lere(' fl82

1)299or 8.12 47 [5

'\EFF HO-\D - ~p \c\Ol:-4 bedloolll 2\ 2 b,lth UlIltI,ll gel th,1Il lIlo,t home~ In

.II ea Sepal,lte bd ...ementgdrage :\e,lr Vllldge dllddOlI ntO\Il1 bll... S750 .Jmonth 881 4200


--GROSSE POlllte P,lIh - 6

loom duple, model n kIt.chen and bdth C.II petmgga" heat S325 ,I monthplus "eCUIIt~ Shdl pc1e.ln B21 6502

- - --GROSSE Pomle Wood, - 4

room upper ...10\ e refllgeratol. carpet 109 $JOO .Imonth plu, ...ecunl) Idedlfor adults 821.2902

AREA --=- ~ldck;\\S-n en,cozv comfortable clean 1bedroom, 3 room carpetedapartment dpphance~a\ allable Ideal for maleReasonable 8860939

GROSSE P;;~nte -=..- i-bed-room lo\\er flat I ecentl~pamted appliances parkmg Ideal for adults B228979

O-l1TER DRIVE - \lacharea Ver) ele'1n ne\1 I~carpeted upper l bedrooms hI mg room dmmgroom kitchen appliancesIllcluded laundr~ faclhllesa\ allable III basement$275 882 4355-

grosse pOinte CII)' l bedroom upper applianceslease - abo J room of-fIce, anne parker tu54415

BE \lO\:-FI~.LD ",,\lIth 01Jetft'l ,oIl Uppl'l 01 It'll l'l5 100111"< 2. b"lhoOll\' Il'!t'll'nll" $35l) !lll hld ...~hl',ll 834 7000

DE\ O\~IIIHE \l.ld .. ,\I t'.l 2bedloom 10\lt'l II,\t "'l'p.ll,ltl' t'ntl.lIl<- l" ,\lid b.h"

,,' lO: l-:; "),101 •• "tllltlP, b80J

<l11d ,el'llllt\ dep..}"'lt 881 \ Fl R'\I~IlEn J 1>,'dlOOlll56.30 ~eplelllbt'l 15 \pI II 15 $575

GHO~SE POlllte \\')')lb - 5 l-lI ...t l,ht "etuntl Refelroom... dllll'tte l'ndo,t'li elite... 822 957\pm ch l,ll pl'tlllg ...10\ " 1 <-'ft 11'1:'1.l t 01 ~,ll ,lgl' $345776 lti57

ell \T~\\OH1'1l 41>85 0111\\'1

.It pl"m ....e ... Flld,l\ th tobt't II 12 6 P 1Il III l,lllI 359 5~86 5 loom 1011"1",to\l' Il\fl~~el,et.\11td lh)lth ~dl ..l~t\

$250 p..'1 I11llllth pllh utll\tl'" >'t'lUIll\ dqHhlt

GHOSSE POIi\TE l' \HK\\',1\ bUI n 111',11 Kt'll hl'l ,II

L.ll gl' 2. bl'lh \10m f1.\t IIlthl.ll/Ildl \ hooh up ('0111pleteh rl'dl'lol,ltetl $250pl'l mOllth Hl'ft'l ,'l1ll',depo ...'t Il',l>,t' no p,,!'>824 72t3

WOODBRIDGE Eastcondo 101lnhol.lse 5 rooms2 bedrooms applIancescarpetmg appliances\llndo\1 treatment \'nlllease PettIne 521 4030,7752434

LOVF.i ~ 2 bedroom condoon Lake::.hore Dn\ e Full)carpeled ,to\e refngerator dlspo~aJ central alr5425 per month Call 7544469

~EWLY decorated - lo\\er2 bedroom flat De\ on,hlre- I block ,outh of \\ arren5 room, plu~ ,leepmgporch ,"tOI e nfrlgrratorcdrpeted natural fIreplace 5125 a mo~~~ R~~sUlllltle~ 'of) pu" ""..='::

')41 '\ EFf' - 2 bedroomla~tefllll~ redecorated andlan(hcdped Pnme localIOn S4i~ uttlllies 1mn,rdlAe (1((upanC\ Opentor 11l-f){Cllon f'rlda;. 57tJ r '-,( hdl, e, Real F ...tatep"" P'lO(l

HOt ..,TO,\ \\ hillier ar('a 5I.,r~(' room, carpeting.lpplidncr' garag( 5100777 47(14

-\TTH \CTI\ Eon£' hedroom()pcll tniPlll J '"1i \\}<ife" Hi at refrigerator...t (1\ ( (d rrWI Ing la rge(],,_,.! _ I 1l1l1dn room fa( lli!)(, <;26S rl month 1mnlt dldt, ()tlUpdnC\ Call.. fll'r ') pm fOJ .. ppomt!T'enl 268 &436 /119010

BEDROOM dparlnll.'ntnJceh decorated clednqUlt't bUlldmg nedl GratIOttr.m port"tlon ,III utIlitl€,,,furnl lll'eI Idl'dl fOI .Ielull"no pel" $215 pili ... "N 1II1t\depo"l t 839-2430

DE\'O~SHIRE Outer ()rI\('

dl l'd 1 bedloom Uppl'l,Ipphdnce::. - S260 lI1c1ude ...hedt ,Iller 4 886 841>4

eLE \1\ 1entdl .... 1\ dll.lbleFI".... hOIN" ,lIId .lp.1I tIlll'nl"< In e'l'l'llent e.l ...t'Ide neighborhood... 882li784 .Illl'r 6 p III

GRO~:-E Pomte 1',11 I-. 3 bedI »om hOllle Ire,hh d('l''ll ,Iled n,ltUi dl Ilood 11001 ....Ind IIOOlill 01 I-. DIlllngrOOl11 den llo,e to tl dn ...

(,ll \ R \('1 F H \Ill h OUtl'l pUr(dtlOn \\ ,1I1.1ble llll

DIll P .11<'.\ 2 lll'dlllOm up medldteh.1 nn ....t "'('1:'pel t k',m lllill l',\1 pl'led $400 ''''r pill' utllitlh op

I • .."" h,~ l' t" .....,,' .~... .. I 11011 IU UUI I)U~:,[U'~ ""1lll<-luded ~,lI.lge 'poll': 3lJO 881 4977 .hooh up ... to! \,lUndl I SjaO _pt'l lllollth pllh depo H-\\'ERHlLL nl.'.Il :<Idll-. 5A \ ,Ill ,\bl<-' \ UI t mbel 1 room upper ,lpph,lI\ce"Clwcl-. It oul 885 -067 dfter heat porch J 2 g,lr age6 B827775

L \ \SDO\\ \E helll \101 ONE BEDROOl\1 dpdrtmentang .H (>a ~hdl p 3 bedloom III qUiet II ell I11dmt.lllH"dbllch CotOl'I,ll 1'. bath, bllildmg 1044 -\lter Rei!lilt llldl fII epl.lll' I-.Itchen S180 822 7b27\\lth bUIlt Ilh I eCI C.ltlOn 5 ROOM t:PPER Hdt all100111 2 c,u ~dl ,\1'" S400 a Del onshlre Completel~month I edeeorated and cdrpe-ted

GR-\ \'TO.\ IH'dl :<lack $.270 plu, utllltle, SecUflt~Gredt drca of Dellolt 2 dl'poslt_ reference", nobl'dloom S room uppl'r pe-ts Ideal for adult::. 882.flat completl.'l~ I,'decorat 9820ed ba,ement gdr,lgc $350 --------- - ----d month ST CLAIR Shalt.":> 2 bl'd

:licKI, ;,\EY neal \\ hillIer room condo ~pphdnce"\\ ell det 01 ated J bedroom air upper $390 per monlhbrick al ea B,l>em€'nt 5433354gdl age $350 HOlISE for rent-=-- $-l5O-pel

ST CL \1R SHORES - 13 month plus utllllJe::. 3 bedJelferson areil 3 bedroom room fam]l) neIghbor11z bath 2 car garage hood. Ilood floor" fIre\ el \ big lot _ p~a~e_ 963-8155 _

-\LTER South of Jefferson l l'PPER FLAT 5 rooms.bedloom hltchen \llth Grosse Pomte ParI-. $250bUIlt lllS. "eparate ba:,e. plus utllttIes 1030 \Va).ment $250 bUl n. 3013-0153 after 0130

GROSSE Powte Park - LOWER FLAT, 2 bedrooms.\ottmgham south of Jef ~tO\ I.' refngerator. garfer son Lo\\er 2 bedroom age S31.5 plu~ utIlitiesfreshl\ decorated $325 m. l PPER FLAT - 1 bedroom.cluduig heat stO\ e. refngerator. gar

OL TER DR \ery clean_ 2 age 5250 plus utilities 1307bedroom upper carpetmg Lakepomte. 882 9150 851throughout natural fire. 7572place 8300 LARGE 2 bedrooffiupper

BISHOP Shdrp upper. 2 carpeted CadleuJo.{Outerbedroom. carpl'tmg Drl\e area. 468.7485throughout fireplace ap. BEACONSFIELDsouthofphdnces $275 Jefferson 2 bedroom up

Fll'st come first sen e I per Chandelter ne\1 cop-EASTSIDE l\lA:-IAGEMENT pertone appliances, car.

8843890 _I peted. drapes leaded glassSPACWl'S - ulllque 2 bed. wmdows. off.street park

room aparlment Pantf) IIlg No pets Ideal forsunpol ch bathroom sky adults $370 wcludes heat

'light East Warren at Bea- 822-8137• consfJeld $245 mcludes 3 BEDROOM brick home~heat appliances 88&-5065 garage. clean. Ideal for

SPACIOUS flat Cadieux adults 885-7545Warren area 2 bl'droom. ALTER RD (Korte _ 3 bed.dlOlIlg room enclosed room, bath and t';! duplexporch natural fireplace, for \\orkmg adults All ap-appllances Included $375 phances available No\pel month 343 0279 ember 1 $325 per month

7\fiLE RoadlMordng2 fJrst{last secunty Sho\\nbedrooms newl) decorat- by appomtment onl) 739-ed clean 5285 884.1501 0335

NE\\-;-LY decorated. spacIOus BEACONSFIELD south of1 bedroom apartment Jefferson ne\\I) vacatedEast Warren at Beacons. refurbished t\\O bedroomfield $185 Includes heat upper. plush carpetlllgapplIances 8865065___ new kitchen SIde b~ SIde

refrigerator stove drapesBRICK l bedroom duplex, chandelter. full basement

\ ery clean Kelly near 6 WIth closet. attic. off. streetMile Carpeted. basement. parkmg No pets Ideal forgarage cOlered patio, adults Reduced to S360 Innear shoppmg bus route c1udmg heat 822-4497Ideal for non smoklllgadulls S325 521 3186 -CAVALIER MANOR---

W"-RREN ARE-\ - 4 bed- 24575 KELLYroom home $450 a month EASTLAND AREA$900 security depOSit plus LUXUflOUS 2 bedroom apart.utllttles 574 om ment and to\\nhouse Ap-

SlT!\S-ET CIRCLE condOm- phances carpet centralInJums T\IO bedrooms $400 aIr pool carport near 10per month Harper 131" lillie From S365 772.3649MIle Road 5t Clair Shores or 9617411~1lchlgan 881-2755 6"'E AND t\\O bedroom

--- - - - - - - - - - flats Pomte areaGROSSE Pomte Woods - 8224908

Charmmg 2 bedroom bnck _bungalow fireplace. 2 BEDROO:l<! home Grossescreened porch basement Pomte Woods stO\ I.' reoother extras $500 per fngerator gas fIreplacemonth 7i36292 fll\lshed floors 112 car

garage Grosse Po mil'schools and park Sol25 permon1h plus utIlitIes 8856999

P "-RK Man land near Jefferson 2. bedroom lo\\erQUiet B21 9813 C\ enlllg~

H -\RPER \\rOODS K;-ng;\ ille 20605 2 bedroombflcJ.. basement carpetmg fenced ) ard garage$325 utliltle~ extra ::.ecun!) depo'll Vacanl 8840238 or 885 5283

H<\RPER \\OODS ,mglebedroom hou"e $.175 8858034 or 886 2495- --- --- ~~- -

......OTTI"'GHAMj\lack area- loy,er 3 bedroom flatfull)' carpeted ~tm I.' refr.ger:af .....r (;.lIpp1!po '*narate ba~ement \11th o\lnutilltle~ $275 per monthp'u~ '€C\lfll\ "-dulls preferred 521 1612

KELLYr\\hltller area ')room upper carpelerl>,to\e refrigerator \0pet~ $265 heat Included527 '1280

CH-\"DI f~R Park DfJlenear Ken,mgton ') roomupp<>r flat rrcentl)' decor,ired carpelI'd ~Io\ I.' refflg(rator :-'0 pets 8824522 after 5 p m

KEI\SINGTON Warren -Large 1 bedroom )oy,erfireplace hardy,ood floor ...Excellent conditIOn $475 amonth heat Included 8822746

GROSSE 1'01l11l' P.II k Onl.'\)l't!J oom ,Ill,\! tJ1l('nt Idl.',llrot 'lngll' \ppll.mce, dndhe,ll lllduded $275 1\"1l'.ldll'U'\ ,1Ild I '14 2 bed100111 duple, B,h(>llll:'ntg.ll.ll!,l' $H5 '\010 ...:>11'\l'lh 2 bl'lll oom dllpk''\.$JO:;

E DETHOI l' - ') \I ill' GI ~tlOt 2 bedl ()o1ll hou,eF,111111\ I (lOIll ,1\\ ,Ipphdnll' ... $",5 FOI ,llhl'l ... notll,tl'd C,III 1,1\ Oil' 77320\')

L0\ l- I \ ") I uom UP\)('I fldt111151 Out<-'I Dllll' Fill'pld«' dppll,lIl< t', t.,.11.1~"...tOI dt.,<' $,2; ~WI mOllthtw.IIIJlt., III ~OII,lbll' 8811)287

Page 33: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursday, October 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven.C


OG HOl.:SE toboggan, 3push mo",ers cham fo!'fence or to .....1ng 882-6720

F ,nUL Y Garage Sale _Saturday 9 30 a m A lotof mIscellaneous crystal.antIque sterlIng spoons,ad Ie's fur Jackets gym-

nlsts balance beam babys .....lng 770;li Bns. be1\ een :\tornmgslde and


RE-\TER-G~jHGE Sj,LE4 Families

2 :\EFF RD o\T MAUMEEIda} Oct 8 20 00 4 001'\ 0 pre;,a les) LIOnel &HO traIns LP s & 78's.....elghthftlng equipment,skl1s large sprlOg action

\\ onder Bo) horse,amps rugs >tamps tux

edo plcture frames supplies & labTlcs,a II n furniture \\ omen s

clothmg 8 16 - and \1l:CH\toRE'I PHOTO COPIER $35commerCIal pnnt makermake offer Roadmasterpaper b1ke $30 ski rack$25 1all" ,llccper $15trombone SI25 886 1875

-\R'\GE S~LE - Furorlure ,orne antiques olherlhmg, Fndaj- Saturday10 a m 6020 Canyon

GOl'CH, muted brown plaid'I cu<,hlOn> 8 long $5008224856

ANTIQUE mJrrored and<.arved oak wdrdrobe harveql table and 4 ladderbd<.k chdlr, 2 Colomal endtdhle, 882 ~'521 after 5pIll

YOLTH HED complele, $40,(fib complete other babydnd toddler need., l.arge<.oJorful ~exlcan rug $40,frdllled JOdn 'lflro lithogrdph pd)r of old Amerl(dn Indldn doll' 821 0109

BEALTH LL - CountryI"renLh "lmond fll1Jsh9 ple( I' diOlIlg room setMu~t <ee 10 appreCiate,$9(J0 ,mall >Ofd $35 2mdl( hi ng Imen f!o arrdngement'> In (ream &burgundy $35 Call refore9 p m 1182 8920

17 lAR\:IEL LANE - offLdke.,hore and Kerby,(" tVlJIC. .. ') (.A:~ ,.2,-.': :~....,...,o.furmture good mise Saturdd} only

LARAGE SALE - 5764~lar.!>e)Jles off ChandlerPark DfI\(, October 9 and10 10 tll 5 Toy, books,(Iolhlng some furmturelols of mIse Item<;

GARALE SALE - 856 Hol"Iywood Friday, ~aturday.9-6, household Items smallappliances skates. skus,bikes aquarrums tires,bJrd cages, .....ood Frenchdoors no pre sales

~iOViNG-SALE- saturday,9 am -5 pm Sunday, 11a m 5 p m Furmlure.household Items 19919 He-len Harper Woods

DRUMS SET $65-:-trom-bone $65, Cornett $65.Melody organ 530. Reg-ulator !'chool top clock an"tlque, $125 After 6 8862487

Ox12 CARPETING & pad-Jronnte Ironer, fabriC -Icu\ ered shutters dishes.Crib & children s ItemsSaturday only 1218 Ahne

GARAGESALE - stal furmture pIC-tures and miscellaneoushousehold Items October7, 8 9 10 5 787 RI,ardBlvd

-------------~lOVJ~G SALE Thursdaythm Sunday 9 a m Smallappllances, furmtureradJO's ete E\erythmgmust go 14515 Hazelrldge(De/rOIl)

DIRT BIKE SChWinn BMX-excellent condItIOn Max)'Cross cranKs. nell red-hneneck and handle barsalloy seat post and sealstamp $150 881-9742

NTIQUE carved WlJd oak 9piece dmmg set excellent.$1,300 or make me an of-fer 776-5615

HNOLTA XG7 - Aperaturepnorlt) ....llh 5Omm. Fl 7lens, mcludes flash 2X ex-tender, $230 886 5485

ABY EQuIPMENTToys stroller, ca rseal,clothes Schwmn lady's5-speed Cartop luggagecarner Luggage ExerCise,Iant board DrapesWooden shade Craft ma-terials 17160 ChandlerPark Frida) Sat urday,9-5

205 BEDROO~f set 1980'scarved oak dmmg setFrench sofa, small QueenAnne secret an 21805 VanDy ke, Warren" Inorth of 8Mile Rd I. IG-5 dally

:\u.:m ROAD Saturday,October 9th, 9-4 Wurhtzerorgan old clocks CUriOcabrnet, cham saw, oakchest and dresser, girlsbIke, old cash register, 100 s of Items and an-llques All must go' We 11deal

:\R-\GE SALE - 785 Lake-;,hore Road l(} a m to 4p m Frlda~ and Saturday

XPE:,\SIVE men's SUIts,some ne\er 110m 40 and~2 regular Several profes.slOnall) laundered whIteand sport shIrts 885-2209






























NEW Hlfle' Huger nR 3G-& 308, $290, Hemlngt700lWL 243 Will, $31U,ed Marx X 7mm MA(u~lom ,Io(k $250 WI(h~,>ter 70 7mm MA,uper grdde (u,tom $6501 rddewJnd., F~ 108 MAL$425, New MuuleloddlnThomp~on <.enler ~ne<.4'5 CAL $21') !'a~e SbIi.,wkln 50 ColI kit $15"dVe $42 IJ8I 5872

AM FM HADIOd{ecorplayer Early AmerlLdLdblnd Extel!~nl trJndlion $100 884 667 i

\HJVI"iL "ALE - 929 BeLon,fleld '>dturdd) 9 10Chdlr, td bl(, dr "pe, pI(turel> frdme., et(

\:-'XJ()L~ tu 't-ll lamp,mIrror., Aldnd \', dterf'lrdde'>lgner <Iuth~,> ,omultra ,uede 851!lllb4

YAHD SALE - WonderfuloJ[l:<.llble, He"e) Depre>;,1 un 10y, r eL OJu,Bdker furOlture I(e (fedm,et flrepld(e ,>u een qUdlIt} (/othJng old furniture10 4 P m Fmld} 10 2 P m~dturday 285 "lORO%~o pre ,ale.,




SELECTION - LIke ne .....Schl\ Inn blc) des PomleCyclery 203i3 :\lack andBIll s Brke 14229 East Jef-ferson

EDDlNG SPECI-\LIST-=Silk or dned cenlerplecesby profes~lOnal floristv.or\ at home Cuslom\\ ork I er) reasonable839-6434

OX SPRiNGand mattresssets b) Serta '2 off 1'\\ In$145 Full Si85 Queen5225 Kmg 5325 All fIrstqualrly Dealer '" arehouseclearance 268 285-l or 3i I5-lOO

OLDI:'\G bed Zemth portable slereo reeord pial erWarm 0 Tra\ 3 sels adJuslable sted bed framessmall magazlIle rack 36cellmg fan <;hutter ne",pmt SIze cannmg Jars 1SV.I\ el hlghback kitchenchaIr Bate, lIlalchlllg tl\Obedspread good for 00\ ~bedroom traller \\ alkertraIler br<l"e control fl~htank 20 gallon \\lth double';land and acce.,~onesframed mIrror 28,,32 8228544-\DY S 10 ,peed bIke e\cellent conditIon SIOO or he ...toffer 886 ~802

-\R-\GE S-\LE - Octoberith 8th 9th 9 a III -l P m1923 Beaulalt Bo\ ~clothr, to\" lot... of mlscel1aneou~

\R-\GE S \LE - Fnda~Saturda) 126 P m PlIlball1"12Cf),f'C !,,1\\n'1101lcr<; car

part" ml,celianeOlls 17140\lum ch off ('adleu\

.jEST OF dral\er' dres"er beautIful cond,tlon8227725

G E GAS dr) er ex(ellencondlllon dlmo.,t nell$150 885 0079- --

KEN~lORE ga> dryer exeellent condition $145885.()()79~------ - - -

GARAGE SALE - 1680 Oxford, Saturday 10 to 6Pecan bedroom ;,et andmlscellanE'ou.!> Item~----- ---- --

SIMMONS hide a bE'dyear~ old, $185 778-0890

OVERSTUFFEDChalr ne~conditIOn $50 331 8591

--~- --TEMPCO space heater

20,000 BTC ex<.ellent condltlOn, $75 8850079

G E SELF cleanmgelectrrcrange, excellent condillon$175 8850079

IGNATURE sldeb~lderefrrgerator ~ Ith Icemaker, excellent conditIOn$295 885 0079 ------

SAVE $1,000New Radro Shack TSR 80

:\1odel II Computer Pnnter .....Ith Daise) Wheel. dlseexpanSIOn system 1\ Ithextra dn\e 885 4605-----------

10VlNG - 3 piece custombUllt sectIOnal furnrture$150 Hotpomt refngerator $50 886-1338

GARAGE SALE - FTlda)11 4, October 8 2040Lochmoor Queen sofa bed$350, stove, 36 540L10rds 8 track stereo$200, dr)er $35, aIr condltlOner. $100 885-8165--------

COLUMBUS gas sto\e excellent condItion $95 8850079 ---

KENMORE automaticIIasher excellent condltlOn 595 885..{)(l79

------------EARLY Amencan sofa and

10\ eseat upholster) 110mgood slip CO\ers 6 ft \I Idev.hlte Roman shades 8815592

ALE - -M26 Harvard ",alnut antique bedroom setconsole stereo, $150 RV~'1aflne refrIgeratorlamps pla}er plano antlques clothes and muchmore FrIda), Saturda)Sunda) 9 to 6 882 0603

BASE:\tENT S-\LE - Maross/Mack area 4985 -\shley Saturda) onll lots ofmlsc







t ,















y r.

n -
















y AHD ~ALE Ldmp,> furnlure file <'dbHlet!' planttool'> art ,upplles clothe&7~ Alter ~aturddY O(tber 9 10 d III to 5 p m- -

LEAD GLA~S <.ablllel doorLnJro}dl rddlal tire>mall dntlque ga~ '-tOI e1\\ III mdllre;,;, box ~pnng(eddr the;,t 12 TV dabed Idmp fJxture> door8860152

A 40 FAMILY Rummagdnd Bake Sale dt one locatJOn' Thursday and Frddy 10 a m 5 p m a29700 Gredler Mack, onblock I\orlh of 12 MileMerry Go Round and refresh ments Proceeds tLakeshore Co op Nursery

ONE YEARoldC~iorlCgarange perfect condItIOn$25Q, four solid wood SWIVel bar stools $50 each48x72 v. all mIrror $40885.1653

YARD SALE- 4845 CourVilleFurniture, clotlung, je", er) mlsc household ItemsFrida) Saturday Sunda115

GARAGE SALE HousehOlJtems clothes mlSC, 1100Canterburv (Woods) bet~een Ri\ er Rd anWedge .....ood ThursdayFnday Saturday

GARAGE SALE Saturdaonly 9 4 Mink stolepIng-pong table, mlscellaneous 1899 Lochmoor

GARAGE SALE - Gucase, coats. pIctures mlscellaneous 22511 RosedaleSt Clair Shores ThursdayFnda). Saturday

At, TC-:,1N-----mlnkStroller, excellent conditIOn SIZHH2 $700 After 6 p m296 3524

SMALL Sear s washer Excellent conditIon $90 0best offer 822 7581 afterpm

TIRES ~ 4 ~llchelIn 2X187G-13 550 Sear's large capacJI) humlduler \\-orksneeds repair $15 Kltchescale $5 822-5869

3 FA:\ULY Garage Sale -Clothes. baby thmgshousehold mlscellaneouItems Friday, Saturday10 a m -4 pm 21179 Manchester Harper Woods

SKHS BOOTS poles skatessl\eaters mItts sockspanls Remdeer boots furhats 881 7628

SOF-\ 84 gOJd stripe likene" S75 773 2301

- ------- ----RES-\LE SHOP, Cnrtanan

Church anne>. 111 rearlil50 :.taumee at NeffGrosse POInte Cily open10 a m to 3 Wednesdayand i to 9 Thursday evenIIlg, 882 9755 WednesdaySor 881 9.H2 am tlme Conslgnments ~ eicome Wednesda)s onl)

-------- ----FOR S-\LE 3~t Secretan

II COP\ machme - 51 200IB:\I ElectrIC Typ€ .....nter- 5125 Draftmg Table1\ h\ draulrc lifts and\ Imco arm - S800 SpiralStalrca~e a~sembl\ 16high II all ~teel sle"ps _5350 'l SI-..)Irght~ 4 \4 and6 \6 - S200 So. 5250 Rlccar10 I I ndust rial Se\\ mg\lachme - S300 Bluepnnt\lachme (needs I\orkl _5100 5 large Room Dllrders - S30 for all ChampIOn Compressor 5 horsePO\\ef li40 RP\l 3 phase1\ gauge" &. 100 ho<;e likenell - SI 100 Large melalDraftlOg Dra\\s - SI50Bl n>. Spr <I) Bool h III cIH(ht~ &. fle"lble ,tack _SI 500 Chop gun cart &arm good cond - 5600Rock\\ell "Ir DI~c Sander&. -\Ir \, Ihralor Sander _Si'i each Ca 11 822 5188

2 BLOCKS of sale~ October8th and qlh Frlda\ and~a!Urda~ 9-4 "al burn bet\leen \lorang and \\ hItller

\l TO\10RILE OW:-"ERS -\<; 101\ iI'; $31 quarterlybu\, b<l~IC automobile 10~urance 881 2376

FLOOH model spate hedte70,000 BTU, ga<, blowdnd Iher mo.,ta t, u 'ed...ed,on" $175 881 b312

PI':[)E~TAL de,k - larL .,hdped terrdrIUr dqudflUmJ on wrougIron ,tand large dnllque'liver mIrror 3 uphohteed (hdJr, Large 3 Ilereround ,ldnt tdble <.drtable With 4 uphol>tere(hdlr, Jx5 draflmg t)(Jdr2 ruom dJr LondltJOner882 J7l2

HX /{) .\11"iT green rug $5L B r ddJO $75 (, reepJlnl II\lIlg room (hdl$2;:; (lJ~ '>252

U'_HA",Jl eqUJpmenE\enhedt Kiln extrId) ge mu[d, gl .. Le, et88b 0798

.....ILHT'>TA"iI.> $10 de<.ordtoIdmp dJrhne., pet trd \<'dge l.b bike $10 Fir:d~(p fT)lrror R,H:; 1::;72

Iq7-l Y \\tAHA ,nov.moblle1\ lth CO\ered trarler $500-12\(' (\\e,trnghousel$50 "fter 4 885-4831

OLDER G-\~ ~tO\e I\orks1\ ell S60 882 8881

IR07\. PO~T flat for av.nml(882525i


ADMIHAL duuhle door Jefl Jgel dlur eXldlenf wndltJOn $295 flll'i 0079

KEf\lMOHE gd' ,>tove 3&In( Ii Wllh griddle $95!Ill; 0079

CO£( ....f:H \:I"tlOg"n) (hili"( .. bull t hO'Jlltoll b..d doubl! fl dIlle <llld mdllr .."

I\ndll OIJ~lllIl:fJld(c >treen'I IJd,tlJld,>ter brOllerto\ enl pH (e "dm~orllli luggdg('(, r. ('/1'( It I( dr }!'I dwelt!',I:! ~ dl"I)~ ""orled,tlu rn ilium ,Iorm '" IIIdov. '>lJpl,ul,1l I cd <ll,m roll upI~II (h ,h"d(>, JiCA 21 H/W1\ 1111'( Ilerm 11114 J&!!6

(. r "IJ)~, h\ '>Id( rdJ Igl'r dtOI I ~(I lll'nl (oJl(jJI)on$L'J", P,ll, lIIJ7~

AlJ\l1H \1. bl"lk "nd ",llIteI \ (XU IiI nt (ondillOn

~/)(J P.d; ()()i!!

'>r: \H '> Kenrnull "utomdtJl1I00,1I('r eHeilent (lJndlllllil ~I.l~ tl6" ON' Of

V \\OL\A\I\\ ""g.tblul fox LOdl full length\ l') tll,,1 pl'lh ;,ILl' \1 one...('",<JrJ uld r 01 dppo1l11/lien! ldll !lU b7.l4 .lIter 6

\\OOJ)E\ lhe>t of;,~ JO nell lulor T \ "nIUJnd $25 ...lJd( projl'( tor~25 gd~ qUI e $20 pdlrIJI d~~ Idmp~ SI4 824 2492

(, \HAGE ~ALE - 5211LOU! Illle O(tol>er ilh 8th9th 10 d m 5 p m Furmture Liolhlng books lot<;of kOlC\.. knd<.ks t) peII nlel ml'>lelldneou~




FHID.\Y & ~ATLRDAY10 <J m 4 pm

Thl'> I en nJce mO\ JOg ;,aleI'" full of prett) furmture IIIpel fect condition We hd\ed pdlr of IlldlchlOg 101I'sed!'> 2 frultl\ood end ta!.lll' ol Colomdl ;,t) Ie ser\er d IrUltv.ood <.redenza<.In ordnge uphol~tered(hdlr & ottoman a dropfront ;,ecrl'l<Jf\ a doublebed '" Ith IrUrl '" ood headboard dres,er che;,1 &IIlghht.wd a 1011'1) Iron &gla~, ldble &. -l chalrs andnllque I drdller ldble dndd lhdrmwg small pJnechesl

There dre ~terlmg candledbrd d ;,Iher chafmg disha Hummel \lddonna \\ al[ace sldmle;,s flal",areFrdncl>can anllque potten pe",ter ,conce;, So.plate, a "'el for 12 of Germdn bone (hlOd "'Ith platInum band table bed &balh lmens ,e\ eral lampsI'll'

-\bo a\ dllable are a colorportable T \' - a black &II hlte T V a Presto mixer d'sorted kitchen stuffIlomen , >lze 12 clothes aY drdman ndlng mo\\er\\ Ith leaf bagger as,;ortedgarden tools planters antron \amt\ chdlr andmucb more

Please stop and sa) hello -II e are nght on ) our IIa~to Ea;,tiand

1 II hand out numbered tICI-.eb at 8 a m Fndal 10 eslabh;,h ) our place "m hneat 10 am openmgS-\LE CO:'\DLCTED BY


\\ atch for 2 sale., ne"l I\eektoo'- -- - ~ ~ -

G E ELECTRIC dn er e"cellent condltlOn' 5145885 OOi9

B \RBER ;,hop IlqUldalmgbarber chair;, \\ al!lIlgchaIr, mirrors ;,nampoobO\I I, etc Saturda\ after.J ~unda\ \fonda\ all dal194il ~facl-. Gro;,se Pomte\\ ood", B85 1622 7il .;891

FREEZER Chbt t) pI'dhhll a,her ",zed perfectcondlllOn 3 \ ear, old S125fl86 657~

FRID-\ \ and Saturda\~('h\\ mn e\erc! ...e bI\..e ~'Jrcondltloncr bath tubJacuzzI table... chairsml'c 536 '\orth Rosedalecourt near \10rnlllgslde95 881 5685 -

Dl SPL -\" caIJmct - \!ahog;;1l\ Chlppendale 511 Ie -l-lgla ...s \llIldo\\ panes allaround "Ith mirroredback 3. mch plale gla,~...hel \ 1" bO m"h hi gh HII Ide VI 16 deep 5650 orhe'l 0ffer \1'0 mounteddeer 11 pomt Buck S6""mall deer he;>d 525 Fhmg \1allard duck S~5\Iounled Peacoc\.. S2i588b ,'H~

1'\\ J'\ bpdroom 'et Onangenrralor rolor T \ anlenna other furnllurebl"e, R.'l4'l4H

C \RPETI,\(, hlue green11001 70 ,quare \ard~R22 1<}()8

IO\E;..,E\T" - \latchlngp,llr SIOO l'ach or SIi5hoth F\crllrnt con(htlonAAI AA-I2

(, \ R \ (, E ~ \I E 1b02Ha\erhill II block off\!<l<'k I Thur'da\ Fnda\S1turddl l):; '\rll lhedcollectlhle,

RO\ SPRIV;S and framt'S'i hi 1..1" InrI- S'i '" omdn, S ,pl'l'd Sill greenm,lchlnp S'i 2 chlldrt>n ,\llntN jdckrt,; clolhmgto:.'> ml'C Item, 8212897



Household & EstateSales & AppraIsals


Grosse POinte CIty


PENNY CANDY01'ell'l tlOn of c,lIldl('" IIldud

Il1g .,oml of \OUl old f 01\Illltl" \1.11 \ Joint;, (,lOdlbutton' Bl,,(k .I,1<h., \e(,0' ~qUlll el... olher I urlent (dlJdle, ~lOOP I(elledm H,tllolleell tredt't ....CLE ~\'I'~ PE ....' ..

( \, D\ ~TORE.(H-\LL~\\ORTH \'TIQl ES)


HOl R'> 12106 JO

lit (,F (,~H \(,E ~-\LE1920 ... DetrOit .Iev.el ;,tOI I'

'IIOI\..' gredtl ndtural'II\.. \Odl It'\("ldl ,llld otlom,ln de'lgner chair ...dnd lolmp, refngeratorcu'tom made' dl ape> \\ Ithh,ll dll .In' b,l!J\ Ilem ...clothll1g l1e\1 .1Ild I IlltageBl'lll\\ood rocher ,md 10dd~of dl, .. nd collectibles~dturdal ~unddl 105'i26H COUI \ 1Ile diet\\el'n\\ <111~n dnd ChdndlelPdrh I

L\RGE SELECTlO,\ of reoconditioned SCI-I\\'I'\:-' bl(~cle;, Rea ...onolhle pn(e;,\ dlage C~den ,IiOJ'ii

G \R-\GE S-\LE - \11,cS"ILirddl 10 5 1QO-l Berh,hire

UlIOI{ 1\ I!! l'\(ellent(iJndlllll/l plell' (o/l;,ol ...Sli'i ,oj" -lltlon,,1 4pille, TI "dlt Wlldl lld I Ibill(' S100 (h,w &. mdtL hIn~ oltOJ1]dn 11 "dltlondlllkl Il( II S125 I Iu(ker,uphohlered S.l'i edC h Gd;,log hl'dtel ,et &. dlce,"'0'1(" S7'i lJ8J 261!J

(J F J(I H \\LE - hollle,tgold 1'\( ellelll (Ondltlon(,111 "ftt'l 4 pill 8856629

HWIN(; LAWI\ mOIH'r With.,lllJl~ phJ\\ ,HlU (h,llll' !l'df"1,('('1)( r tJll) II.. pol perdl11l Lil('; (dmerd VWhug II h('el, ,( I dl( h p"d,'Illdl t'''' (j 1(1 dph lr .HTIl',I,IIIJI 1110111'1 jJdl t, '/lOlll/lobill (Jl 11217~ l()

(,,\HA(.I' "ALl' j 1'''1111111'>dlu) d,;1 10 I 11'i;

\\ hit! 11'1 Wit ku '11Illold 141,,,., dllrl,' lur rlItUlI'(Iolht, II ,H!' d 1)('\lI\'d,,11" dOfn, ILJlJl/llolld1'11)11 0114,111 1111'>(

(,\H\(.~ '>\11 '>"tUIddl ()(lutwi Ij 9, 2~('"II bl (II 0,,( POlnll'I "I rn, !lOll.,. hold il"lIh


1.11(I 'lJ'\OIIl 1I"llJl,'J o..kllJllnd( d (01 Illl'> I'd'~-I )IX) 1$, 'I 0111 ~I (,1)1) ~)HI,,,, mool (,ft ,IWI (/l' "I \" 1I111 Hili) H, IIflll2 'JlIH

\10\ 1\(. " \! ~, I.l2\1 Ill"({Jlh/H!d I'lllj,lI 'tIld ,> .. 1lJ) doll 11 j It I 11\, lilt JudedlllU\/!, loom tdbl, lh,l11'd(Jubll' bid I'j!ll Jllghl'!olnd /4," dll(! Itlloom L.b!l .. lid (h,ur,t!lltlJ( II/Jlll/illl (oJJllt .. bll .. nd 101, of e\('[ \UHlig 1'1 'I

b I'll' (r. IIH'lI1d" Ilk IJl'd,( I \LJ1HJgdlll dmmg ,et"111I11,1i llupp('lld,tle ...Ofd,JI\d 2 <11"11' Oll('nldl(hm,j ldbJ/lli 2111U5 \dnIhkl \\,111111 nUllh of lJ\l1!1 lid I l(j; d'''1\

131(. \ \HD ,>"LE - Toobt,...!1J'1g g.....1 !Ill 'I ,> .. tul

Ii,,\ '>ulld"l unh 412\!.'llor



• FREE CONSULTATIONCall 882.8654 or 881-7518 after 5 pm.


Donna A. Landers Jeanne R. Roddewlg882.8654 881-7518


4H1H1\ III J I () \1\ tdhll' &: 2

(hdl)' Hli d, ...1-. ,lltll(h,111 ~r, ~n~ldndll'(olle(' LtI,l, 4 \-1 1IIIh...mokld 1l(111(l! gl""$12'i loldlllg I-.II( hlll (UWItl'l ~I,L11i1., Url ,,(,110)1\~d~" dnd L.Ho!J....,on'll hOlu 10 lH month,IIIJI L,k"poliltl ~dllli tI"l"lIl1d,11

!I\11 (\Hl'r.1 - BUlIII 01d ng(' S lJ (0111 pdt! ) d IIg11•.101 S9; 'lIl,dl kll( hen(dblll('! S20 1'\1'1(hi bll-.l'$:>0 Bllb 1b91

(.OLDE,\ O-\K - dlillngI Hum ,pi 'llpt III (undl! 1011

I Idble b <I1"lh SI ()()() 0)hl',t o(fll Wl5lJl29

G >\Ii -\G I '> \1.1" TI,lmpol1J1I' ,hi' IIH'pldll'l'qulpnh'nl IUlllllurebuok' tu" ,k"le., huu'>,'hold Jtl'm' d( 345 I dhl'Jdnd ~dturd,JI 10 oJ III

\IL ~T ~ELL I '-oundmu'lt\ \1 F~1 ,lerlO IUI ntoJlJl('I'ilh 2 12 ,ped\..el' S71111112Y4J~ Kollhl ,dtll b"'e('l-.dd\ ...

A('('r:I'TIN(. «w,rgnrrll'nh(Io!hl", n I hlllg, J(I"dh

~hop 1752C, "tl'pht'u, 19' t"1111' ) IWll\l'l'11 (" ,,1101 ,wdKI'II} 772 7412

(,AJ(i\<;[': '>AI r '>dtllldd \ '>llnd.ry O( lobl'l \I IIJ~ d III (, I, Ullillllil "(1/111,In(I'' j.(,U111' llulhlllglI1"ny 1111'( III Ill' l,-,2lJ"tll( k( I L lkll (Jlt

1 I \\ I \ I~ 11, /Ildp!t ht ,HjIw,lI (!- ho\ 'piing,'>1, "III "ud ~ o,lll 111011tll'''t' \lddllllg !IIII!iJld ...pll"d, ::,12; "(IIIl'(01 H 1111111' 11111111 I ,('I ~r,,tt( f ~ W Ii In 771, rtll)

"'11 J If ,Illd lIt "Oil lIlodtJn l,~ \ldglJllIO \1.111I I \If 01' ~ lb-, 7i2 l~i4 dl( I bIi III J, !lLII ,wd ,>"Illld"l ,"1'1 j Ii III

lJ \IlK l)llll 111I\( Ii { dll11l tI,d,11 4 (iIJldln ... dl'lIl'

"I • t 1\ I f I PI k~~l


ant' 01 the largp ...t ,<'lecl1On ... of Onen!.>1 rug ...,il mllllll1um pn( e,

~'il r- \fFRRILL BIR\I1'\GH nr644-7311


S5i per face cordTa\ So. DellI en Included

Quant'!1 DJ'counl -\1 allableJOH~ 757 4885 FR \ \ h 882 6910


DI\I\G ROO"! - -\n(lqup\I bIll' <l11nd 4 ("ne tJdLk(h,ur, 2 Il'd \ 1', 111,.('nl \\9i8 2989

G\f{\(,1:. '>\LE ~t()ll$25 [)1II111f!tolble -l dldl1'525 gd'" lug'> Si5 Porl,lhll!l'fll gu,ilor SH5 \\ ol,hl'r dr\er ~,5 buth IOll-.ll1!!(h,ur $10 <101 hi'''' dl10ll-lO\ford 'dtUld,lI q 10I

G\H>\(,E ~"LE ':>dluldol\105 Furnllure ml ...ehou;'l'hold IIe'm~ >'111hi'"tablt' 2 <:hall ... Tooh L<infling j"r' bo\' tukl' 262herln

(, \H \(,1': '> \LE - ~ pOI" I1.l\\nnlC)\Ur", g"i' ht.~dt ... rI01 mp~ br 01>'" dldndellerbdbl nl'ed, doch~ LIonelI raIn, '110tOI (del! flldrdpl" dre" m,ltelldl.,IILltl'r... mhC ~ Ild,n'Jdlurd<l\ 9 ,I m 2.l118 \Ho,pddil' Ct 'it Cl,ur~hOlI''''

\IIChEH pOI t"ble IMr S200I-.rng "'Ile \1edlterraneanbed complete 5350French Pro\lnclal armOire SI50 \Ight 'Idnd55{) i79 i890

-\D\IlR \L I\hlle refngerdtor "nd gold G E refngerdtor al ...o ,lUtOll1dllC lId ,her 8825681


FACTO!! Y dlre( I to youFUlllllure Whule~dlt' DI'lilbutul ~ 01 MI( hlg,,/) ,tol!Illg dll Ilev. ml'l (hdJl(!I,p IIIOJIgllJ,ll (dl ton l\ol buJ1dpr, (10'1' uul modl'l, 0)

u'I'd 1lH'1(lI,llllf,,(' \LltIn'" ,tll! '" r ,Ippl'd 2 11Il'li,I'h 1"'111 $ III I'ul! ~4!lQueI'/) $68 !'>Uf,l huh $ /(J'!Odd t.lble~ SJ~ 1Hl BUllkt!l'(h (Omplt'll $!Ill b pll'l('1!llIIg loorn $170 WOO I'lhnOli S 175 'Ii 011 Opl')) lu till'plllJlll '>klp lhl' nlldd1l'mdll [)I 0111'1' dlHI III,IULI

IIUlldl '0111'111'11 ulla \dllllhldlld' '>l'lld I'tt 'N-"BlIfLdll Ifdl1)(l,lIlId, "hlot k lIulIII ul !Iolhl u<Jk Ihi,,, k I ,ht oil <Jlldll!' (11'dII (,U II- ,HId ( III t k, d( (I'pl

'd J)l'lIII'11 ,1I,illdlJll\lolld t\ till ullglI :'''\UI d,lIIU 7 I'ILol1I 1;75 IIbt, Dr II I

I Idtl, "ud '''I'' d It,t

PUlIIIl' \\ ood, PIl',bl t( r 1,1II

( hUI ( h \1ol1k olt 1001l'I{{u,id "IJ(1<JI OtlObl! 1J ~dill H pill '>"tUllI"lUl t"bl'1 ~ 9 01 Jl\ 11001\

l l.,OH(.EOl ~ lhlll(dn Phlf.dllllllg 'l'h /!l.t!lIIgolll\ bl'd10Ull1 'l't' I .. hll' 11\1'(Polll\lIl1~' \ 1 fUlllhhll1g\ \ J ~1l8IJ

PALM BEACH ESTATES SALES INC.\\l'mber Interndllondt ~oclell of >\ppr,ll~el'DOll1~ Ilouwhold LlqUlddliolb 1I1 ,\hdlJgdnfor 25 \ e,lr' ~lso III Pdlm Bed(h Flollda

• On ~lt .. !Iou;,I'hold Llquldatron>• >\ppr ..u ...dl ... In,uranu> ,Ind Pro!.ldll'• -\uctlOn,• \\ III Purchd~e Compll'le or !'<Jrllal ~.,tate"

559-8908 - 785-4247IRIS K\Lr \1 \:-. I' OR I'\FOR'lATIO'\




\1.\1\5 (,\tLf.I\Y





! IGGETT ~(,Il00LJl' ....lOH ('LAS,,>

Oct 15th 9 JO to 5 00O( t 16th 9 .lO 10 .l 00\\«'-\\\ It E HI"iK

IlHS Cook H OddGro»e ['olllte j\'oo(h


771-1170• 1.:'\JT1.-\L lO\'"SLLT.\TIO:-' -'\0 <.11\HGE

0\£ lTE\I on "HOLE EST-\TES

"ALMOST NEW' APP,\H/<:Lal'ce~'onr~, fUJ ~ dllli <Illllquel> dt d €I d( 11011 01 1I11'onl{Jlldl (0,1

W(' UU) FlII'COll,lgnlllpnh Wt'!( Olin'

LEES20331 Md(k Hill iJOH2

FIHEWOO!) ~p,"OIwd 1Il/1wd$50 Ill'J f dll' 101 d tlpll\('red 511 5050

FLEA MAHKE IEVE/lY 'I t'F"J),\'r'ALCU~IO~ ( t\~ ILl',

~INE ~111~. HI', I \\ LI l\J\1-\Ch A\D II \Hl'EH

77l U,~l






Illonlll tI IlItllllduoll/'1>1\ IE J\<'I H \\1"

\(.1 \t \lllll, lUll I

EXECUTIVE DESK3-1>.60v.alnut circa 1930 compare' ;H $1 iOO ...ale price

S550Roll top oa\.. des\.. cIrca 1890... no\\ sq'i()\tahogan) china cabillet Sli'iSmall oal. cun ed gla ..., china cabInet a, I' SI85Oak hal rack S85Oak rocker patchl\ or\.. ...eal $12'iOak rOC'\ 'ale pnce Si5lattice front dar\.. \Iahogam bookca,e ref!ularl\ S2i'i

nOI\ $210Set of -l Ben Iv. ood chair... SOO

(,L\SS\\ \RI'. ORIE\ T \L RU,~\SSORTED BRIe -\ BR-\C

OnentJI RUbS • FIne Cr) sIal a'1d Porcelam • FlOe P':llntlOgs • Sterling, Je'" 1'1-r~, Collectibles • Fine .\ntlque Furnllure


\\ \IL\BLF tOR \PPR\I~\L::'\'\0 F'>T\TF. ~-\LES

Our "hop b loc31ed 311" II '5 ( h 1rlel '"''

(,ro," POlnle Par\..Hour, TlI",tla\ dntl Thul>d,1\

J() (}O J m In -l00 pmCall u' al 3::1 :H86 dunn;. bU'lne" h'llr' to ,.rrJIl_t'

for 'penal appoint mentsL\t Rf'\ (Il \1'\1\\

JIll \\lILl\\I~(II \hl r ....l\U,\(.!- \ ....\\JTII

\\" (1"lun a ,e!tet''''l of ,nllque, tlll( 1I',1i fUrIllloll'IUHf ;)l((' ........Ofa ...

H-\I U\\\ORTH \\TIQt E (, \L1 I'.R\Inn;; \l.ld, \ or nt'r 01!I, ilfOI d

}lour, 1: t> ,0 \Iood 1\ tf r, " ttJld ,\



Page 34: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

- ..Page Eight.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS rhUlsd"y. October 7, 1982









18vE -1111, r 101

$1-1 500


1'17": \Ir HI. Ull':,n. l'J.> >:1 ,"'n I.m11\,011\ upt IUlb

ll.'!. t>ll": I

I'f) \ [ I \! BOIIII('\ lIl., :',11,m\1,1>:011 I 'l7~ 9 p,h'ln~.'r

I ",I<ll'd ~hd I P S5 300-25 tl128

u)'\\ ERTIBLE 1968C!lel rolet 8 "ulomnllCpO\\l'r ,tet:rlng PO\\ erbl.lkl'~ (,ood ,ondltlonSJ ';(1(1 886 9217

1481 B\I.\\ 3201 - \\1 F\ll,l",'!te ,Ilr Flonda carSI! 4~0 296 303.1

1"-6 Ol [)~ 'IOllILf. l'u,tom"11)-..1 r \ \1 !- '.1 ~tl'reo!l!ll llJJ2 .lltl,r 4 p III

147b CHE\ ROLET [mp,lla -2 door bt'lgt' pOI\\'r ,I"erIlIg bl ,Ik ..., dutllm.lll( d IrLldlO (;ood tondillonc1l'.l1l no rU'1 S2 100 S85=)2~7

1'174 ~ IHEBlHD ,1Il1Omdl"no Ilhl l\l,lIl'nl ,(lnd:lion $2 llllO Iwgolldble371 -I-IQJ

1'180 ('IT \ I 10\ - Bille deIll ..... ll1t('nOf 2 door h<ltchh.ll k ,\11 ....\1. 1"\1 ,IereoI,q'e ,H1{,HII,\tl(' po\\erSol 1:>.';(1 1182 tJ05.l

1'lt>7 \1 F H( E[)E~ 2:>0,>r: -I.ll..l Ill'\\ 1,)\\ 1I\t1l'.lf.e--I '1"-' d j".IlI ..d 7'12 .l711()

1472 1'1 \ 'lOllll - \\.lgonllt'\11'1 ,lel'llng hral..,~,\If S ,qs 884 -1873

SeeRay Campise



THf. 83, -\RE HEREORDET1 'Ill RS :-'OW'

Fur thai p .. f"onallouch on'11'\\ or u, ..d cars ~Jonda\ and Thu rsda), 9a 111 :0 9 pm Tuesda),\\ ednesda} and Fnda~Q a m to 6 pm


CHOICE MUSTANG1970 302 10\\ mileage

'lereo till" good plu",nOli:. SI 150 S85 0269

197\1 H[';" l'\ (;111,1 - 1-:"(('11t'1I1t 1I11(1111011Ill,I)!IOull'd\ '1 I ,t ,{PI l'U I ,I~'t'lle

$ l lOll H!ii IHIi'

1'1/7 ~ll "I \1\(; II !l0I\l'1

,11'111111-: PO\\l'1 III "kl'\ 1'1\ good l Otldllll)11 1'.t'\\111," I ddl,lIol I'\hdu,t'\ ,II'11t $2 100 l,ill ""IUlll.l\ "ulld,1\ Ull!\ 527 U2l4

1'1l1O\11>'\/ \ • \( 1'1l.'nl 1011

dillon 14000 "\lgllI,t1mil" ,III PO\\ 1'1 '11'I'llIIgIII 110.1" II "I Ill'll tI,1 I ••dlll~d }(J(J -th't Olbt

1'177 POIJ(.l /<,,"d \[01l,111I,1,,11011 \\ I~'tlil lull p"I\I'1

I II g, 'll!-:Ill< 11"1 t.!, I,oth\1<111.. ~ ,Il() 01 I""t (//1<1

Hill> HlII)(1 1>, 11I1" i I' III

101 Il Id~ldl Il h I III1,il I \III" '1Il1 II II<,'h ~ ~i'uk,l'lll II h. II '0111' llillMII'l

1'l1ltl I!- I I' l I', -I ,\ 111111\1 -1 ~1)t1'11 ,oil lop21. (1(1(1 lII,lt, $100() uJ h. 'Iullt! Hlll>1.l'1J"

1'17H !lll'\!l \ (1\" 21l1l00IIIill' h",l <Ilf.1 H!i. ilhU

I'j,b 2IJII()({ (111\\1[11p tI.. \ \I 1- \1 ,11'll'O II'd 1111l1' ::-1 'llllJ i'i'7 121>4

l'lhl 1'(),\II\l 1'11(11'111\ -1dotll 1 I I Ilfldl'l "uto1Il.lll .1Ir 1'0\\"1 ,1.'.1lllL: 11I"l..t" ,I.'no ,u,>lpiliul.d l'\lt 11"Jlt ((HI(l!

II'HI 21 000 1II Ill' S5 9~llht, 112-1

1977 D \'I ...l '\ 2llUl ,11Ito'11l\11~,f "Ir i5 UO() 11111.,!\I(, ,,1I S-I 511U III h, "l!l J<ltl9

[47\> F[ [l{}l( \DO CUlll l rllhll l"dutlful I....l full'l"'-jUIP\-ll.'d .lJI b--l61

147b 1'1'\ I U - \lllum lIl'5.\ -Ill(l mdl" I In\ 1 top r.\l

tol I II h"l'h • \( .'11"111,on11111011 !Ill '\1,1 rUII' .,\( "111111 SI h~\I ,n 9155

(2) Wax, chrome & ~carpet, induding 'IIi in ptite

(3) Apply rlAlbing c~,odditional. , , . . . . . . .

W"hin 3 Hours!(24 hour service - 7 days 0 week J(1) ~ete deaning of

interior & exterior


1'17'1 \ll "I \ \1, I" I It'IlI,1,IUlOllldtl, 1'''\'11 '[lllll\~pOll II hi .110.1" I "dill 2 • .)1~11I11'l" $ I H,(J tlt l" ..\ lIll. Illlb 1I'12; dlll'l ,

1!I811 "I B \HI II>IHI III~J !l00 l .Ill 'I 10 • ''''_ 'I'\'~'\1110. ..

Steve Rusing's ~


886-0613"Serving the Grosse Pointes for 10 Years"

1978 l!lF\ IWI ~ j

I-:uud (olldlllUfl77b ~)t.l>

19111 EI DOH \DO11l'\\ 9 000 III ill"

\[1.'1 b !lll2 "-"'1-L..H\\O\ILll- 1'1,2 lOll

11111," -I UUOI !\ldllt-dll",i!! l'\ltlklll 1'1l'\h.UHt,lllondltHlII SO:xJ 771 ',7W<1'l.. [OJ \!Ikl' 1l

19l11 Blll'" Hu"ll Illnl! ..d- IO.llkrl l'"llklll ,om!111111l111.,' 11\ \, 2 to/I< p"lIll7792579

1980 CITATIONduol It.!l' It!>." ... -I '1-" • d,-IIl()(1 Itlll," "II j \.11 dl'[lI~~I'1 llollt lflllllUl\ \1 r \[ ,t,'II" b tl ,l\ I-

F\CEll E'\ 1 10'\ !lll Ill'\$JhW

l \t L .)lJ-I J,9i

19b8 ,1\ ~1 \'\l. (Ollll') llbl,'(H',H1llfulh I.'~lol'd ill \\

fl'ltd\.'I' <'Il III II ,I '"$-I.!Su !lll-l21-17

19b1ll'OHVEITI-: \1'1\ !-:olldt ,1Ild.llOl1 ,tutolll,1l1($1 lloo 71', lllb:>

Hl8U 1'01\' II \t' "lIllll'l d101\ 1I111t'd!-:" good 11Ilidi(lOll 77J H'1l

1!IlW OL!>:-' IOIOIl,HIt> ))1\',1,1 1'\lllll-lIl IOlld11101I11l,ldld ~b 'I'n J.j I'll (,

l'lllOII \1 \,'1 (011\",11,11I ,'Illo\ dhll' lidl dto!, 121l{XIIlull', lInd,'lllld[lIIL: II III

1.'1 ,lot "tl ~"l)() 4H', "Illdil /{Wi li'l2 ( HIH 11,1

711 (',,!- \ I I II 2 ,It"" ,HI!LIlII.IlI( ,lII 1,,,1,,, lh \1

1 I "1\'-1I1\~'llIli I \ll III 11\l (IJld:flOI • .$1 l)lh) tih J -hhb


1978 PL Y~tOl TH \ olareW,lgon 6 ('\ hnder Po \1 er,teerlng brakes dulomatII', aIr .-\:'>1F'~I radIO33 000 m lies B86 230-1--------

1981 CAPRICE ClaSSIC \ 6aIr [ull po\\er ,tereoII Ire \\heeb (TUbe lIltII hlte \llth gold pili ,InpeIdn\lmltnm S7750 8218393 -

--- -Co\D[LLo\C 1980 Coupe e'

cellent condition dle,el33.000 mile, $7 995 or offer -165 91>49

Ful! optIOns r",,, r:Jd'a)~qua lit) car perfect condltlOn S7 200 be,t 8842861--------- - - -

1980 GRA:SD PRIX LJ -Selllor cltlzen~ car 11 000miles all' ,Iereo pol' ersteenng brakes \\Illdo\\:.Rear defrost Z.ebarl \ 6landau ~ elour $6 750526 59-l2

CHE\ Y \IALlBl 197b\ \1. F~' >;tereo po\\er acce~~orJe~ Ongmal 0" ner886 8078 after 6 p m

- ---J972 CORVETTE - bod\ e\

cellent chrome e>.cellenlpo\\er T tops Offer 8849266

1980 Cl Tl \55 Crul,erdle~cl \\ agon good mlleage 56500 .Hlrr -I 30P m 7~1 0671

1977 FORD LTD - \1an\ e,Ira~ 10\\ mIleage ne\\t1re~ plu~ ,no\\ r\(eptlOnal conOltlOn one "" Ill. Imu~t >;ell Part of dl\orce~eltlement ~hould ~el1 for$2 OOO-S3000 Call lII~peCIprice open Call 884 1145

1<)74 Pll'lTO Squire v.agont\ 1 ~hape aIr loaded$1 375 779-3277

Dt\T~LJN :a;OZX, 1979 G 1.1'10,IlI('d 4, pl'ell hi ,II'k, gold Ill'''') ,.'.'11 \\ IlIll'l12 000 <lcll),11 IIllll" Mu,1'l't" l>enOlll> onl) BIl6 5857

1982 FlH1-:BIIW $10200,c!l'll (0,11 -lOOO nllk, lllll959'2

1977 ~I \IU'I. \ - IlI,I(klo,ldt'd $J llOO llllb 1196

19;~ lH'~ 11:1\ lun, !-:ll',jtloo!.., f,oo(\ $\!7, 01 Il.',t ofIt'l 772 llh5 01 7/7 57110

19,-\ '11'>1 \\l. (ugh nil I."Ill'\\ I Ill'~ Il\ 1IIIIl'l III ,tl...,SlllllJ lIll2 Ih7-1

1'I,l:! 01 D" 9ll Hl'gl'm \ 10,HII'd 11\, lu(hll~ pOll 1'1 hiiO'Unllk)! CIl Ik,\I IlLtllt I

$5 100 \11"1 b P 11I -,2,Obl.l

196:>F\IHL.\\E 2doul .'\lellt'nt t olldltlon .Ill 0000' '''In II $200(1 19/-1 \ \\('.Impel top good lOlldlt IOn $2 200 7711J'105

147i' \10\ rE t \HLOJ.ll'\II'1 ,III \ \1 F\l :>ll 000IIlIll" g'l\ld lOlldltlon$.1 150 \it.'r 5 30 77'1.211,

19115 FOB D /0'.111 1,1Ilt' 'ionh,lI dlop 2114l'lIl\ IIll' :H 000lIllll" I l'l \ l\l~.' S I 7\15J71 !l.lO4

1980 FIEST \ I',(e\ll'lll lOlldillOn lo"dl'd I; 500 mil."$4500 offel 6.l\l -1727,lftl'l bP III 01 W, 0727

HlSl FORD E,(ort .'uel1<'ntcondltlOIl 4 ,pl'ed In,\I\~opt IOn, 1I11"t 'I'll $-I 900775 -lO.l5

1980 ~I.EHCt:DES goodIn e, lie \1 b,lllen bothf,1Il $-I .100 885 1b5J

1979 CHEVROLET 'loJlz>!2 ..-2 52900 884 25!lO before6 p In -\rtel 6 884 05'<16

1976 :,E\ ILLE loaded ~uperdedn. moon roof "lid ledIher Tl .2 3200 77-1 .2057

19'Ti OLD~\IOB[LE Delt,1 88- one O\\ner good condllion 884 5865 dfter 5

1972 ~I.ERCEDE~ Benl250C E,cl'l!ent condItion,llr ,Iereo led!herettt' IIIt .. rlOr egg,hell colol \gre,lt bu) ,II $5 500 5686256 or 82.l.l633- - - ~---

1977 CHE\ )' :'1on La - 4 nJmd"r aUlomdtlC 66 000miles $2 300 885.B-l2.2

- -- - - - -1979 C -\.DILLAC Fleel\\ood

IOdded -I door, darl.. blue\\ Ire \\ heels S7 700 7766172

19":7 \I.GB 26 000 mIle~.-\:'11F:'I1 ca~,ett" slereo JlOps. e,cellenl conditIOnStored After 6 p m 83'l--lO85

TORO\ADO 1981 dle>;el 15optIOns 10 500 mlle~ darkblue metalliC $10500 7769335------

1980 nO:\Do\ CI\ lC 1300fronl \\ heel drl\ e 53 950886 1-165 after 5 p m

- --11976 DODGE Colt - 4<)000

mIle>; aUlomallc 1 0\\ nerSI.500 777 5938 \\ eekend~ 'e\enmg~






268 98-13or 7n l53-1Greg

1976 OLDS Cull a:., \\ dgon350 .... 8 16 mpg londedpo\\er air cruIse 8865738--~- --~-

1980 R -\.BBIT delu,e auto-matic 22,000 mile:, mmtcondition $-I 700 839--1963

--- ~ - ------1979 Z 7 ~lercuf\ 13 000

miles 6 C\ Imder automalic transml,slOn airp()\\er brake, po\\er "Ieermg -\~! F~l radiO $-I 1508.225573 after 6 p m------- - -

197.1 :\[-\.L1BL' - Good run-I mng condllIOn $750 .;JI



BABY bugg} m good condltlOn 886 -1917

WAi"TED O'1e set ThomasRegister - 1981 B84 9145

- - - -- ------\\ -\::--TED - 12 gauge pump

shotgun 779-5548

\\' -\.:\TED - Edl,an \ Ictoror other earl} crilnk t~ pephonographs &. C) hnder or78 R P \1 records 28.25768

WILL purchdse and pumpfrom )our tank


\\ o\NTED - Red del II andblack cat coslume, ,Izes68 8827992

~ll ST SELL IhlS \\eek 19i2Yamaha 350 R5 \ enclean mu~t ~ee Best offer 8820476

1982- 1i0:"D-\. -:'\lghtJ1a\\k650c c brand ne\\ 10\\mileage :.tlll under \I ar-ranI) \\ mdshleld luggagerack trunk 2 helmet.,leather Jackel ram SUIt$2 000 firm mlmmum 7720630

1980 G\IC Pick up - SIandard transml ~slon 6 c~ 1mder no po\ler gas ~a\ erWell mamtamed $4075771 1363

1971 HO:"D .... 350cc SZOO orbe~l offer 882-0603


1982 TORONADOFull) loaded lOll mileage

diesel ~l.l ST SELL TOBe'r HO:'IE 881 1480

PJTNE\ BOIH>' Model 5511M,lll\tl~ 1\Lldulll' $5241'1l1'<='\ BO\H" po,tlll 'l',llemod.,) -1916 $1>5 Holh Ihl'd2 \ ".II' l'\ I'd ll' lit loudl1I0u L.lil l7.2 4155 lwl\\l't'll\I ,I 1\1 5 P 1\1


TOP S$ PAID for color TV ~needmg repair 77-19380

EASTSIDE book,elJer cte'lre~,Iglled lImited C{l!tlOn, fllleIllustrated Chlldl en , 1IIeraI ure art phot ogra ph)Amencalld DetrOit CI\l1War Occull r\\ anI GardeLit milltan count\ hiStones, philosoph) - and\lorth\lhlte book> for col.lectlons III all calegorle,Cash paid and Immediateremoval


1719-1Easl Warrennear Cadleu\

DetrOIt Michigan882-7143

JOHN KING h ,Iill bu\ Illg

good boo~, tOI (,hh \\ 11\sell to 'Ollll'OU., I'!'l' fOIJe,,' %1 0&22

WA:-.I1'ED TO III \ t ~ fillPlgU ,t,llIlp' 775 -1757 01771 1212

SHOTGl '\~ .1I\l! 111].', II.lUtl'd - (',llkl'l ,"0\ ~mllhW lullH' 'll'l Mil! ot hl'l ,Prl\ .Ill' ,0111',101 -I7B5315

, I 1970 VW - Run~ greatgreal 5450 331 1354

\IAvERJCK 4 door~Ieerlng brakesmatlc 6 no rustmile>; 881 86,9

BOOKS/USED AND RAREpurchased for cash or appral~ed

estales also deSired In home consultallOnsJOHN KING

961-0622• Clip and Sa .. e Ihl>; ad •


PORT-\BLE Lo\\er) OIgandouble ke\ bOdl d Leslie145 SJOO - or be,t offer

_~la~er ~Iano _882 ~~ __

TE"-;OR SAXOPHOl\E nndcase e'cellent. 5375 779HO-I


E\ E1' 1'0\ ('(,lIlllt't $12001 offel 88.2 8.1<19

)1 -\NO COIIII SJ.lIllt'tCht'll \ hlll~h FlplIch PI0\ IIIChll Itk(' nell E,cl'llent,'ondlllOli $600 882 1316

SELLll'\G Ol'T - 40"( 70r;Tuba French Horn Selmel Tenor band lIIs!ruments, gUitars Fortuna:'I.USIC 921 .1614 after 1pm to 7 pm------ -~ -



BR-\.:\Os [\'F\\ r THRI I.lBIIII1( III \lond,1\ TUl',d<1\

01 Thll! ,d,1\ ll}.4 pm-O\' HA'\GERS PLE\SE

lEE'S RESALEALL 20.lJI :'ILlk 8818082

T \\ 0\\ TED - ~tO\ l" Il'fflgPIANOS WAN ED elalo!'> \~d,hl'r, <1nd dl\TOP CASH PAID l'r, \\\HI.lIIg or lIot 11011,

ONE DAY PICK UP 109 $10 10 SIOO -\.l~o free- remo\ al of old one, Cnll

541-6116 am tllne SHORTY, 92-1- -- - 5585 or 771 -1076


<lnd Small UpnghbTOP PRICES PAID :\IAD.-\:\IE \LEX-\;..DER

VE 7-0506 B-\RBIE ETC757-5568

\VAL'\jCT de~k SI25 1314500




RUGS o\ND ANTIQl'ES644-7311


the largest collectlOns - ;- - , - - -aVailable to the public We \\ A:\ TED My 4 ) edr oldbu~ Indl\ldual doll collee- \\ ould LO\ E some usedtlOns or trade Hundreds 10 Barbie doll clothes 881choose from Chllla clolh, ~~ _reproductions o\lso man~gIfts Open dall) 11 5Closed Monda} and Tuesday The Countr) BumpkIn3562 Metamora RoadMetamora 678 3-170

ANTIQL"E dllllllg room set- glass chma cablllet 8-buffet, 4 chairs round table. S600 Call 10 a m 2p m 754 5686 _

ANTIQUE clock repair,Wall, mantle grandfalhercuckoo. anm\ersar~ Pickup and deliver} 822-3859_

OLD \\ ooden duck deco} ~88&4389

CH~~DELIER magmflcent Czechoslo\ aklancrystal :'>JlST SELL ....111take any reasonable offer881 0300 leave me%age


RochesterOCTOBEH 6789

Walton h\ Ll\ernol~Dunng mall hours

1920 s GATE leg drop leaftable 1920>; radIO 19'30 sdouble bed 881 1738 after 5pm

~ONY Bl't,una\ mllll (Olldltlon SLll.200 \\ It II 1111lPI ,Ihour (',Ipabllll\ Bp,1 offl'r884 13J4


Furmture, clocks, Deco} stoys, and pnmltl\ es 27112Harper bet ....een 10 and 119-5 Monday through Saturday 772-9385

WE BUY AND SELL--------_.- -- -ANTIQUE Clock repan An

t1que pocket \\ atch repairSpeclallzmg III house calls884-92~

CL-\.IUNE r H !l,ll $,;) Folh!(11I1,1I $50 881 0588

CL RHIEH dlld [\l', 1I.\lIIUt

l'o/holp J \t',ll' old $llllO(\111 9 5 \162 Ob-Il \llhl'

0\\ HE\ PI,WO b mOllth!<Ihl'a $1.J'i(l 2 \ lolll!'>IIldde III (,l'II1I<111\ 1 full'Ill' IJ~ 'lit' II Ilh'l ,1'l' ,\llllbml $30(.1l'''' h ~ol i'l33

l'l80 1'01' 01 lillt, 1'.ellllool!I I'(.'P\I 1'1 250 \1,lll.. $.1001"~\II'lIl\ S750 I'\t l'Ill'lIttOll(!ttlOlI -\ttl'l .j pill8860117

\R \\I~TRO\I; !lUll' ,llId(,,1'1' $150 822 b895

KENNARY Kage -\nllquesHours Wednesda~ -Frida)12--1 Saturda\ 9-5 CadJeu,at Warren "Flea :'larketevery Sat urda} 9 -I 8824396-----------

FURNITL"RE refInished repaired stripped, any t}peof canmg Free estimates474-8953

REFRfGERATOR - Sear'sColdspol. frost free goodconditIOn $175 381 5174----- -- ----

Go\R-\GE SALE 20660 Vermer Circle off Vermer Rd'2 lIa) bel\\een :\1ack andJeffer~on Saturda} Sunda} 9 3 T\\ 0 and fourIlheel doll\ ml~C household goods- _

20 F\~[LY Girl Scout garage sale Glass\\ are rugsappllances c10thmg - 10fant to adult e,tra largeto}' ~port equlpmenl blc ~c les porta poll v $50household Item~ galore1040 Lochmoor FndaySalurda} 94

- --FOR\lICA table 70 x93

~elf ~tonng leaf \ ef} goodcondition Before '; 88440'39

G \RAC,E S'\LE - 5atur-daj October 9 9 4 chIldren ~ clolhmg ml~C Ilem s8';6 Ro~h n Gro.,~e Pomte\\oods

- -RlMMAGF. 50\LE - Wed

ne~day October 13 10a m 'i pm 5t ,Jame~Lulheran Church, 170Mr\lillan

ART ~TCD[O LlqUldatlOnSale pJed~e call 8225J88

GAB o\GE $\LE - I'hhdqU<lrI um & ,lcce'''Orll',('jathe' 8. IIII'C Ilem, 12,14\\',1\ bill II Fllcl,l\ S.ltUId,l\ q 5

HA:tIMOND Olg,11I H2 L."Ill' 'pl',lkl.'1 11Iod~1 2.22$1 500 01 \x>'1 O!ll'l T\\ot\\ III b.,(!'> $75 p,lch t',celIl'1I1 lOl\dliiOIl ?i85168

GOOD\ E \H 1,ldldl, - -\ -L'\ 1:> ~25 4 - 1\ )..15 $J5Dp!l'o 1- It'l'doll\ [I,lltel \$15 :'(h\111I1\ J ,pl'pd~tIlH(l,l\ 12l $75 I'I,hldllk $\() Oul bn,u d ~,I'1.lnk $1'i 8810588

J COl 1'.r \IL 1,lbil .... \\ ooden\\ Ilh ~lI\okl' gl,I"l.'d top'Hl',1 ofttl \fll'l b P m8.l'l .1085

SKI .'qlllpment K.',>lle fl'l't',t\ Ie Jel Sh\, S \L \MON555 blllllll11\' ~cotl boot'>dlld ~C(}lt polr, .11III0 'IlIe\1 S275 885 b'l9'l




... I I..


- "' \;1


1\ t'l (

J1 ,

J,'\J n I

j 1\.1... 'l '..Ult\. ',t


.:c",- .l::r~-~,

\\' \SHEH ,1lId plpdt Ie dl \ PI,',cl'lIenl condlllOn 8818S63

EU_CTHIC 'laH' good lOlldillOn ,Ill \\01 klll~ \l,1I h-12. SJ'iO l,1l1 ottlt( 2!1l4555

G \R \l;!': ~ \1.E - lktolwi8 9 10 4 ,I m ~ p m 1l:i2Dt'l ol\'>hll" G I O"l' POI!lI.'1'.\1 k 2 1.\Il111\ FUlllllull'.lpph,l1llt', to\ ~ t lolhl"

H-I \1,1\.1,1.1- \ ~UPI'I G,\I.h~e S"de t'l' ,L.d OJ, \ "'I'~ men, '11\1 chIld1 ,'1" \11111,'1 l'Odh .lnd'111"1 '-.,l,<ld llolhe' IlIrnl MY SISTER'S PLACEI,',' 1111' '\..,llt', lollpc, l,'t, 1,1\ ~ ,\lid boo\", RESALE AND

' .. \~~~tl't.l 0 .. -., CnArT SHOr.'.>, .::' ~ l- \ \ \ \ E dllllll~ 100111 2'221, KELLY... '<' N',-IO ~ 12 11'.1\ .', 5 blolk' '> of 4 1\1Ilt' '"

h" , , " ..;'l"1 .. \I \ I"i dill 6551 \\ e ~pecl,1i Ill.' In"Io,ll' ~ '" "" '.l'it' St>ll 10 h,111l111<lfll'd Item, ,lIId

l.....ln"\....q\--.... ",,-''\ :-. \ .... l~~~", S~~ 81 qUl.,illt\ (IOtlllllg Open""l,j.n~\",,,, ...,. n, "I t',l "llidl \Iond,\\ thru S.llul d,n'- "'.JJl ~:.. .... ~ ...." ~... \ t," ..)\\.... $175 10 5 TI;lll ....d~\\ <lnd Fl1d ..\\

• "",.' .'t' $~' ~:h .'\ .'nll1~' unl II 9 P m Con" $...,,; 'l.'.,rt ~q..nll\l'I\h 01 l'l nfb ,1IId

.. ... ~," t'l In1~l'pll.lI1l'Oll'> t .Iken b\,,"':' ~ ~ ,lp\)Olnlmellt \\llh Ihl:. .ld

" " __ - ....-~ ~ \\1'.1 ,1Ild a S5 purchd,e recel\t'" ....... '-- ~ __ 3..~ .I l\Qlt!l' of cologne fI ee

-, ... - ,_",'''1 ::-E-\RSdl'lu,e\~d:.her dl~',,-, .. ,,' ,'",trr\ I l'l 111'hll",h"l IIhe ne\\

\.J" ..~,- .. ,-," ,,>r" Ilh'll'l885-&)52\\ 1\1X''''~ - ~.: h,," ,J;,.,." ~ _m~",. :;: '..,!' '\ .. :-- -""" : _~.. ..': ,," l ::>ED.)) Sch\1Il1n B:Hltdmll'u;:, "" c':..•.;, ~..:_~ :- ,I "'" '~.:- t-l\..l' rl'\l alld chlonw can

=----=- ,:,\. '::: '-.." '\"'''<-1 \l"lIblebo~~orglrbmod6 PtEI.-E: \\ .:>:.',,- -: .. -, _r, :-' .. --, - ~ - '_.,:-,' ".. e1 E\cellenl (OndltlonbedrX7 ~~ :-~'-~ ,-'"~~ 1::. y"S:S :_, .......,~ ~ S40 881blibSl:'t M...::--~..:::. ~~..,.~ .. - ~::: ~-:,. .. ' ~'-:'"- - - I' t) LD t a ,hlOn€-<! bedlOom ,elnu~ r\" :!Io.t:-- ....- .. :-:'C - -=-_ ..

; -:- >-.'.! -: ,- .. -", .. I:' :::-,,'e: go,1d conchtlon S150 Jilchina ,3:"_::<0-, ~-:<..::: ... - - s_ -_ -.:.-, ~"':::'~' S~" I t'i.1S2D\ kl:' " 2..-':c <.,-: I~rilt'Rc. ~~ ~2..:- ,:,_, - - - -. ~ ~"- ~'->~, 3.. FO\ T 0\\-\. Lane - Gros"e

--------- :::: ,..,,~- - - ~: ~ .'.r I POinte Shores Sdle FnBRA_'\D ,-',~ -.. =--," 3.." :::------, ::---- ._r, l' l't'l da~ Saturd<l\ 10 a m -l

hocke~ C~~hl!:.~ _..'<' '~"Q :' '1., ~c'~"i''',)ld pm Bd:.em"nt and gdrilgeand e\lU!o~t J.i:..".,. : <~ ",-,. t;"-":: plu" ,ome furlllture TaBo~" and ~iS;k :;..,Y,. .:;: <:---;:--cc- ~,;-;:;- _ ..... n'r ble:. lanlp". s_-e~tlond 1 ...t- _ - ...)1 _ ! .............L~Lc.. ....."""-.l.--\- 1 ..1;:" t w ...

an >;'~"t:"a~esO"I.,:-.x~~; 'I :: .. ,..,;-".-,.. -U\I"g ~•.:':t als Etagere sll\ef\\aremg .. at er " ,~ -, _ .. "_ _ _~ , >tereo de:.k~ clothes8&1-5381 - -=- ...t:'.:1~U 'I;"~ .=.'1_

------------ 1.-, -:',-i' S_;rd3\ t>.?g n beauttfu1.!Umk cape go Ie~rCST SELL OCC2"'''W'l",' I -::: 3" :l' a rr \\ OOD storm \1 lIldo\\ S for

chaIrs copper '3::<1;: I ""'T'ET ":2 --Pmenl'lal F"ne",tre \\mdo\\~ for 112hutch lawn~ower cr '0 I jj ~:...:e 3.rmque \\ hlle s.5t'IV stor:- bungalo\\ 5268756ren s skale,.. ana In"~ I Re;J'aCi'l"1ent ,a]u" SI SQ() -- --- - -----

~ golf hags Cal' 8S2\ __3'l6-1~ ~3500 _ _ BACK PORCH Sale _ Wick---------_----1 \10\ 1\ G S -\L E _ House er 10\ eseat. 2 blhes, PiC-BIG 9AR4.GE ::'-\LE -, !'o'd and campmg eqUip- t'lres and \\allhdngmg

1616:> LllIcoln." Ea"t D: mffll 1-1451 Falfcrest De some c10lhes 1168 \'urktr;)!t 8 ~hIe Kel.l~ _are" ~rOlt October 9th 10th shire Saturda\ OctoberThursday Fnda) ::.arur _ T _ _ 9th 9 a m -I p in ~o predaY TOD-\ '1 October ..,from 9 to sales. ---I 5 30 - one da\ onll - GI CUTILE GIRL ~ \er~ "'arm gantJc rummil!~e -sale at G~RAGE SALE - 1070 Scoat. size 6X beautllul 1+14 \ - Renaud Grosse Pomteblue ....Ith fur trzmmeo _ _ __ __ Woods Saturday Octoberhood lI!..e ne.... Otherl BRX\D \EW \\hlte nalural- 9th 10 am -5 pmc10thmg adult al'd child Izer nurse l~pe ,hoes Side SHE-\.RLIl'\G lamb coatren's 88lHl913 ~ 7'2 ~5089__ Genuine lambskm lady s

GARAGE SALE - 3 famJ1~ T ASCO telescope \\ Ith tn- full lengt h Was $450,19787 Westphalia Slate- pod 9 TE 5 234 PO\\ er. ne\ er \lorn no\\ $225 882faJr'Schoenherr area Sat S195 after 9 pm 331 033-1 7266urday, October 9 Sunda) FOl RFa m l~~sem ent G--\-R-A-G-E--S-A-L-E----F-'r-l-d-a\-,October 10. 1 pm -6 pm sale Thursda\ and Sun- Saturda). October 8th, 9thMonda} October II 10 da\ October 7th and lOth 10 a m -4 p m 735 Barrmga m -3 p m Household 9 30-l 30 5259 Balfour Ion Park Chma fabriC 2Items, tools etc - -- -- -- - - - sofas tables trunk kit-

GARAGE SALE - 134 'lea Al crlO:\ S-\.LE chen Items much muchdO\l Lane. east of Fisher &. Saturda\ OClober 9th 10 30 more

. am' 59071 Romeo Plank -------------Chnst Church, off Grosse Rd .2-door5 north of the JOHNSON outboard. 25 hpPomte BlId Fnday Sat Da\ IS General Store at 27 S450 or besl offer Callurday, 1~ No pre sales :'>lIle Rd and Romeo 331 0187Men's Schwmn bike Plank 'Ir &. 'Irs H kf

h d LIGHTED brea ronl/secre-hoCutse tOl equipment Luchtman Propnetors tary Mahogany, $625,gl s. °hjS't games, 13l Ha\mg sold our home and Duncan Phyfe dmlllg roomspace ea er. cr}s a mo\mg to FlOrida \\e 11'111 table, buffet 4 chairsChdJandeller wai~hes, sell at publJc auction (made bv Drexell. $625,la e's, boys & chI ren s Complete house lull of fur- vacuum cleaner $25, IG-cIothmg. fokrmtals mmk mture, household Items speed bicycle (certIfiedcape, Ice s a es, mlSc tools antiques and col.. BMAC), $85, kneeholestereo equipment & much le(tlbles also an [nterna, desk 48x30 cherrywoodmore _I tlOnal Hanester tractor $175, Chippendale sofaSEARS KENMORE Cub Cadet 105 With hy with 2 matchmg \\1ng back

WASHER/DRYER draullc dn-.e Illcludlllg chairs (\\1)) separate)-12' mo sno\\ bl ade Mahogany double bed With

~ATCHING AVOCADO and ~halns Excellent ~on-HEAVY DUTY ~ ~ dresser (\\111 separate)MIl'<T CONDITION" dltlOn Tractor \1111 be sold 5734578

Like Brand 1\e\\ at 2 pm" Lunch\\agon on 8 FT 6G-POGiIoD sail fish526-58M Ihe grounds Jell elr} \\ a h B

-I gon Jerry De\'I~~cljer :md stflllin s IP$3Pllloogc';O~te0936estFOR S>\LE - 2 ple(e bed :'00 AuctIOneers For m- 0 fer over OOQ-

room sel. (\\alnul) Small formallOn call 1'.1O\!lNG, Garage Sale Tworefngerator Simmons 268 0015 antique Iron benches VlC-roll-away bed (3~) Set of 4 Cash or check \llth proper lorlan platform rocker,hvmg room tables (Maho 1 D ThiS I> a good clean furmture dIshes glass-gan}) 10 speed bike "ale Don t miss It' 'lot re \\ are costume Jewelry.(Sear's) -\11III good condl sponslble for aCCIdents skates plllg-pong table,tlOn B86 5003 <\rter 3 pm -- - - -- --- sklls sleds, bikes. X mas1764 Amta 12 Framed ongmal 011 pamt d r I h

------ _ Ings Dahlla Danclllg ecoratlOns glr scot mgMOTOROL 0\ HI FJ good do" n 24\ 48 abstract ~lzes 13 14 boy's c10thmg

\\orklllg condItion 882 cockftght Blrch Finch sizes 16 18 large aquar.9439 Kath~ after 6 lIeek Farm Scarecrol\ re"tmg !Urn books, and muchdays 4 Blue Ja}s Duch Bathmg more 10 am 5 pm Fn-

STENDEL S Co~n ~n-d Stamp Chlllese Year of Ihe Roost day Saturday Sundaj, 9appraisals For current er CO\\S Dnnl..llIg The _Welll~~on Pla~ _market \ alue or IIIsurancc \\ Ida" S\\ an Abandoneddocumentation 8813051 Farm 2 <;1111!lfe rlorals

------ --- -- 186 8836ANT1QUE French Bombe SOFo\ &. 'I.\TCm;..G chair

commodes \ handpalllted) lurquOb \ en good condl$300 each Duncan Ph~ fe lion SHO 822 6337sofa beige $475 rare _ _Chippendale dmlllg room POT BELL \ StO\ e - old &table (ball and cla\l feel) beautiful Excellent "orkand 4 shield back chalr~ III!! condilion S95 88J 4964$625, Mahagan~ antIque PHILCO 6 genuine pecanMelodian desk (large) ~Iereo con,ole S2SO or best$475, caned "\ng back offer Call Fflda) e\emngrocker (Acanthus lea~es) all I\ecl..end long 8868895$95 Victorian needlepolIIlchaIr, $85, t\\1lI bed>; and 84 'iOF\ - flame de"lgndresser 573 4578 ru<;1 gold and \l hitI' Cen

GARAGE -SALE-- "ISC lJln( green leather chair<ind oUoman gold barrel

Saturda~ 416 HJllcre~1 chaIr 884 1105Grosse POinte Farm~ 9-5

---- - - - '1 \TTRE"~ - "Immon~SURPLL"S JEEPS - car, - 1\1In brand nCI\ ne\ er

boats Man} ~ell for under u<,ed \'~III ,ncnflce S69$50 For mformatlon call Ri'46-l'ill(312) 931 1961 ex 1 1852

G\RH,E S\I.t_ 8'1-1CHEST-OF dra S50 Iilkc'pomle lParkl Octo

t"ndem blc\cle S75 Inl' hu 8 10 d m Oclo[ ....r <) 9cellaneou~ Item~ 331 0Cl86 rl T'1

G E WASHEH (bro ....n) <.,r/\R" J \D) Kenmore top$125 We~tlnghou~e elec of Ihe line nUlomatlctnc dryer (bro\\n I $125 port<!hle dl-hv,a,her \el yboth excellent I After 6) ).(ood condilion Butcher822-5573 hloc)., top d<lfk copper

i-FAMILY Gara~e Sale color ~140 B'iZ6658October 91h 9 am 4 pm LEA\f,'> for Compo,t pile12571 LaIng (7 Mile and deh\cred free '3 yardKelly area) load~ 88S 1900

!X),:E ...', ~'::',l,::.~- .:"'J -

WOOD STORM ....tndo~l., forten(";lra \I lIldo\\, for P2stan bung,llo\~ 18975 Waltham D<>tlOlt

W ..\ TERBED I.lIlg ,Ize II ,ed5 month~ $225 J31 ~49

Rt ~I~HGF S~I 10: - 0\ goodM'!t>('t!"ll of .'\ .'1 ~ tlllng(kh\!\.'r 7 R <l ~Sl \11.'1R~"

H\ \ T ~'1\ \~ l,\('hI11001l~\',,'~ (,~ .,,,. ",10' \b.,:'~A"" ';-' ....~\,.I'l 1.~~\, Ht.'lt'ni

~;: u ,") \ ,l ...,,,,~,,,~ \.)-4\'01 n ",,"t '1 \" ""-' \\,1\..,'t(lte "- (\l{'\"....( '\' " l' '('{

\.,l~.. 1(lun'l;, ....~'lL.l

h-4'" \ ~l.... l.l :

"I\b~... ....~ '\' '........."'.~lr ..... l.n h ...

~""I\I\..i\1 , '\1'\.(\ "

Page 35: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursd/lY, October 7, 1902 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine.C








New lI~tIng - 5 room bungdlov. new kll(hf-n IMth(arpellng furna«' fullba~menl del p 101 fen(edHedu(ed 10 $16 (}OO (/)n~lder $10 000 down Lwd Conlrd(( 10 qUdllfled bU).l'rGf{()",",r, f'O/iWr: PAHK

~ew 11~llflg 6 b 2 f ,lfTllly 1bcdr!)(Jm., e"l h unll 2 gd.,furnd(e., '>loe drl\(' rpmrx1l1(.d $43 UOO L"nd ConIrd(( II r m~

',fW'>'>r: POI, f E f'AHKLdrg(' brKk 'Ingle homl 7'2

r!)()m ~ 2'. bdth, gd'> hldlflref.ddu lu"lorn oudlM') 000 or offer Cun ,Ider$'; 000 do .....n p" ~m(nt pJu.,(Ju'-lng (o,h to qUdlifl('Obu)u('HO'>~E POI\ n. P \/iK

\:ottwgfJdm - J bLdroom'Inele ,10(' dfl\(' 2 (drgdf"ge h(Ju~e Iemo<JClllJ~erj ~hdrp prlle ndulcd$49900 fo:d') term,


TO:\! \1(DO .....ALD & SO:-''','jrd (,F,\ERA 1 W;-"

881-4147 ANYTIME


\\ H\ \OT {O\SIDt.R

767 -769 HARCOURT

882 3816 or 885 7~7




[)IlIO' PHOI'FRTY \1 \ \ \GF\H ,1




flmshed basement, remodeled kJ!chen, GrossePOinte schools

English Colonial cenler enlrance 3 bedroom., 1'2baths Complete!) redecoral('d and re,tored ,atural v.ood\\ork fireplace bedutl!ul hard\loodfloors throughout Ledded gla,s \1 1'1dol\' anddoors all nell kllchen large 'paclou~ room, 1mmaculate condltlOn -\"umanl" L..nd Conlrdct at11"

2 F-\\lJLY IIlcome o\er 1500 ,q ft per fl"or LI\IlIi;room \lllh fireplace 2 bl'droom I'. b"th' j \ ,Ifgarage 'prmklmg~} ,tern Term,


CUSTOM BUILT HOME - Four bedrooms, t",o balhs,two natural ftreplaces, enclosed lerrace Completely furmshed Easy Land Contract termsShown by appomtment only

822 3323



Custom Built 1979 - Excellent condltlOn Three bed-rooms 2'--2 baths Llvmg room v.lth fireplace andparqu~t floor Famll} room Yolth fIreplace KitchenWIth dmmg area Gas forced aIr heat -\lr condl-llorung Energ} efflclenl WIth v.cod thermopanewmdows 2lf.! car garage o\ssumable 11C', mort-gage CaJl after 7 00 P m or v.eekends

881.1282 885-8705


In hvmg room, finIshed basement wllh extrabath, breeze\\ay to brIck and block garage Foronly $59,900 Land Conlract Terms \Hili $15,000down St C[alr Shores









-\n unusual and beautlfu! cu"tOITl Enl;bh Tudor thathas leaded glass \\ mdoll'" ,tucco \\ alb oUbtandmgplasterv.ork 3 fireplace, hal d\l ood dnd marblefloor~ ne\\ 'lutsch1er dream kitchen ldrge famll}room II llh burlt In JacuzzI IIhlrlpool ~ large bedrooms 3 full balh, 2 half baths .ind mam morefeatures) ou musl ,,1'1' FleXIble term, SI85 000

Fi\N'1 A~TlC (,r{),~e Pow Iedrea Newly de(orated2 700 ~qudre feel ColOnialFormdl dmrng room bdywllldow flrcpldle redu(ed10 $99 990 All term, NewWI,r1d florI/Oil (Ld une)79245')0

(,rtO~e,E Polllle Wood, - 4tJedroom ~ 21, I;dtb Cu/onIdl 2 (dr dltal hed gdrdge With oplner (entrdl dlr 2 firep/d(\" mdn) feature,Helently deu)rdled dnd(dlpeted r'alr pfJ(ed dt~12i 500 Evemng, dndweekend" B82 &975

CLl .....TO'll TOW'%HlPEnJOy I 900 ,qudre foolt ....o bedroom lunoomllliumf.:dtullll~ large room, 2',bath;, l ("r gdr"ge .It~(hUltl E~ldte~ 19 mile,Ed,t of (;Jrfleld 28& 21JO

ON LAKE Huron north ufPort ~dll1ld( be"utlful J(",dr"0m hlo( k exterIOrR"n( h ....Ilh 100 ft frontd~eon Ldke HU! on Fe"turhfHep]dle In h\wg roomdnd fdmll} room plu~ 2 (ardttd(hed gdrage M'I~t bf'~een $94 500 Lontdl! DonJcv.eIJ "t Tov.n & Countr.\Redlty 1 6228100 I622 8.125 1'\ enlng~

OPE:\ SC ....DAY 2 TO 5Atlrdttl\e 2 bedroom bnck Ranch dlumlnum If/m

naturaJ flI'eplace formaJ dlnmg room famrl) roomcentraJ aIr deck wllh gas gnll rec room I

21150 BEAUF AIT 882 4818I


Custom Cape Cod Innercourll ard, flr"l floor bedroom- and bath 277 Ken\Iood Ct Gro",se POinteFarm., SI85000 Open 7da}s 130500

EAST Outer Dnve nearGro",se Pomte 2 bedroomCoJomal IIlJllg room v.lth(Irepla(e dmmg room fullba,emenl pdrllall} fllll~hI'd Selunl} \j~tem 2 cargdrag~~33.000 ~6 68~_

$7,500 DOWN!11(~ LA:\D COl\TRACT

Well bUIlt 3 bedroom Colonlal III Grosse PomleWood;, Idrge famtly room'" Ilh flrepl"ce formal dillIIlg bd~ment \\ Ith officeB\ 0\\ ner excellent terms$79 900 $675 per monthplus laxes




Duplex Side by Side, Yolth3 hI><lr()()m~ 21, balhs3 car garage, ne",ly decorated $174,000, assumable mortgage and orother terms



BY 0\\ \ER1026 BEDFORD

3 bedroom Frenl h Colonlal 100 ft 101 'Iut~chler kltl hen IllthbUI:' In~ man... e'\lra"PrIce reduu'd LandContract term" Open::.undd~ 1 5 P m 885 6552

2 F -\ \111.\ flat 2 hed[(>om" eilch ne\1 h decoralerl pIll, nl'\1 roo Igliller, and rcc('nl furnace'> 3 rar garngeeleclrIc opener automdllc 'pnnhler '} '>tem

748 J2'Kl


884 2861

RIVIERA TERRACE2 bedroolTl 2 bdlh (undo All

"pplJdnle~ (arpeted &draped CJrporl pool As~ume 10' or Land ConIrdll

Gro",se Pornte Shore, cus10m ranch 2 3 bedrooms den and famll.\room 20'\~O pool


anne parker tu 5 -H 15 ofter; ,t clair ,hare.'> colomal, open ",unda\9 macl, 22125 ma,meleffl'r,on 12 22519 \ Isna\\

and IIlI e~tor.'> longrange parcel for e\ entual ",mdll multiple, forpolllte bo~., and girl, -

l,l'pa} er'> mean\\ hill'

UPGHAIJED townhou,('$53 gOO '>prlng ,"IeadowMl Clemen., d~.,umdbleJ2 718'1. 7723J45

~T CLAJH '>hore, - Ldke,!lore Vdldge brJ(k wndo2 bedroom., dlnlllg room("fJ)('I('d lcnlrdJ dlrmore' GllJr-n Hea)ty 886J6b5

lAKE '>hore Village wndoHlint (()/,dIlJfJn fWI,hedb",ernenl (('ntr<ll dlr refrlg,'ldlur wlIldow trealm( lit" InLiuded $4590ll22J 0!J47 777 1280 dfler 7pm

111l'i ,>TA,\1I0PE - (,ro,>,>e['eJlfIt( 'v\ood., b} (J\\nu Jbldroom I'. bdth C" pI'Cod bung"!o.... IdfgC 11\ Ingroom hedlcd FlOrid"room rel room v.lth wetboll :1 ldr g"l dge Lx(ellent «wdltwn $6& !JOOll!l:1 5141

WOOIJBHID(;F: - 2 bedroom 2 bdlh lon<lomIlllUm 7'"', d"umablemorlgdge t,ett Ie E ~tdle884 9434

\EWLY delordled 4 bedloom home L"nd Cunlratllerm, 884 68119

PRICE REDt_CED Owneran"IOUS 3 bedroom bnckbungalo\\ In HarperWoods Assumable mort-gage al 1012'( Large kItchen natural f!feplacefllll;hed basemenl 2 cargardge 1$58500 or offer881 8298

---- - -- ---GROSSE POl ....TE Park

2 famll} flat Wa) burn,1de dl'l \ I' garage sepdrdte utllItles PO,ltl\ elJ",h flOlI v.lth fixed r dtemorlgage 10\\ as~umptlOnpa~ ments $490 per monthS36 900 8860657

CHA:'olDLERPark-;-CadleuxBrick 3 bedroom famlllroom perfelt condlllOnLiberal term,

OPE\ 25885 99-40

BEDFORD Lane - RanchFlr",1 offenng BedutlfulFlonda room den \ engood area Good \ le\1 ofthe Lake 823 0875


\ E.... CO,\ DO!:l, Bella/rearea Clo~e to Greal skimg golfmg lakes Pnce,dra~Il(all\ reduced andexcellenl • flllanclllg ROben Box 1 Shanl).To v. n CondOmInIUm.,BellaIre Mlch 49615 1616)5338871


r'OH ~ALE15124 KeflhevaJ

J 700 ~q fI deluxe offf(e~

Vr'Flcr: t,VHGEHY "LJ'fETen MII(, Kell) , 4,'}lJ(J~q fI

(('I Jmll. tile Olt X rdY"nd ddl k I oom~ TwohU'lIle.,., uffl( 1''' 1....0 I"b,IlJ I:Xdm room, five ld\'C,1Il dl\ 1<1('

GHEA'J r,XI'O,>LHEI 94 dnd C"dJeux

Pdlt Jed,ed to ALL'>! A'I r:2 4 ()(j(j fI for ne~~'r

60 ("I' [J"r king

Plt'd,e (,,11101 deldll,VIIgill I " '> Idfm:,

Hed!tol 81120899

OFFICE bul1dlflg fUI .,,,leI 800 "4 ft A",um"blemUI tg"gl. J()j~', Ib431Holl per dl \\ hlllJer ~b OOUdu\\ n $400 fJLr rn0nlh}oUJ'> fil'l: & L1('", JfJ 7'"\edl, C"l1 DI Itendud811l "lHld '\UJlIIg~ 'lbJ180J



Ex(/u.,l\e1\'>ALES - LEASE~

EXCHA:-'GESVlrgll11d" Jeffr!l'~ f{(d/tor

8112 0899

FOn !:lALE. OR LEA!:lE76 KERCHEvAL On the

Hill Tv. 0 ~tor} bUlldlllg20x I()() ~lllh bd~emenlTOLES &. AS!:lOC[ATES


-\Ll\E - Gros'>e Pomle\\ ood~ -\ 1 ne\'> er bnckranch 3 bedroom", 112

baths central aIr allalumInum tnffi 21, cargarage flr,t offenng

LlTTLESTO\ E - Harper"ood~ Bnck Colon lal 4bedrDOm~ 2 baths faml1\room ~ettle e<-.ldte onl\S62500

KESSLER 771-2470CH-\R\Ii\G Harper \\ood~

alllm mum ra nch Largekll<-h('n and III mg room 3bedroom'> rec room Illthbar 2 Cdr gara~e 'lame'\tra~ \11 lerm, 5269268

-S-\CRIFICE to ,ellie e,tale

- brlch 2 bedroom 'unroom fllll"h('d ba"ementn('I\) decorated &. <-arpeleo 6217 Hereford OpenSunda\ I 5 P m 7i70871

SO\VE RE-\.LTOR commll:>qon Vef\' nice Dutch Co\omal PerfeCl housf> for thelImes :>'ev. furnace Ander~on ~torms ne .... llI",ulalIOn 3'; bedroom, copperkitchen paneled stud\pant.']ed famll} room FlorIda room :..uper Ot} Jocatlon 1,0\\ '90', Call for&PpolIltment 881 3007


-80-\T \\ -\TER LO\ ERS

I ha\ e numerous bargampnced \\ at"rfront propertIe, lor ~ale on both lakeand Canal m prime execull\e area,


SPEC[-\L1STCE, Tl R\ 21 .-\\ JD 778-8100If nol JII lea, e ) our number

- - - -

LAKEFRO\T - \eararound horn" 95 fronlageon IIItermedlate lake ea,tshore :-'orth of BeHalr!;; 2bedroom, fIrepldce garage ell' $52 500 1616377 7537

L-\I\E elf -\RLE\ OJX - 5bedroom, 21, bdth, boathou~e molor hom(' gdrdge2hJ5J 2 bedroom gueSI

hou~e 50 fool pIerS 129 000 ca.'>h or lerms(ou/d be drranged 616536 7548

BE-\L TI£o'LL fdmlh home FIRST OFFERING\\1/11 Cdged pool 0\ erlookmg Idke LOtdled \lest ,lde Beaullful {our fne bedroomIII Bradenlon Flonda bflck Cape Cod In the2 760 squdrt> foot of top Gro~se Pomte of WarrenqUdllt\ (on,lructlOn J Huge counlr} kItchen fJr~tbedroom .l bdth bnch de floor laundn 2 flreplJces"'Ign delll"e appltdnce, all alummum lrlm Largethroughout OIl ner ....)11 a, 101 Long term Land Con'>I,t 10 flO.inClng SI25 000 tractfull pmI' 813792 39:>8 STIEBER REALTY772 9'293 775-4900

GHO;SEPOI'TESCHOOLSH and} man Special 2u687

Countn Club bnck 3 bedroom "basement garagefIreplace all offers \\ 1'1(orne

Large famll} needed 20935Lochmoor 10 \ ear LandContrdCl 10\1 dOli n 5 bedroom bnch Cololllal dlflmg room basement gardge .ind more ov. ner an,\ou.,' For pnce and term",call TOI/\ DuroOlo EarlKelm Beli Shores 7i5-4201

----------OPE~ Sl'\;D,\Y

Harper \\-oods, 18707 \\ ood\\ Ide doll h~se superclean ne\\ kItchen 3 bedroom fmbhed ba"ementdssume 10'"'( Land Contract Can close III 1 \1eek\\ Ith 1m e,Iment ~chl\ eltzer Rea[ E",tale Inc

886 5800- - - - - -- - -- -:'\E\\ LY\\ EDS RETIREES

Beaullful home bordermg SIClair Shores S6 000 do\\ nLand Conlracl term" 3bedroom.'> large kllchenfamrl\ room 212 car garage . -\b,olute mOl e IncondItIOn Beaullfull)land,caped front rear


CE, TL RY 21 -\VlD 778 8100[f nOI III lea\ I' )"our number- - --- - - --L-\/{ESHORE Village ",ec

ond floor aparlment ",I} Ie\\llh laundr) In unit'Il ~T 5ELL' .bhlng£39900 S10000 do\\ n or a",~ume 71'2((

C -\LL D!A:\A B -\RTOLOTT-\-\T C 21 KEE

751 6026

-'lLGO:-' -\C 120 feel of ",teel'>('av. all on Canal CO\eredboat 1I,,1l 188 (eN \ 11'11ill'S\Idllard Ba\ Speclacular\ rel~ from lInlqlll' (' arrlagehou'-e Offermg a longterm 11, Land Contral tCall for detail, \orlnChannel Renlt} 794 9231

SCHL!:lS 'lOl \ T -\1 \ chJlet4 bedroom, 2'_ balh, fulhfurm'>hed large~1 lughl'"tlot III ..Irt'd ~II 1m golf '~lRed 1I( ed to 572 000 8863.177

ST CLAIRST CL-\lR - \Iaglllflcenl

\ le\\ from gla."ed III 11\ 109room FIreplace 4 bedroom, 3 car t;arageBedullfu! 1I00ded lot onClarl-. Dn\l' Po,>,>,bleterm'> S155 UOO


19 0 I>A Y MAHINER 3,,Ill., 2 yedr old outbuJrd1I ,1/1(>1 c!cdn dnd lornpletely "quipped $J 500llU 0'}91

(C 7j ~,l LAI\CEH, l02 hpI () lIe\l (amol., uphol.,lpI) mdJored ('nglne ant!dm e $7 900 8llu 3bj4

J7 rT '>ILVEEtLlNr. bUdlHO bp r,\lnruoe "holr ,III, I MinI IOllultlonJ'\ I nldU"IlI!\ o""bJedmU.'>l "'Il HI,1 (,ff(,1 JuS'>l>lJ6


In J.I.E IU \ r.H \1"llne\\mtl'r ,tOI "141' lIhlde dnduu!'>Hll up 10 10 (oot 76'>J5'"1ll

I HEA~LHE hl"nd ~tPetel,burg Bed(h adult....dtl:l flOllt (ondo fumJ'h('<1 puol rull ,ed,on$3 BOO .l54 2478


J!l7!l COLE\1-\'\ C"mper --.,Ieep,> 7 .'>lo~e fu rnJl elIe box I'xll J' $2 J(/() orl)('~t offt'r 7J9-b796

~AHA~OTA - Ex(\u~l\e~le~ld KCj 11\ JIIg - out.,ldndmg locatIOn - decor~lh fluor 2 bedroom 2bdlh large bJlcon} Re-mdrkdble bu~ &145537

FOR ~ALE - Condomllllum~ FlOrIda,'dple, on the Gulf Beautl(ul 2 bedroom 2 bdlhlondo 3rd floor Prufe","'lOnJI/\ delor"ted dnd furllI.'>hed Pool .,auna ..,oclal..Ind ret room~ Soulh\\este'\po,ure ~IIth out..,landmg\ Jell of Gulf and ;un..,els~11I~1 .'>1'11 b) 0 ....nerSl1l5 000 00 1 401 ~311 2974





HARPER BEn\ EE;\ 8 and'I \hlt.' '>pace for lea,e 10b\ 20 paneled carpeled[deal for OffICe or "mallboul,que s.'l00 per monthmclude, all ullhtte, 77308.16 C\ emng,


GROSSE POI:'\TE \ ILL-\GE4'),ltO FEETB'l O" ....EH

16820 I\ERCHE\-\1.8828890


1630 I MA<:K at 3 MlFRIEIEROAD tlESY



23 PE, Y-\, Sea ~h.I(f-depth fmder radlO compa~, e\lra~ e\<-el1enlcondilion -\'h.Illi! $4500Bel 3'1"2.2 or lab JI38

198t \ II\.[:-'G 25 foot E,pre.,,> crUI,er loadedDa\, 465 2090 after 6 Call7789452

BO~TO\ \\ haler 1979 \t 1\Port 70 hp .Iohn'on Loaded \lllh trailer SB OOu7258128

TH I~ TLE 17 fiber gld'".,all boat I\tlh lraller CO\er ful1\ eqUipped for rac109 good (Ondlt JOn Sacf1ftce SI 800 886 8~ll 882'l303

B-\LBO-\ 20 ,leep, 4 traIler motor t'qlllped e'\cellent condll,on $ .. SOOE\ emng, \1eekend" 1141l5876 da\'i & v.eeht'nd~7732965

TROJ-\, 1971 31 !\\InChn ~!er' 225 h pIer)10\1 hour" Slet'p, 6 Full)eqUipped millor repair.,be<;{ offer, 0\ er 510 000886 7508 772 ~380

J978 CAMAHO 1.'1 lo"ded4 ~l)('ed ,Ill (I dgel mdg,.eXlr,1 ,et of IIII''' v. I Il'l'I,.,b,1I p ("r mu,t ,ee He,loff('1 1l2,l2HlM

BMW 197J .l002 lUll., gle"tno I u,t 118~ 79/11>

1979 HLIC/{ ()pdl AC ,>1('/eogoud gd' ll11ledg(' $J 700 orh, ,I oflu j71 19'20

1!i7l; /JO!Ji.E (h.1I g('1 '>p"(1,11 [-'(!lllOll (.>.tI'!I('1l1 lOll

dllwlI ,Ill pUV.lI '((1'1IlIgllJldkl', ,lIld mOl I' 10....1Jl1/(',lg, dl PI'lld,,!>!( 1iiJ55tf.jJ

DA 1'>1 \ 1!J78 I' 10 II onlv.!I(,l'1 dlll( ,tllk IOJ5IIlpg H OIJO mll(', $2 UOUPA6 b,14

l!illl) (> \ I '>t \ 210 (>( lux('.. dool 5, I" \ d \ \1 r \1,1('llO 1,..,,('111 17000/IIlll., 1111 111111 IU,lplool\1 "II ,illl I ~4 ~()() !lll:>7H~ I

J '::Iou '1,\Jt ,,(j "... ~hOjJ J. \)\1

mil" dll lId 'lolt lugg..lg.. I dl ~ ",klllg ~1IJ 000Il8tJ I .. IJ

J'I1l2 1'0.\ II \C I 2()()(J 1Il,lroun 4 ,plld lb 000 mill\\drldntl luff Kole~.) IOU Il8I 5!J Jl

J9-!J V \ 1 '>\ \ 200 - 5 "'1)CI'dolll '>llll'O JO~I mJ!,.,53 500 hC'>t 28b ~ll>l

1!J73 I) \f{ f -\ll IU\I tllIl",good Ill .. , Stl'>O 112251!i8

l!J72 DODGE f'olJr<i - £0'1\1,"II $475 331 1354

I \\-\'\T \OlR BE-\T lPC-'lR' \Iu"l be runnrngJ"ff 882 8890


1975 (HE\ ELLE JUlOllldlll.Ill 60000 IIlllc, $1 25088571101

1l{j'2 IJl~TEH -- b l)lllldcrgood II dn,pol tJtlOlI boodrunnlllg l ondlllUn' S55088~ 7020

-1975 FORD lll,>lom 500 run",

guod 5225 !'''drl 331 81791978 \OLh~\\AGE:'\ f{"bbll

- 70000 mile, loob &drl\ c.'> Irke 40 000 \lu~1,>ee' $285() C"ll 8810287

I:O\D\ 1977 - (1\11 :;0000lillie; Mime bOl.h ru,I engmc III fJlr (onditlOn goodlr dmporldtlOn Best offerCJII BrJ,m 885 4()().l

11l7q 185 '>T \RCR \FT ho\\nder 11'; E\lnrude po\\t'rtill lflm :,hore I andl'rtrailer e\tr.t" Hl',t offer\lthl ~('ll 881 6082

C \~H FOR C -\R~TOP ))OLUR P-'l1D


1 :::.ED ( \R LOT15175 E \~T JEffE.H~O\


Jl \/\ OR \Ht'lhed CJr, .mdtruch., Top dolldrs Pdld776 452'l or 777 a352

H -\TTERAS 38 it fll bndgedouble cab raddr automaliC pIlot ne\\ Chn,ler~4O engme", e\cellenl condltlOn Be,t offer 463 1864or Sunda), 778 385-l

\\ -\\ TED - 1980 S~\ larh 4door Iml mileage cared(or JlJd pn\ .lte 294 2092



FREE TO\\ I\G ; D-\' ~365-7322 368-4062

ARTS TOWING\\,' LU\ Junk (.ir, and truck,

Am (olldllilln Tu!' dolldrpaid


773 ;03!J



1!J7u E'JAT JJ1~ 4 doul goud(()Illillion ')2 000 Illlle, ,IU

IUrndll( JJr 25 mpg$J 900 1l~2 :>1I97

J'IIlU OA'[ ~lJN 2ll0ZX T top,I ~I II t onl' !o,Il!t'd .!. lOO11111('" 772 t,jjj7

1979 I/O.'\' VA A(({JI d I er)good lundlllOll $44!J:> 01hl.,t olfl" 77'; lJ IbS

1!J7l \IA[AUI full 1"'VoI'l,W \\ll~M ,tl"('/I ,0IllI'11I,1 In good n11(hdllll,tl,olldllliJll llii'i J7111

1'11l1l( IIr.VI 'I j r. Hlhl1'1 'Joll:d .111 I I ,iI d, toghi I '\1 I Ill'nt l iJndJllon$4 1I0\) 4 It.>11114 HIl24051

1'174 'Iii. (01111'1 Ilbll ~IJlIi

!l.t! dto" .. 'pu'd m"llll,,1Hll" )LOll

\'111111'1.\\101111 1!I,unp'>hiJ\I I "OJII t olld ,tlOIl htlooh II I]) 1J1I\ ~4 20U 7:>..Ill!J(J dol\'

1%4 Ill!i\rlIF (011\(1

tIi"t.' \ ('ilo\l ~ '!H'd~'1:;W 882 25 it.>

1'17!J0\1:\1 u2~ 4 ,>pl'ld '>un'oo{ lu,tploolt'd ,Ill,It I ('0 ~J 525 1liJ~ ~52!1

1!I711 IOIWLLA fo\ 01 ,I

\1 dgon \11 \ \1 r \1:> ')lU(! o\\ldll\( 'I<lfld."d !, ...n'>IJlh.,loll 1l'~1,ttll Ioldloll., t.'\!I.,u,1 JlIdIII..IhL'> Gll'dt ""Iond l..ll~2 5'l(J !lll:>2blJ5

SEE DICK WARNERFor \our nell FORD n"\1

truck or bovd u"ed carSER\ ICE

-\F1E:R THE 5-\L£Lei!'lII)! -\\ dJiable

~7 \ t.'ar~ on E Jeffer'onRE\-\IS,:,-\\CE FORD [\C

1833 E Jeffer"onPHO\E 5674700HO'[E 881 5251

-'II TO\IOB!LE 0\\ \ERS-\~ lOll a" $31 quarterl)bu \' ba'>lc automobIle III,ui-ance 881 2376

1!J7~FUHD LI)) - 6 Pol""I'!lg('r ,t,illOn I\,lgun 400 CJI)t'nglll' l.idldl tll,' ,t.lrh('",\ lilll' goud Ihgl:lJIg,l.'> ~775 !l22 7jbb

19110 \ ULAHE - 28000milt" ,Hltum,ltl( pO\ler'>II'l'rIrlg ,,,dll) ht'dtl rIh ,I offel !lll6 J!J34

f_LOOR-\DU t'lB.l dle.'>elIU,lt/I.(j S 15 500 1l8~ 88~8

1'1,0 ~API' \HU - Lu,It!('d,11011 r 00111 lundltwn [II ,I10010. \\ 111 ~ell SJ!IO(I 465Ju57

]477 l HI:- \ \ \01,. 4 door{on( OUI",e bl.i( ~ II Ilh

!t'd \fll,'nol good londlllOn 52500 882 l.819

1'181 Bll(K ~k\ldlh LTIJ ~door .11 r "utOIll<ltll 1'0\1er,teerlng orJke, 10(1...'>,(,'rt'u \rUbt' 884 9017

1!J71l \IERCl 1i'I Zeph\ r 6(\llnd,'1 aUIOllldtll,llr('o pOller ,t('t'rlngPil~ 1'1 lJl dh('~ \ en goodullldlllOn $2J5l1 1l3974lJ,III"r b p III

IQ7') TOm \0 - II .1n,))(, I t<lllun '~'<.I,ll S2()(I 886 lJ48!J

1982 ('\\ -\IIER 2 dour 'unrout ...(ert..l(j dulorndtJCI; \I ('\t'( Ull\l' '> earS6 OUU ll86 (»lJ~

1975 PO\TI-\C Ll'm"n,,('ed, bod \ II or'" 5250885 26-~5 a ft~r I (Ill

J'lIlO \I\lllll ll""ll Lu'10m tllO lonl' r .,,11l\ht'll, I J\I ImIL.tC" IOddt d \ b t \llllenl ((,ndlt 1\)11

KIi 1 (~i12

14lW H()H 11.\1:'\ Tu -l ,p..ed2 tiJne ,lIr (rUI'l del,;\II Iper, ,kreo reJr dl'(ro,[('r ,poller S~ b50776 1832

1972 f OHD Gr.llld Tonnodlr 70000 mill" be,l offer 886 USB

1978 -\RRO\\ ,ilr r"dr delog 37 (}{)()milt" SI 70088b .!714

1980 HORIZO\, - ~ door'Ill h ,unroof ,uper c1ednC",hmert' Idn cloth IlJlt'rlor 294 2u92

1980 ~IO\ TE C -\RLO _~pOn\ 2 lone pamt I\lth\ 1Il\ 1 IlJtt'rlor aIr -\ \1 F'I,Ier('o crUI,e S5500 7745456

1'178 R -\BBIT \ \\ -\\1 £0'\1'tereo regular ga' four~f)('I'd ",unroof fuel \IlJectlOn 52 800 882 9846

1'175 P-\CER one o\\nerrun" great look, gn ale'\cl'11"nt lrdn~porlal10nS4';0 882 1783 after 6

1978 DATSt, 2802 'l'\lpamt clutch and e,hau~t'1lert'o air b(',l offl'rD3h 3~3()OOO e\cmnc.'53~' 84')1

(lLD~ 'lOBI LF 1977 Delta l\86 ('\ hnder ea~\ on mileage one 0\1 ner clean 4door 53 ROOor be,t offer886 2612

1961l £o'l R\ - Good runnmgcondition $450 884 7020

~Il ~T "ELI 1978 \[onl('Carlo e\c('llent londlllon54 300 or be,t offer 8851762

1'178 FIE'>T,\ (''\cellent canl1ItlOn 42000 milt', \ell 1e>.hauq ~unroof ~tereo$2950 886 1171

FORD \ \;1. 1979 \ 8 auto,II r PO\\ er ~l('ef\ nghrak('~ AM F:'II 8 tra<-kTuff Koled $4 500 Aft('r 6884 1068


BEST BUY\1\/11\ (,J( 1'/7'1 'i,pull

.111 \ \1 I \1 II 'III t \1/.";1 lIlIll 1"1' t olldlt lOll

SIHUI) IlL\ 1Il1141r (\\1111'1-- HIlt> 14 .. I

1"-, 1l \ 1...,\, !HlI I \11

\\1 !-\I ,t'I<" j'>plldII\.I~' 1II1IIl IU\I III I!' .,ht'1,<1IIH ~ 1 >lKI lIlil 11112

J!J1l2 I'()!'\'J 1M ,1.lOOO I.EUHIP(' full\ ('qllll'Jl,'d IIIlilldlllf: ,," ,1('1 ('0 7000IIIlit" WJ!J \ oll'Hh'! IJ .IdeIII 11'1111' $H '}OO Hill>42l>9( ,1IJ .lfII'1 h II III

lU7,l 1'0\ I JAi LI \[dlh IldgOil lUll' gl \,,,1 ~ F.II H!!Ill'lll

1'17'1 ll\l" .Ill ,\\11 \1 \,",,'tIt ~ 'Ill' Ii L t011l ""lilt'II' IllOldlllg, I loth IlIIII

101 I \IIIJIIII IOlldJlloll~ 'ouo 1\ Iii" ~ i ,(I(I ll!!l'II !Ii

1'177 I!O \ \ J \ I J I I pml I I

,11'llllg "O~\I'I liI,lkl",III \ \1 I \I I,,,,, UII , lJ I'I It" dolli"l ,Ii\ 1..1 1I1 II tOil hit oil l until

11"11 H !IJ(l /\"1111 %,71 \II

HI \ 11 Ii \ l'lllli lull ),0\' t I.11 \\11\1 ,lllu)

!tdllitt 11111 Illltt/- I "IId IU 101' .. ; (HKI lIlill' 77'1IPH i

l'lIHi \ll "1 \,1, 1/.lIlhbdl ~ tJ l I hllll\ r ~ 'IX ('d$'; !.I"l1 hlll 4l>ll2

147'1 \Il ...,1\ \\, h"tthb.t( ~ 4lll111dt .ltJ!O'lJ ,tl( pUII'1,t" IIII~ hI .,~", .111 "'dl

dl'1(l~ \'1 r \1 ,t"1 t'o dnd( .--t III IIlIl'> pl'l fl'lt ",\(('IIIIlI lomlilion IlllI t"1I'1l'1 I.ltb,tll !JU()OII lit, 5~ -'15 '" ulf" 772'17511

1'177 1'0\ II \{ l- II "lllfd \ b.tU{OIl\dlll IJu\,\lr ..,tl~llrJIIg III .l~e'> \\1 r \1 ,>Il'r('o11'«'111 III .Ikt.', "nd l'\h,lU'l{,ood l(lndllw/l 52795 OfOUII 7724,')ll

\ l () I 40',)0 1911U "" lil l~()OIlIIl" o'I~ln,l1 Ulln ..'11ll('Ldlj( It'd IJpl dllhS7 94'1 191 %25 .Iftt' 7 P rn

\4-4 D\I\T llHiJlI1 4 dour..tutO'l1 ..ltll dlr (ltl\\t.f

'1""llllg br.t~I''onl' l,ro ......t.~ POlntl} 0\\ Il('f

llli2 4'l2b t \ "I\IIl~' ,.nd "dlur dol\' .. I"'r 12

\1 (. B ,5 HUJ(hll'1 mlllt!!d' ,q.:, ~I'pl lOll mIlt"\ell 1,!I,IU,t p.II/11 tll,", tl 1 0111\ 'l,/I 52 lQ5 01I t',t of II I \. III H..j'lI.IJB

1'17- \ \\ 11..b1Jlt Imlll,lud,,\('(undJtJun ~dl~j}!t ,..t~IJtl.uh ... (. It nHl ...t bl ....l....lllS2 4'15 01 ut''>l o(lt t BJ!I1I3J8

1974 '1GB GT - \ t.'n good".ndIIIOIl lie,t olfll C.dl.tlll'rb 88-17186

19{,'i JjlllH,r V.lIl I un'good ,t"'d' 'U'llt'n'llllIlI11rh I \lr,t pdn, IIlc!lIduJSI';{1 ~2b 64(~.

147" (}I.l)~ 111111'"" (,"(ldl.ondl\lon "d(llli t! (I (Illlin', \ I" .. n Il\t, r Illr rUII.'>guod S79') or b, " of( er88282bll

1975 L \ \CI-\ BET -\ 5 '>pet'd~ I. I IllJdl>r doublt. 01 t'rhe,ld ",1m 30- mpl! BI.iuPUII~1 ,>ll'rl'O it"lth, r InterlOr l:,celll:ll! londl!lOnS3 SUO 7757636

i973 ()-\RT - Pm't'r .,tL'('rlllg pO\ler hr..lhl''' run,great $700 88t> ().l5tJ

1978 OlE\ ROI ET 4 doorCaprIce CIJ"I( full\t.'qUlpped and In ,''\cellt'll!londltloll Ha, remote control ,IJrt( r 884 q2t>6

1974 D \ T:..l \ 2uo:,;>' I l f\g:KJd condH,ol1 .I1/!oma(lC-\\1 f \l ,lIr nlII br ,.he,88276;0

1'176 PI\ TO \\ agon - S600 orbe,! offer 8827bID

1965 BO\, E\ ILLE - Goodlnlenor nt'ed, motor ,1IIdbod\ \Iorh tIre, 59 044mll(" \I.rlmdl rthl -\11of( er~ 885 7 178

\l '-,Tl" Ileale ... 1'lb7 midgetroad,ter Ordnbe 1275c<-nt'\I paInt top ,l'.it>clutch Hun' good Be-t 01tl>r lO27 Bedford Gr'h,ePomte Palk 8801b14

\'176 f IREBIRD - PO\ler,lel'rtng pOller brakes,t ert'll ,un roof ')3 000mrle~ SI BOO 77~ 6580

ICj7t>FI \ T - 4 ('\ lmrler IIIgood conditIOn S700 1974Dl STFH - bod\ no rU'>1,ell uppel &. lOll rr bOilJOlllh 6 c~ hnder goodrllnlllng COn(htlOn SI 100824 Ob44

1982 TRANS A~HIM h 10.ld"d '; 000 mJle~

Si l 000881.1480


2lont' hlll(, e\cellenl condillOn \llth manl ('\tra~\Il!eag(' 21000 884 BCjl2dfler 6 p m

Iq7B FIREBIHD air reardefog 43000 mdt.', S3 300l\8') Milt

11)74\\IIITE \ll~T\""G automatlc pOller ,leerIllg br,lh.e, good condItIOn$1 700 885 4894

1'176 PI"TO \ulomallcpo\l('r ,t"('rIng ,lnd hrnhc~good mpg good pllcel\82 'l41,'l

ztt1 «"l' ..

Page 36: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

___ 4 _

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd<!y, October 7, 1982














15011 KERCHEVAL.. '


..... i

1\\\1" H\hl-.l HhH "'H

I!Ol\II: r.!\I\II:N,\,\I!':1111' k 1101 h lootlllJ.: 1.H1lklllg p.tlllling I hllnlll'l ,'Il'dl\l'd (,U.tI.llll, .d\III-, 777 (lid,

TU 5 6000





BARKERI 11\ J h \1 1 \ Ill'

\ld<!<.101 Itlt • \Ift I dn 11'"' •\ll(lll tit!' • i II 11\ H )(1111"

.1-.'1011'''' ,\ h"I,.il' 1\

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l ( II till 't I!l l!d lu flll~d( l1Jl1

\\ < I" I I till' 1" Ih, \"lllll\ t11~• h..lh Iii 1h •

• \ddn )01)", •

• HI" [IH nl 1\, ( hi _In .....

.l!lltilit I '(tIll I lhll!".

• "'~ III HI J l " J" •.......!llt III \\j[lll~l\~"" •

\\. \\1111" d \ 'II I",t d\II q I III \ II d III I'!l'

I I" I '11111 ,t, ,1 Jl' II" d Llld IIl'lU I d


.1011 .... \\ '>ll!(lhI-HnlL' h,H1til,"t ~11\ III 'ull n

• p.lllllIllg • 1..1.1!ln~• I .Jrpt Illl \ • t .lund

1!1,t,III.1I1<H1 • 'lI\.illpl.l,I,r rt'p,lIr'\ ItlJ.,:t<lr II lIrkl' \1.1. 88~ 1~85

, v


1'1 ll'>"\ \j I \ PI 'It, \1 II... 1\..11 Ii, 11' \11" '* h I .... C PIt !It.... f l{ j I ...

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... \\l~.d 1'01I. III 11 111\lllh* i\t ~ , 1\ t' t Jl \\ I r (1 /\1,. ...

.. !tlltllt j ! "\hlll' 1)1....r ...

H I I \ I Ill- \ '>~ II \ \ il1\'>llnll

,~\~H\l 1!.'\1l h~f'\I({r ,i ....11 tl' ..r _ 'I.o"'~!

II <"'11)\\ I-1!IIIl'1I dlld illihTu"d"1 IlIl"llOl1 IIld hUIll<'1, p,w, 1 It I ,,11111 1\' ,I!PI' Il'llt ,', 2~7 ) 'Ill

1 \h.1 <"'1Il1 \It \11\1 \1J'H(I! ,I I J <..,

'>111\\(, Iltl\l 1,1 t II h"lIlJ(\IIJ1)(lH,> \\1)

\\I\lll)\\"III I \'>1 I) 1\"1 hi Il

"\II'>! \1 110\1,1 \1. \ \ II I 1)

\ ~ 101 '1'1' \\ 01'''02~ j 1h~tl



j Ii Ii! j:I~llliII ~Il


TVl~::::::::===~----/ •

",\~S IN YOUR HO9- ~ ~ C<>lor TV - H, F, - Sl~r~o, I\f E

A .... q .. 'So .t'

8B..>62t>4 ReA l£'IIITH 8S:,PMh.i N.....""P[ ;:; ....'" 'fi&qll:'r trrcln'11~' (q.-,crr PC' ... ..,..

l:=:::::::===~----" •

\\1) l>! J 1\ I H\ \HJllh\\ \11'> !'{)f{lll 1\( 1 iJ"I lil-,<'" I hI \l" '>1011\1h 1'1 ~ ,11 I \! \ 1\ (, I \ I I '>\\1- I ( 11\11


EAST SIDE ALUMINUM PRODUCTSAhlll!UIl Trill • 8!dHlI • All Ruffl, • S.ltm

Aw.II,s • Pm. Etel.ures • SI.rJ1 Widows & Doers!'rlll' WlidoWI • Orll.Il.ltal Wru •• t Ir..

Rog_ J. Wood P.M... Free EstImatesOwner , Call

Licensed & Insured Office 775.1789


1'\ HEI'\lH ~"I\llt. l'I{\o.J'III hOll1l' ",lllll.itl" IUl205!15

I- H I I '" I 1\1 \ J hI[ t \11 \ 1 \1 1)( H 1l( " \ \ j)\\I' ill) \\... ,( IiI I \ " I( I

I'V i\ II. IJ "!I'.liJo.O <"'1'/{ \ 1\'1:FI p,' 1"IIIll"II" [Il'l' '1'1I l(,' (',Ill ,lu'I'ph I!,ll pl'l\\\loth lUll ir,7~



171~1); \1 \( "\1{ I \1l11 1 \

1,lt"" I'llI'll' I' III..(rJ I ....... 'olltl,.!) ItpUI ,ltbn~

....ltllll1.." II lln I tHI! lll~ ....u[

1"1' II I \JU, ILl 11011 I JlI I I1'1 "dill l, ,II 1111J. ,

HHI IOhl1 (II }.!/ ~,11\



\-o..ltt ilL n, ll"tlll "'11\'111I1,llld 1\ ",lIlllll,

I, un \lll.tldw~,l,I'f1l'1 Ii 110m, I" l' II' ,

~t \111 \ \\llHh. \1 \ \'>1111'\ I H1' \ "1)\ \ III I- H \ I!- <..,

'>21 :>5li~ hJ') ".I\!7

\It \11\1 \1 .I'd II!III ,,<I1tH.. tt '111 ~lltl".... "'llf! III\\ltH1tl\\' ,tut 11\ du Jl .... l'

pLi{o t'n1l'l'l \\ 111t'd\\ '" }h ,1ljLI.IIIl \ Ih"1 pi "," I" t II'l'd 111'"1\\\ ~ ,111\l'1 lIltl"'Uf) do Jt If J \ pO 'd \ t.'E,t.tIII'Ii,,,l 2 1 \, d" I'll>!'lIomt' ~I'1 \ Ill' I ,ill 11\'Jlllt' l71 ,724



Custom Work Done By "Craftsmen"


CO,INC• \<ldltll))\'• Dortll' r,• tr.lI I~'l'• h.ltl htll1 ....

• Flllpllll'Bllll- .l1d l"lllllll ll'll I-

B,lJl\o, t 111"I1L 111-': ,\ I\\.,hl,Clllnpkil

lIu11I, \ltld'l 1111l!lnl1 I777 2H16 -;) 110")



HF\IOllF 11\(, \\1). -\l>PIIIlI,,:-.

\R~ III n! It H \ [~FH\ Ill-.

B\ll1HOI'\I"- \\1)"IIUII- ,'>

HI- 1'( \l nlt"\ I\I 1\ 1>0\\',

In HOuFI ....!,\Il \1I\l \1 '>111I\1,

~ 1hl\1

777-6840Ull-. \,~ I) ,\ J \ ... l JIt 11

'>lIhng IllII\ I' ,11111. ",lI'lh ,....gutlt. L"" ",t, I III dlhll.."

d (lc.J \\ urdu \~... I I I I IH.......

,dUlIIltH,1ll ,111111,., p\Jllli

l'lH. ~U ....1I11...... ~ I' -. ll,.lld ll.. "HI'

l ....{l!ll.-'lt ...

Off II 'huIIi ,~tl1\_kll1-, 1111 \' I

~".. ~ ;-.; Iq"p



ELECTRIC -\I. II Iring ,wd repair, - \ IOlatloll' corrl'ctpd - Frpe 1',llll1d(I" -1.0\1 price, - Ron Dor ,In'In 0138 after 4

ELECTRIC-\L \\ORI\ - B)IIcen ,ed con Ir aClor lOllrail', free e<;ltmate, BIll9751

S &.. J ELECTRICRe'ldentJal Commffctal

'\0 Job Too Sm.ill885 2930

RETIRED ~I-\~TER e!cctnClan Llcen;.ed \ !Oldt lon'Sen Ice, Incred,ed \ho,mall )\)b, Tl 52966

-\LL T\ PES of ElectrllalIlorh Range, dn('f, tn,tailed - remodehng ElecIncal repair, (l"tures LICE'n,e<! nnd m'ured Call IlleElectnc Compan\ E\ enlng, 7749110 D3\' 1.-\6 7352





CO\IPLETE Tl '\E l P S7 9->-\ll mdlo.e, all .lee, \11pJrh '(1)CI-ed 88:; 7437

CO\IPLETE plano ,en Ill'Tunm!" H'blll]dllJll Iellllbhlng \Iemhl'r PI.lllOTI'dllllll.ln~ Guild Zl'll1Bo"ner i31770i


lltghcc;t fluallt} - LOllcstprIce,; f'ree estImates

MASTER ELFCTRIC978 i625 or 8799518

LET GEORGE DO IT\I ,1,lll'1 dl \ l'l lIl'''\\ ,hhl'l

,utd 1.IUg", Il'I},llll'lI \111I1.lh,', 1\0 ~FH\'HFCII \ IH;)o' II Il'p.llI I'd(,lI,n ,1IlIl't'd poll h ,Iud WI11<.' ~Pl (I,lll/lllt-: 1lI (, Fh.l'l\lI\L1ll' ,lIlll \\ hllipoolpllldu('I,

1'1;H~O~ \111'1'1)::--1'1i\ It I ~1\tT 1'1("

1'1'111gl' <"'tulhIll!' 17u2

E\ PEHII-:,\ cFD pl0lt'''IOU,II mtll 1'1' Big or ,1II,lllmOl I' Hl,IWII.illlt ~ ,LlI882.l1>l5


PHOFE~::--IU"" \1 mO\t'l ~RL',hOIl,lbll' 1.lte' 1lI \ t',ll't.."pel H'I1Ll- l~...t klH,lll.... \0Job tOI' '1Il,III 8l\1 7182

\11 C \Lll \1 \10\ I\t. tomp 11l\ \llIdl'rll Illtt I- ,11101tqUlpllll'1I1 E,t"bll,lIl'd IIIIlll!! - Full\ trhUlt'd p, ,rill'pt\ll'll ' ....l... 77b 7R98

PI \\ ....1\(,,, 1\1Olt' ILlllII,uler \\111 lld\t'l II \Ib\lIlh PIlI. up tlulh 11111llW\ E' \ ou lUl.1l 01 long ,h,t.lllll' \11 1.1Ih'UIl .,,13-lJ'l

~I oO/{ ~ \ '\llI\t, '(,11I1I1I~

I- I"" .,,111\\,111" \1 \II I-m U1

,Ill!, ~lId!,ill!t'.'d \b2 -,123

PI \ '\0 TL \ [\ G ,lIld 1"IhllrIIlg \\orl. ~1I.l\ olllll"'d\lembL'r ~f'\r Edl\ JrdF ebl-e -*65G35ll

PI-\'\O ::>ER\ ICE::, - Tunln~and rep.ur Qu,lllfIL'<l kdlnlCldn Flt'\lble huur,Re.l'on,lble 1'.111" 881327bo~ 882 5847

{'I ew..t. ,

'\£ED ~O\IE.rHI\(, 1I\')\l'ddt'!JIl'll'd or dl'plht'l1 lIf'T\IO PlllIlll' rl"lrlt'llh \1 iI!1\10\ I' 01 I emol I' I.u ~l' or,11\<111 qU,llltltle, ot tunHlille appll.llll"~ )".1110, -or II holt hal I' \ ,IU C,\1l fOtflee l"tlntdtt" C.lIt Juhn~tt'HIII\g(,1 J41 lI-1lil O[ !l222200

P S 0111<'1' !\lol\ I "\II our oldbut nl'H'r om PIICl' t'\~ll'rIt'nCe or ~tI It'

RELI-\BLE POI \ 1 E rl"ldt'1l1II Ilh trul k II III mOl t' 1.11 <:t'or 'mall qU.ll1tltle,

I\~t REDBob 882 1%8

I'liOF! ""10\ \1 I JOOI ,>"nllIlIg ,11101tlllhlllU~ <"'p", III111111..III d,lI I- ,t.111I1Ug t .111ILII lit" "tllll,lll' \\ \hl I11.1111 0)-'1 ';02

I, ,\ t. I IOll!i I lJ~ 1\1\11 'lI\dlll~ III of, "ILlII 111\

dOIll 1>11h ,I 1III1lIg •IIIII till"llIn>.: \il \\1l1 k t-:lI,II.1U;" ,I ~II" ",11111 II", lh I




~ 10111 ',ll\tllll~ t "f 11II,1I11\~,Jld Ihllll' d ,pl'".lItl 1-\Ill'l t III '1,1111 .,.lj 72St>

'" r

SL DllO 1\<;lL \T10 ....Since 1948

Tired o{ p:l) 109 sl-}-rU( hclmg fuel bills' Askfor our portfullo of homesIlllh current fuel bill sa\mg~ Tahe adl antJge ofOllr off sC:I,on p r I C I n gnn\1 Comfort for all sea-son, 15" h:dcrJl Ta\Credit





D-\YS \'\0 e\enll1g~ - \p-phance lepalr -,e"pellen(e \\ <I,her, dn1'1' dl,hlt.hhe", 295 Ib71

::>L \ ~ Rl'fm:I'I.ltlOll - Qu,lIIfled n'j.l.lll 11'1hI1111,11I'Lllll I,Ut" <." II d"\ "II1lght 751 72bO

t \I\I'F I I \\ 1\(,\1- \\ \\1> (}]ll

"I 1\\' l'.1l p,'kd ::--I\I!lI'dIkp,I\l' 01 \11 I I pI"

\1 "0~\HI'FII\(, \1'\\1

1I \H))\\ \lUll"illlp!", "lhl\1 II 111

\ OUI 11"11\,'HUB I Hl PI 1

~- .. ~"'10 d i\' 2<J4 .>h'lt, , \"

l..'HI\I\E\ REP \1H .1Ild tUll-P0Intlllg -\hLl brill.. Ilorl-.1lId rep,Hr In,uIl'd Tom\1eC'.lue 885 b~19!

FI REPL -\l E \I (Joll ~!Ol 1',

Ol! flue 1I1'.lI1mg CIP, .llld~ll et'n, m'ldlied IlbUI ectno file" Profe"lonal \1,1,ler S\\epp CoachlIghtChlmne\ $11l'l'p Comp,ln\88537JJ



1\~I\Ll\nu'\ tll ',Ilp"!lik IlIlll 25 I t'.II' 1'\PL'11l'lJ(l' qu,lhtl 1\t111-1Il.1Il,hip FIl"-' 1'~11l11,ltl' tllliJ.l58

I"TERIOR BRIel\. \IorhI..ll(hen 0\ ens bnched Infamlll room II aUs brl(I-ectflrepiace hearth~ raisedbnch ~eab ddded \\ ood~to\ e Chlmne\ and hl'arlhbrlek Ilorh done Can doall cu~tOIl1 lIltenor bncl-\Iork 824 229-l 835-8876


C\HI'1'.1 L-\\I\I; I",1,,1/ hill., mol Il'!.l.lII J5\ll~U"" P\~){~lll"IHP 88h q~72Ih,mg,'d 10 ;-7!llOllJ

J EHH \ ~ l.ll p" ,t'll Il"11I,1.11I.ltltlll Ih'p.IIl' - \11I-IIl,h 01 III hllll\l' ',li,"~hl'l 20 1t'.It, 1'\[WIlelll.'


nE,\!';ING WITH .1 111'\\

t \1 I,t the old f .. ,hlOn 11.1\ I

\\ t' 1\ ,l,h II IIHlo\\, .11111",'lub nom ~ OUI Ill',1l1111gI.Hllt" II tli c1I',11I \\HI!

!lOllll' to I "Ill (Ompll'll' ,.111,1.1111011 .1IIt1b.' III .\lIl! oulIII I'. hOlll' ~;\II'lIl'llt I"fl'll'lllt" Bl'tl\ JJ8BIO-lh.,1l1'n bl!~ 21.1~

o a m to 4 pm


13569 Joseph CampauHil~ [,1 c-

"~ a~lt r tlJUr-.. rfl}. ("1<:' yCl vc.rr r ar (if "l Uciy""1 2 (jily Sil' Wr "re" doq<; a" ",q ac; pG~" 1"('F r<J'c('-1 ')n y by (jorill 'J' <; Rrn rrrber an frille;n yO ,r IN 1( (',

Volunteer help wanled Pel food and carlabels welcomed For Information cal' Mary




Gt TTERS cleaned repaIredand 1Il,talled Do\\ n,poubflu~hed draln~ checkedfree e~lJmate~ Rea,onablerate~ 813 1625


G -\RAGE RE\IO\ -\LCommercIal Fire Damage

Ree;ldentJal538 -l3H

A~ The Oakland Humaneat Society\.~1! located In ,;.:~ (<<!Wayne County ~ •.:t~~

IS a "IO"'! ~ro'! or Vdf(»

'uflded by dona' ')' .. ~?"L <; C l, h, L' r,a aNO DESTROY pollCt has rnary hO'T'e ess dogsa'ld ca'" '0' adoo' o~The Shelter IS located at 19601 MI EII,O" near 7 MLieRoad Delroll 48234 Phone 892 7822 Hours 11 00a m to 500 pm

,. " S E\ E r-.. i) A 'y S l>, ,', E f K m~1"1;1', D')"a' en" V,e cc~e Ca'~':;:j arc Dcq foC'c COO'" )

re 0'.] JG' 'c['r~ J'L i)~I • ) SO C tej_, '::lr

Thank you for hE:lplng those . - •who can not help themselves I

o :\ G CO:-' STRl CTIO,,\ CO\la~onr~ I epalr~ chlmne\, patIO' porehe~ Speclaltzmg In tleld ~tone tirepli.lee~ Lleen,,1.'Q 83~9-l59- - - -

H-\:\O'\ :\1A\ I\{th trudClean ba~emenb garage,etc -\n~ haulmg odd Job~Bob 8856227

-~-------FE,CES Jn~talled repaired

Ilood ,tel.'l "\0 Job 100~mall Free e~tlmate", 7725009


REGISTERED quarlerhor~e geldlllg IB.lrs m\Budd\) 1501 hande; ,lears - old SI 500 \sk forJack 131 3056


BL H \IE~E - \I,dl' hIltI'll'12 II t'l'''' old l'.lll<ldl,inCh.1lI1plOll QUE't'1I .1I1d ~II eCC' -\ &. CF \ S250 S4\JOJ.lI t>l31

PF fbJ-\ \ l<lt dll \1 hlle IllthCOPpI'l 1'\ e, p,lpel' \1 1ft' ,,1l1el glC 1 329 ~4~J 1Il J.N9359

FHEE 2 1Il.llt' hltll'lh I \11gOI,1 I \ ,'11011 II~"I llB21112J

T\\ 0 I er~ ~pPcl:l1 I..l\(W'OUI Pi e\ lOU~ 0\1 nt'l' dbdlldoned u~ hoping \IE' Ilouid~et kIlled lIl~tt'.ld \Il' II ereI e,em'<l .lOd e;,1I I'd fl om ,ICI uel de,llh b\ OUt (O~tt'l

mother bUI ,he can I \-et'pu~ pled~e ha\ e ,1 heal I fOIa hOllle1e" "Itt~ dnd 'ldoptu, ~oon \\e plOIlH't' 1010\ I.' \ OU \ en much 8392...11 e\ enlllg,

FREE - \IJ\ed Old Engll,hSheepdog pupple' blacl-and II hlte 7 \1eel-, old885 li51

CHI:'\ESE Shar Pel UUDPle,- the \1nnl-led dog F:m nfemale~ Gual dilleI'd fOIhe<llth and pedigree -\llel5 5.15-8087

RE(;I~TFHED \ K C (,01dt'n 10 1I11lllth, old~tllHi \11th I-Ilh ~2->1IPl".be c<ill B2J .1.3-lto

FH 1"1" II I'll ::--I'lll'l -l \ l',llold 1Il.lll' \ h. r g 1.'.11II It l! I..ld' , 0\\ Ill'" IIH>I "ll3430007

FIlEE K1TfEN hltt'l tl,1Il1.'d f II ,I ,hoh 882 977 I

\1"1\1'\1. 1I0SPI r \1.\ \ el \ 111 ( t' 1I1d"1 bl.ll I.. Lib

,lI1d .11l .Hlol,lhlt' IOlillt:~Il'\ (.'IIl.lle I,ll bOI h.Ib.llid 0Ill'd, \lould Ut' ,0h,IPP~ to bl' \\lUl ~ll'h

Pl.',l'l' I all 882 ~b60

Bt'BME~E b llHlllll" m,llt'1-1((I'lI I.'gl,tt'll'd c.l'ntll'Itl\ ,Ibll' ,hoh 0\1111'1 .\1III gle B'>I l\Sb~


:-'oYo IOU can own lour oYon 111<;urance agenn and repre<;cn! o\(,r a dozen of "'men( a ~ large<;1 and mr"l re<;pectl'd multIple hne II1surance compal11cs

.\mtnea One [nr \!lCh,gaTl'flrq lTl.,urance agenC\ (ranchl<;lI1g comp"l1\ " lookmgfM ~genl, m I our ~rea

If I TlU are a Ilcen'iCd pmpert)and c~'\lalt) agent and "'antto hr..:"' J:. 'IT''''iC' '1ohnJf hf'lv.. \-Oll

can o",n lour own agcnc~

V. nt€' or callRo""rt !'eey, Pre"denlAMERICA ONE INC

6035 t,v'('ut, vc Dr!"m,mg \llchlgan 489H1

'iIi 394 'l8OO





WOMEN S -\PP-\REL shopGrosse POlnte for saleFme clientele E~tab!Jshedbu,mess If IIlterec;tedplease \\ rite 10 GrossePomle :"Ie\\s 99 Kerche\al Gro~"e Pomte Farm~

_ ;'Il:IChl~~~236~0,,-T 3i-17 YEARS busme~~ exper

lence - machlllery - capItal available Seekmgproduct to manufactureCall Ed 25~ il87

GROSSE Pornte reSIdent\\Ishes to bu~ small hou~eor duplex No broher~please 882 9540

ALL CASH for East SIdeReal Estate East Side8822-l02


:"eed s ladles expenenced IIIsellmg through the homeparl~ plan Part tIme earnIngs could e"ceed $5001\\eek seiling sensuous 1mgene and personal productsfor lIomen ThIS IS absolutel, the BEST gro\\ thopportunltj III an e\CltlOgand re\\ ardmg ne\\ fieldCall Grace at 776-3840



TWO gra\ es \It 0111 etCemeter:- ~ecllOn 26 \fter6 882-5897


COCKER SPA ......IEL \ K C1 monthc; old female $20088658ii

GROSSE POI,TE P-\RK -Size 105,,85 cO! nel of CadleU\ and Jeffer~on. 8863598-- --- -~- ----

GROSSE P01"\TE SHORE"_ Cotonlal Road - 100 flflontage Land ContI acttel ms Palm~ Queen 1186-1-14 ..

------ - -- ---LOOK at l' 01 er Gro~<;e

Pomte from \lerrmealherHIll - 75,,169 882 l-loo

2212 -\LL4.RD - 6 loomJanch bet\\el'n i and 8~ltle Sunda \ 2 to 5 8395301 nlghh ..€8 760-l


(,l)LDF\ Ht llB F\ ~-H !l\mOllllh \ \-0..( p.q1l' I ,

B\ 0\\ \E/{ (dO"t' l'Ol1lll' :::2()(l Cll.lIll" lI.l 23l 212-1\\ood, - 2~b') \ILlld 1'\"l\lIl~' ,lIlIl lB, 2r l,~,1,ll\ch 4 bl'dl oom, \,\1 ~" Ill, .. ht'l\lhIt.'nlOdl'lt'd 1..11<.'111'11$b3000 C',Land COlltl <ll'l OK 211bb6llb ,\CEI' 110\ \[ Bt.It-:1., I'll

e\II'pllOll II ~1.llId)l.1l1'1I1'HO\IF O\\''lFHS COII'ld"1 lIt't'd, 101l1l~ l',lll!l~ p1'opll'

llw,e 1'\,1 mp!l" 01 llb \11 10 It'lUIII ,.1lI1l' III t." ,',,1nl I' pi lit 1'1 lIOn on I '!Ill kill \1 '\1, h tlo~ $30 HB5homL' 0111\ Slb7 PCI I l',ll t>72ll hl'llIll'll b'l pillto! $60000 $218 fUl $BO UOO$29.1 {Ol $ 100 000 ThOll"In~llr am c \ ~l'lIe\ E;hlland Centel 881 H7b

GROSSE POlllte Cltl B\all lIer 2 bNlI UOlll Uppl'lcondo A~,um<lbll' mOl Igage b-l5.5396

L\RGE I bedroom condo -excellent condItion cellli "Iair t2 :\l1le Hoo\ er .IJ 1'.1

$39 900 264 66H Ii3 0-155---- -HARPER \\ OODS - BIICl-

IdllCh 2 bed'oom \\llh I"HI11\ room -\~qllnable mOl Igage 834', S59 000 8851140

LOVELY l'ondoll1 I lItli IIILel,UII'\ tIll' Compll"Bo\ nton'h 1'101 Ill.1$~O'OO() 882 2'>35

L\KE1 \;"111> ll\ (,10"('

1'01l1tt' - Bl',lutlflll ('I'nll'lenl 1.II1I'e Colom.~1 \\ Ith Jl,llgl' lll'dllllllll~ ,1Ild ~I_

b.llh, Lllld Ct:lIlt ,lcl II \Ihnl'gotl,ILJll' dOlI 1I P,I~ nwntSl!'l'lO(l 8822';36

.151 \IOHU~S E,I lIt' ~.dt'IIt'll ht'pl 3 lkdlooll) tolo111.11 II It h f 01 1II.1l (\JllllI c.loom I1l l',,(t'lll'nt ,HI'<I \1I1.llId t 'Oll!!.!l t tl'lllh .Ill'

open ~1I11l' 'I.H t 1lI~SB5 000 1,'1.1 He,ll F,t.lll'i7b 750b


Real Tudor b~ bUIlder AlDePayse We the ownersha\ e cut the pnce to$1]7 SOO Has leaded beveled glass natural lIoodlots of good stuff mce lotbeautIful maples andneighborhood 8'"c mort-gage can be blended to 1212'4"C May be as~umpllon

or Land Contract, sev-eral POSslblhtJes Om e by1156 YorkshIre between StPaul and Kercheval In thePark HigbIe Ma"on 8863400 We can work It out

i85 Lt\KESHORE RO-\DEnghsh Tudor In Grosse

Pomte Shores DelJghtfu)])apPolllted home IlithbUIlt In cabinets leaded\lmdollS and hIgh beamedceilings $185.000 Illth$50,000 down 885 0502


Hampton near Lakeshore, 3bedroom ranch. Flondaroom kitchen bUIlt illS$99,500


GROSSE POI~TE \\OODS19952 W ClalHlew CtCharmmg Cape Cod \\Ith 2bedrooms do\\ n and largeup FlOrida room recreatlOn room In basementIIIlh dr~ bar and fireplaceOffered at S82 500 DETROIT BA,:\K & TRUSTTRLST RE~L EST~TE222-3726

B'\ OW:"ER - 3 bedroom212 baths Farm st\ Ie 1.'01onl alan quamt ='0 e"v. England street 886 60-10

ST cr AIR SHORESFour bedrooms 2 full baths

nev. I~ remodeled kltehennell carpetmg

S63 000 - BY OW='oERil7 li68

GROSSE POINTEPARKReduced huge 4 bedroom

brick Colomal 212 baths 2car attached garage bargaIn must sell $99 900


839-8Boo or 777 i')10Chuck Aleardl Broker

GROSSE POI:'o.TE \\OODS- 623 Pear Tree Lane b~o\\.ner cue;tom bUill 2lar!'e hedroome; formd 1nlllInl' room 2 hathe; ftreplace bUIlt In kltchenfo)er \11th marhle floorIntercom and stereo syc;tern bUIlt In bar flnl,hedbac;ement \11th rpc r00mpov.der room spnnkllngsystem Open Sunda~ 2-';/\ppomtment onl\ 8826379

l':\ IQl'E 5 lwdloom hilI I-Quad - Totdlm~ OII'r 2000,quarE' fl'el \\ Ill! In.lnl Clhtom featur", 'ueh a, ,latl'fo\ l'r mal ble ~11I, flllhhed ba~I'll1enl \\ Ith b,\l 10c.lted 9 ~llie L.lI-t',holeill ea PI Iei'd belo\1 m,u kt.'t\ alue fOl qUick ~.lle

E\.ECL TI\'E Capl' Cod -Locdted In the Liggett,('hool area H,h -I bl'dlooms 2 full balh, nl'\\ l\decorated and c<llpetedS26000 \1111lahe 0\ er pi esenl mortgage at 11« IIltele,t I ate PrJ('ed rIght forqUlC\- sale

WOODL;;-\D HaqJelWoods For the lal gerranlll~ 0\ er 2 500 ~quarefeet of ~PI all hng Bungalo\\ ,llllated on d lot100"17-1 LI\ mg room ha,natural fireplace adjacentto the formal dlllIng fullbalh on mam floor dndupper le\ el Large pallOfor \OUI summer entertaming You may tahe0\ er e"lstlng Land Contract at B'2"C Pncedbelo\\ $70000

NORWOOD - Comfortablebnck ranch. enjo) theformal dllllllg. adjacent11\IIlg room Illth fIreplaceplus den and large ene'los-ed back patiO, attachedgarage Grosse POlllteSchools Take over longterm e"lstlng mortgage13'1. o\\ner lea\ 109 slate

LOCHMOOR - Ne\\l\' dec-orated and carpeted. 3bedroom. brick Ranch par.tlalh flOished basement 2car' garage II lth electncopener Grosse POlllteSchools Finances are asfollo\\s take 0\ er at fl"rate 834'"c has IHap rate13'"c also Land Contractterms a\ allable




5085 11 \R\' ARD BOdd _Cll,tom bUIlt bIle!. -I bcdloon" II~bath~ Flolld.lloom fOl mal duung 100lllllldll\ t'\tl <l~ LlIld ContI,lel .11«lIable npe!l Sunda\ 1 -I P 11\ 778 7708 OJ939--11-15

B'\ 0\\ !'\ER Lal-t'polnt('IllCOll1e S\" .1Ild 'I' :\1'\\ hdecOi .,tt'd IW\\ I a I pE'lnp\1 hllellt'll 'l'par.l!('b,hE'!lWnh $65000 IPll1h882 l1800

SelectIOn of chOice and scenII.' bUlldmg sItes on the StClair RI\ er from 50 feet to200 feet In \\Idth LandContract terms avaIlableon all

CoZ\ t\IO (or three) bedroomhome on 50 foot rller lot\\ Ith sea\\ all boat dockand hOist FIne Vie\" ofCanadIan shorelme andStag Island $125,000 Generous Land Contractterms

Spaclou~ bl leI el bnck horneon 135 feet of prime rl\ erfrontage All rooms hale11\ er \ Ie", s andlol openonto e"pansl\e decklllgand patios FI \ e bedrooms412 baths huge familyroom t\\'o fJreplaces At-tached 2 car garage. plusdetdched three car and~hop bUlldmg A greathome lor famll, and forentertalUmg - S340 000Terms a\ ail able

ST. CLAIRGorgeous \\ ooded settmg on

the SI Clair rl\ er featuresattractl\ e h\ a bedroomhome Illth huge h\ lIlgroom \\ Ith fIreplace. 112baths full~ eqUIpped kItchen Guest cottages\\lmmmg pool and dockage fO! 50 foot crUIser51i5ooo Terms a\ allable

WOODBRIDGE East Seeond lal gest U/llt m CompIe" 2'2 baths end umt 2cal POits all drapes andapphances mcludmg\\ a,her dn er AsklllgSi2500 S20000 do\\n


i51 6026


32~22!»_.----- ------L -\KESHORE Vlliage -

2310i -\rthur Court S4 000assumes 1314C( long termmortgage. $553 mcludestaxes Completel) remodeled all drapes andapplIances mcludmgIlasher and dr~ er Only$42500 Call DIana Bartolatta at C 21 Kee i516026-- ------------

THREE BEDROOM ranch-\ \ allable Land ContractSt Joan of Arc Church andSchool 22511 RosedaleOpen Thursda~ throughSaturda) 124 771 3083

H J. \7£RHIU 5056-ibet\\eenOuter Dr Warren) Ver~clean 3 bedroom Colomalfamll) room 212 car garage S5500 dOlI n LandContract pa~ ments under$400 per monlh Tax andme;ura nce mc lu ded -\ ppollltm_ent 9i8 1590 _

22004 EOGE\\OOD - StClair Shore~ 2 bedroomImck ranch attached gardge large lot naturalfireplace bac;ement 1mmediate occupancy '2block \\e,l of Greater\Iack 4 blockc; ,outh of 9\1 IIE' \lust c;eHle e'>late$')4 000

OPE .... SL:"ID,\Y 2 5BRi: '\ ETTE -\GE;>,CY

ill 0770

,,\1 \ I L con airier home S!John Ho~pltal area 776


"T (I \lR "hore, 1 bedI ()(Jnl ranch full hd,crncnl}', u<!ln ImnldlU]dlL7'iRe 7~127

Ill' <,Pt,H \TF' RedutlfuJ 2;{}T()()m m"n<;Jon \lllh g<!r<!g('"p"rtmenl plu, third tlr)orrrdlrJ, quarltr~ 60 foolr!rr(dIJon ronm R('ducedSWi '){Ilt nOli SlCj'; ()()(j %1')IV,) AA4 2M 7

G HO::--::--l-. POInII' Pal I- - In10111<' \1'0 home' for ~al~1)\ 0\\ lll'l Call 772 9632

G RO::--~F POIntl' Clt\ 3 bed100111 I', bath dining100111 Cl'llllal <Ill fullb,I'I'nwnl nem \ 1I1ageOul of ,t.ltt' 0\1 Iler an'dtlU' \,I-lllg S71 900 B~.1P pomt mt'nt 885 4652Olj;) -I,;)~ 4

1.\( 0\1 E - Beacon~flelbdoll Jeffel ,on 2 f<!mll~5 5 ,ep.lrale utilities5799{)() J31 4212

COMPARE!/!3 BEDROOllf E\ecutn'

ranch D('ck fanlll\' room2 fireplaces Pnced belo\\appl ahal \\ 1\11 mOl tgagblend 0\1 nel s mOl IIlg outof ~tate $99,500 OpenSunda\ 2-5 807 Holh.\\ ood Grosse POinte\\000, 8860388- - ... -- - - -~-

GROSSE POlllte Park - 124-and 12..3 Lahepomte gl eatIncome III nIce area dup-le\ fHllshed atllc fullb,hement 3 bedroom~each good tenants ;\ewl~decorated Askmg S68 900'313) -lil 1Hi for mOIl' mformal \On


L,IBdlc 463 - 3 bedroom112 b,lth Cololllal Fmmhloom LlIld Cont ra c'll('ln\,-

B\ -\PPOI1\1'ME:\ l'GROSSE 1'01"\1'£ WOODS

\ 011,,('\\ n Clhlum 3 bedloom 1'2 bath bnckl.wch Famlh loom II Ilhn,1Im ,ll flll'pl.lce LandContl.ll'1 .1\ all.lllle


Page 37: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursdlly, October 7, 1982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS- - ---- --_._------ ---- --

Page Efeven-C


822- 1878 OR 839-4810FREt: FSTn, \TES






Basement waterproofmg10 year gUdranlee



• Crdcked or (aled InW"I1<

• Lnderpm Footmg,• Ba"ement Wdtuproofwg• Llcen ...ed In,uredRO~ CAESAR977 i808 777 2816


E~TABLlSllED 1924All tj pb o! [,d<,( ml.nt I~ater

proofmg 7 }(:,;r, gUdranlee [{!:'> 88655&5



885-0602If no answer call after 3 00

FREE ESTIMATESPlaster and dr) \\ all repaIrs

Pawtlng mtenor exteriorLIcensed msured Call RonPope 774.._2827__ _

FR -\ \ 1\ B \\ II I 1-\ \IS LIcen,ed blllldp, ~pecializlllgIII home lip datmg and allminor or major repairsPorch enc]o', door~ ad)u~ted hook,.he!\ e~ iO,talled panl'ilng ne\\ countcr top, \dnlllC, Code \10JallOn, corr('cted For cour1('Ou, e\pert a'''I'lan('e mImpro\ Ing \ our home In

an\ area pic a,(' tall mt' at881 0790

CA.PIZZO CO:>lSTRUCTIO:\1Basements made dry

Cracked "ails repaIred .underpin footmgs All\\ aterproofmg guaranteed10 years Wwler rates LI.censed and Insured Ton).885-06t2

J W KLEINER~d,ement \1,;lerproofmg

All ...ork gUdfdnteedLICE\"~D

TU 2-1)717


• Bd,emenl Wdlerpwoflng• Cnderpm foollllg,• Crac.ked or ca\ed In \\ all• 10 }ear guaranteeLlcemed Jnsured

FLR:\JTlRE RESTORI~G- Hand stnppmg and refmlshln!; of \\ooden furniture-\11 repalr~ e\.perl!\ made20 ) ear~ e\ perIence 8393063

-BOB S l PHOLSTER\ - 25'(

oIl alread\ 10\1 pTlcesUlcal reference" '774 -1334368 4198 Bob \Ic\e\

PLASTER CONTRACTOR -RepaIr \\ ork Free e"ll-mates Prompt service JMamaCl 778-4357.465-4150


FREE ESTIMATESPlastermg and dr} v. all re-

pair, pamtmg mtenor andextenor

521-4353 or 521-6269

PL-'lSTERIl\G and Dry \\ allNell SqUlres 757 0772


All t} pes of plastermg dl')'\\ all repair stucco repairPallltmg all t) pes GrossePomte references Reason-able prices Insured Tom\teCabe 8248576 or 885-6991

QU-\LJTY PL-'lSTERI::-<G _Tailored repaIrs crackseliminated prompt "en Ice30 y ears In Grosse POlllleFree Esllmates Satlsfac.tlOn guaranteed Jame:, Black\\ell821 7051 or m-0034

FL'R'\ITl'RE reflm~hed repaired stripped am t) peof camng Free eotlmate~~i4 8953 or 345 6258



• Cement Work• Waterprooflllg• Tuck Pomtmg

• Pallo, of any kindPORCHES AND ALL BRICK


L VERBEKE CON~TDrives • WaJk~ • Porche.'>

Pallo~ • Chlmne}s • Tuckpomtmg • Basemen! Wllter

proofing25 Yr.'> 10 the Pomle~

:-io Job Too ::,mdllLlcen ...e!! Free E~l!m<lte~

343 5041

APPINO'S CEMENT - Ne""ork or repairs Top qual-It" al 10'" fall rales Llcensea 791-6456

INTERIOR bnck\\ork Kit-chen ovens bTleked Infamlly room walls brickedFireplace hearths raIsed,brick seals added Wood.stove, chImney and hearthbflck work done Can doall custom mtenor bnck-work 824-2294, 835-8876


CALL 882-6900

-HAROLD -\ltuallOn, \Iodernlzallon

all bulldmg need, rough toCHAUVIN fllll~h 111all trane' \0 Job


CE\IE\T \\ORK B R• \\alks • Dme' • Porche, 885-4624 882-2229

• PatIO' • \\ alerprooflng• Pre ca<l Steps• Tud.. Po\ntmg

• Chlmne) RepaIrFree E<llmates

i7S-84Z7 B86 (}B9'J21 Years Expenence



CERAMIC TILE - "'e~ andremode!lIlg Bath~ klllhen~ <lnd fo}er~ ~ho"er/Jdn, repdlnd CdJJ RIck <It521 J434

GET YOUR WINDOWS Cry.~lal Clean before wlOler'Mdrvlll. 4631705 Andy,823 3960

GROSSE POINTE- firemanwill do Window wa~hlng821 2984

A~COT TILE - 778 2266BdlhJOom" kllchens roycr, marble Free estlmales\0 Job too bIg or 5mallLilen.'>ed





GE\EHAL CO'-'THACTOR• ~e and Wdler LlOe

In~tdlldtlon "od Repdlr• Truckmg dnd C,rad1Og• Exca~ atlllf( dnd Trenching• Licensed and InsuredHO:\ CAESAR'377 38118 777 2816

PORCHES. PATIOS - Newor rebUilt tuck pOllltmg,brick replacement caulk.\Ilg oOlnl sealer \\ IthHI.TEX chImney repaIrs R. R. CODDENSand rebUIlt Basementv.aterproofmg O\er 31 CEMENTyears expenence Donald CONTRACTOR:'\lcEachern 52fi.5646 Famu} busmess for 55 years

G W SELLEKE • Ne .... 3Jld repaIr \\orkCE:'\IENT • No lob too small

Drl\ ev. ay s II. alks patIOs • Driveways and porchessteps Expert porch repaIr our specIaltyv.aterproohng Quality luck • Patiospomtmg and patchmg All • ChimneySbnck and chImney repair • Walerproohng

Call 885 4391 • VlOlatlons repaIredBRICK WORK Small Jobs C-\LL ANY TIME

tud pomtlng chimney 886-5565porches \ IOlatlons repaIr BRICK WORKed Reasonable 686-5565


CONSTR UCTION REBlJ1Ll-\1},Lt~~ro\IREDCEMEXT COl\ TRAcrOR -\DV o\..'\lCE :'\1-'lI~TE~ O\:\CE

• Cement "'ork all klOds 17319 EAST WARRE",• Porches block step \\ork 8849512• Basement "alerproofmg

Guaranteed MASO:-iRY REPAIRS SpeRE-'lSO~ABLE PRICES clahzed tuck pOlntlllg

774-4896 3~3 0528 chlllIney and porch repairs

R K REP IRS ," k Excellent reference, CallB IC A - '" or after 6 pm 775-7362

guarant~d Porches chlm- __ 21R-FURNITUREne}s slde\\alks basement GRAZIO REPAIRleaks and cracks Tuck CONSTRUCTIONpO\lltlng Free Esllmate779-4245 • Cement drnes floors

-------------- patIOSR L. STREMERSCH • Old garages raised andCE\tE:-iT CONTRo\crOR renev.ed

Cemenl • T>;ev. garage doors andDn\ l."\\a) s reframlllg

PatIOs • ~e\\ garages buillBnck"'ork Famll) operated slllce 1962

Basement Walerproolmg LIcensed and lIl~uredSteps 774-3020 772-1771

Tuck POllltlng ------ - - - - -Cu~tom \\000 Decks A"\DY S \1ASO,,>;RY 0\'\0

Free E,tlmales CHDI~EY SER\ICESPECIAL ON .-'111masonn bnck \\ ater

SMALL JOBS AND prooflOg repaIrs SpeCIalIZlng In tuck poIntmg and

REPAIR WORK <mall Job< Llcen<ed msur 21S-CARPENTER884-7139 ed Reasonable Free estl SERVICE

mate~ 881 0505


CEME:-'T BRICK STO~EPatlo< \\al"s porche< <Ieps

Flag~tone repairTuck pomtlllg patchmg

-'I,phall patching and <;eahngSPECIALIZING IN


L1CEi\SEDTU 2-0717


NINO CEMENTDfI\ e\l a\ < ~teps porches

pallO n('\\ garage ",aterprooflllg ete



All I) pes of cement workNew and RepairsFree EstImates.

839-8123 772-1649







G OL\UN\\ I:'. DO\\ CLE -'lNI'liG






FREE ESTIMATES526 3143 after 3


P.1mtmg dnd DecordtlllgPdperhanglng and Glallng

FREE r:~TIMATES774-1130

W-'lLLW-\SHIl\G - Pamtlng- l\eat prompt e"'perlenced TL' 1 5306 aller 6p m _ _ _ _


PETER'S PAI1\ rING - InlerlOrlexlenor ProfesslOnal palllter 13 year,e"'penence Wallpap€nngplastermg. \I IOdo.... puttyIng and caulkmg Freeestlmales Call 751 8401 or538 5859 an}t1me




DRIVEWAYS PATIOS.~"""'T')'" "T" r''V'V\lt\L.I'\,.') .)i.L--A..., ..................




Dn\e",ajS ba~ement and ACTINGgarage 1I00rs rat \\ ails PLL \lBI'\G & SE\\ ER cofootmg~ patios. raising Basement II aterproof!nggarages Free EsII plumbing .'>e\\er repaJTsmates '42" Years In BU~l and deanmgness 885 5513AL ~ ASPHALT PAVING m 0642 or Tn 6253 _ _ _ _

SINCE 1944 _

Pa\mg ~eal coatmg excava- MASONRY REPAIRSt Ion dnd cement VI orkGuar.1nteed qualIty work SPECIALIZING INmanshlp <II reasonable • Chlmne}rale5 • Tuck PomtlOg

Slate LlCen"ed and Insured • PorchesReference<; • Bncks Replaced

- 281 0626 291 3589 Excellent "Grosse Pomte"ONLY 79 DAYS left to - - -C &-J-ASPHALT - references Call after 6

Chrl.'>lmas Pldn no"" Exlenor. mtenor palllllllg PAVING.INC pmWmdO\\ and ~all v.ashlllg Impro\e the \dlue of your 775-7362gutters \ arlllshmg, ete home With a profeSSIOnal CKHid d t 8821837 Job O\er 20 years servmg ALL TYPE BRI slone,

- ~ ~ ay --'.~oun_ ~ _ Grosse POlO Ie m dnveways block and concrete workPAINTERS dnd sealmg Free eslJ- Archways steps. porches.

EXPERIEl\ICED mates O",ner/supervlsor patios, chlmne)s hre-FREE ESTn1ATES References lIlcluded and places ne\\ and repairs De

881-9779 msurance Sender. 822.1201 If no an.CALL A1\>YTIME swer call e\emngs


New and repair Installahonof heatal ators and ....oodburmng stoves 10"', dlscount With thIS ad Alsobnck, block, stone. cement""aterproofmg. tuck pomt.109

BETON CONST I:-iC771.0707

D \\ l~DO\\ CLEA:-iIl\G coStorm~ and screens alum

mum and gutters cleanedfree e,tlmate~ 1.0\\ eslpnce~ III the POinte"

294-1602 773.0525-----

PROFESSIONALGlaZing dnd caulkmg \\ IIldo\\

replacement remo\ .11 andreplacemenl Commercialadh(,~I\ I'

AAI 5105 R 30-5 00\ OK \\I'\DO\\ CLE-'I:\ERS

~eT\ Ice on ,>torm, and screens -'11'0 dome<tlchou,ec lealll ng Free estJmate, \Ionthl} rale< 7751690 or 773 9838

K \\ 1'\ DO\\ cleamng compan~ Storm" <crecn< gutler, a!ummum cleanedIn~urcd Free E<l1mates



1"'111 If. ( .... ad ...(rt, rg W';y-t£d 10 PlrlShJre and Situa Ic,n Y/anl<.d mu I t L ~r( ~c d

Pf<f PAleWer feJ tr

Classified Advertising InformationPhone: 882.6900Address: 99 Kercheval, Groue Pointe 48236Office HOllrs:

Mon 85, Tues 8 12, Wed 95Thurs and Fn 8-5

Deadlines:CancellaliOns and changes Man 2 p mNew copy only, Tuesday noonError correction;, Mon noon

Rotes:Cosh or + pre pay 12 wordsEach additional wordBlllmg rote for J 2 wordsRelat! rate per InchBorder adv per Inch

Closslf,ed Oisploy-Photo Adl'ertising:$6 50 per column Inch, ad must be aminimum of 2 columns Wide and 3 Inchesdeep Deadline noon Monday prIOr toThursday publJcotlon $8 00 extra chargefor photo reproduction

CORf<!:CT IO'JS At.D AC)UST'vIE~-nS r'l. ~ "l- ,I, f.ra cla~t.:..tlt'd edv tIP.A I.> !In- ted t.J I.dht'r a cQncl!f ....nvi fhi;' Ch ....ryt: I ~r (, I.. r to. 11,.01 -' '- '"'N.JtJTICOtlL.H1 n uq tJt'" jh,er1 H1 1lrT'( fur Cr."fl<.(t ""n In th.1<...111.,,;11.109 I')<:U{ WL a ume ,-0 f(. p.....l jl)d t, f r lr( ~arrlern" aftt'f 'hi flr ...1 H' crILl'

LLASSIFYING &. CE"SORSHIP W{ It u>{ tr e '9'" t~

c'o ;dy loch ad u"der II; appropriate htad,"':l Tre PullI."hir ((~U~e the fight to cdlt C,f reltct C0P, uLn ltlld

tvr I-'ut I (01 en

- - -- - - --1:\ TERIORIEXTERJOR

-\ND ODD JOBSPOLlCE~1-'1N 881 51058 30-5


Dl \ 'lO~D PJmtlng anddnuldtmg ...en Ill' LIdKenneth J IIrehJ 0\1 nel886 1916

I.....TEHIORSBY 001\ ~ LYN1\

* Hu.'>bdnd WIfe Team* \\dllpapl'llllg* Pallltmg• Perfl'ctlOll1st~* In,ured* O\er 20 Ye.1rs Experience


REFINISHINGIntenor E\.tenor Sen Ice

Pamtmgdntlqulllg dnd \ armshmg

strJpplllg and stainingComplele kitchen reflmshmg

Free Estimates - 885-3230

Al lIs best ProfeSSIOnalwork done \\ Ithout Ihe profe,slonal pnce PI a :,ter"ork and mlOOr repaIrsIntenor and extenor~lany Grosse Pomle references Free e~tlmatesGuaranleed 10 your satlsfactIOn



-'Ill form< of interior pamlmg\ arnhh and ,tucco pla~terand dn \\ all repaired Frl'ee<tl mdtI" Gan 978 1426

Qi. O\LITY mtenor e\.tenorpamtmg and repaIr E\.perlenced reasonable In,ured Glitler~ cleanedSea \ er s 88'.2 0000- -- - -

P-\I">;TI'\G - House trimgarage< Excellent \\ork atbe,t prices Call Pete8822795

COLOR EXPRESSIONSn('(or~tl\ I' pamt\ng Intennr \\all de<lgn lmta\lat\On

of !lnl' \\ all ('0\ ('rang, Vl,ual ,amplr< a\ allablrl- or furthl'r mformatlOn conlact

885-7067 822-0129TR \1)] fIO .... \L OR (O'\lTE\l!'OR \RY



" \LLP.\PERI'\GRea'ionable Rate~

Fr('e EstImatesRl'fl'rences

C -\l.L BOB -\~\ Tl\lE882 ~381









WALLPAPERINGJ hI' ill ....t I'dpl'l hdllgll

III '10\1 nill-.< AL <,E ALL I DO I'>

IIA \{, I' APEHI;; \ l',n ... III Ihe !JU,lllt '"

( ,!II Hon for \uur

-I'\TERIOR <lnd e",lenor

palnllng dnd paperhanglllgRea'onable r dte< 30 \ ear~e\pl'Tll'nl I' B,,\ Bdrno",,k) 822 i335 "Her 6 pm



EWEnT o\:"TJQL'lNG885-8155


\llchdel Salmdr) Jr


1'.l HO!'EA'\ EXPEHT~Inl(,1 lOr (....tellor II "lIpdper

Illg PItl hlllg pI ,,,lenng\lludO\l pUII\lIIg IJulklllg(Jood \\ 01 k (,ro"e pOlOte

II fel' m I" Fru' E,IImat('He,i'ondble ldll John dn)Iune 77t. 9~39

DIAMOND eill pel c1cdnlllg'>en 1(e, Kennelh J IIreh.1o\\nel llllb l!H6

LOOK - '10 }edl" ('xlll'rwnce~I(,<lrn e!ednlllg c drpet <lndfUI nilul e B) \\'IIlJur /Jougdlld (,!,'nll Cdrt('r C"II 778U;!JO

"IIOHE"WE (dl pel Clednlug PIOU",HHldl ldlpel(k'dlllllg WOI k gU,!1 dntH'dFulh IU ...lll t d FIl'e ",• .,11

Illdl~',> C<lll 77S H'iO 14huU! ..






WALLCOVERINGPdmlmg dnd Wdllpap€r

Bemo\ <II Quoled \I Ith \\ orkIf De,lred


• \\ all Papermg• lnlerlor P dmlmg• Rea~onabJe Pnce"• Good Work• Call - no Job too 'mall

774-0414- - - -- ~-JOSEF's PAI~TING, mterlOr exler

WALLPAPER RE\WVAL lor VllIldo"" glllzmg caulkIng gutters repaired

• Expenenced Quaill} preparallon makes• Insured the lob lasl Paul. 372-1853• Rehable PAlyftl\C- !nleTlor/Exler.E:,tlmdles at no charge orobligallOn lOr College student ""lth

776.8267 e\penence Free estImate-- -- - - - Red~onable 331~30

BACK IN BVSI~ESS ------- - -Pdlntmg - Decorallng - PROFESSIONAL

Wall Washmg Elmer T PAINTINGlaBadIe 882 2064

--- - - ---- - Best \lark 1Il lo\\n ExperllseCO~lPLETE PAINTING and III pamt stnpplllg and car

decorat1Og sen Ice Inter pentnlor-extenor b~ Ralph Roth - 824-9531Referellce~ In Ihe POlllte~ - - - - -- -- --686-il248 PAl ~T1l\G, Intenor /Exter

P-'ll;'o,TJi\G- -=-intenor ~r~~ lor Wallpapering Texturedlenor Abo Jamtonal :,er ceIling \\lIldo\\ caulkingvice Free estlmale;, Call Lo\\ pnces Free EshmateThorn Guaranteed \\ork 521 fH658817210~--- ~-- ---



.20 \ ears profe::.slonallicensed. In,,ured mtenor - expenence

e"tenor pamtwg \1 all MATT FLETCHERpapenng :,lallllflg plaster 4151 Bucklllgham 886 6lOZrepair \\mdo\\ glazmg and ~---- - _('aullo.lng References BUCHANAN & CO K \I-\I;\oTE~A'\CE Company

775-5790 GROSSE POI'\ TERS IIall \\ ashmg floor clean_ -- __ -- SERVIl';"G THE POI~TES mg and \\axmg Free e"tl'

WALLPAPER SIXCE 1972 malesREMOVAL • \\allpaper and remmal 882-0688BY JEFF : ~~'l~t;~: ~~~\ :~~I~~~~GROSSE - POI:\ TE f;reman

In~ured Free E~tlmales • Plasler repaIr \\111 do \\all \\ashmg 821,,9-5135 77S 2921 • Texture celling~ and .2984

- -- - --- \\alb


PaIntIng - lntenor e\tenor ------ - - - --paperhangmg and paneling PAINTING ANDFree e'lllT'ate< cheerfull\ REFINISHINGgn en L\cen~ed and lnsured


882 923~

\lIKE!> P-\I\T1'\GIntenor nlenor \\ allpJper

IIlg minor repaIrs polIchIIlg pla,II'Tlng Frpe l'5tlmate- Rea~onable andhone' I ReI I' rencl's Callam time EtJroppan

Iii 8081


35 ~ r~ r", perlenceAft('r 6 p m 882 7322


GUTIERSCle.1ned f!u,hed and m

sp<-cted for .1' la!le as $15E,t1male, free





Profr~~lOn ..1I gultl'r 'en Ill'Siding <lnd lrlm H(,<I~on"ble l{ehdlJll' I do m\ 0\\ n\lurk .LlCE:\~ED & 1'\~lREDJOHN WILLIAMS


(, ROS.'lE POI \ fE HOOFl:\GAnd

SHEET '11ETAL COMPO\,,\YRt'pdlrmg Re roolmg Home'>

Slore< Church(',> dnd F dClorle~ ProJl'<.! perform,lnceguaranI eed \1 IIh mdtendl,\I..lrranteed For Ile,1 re,ulh deal loc dlh -'I,k forRobt>rt Tlmlo.o 296-!l755

Hol Flat Roof, "h\ngle~rpco',('r, \Il rooflllg rppaIr,

\0 ,Job Too Bigor Small

Free E'llmate\\ork GuaranlN'd

ROOFS and DECKS(,L IIi H" dlltlIJO\~ \ '>POl I"

GUlt"1 ~ 11(',1l1t ,I ,HJd flll"h,d\1 II ,jlld Hl p,ur \~ UI kLtc ('n".(j lIId 11I...1I11'<!

\()\ \'\lr, \1\1\ I r.\ \ \Lr.J711'! Eo"t \LUllO

KX4 '1-'\)


JOHN D. SIMON778 IOlJl -- 77 I 1>!l8bHooflllg C<lulklng

Wedlhl'r~IJ Jppltl~ H('p<lJl ~LlCEN~ED INSL HED

ALLHOOFIf\(i & (.u rr;H~

NEW <llul HEl'Aml'.l1l BIll !lIl2 S5.l!l


Co III IlWI I I,ll Il, "'Id""l"llYl'dl IOLH1l1 'li \ IC "

'>hJngJ", ,llJe! HI ",llr ...\\ 01 k (,U,lt dllll'l'd

lu'ult l! !lilt. 124:;



$27.95LI\ I'\G ROO?>1 \ '\D IHLL

$37.95L/\ I'I;G Roml H-\LL -\.\0O'\E ADDITIO\-'lL ROO\l• Steam clean• Spot remo\ al• All furnllure mo\ ed

839-5287------- ~ --~-K-CARPETCLEANINGCOMPANY


• Sleam E"lracllOn• Shampoo• Spol and Slam Remo\al• t:phoislen Clealllng• al affordable prIce"

882-0688PROFES:,IO,\ -'lL C -\RPETlPHOLSTERY CLE-'I\I'\Gal RE-\SO\-'lBLE RHESWe u~e Von Schrader' dn

foam extra('tlOn eQUIpmenl• Deep 5011 RemO\ al• Fa,t Dn IIlg• Lea\ e~ no re,olllllg re'ldue

For free htlmale ('allDISlJnctl\ e Carpet &l phol,ten Cleaner<

8.19-515';-\,1. for Tom Barre,e

Sat"facllon GuarantC('Q


• shampoo ilnd steame\.tractlOn

• ,pol and ,lam rell1O\ al• free e,t\mate,• affordable pnces

294.1602 773-0525




I R,-p,tll, "nd III (){,llllg \Iu!llllIum trllll "nd gUlll'r,Fdlhl'r ,mil "on~

Bob hh"m ll"le I,h"m5U> 0660 776 9684




bER\ICEKItchens B"lh~

AddlllOm, Porche:,Aul<.' Rec Room"

Alummum Sldmg'TrimGUUt'r~ Do"" n ~poutsSlorm Wlndo""s Door'

Roofmg Shmgle< Hot TarAlumUlum Sldmg .1nd

GUller ('[ealllngFencl."~ Rep.1lrs of all kllld,

wcen"ed and Insured686.0520

,L T \' I'E~ of IlOlIlt' /Ill

)rovl' 11\(' III i{(' ,I '011.1 1>1,'att'~ FI"" ,,11111.1((" ('<III

\llke !illS l5lli llll;; lllJ'l

ALL POINTESCO;-".,I Hl C110."\

lO\IP-'I'\\'E\"Y Fl\-'I'\( 1\<"

AVAil \BlJoC()~IPLr.1 r IIO\IF1~II'IW\ r \11' \ I"

~P"'.('! \Ll/I\(, 1\* Kill hl'lh B..lh, H'lI(oom, "'It.l '\lll.llllun'

*INSULA TIONLOW:-- 1:\ Oil BL\\KE IlLF rU,lIIlF\lI"tllll'l

W,lt,'rpl oo!ll1~ ('I'IIlI'nt* ('omplt'll' \\ H1dO\1 ,IndDoor Conlr"l tur

)00 \Ll\l!\l\1 \'1\\1~H()\~IWo\!

1560ll E \\ -'lHIU':\ \ \ F

886-3537DOUGLAS SHAWHO\IE HE'\O\ AT10'\~mplt>tl' r,'mo!!eling Qu,d

il} flOhht'(lldrpt ntn '>.111~1,lllllJn gu,lIdnl('('l! -Gros,(' POllItt' Rd('r('nll'~C.1I1 dfll'l S

l.'Ot H~n~00< ~~

JOSEPH NOSEDA AND SONS, INC.Roofmg expert~ SInce 1913

CO\t\tERCl \L - RESIDE'\Tl \1.L1CE'nsed I nSlIrcd




FREE ESTIMATESRoof leaks Guaranteed

20 Yrs ExpenenceCAll ~ll 182-5539

SpecI31lsts In Flat ReofsLicensed -- Insured






WOOD OH VIN\'L~PLACEMENT WINDOW~llllype~ 01 mod('llul,lllOn/7191 771. 7H11


UOME OR Or FI('F30 } ('.II ~ t'x l!4-'llellu'

AFTE!! 5 I' "1 771> 2lllSWABBE!'.; ~UIl'Lll'

ROOFI'\G-'lLl'\Il'\l \1 SlDl'\G

Gulters "torm doors and""mdo"" s urpentr) masonr} repalr< ,md mod.ernizatlOn

CARBO'\E t #559W)839-4051 -'lFTER 6


Ex,.rt ruf rapairs.Sfljll,les - slat •.

'- tiI.. Aat '''Isa._lun.r •• n.

All wort ,.ara ..tH'license' II'




~t L ~ClIl ";TER COuTHl-: HOl"E \lECH \:\IC

HO\IE HEl' \IR~• C<Irp('nll)• P,lIntmg• \I!nor PlumbIng• '!lnur Ell."ttnld1

CRAFTED• KlIchI'm• ReI' Room,• Bdthroom,• -'lddltlOn~• PorI h Com er"lOru,

RE\iODELl '\G\lODEH '\IZ -'ITIO,,>;

, ALL \\ORK I'ER~O'\-'\LL);"~ PERFOR~IED,~ MIKE SCHt:STER 88243'~



Page 38: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982

Nunzlo J, OrtlslC'Ltl Clerk








To place your


CITY OF Q)r.oS1iP ttnint.r ttark MICHIGAN


GPN -1()'7-82

All Interested partIes are 101 lIed to attend the CounCil ~leetlng scheduledfor 7 00 PM, on Monday, October 11, 1982 In the CounCIl Chambers 01 theGrosse Pomt.e Park Municipal Bmldlng at t5115 Eaot Je({erson -\1 enul"Grosse Pointe Pa~. MicIUIlII

Not1c:e IS hereby gl\ en thaI B public hear:ng ~ III be hl.'ld b~ the Cil\Council of Grosse Pointe Park to consIder an ordinance to reslriCt thehours of operation of busmesses bet" een the hours of 2 00 0\ ~1 and 5 00AM



1 2 3

5 6 7

9 10 11

13 3.40 14 '2 ~n 15.... y ....

17 .4.20 18 4.40 19

:111 ~

Call 882.6900 or Send in ...r------WANT AD ORDER FORM------,I II Schedule my GROSSE POINTE NEWS Want Ad for II II Date Classification Desired ----- IJ iI Enclosed is my check or money order for $ -- ----- _ _ I

I NAME ADDRESS ----- - --- -- - II CITY ZIP PHONE __ __ __ _ II Mail to: Classified Advertising Dept. Grosse Pointe News, 99 Kercheval, II Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. 48236 I

I WRITE YOUR AD BELOW OR ON A SEPARATE SHEET IF NEEDED. II Minimum Cost is $3.20 for 12 Words - Additional Words 20c I1II!II

3.20 ,I

400 I20 I4.60 4.80 I

'21 5.00 22 5.20 23 5.40 24 5.60 I28 I25 5,80 26 6.00 27 6.20 6.40 IL:~ ~6~:~ 6'~_~~~~~~~!~~~~J



Fall clean-ups, top SOil, sod.ding SPECIAL, ~IndowservIce and gutter, snow removal SeniorCitizen discount Free es.tlmates

S M T W T F S1 2

3 4 S 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 IS 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 28 26 27 28 29 3031










MACK'AVE.:Delon,hlre Drug, De\ ollshlre and :\lack\'ork'hlre ~larket, Yorkshire and ~l11CkParkles Partr Store, St ClaIr and :\fack-\lger Part~ Store, St ClaIr and !\lackRand s Pharmac~, McMillan and MackRe\ co Drugs 7 ~f Ill' and MackArbor Drugs 7 ?ollIe and MackSt John HospItal, ~Ioross near ~Iack, Gill Shop and

The :\ook~ient Woods Pharmacy, Bournemouth and MackHarkness Pharmacy, Lochmoor and MackHoll) \\ ood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack~lr C s Dell Ridgemont and MackBob'~ Drug Store, Rosl~ n and Mack

HARPER WOODS:Parkerest Party Store, Pllrkerest and HarperHunter Pharmacy, Country Club and HarperThe Tmder Box, Eastland Shopping Center, Able 7

EAST WARREN AVE.:The WIne Basket, Outer Dme and E Warren:\11' C s Gra~ ton and E Warren7 Ele\en East Warren bet\\een Cadieux and Balduck

POll..~ir C s Dell. ~lorang & Kell)

ST. CLAIR SHORES:Collie Drugs, Harper and Chalon (8' J ~Ille)~Ianor Pharmacy, Greater Mack and Red ~Iaple LanePerry Drugs. oU Marter and JeffersonLake ?harmac)', E 9 Mile betMen l\Jack and

JeCiel$OnPerry Drll1s, Silores Shopping Center, 13 ~hle and

HarperShores Canteen on Jefferson, near 13 Mile

DOWNTOWN:Rl'n l'l'n Calumet Tobacco and GIft Shop,

Il1,HIl leu!l, near 100 To\\er

JEFFERSON A.VE.:l'.Irk PharmllC~, Nottmgham and Jefferson\ 11I,\ge \\ me Shop, Beaconsfleld and Jefferson

MAUMEE:BtH! St'cour::- Ho,pltal Cadleu"\ dnd Maumee, gift :.hopSl'hHtlt'r Drug;" FIShH and Maumee

KERCHEVAL AVE.:Art \ Part) Store. Wa) burn and Kerchl'\ atHe\l'o Dru,.::\, 'Ill The Village"\ lltre 1),\l1IC1'11.lrmllt\ :'\lltre Dame dlld Kerche\ al(d ""o' PlHllle Book \'Illage on herche\ al bei\\ een

\'-In' Dame and (adIeu'\.l..HOSSE POI '\TE ::"EWS, 99 Kenhe\ .IIPen \ Drug, on the HIliTrdll -\pothecJ.r\ lln the HIllCOtt,Ig:t'Ho::-pllal Gift Shop, MUIr and Kerche\ al

CHARLEVOIX:Lel\I' Palt\ Store Lakeplllnte ann (.harlel lllX

THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAY BE PUR.Cll.l,.SEO FROM THE FOLLOWING LOCA nONS:(Ston'~ .11'(' listed b\' streets and from DetrOIt onthlOUgh the Grosse i'olntes, Harper Woods llnd St"l.ur Shore~)


COMPLETE Landscapmg -Hedges clean-ups, homemaintenance Gutlerscleaned Insured Reason-able Seavers, 882-0000

APPINO'S Landscape rakmg. fall cleanup,new lawns cement work,reasonable 791-6456




LANDSCAPING• Sprmg and fall clean-ups• Complete lawn care serVIce• Custom deSIgn serVIce• Free appraisals

commerCial. mdustnal,reSIdentIal

• DIscount to selllor CItizensCALL NOW FORDELIVERIES OF

• Top SOil• Fill dIrt• Sod• LImestone• Cobblestone• Sand




Let 2 hard worklllg men lend DeSign, constructIon, lawn SPRING CLEAN-UPyou a hand WIth all your care planting pruninglandscaping needs Prompt mulc'hing, Grosse PoInte Complete yar~ ~ork, shrubprofeSSIOnal serVIce Free '!'esldent and tree trimming, etcestimates, A-l quahty sod, Horticulturist Reasonable rates, qualll)"straIght {rom the farm, top BOB NEVEU X SeT\lCe, Call TomSOil Evenmgs 884-0536 776-4429or 8lI2'()195

263 4473 1186-5793HOWARDS

TREE SERVICE• tree removal• stump removal• trimming• toppmg• cabling• storm damage

Fully Insured, free estimates758-6949


Expert Tnmmmg, Toppmg,Shapmg and Removal

If 24 hour emergency serVIceIf SpeCial, 25% discountIf Bush and hedge trlmmrng

Tree Stralghtenmg andNursery Care* SPECIAL OFFER *

Now Through October 30th,'82 - get 10 yards of freenursery chips WIth eachwork order Keeps weedscontrolled - a $98 value'

Free Estimates775-6942 773-4369SNOW REMOVAL. reslden

tlal.commerclal Season-al/per time Discount forearly registratIOn 882-3045

FALL TRIMMING* Snrubs and ornamentals* Crabapples and frUIt trees* Locusts, Hawthornes, etc* Late fall feedmg* Hortlculturtsts and

forestersWe kno'" hOIl to trIm lour

treesTHREE C'S



CO~IPLETE WORKReasonable rates, quality

servIce Call Tom 776-4429 882.6900or 882-0195


JAMES TREE SERVICE, IN~~~~t; ~~~: ~~

I ::~~:~ '.IL~~~~.~v,estimates. f

Reasonable \1rates r I

Fully Insured ' .... 1 ___

725.4598 re,r '"7313&W


.... ... .


A~D L.l,.;\;DSCAPI:,\G- Spnng clean ups- Pm\ er rakmg- La\\ n cuttmg- Ferll!Jzmg- Shrubbery tnmll1mg

prumng- Weedlllg and CUltl\ atmg- Seedmg and soddmg- PlantIng 00\\ ers trees,

shrubs and all othergarden \\ orh done

ReSIdentIal and CommercIalInsured and LIcensedC.l,.LLTO\! TOGGER



CALL 882-6900


~PECI-\LIZI,G 1:'\• h.ltcht'lh • B,ltln oom:,

• Ll11l1dl \ loom "nd \ IOldt!Olh • Old ,lI1d nl'\\ \\ ork

Fl et' F\llllldtl';,1\)\1\ L\cen::-ed Piumbt'l

Hili \l,l,ter Plumbt'l882-0029

* Year!) rates* Prompt servIce* LJcensed* Insured* 2 ' of sno\\ or moreEarly BIrd SpecIal

5150 per seasonPOI:'\TER LANDSCAPI:\G


CL'STO~I DRAPERIES -Quality \\ork, reasonableprices Wide selectIons offabncs All hems handsell n 978.2691.



PROFESSIOX -\L seam-,tre~s dnd alterdtlons Callan~~I~l:._~~g.~~ _

ALTER \TlO:'\S b\ ~ln BGro~,e POInte area 886-1479


E,\PERT -\LTER-\TlO\~:'peed\ prv[l',;,i(.lll<ll tH:lell'net', Glo,::-e POll1te\\ ood, 881 8484

Ll\I:'\GS leplacted III I.H1le,('oat, ,md J,\C\..l'h 886 !l\83

-\LTER .H 10 " S pi t'pared. Inm\ GIO,>c' Pomte homePlllfo"~londl \\ OIl.. 101 rea,ondbll' 10\1 pllce::- 822-0,58

CL STmr DRAPERIES and,heel'S se\\n m m\ homeReasonable price: quaht~\\ ork :\lan~ fabnc samplesto choose from Pat, 7i2.5440

FOR TB'IT ne\\ f,lll ourfn or110thll1g alteratlon, Cali\ 101.1 839 i355







\'v c Service .\11 Brand~Guaranteed Work 24 Hour Scn ICP

Qualified TechnlClans






Free estllnates fullwarranty

Reasonable, LIcensed886-3537


HEATINGtAy 011 /lIGHT 881-4988


- - -=!> FURNACE

(g. ANDLJcen.!g~!.~~

Plumber andHealing Contractor





885.7711381 KERCHEVAL F .\R~IS

Since 1925Keith Dallleison

LIcensed ;\laster Plumber

LE-\KY TOILETS faucetsrepall I'd Smh cleanlllg\'lOlatlons corrected Smalllobs \\ anted :\IasterPlumber Work myself884.2824 •

BOB DUBEPLU"IBI:'\G and HEATI!\GLIcensed ~raster Plumber


Grosse Pomte Woods886-3897

HAYES HEATINGFall SpecIal Furnace clean-

mg - gas 530 OIl S4Q Gasfurnaces from $400 m-stallatlOn avaIlable


.1,.11 Plumbmg RepaIrs -- Installattons, remodelmg -Se\\ers & drams cleanedAll \\ ork guaranteed - TRIM~n:"iG, removal, spray-Full~ Insured - "raster mg feedmg and stump re-Plumber LIcensed mayal Free Estlmates

DAN ROEMER Complete tree sen'lce CallPLUMBING r1:~mgTree Semce, 774-


I 751 7260


C-\RPE\ TER - Small and \\ O:\IE, S men., and chIld.large Jobs 32 \ ear~ e"\per- Ien ~ clothmg -\lteratlOnslence Free eStll11.1tes 527- Grosse Pomte area 882-665C 1739


hl1cht'll~ B,llh~ ,l(JdtllOlh

778-1130 693-4779ALBERT D THOMAS


\\ <.' ,d <' ~(>ll(>l31 contl,1('lOI'01\<.' (,Ill t.1ke, ('(II t' 01 ,,11\,WI budding It'modell1lgpl,'bkm, I,llgo' 01 ,111.111

TU 2-0628LETO

BlILDI\G CO:\I1' \ \ \"l!'<t' 1411

l'U' tOil' B 11l\ ell tl g~a'ldl\ loom, ,1'1' 0\11 'pI'

CI"I\\ -\It, I ,ltlLln, l..ltcht'/hTl 2 ~222

• '1'l'l.'.I. P,)Hh ~l1ell"un',• -\ddlll'\I1' ,1I1d !\.IlCllt'll>• C"11111'crcl,'\ Bldldl1lg,

JIM SUI ION16" BI \' DIlle

It 4 ~q42 Tl 2 2436- -

Ql -\LlT\ cat pentf\ andIOII11IC.1 \\olk kltchen::-\ dl1ltle~ Iec room~ ne\\ or'!'faced 15 \ear::- e'\.pellence Fn'e e;tllllate, \ ItO~aplem-" ~,4 8933

C.l.RPE'\TER \\ ORK -PartItIons celllllgs kItchenb recreation rooms

~_ t\ p€s_r~pal~ 882-2795


Page 39: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

Thursd~YI October 7, /982 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen-C-----------------------------------------------.---l

Here comes IIII

It not only tastes fresher while you smoke.It even leavesyou with a clean, fresh taste.

A fresh new taste experiencethat outshines menthol.

Warning. The Surgeon General Has DeterminedThat Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health






You never had it this fresh'

AvaIlable In limited areas.

5 ~J .,,' 0" ~J - :C' 1e a.~ ~ g3~~'.:~~~iC r'et~'"'1


Page 40: Grosse Pointe News Section - Local History Archives

~ ...~--..--.......-~--~~~~~------- ..-. --P-"-, -.-.-- ...............

Page Fourteen.C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 7, 1982

There~s 110 place like Ilolne ... Cagers capture seaSOllstal1Okay, you football Junkies,

tlm IS \ our week Who cares Ifthe :'\Ft IS on stnke \\ hen ~auha\ e three, count 'em, threel11gh school football games tochoose from this \\eekend" Andthere s plent~ of home prepsports actIOn for those sportsfdll.., not football-inclined

ll.S, The Kmghts kIck offthe football \\ eekend tomorl 0\\,FIlda) Oct 8 at 4 30 P m\\ hen the) host SagIll3\\ St~ldl\

So'ceer-\\ I~e, the lugh-f}) Illgdnd undeleated \ arslt) Kmghtsdl t.' also at home Oct tl, taKlI1g011 Ph mouth Chnstwn at -1 30P m the J\ team~ for the t\\ 0:>chools also pIa) that da~ l'LSIS al<;o the host team for theelt\ Golf ChampJOnshlp, nextTue..,da). Oct 12, at 1 p m

111 l~lllll:>, lllt: 15u i:> \ ," "':.1net team has three homematche.., thIS \\ eek The gIrlsho..,t South toda~, Oct 7, Ash,on Tuesda\' Oct 12 andKmg<;\\ ood on WednesdaY, Oct12 \latch time 1<;-1 P m The JV

netters host South at the WoodsPark at 4 pm today A pall' ofgn~,es h,ghllght l'LS field hoc-key action tlus week, With thegirls hostll1g Ann Arbor Pioneertoda\" Oct 7 and DetrOIt Coun-try ba~ School on Wednesday,Oct 13, both games are at 4pm

~ORTH' Waterford To\\nshlp\\ III sen e as the OppositiOn thiSSaturday, Oct 9, at 1 pm\\ hen the "arslt,' football~orsemen try to \\het the ap-petItes of football-freaks

North s gl'eat soccer team\\ III host l'tlca Ste\enson nextTuesda\ Oct 12, at 4 p m -\ndNorth's equally great crosscountry squad has home actLOnthiS \\ eek, \\ Ith the girls takingon Regmcl loda) , Oct 7 at 4p m and the bo) s f acmg South'"I(e ,H1 O,-t 1') ~t ~ 0 m

North's varsltv and J\' bas-ketball teams \\'lll host LakeShore today, Oct 7 at 6 and7 30 P m The freshmen \\ III entertam Kell) on Oct 12 at 4pm

SOUTH: Competmg for lhefootball spotlight thIS Saturday,Oct 9, IS South's undefeatedBlue Devil varsltv The 4-0 De.VIis \\ III host RoseVille at 1 p mThe freshmen Will take on MtClemens m football actLOn 01\Oct 13

South's outstanding crosscountry squad Will be at homeOct 12 \\hen It faces L'AnseCreuse North at 4 p m And thetop-ranked girls tenms teamWill partICIpate In the EMLchampIOnship at South, tomor-row, Fnday, Oct 8, at 4 p m

Soccer fans have their chOiceof three home contests at SouththiS \\ eek \\ hen the DeVIls faceChlppe\\ a Valley on Oct 8,Hamtramck, on Oct 11, andRoseVille, on Oct 12 Gametime IS 4 P m The girls' bas-ketball team hosts Port Hurontoday, Oct 7, '" Ith the J 1/ gameat 6 pm and the varsity con-test at 7 30 P rp The freshmenplay Centerline toda) , Oct 7, at4 p.m

B)' Mal) UntlOur Lady Star of the Sea High

School's varsity basketball team,coached by Margaret Spmdler andWarren Gravehn, picked up thl'eestraight WinS last week to starttheir season on a posltlve note

The hrst game agalnsl Sol Fla-f1an gave every player a chanceto perform Star played extremelystrong ball and look the game,62-31 SenIOr Marlsa Ventlllllgha100 aU ~ oling 'l.Ith 13 POllltS, \\ Ithsemor Maureen Boyle an<1 JUillvrMar) Untl each addmg 10

The second game agalllst Pon-tiac Cathohc \\ 3.'l much tougherThe two teams battled It out to thelast buzzer, With the game endlUgIn a 32-32 he In overtime :,el1lorColette Ehe sank t\\ a free thro\\::,to assure Star a 38.J6 \'0111 Bo\ Ieled the sconng With 10 pomts and14 rt>oounds

The Tuna" continued to roll tothe top takIng a third victory overHoly Rosary, 46-33 Ventimiglialed With 17 POlllts, \\lth Untldommatmg the boards With 21 rebounds

ThiS \ ear's \ dr<;lt\' team call

SlstS of ::,enlOr~ MUlI~.t \'elltl-mlgha, Colette Elu.' , MaureenBoyle, Tracy Flllley Jill Heuterand Anita IOdlct.>, "Iollg wllh junlots Mary Untl, Chll~tll1e Bour-goIII , Lisa Kad~, There~,l LH.'dld-ello and N<lllC\ Monahall Thl'leam hd::' one oUbt,lIldlng ::.ophomore, Cmdy \\'lIlldl ~kl

Star nette ..~are unbeaten

B~Lt'l'\nn Sl') moUl-The tenlll~ le,un 110m Olll I.,ld\ of the Sl'<.\ HIgh Sl I!lltll lllldl'i.the cO.ldllng 01 \11" .J,lI1t.' I'lullbuJl, h,ls not bl'l'1l dde<lll,~ tL.,:>e(l;,on

On Sept Ll, SUI deledll'd Puntlae Catholic, 7 0 ~tdldl \1 Illllt.'j ~Included ~ll 1 "lllglt.'" Ll'l' \nll~e) maUl' '\io .2 "Ingle" ~Id/ll')~:'\" ,I '\1" l ~1""lp~\llIlP HIlier ,- No -4 ~lIlgle,,' \le\alllh ,I 1"11on ~o I doubJl'" C,II 01\ n ~(hmtzer :\1,11 \ Jo \ ,1~1I1l '\0 2double;, Clth\ Lulll10 S,lI1d\ De\lIle, and \0' .l dOl/blt.', \nn ~t.hulteo G\H'n R,I\It.'1

~t ready toJazzereise

A JUllen'l"l' l'1<1"" I" mOl t.' th,1l1JlI~t (un ,wei 1l1l1"IC -- fl'" d('!>lglledto t I un t one dill! ~tl ellgllwl1 \\ Ilhelllphd"l~ on eardlO \ <I~clll(u',{'motlOllal ,1IlU /lIpldboJa' 1111-pi 0\ Pllll'llt In 5(} I1llll1ltl'" of belldlllg, ~tleldllng, JUlllJllllg, IlUlIllllg,"klppll1g ,md (1.1Ill'1II~;. "tudentl>\~01 k Iht ollgh <l \~ ,II m lip 1Jl'llOd tol)l'.lk pel tal In<lllel' thell ('oul dO\1nUl'IOIl' .1 : •• ..; , f "11"h '

.J ,I" t' I l h l' \\ h Il II II ,I" d l'\t'loped 1>\ Judl Shepp,lId \lhwlt.IllU 1'-0 no\\ t.llI~hl III .n "t.lle" ,llld!lillI' l'tHlIll I /{', j" IW\I I>PlIlg oflei ('I! Illl.i1I\ l'ld~"(,'" II III lw Oil\londd\ .tilt.! \\ l'dlll'''lLI\ IlIght.. <It7 .10 P III IIll! on l'u('''lLI\ dlldThill "d.1\ mOllllllg" ,It \I IU ,1 m<It the Klllght'-. of CoIll/llllll' Il,tll<I' E.I'! \\ .III I'll ,lllCl l' ,II III BlookI n,lIllt 101\hl'll'p \l.ll I \\ III IPdt. hlilt.' 11.1"(''' lIndl'l thl' ~ll!)('1 \ hlOl1of \1-, \1J~"l'lI

rlw III "I lld""l'''' held TlIt'''IJ."Oet 12 ,It ~ 10 .I III .Inti \\ edl1l'~rld\ Otl 1.1 .11" pill, .Ill' fl('~

('.111 HHl ~Jll fOld ,I" f l't'" ,Illd111101'ndtlOtl


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