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Paris, nov. 2011 @egadenne’s QuantifiedSelf from 2003 to 2011 QuantifiedSelf : Track, analyse and share personal datas

@egadenne's QuantifiedSelf - long

Jan 26, 2015



QuantifiedSelf is "capture, analyse and share personal datas".
Here is my QuantifiedSelf from 2003 to 2011, using Quantter, DidThis, fitbit, RunKeeper and TargetWeight

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Paris, nov. 2011

@egadenne’s QuantifiedSelf from 2003 to 2011

QuantifiedSelf : Track, analyse and share personal datas

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My SelfTracking from 2003 to 2006


- restore balance

-improve lifestyle

- be a healthier me

Support- notepads (immediate capture)

- transfer to Excel (store, analyse, alert, correlation)

Conclusion- Sleep is key for balance

- QuantifySelf improves my lifestyle

- Good patterns become natural again


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SelfLocating since early 2010


- study geolocation usages

Results- 4 geolocation meetups

- Community Management for 2 startups

- webtv shows, web, press and radio interviews


- Gamification is a trap, a waste of time

- No concrete advantage for users ?

- Too many startups for too small french market

- Geolocation is a utility

- Foursquare is useful for Instagram, DidThis…


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Since aug. 10, I use Quantter

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DidThis for iPhone helps you to be more active IRL.

And it works!

I use DidThis iPhone app since its launch (aug. 11)


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You can track what you

achieved and share it

visualy with friends


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Analyse your activities

Interesting graphs based on your historical data for e.g.- the sum of km you walked this month, - the fact that you practised guitar 5 days in a row


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Let your friends cheer you…


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…and cheer them too!


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Download DidThis and be user


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Use TestFlight to be early adopter

Receive every alpha release by e-mail

Subscribe on


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Use Facebook to be a DidThis Fan

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DidThis since august 10


- study QuantifiedSelf usages

- practise tools

- help one startup

Conclusion- Thanks to DidThis, I am more active…

… In Real Life & online

Results- Community management


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I use @fitbit since May 2011


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70,000 weekly steps. A goal to fight against obesity according to WHO


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A usefeul email with weekly easy to read and complete stats

Play with friends

Badges, it’s gamification!

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My initial goal

Test if and how a tracker could improve my daily QuantifiedSelf

QuantifiedSelf (QS) : catch, analyse & share personal datas


My initial goal

Test if and how a tracker could improve my daily QuantifiedSelf

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Results- I use a fitbit daily since May 2011

- Only during the day (sleep record not useful for me)


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Conclusion- Very pratical and motivating

- User Interface fun and complete

- Robust tacker survivor of

- 1 moss party

- 2 falls in the toilets

- Take care : easy to loose



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Paris, nov. 2011

On RunKeeper since september 2010

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- 1000 km walk tracked in one year


- choose long term goals

- complete and easy-to-use platform (weight, walk, running, coaching, live, course, sleep, blood pressure, cardio, pedometer, etc.).

Result- 973 km walk in 14 months


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I use Fitbit since may 11.

Connected to RunKeeper.

Share steps, calories burned, weight


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Runkeeper a complete store!

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I use TargetWeight on iPhone since march 11@egadenne

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6kg to loose, 6 mails to read@egadenne

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I use TargetWeight from march 11


- Exit overweight (BMI < 25kg/m2)

Conclusion- pratical & motivating

- target long term goal : -0.2 kg/week

- nutritionist help needed : ask @ledretch

- let your friends cheers you

Résultats- 8.1 kg lost in 229 days

- good nutrition patterns become natural


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Online Backup Service


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