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COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis Tony Shum, MD Assistant Professor Pulmonary & Critical Care Cardiovascular Research Institute University of California San Francisco

COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Aug 07, 2015


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Page 1: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

COPA mutati ons impair Golg i -ER t ransport caus ing heredi tary auto immune-mediated

lung d isease and arthr iti s

To n y S h u m , M DA s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r

P u l m o n a r y & C r i ti c a l C a r eC a r d i o v a s c u l a r R e s e a r c h I n s ti t u t e

U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a S a n F r a n c i s c os h u m l a b . u c s f. e d u

Page 2: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

A pati ent with auto immune-assoc iated lung and jo int d isease

• ID: 30 yo female with JIA, advanced ILD• CC: coughing up blood• PMH:

– JIA: Presented joint pain 2 yrs (knees, ankles, hands/fingers)– ILD: soon developed shortness of breath, diagnosed ILD (follicular

bronchiolitis, lymphoid aggregates)

• FH: sister and deceased aunt with similar medical history• SH: non-smoker• ROS: achy joints, no URI symptoms but slight fever• Exam:

– Hypoxemic, tachypneic– Lungs with diffuse crackles– Coughing up scant bright red blood

Page 3: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

More Data:

• Representative CT • ANA neg• CCP/RF neg• MPO Ab – highly elevated• Hand films – no erosions

Page 4: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

A fa m i l y w i t h a ra re d i s o rd e r o f a u t o i m m u n e -a s s o c i a t e d l u n g l u n g a n d j o i n t d i s e a s e

• Clinical Features:

• High-titer autoantibodies: ANCA, ANA

• Inflammatory arthritis and ILD

• Immunosuppression required (e.g. mycophenolate)

Page 5: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Geneti c L inkage IDs a S ing le Reg ion of S ign ifi cance on Chr 1

Noah Zaitlen


LOD score > 3.0 = 1000 to 1 odds that linkage did not occur by chance

Page 6: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

W E S I D s a s i n g l e ra re , n o n - sy n o ny m o u s va r i a n t u n d e r C h r 1 l i n ka g e p e a k

• M i s s e n s e m u t a ti o n i n C O PA c .G 7 2 1 A : p . E 2 4 1 K

• M i n o r a l l e l e f re q u e n c y : n o t re p o r t e d ( i . e . ve r y ra re )

• P re d i c t e d c r i p p l i n g ( AV S I F T, Po l y p h e n )

• S a n g e r va l i d a t e d i n > 1 5 s u b j e c t s

Page 7: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

B ay l o r- H o p k i n s C e n t e r fo r M e n d e l i a n G e n o m i c s i n d e p e n d e n t l y I D s C O PA m u t a ti o n s i n 2 fa m i l i e s

w i t h exa c t s a m e c l i n i c a l p h e n o t y p e A



L . F a n


B a y l o r B a y l o r

U C S FM . W a t e r fi e l d



T o r o n t o ( S . D e l l )

Page 8: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis
Page 9: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Pati ent autoanti bodies

Page 10: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

I m m u n o g l o b u l i n l e v e l s , a b s o l u t e l y m p h o c y t e c o u n t s a n d C D 4 t o C D 8 c e l l ra ti o s w e re n o r m a l

Page 11: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

L u n g s o f u n r e l a t e d p a ti e n t s r e v e a l s g e r m i n a l c e n t e r fo r m a ti o n &

i n fi l t ra ti n g C D 4 T c e l l s

Page 12: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Immune-mediated kidney disease

Page 13: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

4 COPA mutati ons are d i scovered in 5 fam i l ies a l l located in h igh ly conser ved WD40 domain

Page 14: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Coatomer Subunit A lpha (COPA )

• U b i q u i t o u s l y ex p re s s e d• S u b u n i t o f C o a t P ro t e i n C o m p l ex I

( C O P I )• E n a b l e s p ro t e i n t ra n s p o r t b e t w e e n

t h e G o l g i a n d E R• N o d i s e a s e a s s o c i a ti o n s re p o r t e d i n

C O PA o r C O P I

Brandizzi F and Barlow C Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2013

Page 15: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

COPA expression & local izati on appear normal in pati ents


CO – controlPA – patient

Page 16: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

COPI is important for retrograde transport of proteins


Adapted from Brandizzi F and Barlow C Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2013

Page 17: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

The COPA WD40 domain is cr iti cal for retrograde transport of KKXX proteins

Eugster A EMBO J 2000

Page 18: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Mutant COPA has impaired binding to KKXX proteins

K K X X*

Page 19: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis
Page 20: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

ER stress and the UPR have been impl icated in autoimmunity & lung disease

• Lu ng d i s e a s e– M i s fo l d e d s u r f a c t a n t p r o t e i n s l e a d s t o E R

s t r e s s a n d p r o p e n s i t y t o l u n g i n fl a m m a ti o n a n d s c a r r i n g

• Auto i mmune d i s e a s e– E R s t r e s s r e s u l t s i n :

• N F K B - m e d i a t e d i m m u n e a c ti v a ti o n• A b e r r a n t a n ti g e n p r e s e n t a ti o n i n c e l l s u n d e r g o i n g

a u t o p h a g y o r a p o p t o s i s• G e n e r a ti o n o f a u t o a n ti g e n s• S h a p i n g o f C D 4 T h e l p e r c e l l s u b s e t s

Nogee NEJM 2001, Lawson PNAS 2011, Todd Nat Rev Imm 2008, Hasnain Immunol Cell Biol 2012

Page 21: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Pati ent lungs demonstrate increase in ER stress protein BiP

Page 22: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Pati ent BLCLs demonstrate elevated levels of ER stress

CO – controlHC – healthy carrierPA – patientTG – thapsigargin

Page 23: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

Expression of mutant COPA causes an increase in ER stress

Page 24: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

How might ER stress be l inked to the c l inical phenotype in pati ents?

Page 25: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

ER stress results in generati on of Th17 priming cytokines in APCs

• KDEL-retained antigen in B lymphocytes induces a proinflammatory response: a possible role for endoplasmic reticulum stress in adaptive T cell immunity. J Immunol 2008

• HLA-B27 misfolding and the unfolded protein response augment interleukin-23 production and are associated with Th17 activation in transgenic rats. Arthritis Rheum 2009

• Endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced transcription factor, CHOP, is crucial for dendritic cell IL-23 expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2010

• Proinflammatory Th17 cells are expanded and induced by dendritic cells in spondylarthritis-prone HLA-B27-transgenic rats. Arthritis Rheum 2012

Page 26: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

BLCLs with mutant COPA express Th17 priming cytokines

Th17 primingTh2 primingTh1 priming

CO – controlHC – healthy carrierPA – patientTG – thapsigargin

Page 27: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

CD4 T ce l l s f rom pati ents are po lar ized to Th17 phenotype


Page 28: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

S u m m a r y• WD40 COPA mutati ons cause auto immune-

assoc iated lung & jo int d isease

• 1 s t descr ipti on of a ves icu lar t raffi cking defect as cause of auto immunity

• Identi fi cati on of a novel molecular l ink between ER Stress and auto immunity

• Identi fi cati on of a putati ve immunolog ica l mechanisms by which:

m u t a n t C O PA E R S t re s s T h 1 7 c e l l s⟶ ⟶

Page 29: COPA mutations impair Golgi-ER transport causing hereditary autoimmune-mediated lung disease and arthritis

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

S H U M L A B• B i r t h e J e s s e n • C h r i s L a w• M a x J a n• W i n t L w i n• O s c a r E s t r a d a

T h e p a ti e n t s & t h e i r f a m i l i e s

F u n d i n g a g e n c i e s :

B AY L O R C O L L E G E O F M E D I C I N E• L e v i W a t k i n s & J o r d a n O r a n g e• W. W i s z n i e w s k i & J i m L u p s k i

U C S F• N o a h Z a i t l e n • P u i K w o k & P a u l Ta n g • K i r k J o n e s• F e r o z P a p a & M a i k e T h a m s e n• M i k e R o s e n b l u m• M i k e W a t e r fi e l d , M i c k i e C h e n g

& M a r k A n d e r s o n• R a n d y S c h e k m a n ( U C B e r k e l e y )

To r o n t o S i c k K i d s• S h a r o n D e l l

R 0 1 H L 1 2 25 3 3

P l e a s e v i s i t u s @ : s h u m l a b . u c s f . e d u