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  • 5/20/2018 A Working Bibliography Writings of Stuart Hall



    A Working Bibliography:Writings of Stuart Hall


    &dquo;SeIjeant Musgraves Dance,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 1, pp. 50-511&dquo;Crosland Territory,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 2, pp. 2-4

    &dquo;Crowther in Cold Storage,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 3, pp. 59-60&dquo;Lady Chatterleys Lover,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 6, pp. 32-36


    &dquo;Student Journals,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 7, pp. 50-51&dquo;The New Frontier,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 8, pp. 47-48

    (with N. Fruchter) &dquo;Notes on the Cuban Dilemma,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 9,pp. 2-111

    (with P.Anderson) &dquo;Politics of the Common Market,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 10,pp. 1-15


    (with P. Whannel) The PopularArts, London: Hutchinson; and Boston:Beacon Press


    &dquo;The Hippies, anAmerican Moment,&dquo; in J. Nagel (ed.), Student Power, London:Merlin Press

    &dquo;Popular Press and Social Change,&dquo; Rowniree Report


    &dquo;A World at One with Itself,&dquo; New Society, no. 403, pp. 1056-58

    &dquo;Leisure, Entertainment and Mass Communication,&dquo; Society and Lei3ure, no. 2,pp. 28 ~7


    &dquo;Introduction,&dquo; &dquo;Response to People and Culture,&dquo; Working Papers in CulturalStaedies, no. 1, pp. 5-7, pp. -97-102

    &dquo;Life and Death of Picture Post,&dquo; Cambridge Review, vol. 92, no. 2201&dquo;Innovation and Decline in Cultural Programming on Television,&dquo; UNESCO



    &dquo;The Social Eye of Picture Post,&dquo; Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 2,pp. 71-120

    &dquo;The Determination of News Photographs,&dquo; Working Papers in Cultural Studies,no. 3, 53-88

    &dquo;The Limitations of Broadcasbng,&dquo; Listener, vol. 16&dquo;External/Internal Dialectic in Broadcasting,&dquo; in Fourth Symposium on

    Broadcasting, Dept. of Extra-Mural Studies, University of Manchest~er

  • 5/20/2018 A Working Bibliography Writings of Stuart Hall



    (with P. Walton) &dquo;Introduction,&dquo; in P. Walton and S. Hall (eds.), Situating Marx,

    London: Human Context Books, pp. 1-6


    The Structured Communication of Events,&dquo; in Obstacles to Communication

    Symposium, UNESCO

    &dquo;Deviancy, Politics and the Media,&dquo; in M. McIntosh and P. Rock (eds.),Deviancy and Social Corarol, London: Tavistock

    &dquo;Encoding and Decoding in the Media Discourse,&dquo; stencilled paper no. 7,Birmingham: CCCS

    The Limitations of Broadcasting,&dquo; The Second ListenerAnthology


    &dquo;Marxs Notes on Method:A Reading of the 1857 Introduction,&dquo; WorkingPapers in Cultual Studies, no. 6, pp. 132-711

    &dquo;Education and the Crisis of the Urban School,&dquo; in J. Raynor (ed.), Issues in

    Urban Education, Milton Keynes: Open University Press&dquo;Encoding and Decoding in the Television Discourse,&dquo; Culture and Education,

    no. 25, Council of Europe, Strassburg&dquo;Media Power: the Double Bind,&dquo; Journal of Communication, vol. 24. no. 4,

    pp. 19-26

    (withA. Schuttleworth, C. Heck, and A. Lloyd) &dquo;Television Violence: Crime,Drama and theAnalysis of Content,&dquo; Birmingham: CCCS

    &dquo;Encoding and Decoding,&dquo; Broadcasters and theAudience, Venice


    The Structured Communication of Events,&dquo; in Getting the MessageAcross,UNESCO: Paris

    &dquo;Africa isAlive and Well and Living in the Diaspora,&dquo; UNESCOTelevision as a Medium and Its Relation to Culture,&dquo; Birmingham: CCCS(with C. Critcher, J. Clarke, T. Jefferson and B.

    Roberts) &dquo;Newsmakingand

    Crime,&dquo; stencilled paper no. 27, Birmingham: CCCS&dquo;Introduction,&dquo; toA. C. Smith, Paper Voices: the Popular Press and Social

    Change, 1935-1965, London: Chatto and Windus


    (with J. Clarke, T. Jefferson and B. Roberts) &dquo;Subcultures, Cultures and Class:A Theoretical Overview,&dquo; Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 7/8,pp. 9-74

    &dquo;Introduction,&dquo; to D. Selboume,An Eye on China, London: Black Liberation Press(with T. Jefferson) (eds.), Resistance through Rituals: Youth Subcultures in

    Post-War Britain, (reproduction of Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no.7/8) London: Hutchinson

    Television and Culture,&dquo; Sight and Sound, vol. 45, no. 4


    (with I. Connell and L Carti) &dquo;The Unity of CurrentAffairs Television,&dquo;

    Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 9, pp. 51-94The Hinterland of Science: Ideology and the Sociology of Knowledge,&dquo;

    Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 10, pp. 9-32

    (with B. Lumley and G. McLennan) &dquo;Politics and Ideology: Gramsci,&dquo;Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 10, pp. 45-76

    &dquo;Culture, the Media, and the Ideological Effect,&dquo; in J. Curran et al. (eds.),Mass Communication and Society, London: EdwardArnold, pp. 315-348

    &dquo;Rethinking the Base and Superstructure Metaphor,&dquo; in J. Bloomfield et al.

    (eds.), Class, Hegemony and Party, London: Lawrence and Wishart

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    &dquo;Journalism of theAir under Review,&dquo; Journalism Studies Review, vol. 1, no. 1,

    pp. 43-45&dquo;The Political and the Economic in Marxist Theory of Classes,&dquo; inA. Hunt

    (ed.) Class and Class Structure, London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 15-60&dquo;A Critical Survey of the Theoretical and PracticalAchievements of the Last Ten

    Years,&dquo; in F. Barker, et al. (eds.) Literature, Society and the Sociology ofLiterature, University of Essex, pp. 1-7


    (with B. Lumley and G. McL,ennan) (eds.), On Ideology, (reproduction of

    Working Papers in Cultural Studies, no. 10) Hutchinson/CCCS

    (with C. Critcher, T. Jefferson, J. Clarke and B. Roberts) Policing the Crlsu:

    A~M~M~, ~ State, andLaw and Order, London: Macmillan(with 1. Connell, J. Curti, 1. Chambers and T. Jefferson) &dquo;Reponse to Rosalind

    Coward,&dquo; Screen, no. 4&dquo;Marxism and Culture,&dquo; Radical History Review, no. 18, pp. 5-14&dquo;The Treatment of Football Hooliganism in the Press,&dquo; in R. Ingham (ed.),

    Football Hooligani.rm: the Wider Context, I,ondon: Int~er-Action

    &dquo;Newspapers, Politics and Classes,&dquo; in J. Curran (ed.), The British Press:A Mani,festo, London: Macmillan

    &dquo;Developments in British Youth Cultures,&dquo; Hard Times&dquo;Race and Poverty,&dquo; The Inner Cities&dquo;The Television Feuillepon and the Domestication of the World, Proceedings of

    the Pri-Itilia

    &dquo;The Legislation of Consent,&dquo; in Social Legislation in the 1960s


    &dquo;The Great Moving Right Show,&dquo; Marxism Today, January, 14-20&dquo;Some Problems with the Ideology/Subject Couple4&dquo; Ideology and

    Consciousness, no. 3, pp. 113-1211


    &dquo;Cultural Studies: Two

    Paradigms,&dquo;Media, Culture and Society, no. 2, pp. 57-72

    &dquo;Popular-Democratic vs.Authoritarian-Populism: Two Ways of TakingDemocracy Seriously; inA. Hunt (ed.), Marxism and Democracy, London:Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 157-85

    &dquo;Cultural Studies and the Center. Some Problematics and Problems,&dquo;&dquo;Introduction to Media Studies at the Center,&dquo; &dquo;Encoding/Decoding,&dquo; and&dquo;Recent Development in Theories of Language and Ideology,&dquo; in S. Hall,D. Hobson,A. Lowe, and P. Wills (eds.), Culture, Media, Language:Working Papers in Cultural Studies (1972-1979), Hutchinson/CCCS,pp. 15-47, 117-121, 128-138, 157-162

    &dquo;Nicos Poulantzas: State, Power, Socialism,&dquo; New Lefl Review, no. 119, f0-69&dquo;Drifting into a Law and Order Society,&dquo; (lecture published by) London:


    Thatcherism-A New Stage?&dquo; Masxum Today, February, pp. 22-27&dquo;Race,Articulation, and Societys Structured in Dominance,&dquo; in Sociological

    Theories Race and Colonialism, Paris: UNESCO&dquo;The Williamss Interview,&dquo; Screen Education, no. 34, pp. 94-104


    &dquo;Notes on Deconstructing the Popular,&dquo; in R. Samuel (ed.), Peoples Historyand Socialist Theory, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 227-240

    &dquo;In Defense of Theory,&dquo; in R. Samuel (ed.), Peoples History and Socialist

    Theory, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 378-385

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    The Little Caesars of Social Democracy,&dquo; Marxism Today,April, pp. 1 i-15

    &dquo;Moving Right,&dquo; Socialist Review, no. 55, pp. 113-137

    &dquo;Schooling, State and Society,&dquo; in R. Dale et al. (eds.), Fducation and State,Volume 1: Schooling and National In.leresl. Sussex: Falmer Press, pp. 3-29


    &dquo;The Rediscovery of Ideology; Return of the Repressed in Media Studies,&dquo; inM. Gurevitch, T. Bennett, J. Curran, and S. Woollacott (eds.), Culture,

    Society, and the Media, London: Methuen, pp. 56-90The Battle for Socialist Ideas in the 1980s,&dquo; Socialist Register&dquo;A Long Haul,&dquo; Marxism Today, November, pp. 16-21

    &dquo;Redrawing the Map,&dquo; (discussion with S.Aaronovitch and P. Jenkins) Marxism

    Today, December, pp. 14-22The Empire Strikes Back.&dquo; New Socialist, July/August&dquo;Culture and the State,&dquo; in Popular Culture, the State and Populcar Culture, no. 1,

    block 7, unit 28, Milton Keynes: Open University

    1983&dquo;1he Problem of Ideology-Mancism without Guarantees,&dquo; in B. Matthews (ed.),

    Marx 100 Years On, London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 57-86

    (with M. Jacques) &dquo;Introduction,&dquo; in S. Hall and M. Jacques (eds.), The Politics

    of Thatcheri.srn, London: Lawrence and Wishart&dquo;Punk in the UK:An Interview with Stuart Hall,&dquo; &dquo; Shades, pp. 26-29

    Whistling in the Void,&dquo; New Socialist, May/June, pp. 8-12


    &dquo;Reconstruction Work,&dquo; Ten-8, no. 16, pp. 2-9&dquo;The Culture Gap,&dquo; &dquo; Marxism Today, January, pp. 18-23The Narrative Construction of Reality:An Interview with Stuart Hall,&dquo;

    Southern Review, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 3-17&dquo;Thc State in Question,&dquo; in G. Mclxnnan, D. Held, and S. Hall (eds.), The Idea

    of theModern State, Milton

    Keynes: Open UniversityPress, pp. 1-28

    &dquo;The Rise of the Representative/Interventionist State,&dquo; in G. McLennan, D. Held,and S. Hall (eds.), State and Society in Conlemporary Britair4 New York:

    Polity Press, pp. 7-49&dquo;Labours Love Still Los4&dquo; New Socidist, January/February, pp. 7-9&dquo;Face the Future,&dquo; New Socialist, September, pp. 37-39The Crisis of Labourism.&dquo; in J. Curran (ed.), The Future of the Lost. Cambridge:

    Polity Press, 23-36

    &dquo;Conjuring Leviathan: Orwell on the State,&dquo; in C. Norris (ed.), Inside the Myth--0rwell: Views from the I,eft, l~ondon: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 217-241

    &dquo;Introduction,&dquo; Block 1; &dquo;Unpacking Orwell,&dquo; Block 1, Unit 1; &dquo;The State in

    Question,&dquo; Block 1, Unit 2; &dquo;Introduction: the State and Civil Society,Block 3; &dquo;The Representative-Interventionist State, 1880s to 1920s,&dquo; Block

    3, Unit 7; &dquo;Conclusion,&dquo; Block 3, in (Open University Course Blocks,Course D, 209) Tdie State and Society, Milton Keynes: The Open -

    University Press?he State-5ocialisms Old Caretaker,&dquo; MarxismToday, January, pp. 15-19


    &dquo;Signification, Representation, Ideology:Althusser and the Post-StructuralistDebates,&dquo; Critical Studies in Mass Communication, vol. 2, no. 2,

    pp. 91-114

    &dquo;Faith, Hope or Clarity,&dquo; Marxism Today, January, pp. 15-19

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    &dquo;Authoritarian Populism:A Reply to Jessop et al,&dquo; New Left Review, no. 151,pp. 115-124

    Realignment-For What?&dquo; Marxism Today, December, pp. 12-17(with Umberto Eco) &dquo;The Role of Intellectual is to Produce Crisis:A

    Conversation,&dquo; Listener, May 16, pp. 14-16&dquo;Cold, Comfort, Farm,&dquo; New Socialist, November, pp. 10-12

    (with Bill Schwarz) &dquo;State and Society, 1880-1930,&dquo; in M. Langan and B.Schwarz (eds.), Crises in the British State, 1880-1930, London: Hutchinson,

    pp. 7-32

    &dquo;Religious Ideology and Social Movement in Jamaica,&dquo; in R. Bocock andK. Thompson (eds.), Religion and Ideology, Manchester University Press,pp. 269-296


    &dquo;Gramscis Relevance for the Study of Race and Ethnicity,&dquo; Journal ofCommunication Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 2

    &dquo;On Postmodernism andArticulation:An Interview with Stuart Hall,&dquo; Journal ofCommunication Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 2&dquo;Variants of Liberalism,&dquo; in J. Donald and S. Hall (eds.) Politics and Ideology,

    Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 34-9&dquo;Introduction&dquo; to W. F. Haug, CornrnodityAesthetics, Ideology and Culture,

    New York: International General

    &dquo;Popular Culture and the State&dquo; in T. Bennea, C. Mercer and J. Woollacott (eds.),Popular Culture and Social Relations, Milton Keynes: Open University,pp. ~-49

    (with M. Jacques) &dquo;PeopleAid:A New Politics Sweeps the Land,&dquo; Marxism

    Today, July, pp. 10-14B. Campbell, S. Hall, et al. (eds.) Class and Politics after Thatcherism,

    Cambridge: Polity Press

    Forthcoming .

    Thatcherism and the Crisis ofthe l,eft, London: Verso&dquo;The Toad in the Garden: Thatcherism amongst the Theorists,&dquo; and &dquo;Stuart Hall:

    Question andAnswer,&dquo;in C. Nelson and L. Grossberg (eds.), Marxism andthe Interpretation of Cultwe, Urbana: University of Illinois Press

    (with J. Slack and L. Grossberg) Cultrrral Studies, London: Macmillan

    Reproducing Ideologies, London: Macmillan&dquo;Introduction&dquo; to J. Hargreves, Sports and Power, New York. International General&dquo;Introduction&dquo; to Images of Blacks on British Television., London: British Film


    &dquo;Representation of Gays and Lesbians on Television,&dquo; in S. Watney (ed.)

    The incomplete nature ofsome of the entries, and ofthe bibliography as a whole,is due to thefact that Hall has published in very diverse places, and I have onlybeen able to consult sources available in this country. I wish to thank Lm7yGrossberg for his help.

    Compiled by Kuan-Hsing Chen