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Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan

Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.

Dec 14, 2015



Edward Barker
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Page 1: Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.

Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles

Workshop of PILDAT

29th and 30th of January 2003

Bhurban, Pakistan

Page 2: Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.


New Public Management



Page 3: Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.

Concepts of New Public Management (NPM)

• Lean State

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Steps to a “Lean State”

1. Task criticism

2. Decentralization, Devolution, Subsidiarity

3. Privatization

4. Deregulation

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Situation in Germany

• Special situation after World War II– All structures were destroyed or not

allowed– State was build from bottom to top

• Special situation because of the European Union– Annual subsidiarity report

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Levels of political decision-making

• European Union

• Federal level

• 16 federal states

• 440 county

• 13.929 municipalities

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Tasks of the European Union

• Agriculture• Foreign trade• Steel, coal• Currency• Other political

fields according to agreements

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Tasks of the federal level

• Foreign affairs• Defence• Railways• Air transport• Energy• Some elements of

taxation• Social security

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Tasks of the federal states

• Education (schools, universities etc)

• Cultural affairs• Adult education• Media• Police• Local government

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Tasks of municipalities

• Supply (water, energy) • Disposal (waste, sewage)• Construction and

maintenance of schools• Local transport• Road construction• Town planning• Theatres, museums• Sport facilities• Hospitals• Kindergarten etc

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Tasks of the counties

• Measures, which are beyond the means of smaller municipalities

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Structure of Germany











Inhabitants in 1000 Municipalities









Lower Saxony








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Mistakes we made in Germany

• Too many financial transfers between the levels– Loss of responsibility for the expenditure

and raising resources

• Joint projects between the national and federal state level.– loss of responsibility

Page 14: Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.

Experiences from other countries

• South Korea

• Indonesia

• Russia

• Argentina

• Former Yugoslavia and the new states

Page 15: Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.

Experiences Case: South Korea

• Implementation of self government on local level.

• Mistrust and fear of losing power• Power transfer in steps• Training for candidates and staff• Lesson learned: Training, good

preparation and political will make decentralization successfull.

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Experiences Case Indonesia

• Decentralization by order of the (former) president

• Decentralization of parts of the health system (transport)

• Resistance of the administration of the higher level, because of losing power.

• Lesson learned: Convince the staff which give and take responsibility and power.

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Experiences Case: Russia

• Federal subjects too heterogeneous• Yeltsin: “Grab as much power as you can.”• Dominant and corrupt governors without acceptance

of central needs and without the political will to allow local self government.

• Reaction of the president: Recentralization and implementation of the “Commissioners of the President.”

• Lesson learned: The newly created units on the lower level have to be able to fulfill the new tasks and the smallest unit should not limit the scope of decentralization.

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ExperiencesCase: Argentina

• Decentralization because of budget problems on the national level.

• No preparation, no experience, no competence on local level

• No financial, organizational and technical resources for task performance

• Lesson learned: Training of the staff and financial and technical conditions have to be prepared before shifting the task to a lower level

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ExperiencesCase: Former Yugoslavia and the new states

• Decentralization by war• Reason: over centralized system with

suppression of ethnic groups and minorities.• Lesson learned: Resistance against

devolution of power to lower levels and ethnicities can not avoid separation. The best way to avoid war and conflicts is proactive decentralization.

Page 20: Concept of devolution and the demarcation of roles Workshop of PILDAT 29th and 30th of January 2003 Bhurban, Pakistan.

Concepts of New Public Management (NPM)

• Lean State

• Separation of strategic from operational level

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Concepts of New Public Management (NPM)

• Lean State

• Separation of strategic from operational level

• Product approach

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Product approach

• Public administration provides services to citizens.

• Every activity of the administration should be defined as a service product.

• Every activity, which is not citizen oriented is a „waste“ of resources.

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Concepts of New Public Management (NPM)

• Lean State

• Separation of strategic from operational level

• Product approach

• Customer orientation and service mentality

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Customer orientation

• „The customer is the king.“.

• The citizen is a customer.

• Service mentality is needed.

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Concepts of New Public Management (NPM)

• Lean State

• Separation of strategic from operational level

• Product approach

• Customer orientation and service mentality

• New model of control

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New Model of control.

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New model of control

• Separation between strategic and operative level

• Contract management

• Output control

• Controlling

• Benchmarking