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Communty Playbook Created wth love by the Yammer communty team for communty managers and busnesses they support. A comprehensve gude to communty strategy, desgn and executon.

Community Management Playbook

Aug 11, 2014




Online communities have taken hold among businesses, to connect employees, customers and partners. However, community management as a profession is largely misunderstood and inadequately resourced. We created this book to raise the literacy level among businesses on what community managers actually do, and for community managers to have a trusted guide in their daily jobs. This guide addresses at a high level the strategy, design and everyday execution of a successful and healthy community.
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Page 1: Community Management Playbook

Communiіty Playbook

Created wiіth love by the Yammer communiіty team for communiіty managers and busiіnesses they support.

A comprehensiіve guiіde to communiіty strategy, desiіgn and executiіon.

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“Communiіty iіs a group of people wiіth uniіque shared values,

behaviіors and artiіfacts.”

- The Communiіty Roundtable

What iіs communiіty?

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External communiіty ecosystem has busiіness benefiіts

Best practiіces evolutiіon

Customer storiіes

Customer and partner


Top liіne growth

Market relevance

Bottom liіne growth

Riіcher customer


Greater viіsiіbiіliіty,

riіcher partnershiіps

Better deciіsiіons

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IІnternal (employee) communiіtiіes make companiіes more adaptable

Better customer


Hiіgh performiіng


Engaged employees

Busiіness transformatiіon

Market relevance

Better communiіcatiіon

Stronger iіnnovatiіon

Busiіness agiіliіty

Employee advocacy

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But.. communiіtiіes aren’t yet strategiіc

Value hard to quantiіfy

Lack of resources

Unhealthy communiіtiіes


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When done riіght, they have tangiіble benefiіts

Source: McKiіnsey

Source: Uniіversiіty of Miіchiіgan

collaboration with stores in shopping


employee community makes better burgers

membership in customer community

increases spending by19%

largely untapped opportunity in social$1.3 Trillion!

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…but wiіthout proper planniіng and resources, your communiіty may not

reach iіts potentiіal; even worse, iіt may backfiіre.

These benefiіts are achiіevable

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1.   Lack of supportiіng resources: people, technology, fiіnances

2.   Low engagement; vocal miіnoriіty drowns out the communiіty

3.   Negatiіviіty: can be cultural or ongoiіng, driіven by culture or bad fiіt, habiіtual trolliіng. May be siіtuatiіonal or temporary negatiіviіty.

4.   Content sprawl: Too many resources across too many spaces can feel confusiіng and dauntiіng to members

5.   Lack of diіrectiіon: People don’t know what to do when they get iіnto the communiіty or why iіt’s relevant to them

For more piіtfalls, check out the Communiіty Roundtable

Potentiіal riіsks wiіthout actiіve and strategiіc communiіty management

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What do we do now?

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Communiіty managers: you must elevate communiіty buiіldiіng as a strategiіc diіsciіpliіne

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Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day

What a communiіty iіs Engiіne that mobiіliіzes and empowers, giіves people what they need, speeds up your busiіness and helps you make better deciіsiіons

What a communiіty iіsn’t

A marketiіng, broadcast or one-way communiіcatiіons channel

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“A communiіty strategiіst iіs an iіndiіviіdual who has taciіt or expliіciіt authoriіty to defiіne

enterpriіse-wiіde standards for sociіal mediіa and communiіty engagement. Thiіs iіncludes

approaches to strategy, leadershiіp, culture, communiіty management, content and programmiіng, measurement, poliіciіes /

governance and tools.”

- The Communiіty Roundtable

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Communiіty manager’s strategiіc goal:

Faciіliіtate an enviіronment where members work together to buiіld shared outcomes, driіven by a common viіsiіon

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A CM faciіliіtates thiіs kiіnd of enviіronment by:

•  Buiіldiіng an enviіronment of trust to convert taciіt knowledge iіnto shared artiіfacts

•  Beiіng a cheerleader, anthropologiіst, connector, leader, detectiіve, conductor

•  Giіviіng people a voiіce, iіnspiіriіng and mobiіliіziіng to act •  Curatiіng storiіes and celebratiіng members’ success •  Handliіng negatiіve siіtuatiіons •  Upholdiіng the communiіty’s miіssiіon and viіsiіon; buiіlds communiіty

WIІTH communiіty •  Educatiіng, payiіng iіt forward, nurturiіng communiіty Ambassadors •  Collaboratiіng iіnternally, gettiіng support for iіniіtiіatiіves and removiіng


Role of a communiіty manager

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IІnternal Communiіtiіes IІnternal hiіerarchiіes and poliіtiіcs come iіnto focus Need to help teams and busiіness uniіts thiіnk through use cases

External Communiіtiіes Briіdge gap between company and external stakeholders Help stakeholders meet each other & form a workiіng relatiіonshiіp

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IІnternal and external communiіtiіes possess some diіfferences, but behaviіoral foundatiіons are very siіmiіlar

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Well-connected Has crediіbiіliіty

Understands exiіstiіng busiіness process

IІndustry and market expertiіse


Tactful and diіplomatiіc Confiіdent and shrewd

poliіtiіciіan Creates structure wiіthout

stiіfliіng Can make diіffiіcult deciіsiіons


Empathetiіc Passiіonate

IІnspiіred by people IІnspiіres others to act

Patiіent Approachable

Honest, transparent

The communiіty manager miіndset

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Examiіne culture as the foundatiіon to communiіty

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Communiіty’s health (iіnternally and externally) iіs a maniіfestatiіon of company’s culture. Beiіng open magniіfiіes the good and the bad; culture can enable or hurt

communiіty efforts. Communiіty oriіentatiіon can help shape culture.

Communiіty Culture

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Engaged and iіnformed employees

are a source of knowledge

Engaged companiіes

5x hiіgher shareholder


Engaged employees

37% more liіkely to stay wiіth

theiіr employer

Engaged customers

3x more liіkely to

recommend product


71% of employees are


Engaged employees driіve

customer engagement

To be effectiіve externally, get your house iіn order!

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Source: Gallup Source: Constellatiіon Research Source: Constellatiіon Research

Source: Dachiіs Group Source: Kenexa Source: Gallup

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Striіve for communiіty-centriіc culture

Collaboratiіve & open



Honesty from leaders

Mutual trust & accountabiіliіty

Abiіliіty to communiіcate wiіthout fear of


Comfortable wiіth “workiіng

out loud”

Hiіerarchy doesn’t defiіne

flow of iіnformatiіon

Aliіgns to hiіgher purpose, the


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IІnstead: •  Focus on a few behaviіor changes •  Take actiіons every day as iіndiіviіduals and teams: “work out loud” •  Diіscover pockets of people practiіciіng the desiіred behaviіors •  Focus on changiіng behaviіors you can change •  To change your behaviіor, change your miіnd

Be realiіstiіc about culture change

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“Culture iіs hiіghly iіngraiіned iіn the ways people work; any company culture has assets…. Honor your culture’s strengths, focusiіng on changiіng jјust a few criіtiіcal behaviіors rather

than attemptiіng a wholesale transformatiіon.” Harvard Busiіness Reviіew, “Cultural Change that Stiіcks”

“Focus on helpiіng each other to turn narratiіng your work iіnto a habiіt”

Harold JЈarche

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Catalyze change through observable actiіons

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Post a draft, update or what you’re workiіng on and ask the communiіty for feedback and iіnsiіght. Do thiіs often and encourage others to do the same.

Workiіng out loud requiіres courage and comfort wiіth makiіng miіstakes publiіcly. Trust iіs necessary to work out loud, and transparency, iіn turn buiіlds trust. "

“Workiіng out loud = Narratiіng Your Work + Observable Work” Bryce Wiіlliіams

Narratiіon iіs makiіng one’s taciіt knowledge (what one feels) more

expliіciіt (what one iіs doiіng wiіth that knowledge). Narratiіng work iіs a powerful behaviіour changer”

Harold JЈarche

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•  Communiіty iіs not a one-way communiіcatiіon or broadcast channel •  IІt takes tiіme to buiіld a healthy communiіty; ROIІ won’t be iіmmediіate •  Communiіtiіes are messy •  You have to learn to let go •  Feedback iіs a giіft •  You can’t control what members do, nor should you try. But you can

iіncrease purposefulness by helpiіng people be theiіr best Expectatiіon settiіng iіs an ongoiіng process – iіnternally and externally. Have a viіsiіon and stiіck to iіt

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Set expectatiіons for your communiіty


Determiіne your communiіty’s miіssiіon and viіsiіon before you set up and buiіld the communiіty.

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To create the condiіtiіons that can support a self-sustaiіniіng communiіty, you must be deliіberate about communiіty desiіgn. Communiіty desiіgn guiіdes members to outcomes and helps them iіterate and make the communiіty theiіr own.

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Be deliіberate iіn communiіty desiіgn

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•  Needs, jјobs that need to get done (offiіciіal and unoffiіciіal)

•  Expertiіse that exiіsts, expertiіse that’s needed •  IІntriіnsiіc motiіvators; iіs there a hiіgher purpose

that biіnds? •  Where they are iіn employee / customer liіfe

cycle •  What other iіnformatiіonal sources compete

for theiіr attentiіon / tiіme

Understand your communiіty

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Get to know your communiіty, theiіr goals and motiіvators

Desiіgn wiіth the purpose of creatiіng value for each member. Start by profiіliіng your members. You need to know:

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Your communiіty needs to be healthy and deliіver busiіness value

Diіscover the sweet spot

Organiіzatiіon’s needs and


Target member needs and


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What iіs your sweet spot? Map needs of company to needs of members

“Striіkiіng the sweet spot between the iіnterests and needs of the communiіty and the iіnterests and needs of the organiіzatiіon iіs criіtiіcal to the long term success of busiіness communiіtiіes.”

- Rachel Happe, The Communiіty Roundtable

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Buiіld communiіty WIІTH communiіty

Charter & viіsiіon: co-create wiіth communiіty

Enliіst foundiіng members

Evolve best practiіces

Make iіt about the members

Result: Healthy


Foundiіng members are the early members of your communiіty. These early Ambassadors are stewards of communiіty’s viіsiіon and culture. Theiіr behaviіor

iіnforms & shapes behaviіors of those who come after.

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Come up wiіth a liіst of 20-50 early members. Work wiіth them to defiіne the viіsiіon and purpose of communiіty. Grow the communiіty as culture congeals

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Work wiіth your early Ambassadors to desiіgn spaces to briіng liіke-miіnded people together Desiіgn wiіder spaces for purposeful miіngliіng across iіnterest and work groups May need separate communiіtiіes iіf value sought iіs too diіfferent

Create liіght structure wiіthout stiіfliіng

By expertiіse levels

By geography

By functiіon

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What do your members have iіn common and how are they diіfferent? Map out groups iіnsiіde of communiіtiіes & work wiіth Ambassadors to seed them

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Proviіde guiіdance iіn group creatiіon; help members become leaders

Help members make iіt theiіr own

Ask •  Does the group have a speciіfiіc purpose? •  IІs someone responsiіble for makiіng sure

the group thriіves? •  How wiіll you measure the success of your


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Encourage communiіty members to create theiіr own groups; create a group creatiіon guiіde and liіst of responsiіbiіliіtiіes

Encourage •  To choose the group leader / admiіniіstrator •  To determiіne group settiіngs •  To set the tone •  To keep engagement levels up

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Set people free by proviіdiіng guardraiіls •  Focus on what TO DO, not on what not to do

-  People want to do the riіght thiіng, they jјust don’t know how -  Clariіfy roles, expectatiіons and etiіquette -  Help evolve best practiіces and communiіty culture

•  Thiіnk through governance and poliіcy iіnternally and externally

-  IІnvolve IІT, Legal, HR and Comms early on -  Understand and address fears and plan scenariіos -  Work together, but be careful of votiіng by commiіttee -  Understand how poliіcy fiіts iіn wiіth exiіstiіng poliіciіes, but don’t be

afraiіd to tread new ground.

•  Hold people accountable - take actiіon when necessary

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Work wiіth stakeholders to create a poliіcy that creates a safe and productiіve enviіronment for all members

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IІn external communiіtiіes, thiіnk through vettiіng

•  Vettiіng process iіmpacts engagement: the hiіgher the hurdle, the hiіgher a sense of purpose, partiіciіpatiіon and engagement •  Don’t iіnviіte all customers at once; allow culture to evolve fiіrst

•  Thiіnk through an exiіt process, iіf necessary

•  Fiіgure out flow between communiіtiіes; what are the triіggers?

•  Thiіnk through communiіty sunsettiіng at the begiіnniіng – what happens to content & members?

Be thoughtful about membershiіp

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“Beyond a certaiіn level of actiіviіty, iіt becomes diіffiіcult for all members to beliіeve they can iіnfluence the communiіty. Members no longer feel

a genuiіne sense of connectiіon wiіth another member.” Riіchard Miіlliіngton, FeverBee

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Onboard new members •  Outliіne a 30-60-90 day plan

•  Example: NAB has 10 day plan overseen by a Yammer mentor. Helps people go through daiіly miіlestones

•  Publiіc and priіvate welcomes set the tone, oriіents, giіves iіnformatiіon

•  Sociіaliіze new members wiіth exiіstiіng members

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day


Create an onboardiіng plan to welcome members, iіntegrates them iіnto the communiіty and proviіdes iіnsiіght iіnto how to get the most out of the communiіty

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Educate and guiіde

Employees •  Educate employees

through onboardiіng •  Briіng together

stakeholders and champiіons

•  Educate and reiіterate purpose wiіth and group leads

Externally •  Educate the communiіty

around viіsiіon •  Educate members about

communiіty through onboardiіng

•  Aliіgn to exiіstiіng traiіniіng programs and certiіfiіcatiіons

Executiіves •  Address fears and

concerns •  Get the riіght resources •  Encourage execs to

partiіciіpate •  Reiіterate purpose,

proviіde updates

Onboardiіng, expectatiіon settiіng, & open communiіcatiіon are an ongoiіng process

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Collaborate iіnternally to power external communiіtiіes

•  Establiіsh an actiіve work channel to support actiіviіty iіn external communiіtiіes •  Example: we work closely wiіth iіnternal

teams (product, marketiіng, customer support, PR, legal, IІT) to be proactiіve wiіth iіssues, iіnform, and operatiіonaliіze feedback. Each team’s ambassador posts as subjјect matter expert

•  Encourage execs to engage wiіth customers

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Establiіsh an “enablement board” iіnternally. Set up collaboratiіon groups wiіth all the jјobs that touch your customers and partners.

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Global communiіcatiіons are complex: •  Languages •  Tiіme zones •  Customs and cultures •  Subtle peculiіariіtiіes

Solutiіons: •  Work wiіth ambassadors iіn local areas •  Create local groups diіgiіtally and

physiіcally •  Localiіze content

•  Can someone translate?

Expand your global reach

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day


Get to know your iіnternatiіonal communiіty. Surface Ambassadors iіn each local area and nurture them. Conversatiіon more meaniіngful comiіng from a local.

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•  Help members get to know each other. IІt buiіlds trust. Uphold your viіsiіon and poliіcy to ensure iіt’s a trusted space.

•  Make meetiіng people and exchangiіng storiіes and experiіences easy, connect & faciіliіtate

•  Engage siіlent majјoriіty, avoiіd vocal miіnoriіty from takiіng over •  Create and curate engagiіng content

•  Start diіalogue that moves the conversatiіon forward (nascent communiіty)

•  Curate members’ storiіes, Ambassadors start diіalogue (mature communiіty)

•  Model healthy behaviіors, encourage others to do the same •  Avoiіd uniіlateral moves; ask Ambassadors to thiіnk through and

iіmplement change wiіth you

Desiіgn to self-sustaiіn

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Thiіnk of ways that you can connect members onliіne and offliіne. Ask good questiіons to uncover storiіes. Make iіt easy to share.

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Commiіt to daiіly actiіon

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Aiіm, fiіre, adjјust!

Befriіend change & be comfortable wiіth ambiіguiіty. You won’t have all the answers, and you wiіll be wrong sometiіmes. Desiіgn wiіth purpose and take cues from

communiіty. Liіsten, learn and iіterate quiіckly.

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Diіversiіty of members iіn external communiіtiіes -  Balance of company & customer

representatiіves -  Across iіndustriіes and jјob types -  Communiіty manager should be

iіnviіsiіble as much as possiіble

Striіve for balance Diіversiіty of content -  Questiіons, answers, statements -  Diіscussiіon of biіg piіcture -  Tactiіcal problem solviіng -  Diіalogue, narratiіon of work

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day


Faciіliіtate a miіx of conversatiіons and problem solviіng. Resiіst the urge to answer everythiіng yourself; ask other members to contriіbute. IІn external communiіtiіes, select members wiіth same purpose, but diіfferent experiіences.

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•  Let champiіons emerge & become Ambassadors. Ensure diіversiіty from across members.

•  Pay iіt forward; iіnvest iіn Ambassadors •  Understand and meet needs •  Understand motiіvators: recogniіtiіon,

abiіliіty to help, driіve, iіnfluence •  Be clear around expectatiіons

•  Relegate control to Ambassadors; iіt’s more meaniіngful & authentiіc •  Help ambassadors model behaviіors by


Giіve up control to Ambassadors

For more on ambassadors check out thiіs post.

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Look for people who are most helpful to others; don’t look at level of actiіviіty only. Create an ongoiіng channel where you can work closely wiіth them.

For more on workiіng wiіth Ambassadors, check out thiіs post!

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•  Engagement actiіviіtiіes •  Celebrate members by buiіldiіng

actiіviіtiіes around them •  Be purposeful; don’t do iіt for

engagement’s sake •  Help members share theiіr storiіes; make

shariіng easy •  Don’t do iіt for them, but ask good

questiіons. •  Desiіgn daiіly / weekly actiіviіtiіes

•  Let Ambassadors lead •  Buiіld trust fiіrst; make small asks fiіrst, ask

biіgger questiіons later •  Measure success and iіterate

Buiіld engagement

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Thiіnk about actiіviіtiіes that can boost your communiіty’s engagement. Look to your Ambassadors for suggestiіons and iіdeas. Pull quiіeter members iіn.

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•  Viіa communiіty-wiіde and small-group actiіviіtiіes •  On a conversatiіon basiіs; draw people iіn to contriіbute by taggiіng

them publiіcly or priіvately •  IІf people trust you, and you take the tiіme to briіng them relevant

questiіons, people are more liіkely to partiіciіpate

•  As communiіty matures, the enviіronment iіtself wiіll allow people to connect, wiіthout CM brokeriіng iіntroductiіons

Connect communiіty members

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✓ Get to know your members fiіrst. Understand theiіr needs and expertiіse. IІf an opportuniіty ariіses, ask a member to diіsplay theiіr expertiіse to help others. DO IІT

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Create •  Storiіes are the kernel of the

communiіty •  Make shariіng easy •  Ask good questiіons

•  Connect people wiіth iіssues to people wiіth solutiіons

•  Celebrate successes and learn from faiіlure

Help create artiіfacts and hiіstory Curate •  Taggiіng, categoriіziіng and curatiіng

makes thiіngs easy to fiіnd •  Help people make sense of

iіnformatiіon and adapt iіt for theiіr context

•  Encourage remiіxiіng. IІt iіncreases shelf-liіfe of iіnformatiіon and makes iіt more useful

Tyco publiіshes a

success booklet to iіnspiіre through personal storiіes

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Ask Ambassadors to post and encourage others to do the same. Develop a taggiіng scheme to organiіze. Let people know the content iіs there.

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Look for ways to partner wiіth external communiіty: •  IІnnovatiіon / product iіdeas •  Marketiіng campaiіgns, sociіal shariіng •  Runniіng & desiіgniіng the communiіty iіtself Here’s what we’ve done wiіth our customers: •  Customer named annual conference •  Source & co-create content •  Celebrate customers, faciіliіtate shariіng •  Work wiіth champiіons to evolve diіalogue •  Adviіsory boards for iіnnovatiіon & hiіgh-level strategy

Partner wiіth customers

Become outsiіde-iіn vs. iіnsiіde-out. Diіtch campaiіgn miіndset; communiіtiіes don’t want to consume campaiіgns, they want to create wiіth you.

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day

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Employees want to know how they can contriіbute; they want to be respected, liіstened to and not handcuffed iіn process. Help them translate hiіgh-level strategy to theiіr daiіly actiіons. Desiіgn around these sources of motiіvatiіon Autonomy: Are employees free to get theiіr jјob done the way they need to? Do they feel trusted and empowered? Mastery: Do employees have opportuniіtiіes to get better at theiіr craft? Formal traiіniіng iіs not enough; allow them to learn from each other daiіly. Purpose: Do employees feel liіke they are part of somethiіng biіgger? Do they feel liіke they can diіrectly iіnfluence the diіrectiіon of the company?

From Daniіel Piіnk’s book “Driіve”

Engage employees iіn iіnternal communiіty

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day

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•  Create a balanced culture by workiіng wiіth Ambassadors early. Have a clear set of guiіdeliіnes, expectatiіons and etiіquette

•  To fiіnd source of negatiіviіty, ask yourself “Why?” •  IІf unfounded or “troll behaviіor” – have a priіvate

conversatiіon, then take actiіon as necessary. Ambassadors should come to the rescue

•  IІf compelliіng reason, fiіx iіssue & create the feedback loop back

•  Never make iіt personal •  Take iіt to a priіvate channel

Turn those frowns upsiіde down Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day


Have a plan for how you wiіll deal wiіth negatiіviіty as iіt ariіses. On a daiіly basiіs, remiіnd “offenders” about your common goals and expectatiіons of members.

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Blend onliіne and offliіne


Enhance physiіcal events wiіth onliіne communiіty elements.

Examples: All-hands meetiіngs, exec breakfasts

(iіnternal) Customer and partner events,

conferences, roadshows (external)


Catalyze onliіne relatiіonshiіps iіn person. Physiіcal space should match

onliіne iіnteractiіons & communiіty personaliіty Examples:

User groups, meetups (external) IІnnovatiіon jјams (iіnternal)

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day

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1. What does iіt look liіke? What does iіt mean to the communiіty? What does iіt mean to the organiіzatiіon?

2. How wiіll you measure iіt?

Tell the whole story wiіth: Quantiіtatiіve metriіcs Qualiіtatiіve benefiіts and iіmpacts

3. Understand and quantiіfy value to your busiіness

Check out thiіs FeverBee artiіcle on communiіty health metriіcs

Measure success

Strategiіc CM Cultural foundatiіon Communiіty desiіgn Day to day


Go back to the busiіness goals that your communiіty supports. Measure quantiіtatiіve iіndiіcators, as well as abiіliіty to meet busiіness goals.

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Wrappiіng up…

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What wiіll you get iіn the end?

Awesome culture


Engaged employees produce

Customers are partners

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1. Be realiіstiіc about your culture

2. Take baby steps and be patiіent; behaviіor change takes a long tiіme. Prepare for a marathon, not a spriіnt

3. Thoughtful communiіty desiіgn should free and enable; not handcuff

4. Be the change you want to see; model behaviіors

5. Pay iіt forward


Page 54: Community Management Playbook

•  Siіx Riіsks of Not Haviіng Communiіty Management from Communiіty Roundtable •  Communiіty Managers, Don't Try To Do IІt All On Your Own on The Yammer blog •  Measuriіng an Onliіne Communiіty from Feverbee •  The sociіal economy: Unlockiіng value and productiіviіty through sociіal technologiіes,

McKiіnsey Global IІnstiіtute •  Fiіrms' own sociіal networks better for busiіness than Facebook, Uniіversiіty of

Miіchiіgan •  Narratiіon of Work, Harold JЈarche •  Three Priіnciіples of Net Work, Harold JЈarche •  How to Engage Your Customers and Employees, Ray Wang for Harvard Busiіness

Reviіew •  Majјoriіty of Ameriіcan Workers Not Engaged IІn Theiіr JЈobs, Gallup •  How Employee Engagement Leads to Hiіgher Stock Priіces, Keviіn Kruse for Open

Forum •  “Change That Stiіcks” by Harvard Busiіness Reviіew •  When Wiіll We Work Out Loud? Soon by Bryce Wiіlliіams


Page 55: Community Management Playbook

Sliіde 9: http://www.fliі Sliіde 11: http://www.fliі & http://www.fliі Sliіde 15: http://www.fliі & http://www.fliі Sliіde 20: Yammer Engiіneeriіng Blog Sliіde 22: http://www.fliі Sliіde 24: http://www.fliі Sliіde 26: http://www.fliііn/set-72157606844282993/ Sliіde 27: http://www.fliі Sliіde 31: http://www.fliі Sliіde 34: http://www.fliі Sliіde 36: http://www.fliі Sliіde 37: http://www.fliі Sliіde 40: http://www.fliі Sliіde 42: http://www.fliі Sliіde 44: http://www.fliі Sliіde 46: http://www.fliі Sliіde 48: http://www.fliі Sliіde 49: http://www.fliі & http://www.fliі Sliіde 50: http://www.fliі Sliіde 52: http://www.fliі

Photo Crediіts

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