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Blogging Buzz

Jun 02, 2018



Rita Asim
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible

    in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does

    not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are

    aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(

    )hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in

    this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$

    omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(

    An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations

    are unintentional(

    In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no

    &uarantees o# inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their

    o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to ataordin&l'(

    This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$

    aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies

    o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane


    .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - / -

    Table O# Contents


    Cha"ter 1

    2lo&&in& 2asis

    Cha"ter 2

    3o% Im"ortant Is 4esi&n

    Cha"ter /

    Provide 5ou&ht A#ter Content And 6e'%ords

    Cha"ter 7

    3old A Contest

    Cha"ter 8

    9se 5oial:edia

    Cha"ter ;


    9se)ell 6no%Guest 2lo&&ers

    Cha"ter ?

    2uild 2a,lin,s

    Cha"ter 1@

    9sin& Comments

    )ra""in& 9"

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 8 -


    lo&&in& is one o# the more innovative tools available throu&h the

    internet "lat#orm ommuniation that is ra"idl' &ainin& momentum

    in its vast and unbridled usa&e( Throu&h the blo&&in& "lat#orm

    in#ormation an be shared$ vie%ed$ ommented u"on and disussed(

    Get ever'thin& 'ou need to ,no% here(

    Ahieve 2lo&&in& 2u++

    Insider In#o On 3o% To 3ave .our lo& On Ever'ones Li"s

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - ; -

    Cha"ter 12lo&&in& 2asis


    lo&&in& an be an e##etive %a' to &et the im"ortant reo&nition

    needed #or the suess o# an' business endeavor( 9sin& the blo&&in&

    tool to reate a Bbu++ an an usuall' does elevate the business

    "osition to a more visible level and this o# ourse an in turn at

    "ositivel' to%ards reatin& an e##etive advertisin& am"ai&n #or the

    said endeavor( 5uh am"ai&ns i# done on a "ositive note an be both

    ver' hel"#ul and also ost e##etive(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - = -

    The asis

    Ideall' the individuals blo& should be desi&ned to re#let the nihe it

    intends to ater to as e##etivel' and in#ormativel' as "ossible %hile

    all the time maintainin& the element o# attention &rabbin& and be


    It should also be user #riendl'( This im"ortant #at should not be over

    loo,ed as man' blo&s %hih are not user #riendl' %ill end u"

    beomin& redundant and thus de#eatin& its "ur"ose in &ettin& the

    ontent notied( Choosin& a "lat#orm and blo& name that is &oin& to

    &et the attention o# the intended tar&et audiene also has its merits(

    Thou&h still onsidered a little ontroversial in its deliver' and

    desi&ned ontent ma,e u" the blo& is also "o"ularl' used as an

    advertisin& tool #or s"onsored "osts(

    These usuall' &et "osted in the #orm o# #eedba,$ revie%s$ o"inions$

    videos and man' other avenues that are reated throu&h the

    in#ormation "assed bet%een "arties %ith some level o# vested


    Cha"ter 2

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - > -

    3o% Im"ortant Is 4esi&n


    Althou&h "rovidin& and sourin& in#ormation is an im"ortant #at

    lin,ed to the eDistene o# the internet$ there is a ertain level o#

    onsideration that should be &iven as to ho% this in#ormation is &oin&

    to ome aross to the eventual interested "art'( 4esi&nin& the

    in#ormation to &et and hold the interest o# the vie%er is ver'

    im"ortant to its suess and blo&&in& is no eDe"tion(

    3o% it Loo,s

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - ? -

    lo&&in& "redominantl' o##ers those on line a %a' to interat both

    o# a "ersonal level as %ell as on a business "lat#orm level( The

    blo&&in& eDerise has "roven its merits over time and is no%

    onsidered a ver' e##etive tool indeed that is o#ten ae"ted as a&ood avenue to &et a site tra##i driven(

    This "otential mone' ma,in& tool needs to #ollo% some tried and

    true methods to sta' om"etitive and relevant as this is the onl'

    %a' it is &oin& to sustain its "o"ularit' status(

    )ell desi&ned sites %ill the #ator that ,ee"s the visitors omin&

    ba, #or more( A #resh and attention &rabbin& loo, %ill &ive the

    vie%er somethin& to thin, about and thus reate the attration to

    &et the interation eDerise &oin&(

    The #ollo%in& are some ti"s to ensurin& the best "oints are

    inluded to ma,e a %ell desi&ned blo& "a&e

    E Customi+e the header to ensure it does not loo, &eneri( The

    idea is to be able to stand out #rom the ver' onset o# the

    desi&n( Gettin& "ro#essional hel" is #ine but not neessar' as

    %ith a little thou&ht and some researh a suitable header an

    be desi&ned(

    E 9sin& "hotos is also another &ood idea as the visual e##ets it

    %ill "rovide an be both e'e athin& and in#ormative at the

    same time( :ost "eo"le toda' are more in tuned %ith the

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    In order to desi&n a blo& that is &oin& to be able to dra% the desired

    amount o# tra##i the individual is &oin& to have to "ut in some time

    researhin& the %ants and needs o# the intended tar&et audiene(

    Then armed %ith this in#ormation the desi&n "hase o# the blo& an

    ommene usin& suitable ontent and attention &rabbin& ,e'%ords(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 12 -

    The :aterial

    Inreased tra##i to the site %ill ideall' translate to "ossible

    "ositive revenue #or the individual and thus reatin& a viablebusiness "lat#orm(

    6e'%ords are the tools that hel" to ensure the visitor is direted to

    the site %ith the hel" o# the said %ords the' %ould ,e' into their

    res"etive searhes( This %ill then allo% them to vie% the ontents

    %hih should be all aounts be relevant to the ,e'%ords hosen(

    esides this the ,e'%ords also "rovide an insi&ht to the

    "ositionin& o# the om"etitors suess rates o# #ailures and allo%s

    the individual to better "osition themselves to avoid the "it #alls o#


    The relationshi" o# the searh en&ines %ith the tra##i diretions to

    an' "artiular blo& or site also lies in the hoie o# the ,e'%ords

    used in both the title and the ontent o# the site(

    These ,e'%ords %ill diret the tra##i to the site throu&h the tools

    "rovided %hen the orres"ondin& %ord or %ords a""ear or

    onnet to the "ros"ets searh(

    9sin& tools to &au&e the attration #eatures o# an' "artiular %ord

    or "hrase intended to be used #or ,e'%ord tra##i diretin&

    "ur"oses is also another %a' to &au&e the "otentiall' &ood

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 1/ -

    ,e'%ord hoies(

    5uitable and relevant ontent matter is also eFuall' im"ortant to

    onsider %hen om"ilin& in#ormation #or the blo&( I# thein#ormation #eature is out o# date or not in an' %a' onnetive to

    the sub*et matter the title su&&ests the blo& is in dan&er o# bein&

    bla,listed or %orse stru, o##(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 17 -

    Cha"ter 73old A Contest


    9sin& di##erent %a's and means to attrat tra##i to a "artiular blo&

    or site is the most im"ortant reason and desired e##et most eDerises

    are desi&ned around( An innovative %a' o# ensurin& tra##i is direted

    to a blo& is to or&ani+e a ontest(

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    Grab Attention

    Contests are a &reat %a' to dra% attention to a blo& es"eiall' is

    the ontest elements are eDitin& on ever' level( The interationreated b' the dra% to the ontest an be hu&el' bene#iial to the


    3o%ever the ontest should be %ell thou&ht u" and desi&ned to

    ensure the visitor is not a touh and run interested "art' %ho

    either does not have the time to ommit to the ause behind the

    ontest or has no interest in doin& so(

    The ontest should ideall' be desi&ned to &et the "ros"et to be

    interative to the eDtent o# bein& able to om"letel' identi#' %ith

    the "rodut at least mid%a' thou&ht the eDerise(

    The #ollo%in& are some reasons to onsider inludin& ontests are

    "art o# the blo& ontent

    E The most "otent #orm o# mar,etin& is throu&h %ord o#

    mouth and this an be ahieved throu&h the "ostin& o#

    ontests %hereb' the vie%in& tar&et audiene an be

    inreased b' lea"s and bounds to an in#inite amount(

    E The en&a&ement o# the tar&et audiene an be readil'

    #ailitated throu&h the launhin& o# an' %ell desi&ned

    ontests( This %ill then reate the multi"le eDhan&e

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 1; -

    hannels that %ill eventuall' &enerate the valuable

    interation o# a %ider basis(

    E The re%ard inentives o##ered b' om"lete "artii"ation

    #rom the visitor lo&&ed onto the blo& %ill have to be done in a

    manner that is %orth%hile to the individual( :ost visitors

    %ill be relutant to "artii"ate be'ond ertain levels and in

    order to ensure o"timi+ed "artii"ation the ontest re%ards

    have to be %ell %orth the e##ort(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 1= -

    Cha"ter 89se 5oial:edia


    The use o# soial media as a tool #or inreasin& tra##i to a blo& or site

    %ill eventuall' ideall' lead to better eD"osure #or the business entit'

    and eventual better revenue earnin& #or that business entit'(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 1> -

    5oial 5ites

    lo&&in& is a %a' to &et the "rodut or servie notied on the soialmedia "lat#orm %hen there is onstant interation and the eDhan&e

    o# material related to the elements in the blo& s"ae(

    The hi&h amount o# ommentin& and eDhan&e o# events or "rodut

    in#ormation &enerated an usuall' reate enou&h o# Bbu++ to ,ee" the

    blo& in the #ore#ront o# interest( It is also a &reat %a' to &ive

    interested "arties an insi&ht into the varied "ers"etives o# the entit'bein& touted(

    As a mar,etin& strate&' it is an eDellent %a' to use the soial media

    to drive tra##i to the site as blo&&in& has #ast &ained a stron& #oothold

    in the arena o# internet ativit'(

    This #orm o# &arnerin& %ides"read methods o# ommuniatin& has

    lead to the suess#ul eD"ansion o# an' site %here blo&&in& is

    #undamentall' #eatured as the stron&est tra##i "ullin& tool(

    A lot o# individuals toda' hoose to ativel' "artii"ate in the

    Badvertisin& en&ine o# their "rodut or business thereb' ideall'

    reatin& the interation thou&h blo&&in&(

    4evelo"in& the habit to al%a's desi&n hi&h ontent that is rih inrelevant and hel"#ul in#ormation is %hat the soial media sene is

    al%a's on the loo,out #or$ thus bein& able to "resent this adeFuatel'

    thou&h the blo& "roess is bene#iial on so man' di##erent levels(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 1? -

    The brandin& "ositionin& done throu&h the soial media via blo&&in&

    is also another reason to onsider this o"tion( The onstant eDhan&e

    o# in#ormation that is #avorable in nature %ill eventuall' ensure the

    eD"osure o# the blo& or site to its o"timum levels thus reatin& thedesired tra##i dra% to the site %ith the im"ressive revenue returns(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    Cha"ter ;9se

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    elo% are some o# the reasons %h' one should seriousl' onsiderusin& video #or enhanin& the blo&&in& eD"eriene

    E I# the idea is to set ones %or, a"art #rom the rest in order to

    &ain the element o# sur"rise and interest then blo&&in& usin&

    video based in#ormation %ould "rove to be bene#iial and

    de#initel' #it the reFuirements above( A lot o# "eo"le toda'

    "re#er to eD"lore this #urther as it hel"s to ensure the eventual

    ma,eu" o# the "a&e is interestin& and eDitin& %ith the hel" o#

    the video(

    E There is a %hole di##erent se&ment o# vie%er on the internet

    "lat#orm %ho %ould "re#er to &et in#ormation throu&h visual

    aids li,e video rather than the more onventional %a' o# the

    %ritten %ord( Thus b' usin& video one is able to ta" into this

    se&ment o# users Fuite suess#ull'(


  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 22 -

    aters to a muh %ider ran&e o# interested "arties( These various

    other mar,etin& "lat#orms an then assist in &arnerin& ne% tra##i

    &eneration o""ortunities(

    3o%ever it should also be noted that #or some the "roess o# reatin&

    a video an be Fuite hallen&in& and thus ma' "rove to be a hoie

    not %ell made( There#ore be#ore attem"tin& to use the video st'le to

    #ailitate tra##i &ro%th$ one should #irst onsider all the "roesses

    that &o into ma,in& one(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 2/ -

    Cha"ter =9se Audio And Podasts


    e#ore deidin& on the t'"e o# online mar,etin& tool to use$ one

    should #irst onsider the tar&et audiene "ossible "re#erenes( I# the

    tar&et audiene intended is not ver' om"uter savv' then the hoie

    o# tools made should also be able to ater e##etivel' to this se&ment

    o# vie%ers( 9sin& audio and "odast ma' "rovide an interestin& %a'

    o# aessin& in#ormation "rovided the user is ,no%led&eable enou&h

    to do so(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    5ome o# the advanta&es that %ould be lear %hen usin& the audio

    and "odast #ailit' %ould be as #ollo%s

    E ein& a #orm o# ba,&round media the audio tool does

    reFuire a lot less mani"ulation than other #orms o# media

    tools available(

    E The audio "roess &enerall' ta,es a lot less time and e##ort

    %hen om"ared to other more demandin& tools( This ut in

    "rodution time also onstitute to a lesser bud&et needed$

    thus ma,in& it a &ood o"tion to hoose(

    E The audio tool also reFuired less band%idth %hih is another

    ver' bene#iial as"et(

    E The #ormats and om"ressions are also a lot easier to

    understand and eventuall' im"lement or use %hen

    om"ared to other tools(

    5tudies have sho%n that a vie%er is more li,el' to bro%se throu&h

    a "odast %hih ontain a lot o# in#ormation but #ormatted in an

    interestin& and attention &rabbin& #ashion as om"ared to a muh

    shorter mental ommitment to other tools(

    This then #ailitates the onvenin& o# more in#ormation thus

    bene#itin& the "ossibilit' o# better revenue throu&h the bu'in& o#

    items bein& touted(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    :ainl' due to its #eature o# bein& aessible the "odastin& audio

    ontent is ver' muh sou&ht a#ter( The 5 #eed ma,es it an easil'

    aessible #eature %hih also #ailitated the aessin& "eriod on

    demand( This is suitable as it allo%s the individual to ditate %hereand %hen to aess the in#ormation #eatured(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


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    Cha"ter >9se)ell 6no%Guest 2lo&&ers


    Gettin& the hi&hest amount o# tra##i to a site should be the "riorit'

    %hen it omes to "i,in& the most suitable internet om"limentin&

    tools( 9sin& &uest blo&&ers is *ust another reommended %a' to

    ensure this ideal situation sur#aes(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 2= -

    6ee" ThemComin& a,

    The #ollo%in& are some reasons %h' one should onsider &uest

    blo&&ers #or the "ur"ose o# o"timi+in& tra##i to a site

    Gettin& the reFuired amount o# tra##i %ith the intention o#

    &eneratin& "ro#it is not al%a's "ossible throu&h the random use o#

    internet mar,etin& tools(

    3o%ever this does not reall' a""l' to the &uest blo&&er tool %here it is

    intentionall' able to dra% the Fualit' tra##i that is needed #or the

    "ur"ose o# de#initel' ensurin& a hi&her "robable "erenta&e o#

    "urhasin& vie%ers(

    9sin& &uest blo&&ers to suess#ull' build authoritative ba,lin,s to a

    "artiular blo& site is one %a' o# &eneratin& more tra##i( )ith the

    hel" it ontributes to buildin& the domain name and searh en&ine

    authorit' this tool is both needed and ver' e##etive indeed(

    Creatin& an im"at that has a hi&h level o# in#luene is also another

    reason &uest blo&&ers are almost al%a's a %elome addition to a site(

    The o"inions "osted at some o# the site b' the &uest blo&&er an ma,e

    or brea, a business am"ai&n(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 2> -

    There#ore havin& this tool i# it is done is a "ositive li&ht then the

    advertisin& an&le it is "ereived to have is rather "o%er#ul indeed(

    The in#luene some o# the &uest blo&&ers have is "henomenall' %ideand onvinin&( 0eaturin& &uest blo&&ers %ho have a substantial

    "ort#olio o# their o%n an be vie%ed as im"ressive and redible thus

    ensurin& the in#ormation "osted is sou&ht a#ter(

    ein& assoiated %ith other to" &uest blo&&ers %ill also eventuall'

    lend a ertain amount o# redibilit' to the individuals o%n blo&( Thus

    ma,in& the e##ort to build a level o# authorit' in an' "artiular #ield to

    #ailitate this alliane ould "rove to be bene#iial(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - 2? -

    Cha"ter ?2uild 2a,lin,s


    uildin& ba,lin,s is one %a' o# doin& this as it reFuires more %or,

    #rom the other "arties rather that #rom the individual itsel#(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - /@ -

    uildin& Lin,s

    Cruial to the suess o# 5EO o"timi+ation the ba,lin,s %illeventuall' "rovide #or the inreased amount o# tra##i %hih %ill

    ideall' &enerate revenue throu&h the blo&&in& "lat#orm(

    Althou&h the host o#ten does not have ontrol or ommentin& "o%er

    on the atual eDerise o# develo"in& and desi&nin& the ontents o# the

    site the mere #at that the ba,lin,s have been ae"ted and

    established %ill reate some level o# similarit' %hih the vie%er is

    loo,in& #or %hen the' li, on the lin,(

    9sin& ba,lin,s to enhane the "reeDistin& ori&inal site %ill hel"

    "rovide in#ormation #rom other soures and "erha"s even other

    onnetive in#ormation that %ould be ver' use#ul to the vie%er

    li,in& on the ba,lin,s(

    This an also %or, in #avor o# the host %hih ma' have redible and

    interestin& in#ormation that ma' be soured b' other interested

    "arties to be added as ba,lin,s to their sites too(

    Gettin& listed in diretories$ "ostin& in #orums$ other blo&s and artile

    diretories %ill eventuall' #ailitate #or the ideal ba,lin,s "roess(

    5ome sites o#ten loo, to%ards ba,lin,s to "rovide more in#ormation

    to om"liment the alread' eDistin& #eatured at the host site(

    In hoosin& to use ba,lin,s there are also some im"ortant "oints

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - /1 -

    that one needs to onsider in order to lessen the "ossibilit' o#

    ne&ative im"ats( One o# the ne&atives %ould inlude the use o# lin,s

    eDhan&es( This method o# barter lin,s ma' be &ood in some %a's but

    is o#ten abused thus ausin& more "roblems than bein& a hel"#ulelement(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - // -

    The Comments

    The #ollo%in& are some onvinin& reasons %h' the use o# omments

    should be onsidered to enhane the "osition o# a blo&

    The re&ular eDerise o# ommentin& on blo&s %ill reate the

    o""ortunit' #or the buildin& o# ontats and leads to more

    onnetions and ma'be even the invitation to bein& "art o# &uest

    blo&&in& on sites( It an also onstitute to the establishment o# ne%

    business o""ortunities(

    Commentin& on a re&ular and in#ormative #ashion an also hel" to

    raise the "ro#ile o# the individuals "osition in a "artiular area as

    throu&h the avenue o# &ettin& notied the element o# "o"ularit' ma'

    be reated(

    Postin& re&ular omments an also hel" to drive tra##i to the

    individuals o%n blo& as here a&ain those #ollo%in& the omments %ill

    de#initel' %ant to also visit and be "riv' to the ommentators


    Commentatin& an also be a #orm o# &ettin& involved in a debative

    #orm o# in#ormation eDhan&e( This %ill &ive rise to the element o#

    eDitement %here the eDhan&in& o# in#ormation beomes "roative

    and also o# bein& able learn a thin& or t%o(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - /7 -

    5"ar,in& ne%er and more innovative ideas an also be "art o# the

    "ositive "rodut out"ut o# an' ommentin& eDerise( The ideas an

    ome #rom the omment eDhan&e eDerise %here more heads are "ut

    to&ether to ause the "ositive eDhan&e o# ideas to reate ne%elements( This is a &reat %a' to invent ne% thou&ht "roesses as the

    ommentin& an ta,e on a ver' bene#it driven endeavor(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - /8 -

    )ra""in& 9"

    5ome soures stron&l' believe the relevane o# a blo& is "laed at

    &reat ris, in terms o# redibilit' %hen it #ailitates ommerial

    ativit'( This ho%ever has not sto""ed the blo&&in& "lat#orm #rom

    &ainin& "o"ularit' as an im"ortant and relevant avenue #or &ettin&

    reo&ni+ed #or better or #or %orse(

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - /; -

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omH2lo&&in&-)ith-Kohn-Cho%

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omHGodadd'

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omH3ost&ator

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omHNameChea"

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omH5oialAdr

  • 8/10/2019 Blogging Buzz


    - /= -

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omHTra##i)ave

    Cli, 3ere1 htt"1HH&uideri&ht&rou"(omHImnia:ail

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