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Facts About Earth

Jun 10, 2020



Earth is unique among the known planets: it has an abundance of water. Other worlds

— including a few moons — have atmospheres, ice, and even oceans, but only Earth

has the right combination to sustain life.

Earth's oceans cover about 70 percent of the planet's surface with an average depth of

2.5 miles (4 kilometers). Fresh water exists in liquid form in lakes and rivers and as

water vapor in the atmosphere, which causes much of Earth's weather.

Earth has multiple layers. The ocean basins and the continents compose the crust, the

outermost layer. Earth's crust is between three and 46 miles (five and 75 km) deep.

The thickest parts are under the continents and the thinnest parts are under the oceans.

Welcome message from author
We're the third rock from the sun Our home, Earth, is the third planet from the sun and the only world known to support an atmosphere with free oxygen, oceans of liquid water on the surface and — the big one — life. Earth is one of the four terrestrial planet: Like Mercury, Venus and Mars, it is rocky at the surface.